#inspired by picnokinesis
andreas-hangout · 2 years
inspired by @picnokinesis 's campervan au!!
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silverlynxx · 4 years
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Phillip Carlyle
Red and gold and crisp white pages. Fibrous rope and decorous theatre. Ink bled sentiment; the flutter of restless wings against the bars of a gilded cage.
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thirteenfanzine · 2 years
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[ID: Image reads “Thirteen Fanzine Prompt Week. Day five: Reunions. Tag us! #ThirteenFanzine” There is a small drawing done by picnokinesis of the thirteenth Doctor wearing goggles, sitting cross-legged and sticking her tongue out in concentration as she works on something. The image is decorated with rainbow squiggles. /end ID]
We're almost to the end of prompt week!!!!!! We love the stuff we've seen so far, and feel free to continue tagging us if you get some inspiration a little late and fill any of the prompts!
Today's prompt is "Setting Sun"!
Tag us!!
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1-of-those-things · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Tagged by the lovely @picnokinesis (This is great. I love this!)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
40 (But 3 are published anonymously. Don’t worry about why.)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
313,378 (Good Lord)
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Just Doctor Who. And just since 2020. The fandom bug got me!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Biological Specificity (239) — The gateway drug to Doctor/Donna (and Interspecies Compatibility as a series)
It Has Been 0 Days Since the Last Incident (237) — This one probably gets a boost because it’s got Tentoo/Rose in the tags, but it’s really Doctor/Donna like always. Sorry bout the cat-fishing. Sometimes you just wanna write Ten, Donna, Tentoo and Rose all traveling around the Universe together!
The Best of Times (Amnesiac Remix) (236) — Just a classic fix-it where a bunch of aliens follow a mind-wiped Donna around. Bog-standard, really.
Acclimatization (234) — The second in the Interspecies Compatibility Series, or as I like to think of it, the beginning of the descent into Doctor/Donna madness
Survival Without Recovery (192) and Lazarus Taxon (192)— The official ending of the Interspecies Compatibility Series and an optional epilogue. Always impressed how many people make it all the way through that series. So much love for this fandom!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Oh yeah I respond to ALL of my comments. If I miss one I’ll go back later and apologize lol. I’m so genuinely impressed that anyone other than me likes my writing— anyone who goes through the trouble to let me know they liked it gets all the love from me.
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I can’t help it, I like all of my fics to have at least a hopeful ending XD. But (It Breaks You Down) A Little Bit More Each Time probably involves the most angst overall.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, I can barely read them.
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Nope! If my fics are ruining people’s days they’re successfully keeping it to themselves lol
9. Do you write smut?
OH, YES! More than I mean to, if I’m honest. (When did THAT happen?)
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know!
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Nope, I’d imagine it’d be a nightmare considering how many colloquialisms I just throw around.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I’ve collabed with the brilliant @fritzmetzger and @denzikken on three fics (One of which is coming out this week!)
I might've also accidentally co-written a fic with @theoreticalabsurdity @echo84 @krebkrebkreb and @picnokinesis that I think is on schedule for next week. (My part is done anyway!)
13. All time fav ship?
SHOCKINGLY it’s Doctor/Donna. I just love their dynamic so much! Even when I multiship it just ends up poly so I can get my Doctor/Donna fix.
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
OK all of my WIP’s live in secret shame files on my computer because the pressure of having a WIP out in the world might literally kill me. But within that… I was thinking of doing a follow-up to The Volatile Nature of Binary Stars with more Doctor/Donna/Master vibes. Considering I might be the only person on the planet who would enjoy that though... it keeps falling to the end of my very long list of random inspirations.
15. Writing strengths?
I seem to be good at humor. So that’s something! I also like to slide genuine emotion in, but make it sNeAkY so it hits with maximum impact. That seems to go over well, based on the number of reviews I get with phrases like “gut punch” XD. Also every time someone compliments me on my characterizations I definitely get that ’swallowed a hamster’ experience.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Endings! I’m so bad at endings, fam. I love setting up a whole elaborate setting and then I just kind of get too into it and forget I was supposed to be going somewhere or building to something. I just want to keep going! So I have to keep track of all my loose threads and make sure I’m actually doing something with them lol. (This is why most of my fics cap out around the 30K mark max. Keeping track of plot after that is just a bridge too far.)
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I usually just end up doing it in English or explaining my way around it instead of trying to type out another language. Though in my case they’re mainly alien languages that I’d have to make up. And that just seems like A Lot.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who, baby! I’ve literally only been in this game since 2020. Lockdown GOT me.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
This is hard because I become emotionally attached to all my fic monsters, but my favorite monster is… Oh, damn it’s a tie. I can’t decide between The Noble Neverwere and The Volatile Nature of Binary Stars.
The Volatile Nature of Binary Stars was fun for me because it has Angry!Donna AND the Master. And I just kind of want there to be more Doctor/Donna/Master dynamics out in the world. Especially when Donna’s (justifiably!) pissed at the Doctor for abandoning her.
The Noble Neverwere gets a special place in my heart as a fic that I actually plotted out and painstakingly put together. (If Donna seems a little OOC at first that’s part of the plot, not because I lost my damn mind. Though that second option is definitely a risk.)
