#insight: josnel coleman
grapecaseschoices · 1 year
Bethany Josnel Coleman
Meet BJ Coleman | Wasted Desires by The Notations
🎹 An At A Glance
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🎹 the band & the music
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🎹 on-stage & on-the carpet
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🎹 aesthetic
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
For lala, josnel and val pls ❤️
Man. I had to ponder.
For Lala. This stems off that they were originally a bloomic oc -- but I like the idea of stranded in a video game. Maybe something Jumanji like but with a lot of math/strategy parts. I think it would be interesting to challenge that chillness.
For Val. I had originally thought a buddy cop with Adam or Felix isjsjd. But then I started thinking a sorta Barbershop AU. Maybe Felix and Val open up or inherit a boutique. I like the continued forced found family aspect for Val but some reason I feel it would be more intense -- maybe because they would see each other more regularly. Plus also the boutique is or becomes Key to the Community, so I can play with Val vs Caring and Val's Big Dang Hero Nature.
BJ -- I ... my first thought is something similar to Val but a Church choir. Where he is needed to help them win, but it isn't much different from infamous outside that iy would make him deal with his feelings toward the community he grew up with. I think Bethany Josnel would be fun in a fashion AU. A model. While that's also similar to Infamous, this places him more center stage. I also feels the modes of judging and privacy invasion are different. I am thinking he starts off in design, and not even like someone major. But they're like YOU HAVE YHE FACE and the drag him onto the catwalk... and he needs the money. Intgibk that sorta whiplash would be hard.
Ty for the questions. It definitely got me thinking on what would be good to challenge for my characters!
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
b0red 0c infamous ocs rambIes part2
Part 1. Ask.
Philia – Affectionate, Platonic Love.
1 - Does your OC have a Best Friend? If they do then how long have they known each other and how did they meet? If they don’t then do they have a close group of friends they love equally? Or are they more of a loner?
Alana: August. [Just you wait!] Yes, though her best friend doesn't like her anymore. They have known each other since middle school. Is it canon, how they met? I don't remember -- but they were sat next to each other during study group. She also does have a group of friends she loves tho.
BJ: No. He does love his friends but I think it has been hard since Seven, since BJ can be so serious and is rather introverted. Seven was the BJ whisperer. And I don't think any of them really sat to grow around that dynamic, at least not purposefully. I do think if anyone would grow to be the new bestie [Sebastian, lol] during the tour it would be Devyn. Maybe even Orion. So I think he straddles between loves his friends equally and loner.
Hiyam: Yes. And they met in high school. If I recall, through Seven. Surprise, surprise Hiyam DOES love the rest of her friends equally [though she is a bit partial to Jazzy], but Rowan is her best friend.
Lala: Not anymore, though they still have much love fo Seven. They love the bad equal -- Rowan and Iris bust their chops more, and she and Iris have an aesthetic vibe but equal!
Ori: Seven will be Ori's best friend til the day he dies [unless does something bad enough to actually piss Ori off]. The band is his family, too tho.
2 - Does your OC find it easy to make friends? Or are there barriers to them doing so? If so then are these due to issues of inclination, communication, or something else entirely?
Alana: Yes, but not really. They're friends but not friends you confide in friends. People she is friendly with -- because she is a very friendly person - that are more than just acquiantances, but they're not FRRIIIIIENDS. They are 'verb/noun' friends. Drinking buddies, friends to shop with, etc. There is a bit of a wall, a very thin wall but there is. I think a lot of the issues, outside of her being rather introverted, is the experience thing. A lot of the people she meets are nice, but they don't get it. And because they're not part of that life it can be harder to foster relationships.
BJ: Nope. I think it is a mix of personality, time, and a lack of desire to do so.
Hiyam: Fun fact, I almost forgot her. Hiyam doesn't. I think if Hiyam put effort they could charm friends -- becase what is that but the platonic version of flirting? But I don't think, even if she liked them, she would prioritize those friendships -- which could lead to bad feelings. Whiiiiich, Hiyam probably wouldn't handle with delicacy. They do have sycophants and lackies though, that counts right?
