#inspired by some tweet a saw years ago sorry i cant find it
mrsdallway · 2 years
aftg dick piercing au
yeah. so.
one day neil and his friends decided to go to a gay club. when he enters the club's bathroom, neil discovers there's a glory hole. curious but not really interested, he's about to go out of the bathroom when a certain blong comes in and his interest is immediately piqued (neil is demi so i made a plot where andrew is a famous exy player and neil fell in love with him as a fan). andrew's interest too. andrew is flirting with this handsome stranger when the boy bluntly says "there's a glory hole over there". SO THEY GO TO DO YOU KNOW WHAT (i say, as a puritan). but the thing is. when neil is kneeled down, about to give a blowjob to the man he most admires, is when he discovers ANDREW HAS DICK PIERCINGS. A LOT OF THEM. IT IS LIKE HIS PENIS IS MADE OF STEEL. LIKE ANDREW IS IRON MAN. neil is…. surprised. he has a lot of thoughts about it but mostly he's sooooo horny. he keeps going yk the blowjob is happening and it's good andreil are experiencing heaven etc etc insert smut here (as a virgin ace, i literally cant write smut to save my own life). BUT THEN. ONE OF THE PIERCINGS LOOSEN. RELEASE. DROP. ON. NEIL'S. MOUTH. they feel it and both men are so startled for a minute and neil takes the piercing on his hand and he is holding the piercing and he doesn't know what to say and when he opens is mouth to say something andrew is already gone.
so neil goes on a hunt for his cinderella (ohh i'm realising this could be so good with andrew being just a stranger and neil not remembering his face really well bc he was drunk so… cinderella) to give back the piercing.
chaos. fluff. more smut. everything is possible! give aftg stans the crack they deserve!
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Say You Won't Let Go - Chapter 2
Camila was loving her time in Texas with Ally. Her family has treated Camila like one of their own. They even went as far as getting a couple Christmas gifts for the younger Latina girl, so she wouldn’t be left out when everyone was opening presents. Camila felt loved and safe around them. A safety she hasn’t felt in a while.
It also helps that she’s been talking to Lauren Jauregui from time to time. Lauren has been so nice, and sweet. Incredibly supportive about the channel. On top of all that, she’s hilarious. Every time they speak Camila has a lasting smile.
It was the day before New Years Eve, Camila and Ally were getting ready to go to the movies. Camila’s mind kept wandering to Lauren. When Lauren first wrote to her on twitter she freaked out. She couldn’t help but to tell Lauren over and over how amazing she was. Her phone started buzzing, and her smile grew.
Lauren: When do I get to see that beautiful face? 😏
KC: lol what makes u think im beautiful?
Lauren: well we’ve been DMing for about 2 weeks, & I conclude that even if ur not physically what the world would deem as beautiful, ur personality shines brighter than anything. Ur so funny, and crazy nice. Ur passion for music is undeniable. Thats beautiful. Thats u.
KC: Ur very charming Lauren. im not sure if that’s a good thing 🤔
Lauren: Its good, trust me. Not everyone gets this side of me. Lol
Lauren: Don’t u think u gotta show ur face eventually?
KC: Maybe, idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lauren: What are u going to do?
KC: What do u mean?
Lauren: Like with ur voice? Do u want to be bigger than “youtube star?”
KC: I haven’t thought about it. I never thought I’d be good enough for being anything else really. I never even thought I’d have more than 100 followers if im being honest.
Lauren: lol u really thought that? ur crazy gifted.
KC: I cant with ur compliments.
Lauren: telling the truth darling. ur voice is amazing, I’m sure u r beautiful. Ur chill af, with occasional fan girling, ur modest, ur a dork, ur sweet. Ur what this industry needs. Ur what girls will look up to, & boys would want to bring home to meet mom. The whole package.
KC: ahhh ur killing me. Seriously ur words are unbelievable. All this coming from YOU.
KC: Ur so beautiful.