But yeah, really I love all my fics a little too much. I’m in the camp of “I wrote this for me, but you can read it too,” and I’m always so happy that so many people take me up on that XD
20. Tag!
This was great fun! I definitely recommend it. I'm going to tag a handful of writers (not including the ones who were literally just tagged with me): @nostalgia-tblr @raywritesthings @lilsum4 @veraynes-blog @colorofmymindposts and anyone else who wants to do it!
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novantinuum · 3 years
Writer asks 30, 35, 58, 66, 91?
Thanks for the asks, fren <3
(Ask game for fanfic writers)
30) most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
Oh god... I genuinely don't think I know many off the top of my head. Not to be No Thoughts Only Fandom on main, but perhaps the whole "I can make a change" bit of Steven's song in the movie...? There's a reason I had that as my blog title for so long- it was a lovely reminder to myself that... I am in control of my own behavior, I am in control of my immediate situation, and I have the power to wake up daily and strive to make a change for the better in all aspects of my life.
35) tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
uihjkfhsdkfnhgdf I currently love One Good Egg Boy
He is different from me because
he is an egg
buyghnuygihiuyghifjodkgjnhjj I just think he's neat ;w;;;;;;;;;
I honestly don't have that more to share, my heart is so full of love that I cannot express it gooDNIGHT
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58) what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
I have a thesaurus tab open at all times XD
Also, I've been watching a lot of clips from a visual sign language dictionary lately, to aid in inspiration for occasional descriptions of certain gestures characters make. For the purposes of my fic, Hylian sign is by no means a 1:1 to ASL or ESL... but I figure it would make sense for the people of this fantasy world to have created similar signs as our world for certain common words and phrases.
66) when have you felt the most confident in your writing?
I honestly think my prose and characterization peaked in the height of my SU fic writing days, but that's mostly because I wrote such a large volume very quickly, and was well-practiced. I'm happy with what I've been writing as of late, too, though. :D
91) how has your writing style changed over the years?
I abruptly switched from writing in past tense to present tense whilst collaborating on some Doctor Who fic with @picnokinesis that we alas didn't finish fiuahsndghj- I initially switched to match their writing style a bit more and keep things uniform, but pretty soon I realized that this tense literally kept me from falling into old vices and writing in passive voice all the time. Thus... I just continued to write in present tense from then on.
Beyond that, I've probably just... gotten wordier, ahah. I feel as if my older writing was more direct and to the point, and didn't include much description.
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Ahhhhh @picnokinesis​ thank you so much for the tag!!!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!  
THIS IS SUCH A COOL TAG! Warning, I will probably ramble.
1) Death’s Other Playground
This AU is probably the longest piece of fiction I’ve ever written, and I also had SO MUCH FUN writing it. It’s complete but I have yet to actually finish posting it on AO3 because I’m literally the worst. Someday however I WILL put all the chapters up there.
2) departed acts (remorse is memory awake)
Okay this is one of my fave She-Ra fics I’ve written, mainly because I’m a ho for memory wipe shenanigans and also angst. It’s a bit dark but I really enjoyed writing it (and maybe somebody will get around to finishing the sequel chapter I’m like 10k into).
3) and all you create, and all you destroy
I LOVED working on this piece, inspired by my love of Dark Side of The Moon, and I really liked how it turned out, especially considering I’m not too practiced with backgrounds.
4) My brother’s DND character design
This is one of my most recent completed pieces, and one I’m really proud of. I feel like I’ve come a long way in terms of art, especially with anatomy and facial features, and I’m finally figuring out a cohesive way to move beyond the sketch to color and shade.
5) Maybe this is an odd one BUT my OCs Dani and Lio - they’re two characters in a trilogy I’m slowly working on, and I’m inordinately attached to the two of them. I don’t often create OCs outside of novels or short stories, but it’s been a LOT of fun to develop them. Below, on the left is Lio, who is transmasc nonbinary (he/they) and to the right is Dani (she/her). They’re best friends turned enemies turned lovers someday maybe and while I have their entire arcs written out in my head, putting them to page has been interesting.
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6) Okay perhaps this one is a little unorthodox BUT I needed to get to eight LMAO anyway so one thing I really am proud of this year is learning/improving at art. I started drawing in January and I feel like I’ve come a long way, and it’s a lot of fun to just.....see the difference.
7) One of my proudest achievements this year is writing my second novel, editing it, and sending it out to agents. It’s a historical fantasy about a Jewish magician in turn of the century NYC, who tries to scam a powerful witch and as a result gets possessed by a Dybbuk. To save her life, she has to trade somebody else’s soul for her own (and also not fall in love with her target sdkjgfkdskdf). This story is very dear to me, and one I started nearly a year ago and nearly gave up for good. Having a finished, edited manuscript in the hands of agents is an amazing feeling - whether it gets accepted or not! Just to know I’ve made it this far is great.
8) And last but not least, a recent sketch I haven’t posted (because it’s not finished) that I’m very proud of, of the protagonist of my novel, Charlie.