Lala: I think they would if they made the effort. Outside of the group they have a lot of acquiantances and people who think Lala is cool, and that is fine Lala thinks they are cool back. But there is at times no desire to do more with that. Though sometimes, someone looks out and gets their time.
Ori: People don't take Ori seriously and tend to only value him as fun time guy. He has lots of buds, but only really the group as friends.
3 - What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
Alana: Kindness, good humor. Respect -- especially of bounaries. A bit of mischeviousness. Good listener.
BJ: Quiet. wqerw Stability, understanding. Patience. Good rapport and level temperment. Caring. Trustworthy. Considerate.
Hiyam: Someone with more patience than Job. I actually had a good list but I forgot it. Ambition, loyalty. Confidence. Good listener. Forgiving. Honest. Trusting and trustworthy. Support. Someone non-irritating, lol
Lala: Humor, a sense of adventure. Posivity. Loyalty. Confidence. Open-minded.
Ori: Fun! Positive! Insightful/Astute. Patient. Forgiving.
4 - Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
Alana: I think it might take time. She doesn't have much experience with it.
BJ: Yes, actually!
Hiyam: Can get on with kids under 12 and elderly over 70. Different cultures -- most her age might find her too American.
Lala: Yep.
Ori: Old people love him! So mostly. As for people his age from different cultures, not always immediately but with time.
5 - What is their most fervent wish for their best friend(s)? How far would they go to make it happen?
Alana: That she will forgive her. I don't know -- initially I would have said VERY far but the last update fucked her up. And as much as she wants Seven in her life, she believes Seven's words -- or at least that Seven believe's them [and that is what matters]. That know Alana was one of the worst things or wte, so -- IDK. She would rather die than hurt Seven further, so. She is stuck.
BJ: What best friend?
Hiyam: Rowan wants to win just like she does -- so that's gonna happen. And then some. There are no alternatives but success.
Lala: What best friend?
Ori: That they can be friends again, but more than that Seven is happy. Ori is currently twisting himself up to make Seven happy and now he's stuck with UW, so far enough.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
bored oc ramblings
taken from this ask if anyone is interested
Eros – Romantic, Passionate Love.
1- Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
Alana: Yes. Alana is so very romantic and so in love with love. Red and pink flowers, chocolate in a heart box, a stuffed animal ... you name it and she would love it. The thing is Lana mostly dated men [shitty, cocky men] so there was never the thought that she would give. So when she and Seven get together, and it occurs to her; she is going to go so overboard.
As for culture, Alana is Mexican-American [texmex] but she really didn't have any one teach her the balance/limits in traditional courtship stuff. ... at least not the good ones. Sure there was what she heard in music and saw in novelas, but actual people reinforced a hyperfixation of gender roles. I think [not trans, just stating what I've heard but open to being corrected] it would have been worse because she was trans. Like Alana was always just femme and girly, but I think she would feel she had to be the perfect little future wife for these dudes. ... who made little effort. Also she didn't have any family [outside of Seven] to speak up for her [and Seven was but a gringo.] So, she will probably over do it when she and Seven start dating she is gonna over do being the couter but also the perfect little woman, but Seven will get her to chill.
Bethany Josnel: BJ is and isn't. I feel he is more bring flowers for your mom type. He was raised around his local church so he was always the perfect gentleman to Lucy; but also Seven. Poor Seven just wanted some heavy -- not even heavy pettinv and BJ wanted to TALK about it. I don't thibk they even snu snu'd. No candy and no snusnu. But at least BJ opened doors and pulled chairs. And was a steady, dependable presence.
Hiyam: No. Lmao.
Lala: Not really. But they wouldn't say no to it [they like sweets], and they wouldn't be against it time to time if their SO treasured it.
Ori: lol. No, but if you remind him he will make the effort.
2 - How important is sex to them in a relationship? Do they see it as something essential to their happiness? Would they be able to remain in a monogamous relationship with someone they loved without sex?
Alana: She is learning that it isn't as important as she once thought. It was essential to other people's happiness-- at least pleasure, and giving them that gave her some sort of happiness/satisfaction. But ... the focus of sex in relationships is kind of ... messy for her. And I think she would be kinda anxious to be with another partner that rushed into it. I think she would be quite fine for some time without sex in a monogamous relationship.
