malefectium · 6 years
𝒶 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶𝓉𝓇𝒾𝓍 𝒷𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉
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EMMA DUMONT —— Well, if it isn’t BELLATRIX BLACK, the SLYTHERIN superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re HUMOROUS and EMPHATIC, but they can also seem pretty DESTRUCTIVE and VINDICTIVE Sometimes people call them the HELLION. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. 
character parallels: regina mills (ouat), katherine pierce (tvd), christina yang (grey’s anatomy)
prep yourselves for a lesson in bellatrix black:
 so first, the goal for my girl is to not let her go fULL crazy yet. it’s hard to maintain, especially in a school setting and like??? nonsensical honestly.
 but i’ve let her spiral before so we’ll see haha kajsdhlf but she ain’t so angry this time. im tryin!
 but basically bellatrix is ready to let the world burn for the sake of reaching her goals. she’s ambitious man. she gon be a queen someday. that’s what this is all about. her getting what she wants. what she DESERVES dammit. and she’s a queen. where her kingdom at, you bitches??? WHERE IS IT ???
this grllllllllllllll. damn is she crazy about the female empowerment and crushing your enemies to dust thing.  have a problem?   NBD. because guess what, you have all the abilities in the world to TAKE CARE OF THAT SHIT. idk man, she might be on to something. ain’t nuthin gon stop her and why should it? everyone take notes on how to be a bad bitch.
dumbledore himself admitted she had prodigious skill. not that she’s??? been running around bullying the fuck out of people? she’s just imperious and self-important rn. if anything, everyone isn’t really worth her time
listen.    she bought into absolutely EVERYTHING she was told growing up. ‘you’re a black”,  “you’re part of an exemplary lineage of witches and wizards that came before you and now all that weight is on YOU, bellatrix”    “you must continue this great and amazing line of magic users because it gets stronger with each generation, bellatrix”  “the fact you’re a black is the best and most important part of you, bellatrix” 
 abuse tw:  i mean???? it made her feel special, it brought meaning to a world that can be a little scary sometimes. forget the part where the people telling you these things are literally beating it into you. of course  it made   sense   that her family, these people around her that she cared for so much, were important.  it had to.  why should she think any differently?
 yes, i know the pureblood thing isn’t logical, at it’s essence it’s the search for self-worth at the expense of putting others down based on??????? literally nothing
but sadly that’s where all her self worth lies now. in a legacy  that she can’t even truly continue because she’s a woman. like??? i know she’s not a victim in the future because she makes A LOT of regrettable and horrifying choices???  but idk man. rn she’s just a kid.   it’s sad to me
anyways soap box over
 she is a soldier. so loyal. v dedicated and invested in the things she cares about. she’s not hollow about her emotions. she really really  CARES.  maybe too much. 
 she takes a lot of pride in being a part of something bigger than herself. the black lineage?? hell yeah she’ll take up that mantle. voldemort’s cause?? well that just gets her fucking wet dude. it’s how she’ll contribute, you know? she just doin her part. maybe in a way that she couldn’t even imagine for herself before now. not only will her family be the best and brightest but also??? rule the world??? 
come on man. who’d say no to something like that?
she’s a good student. v. smort. those spells come easy son. maybe she’s starting to dip into some spells she shouldn’t know, you know?? 
she be eyeing that restricted section, fam
 but  she’s also working v hard on keeping her nose clean so dumbledore wILL GET OFF HER BACK. that shithead’s scrutiny of her is over the top at this point. she ain’t done anything
fucKING DO NOT insult her family. i s2g she can’t take it. she’s too protective. narcissa andie reggie even that fucking traitor sirius. she has so much love. I know that sounds crazy but family is her life. it’s BLOOD. they’re her’s, the only things youre simply given when you come into this world and she holds on so tight to them.
her name is her life. it means everything to her. being a black gives her purpose and so much privilege. basically if youre not in her family she feels so bad for you because omg yOUR LIFE MUST SUUUUUUUCCCKKKK. 
but also there’s a lot of pressure coming from that name.  don’t fail because well, honestly you CANT fail. there’s a lot riding on this legacy thing. even with half this family abandoning ship. that’s kind of ..... well that’s kind of adding a lot of pressure. but she can handle it. she has to, you know.   otherwise what else is there?
wow it’s almost like she cares about being a part of something.
 almost like she’s scared of ending up alone because what is she, if not a ‘black’??
 i’m SORRY? depth? fear? humanity? from a villian ?   *gasp*
weird.   wild.   unheard of.
daddy’s fave. omg daddy girl to the max. she admired the fuck out of that man. but her mom can suck a dick for all the fucks she gives. wHICH IS NONE  like pls someone kill the bitch
she’s so loyal. her life hasn’t been consumed by old voldie yet (or maybe ever??? iDK WE’LL SEE) so like. all that energy going to her fam. they haven’t completely failed her yet. sirius was a blow but . . . maybe she still has some hope for him
andie? love of her life. a queen. narcissa?  surely the brightest star in the sky.  reggie? perfect, delicate, and sensitive adult-sized infant, no one touch. sirius? MORON.  . . .  but also her moron, so. he better get his fucking act together
 speaking of shitty choices. hellooo drinking and smoking and general bad behavior type o habits. i’d say fucking but meh dlfkjasdhf everyone gon hate her
 mental illness tw: but yup that’s her escape. she straight up drowns herself in easy things. she’s v gluttonous, and enjoys sweets and wines and good food. it’s distracting when things get too much. when the walls are closing in on her and she remembers that there’s only really ONE option for the rest of her life. it’s kind of scary actually. gives her kind of a headache. plus forget about sleeping man. she’ll toss and turn at the slightest sound. or just lie awake thinking. dissociating. and damn has it been getting a lot worse lately. good thing she always has candy. or a flask.  