KC: Not ur looks
KC: I mean, yes ur beautiful like that
KC: Why am I so awkward…
Lauren: lol Relax chicken, breathe.
KC: I mean, ur mind. ur words are kind, and inspiring.
Lauren: lol I’m just being honest dork
KC: atleast I’m a cute talented dork 😄
Lauren: Eh, ur ok
KC: lmao sure jan. do the words “unreasonably obsessed” sound familiar?
Lauren: doesn’t ring a bell
KC: Oh really? K. I guess I’ll be leaving! It was nice talking to u.
Lauren: Wait wait, no no. Don’t go. I’m joking
KC: New phone 📱 who dis?
Lauren: Lmao ur an idiot.
KC: 👋🏻
Lauren: Fine if that’s what u want KC. It was nice talking u. Just wanted to let u know I actually think ur talented. I hope u get everything u want in this world.
KC: Seriously, all jokes aside. Thank u, so much Lauren. It means alot. I’m happy I fan girl less when you hmu. Sometimes I’m like “DID LAUREN JUST SLIDE IN MY DMS?” Cus like You’re YOU, & I’m just me. And You telling me I have a nice voice, it’s like AHHHHH
Lauren: You’re not JUST you…you’re amazing.
KC: Uhhh 🙈 Thank you Laur, but I gotta go, going to the movies.
Lauren: Ok KC, hmu later? I enjoy talking to you. :D have a good night.
KC: Potassium
Lauren: what are u talking about?
KC: Potassium. What’s the periodic symbol?
Lauren: K? ….. OH! Wow, u are really a dork. Wow. Bye now. lol 😂
It was around 11pm when Ally and Camila left the movie theater. Ally was hungry and Camila never turned down food, so they decided to stop at the Waffle house. They were browsing the menu when Camila got a twitter notification.
@LaurenJauregui: Yooo @KC_LoveOnly where’s that new cover thooo?
She smiled reading the tweet. She had been done with the video days ago, but she was nervous about uploading it knowing that a specific green eyed pop star would watch it. On top of that she decided to cover one of The Holy Trinity’s songs.
@KC_LoveOnly: Girl, when I know that ur a part of my audience, I GOT to make sure its peeeerrrfffecctt!! @LaurenJauregui
“Ally Brooke? Is that you!?!” Camila heard someone behind her say. Ally squealed hopping up from her seat. When Camila turned around her mouth hit the ground. She saw Ally hugging none other than 1/3 of The Holy Trinity, Normani Kordei.
Ally and Normani were best friends before Normani moved to Miami. They talked for a couple months before losing touch.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be taking over the world with your voice?” Ally asked excitedly.
Normani laughed, “Well we finally got a break for the holidays, my family came here.”
“Are you eating here alone?” Ally asked noticing no one was with Normani.
“I was going to get some food and head home” she replied.
“No! Come sit with us!” Normani looked towards Ally’s table, eyeing Camila.
“Is she going to be okay?” she asked Ally, noticing Camila was stunned and still had her mouth open.
“Oh, that’s my best friend. I guess she might be a little star struck.” Ally snapped her fingers in front of Camila, who shook herself out of the shock she was in.
Normani laughed while sitting down next to Ally. Camila thought Normani’s smile could kill her.
“I’m Normani,” she reached her hand out to shake Camila’s.
“Y-yeah, I know. I mean, how can I not? You’re you!” Camila rambled. “I’m Camila Cabello.” She said shaking Normani’s hand.
“You’re cute Camila. Relax though, I’m not going to bite.” Camila ducked her head down shyly. “You’re lucky you’re not meeting my bandmates, they can be a little…rowdy. They might bite.” Normani joked, trying to put Camila at ease.
Normani and Ally caught up for a bit while they ate. Normani made sure to include Camila into the conversation, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. Camila was surprised to see how down to earth Normani was.
“Hey, you girls should come over my house for a little. We can continue to catch up!” Normani suggested.