BJ: No sex until marriage!! Jkjk. Well ... the answer is no for the first two and yes for the last.
Hiyam: the question should be is how important is having a relationship in relation to sex. And the answer is not at all. Seven was the only exception. Seven, I feel was her only so. Ever. And she's had sex before and after Seven. Umm. I guess sex MIGHT rate top ten, in general. Maybe not. Again wrong question. Would she be able to admit to someone she was having sex with she loved them and wanted a monogamous relationship? No. Lol, no um. I don't know. I'm not quite sure on that last one. MAAAAYBE but it really depends on what else is going on.
Lala: They do factor in sexual compatibility as something that CAN be important in a relationship, if sex is something both partners desire. Lala has had more fwb and hook ups than relationships, so I can't say if it is ESSENTIAL to the dynamic but I will say that they are open to going without. If that is something discussed beforehand.
Ori: I think it is important in the sense that Ori tends not to have sex with someone unless they were in a relationship already, or at least gone on a few dates. I don't think it is essential but he doesn't realize it yet. It is just so linked in his mind that it would be weird at first but he would be very open to trying if his partner was not interested in sex. But he would need LOTS of touch and cuddling to balance it out.
3 - How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
Alana: I think too over the top romantic pda makes them uncomfortable. But quick kisses on the lips are fine and they don't mind more frequent platonic pda -- hand holding, arms over the shoulder when sitting. I think if they really liked their partner a tasteful liplock would make them blush / they would feel embarrassed but not in a bad way.
BJ: Nope. Roflmao. Yall can hold hands. Yall can lean on each other [more you on him], etc. But the rest should be private. But a quick kiss almost on his lips, depending on the moment, he might find very charming.
Hiyam: Surprisingly, no. That is because she tends to see PDA as people hanging off each other, and ain't nobody got time with that. It MIGHT change if she was in a relationship and in love. As Seven is a PDAer if I remember right and Hiyam was fond of most of Seven's antics. But then Seven knew her well enough not to do it in a way that would irritate Hiyam. Hiyam IS into public displays of territorialness for the booty calls they keep around.
Lala: They lean toward privacy like Hiyam and BJ. Though they're more okay with spontaneous stuff than they are. In general, that shit isn't anyone's business. BUT their so can hang off them so they desire [squat and hug their short ass lmao]
Ori: Yes. No. Yes.
4 - Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
Alana: In theory. She believe it is a thing that exists but she doesnt think it is for her. And a crush but not like a fixation. More like "oh tehy look dreamy" and the crush would grow as they got to know them.
BJ: Yes. Roflmao. Because this fucker believes in fate. And what is love in first sight but people meant to be immediately drawn together? And no.
Hiyam: Yes. Shut up. And sexual fixation, yes. That's when one goes to flirt.
Lala: Hrm. I don't think so. But they aren't closed to the idea, if you do well that's great [but they're skeptical]. And no, but it has drawn them in.
Ori: Maybe? I think he thinks its a nice idea but he really hasn't put much thought into it. And I think maybe a crush, but strangely not often. I mean je has a lot of crushes but not JUST based in looks.
5 - How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
Alana: It is something she is working through. But it used to be a respectful, respectable, pleasant yet attractive appearance more than BEAUTY. But beauty definitely probably was in there. Though, strangely for love it is no. But for sex ... more how attractive others found them.
BJ: No. Though looking responsible and presentable does help with their confidence.
Lala: No. Lmao. They know they're are hot no matter. And even tye days they don't think so.
Ori: I think more than he realizes. And yeah I think so. Sisjudhd I'm tired but yes.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
It's dropout anon once again! I was wondering what your ocs' music tastes are like. It can be any OC of your choice, if there's a specific one you want to talk about, they're all really interesting!
And one last question are there any ocs of yours that have currently been giving you brainrot?
I don't know the answer to this -- like kinks and romance stuff, that usually pops up as I go along. Unless it REALLY strikes me a head of time or is needed for the character.
