#inside my solly little brain
typingatlightspeed · 1 month
if you're still taking not-smut requests, may i please request some dullahan!solly hanging out with djinni!pyro?
TF2 Fanfic - Accelerant
While some of the team plays ball, Pyro watches and has a think. Soldier joins him, and they talk about Engie's body modifications, Pyro's evolving feelings on them, and the nature of their extreme age gap and lifespan difference. Then they build a potato cannon. They talk a little about Soldier's relationship with Scout, but mostly a bit of mayhem ensues.
Part of Monstrous Intent! Ao3 Link! Rating: Teen (there's like one sex joke lol)
I hope you enjoy, anon! This one stymied me for a bit up to the point where Soldier suggested the potato gun, then the final gag with Soldier's head popped into my brain on the drive home from work, and I was like, "THAT'S IT THAT'S THE GAG" and the rest came naturally. :D
"Yo! Come on, Snipes, I'm open!"
"Bombs away!" Sniper lined up his shot and fired off the football in his hand, launching it for Scout with surprising force moments before Demoman collided with him, tackling him to the dirt.
"Dammit!" Engineer cursed, chasing the pass, knowing there was no way he'd get there in time to intercept, but hoping he could at least bring Scout down before he made any forward progress.
Scout caught the ball easily, eyeing up his options for approach, and took off for the area that had been marked as Engineer and Demoman's goal by setting up a cooler and a particularly large rock and drawing a line in the gravel between with a shovel. He bounded across the desert floor, grinning as Engineer charged for him, intent on bringing him to the ground. With a grunt, he kicked off the ground, vaulting Engineer in one leap, his hoof tapping the shorter man's hard hat and launching him into a second-stage jump, carrying him well past any hope of being caught. He sped into the end zone and spiked the ball, prancing in a circle and pumping his fists to the sky. "Woo! Now that's how it's done! Eat my dust, Hardhat!"
"Damn double-jumpin' jackrabbit," Engineer cursed with a pout. He shot a glare at Demoman, who was now quite busy pinning Sniper to the ground and tickling his neck with his muttonchops. "Dammit, Demo, we're tryin' to play a ballgame, here!"
"Yeah, play games with Snipes' balls off 'a the field, you mook," Scout teased, snatching the ball back up and trotting over.
"D'ye want Scout, then?" Demoman offered to Engineer, sitting up on his knees and letting Sniper wheeze in a breath between diminishing laughs.
"'Least he's tryin' to play the damn game," Engineer reasoned, tossing Scout a look and shaking his head.
"How 'bout we take five, get some water, an' let these two get the giggles out?" Scout asked, jerking his thumb at Demoman and Sniper. "I'll go grab my basketball. Football ain't shit with only four players."
"Yeah, that's fair."
"Sure you'll be good for basketball, Truckie?" Sniper asked, sitting up and shoving Demoman off of himself.
Engineer glared at Sniper, knowing exactly the dig he was about to make. "Stretch, dunks ain't the entire game. Ain't gotta be a giant to sink three-pointers."
"Dibs on Engie," Scout announced immediately. "Robot hand's gotta be an unfair advantage!"
High above, Pyro sat on one of the catwalks above the base, watching his teammates mill around and grab bottles of water from the cooler. He hoped that this wasn't the end of their game. It had been entertaining to watch Scout, Sniper, and Engineer actually trying while Demoman was intent on turning it into a game of grab-ass rather than actual sport. All the same he giggled watching the bomber pull his lover into a kiss before being swatted with his hat playfully and having water dumped on his head. As Scout trotted inside, Engineer unclipped his overalls to remove his work shirt, fanning himself. He cracked open his water and poured a little on himself before taking a swig, looking up in surprise upon hearing Pyro whistle from above. He grinned upon seeing him wave from the catwalk, and waved back.
The distant burst and whoosh of an explosion caught Pyro's attention from behind, and he turned to see Soldier sailing up into the air, fresh off a rocket jump. He nearly overshot the catwalk, landing at first on the railing before turning on his toe and hopping down far more nimbly than expected of a man his size.
Pyro half-turned, waving to him. "Hey Soldier!"
"Hello Pyro!" Soldier greeted brightly. He set his launcher down against the railing and ambled over to sit down beside Pyro, letting his legs dangle off the catwalk and kicking his feet idly. "What are you up to?"
