abstracttwinsau · 6 months
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Here we have some KittyClown angst because I said so. Also, they have another ship name suggested by @spookykittyzzz. It's SqueakyJokes.
Sorry that Abstracted Kaufmo looks like shit, I suck at drawing abstractions
Yes, Beepie's puzzle pieces, paw, elbow pieces, shoulder piece, mouth, whiskers, nose, and eyes are removable and her tears are pink and yes, Kaufmo DOES cry when he's abstracted and his tears are glitchy.
And yes, I did write an entire poem. If it's hard to read, I'll recite it here.
Oh Kaufmo, you're my love
Why must we be apart?
I know you lost it and abstracted
But you still have a heart
For now, I'll keep the girls with me
I wish you could be here too
I promise we'll be together again
And I will always love you
I wish Caine could understand
That you're not the monster you seem to be
All you did was lose your mind
The circus killed your sanity
All I can do is promise you
That someday, we'll escape this hell
With you, me, our friends, the abstractions
And our two little girls as well
Cadence and Kara are much too young
To understand the dangers of Caine
If either of them get locked with you
My sanity could never remain
They'll be locked in my room in secret
I'll have to keep them hidden away
Until the day I can finally say
From the circus, we'll be able to escape
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sapphicdib · 9 months
FIRST: Looks to the Moon! And if you want to Hunter as well?
Fav thing about them:
Moon: Her. Just her. Her entire adorable being. Her structure, how calming it is to be inside it. The way she hangs upside down on her rig a lot, especially when examining you. Her cute nicknames for you. The way she thanks you for bringing her things. Her lil beepy voice she has before giving you the mark. Everything. Her personality, her puppet, her breathtaking structure. I can’t choose one and I will not.
Hunter: Her story! How selfless her mission is, and how she’s a little creature doing her best to save someone she’s never even met before. She uses her limited time to save someone who suffers the same fate as her—body breaking down, seizing and collapsing. I also like that she’s pink :)
Least fav thing about them?
Moon: Impossible. Nothing.
Hunter: I guess…how neglected she is? She’s never anyone’s favorite campaign (just get good at the game, scrubs), and she was the only scug that didn’t get an updated ending/attention in downpour. Obviously artihunter means she’s popular within the fandom, but game-wise a lot of ppl seem to forget about her, when it’s honestly a REALLY fun campaign!
Favorite Line:
Moon: “And so clearly, this forced broadcast is directed to you, Five Pebbles.”
Idk what it is about this line specifically, but I legit cannot read it without bursting into tears. I managed to hold it together but I read that line in her broadcast and just lost it. I cried for like 30 minutes and had to go hug my mom.
Hunter: Obviously she doesn’t speak in the game, but here’s one of my fav line(s) from a fic Im writing:
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She’s very proud of her name :)
Moon: Is it weird to say Moon and Ruffles? It’s so cute that Moon named her and Ruffles seems to stay around even after the campaign. I headcanon that Rivulet struck out on her own to find out who she was, and after many adventures, decided that Ruffles was who she was.
Hunter: Ruffles too!! I see them having a cute sibling dynamic thanks to lilypad :3
Moon: LILYPAD OF COURSE!! DOOMED YURI MY BELOVED !!! Sig n Moons personalities work together so well and I love them sm ;-;
Hunter: APPLE JUICE!!! Monk x Hunter!!! I would have said artihunter but apple juice has captured my heart so hard i can’t help it.
Moon: I don’t rlly like Eclipse but that’s just cuz I hc Moon is a lesbian. Also Waning Crescent/Slivermoon just doesn’t do it for me.
Hunter: Cherrypie…sorry cherrypie enjoyers I just can’t see it :( I feel like gourmand would see Hunter as more of a daughter figure.