“That would be so much fun!” Ally exclaimed.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I come? I don’t want to intrude on your friendship reconnection. I can just go back to Ally’s,” Camila said timidly.
“Seriously? Talking to Ally and you has made me feel so…normal. I could use some normality. So yes, I’m inviting you to my house. We will talk, watch a movie, just hangout. Pleasssse come!” Normani begged Camila.
“Okay, okay!”
When the girls got to Normani’s house she gave them a quick tour. Ally got to see Normani’s parents after years. She was happy that they still recognized her, and they were glad she was doing well.
They reached Normani’s room, and Camila launched herself onto the king-sized bed.
“This is sooooo comfy,” she said while rolling around. “Adopt me Normani.”
Ally and Normani laughed. Ally pushed Camila over to the other side of bed, and made herself comfortable. Normani turned on the TV, and started browsing Netflix sitting between the two girls.
“So how did you two meet?” she asked the girls, focusing on finding something to watch.
“College—Friends!” Camila shouted. “Please put on Friends. I love it.”
Normani chuckled at her and put on a random episode.
“As she was saying,” Ally continued, “We met in college.”
“Cool, so we are all the same age?” Normani said unsure.
“No, she’s almost two years younger than us. I didn’t want to live on campus and my past roommates were all crazy. I couldn’t afford living on my own, Camila had an ad looking for a roommate. I thought it was a good idea to get to know a roommate before having to live with them.” Ally explained.
“She fell in love with my dorky charm,” Camila said still focused on the TV.
“It’s true,” Ally joked, “Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?!” Camila threw her hands up, “Without my nerdy clumsiness, we would’ve never been roommates! I wouldn’t have the world’s best friend. I’d be stuck with Shawn. I love him, but he’s NOT you! I wouldn’t be sitting here enjoying Friends.” She exclaimed.
“You’d still be watching Friends somewhere. Relax. I love you, I’m glad we met.” Ally reassured her.
“Hmmph,” Camila folded her arms turning back to the TV.
Normani laughed at the two girls. “You go to Miami University and you didn’t come to see me?”
“Girl, you were touring by that time,” Ally responded. “How did all that happen by the way? The Holy freaking Trinity!”
Normani chuckled, “Ahhhh, where do I start?”
“Well, I know how you all met. We heard your recent interview,” Ally said.
“Oh, keeping tabs on me?” Normani joked.
At the sound of the interview Camila’s head shot up. She didn’t want Ally to tell Normani about KC. She thought it might be odd, and look bad. They mentioned her in an interview, then she somehow manages to bump into one of them.
“Sorry but no. Actually, Mila—”
“I just stumbled on it, and showed her.” Camila cut Ally off, giving her a pleading look. Ally nodded in understanding.
“It’s cool, happy to be in the company of a fan,” Normani winked at Camila. “Well, I don’t know what to add to that. After meeting Demi, the next day she introduced us to Simon Cowell. He was concerned that we were too young. Me and Lauren were 16, and Dinah freaking 15.”
“Was he mean like on TV?” Camila asked.
“Opposite, he so sweet. We are signed to his label now, throughout the whole process he was so helpful. I mean we were just teenagers trying to chase our dream.” Normani said. “Before signing a contract there was a lot of back and forward with our parents, because of school.”
“That’s awesome!” Camila said.
“Yeah!” She paused thinking fondly of the memories. “It took a lot to get where we are, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
“That’s really cool, I’m so happy for you.” Ally said, hugging her old friend.
“Thank you, Ally.” Normani smiled into the hug.
After the embrace, the girls continued talking. Normani was elated to reconnect with Ally, but she was happier to get to know Camila. She thought the younger girl was adorable and dorky. Camila reminded Normani of Dinah.
The talking died down after about an hour, and the girls watched Friends. It took Ally about 2 episodes before she fell asleep.
“We should probably get going,” Camila said pointing out a sleeping Ally.
“Don’t be silly, stay the night,” Normani said sleepily. “I’ll get you some clothes to sleep in.”