Like, I think my infamous ocs like - mostly - the genres they play [lmao, wouldn't it be so funny to be good at preforming in a genre you hated??]
Let me think. BJ plays more R&B alt, but I think he also likes older jazz and blues. Duke Ellington, Etta James, Roberta Flack, I THINK [don't quote me on it, I'd have to listen to it, but the flavor feels like him] that he likes some Blue Eyed Soul too. I think he has much respect for Adele on many levels and likes the Bee Gees. Anyone who probably got a church background too, probably plays in his spotify list.
Strangely, I think he is into Florence and the Machine.
Hiyam is bringing back the older pop-r&b [80s and 90s lmao] vibes but I think she likes SOME of the newer stuff like Chloe Bailey, Bree Runway. I think she also likes the vibes of Sabrina Carpenter and Dove Cameron. I also feel she likes some of the younger female trap and hip-pop artists like Latto and City Girls. In my mind, I do think she has a lot of respect for - though she might not listen to [I need to hear it myself and see how I feel] - the pre-80s pop singers. The likes of Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor, and Pattie LaBelle.
I am not quite as sure yet for the other three. What they like outside of their genres.
Kendis tends to gravitate toward black queer and women artists. Especially more modern stuff.
As for who I've been brain-rotting, no one in particular, but I have been going through one of my moods in really missing Kendis [and actually Andy too.]
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
part five about my infamous ocs and love
asks; 4
there are two more parts after this one. i regret starting this series. i love doing this series
Ludus – Playful, Flirtatious Love.
Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Hiyam: Sort of. I don't think she has cheesy lines [but I am sure in another life she gave Seven the Corn] but I think she has beats that she knows works. They tend to be fairly effective, but leaning on mixed reactiions.
Ori: Yes. Yes. And if a person loves silly then yes -- if not then no.
Lala: Lala has natural rizz but isn't against some lines, they come up more naturally than pre-decided/oldies. They aren't a flirter tho. At least not in the pick up sense, they do/can tease. And it really dpends on the person if they like it. They prefer being bold unless for some reason the person has them nervous -- in which theyre still straightforward but maybe a bit more fumbly [but that is rare].
Alana: Uses lines but they are meant sincerely qwerq Like, 'oh, you would stand out in all the stars with that smile!!!" I mean not that ORI of all people isnt sincere about his attention, but even the himbo knows its lines -- he'strying to be funny. Alana doesnt always qwews. She is a shy teaser and it actually works best out of all of them
BJ doesn't flirt but he isnt without game, it is accidental tho. He is team sincerely stated lines like Alana, except they are much more accidental [most the time ;-)]
Is your OC particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally?
Hiyam: She thinks she is. It is a mix.
Lala and Alana: I think they are, it is natural.
How does your OC feel about one night stands? Have they ever enjoyed a night of passionate romance with a stranger? Is this something they are quite keen on recreationally? Or only something they might engage in under specific circumstances (such as the eve of a battle or after a difficult breakup)?
Ori: I think I have said isn't a fan.
BJ: Is typically a hard no, but it has happened once. Regrets.
Alana: Is curious but generally is too quick to fall in love to see it that way [tho the people she may tangle with may feel differently ...]
Lala and Hiyam: Have done one night stands. Hiyam hasn't had the time to give them attention -- so less than it might seem. Lala doesn't seek them, if it happens and they're feeling it -- /shrugs.
Who was your OC’s first crush? How do they feel about it now?
Alana: Seven but she doesn't realize it yet. She thinks it was just gals being pals.
Hiyam: Gina Reign.
Lala and Ori: Idk, some person. I may have thoughts for ori but tiyed
What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
qwertew homie IDK!
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
part 4
back @ it again at krispy kreme: part three here; ask
Agape – Selfless, Universal Love.
Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
Team Yes: Ori, BJ Team Sorta: Alana, Lala. Team Not actively: Hiyam.
Team Small Acts of Kindness: Ori, Alana. Team Direct Action [somewhat]: BJ and Lala Team Now Why Am In This?: Hiyam.