Random Headcanon:
Moon: BEEPS! She beep-snorts when she laughs and often tries to hide it but Sig has made it her life mission to make Moon beep-snort-laugh as much as possible hehe
Hunter: She acts a LOT like Sig. Despite her ferocity in battle, she’s pretty goofy and playful during less intense moments. She also considers herself as Sig and Moon’s daughter (as do they)
Unpopular Opinion:
Moon: SHE IS NOT JUST “BORING FEMALE CHARACTER.” She has personality! She’s insanely stubborn when it comes to using her seniority privileges and obviously takes her role as local group senior very seriously. She is “nice and kind” but that doesn’t make her flat/stereotypical. Of course she’s gonna be nice to the player, you’re a little helpless animal.
Hunter: PLAY HER CAMPAIGN. PLEASE. It is not as daunting as you think it is, ESPECIALLY if you’ve beaten downpour cats! It IS challenging, but for me it really brings back the spirit of the original game: youre a helpless little creature. You can’t generate spears out of your ass, you can’t make explosives, all you can do is run slightly faster and throw spears slightly harder. You have to use your wit and skill to get through it, but it is so worth it.
Song I associate with them
Moon: Afterlife by Shadow Cliq
Hunter: No Mercy by DeathByRomy (it’s an artihunter song but god it goes hard)
Favorite Picture of Them:
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And not to suck my own dick here or anything but this is my fav drawing i’ve done of hunter, my new year’s resolution was to learn to draw scugs so here’s my fav drawing of her i’ve done so far :3
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lunathegalacticwolf · 7 months
Just for pure randomness, I've decided to put my characters into who's the most likely to abstract. (not including the ScaredyCatz Kits because even though they're my OCs, they technically also belong to @spookykittyzzz, so I won't put them on the list unless we both mutually agree on where they fit in)
Beepie. Kind of self-explanatory as to why. She has to keep her kids hidden, otherwise Caine will put them in the cellar since they're part abstraction. She's also being kept away from Kaufmo because of his abstraction. Plus, she literally can't talk, so she has to keep her feelings bottled inside even though Meni can translate her beep noises.
2. Maisy, believe it or not. She's been through some trauma with the divorce of her parents and when she's with Jax, she has to deal with her crazy half brother, Tempur, who keeps trying to hit her with a bat.
3. Patchwork. She was originally meant to be a joke character, but I liked her a lot, so I gave her some lore and angst because I like making characters suffer. She believes Ragatha doesn't love her and she blames herself for their mother's death, so it's pretty self-explanatory as to why.
4. Doof. As seen in the Hanahaki comic, she has a crush on Caine, but her love isn't being returned to her because firstly, Moon, and secondly, he's an AI. Due to this, she is close to abstracting.
5. Friskies. That's ALSO really self-explanatory. He's being kept in Jax's room for his entire life, otherwise Caine can and will delete him from existence.
6. Cadence and Kara. It's also really self-explanatory. They're literally being kept in their mother's room like prisoners because if they leave, Caine will put them in the cellar. They're less likely to abstract than Friskies though since they're able to understand why, but Friskies can't because he's a dog.
7. Pawnie. She knows about her father's struggles, but she's able to keep her sanity for the sake of his.
8. Iveri. She has five kittens and she struggles to take care of them for a couple of reasons. 1, she has anxiety, 2, she's pretty small, smaller than Fuzzle because, y'know, she's a damn cat, and 3, she can't even ask for help because she literally can't talk, only cat noises.
9. Cotton. I've decided that he used to be Kaufmo's dog, but because of Kaufmo's abstraction, he is mostly alone. There is someone else taking care of him, but he can't understand why Kaufmo abstracted. Because of this, there's a chance of Cotton abstracting.
10. Prazi. He's very protective over Pomni, which basically means if she abstracts, his chances of abstracting would be dangerously high. Since it's possible that Pomni could be really close to abstracting, the same goes for Prazi.
11. Springy. Yeah, remember that character who is an animal in a human-like body? Yeah, the poll voted for his name to be Springy. The reason he's close to abstracting is because he isn't used to walking anthro, but he doesn't remember that he was an animal. He's also straight up scared of Caine's obnoxiousness. Not to mention, his vision in his rainbow-like eye literally sucks, but he can't understand why.