She rubbed her eyes getting off the bed and rummaged through her draws. She pulled out a muscle tank top, and white shorts, handing them to Camila.
“Thank you, Normani. For everything, for letting a stranger stay here—”
“Stop, it’s all okay.” Normani cut her off, as she placed a reassuring hand on Camila’s shoulder. “You’re chill. A little quirky, but cool. It’s nice hanging out with people who aren’t trying to use me.”
“Thank you,” Camila replied giving her a hug.
When she let go of Normani she went to get changed in the bathroom. By the time she got out, Normani was already sleeping.
Camila shut the TV off and got comfortable in bed. She kept plenty of space between herself and Normani, not wanting to wake the older girl up while she used her phone.
She was on tumblr for about an hour, before she put on her headphones and decided to watch her video one more time before uploading it.
In the middle of her video, she got a text from Kellz. They’ve been talking every day since they exchanged numbers. He’s a nice guy. A bit insane, but she loved how care free he lived.
Kellz🎸: I think I just broke my face dude
Milz🎶: What do you mean?
Kellz🎸: I was just drunk fucking around. Running on cars. Fell smashed my face into the ground.
Milz🎶: Oh what different lives we live.
Kellz🎸: Lmao truu. So I’m playing a show in Miami in a couple weeks, u coming right? U get to see how I live first hand.
Milz🎶: For sure, just don’t let me break my face.
Kellz🎸: No promises Milz.
Milz🎶: Oh godddd
Kellz🎸: Turns out, my face isn’t the only thing I broke. Broke my arm to lol
Milz🎶: I’m rethinking this friendship, I think I’m going to get hurt just by being friends with you
Milz🎶: I’m rethinking this friendship, I think I’m going to get hurt just by being friends with you.
Kellz🎸: Nahhhh, u can’t leave me. We haven’t recorded a song yet!
Milz🎶: I thought we were merely writing a song? Now we are recording one?
Kellz🎸: Hell yeah! I can’t wait to chill with u! Explore that creative cool brain of urs.
Milz🎶: I’m not so sure about cool? Lol
Kellz🎸: Bro, just by the things you say when we text, I can tell ur crazy creative. That’s cool as fuck.
Camila felt the bed vibrating followed by an obnoxiously loud ring. After a couple of rings, she felt Normani shuffle around the bed.
“Girl don’t give me a reason to hate you, pick up that damn phone,” Normani grumbled.
Camila held back a laugh, “It’s not mine, grumpy.”
Normani huffed feeling around the bed for her phone. When she found it, she answered annoyed “You better be dying, there is no other reason to be calling at this ungodly hour!” Her toned soften after a moment. “Of course, babe. Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, pausing allowing the other person to talk. “Okay, you know where the spare key is. I love you.” She hung up, and looked at Camila.
“I’m sorry for being grouchy, I don’t like to be woken up. But why are you still awake? Is everything okay?” She said, concerned laced in her voice.
Camila pinched her cheeks, “Care about me already?!” she joked. “I just couldn’t sleep.” Camila yawned, “But I guess I’m getting tired now. Everything okay with your phone call?”
Normani nodded, “Yeah, my best friend is coming in a couple hours. I’m going to head back to sleep until she gets here.” She snuggled up to Ally. “Get some sleep Mila, goodnight.”
“Night Normani.”
Camila posted her video before turning off her phone. She got comfortable and headed to sleep. She was excited to meet one of Normani’s friends, hopefully they were just as chill.
Lauren was loving every minute of being home. She didn’t realize how much she missed her family. She missed her mother’s forehead kisses, and her father’s bear hugs. She missed hanging out with her siblings, Taylor and Chris. She was happy to see everyone’s faces when they opened Christmas presents from her.
She was more than happy to be talking to KC every so often. She thought the girl was talented, and after talking she liked her dorky personality. She hoped to see her face, but KC won’t let up.
It’s the day before New Year’s Eve, and she was schedule to make a club appearance. She was rummaging through her closet looking for something to wear for tonight when her sister came in and jumped on her bed. “So, what are your plans for tonight?”