I think Ori and BJ [maybe because they're team believe in fate] feel a more active desire to do more for their greater community. Not to say Lala and Alana do not, but it's more that the boys see it more in that scope of responsibility. I think it was a mix of faith [ori's grandparents are/were Jewish - ethnically and religiously; BJ is Christian - culturally and religiously] and personality [Ori has a self-worth issue and it is kind of like he should give back for existing | BJ has duty-itis/big brother syndrome]. I have more thoughts on this but ima stop. [Just keep thinking of that one Rabbi quote about not giving up the fight and the weight/expectation but also joy of (Christian) charity]
For Alana and Lala, it is less obligation and more of a thing to do -- I think they both sorta vibe with the idea of a ripple effect; Alana especially. Less karma and more like the good I give spreads out, so I should give care/good. Alana is a I want Kindness/I should give Kindness + Politeness and Kindness is the Thing To Do. While Lala is like well, I live and make use of the world so I should give back to it/show appreciation.
Hiyam vs the world is kind of like -- if there is no world who would appreciate me? jk ... sorta. I don't think Hiyam has taken/has allowed herself the opportunity to think of the world at large because she is so fixated on a goal. And I think if the question was posed to her, she would be like, well I am not the one who fucked it up. But while she has no grandiose or altruistic feelings of world connection/responsibility -- there are things she cares about and things that catch her attention ........ and hiyam's love language is a mix of quality time/acts of service [leaning on the latter], so. But her belief is often that money speaks best so that is usually what she focuses on, when she allows herself to focus on anything other than future success.
Does your OC feel a spiritual connection to the world around them? Do they have a particular love for nature or living things?
Spirtual connection: Not unless they're on stage: Hiyam, BJ | Religiously: BJ [it is .... an obligation but not quite ...] | Through Nature: Lala, Ori [sometimes] | Through people: Ori, Lala [at times], Alana [usually]
Lala is the hiker, the adventurer -- there is something about high altitude and the trees and clouds that just hits them. They also love cats to a wild amount.
Ori doesn't quite get same buzz as Lala, he is more seeing the spark in people kind of person. Just that give and take, just that connectivity of people is almost enough to make him believe in something holy. But when he's skateboarding or surfing -- there's something, maybe peace.
Hiyam is to dogs [but -- not as intense] what Lala is to cats --- okay maybe thats saying rapids is to river the way hurricane/monsoon is to rain but ... Hiyam DOES think if there is a God they peaked at dogs. While Lala would give ancient Egyptians a run for their money re: cats, so. Both a tad obsessive but not the same level. But hey it is a love!
To what extent does your OC believe in the value (or even existence) of true altruism? Do they see an unselfish concern for the welfare of others as being naïve or foolish? Or as a moral quality to which people should aspire?
Surprisingly, I think they all believe in true altruism to a degree -- Hiyam is skeptical, however. And Lala I think believes in the sense that others believe in it; they don't necessarily find selfish altruism to be a bad thing but they don't negate that seeing why people strive for unselfish concern -- they just dont think one should twist themselves into notsover it.
BJ believes in true altruism and tries to act toward an unselfish concern, but also doesnt think it is realistic attainment for him.
Ori definitely 100% puts stock in it. And Alana is somewhere between Ori and Lala, but she is more likely to chastise herself for falling short.
Does your OC have a religious faith which emphasises the importance of a love for all people? If so then do they try to follow these teachings authentically? Or do they just pay lip-service to them? If not then do they follow a more martial or mercantile faith? Or none at all?
I think BJ is t he only one who has an active part with his faith -- and it is complicated.I am too tired to explore so - tba Ori stopped going to synagogue when his grandmother died.
Does your OC find it easy to empathise with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanise them in order to combat them with sufficient determination?
BJ: Enemies is such an intense term, but they do try with people they dislike.
Lala: Enemies is expecting a lot, but if they did I think so -- but probably not EASILY but not as hard as they would think. They're generally team removing empathy for a person/people you disllke mean youu never had genuine empathy in the first place, so.
Hiyam: The closest thing Hiyam has to an enemy is Seven, so no.