"Hanging out. Thinking, mostly."
"What about?"
Pyro looked down at Engineer, who had clipped his overalls back into place and was currently holding the basketball as Scout stripped his shirt off, the two of them clearly taking team Skins for their little two on two game. They headed over to where their makeshift hoop of a bottomless milk crate nailed to a board had been hung on the edge of the porch overlooking a concrete paddock and set up to play. "Engie, mostly," he replied, a sigh in his voice.
"He is pretty dreamy. You should ask him out," Soldier teased.
Pyro snorted a laugh at that. "I dunno, I think he might be out of my league. You know the guy's got eleven PhDs?"
Soldier frowned. "Sounds fake." Another snorting laugh rewarded him, making his grin return immediately. "So what's Engie got you thinking about?" he asked, turning his gaze down to the game below.
"Ah, he's working on a new 'upgrade' to his body. A new spine. First stage of a full endoskeletal conversion project, so he says."
Soldier looked to Pyro and stared blankly.
"He's gonna replace all of his bones with metal ones eventually," Pyro explained.
"That botherin' you still?" "A little," Pyro admitted. "A lot less than before, though. I understand a lot more about his prosthetics, how they work, why I don't see the glamour in them like I do other things he builds. They're really clever, actually! In addition to making it so they obey his commands by a mix of reading muscle impulses and magical will-working, they're powered basically by pulling ambient magic out of the air, which is a completely sustainable fuel source. The Conaghers have been doing magic artifice for generations without even realizing it, because they've been accidentally blending magic into their technology. It's why nobody's been able to replicate their designs. The Australium is the key resource that makes it all come together, with its arcanoconductivity."
Soldier picked at his ear with his pinky finger, about half of what Pyro was saying flying directly over his head to go crash and burn somewhere in the desert. "So what's the problem?"
"I dunno, I guess I still have a lot of trouble getting past the fact that he's removing perfectly good flesh and bone for this, taking himself apart, you know?"
"Doc adds and removes stuff from us all the time," Soldier pointed out, lifting a finger into the air in an imitation of the doctor's mannerisms.
"Yeah, but at least it's usually internal so I don't notice."
"So are a spine and bones."
"But his entire legs and hand weren't. And once he finishes with bones, you can guarantee he's gonna work outward from there."
"Fair." Soldier let out a long breath through his nose, his brain churning. "Hadn't Engie been complaining about his back for as long as we've known him?"
"He does do a lot of lifting."
"Worn out, busted."
"Doesn't sleep great some nights."
"Can't sit too long."
"Practically eats aspirin."
"Ice packs."
"Heat packs."
"The way he smells like tiger balm after a real long match."
"He's strong as an ox, but he's in his mid-forties," Pyro sighed.
"It's not really perfectly good flesh and bone then, huh?"
"Guess you're right." Pyro leaned his forehead against the railing, flames creeping around the metal bar a bit. "He's in a lot of pain a lot of the time. This'd actually fix a problem rather than just do it for the sake of doing it, huh?"
"What's more practical than replacing the busted part?"
"You sound like Engie," Pyro chuckled.
"All I'm saying is that from what I've been told by people I've outlived is that the average red-blooded American man expects to just barely get past seventy years if he doesn't give his life in glorious battle first. Engie's more than halfway through that. He's probably trying to make himself last as long as he can. After all, he doesn't have the luxury of already being dead, like me!" Soldier jerked a thumb at himself with a grin.
Pyro chuckled and shook his head. Soldier was too good at making a solid point when he wanted to be. All the same, he didn't like being reminded about how short the rest of Engineer's life would be. "I'm ageless, eternal," he sighed, his eyes following Engineer's movements as he juked Demoman right off of his feet and sunk a two-pointer with ease. "I'm gonna outlive him. Just like I outlive everyone."
"How many human partners have you buried?"
"Too many. I don't know if I can do it again. But I know I'll have to."
Soldier hated to see his friend wilt like this, pain written clearly across his flaming face. "Maybe that's something Engie can prevent? He's smart enough."
"Short of becoming something supernatural, no human has, Soldier."
"You said it yourself that his cyber-stuff is basically magic, right? Maybe he'll build himself a new body that'll never grow old or break down so long as he keeps fixing it up! With the strength of five gorillas, and an ass that physically cannot quit!"
