zoklaperzys · 1 year
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"Your bastard's mother. You never told me what she looked like." "Nor will I."
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realmofthegods · 2 years
Hvitserk never thought he would see the land of Westero. He had only heard of it 5 years ago when Lyanna visited but since then he hadn't heard about it or her. He did wonder what happen to her. Had she married? Had she had children? The answer was most likely.
But now he was here, feet on their soil to finish this agreement off. He did not want to be the one to go truthfully but he was the only brother that didn't have anything keeping him at Kattagat. No wife, no children. He hadn't made a name for himself so Bjorn made him go to represent them with specific instructions that he was not allowed to drink. Having just coming off a bender.
As they reach Kings Landing, he eyed up the stone built city. This was nothing like Kattagat that was for sure.
He was met by the Kings hand and taken through the town, his men following closely behind. He could feel the stares from the residents. Their clothing was vastly different and some of the warriors were covered in tattoos something these people did not have.
The reached the castle ground and stepped into keep before being lead down the King.
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west1rosi · 1 year
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"I   hope   you   did   not   take   my   actions   as   an   insult,   Lady   Lyanna."   A   crown   of   winter   roses,   meant   for   the   Queen   of   Love   and   Beauty   in   the   tournament.   The   boldness   that   overtook   him   to   pass   down   his   wife   and   lay   said   crown   on   Lyanna   Stark's   lap,   and   he   was   aware   of   the   deadly   silence   that   had   fallen   then.   It's   rare   to   find   her   on   her   own,   without   the   guarding   stare   of   her   two   brothers   and   Rhaegar   seizes   his   chance   to   speak   to   her,   dark   indigo   eyes   looking   into   those   grey   ones.
  The   dragon   must   have   three   heads,   he   hears   in   his   head,   and   he   wonders,   if   he   heard   that   because   Lyanna   was   meant   to   help   him.   To   take   his   hand   and   guide   him   through   the   last   part   of   it   all.   "I   did   not   mean   it   as   a   such.   I'm   hardly   the   first   prince   who   gives   another   a   crown.   But   if   I   must   face   the   wrath   of   the   She-Wolf   of   Winterfell,   then   I   shall   take   it   as   it   comes."   The   man   speaks,   a   smile   gracing   now   his   features.
@inspireswar / ft. rhaegar and lyanna.
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merelaes · 1 year
@inspireswar asked: “ you’re such an idiot “
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Aemond had yet to prepare for just how much of a skilled warrior Cregan Stark was. It was impressive. An actual challenge since his time in King's Landing. Training with the Lord of Winterfell had been exciting, but it had come at a cost. A few scrapes, but they could all be mended.
Lyanna was currently caring for him, and he wasn't about to complain about her touching his skin. It was always welcomed if he was honest with himself.
"Yes, but I had no idea how skilled your brother was. I am impressed.." He spoke while trying to hold still for her. "It's been some time since I had a challenge, and I enjoy what he can teach. Much different from Ser Criston..."
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tymptir · 1 year
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prompt. / @inspireswar said 📜 brandon and lyanna!
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stormbcrn · 1 year
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"THE DRAGONS ARE MY CHILDREN. They're the only children I'll ever have." / @inspireswar, sc.
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mordorseyes · 2 years
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Even while muddied with filth, matted by weather, and worn to fit the place, the golden haired fair shape of this otherwise mortal man is a standout amidst a field of vibrant flowers. Prophetic visions and sights of future were not the proclivity of this dark shape, but minds so awash with turmoil, burned and embroiled in darkness... Such a worthwhile battlefield to wage war against the free minds of men.
They could fight, swing their swords, or bludgeon with their clubs all they wished-- But within the solace of their minds they often found peace, none wielded weapons to defend against such a grand will to dominate all life. The voice does not match the fair face. It is a deep unpleasant rasp, one not befit such pristine features.
"Such beauty in this place. Yet by the look upon your face, there is much misery impeding your thoughts--"
The whispering hisses of doubt sing on the air, this unassuming thing giving off the aura of pure dread by merely existing. Making no effort to hide more than the visible form. A flower plucked, its petals flourish against the strangers nose. A gentle inhale taken of its lovely fragrance. This near elven form of this beautiful bringer of such divine gifts, has settled comfortably amidst the bushels of red flowers.
"Perhaps the lending of a stranger's ear could help ease that which woes you."
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pulchramsolis · 2 years
[@inspireswar sent]: chose between daeron and luke because i'm evil >:) because making abby choose is funny (it is, she suffers for it)
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Abrogail raises her eyebrows as she actually gives the question some thought, and Lady Lyanna looks curious. There's differences between Luke and Daeron, of course, but truly, it comes down to a few simple facts. "Well, Daeron, of course, because Daeron wants to fuck me, and Luke doesn't. Do you need more detail than that?"
Serves her right for such a question.
Unfortunately, it was Abby who ended up on the bottom of the twister pile when Daeron lost his footing, and Luke's losing it with laughter just out of sight. "Luke! Luke is always going to be my favorite!" she grunts, trying to shove his himbo butt off her.
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theimpcler · 2 years
@inspireswar​ liked for starter!
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Amber hues glimmered beneath candle light, watching the young woman calmly amidst the laughter and sling of ale as celebration took place. There was little care for what the exact feast celebrated--not when invitation had been delivered by raven and allowed the man to be here in HER presence once more. The exact nature of companionship was one of many years filled with laughter and sprawls in mud...the sounds of children’s giggles filling stone halls.