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Aaaaaand sorry for the ramble! In many ways, 2020 was a big struggle, and there’s been a lot of stress, but looking back on the things I’ve created has made me realize it’s not all bad. Thanks for reading, and I tag @wykart​ @sapphichymns​ @sapphos-disciple​ @thirteenstardisfam​ and anybody else who wants to do it!! Seriously, if you see this and you want to, go ahead and tag me because I’d love to share your stuff.
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sorosilicates · 6 years
a public service announcement
i watched tgs again last night and got struck with the urge to finally finish p.t. after phillip after leaving it undone for five months....i dug out all 30 pages of the printed manuscript and oh Boy there is plotline to shuffle around
i still have my star wars and marvel fics left to do but i’m gonna ride this wave of inspiration as long as it can take me cause,,,i really want to finish this thing
tagging some of my buds from way back when i was still working on it: @silverlynxx @hypsiacrobasiphobia @picnokinesis @thegreatestkingsman @philippcarlyle :)
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novantinuum · 7 years
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Presenting one of the nerdiest things I’ve ever spent three hours on: 
Fordese. Exactly as seen in Journal 3, but as a font. You too can confuse your work partner, twin brother, and dream demon arch-nemesis by simply typing on the keyboard as normal, no pen needed!
I must thank @picnokinesis and the fics they wrote in code for putting the random inspiration in my mind to do this, ahahah. XD 
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The font includes all coded letters from A-Z, both in uppercase and lowercase. (They’re both the same, though- I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to double up.) It has a full set of numbers, and the most common punctuation. Some of the letters are annoyingly close to each other, but it couldn’t easily be helped. 
But hey, if anyone actually uses this and makes a post, please feel free to tag me in it so I can see! And if anyone tries this out and there’s any major issues with it, let me know and I can try to fix it! :D
You can find the font right here!
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novantinuum · 7 years
Is there anyone that you look up to in art and fic?
For writing, I look up to @pinesinthewoods, @impishnature, @themadqueenmab, @embulalia, @witete, @skillfulstudio, @marypsue, and @the-ford-twin for their wonderful characterization of the Pines family and everyone else in GF, and their incredibly imaginative plots. Some of their stories are my utter favorites, and oH BOY is it time for some fic recs from all of them ooooh yes!! Let me drag out my favs!
Blind Faith (pinesinthewoods)
hhHHHH this is the first fic I read in this fandom and BOY is it still amazing! Blind Faith AU. Amazing characterization all around. 
It gets... really violent, do be warned. Heed the tags.
Ad Astra (themadqueenmab)
Mabel falls through the portal. Follows Mabel and Ford as they try to find a new normal, crossing through dimensions together, and also Dipper and Stan and Pacifica as they try to find a way to get them back. There’s some especially nice world building in this.
I think there’s the hints of Dipcifica?
Two Old Men and the Sea (embulalia)
oH BOY another one of the first fics I read for this fandom! It starts out as any other Stan O’ War adventure... and then develops into so much more! 
As a warning, this does have some violence.
The Wind in Visions (the-ford-twin and the-stan-twin)
I can’t even begin to explain the main premise of this without utterly spoiling a large plot point of the story, but it contains probably the best characterization of Stan and Ford and Dipper and Mabel and Fiddleford I’ve seen. Some lovely day-to-day misadventures in here, with the same heart the show has, but there’s whispers of something dangerous brewing on the horizon for this family...
There’s violence at times. Read the tags. Also some Mabifica and Fiddauthor in this! 
Any Misery You Choose (marypsue)
A Gravity Falls/X-Men crossover! There’s some awesome world building in this, and it truly feels like its own unique place separate from both of the canon universes. I especially love the powers everyone is given. Fit with everyone’s personalities a lot.
Some violence.
A Little Bit Lost (impishnature)
A collection of one-shots for the Feral Ford AU. Some really lovely stuff in here! 
(I can’t quite remember if there was any violence in these? It’s been a while, sorry.)
Haunt (witete)
HHHHH Stan O’ War angst. ANGST. It’s also been a damn while since I read this so I can’t coherently describe what goes on, but IT’S GOOD DANGIT AAA.
There was some implied alcoholism here, I believe? Once again, I’d suggest you read the tags. 
Maybe it’s Not Too Late (skillfulstudio)
A lovely hopeful little fic in which the Pines family has to deal with some unfinished business concerning the shapeshifter, and Ford and Fiddleford come to some revelations about themselves and their relationship. 
Some violence. Asexual Fiddauthor! 
Whoops that got long, welp! Now it’s time to scream about a bunch of artists I love! :DD
@kiki-kit, @the-ill-doctor, @tortoisefeet, @stariousfalls, and @picnokinesis have such an amazing grasp of colors, like?? The colors you choose are utterly incredible!
@julientel, @eregyrn-falls, @archervale, @danidery, @garrulousgibberish, @hntrgurl13!! Your line work and the sheer volume of unique concepts you go through with your art is stunning and inspires me!! 
I’m sure there’s ten thousand people I could name who make me want to squee for joy that I’ll remember later but I should probably... end this really long screaming happy post ahahah XD
You all are awesome and I give you many hugs and love your work, have a lovely day!
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