Pyro barked a laugh at that, his giggles fading into a soft hum. "Maybe so. Guess it's time we have that conversation, huh?"
"You haven't talked about all that?" "Not so much, no. It's not exactly fun to think about it."
"Got me there."
The sounds of Scout shit-talking Sniper's terrible free throw filled the silence.
Soldier looked back to Pyro again. "You wanna make a potato cannon?"
Pyro looked at him with all of the severity of a man about to realize his life's calling. "Hell yeah I do."
The bay door to Engineer's workshop rolled up, the sunlight momentarily blinding for Pyro and Soldier as they stepped out of the base. Soldier held a large plastic tube in his arms. It was long, and about an inch and a half diameter until it reached a connector after about two feet, and attached to a piece that was about three inches in diameter for its final foot.
"I'm surprised we didn't need to steal more from Engie."
"PVC pipe, connector, PVC cement to glue it all together, pipe cap, and a quick visit to the drill press, no problem," Pyro chuckled, shaking up a can of hair spray, a sack of potatoes firmly grasped in his other hand.
"Why did you have hairspray in your quarters, anyway?"
Pyro stared blankly at him like he'd asked the stupidest question in the world. He held out one finger, a soft glow heralding a small mote of flame springing to life at its tip. Without interrupting eye contact for even a moment, he held it up to the spray can and pressed down, the spray making the little fire into a gout of flame.
Soldier grinned. "Let's see if we can hit the Sword Van from here with it."
They set up on the edge of the paddock that led to the bay door, kneeling down and setting out their meager supplies. Pyro handed Soldier a potato, which he stuffed partway into the narrow barrel of the gun and tamped it onto the concrete to mash it in, the pipe shaving off any of the spud that didn't fit inside.
"Hey Soldier," Pyro began, popping the cap off of the hairspray can. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Where did you go that one furlough when we had that party at Engie's place?"
Soldier frowned, laying the potato cannon over his shoulder like a rocket launcher.
"If you don't want to—"
"I went to go see Ta—," he cleared his throat, "The RED Demoman."
Pyro pulled the cap off of the back end of the wide combustion chamber of the cannon. "I thought things were over between you two."
"It is. It was. Maybe. I dunno. We screwed. Almost felt like old times. But... he figured me out."
"What do you mean?"
"He guessed I wasn't human."
"I'd been afraid of that since day one. He didn't try to kill me on the spot, so it went better than expected, but not by much."
"I'm sorry, Sol."
"Don't be. Made me do some thinking for once. Realize what's important to me, and what I had right in front of me this whole time."
Soldier smiled softly. "Yeah." He steadied his grip. "Light 'er up!"
With a nod, Pyro sprayed the hairspray into the combustion chamber and plugged it, then snapped his fingers to summon a spark inside, lighting the aerosol. With a soft kick and a THOOMP, the potato rocketed out of the pipe and streaked across the yard and parking lot, slamming into the side of the team's getaway van, bouncing off with a satisfying PWANG. Soldier and Pyro both whooped a laugh and high-fived.
"Reloading!" Soldier called, grabbing another potato and stuffing it into the pipe. He shouldered the cannon once again for Pyro to prep.
"You and Scout doing good, then?"
"Yes! He is not afraid of or disgusted by the fact that I am dead and can remove my head. Now that I have this collar," he flicked the metal ring that hung from the front of his Cephalophore's Collar, "he likes it even more. Mostly because I can screw him and blow him at the same time."
"Priorities," Pyro chuckled, uncapping the cannon.
"He's fun, and sweet, and gets that a fist fight can be a way to say I love you if you're both laughing when you do it. He makes me feel light inside. He makes me feel important. And wanted. And I don't have to hide anything."
"You don't realize how important that last part really is until you finally have it," Pyro mused. "I get it." He shook up the hairspray and sprayed it into the chamber.
Pyro plugged the chamber. "Fire in the hole!" With a snap, a spark lit and with another THOOMP the potato was sent screaming across the lot to graze a different spot on the van with a WHUNG. "Haha, nice!"
"We should shoot something else."
"Sure, but what?"
Soldier rooted around in the bag for another potato and withdrew a wrinkled, soft one that was weeping liquid that smelled utterly vile. He recoiled for a moment before a wicked grin crossed his teeth. "I have an idea."