“I’m kind of hosting this party at some club. Luckily, it’s not a singing job, just a partying one.” Lauren said, doing a little dance.
“Just don’t party too hard, you know dad doesn’t like your ‘Bad Girl” image. It certainly doesn’t help when you’re actually out there partying.“
Lauren and her dad have had their fair share of arguments about her bad girl tendencies. She’s never been one for rules, even when she was younger. When she went to California for the spring break where she met Dinah, her dad said no but she left anyways. She was grounded until that summer. "Dad will get over it like he always does.” She told Taylor.
Lauren pulled out her phone to listen to KC while she got ready to go. She was bummed when she noticed that KC hasn’t posted a new video since The Holy Trinity interview. Lauren hoped that didn’t scare her away.
@LaurenJauregui: Yooo @KC_LoveOnly where’s that new cover thooo?
Lauren smiled at her phone before locking it and tossing it on her bed. She continued looking through her clothes before picking out a cute black velvet dress.
After she showered, did her makeup, and got into her dress she took a picture for twitter. She was about to post when she got a tweet from K.C
@KC_LoveOnly: Girl, when I know that ur a part of my audience, I GOT to make sure its peeeerrrfffecctt!! @LaurenJauregui
Lauren laughed, and continued to posted her picture.
@LaurenJauregui: We outttttt tonight! 🎉
It was about 3:30 in the morning and Lauren was stumbling home. While at the club she ran into her old friend Vero. They danced all night and drank way too much.
They made a trip to the bathroom where Vero gave Lauren some coke. It wasn’t her first time doing it, within minutes she was dangerously high.
“Shhhit” Lauren cursed, trying to unlock her front door. She didn’t understand why she had so many keys, but most of all she couldn’t figure out which one opened her door.
“Ahhhhhh, that’s the one!” she said, tip toeing into her living room.
She whispered, “Honey! I’m home,” as she stumbled into an end table knocking over a lamp.
“Shhhhhh! You’re going to wake up papa, you stupid lamp!” she whispered shouted at it, while giggling. She heard someone clear their throat. When she turned around she was met with her fathers disappointed look. “Too late,” she laughed.
“Lauren, if you’re going to come home drunk at 3 in the morning can you at least keep it down. What kind of influence do you think this behavior is on your sister?”
Lauren immediately got angry. She thought she was a great influence on Taylor. She followed her dreams, and became an accomplished artist. Everything she does is for her family.
“I’m a suspectful..susss..successful influence on her.” She stated drunkenly, while her dad looked at her unimpressed, adding to her anger. She tossed her purse onto the sofa, and ran her fingers through her hair.
“Dad whatdoya w-want from me? I’m in what is probably the biggest girl group of this time!” she grinned widely, pleased with her career. “Everyone should be proud and inspired by me” she slurred.
“How can I be proud when I have to sit back and see pictures of my little girl stumbling out of clubs? I just want you to be careful. I don’t want you to do anything stupid Lauren.” Her dad sighed.
“I just go out to blow off steam—”
He cut her off, “What steam? You’re in the biggest girl group!” he mocked.
“Whatever dad. Just let me sssleep this off. Pleasee, yell at me later. You give me a headache” she groaned, rubbing her temples.
He sighed in defeat. “Fine, but here…don’t forget your things.” He picked up her bag to hand it to her. “Listen Mija, I love you and please know I’m proud of –” He stopped when he noticed some things spilling out of the purse. Lauren eyes grew wide when I saw the little baggy of white powder drop in front of his feet.
“Lauren, are you fucking kidding me? You’re stupid enough to bring drugs into my house? Around your siblings?” She looked down, not baring to see the disappointment in his eyes. “You know what! Get the hell out!”
She looked at him shocked, “What do you mean? Where am I supposed to go? It’s practically New Years Eve!”