Ori and Alana: No [ish for Alana] But less in the sense of a group of people, and more people who hurt them. Alana tends to be bite at people who appear similar to those who hurt her -- but once she deals with that I feel she can come around.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
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grapecaseschoices · 4 months
📓 & 🚷 for your infamous mcs? <33
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Do I ever? LMAO. Some have more quotes than others. But here is one each, that I feel hits them as people/can summarize parts of my thoughts when creating them.
Alana; I wanted to feel loved without feeling like I was begging for it
Bethany Josnel; "I've always liked quiet people. You never know if they're dancing in a day dream or if they'e carrying the weight of the world." - John Green
Hiyam; The ego of a man trapped in the body of a woman - Sexy and the City (1998 - 2004)
Lala; "In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you" - Andrea Dykstra
Ori; "you get nervous when someone holds your hand, you wonder if they can feel the rot." - fatima aamer bilal
🚷 - Tell one difference between yourself and this oc!
Alana: Clear-headed; she's definitely someone you want at your side when things start to panic. My anxiety gets in the way, she's much more poised. Not to say she doesn't get nervous - she does - but she's still better at taking charge of that and diffusing things, I feel.
Bethany Josnel: Self-assured; at least in the sense that he knows what he wants and isn't one to allow himself to be pressured. I think he's good with his boundaries, is what it is. I am not lmao.
Hiyam: Confidence! Hiyam's is at a level that one might dismiss as delusional but it's just a matter of strength of will and being unbothered. Two things I do not have lmao. I can be pretty stubborn thho. Maybe i can fake it til I make it ... one day.
Lala; there is SO many. Um, let's say Understanding. I feel Lala is pretty insightful and also open. I try to be. They're so -- I think it's because they have a 'come as you are approach' but also know their own value.
Ori: Cheerful; He is so naturally cheery and kind and even-tempered. I am good at faking some these things lmao. To varying degrees. He's just so sweet, like a golden retriever puppy. While I am more like a cross of an old poodle and a nervous chihuahua.
questions from here.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
what kind of art would someone make about you? here
tagged by: i stole it; tagging: @serenpedac @galpal95 @quinnorion @mt07131 @sustainably-du-mortain @unitedindistaste @griffin-wood @sun-teas @honeylemonbutte @sunshineandviolets @straightuppotato-ocs @graysonblck @queerdetectiveblue @queerbrujas and anyone who wants!
films [yes!]
you are wild and there’s no way for your essence to be captured in a frozen format. you are a character and the only way to describe you is to capture you in motion. you are electric. people are naturally drawn to you because you exude confidence. everything you do, you seem to know what your next step is. you are the muse to many, even if you don't know it, but deep down you do. people tend to fall in love with the idea of which i'm sure can be exhausting.
Bethany Josnel:
music [hrm]
you are a breath of fresh air. you are soft and free. you disappear as quickly as you appear, and everyone wishes you had stayed around longer than you did. your voice is what makes people fall in love. everything you say is in harmonies and codes, and only the most experienced listeners can fully understand you. your presence is always enjoyed but you aren’t always given the praise you deserve; people will let you stay in the background. all you want is for someone to really listen to you.
poetry [!!]
you choose your words carefully and your words will be heard. you’re smart as hell. you know it and so does everyone else and you carry yourself with a sort of confidence. you’re a bit of an artist yourself, even if unintentional. you can find beauty in mundanity but you also know when to be a realist. people fall in love with you because you are a confident mystery and they're dying to find out more. you fear that this attraction that people have to you is based purely in curiosity and nothing else.
novels [pretty much!]
you fall in love easily and hard, and you are the image that pops into someone’s brain when they think of a love interest. you are a romantic and find yourself falling in love a hundred times a day because your imagination is wild and certainly knows how to get the best of you. you are soft and delicate and need to be handled with care, because a heartbreak would break you into a million pieces. you don’t want much else except to be loved and to love. you want to live out your wildest dreams, and the person that loves you can't help but let their imagination run wild with you.
paintings [... yeah, i can see it]
everything you do is a work of art. you are beautiful without even trying, simply lounging around looks like you’re posing and waiting for someone to sketch you. you come off as light and easy but you are often misunderstood. people don’t tend to see you for who you really are, and focus too much on how effortlessly you appear to navigate the world. there's some kind of darkness behind your eyes that only some can see under all the layers of paint.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
idk if you're still taking the infamous ask meme questions but if you are or still want to, wild card for all of your inf ocs!