"I'm open! I'm open!" Scout hollered, waving his arms in the air.
Engineer craned around Sniper, who was doing his best to stay in his way and block the pass. He cast a look around, noticed one of the support beams of the porch, and grinned. "Port side, son!" He ducked under Sniper's armpit and shot the ball at the beam, bouncing it off and right into Scout's waiting hands. He drove for the hoop, leaping out of Demoman's grasp with ease for the dunk...
And was shot out of the air when a rotten potato slammed into his solar plexus.
Scout folded in on himself as he hurtled to the ground, landing in a heap, the ball forgotten. The stench of rotten potato filled his nose, and he had to fight the urge to gag as he gasped and tried to regain his breath, a sharp throb of pain sparking through his chest and belly. He wheezed, clawing at the ground, the noisome smell filling his senses and making his bile threaten to rise as he writhed.
Sniper's head whipped in the direction from whence it came, and he squinted, making out the shapes of Pyro and Soldier in the parking lot, rolling on the ground laughing. "Oi, you cunts! What's the big idea?!"
Pyro climbed to his knees and cupped his hands around his mouth to holler. "He okay?!"
"He smells bloody awful!" Demoman called back, trotting over to help the fallen faun to his hooves, dodging chunks of potato as he scrubbed it off of his chest, succeeding only in mashing it into his hand wraps.
"Oh, I'm okay alright," Scout growled, then spit on the ground. When he saw Soldier he grinned. "They ain't, though!"
"Hey, Sol?" Pyro said, shaking Soldier, who was still laying on the pavement, shaking off giggles. "Sol. Sol, he's coming."
"Who's coming?"
"Scout's coming and he does not look like it's in peace."
Soldier rolled up into grinned broadly, throwing his arms wide. "How you like that mashed potato, Private?!"
"Ohhhh brother you're in for it now," Scout growled, diving at Soldier and sending the two of them tumbling out of the lot and into the dirt, fists flying, legs kicking, throwing up a cloud of dust as they brawled like it was an old cartoon.
Pyro set the hairspray down and quickly sidled out of sight and back into the base.
It was a few minutes before Sniper spotted Scout returning with a bloody nose and a cut above his eyebrow, something clutched in his arms. "What in the hell is he carryin'?"
Scout saw them watching him and tucked the object under one arm, lowering himself and charging back onto their makeshift court with speed. "Yo Snipes, alley-oop!" he yelled, double-jumping over the assassin and finally making that dunk, hanging from the milk crate basket for a moment before dropping to his hooves victoriously.
Everyone looked at what he'd dunked. Soldier's detached head, with a black eye and a fat lip, grinned up at them. "Hello! I am a basketball!"
Demoman threw an arm around Sniper and gently slugged him in the side. "See? Told ye we're nae the weirdest couple on base by a longshot."
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It's been a really long day for me. Whenever you get the time can I request Soldier hugging reader to help them because they are tired and overstimulated from every little thing? Sounds are too loud and people talking is painful to listen to. Sometimes hugs just work.
Of course my friend, today was that day for me too
Tw: descriptions of overstimulation
The world was a hum buzz, men’s voices burned into your ears. The vibrations taking to long to leave before coming back with a vengeance. Your body shook in frustration, and you could feel your palms sweating as you inched your way out of the door and into the hall.
Your head felt like someone had replaced it with a plushies, but even the feeling of your head felt like too much to carry. Each sway of your body wrought itself with discomfort, you swore you could hear your tendons groan under the weight of yourself. Your muscles twitching irked you to no end.
You were an open nerve and everything was grappling at the chance to yank on you.
The fluorescents in the hall nearly drove you to your wits end. Everything sounded like a swarm of flies. Touches, even that of the socks in your shoes had you cringing at the feel.
You tried to breathe but the feeling of air entering your lungs put pressure on your mind that you could use for something else.
You chose to slump against a cool concrete wall at the dead end of the living quarters. Face in your palms you stared through the crack between them, hoping your brain would allow you to space out.
The day has fizzled by and left you with oodles of work expected to be finished. On top of that the rowdy men you worked with were having their bi weekly poker match. A game you’d obligated yourself to the day before, without thinking of the repercussions.