12. Pepper. Similar to Springy, she doesn't remember that she was an animal, she just assumes she was a human in an animal-like body
13. Meni. She must deal with Jax and Doof because they're her cousins who are COMPLETE opposites. Do I need further explaining?
14. Lefty. Mostly just because of identity crisis, he doesn't know if he's an NPC or a human since he was born in the circus, but his parents are technically humans.
15. Gouache. He has to deal with Tempur and he also feels bad for SpoTz since she's very neglected by their father.
16. Random GangleXPomni child. Even though he's an unnamed character, I actually really like his design. I came up with the backstory that his parents are just really close friends and that he was an accidental pregnancy between Pomni and Gangle (JUST FRIENDS!). I haven't decided who had him though tbh, probably Pomni. When he found out he was an accident, he started becoming paranoid that neither Gangle nor Pomni would love him even though they do.
17. Cloud. She's definitely very naive, but she is more likely to abstract than other OCs. Why? Well, she's been obsessed with writing CloudyDay fanfictions and she really wants it to be a reality. However, she believes Sun doesn't like her at all, not even as a friend, so as much as she wants CloudyDay to be real, she believes it probably won't.
18. Gloinky. As much as they try to warn everyone about the Gloink Queen (or just gloinks in general), they're not very clear about it since they can only say a few things. They can't even form full sentences. Even though Ragatha can understand them, she only can to an extent. A lot of times, she misinterprets what they're saying.
19. Fizzles. They're mute and they have a strong connection with dogs. They're not very likely to abstract, but it's still possible since they're quite sensitive to Jax's pranks and insults. They can't even tell anyone their feelings. (why do I feel like they'd be good friends with Asrani?)
20. Jumble. He gets yelled at by Zooble a lot and sometimes he questions if they even love him. Obviously, Zooble does love him, it's just a bit of sibling rivalry, but Jumble is a bit sensitive about it.
21. Fluffball. He was the half-brother of Maximus, so it's kind of self-explanatory. Plus, his divorce with Jax and only having half-custody over Maisy kind of adds a bit more on his plate. While he did mutually agree with Jax about the half-custody thing, sometimes he wishes he had full-custody over Maisy.
22. Jitzie. She's just a bit crazy in general and she's a Buttonblossom addict, lol. However, putting her craziness aside, her brother, Socko, usually has a gun with him, so she secretly has paranoia that he might use it at the complete wrong time.
23. Limbo. I didn't give him much lore, but I actually really like him, so I might make an info page. He has a bit of a speech issue. If he talks too fast, it sounds like his words end with an S, a Z, or an X. He's literally younger than Fizzles and he sometimes feels a bit envious of them. Since they can't talk at all, he believes they never had to worry about getting bullied because of speech problems.
24. Socko. He's a bit schizophrenic and he usually wields a gun just because he feels safer with it. He uses it at the wrong time sometimes, which results in some injuries in the circus. He never intends to do so, so when he does hurt someone, he blames himself for the mistake he made.
25. Aaron. He's been kept in a fishbowl in Jax's room for most of his digital life even though he CAN breathe out of water, mostly because he doesn't have legs and even if Jax WAS carrying him, he'd definitely bite his fingers off, so he has to be kept either in a fishbowl or in the digital aquarium. (I'll explain the digital aquarium later)
26. Chaos. It's mostly just because of their gender crisis. They just go by any pronouns because they forgot their gender when they joined the circus. However, they're still hell-bent on trying to find their true gender.
27. Reginald. Since he's a bit homophobic (not in a rude way), he gets a bit uncomfortable around gay couples. He's not rude about it, he knows if he doesn't bother gay couples, such as ScaredyCatz or JumbleXChaos (who I've named MismatchDog), they won't bother him, but he still feels a bit uncomfortable.
It's already much too late for Maximus.
Yes, I have a LOT of OCs. Most of them don't have fully developed stories, if you don't know their stories, this is what you'll have to go off of for now. I'll probably make an info page on Wattpad at some point. Idk when, but I probably will.