“I don’t care where you go, but you’re not fucking staying here. I’m not dealing with your bullshit.” He spat. He reached down and grabbed the baggy before walking to the kitchen. “Go with the person who gave you this for all I fucking care.”
Lauren turned around not really knowing what do, she punched the wall until her hand was swollen. She took out her phone about to call the only person she can think of when her brother came downstairs.
“What’s going on Lauren?” Chris asked sleepily rubbing his eyes. She didn’t say anything but bury her face into his chest, as he wrapped his arms around her.
He never seen her this upset before, he didn’t know what to do but he knew not to press the issue.
“Can you take me to the airport?” she mumbled into him. He nodded, releasing her and headed up the stairs to grab his keys. Lauren brought the phone to her ear praying that it doesn’t go to voicemail.
“You better be dying, there is no other reason to be calling at this ungodly hour.”
“Is that offer to go to Texas still available?” Lauren sniffled.
“Of course, babe. Do you want to talk about it?” Normani asked.
“Not really.”
Lauren was sitting at the airport, she luckily didn’t have to deal with paparazzi being that it was late. She did have to wait for her plane to be ready, due to the late notice. She sobered up as best to her abilities, which meant puking her guts out in the airport bathroom, and drinking water.
She scrolled through tumblr trying to push the thoughts of her argument with her dad out of her mind. She quickly forgot about everything when she got a notification that KC uploaded a new video. She clicked to watch the video:
“Hey pumkins! As promised I’m here to answer a few questions. I took the liberty to write down them down, as well as the answer. Hope you like!” KC said.
She had written down the questions on notecards with the answers on the back, and held them to the camera.
1. What do you look like?
She turned the card over and showed a horrible drawing of a girl stick figure. The answer read, “I look like a person. I have hair, eyes, a mouth, nose. The whole shebang.”
2. Where are you from?
“I grew up in Florida. I’m just around here and there ;)”
3. What inspires you?
“People. Love. Art itself.”
4. Who are some of your favorite musicians?
“I think Ed Sheeran is fantastic. And Taylor Swift influences me to write.”
5. What do you do?
“Well, this. I post videos, but I guess if you’re asking besides this…I go to college.”
“Okay,” she spoke, “I think that’s enough questions. I must keep some mystery to me. It’s a part of my charm, don’t you think?” She joked. “As many of you know a very talented girl group said they liked my channel. One girl specifically, so this next cover is for her.”
She started strumming.
I don’t admit it, I play it cool
But every minute, that I’m with you
I feel the fever, and I won’t lie
I break a sweat.
My body’s telling,
All the secrets I ain’t told you yet.
I struggle to contain,
The love that’s in my veins,
And how it circulates.
If you could take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
If you could feel my heart beat now,
It would hit you like a sledgehammer.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
You just don’t let up, don’t let up.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
But you lift me up, lift me up.
If you take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
So close together, so far apart.
You’re turning me on,
And my fires waiting for your spark.
I struggle to contain,
The love that’s in my veins,
And how it circulates.
If you could take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
If you could feel my heart beat now,
It would hit you like a sledgehammer.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
You just don’t let up, don’t let up.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
But you lift me up, lift me up.
If you take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
The truth is out, no stopping now.
I’m getting closer.
I’ve had enough, undress my love.
I’m coming over.
If you could take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
If you take my pulse right now,
It would feel like a sledgehammer.
Hammer, Hammerrrr
If you take my puuuulse
If you could take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
If you could feel my heart beat now,
It would hit you like a sledgehammer.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
You just don’t let up, don’t let up.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
But you lift me up, lift me up.
If you take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
She finished strumming, “Well I hope you enjoyed it. Remember, love only.”
Lauren heard a voice clear their throat behind her, “Excuse me, Miss Jauregui the plane is ready.”
“Thank you,” she replied getting up from her seat. She went outside towards the plane, and tweeting something before getting on.
@LaurenJauregui: Listen to @KC_LoveOnly ’s new cover. I’m in love! 😍  I think you’ll like the song choice. She’s amazing, follow her!!
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