You’d left without saying excuse me, blanched and exhausted from the day.
You felt greasy, and in need of sleep. Every gust of air brought attention tot he discomfort you felt being inside you. You wanted to curl up in a ball and relieve some pressure, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
You spaced out completely, not making any move to get up.
You weren’t sure how long you had stayed like that. Enough that now, your initial frustration turned to melancholy, and all you needed was a gentle hand.
You were left with your thoughts.
Hours went by, and eventually something warm came by.
Then another,
Some would stop, then keep going. You wondered if you looked like you were asleep, you wondered what was going by.
It wasn’t until it stayed that you broke your thoughts. You turned bleary eyed towards soldier. He’d sat down, and stared the same as you.
And you weren’t sure how long or why he did.
His hand was closer to yours, and you slid yours under him, taking in the feeling of warmth.
He looked at you with concern, as if attempting to ask you a question indirectly.
“You’re warm.” He nodded, grunting in response.
Solly understood when to be quiet, even when he wasn’t usually so.
“It’s hard seeing a teammate like this.” He noted, running his thumb over your knuckle. “Cant have you running scared on me private.” He set his helmet down to get a better look at your face.
You looked away, and he did the same, looking in the same direction instead. His goofy face held a somber expression.
“You seem a bit shell shocked son- what’s wrong?”
“Everything soldier.” You stated frankly, pulling yourself back to him. He sat cross legged to keep focused on you.
“Everything was busy today, and I couldn’t keep up. I had no time to decompress before I was thrust back into interacting. Then I left without saying goodbye.”
“That was rude.” He said bluntly, but without a trace of malice. You sent him a confused look before continuing.
“I’m sorry,” you said sincerely, “it’s just- when things get too loud I have to take some time away from the situation. It’s hard to stay put and deal.”
Soldier only nodded, not fully understanding what you meant by what you said.
“Is there anything that might help this issue of yours?” He asked genuinely, urging you to tell him.
You opened your arms after a minute of thinking. He wasted little time taking you into his arms and dragging you to him.
Your head lay comfortably on his shoulder, and you hummed softly to him as he rocked side to side. The warmth from his chest eased the tension inside you. And you appreciated the time he took out to sit with you.
You swore you felt like crying. His hand rubbed small circles at the top of your back, over your uniform.
He pulled back after a long time spent like that and stood up. He picked his hat up off the ground and extended you his hand.
“I’ll match you to your quarters private.”
“Thank you solly, it helped a million.”
“Proud to be of service!”
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mmph-hudda-huuh · 8 months
Below are how I imagine Chemist interacts with the other mercenaries, and how they spend time together. None of it is explicitly shippy, even Spy, but as a very enthusiastic multi-shipper I will 100% draw my oc kissing hot tf2 men and encourage everyone else to do the same. I am cringe but I am free.
He has a weird rivalry with Scout where he's endlessly fascinated by the man's ability to drink radioactive soda and not die, but will still call him an Elmer's-eating fucknut if Scout so much as breathes at him. It's a mutual thing and over time becomes less about malice and more of an inside joke. It's very common for competitions to start during work hours, leading to both of their performances skyrocketing.
Soldier is his ride or die, it literally took two seconds for them to recognize the autism in each other and become inseparable. Chemist is a smart guy and generally holds the brain cell, but the second you put him next to Solly he loses any form of rational thought. They cause endless chaos. It's beautiful.
Pyro and CJ are a force of chaos both on and off the battlefield. Pyro watched this nervous scrawny man walk into the base and went 'Hm. Yes. This is a friend.' Cooper sees them like a younger sibling, except he will under no circumstances be responsible in their presence. If left alone for too long these two will 100% destroy anything that can be burned or corroded. They both have their weird little destructive obsessions and egg each other on.
CJ and Tav like to put their heads together to make horrifying objects. They're the type to get piss drunk together and invent a bomb that could end the fucking world. When they aren't giving the admin more grey hairs, their usual time together consists of testing hang-over solutions each morning to make a fix-all for those types of consequences. OH and they both watch soap operas. Together. They cry and gasp and talk to the screen like losers.
Heavy and Chemist get along well, both commonly in the infirmary. They both enjoy literature, and Heavy's quiet, calm nature goes well with Chemist's nerves and habit of info-dumping. They aren't the closest, but CJ thinks very highly of him and Misha enjoys their talks, often seeking out Chem just to get into a debate over symbolism in books they both have read.