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
Super 8 adventure + nearly being eaten
May 23rd, 2009
On my “Super 8″ adventure around the West Coast I have seen many bizarre and wonderful sites, (including Eureka, it was like the  ”Back To The Future Part 2″ version of Hill Valley.) The first thing which really struck my eye was the Portland “Zombie” ball which seemed a lovely way to celebrate your coming of age. Although the photo is not great because I was being sneaky, this function room was over spilling with blood spattered gore monsters all having a marvelous time…
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I also stopped in Bend in Oregon where I had the nicest cocktail I have ever tasted which had something to do with Gin, Blackberry’s and a sprig of magic. I ventured into a Willy Wonka themed sweet shop which played songs from the film whilst showing it on a loop. I wait for the day where the headlines scream “Willy Wonka Shop Assistant Goes Insane and Punches Group of Tanned Small Women.” I also missed Alek so much that I stared longingly at her douple ganger mannequin in the window for about three hours.
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I went to Crater Lake but danced about in snow first. Minutes after this was taken I fell over. 
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The next day I danced about in the sea for a bit. Minutes after this was taken I was sucked in by the current and had a Bedknobs and Broomsticks style adventure.
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I came across this lovely fellow on the way to Napa Valley, I believe his name is Paul Bunyan, and I don’t know what he did, but he has a really big axe and he hung out by the “Trees of Mystery,” near the “Hill of Confusion.” It seems to make a tourist attraction worthy it must have some element of puzzlement to it.
I tried some wines in Napa and due to the fact the wine serving expert man was shutting up for the day I was given a guided tour, AND loads more free wine. I was trying to pay attention as he talked about barrels, and fermenting and oaking the flavour but all I could think was “It’s not even 6 yet, and I am wasted!”
The wine headache and the regret followed, but I felt like I had sophisticated my pallet and was prepared for a evening of….camping.
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Hours after this was taken I nearly got eaten by a Coyote.
I am not a massive camping fan, but my traveling companion promised me that this would be a lovely little outing, save money and really get me back to nature, coz apparently it has missed me?
Anyway the area was beautiful and the weather was calming, but I was unfortunately nursing a post tour cold so couldn’t really sleep…. about four in the morning I popped outside to have a wee, because I could not be bothered to walk to the toilets, and I heard a strange noise. I dismissed it, and got back into the tent to lie in a hot feverish daze, but then I heard a growl….
Yes, ladies and gentleman, a growl… not like a dog growl but like a beast from hell deep thundering growl. I awoke my companion to check I was not going insane, and we lay there trembling as the “thing” continued to growl four times more JUST OUTSIDE THE TENT. We had no idea about wildlife native to that area but lying in a pitch black little tent after days of “bear talk” with something you can’t see growling outside your brain immediately leaps to grizzly, wolf or Cerberus. My travelling companion used the car key alarm to make a beepy noise to startle it and I lay there wondering if I was about to get eaten. In all honesty I have never been so scared in my life, and my fight or flight thing kicked in, and all I wanted to do was run… but I was informed that was not sensible so I lay and shook for an hour before I made us ran to the car and sleep there the rest of the night. 
In the morning the Park Ranger said it was probably a Coyote.
I had obviously disturbed it when I got out the tent, so I shudder to think if I had looked around and seen this staring back at me. 
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I am never camping again is the morale of that story. So I am happy to be in San Francisco, where there is Ameoba, The Stinking Rose, and no chance my imagination will run away and convince me there is a zombie Gryphon outside the tent waiting to much on my brains.
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estullefavric · 2 years
also 10 13 17
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1. my dad is an inspiration because i definitely should try to be more like him. my mom is an inspiration because i should under no circumstance allow myself to become anything like her.
10. short answer yes. long answer i have a lot of beef with what people categorize as them and how assume they ghosts work. i really don't think there is one certain way in which a soul would communicate or show its presence and it mostly depends on how receptive you are to it, some people are just more tuned-in and the ways that work for them won't work for everyone. beepy ghost files machine you wont convince me you're not full of shit,,!! !!