Childhood friends.
It’s a funny notion enough, especially when a serpent had spent a mere half-year under the presence of wolves and found himself enraptured by the young woman he had been watching all evening. Lyanna hadn’t changed. Her fair skin and dark, soft locks so defiant of the young beauty of House Stark. How life had changed for them both. No longer did plush cheeks inhabit either of their skin, but instead grew sharp cheekbones and bodies filled in the way of an adult.
Vladimir had missed those innocent moments of laughter.
He loved the way he had come to feel for her. The way his heart clenched at the very thought of her. The way her laughter had caused a smile to bloom on his lips.
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Gaze befalls her own, the barest upturn of lips given as Vladimir gave her a subtle tilt of his head. The smallest action that spoke volumes amongst the loud boom of celebration.
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divineharc · 2 years
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❛ can you not hear it ? ❜ echoing whispers . it coursed along cool winds like forgone memory , a gentle sound of drums . faint and brief , yet steady as fractured heartbeat . soothsayer bore gentle gaze to the wolf maid , a hand lazily gesturing to surrounding earth at base of the weirwood .
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❛ it can hear you . ❜ of course they can . ears and eyes everywhere , watching and waiting . ❛ they've taken an interest in you , dear wolf . ❜ / @inspireswar sc.
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west1rosi · 1 year
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"you   know,   your   brother   would   have   my   head   if   he   knew   we   were   together   without   a   chaperone.   i   rather enjoy my   head."   robert   speaks   but   the   thing   had   always   been   quite   simple   since   he   lay   eyes   on   lyanna.   she   spoke   and   he   came.   if   she   wanted   his   company,   then   he   would   go   to   her   side,   just   as   simple   as   such.   he   is   sure   ned   would   bouch   for   him   being   a   man   of   honor   (   though   his   thoughts   would   say   otherwise   ).   as   he   dismounts   of   his   horse,   he   walks   through   the   godswoods   to   where   lyanna   stands.   "what   are   you   doing   on   your   own   here?"
@inspireswar gets a robert x lyanna interaction.
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merelaes · 1 year
@inspireswar, continued from here.
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Aemond could feel their stares on the back of his neck as if he wore something with a target on his back. His soon-to-be lady wife was beloved by her people. The prince wasn’t too familiar with speaking with the small folk. His family had kept a little distance and King’s Landing wasn’t as small as Winterfell or the surrounding areas. Plus, he was merely the second son. What purpose would it serve to meet with them? Aegon had mingled with them enough for all of them. “I do not look like that…” He spoke, but even he couldn’t deny the fact that his face wasn’t warm or friendly. The scar only adds to the unapproachable demeanor.
Sighing, Aemond had to remind himself that it was his duty to make a good impression of being a proper prince and future husband to her. “I do not fear them, but I do not enjoy their looks. People have stared at me since I lost my eye. I do not wish to see their pity..” He spoke before turning his attention away from them and back to her. How he wished to escape to Vhagar and be in the skies for a moment to clear his mind. The cold of the North hadn’t welcomed him and he found himself challenged. “Yes, let’s continue our walk, Lady Stark..”
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orcristwielder · 2 years
❝ you’re either the bravest person i’ve ever met…or the biggest fool. ❞
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•FORGOT MEME• @inspireswar — late response.
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THERE WERE MANY TIMES HE'D HEARD THOSE WORDS. The brunette had simply allowed them to roll off, his gaze focused entirely in something else. Did they still bother him? Perhaps. Thorin had been determined to make his home his once more, to have the mountain back under dwarf control. Allowing the silence to linger between himself and the woman, the dwarf had taken that time needed to collect his wording. "You are not the first to say that." Thorin responded finally, gruff voice rumbling. Nor would it be the last, he figured. "I would be a fool to allow something of my kin to be taken again."
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gcldencrownofsorrow · 2 years
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Lyanna Stark [ @inspireswar​ ]
            What did she know, of the Lion’s path, though the world? Who did she think she was? A girl form the wild, and gods forsaken north. could never hope to understand. 
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            “I am afraid i find myself confused - perhaps you would like to clarify?“ she asks turning to look at the other, wildfire clashing against Steel. “ What do you hope to achieve with this...observation?” while her tone is pleasant, her smile bears her teeth, betraying her aggression towards Lyanna.. she gives her no chance to answer. 
             “-That i should agree? That  we would spend the night, braiding each other’s hair. While jabbering about all the things, we have in common?” 
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sunfyredarchive · 2 years
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the wheel of time | accepting
【@inspireswar sent a raven】: "you act as if i had some say in the matter."
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"BECAUSE YOU HAD," he snapped, unable to keep his fury in check. he was so frustrated that it made him want to tear his own damn hair out !!
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"you should have told them. you should have said that you are the king's mistress and therefore will not marry another without his consent !!"
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bcbliophile · 2 years
@inspireswar​ Lyanna & Sansa
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“Aunt Lyanna-- why did you not tell me you were coming, how are uncle Rhaegar and Jon? He has not long since left from his own visit-- checking up on how I was doing as Queen I suppose, he worries too much” Sansa greeted her aunt with a hug and kiss to the cheek, perhaps too common for a Queen, but she cared little, she had not seen her aunt since Kings Landing burned and she missed her.  “Come inside, you must be exhausted from your travels, let me have the maids fetch you some wine and we can have lunch together?”
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