Engie amazes Chemist. The man has 11 PhDs! That's damn impressive! His machines are so intricate, and the Gunslinger is a genius idea in his opinion. Plus, he reminds CJ of his gran, with his kind words and bomb-ass food. It's hard to feel alone in the world when a sweet little southern man is offering you some mild alcohol and an ear.
CJ actively dislikes being around sniper because of his disinterest in hygiene practices. They have a few things in common, however, in that they both suffer from social anxiety, and that their parental figures don't support their job choices. They often bond over this, but from a comfortable distance.
Chemist relies heavily on Medic. He's terrified of how lax the man is with safety rules, but his medications and healing beam can help dull his symptoms. It makes life much easier, and for that, CJ is endlessly thankful for Dr. Ludwig. Besides that, they also feed off each other's mad scientist energy, and Medic has been working to find the cause of his issues since the moment Cooper joined. The doctor is well aware most of the symptoms are commonly caused by stress, but some of them are quite strange in their own ways, so he is happy to experiment.
Cooper is very weird about Spy. The team has no idea if it's a crush or just admiration, but Chemist often strives to gain Spy's approval, praise, and attention. They can be seen together frequently because if Spy appears somewhere it doesn't take long for CJ to seek him out. They can be seen playing chess together, talking(gossiping) in French, and on the battlefield, they always have each other's backs. Despite this, if asked, Spy will deny that they are anything more than acquaintances, and Chemist will simply dodge any questions related to the topic with visible discomfort.
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makoons · 3 years
ha ha
0 notes
i-do-as-i-want · 5 years
My problem with Greckles Birdman. Or what I belive is the problem between Gaijin and his character Greckles.
What your character wants.
What the player wants.
I have roleplayed for some plus years. And the skill lends itself to dnd. So i feel like i can accurately talk about how it feels like Greckles the character. Wants possibly romantic action with Solly. But the player Gaijin wants him to stay faithful to his long lost love. (Before I even start, this is just my interpretation of the weird feelings I get from greackles. And the simple fact is, I could be very incorrect.)
I know Gaijin might be going for something like. The Japanese anime trope; we're closer than lovers, closer than friends, we are beyond that, type of narrative. I mean, in certain circumstances it could work. But we have no investment or interest in his love interest. The one Greckles's only brings out when it's convenient. When his affection is question for other characters. And I know it's impossible/very hard to show that Greckles was deeply in love when their is 4 other people at the table. And each one of them gotta share their backstories as well. But the only interesting thing we have on her is from Lys and lys was 4 ever ago.
Its far more interesting to see him fall in love with another than for him to be left on the hook for someone else. Again, Its clear Gaijin going for the we are beyond simple words trope for Solly. But it makes nosense when it comes to everything greckles does. You can care about someone without changing your whole ass class and praying to the Sun God. Thats not something a simple friend would do and it goes way beyond that. He is even carrying around the sun sword, and praying with it. Getting Divine messages sent his way. I never heard of a rouge praying or having Divine connection but fuck me this could be my first. Greckles is really pushing to be just a soilder or a right had man to Solly, a support system. When the narractive doesn't sound like it.
But that what the player wants and the DM usually tires to follow the character backstory. I.e Monty coming around to say, Brock and Solly could work thing out if need be. They aren't so different, reaffiriming the lack of romantic tension. Between Greckles and Solly to make it easier for the viewers/to let them down gently when Solly has to get married to another. Which is fine, I get that, it damage control before the inevitable. I could be wrong solly could still turn Broco down but that is unlikely.
I say all of this to say, this makes Greckles character. Equal parts annoying, and sweet. We have zero invest meant in the actual love interest we are suppose to care about. The narractive point to Greckles having feeling for Solly. But the player doesn't want that, so we have to pull back. And its the constant; drip feed of potential fucking drama that makes me want strangle Gaijin.