13. getting drunk on shitty alcohol and getting a hangover like that one Wednesday(tm). fucking worst feeling of my life. but i started drinking much less alcohol bc of that so thats good ig
17. low barriers on places you can fall of from but only in closed places such as malls etc.. knives that lay on the table pointed in my general direction they coud be the most bitchless butter knives but they still suck. also sounds of people audibly opening a pill blister and taking pills if i can't see them/dont know what they are?? fucking terryfing. forcing myself to stop now bc this list would never end
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gresiniracing · 3 years
can i pleas get a no headache day im so tired
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 3 years
a john paul jones x reader oneshot
summary: John's up to something in the kitchen, although it might not be as devious as it seems.
notes: quite literal tooth rotting fluff, domestic af
a/n: A quick digression from our jaunt in Wildflowers to celebrate sleepy bo beepy Jonesy having a cup of coffee in the morning. Inspired directly from this phenomenal ask (thank you lovely anon).
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“I didn’t know you had such a sweet tooth.”
“What are you doing?” you ask disbelievingly as you stare at John who is putting a fifth sugar cube in his coffee.
He looks up from the cup at you like a deer in the headlights, which for this early in the morning is the widest his eyes have ever been. “What? What am I doing?”
You smile. You had wondered why he had been so eager to make the coffee this morning. Highly unusual. Suspicious, even. So much so that you followed him downstairs only a few minutes later to see what he was up to and watched him from the gap in the door jamb as he slunk around the kitchen in your red robe with golden flowers embroidered down the lapel; he had grabbed it dramatically off the bed post when he left you in bed, proclaiming that after all the times you had made the coffee, it was definitely his turn. From there you saw the sugar cubes as they plunked into his mug. One…two…three? Four?!
“Five sugar cubes? You want all your teeth to fall out?”
“Five? It wasn’t five,” he protests adamantly, pushing the blue toile sugar bowl away from him along the counter.
You walk into the kitchen and find your mug beside his, already made up with a splash of cream. Your eyes dart to his cup that looks much lighter than yours. John catches you looking and slips his hand over the lips of his mug. “Have I been making your coffee wrong all this time, John?” you ask, bumping your hip playfully against his.
John is thrown off balance more than he should be and catches himself on the counter. “No, you’ve done just fine.”
This whole time, you’ve known John to take his coffee black.
“I just…” he starts, blush scattering across his face. “I just wanted something sweet this morning, that’s all.”
“You can have something sweet,” you smile. You reach out and touch his wrist gently. “I didn’t know you had such a sweet tooth.”
John shrugs and takes the mug in his hands. “From time to time.”
The two of you both drink your coffee in silence a moment and look out the kitchen window. Autumn colors swirl in the early morning light. A breeze so crisp you think you can see it passes through the branches of the old oak whose shelter and shade you have sought out many times. As you stand there, John sinks back toward you, his shoulder and hip finding gentle and tender purchase against yours.
You look down into your cup of coffee again. “You know…” you begin in a low murmur, “when I was a kid, I would…sneak into the pantry and –“ you reach past him to the sugar bowl and pull it back toward you. “I would climb up the shelves to reach the box of sugar cubes and I would steal one.” You lift off the ceramic lid and put it aside before reaching in and taking one cube of sugar. “Or two, if I was feeling brave.”
“You daredevil,” John interjected with a smirk.
“And I would just…” you say and then put the sugar cube on your tongue. It starts to disintegrate in that cold and wonderful way, the granules spreading across your tongue, so desperately sweet and wonderful.
John watches your mouth closely. It must be the way your lips pucker or your cheeks sink as you suck on the small cube of sugar that pulls him closer to you. He leans toward you and presses his lips to yours in a long kiss. Somehow, everything tastes even sweeter, the quality of his coffee mingling with the sugar cube almost dissolved in your mouth.
The kiss breaks, but you can’t bear to pull away from him. You push your face into the crook of his neck and let out a sigh. “I still do it sometimes,” you say, voice muffled into his neck.
You feel John’s fingers start to graze your waist. Up and down, a hypnotic sort of pattern.