Sorry that it took so long. I still don't know what to say.
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like. (You’re also welcome to choose one of the other questions to answer!)
Okay, I don't think I really got into ... how alienating losing Seven was for some of my characters. Maybe alienating isn't the word but it was akin to having a part of you carved out.
I think it was emptying for all of my characters -- even Hiyam -- because losing someone that close to you, I imagine, so so very hard and makes you lonely. It was really bad for three of my five, I think. Or maybe just more foundation shaking. Particularly for Ori and BJ.
I think I've mentioned that Ori is deaf. He has cochlear implants, he signs during concerts. I imagine all of the band knows varying amounts of sign language because they've known each other since HS [if they didn't know it before]. But he and Seven had a short hand. They had certain jokes. They had, in a sense, their own language. Their own mode of expression. And it is like how do you move on from that? How do you move on from the fact that the only other person who can speak your pidgin for two doesn't even want to talk to you??
For BJ it wasn't quite the same -- but it was similar. In the sense because BJ is so quiet and reserved, Seven knew his beats. Knew what a tap on the elbow might mean. Knew what a five second furrow of his brow vs a ten second furrow might mean. Probably knew signs of BJ getting overwhelmed sooner than BJ felt it. Seven always spoke up for him, even before they became a couple-- Seven had been such a ... functioning part of him for MOST of his life. Seven slid into that role for more years than BJ has known to be without it.
Same for Ori.
And now I've made myself sad. Anyway.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
15 and 26 for your infamous MCs! And 24 for funsies
15) What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Answered here for Alana and BJ.
Ori is probably before suns up. Or late in the afternoon/evening. He has a gym membership and I feel its one that opens early. He goes for a run and then the gym and then shower and eat. If it is a late day at the gym, he gyms and then boards. I thibk as social as he is, he likes being able to focus on his workouts. So when the gym isn't too loud and busy is nice. Plus getting up early gives him time to get his healthy eating and sporty stuff out of yhe way so he can be available through the day [for adventures or doing fuck all]
Lala: I don't think really has a favorite time of day. I think partially because any time is a good time to do something but also because they're so chill. But I think they like the 11a-3pm time; surprisingly when yhe sun is brightest. Lunch menus are superior and it is prime people watching time. And idk, I feel that time so busy-- I think it energizes them. And the after dinnertime. They like to curl in and watch TV or listen to music.
Hiyam: You would think like 5am or the hours of the GRIND, but it is really around 9-11am. She isn't a morning person and just finds that an acceptable time to be bothered, if she most be bothered. It feels kinda decadent bc sometimes she really do be having to waken up bright and early, so times she can say fuck you to that are appreciated.
26) How stylistically fancy is your oc? Or would they rather go for comfort and plainness instead?
Stylistically fancy ON STAGE: Hiyam, BJ, Alana, Lala
Stylistically fancy OFF STAGE: Hiyam. Alana. Lala (at times).
Comfort and plainness ON STAGE: Ori
Comfort and plainness OFF STAGE: Ori, BJ [but still expensive ish and at a social acceptable level. I feel its more boring than plain], Lala, Alana (plainish. But never quite).
I might go into more detail another day.
24) How dramatic is your oc? Do they make a big deal over every little thing, or do they fail to react to even the most crazy of events?
Dramatic: Hiyam (not in the traditional sense but definitely the most, certainly dramatic. And quite. Highly vindictive, button pusher, with a blown up head so ...)
Unphased: Lala. BJ, probably be in the middle because he can be quite the Dad Friend which can lead to [im not mad, im disappointed which imo is dramatic. You're not that old yet bruv] and he can be stern. But he is also very professional and levelheaded.
Somewhere in the middle: Ori, reckless but mindful when he remwmbers to be.. Alana, conceal don't feel but loves the drama.
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