Greckles should and wants to make mistake. But the player want everything to be neat and orderly. Gaijin wants Greckles to be the staright man, the cool guy amongst the group. Which makes him come off as pushy, insenstive, and kinda of an asshole. The whole scene with Solly and Greckles talking to eachother. Greckles is so ready to show her the sun sword to express his vision to solly! He tramps over the fact she watched them die as a vision freaked out and rushed to the Sweet Dragon. Greckles doesn't stay on the topic of dying. He doesn't, just simply go i'm okay now. I got this sword for you. NO. He goes beyond that and began praying to the sun god. He offers himself as a messager for Solly. He rolls over her emotional trauma and says she can be the greatest. When she screaming, she can't, we all know she an emotional character! She came undone when she thought they had all died on that fucking boat. And greckles fuckin like, i got this sword for you these vision for you I would do anything for you! You don't have to worry about us dying because i'm here with you! And everyone screaming thats not how friendship work. You don't write off your body for you friend.
This brings me too my favorite fucking line said by Bosco, by his character Remy. When he is pulled off to the side. Which all of this is happening and Remy is watching from the sideline. Goes to speak with another character, who pulls him a side. He gets have an honest coversation about what he thinks of Solly and Greckles.
Basco says one of my favorite fucking lines in this episode. He puts his full weight behind in this-
"I don't belive he needs her, I think he wants her."
And with that Remy has single-handedly, come for Greckles life. Because Greckles devotion makes no sense, where did it come from!? Out of character it seems like he may be trying something different with his class. Inside of character it fucking weird!
Bosco put his whole ass character out their with those very words. I felt that shit, I could tell maybe if Bosco didn't care about Greckles relationship with Solly. Remy does and he has a few words to say about it. He role plays what his character is feeling.
Gaijin on the other hand, can be heard saying "oh Bosco". Gaijin think, people should belive him when, he says, his character does not love Solly. But heres the thing, your own ass character say different. Because again, he's not roleplaying, he's steering his character. It feels unatural and we are missing out on so much fucking drama that could be happening because of it!
Half the time while roleplaying a character will make a choice. And it feels so right even though you know it wrong or it complex thing. But you fucking leave it, suddenly as the player your standing in the middle of a fire like "How did we get here?."
And your character looks back and shurgs as you try to put out the fire it caused. Its very height of roleplaying, when you can lose yourself in your own character. While Gaijin seems to have a death grip on his.
When Broky and Panic are talking about who should not be named. (Lol.) Broky says the mans name and destorys one of Panic gutiar strings. Panic Gutiar is his literal lifeline in the show. Without it he is not himself and he becomes the worse of himself. Now most players would see, there freind freak out and stop, no Taka see this and Broky sees this. And they do it 3 more fucking times before Panic threatens Broky life. If Taka had death grips on Broky like Gaijin does on Greckles. Taka would have stoped after the first time, but no he kept going.
Again I would like to reiterate, that I could be very, I mean very wrong. I could be so off-base that, it out of line. But I desperately want to like Greckles character. He holds the key for so much drama. A simple, I love you could cause a fucking riple affect. Fuck he has legit two character who still may have feeling for him. I.E Remy the literal other guy at the table playing an actual character and not an NPC. And the NPC that is slowly being pulled away because. Gaijin so desperately want, his other love interest that he is interested in. I think if, Gaijin could let go, just a little and went with his gut and less with his brain. Greckles character would flourish, but as it stand. He just makes stiff and awkward interjections. While everyone eats up the scene around them. I love Greckles character and I want more but god. Does the way Gaijin play make that a lot more diffcult.
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kurtwarren54 · 6 years
Today’s gift guide is all about NEW MOMS. I racked my brain for those items that I love and used multiple times a day as a new mom or things on my wishlist if I could do it again. Being a new mom is SO damn hard and the best job I could have ever imagined. These photos are from Otis was 2 months old. Do you love how I am so casually matching him in stars?! Hope you love these photos and gift guide. Happy Shopping!
#1 // nespresso vertuoplus coffee and espresso machine: You guys know how much I LOVE coffee and as a new mom… reaching for that morning cup takes on a whole new meaning. While we did a good share of getting out of the house from early on, it’s so essential to have some tasty coffee at home to get your day started after those long nights up with a newborn. This is my hands down favorite machine because it does both espresso and large coffee. So now I don’t need a separate coffee + espresso machine on my kitchen counter. I have had this machine for quite a while and get asked about it all the time. It’s worth every penny and if you either have it or are buying one this season, do yourself a favor and try out the cuban coffee they have. It’s limited edition and I always order a million of them while they have them. This would make such a great gift for a new mom (or dad!).