“You’ll get cavities that way,” he whispers.
“So will you. From your coffee.”
“All your teeth will fall out.”
“So will yours.”
John pulls away with a laugh and takes a long sip of his coffee concoction. His eyes crinkle above the mug as he looks at you. When he pulls the mug away, he tucks his lips over his teeth. “How do I look?” he attempts to ask, although it comes out completely garbled without the enunciation of his lips.
You mirror him with your lips and waggle your eyebrows as you attempt to say, “’Very handsome.”
John tosses his hair over his shoulder, a tease of vanity. “Fhank you.”
“Yoh welcome.”
The two of you burst out laughing, teeth revealed again in your hysterical grins.
Tomorrow, he’ll happily accept the mug of black coffee you’ll put on the bedside table to encourage him out of bed. But today, you’ll both have a little bit more sugar than usual.
tag list: @jimmys-zeppelin, @princesspagey, @kari-12-10, @salixfragilis, @kyunisixx, @ritacaroline, @grxtsch, @edal-weis (let me know if you’d like to be added 🥰)
✨ For more of my writing, visit my masterlist. ✨
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Why did Tyrann help Kaine in branchs C and D? Did he develop romantic feelings for her?
Hi! I’m sorry if this has been sitting here for a while, Tumblr’s notification system sucks!
To answer t he question... I admit, I’ve actually re-written this reply a number of times. It’s such a comparatively simple question but I find myself being unable to really answer it as written, because I honestly don’t know. The issue with answering is in the word romantic.
NIER’s narrative is defined by the power of its relationship and the love each group of characters shares among themselves. This love, however, is almost entirely familial, whether in ‘biological’ bonds (Nier and Yonah in whichever configuration they’ve manifested in; the twins as sisters who only have one another; Gideon and Jakob) or in the bonds they form (the whole main party is basically a surrogate family; Beepy and Kalil becomes ‘brothers’; the wolves are a united pack; even the Aerie could arguably be considered a kind of extended family unit). There are some outliers -- Fyra and the King being the major ones, and Kaine’s feelings toward Nier by the endgame have obviously gotten a little muddled -- but by and large the bonds of love as expressed in the game are not romantic.
Of course, Kaine and Tyrann have a... shall we say fraught relationship, and Tyrann’s history as an unrepentant sociopathic monster kind of complicates things, too. That said, the way Tyrann awakens to his feelings -- by recognizing Kaine’s love for Nier as her new reason to fight -- might imply that he in turn recognized similar feelings for similar reasons (erm, that is, similar feelings towards Kaine. Although Nier basically gathers a harem so maybe), although this in turn is a little reliant on what you think Kaine’s feelings for Nier at the end were. They certainly had a moment where it’s implied she goes in for an aggressive kiss only to realize that maybe Nier being completely broken is not the best time to act on these emotions, but I think her feelings for Nier are broader than just being romantic, and I think it was only in that moment she realized she had those kind of feelings for him at all.
How this reflects of Tyrann is anybody’s guess. Personally I think his affection for Kaine is in that broader kind of love, too, but I don’t think you’d be wrong to interpret it as romantic, either. I also admit that my interpretation is in no small part personal preference-- I really appreciate a story that focuses on the power of love without defining it as purely romantic, and I like to think that Tyrann’s feelings hold true to this general theme (which, further, I think was an accidental theme rather than intentional, and thus it strikes me as just being a little more genuine). But, as I said, a lot of this is personal preference and personal interpretation. There’s nothing at all to say it isn’t founded in romantic feelings and even while making this argument I’m pretty much behind this interpretation, too-- a case could very easily be made that he legitimately fell in love with her.
I guess it comes down to the difference between the phrases ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m in love with you’. It’s a weirdly complicated question.
I can say without complication that Tyrann loved Kaine.
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Then I call phone-chan a bitch and body slam her on my bed and tell her she sucks and I need a new phone-chan
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whmstthfck · 11 years
suck-my-beepis replied to your post: lokiii
what the FUCK I N G FKUC hwo
im not even sure??
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