#2 // artifact uprising baby book: This book has such sentimental value to me. I bought it after we found out our embryo transfer had worked. I knew it was early to buy something like this, but me buying this book was me investing in the fact that I was pregnant and I was going to stay pregnant. I tucked the book away safely inside a nook of my closet and with Otis turning 4 months soon, I finally pulled it out to start filling with photos. This would make a really unique gift for a new family to start to gather their memories and write baby a letter before they are born. I have ordered things from this company before and the paper quality and overall quality of their products is amazing.
#3 // willow breast pump: This is currently on my wish list this holiday season! I am currently exclusively breast feeding and pump one time a day with a traditional breast pump that you plug into the wall. Now that I am back to work full time, finding even 10 minutes to finish doing my makeup or making myself lunch can be a struggle. I have heard such amazing things about this pump but have been a little bit hesitant because of the price tag. Now that I am pumping sometimes more frequently and have been traveling for small weekend trips as a family, the convenience of being hands free is looking pretty good to me. If you know a mom who is currently breastfeeding or pumping, this would make a really amazing luxe gift. I kind of daydream about pumping, doing my makeup, and then grabbing a cup of coffee… all while pumping. Blake are you reading this?? wink. wink.
#4 // ugg slippers: Having a little newborn you are pretty chained to the house for the most part. I am OBSESSED with these slippers (I own them!) and they help me to stay cozy on those days where you never change out of your pajamas. Let’s be honest, that is most days with a newborn. It’s so nice to have a luxe little pair of slippers to make home feel cozy and warm.
#5 // solly baby wrap: This is the fabric wrap that I used alot when Otis was born. It’s super lightweight and the material is nice and stretchy. Tucks baby close to mama for cozy naps around the house and out and about. I know it can be intimidating to learn how to wrap, but I just watched a ton of youtube videos and quickly got the hang of it.
#6 // babybjorn carrier one air: Once Otis started getting bigger, I loved the idea of using a carrier that was easier to get him in and out than the fabric wrap. I am obsessed with this one. It’s super sturdy and still breathable which I love. It has newborn inserts so that eventually you can use this same carrier when baby is older and place baby in different positions so you really get your moneys worth out of this carrier. We have been baby wearing Otis for alot of his naps and often wear this one around the house, out of the grocery store, or anywhere else we need to be handsfree and on the go.
#7 // colugo carrier: This is one of our newest baby carriers that Blake and I are both loving right now. It’s very similar to the babybjorn but this one is lighter weight and even has a little drape to cover baby’s head. Comes in hand to keep the sun out of his eyes.
#8 // winc wine membership giftcard: Not everyone drinks wine, but for those mamas that do, it’s been a long 9 months with no booze. Once I felt comfortable during my post partum recovery, having a glass of wine was such a special indulgence after not being to enjoy it for so long. This is such a great little gift idea for a mom to be or new mama!
#9 // hydro flask: I am still always thirsty and have about 3 water bottles in my house at all times. As a breastfeeding mama, I am just ALWAYS THIRSTY. This is a great little gift idea for a new mama. Nothing like a sweet new water bottle to get excited about hydration.
#10 // bychari custom name necklace: I was gifted this adorable necklace with Otis name on it and I pretty much never take it off. I always get the sweetest compliments on it! It’s such a fun little luxe gift for the mama in our life to celebrate their little one. Also, it’s real gold so they don’t have to worry about taking it off to shower… when you literally don’t even know your own name because you are so tired from being up with your baby.
#11 // Amazon, Wholefoods, Postmates, Grubhub gift cards: If you want to know how to help a newborn parent in an instant, get them one of these gift cards. You can send them digitally so they can have them in hand in an instant. I had friends give us postmate giftcards and it saved us when we didn’t have a minute to even think about dinner for ourselves. Amazon is another good one because who isn’t ordering baby swaddles or diapers at 4 am. These are great ways to help out a new mama (or dad!
Otis wearing quincy mae pants / Kim wearing nphilanthropy shirt + ag jeans 
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The post GIFTS FOR NEW MOM appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Pesch.
from Wellness https://www.eatsleepwear.com/2018/12/14/gifts-for-new-mom/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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