 at least it’s better then  leaving  (sorry she salty af about sirius man, she just didn’t see it coming)
possible connections: idk it’s bellatrix dude. everyone gon be scared of her al;dksjfl; but she aint so bad you pussies
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vrtcmiis · 6 years
𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔠𝔞𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔬 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
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TAYLOR HILL —— Well, if it isn’t ARTEMIS SCAMANDER, the HUFFLEPUFF superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SIXTH years. Most people think that they’re CHARITABLE and ASSIDUOUS, but they can also seem pretty GAUCHE and STUBBORN. Sometimes people call them the ECCENTRIC. Sure, they’re a HALFBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. 
pinterest   <<-- here’s the pinterest for her! i have everyone else’s on there if you want to check out their’s too
character inspo: straight up newt scamander!! lol no shame i love him and i want artemis to be just as fun <33,  basically abed nadir (community) meets  milo thatch (atlantis)
artemis is the granddaughter of theseus scamander (i did maths he’s like 88yo) and therefore distantly related to the famous newt scamander. she makes no effort to correct anyone who assumes they are more closely related and has adopted his reputation WHOLEHEARTEDLY. she loves her papa, of course, but damn if he ain’t a stiff sometimes. love you t
artemis has always stuggled with stuffy rules. being told what to do has never quite clicked. she’s living a solid chaotic neutral  life
she’s been an outdoorsy girl since the beginning. running around with dirt on her cheeks and her hair in a messy bun. mud up to her knees. she’s the six year old that was digging through the flowers for worms, the one that was tromping through the river in search of salamanders, tadpoles, and other slippery slimies
her heart beats for adventure.  finding  is where it’s at son. 
pure bean. she’s not a wilting flower tho? just? goodhearted
she awkward as shit sometimes. she does make some attempt to befriend people, however, they’re so much less predictable and discomforting compared to magical creatures. she has more patience for them but there is good in all things in her eyes
when she was eight her great uncle newt tried to introduce her to a hippogriff but she ignored his warnings and approached too suddenly. she has a faint scar over her right cheek from the corner of her eye and down past her lip for the trouble. since then she’s developed a hearty respect for being meticulous and thoughtful in regards to creatures and even others, but the encounter did nothing to stifle any of her love for animals. she’s just??? good
many other scars and burns dapple her hands and arms. but they’ve grown faint since over the years she has grown better with the practice. she wears them like a badge of honor honestly. an example of good, hufflepuff, perseverance and diligence really. 
for the first few years of school she mostly stuck to the outdoors and has since struck up a close friendship with hagrid. she wants to be a dragonologist and she really appreciates his softness for animals, especially the toothier ones. they discuss dragons and he’s told her many stories of the creatures he’s come across as gameskeeper. his rock cakes really are terrible tho
she does want to specialize in dragons but she adores all the animals  lbr
she has a nest of newborn puffskeins under her bed, they’re v sweet and only make a little noise. sry roomies
 marbles, her “hedgehog”   (who is actually a knarl)  is almost always around causing problems and i love him?? he’s a distrustful little menace  :)  and has definitely destroyed the hufflepuff common room when someone left a bit of toast out
she has also befriended many various creatures tucked in corners of the school, relocating doxies, playing hide and seek with the imps in the dungeons,a moke that’s made it’s home in the astronomy tower rafters.
listen its too many. girlfriend has to skip her lunch so she can go around and check on them everyday, making rounds between classes,then some of them are nocturnal???? she’s a mess. A MESS.
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dvrkcst · 6 years
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⟡⌜⇴ TOM HARDY ⌠ 36 & he/him ⌡: have you seen EVAN ROSIER ? HE is an UNSPEAKABLE who’s apparently also A DEATH EATER. When you see them walking around, be careful, because while they can be CONFIDENT and STRONG-WILLED. I heard they can also be pretty UNFORGIVING and IMPERIOUS.    ( alex & 26 & she/her & pst )
this man be my favorite sociopath
my guy has always had a certain way about him that screams he has not a trouble in the world, a mocking leer and a laugh are never far from his lips
sociopathic tendencies my dude. laws? i make them. sympathy? none from this bitch. and yet he is infectiously likable.  humorous. his smile convincing and bright.  he can’t turn down a drink and usually is the first to invite his fellow ministry workmates out. he’s a touch more rough around the edges than the usual pureblood elite. sometimes displaying some poor manners and disregard for any sort of delicacy. he has an admirable confidence and strength
the war has been good to him. and he has benefited from his death eater connections in a job that he might not have had otherwise. he is an unspeakable and OF COURSE takes a lot of pride in his secrets. he knows more than you ever will. does he tho? 
 as the only son and heir of the rosier name, he has a lot to live up to. SHOCKER. lol i think he would have always taken a casual approach to that though. like?? of fucking course i’m great. i live up to expectations just by existing. youre welcome.
he has a younger sister who he has a soft spot for. he dotes on her, showers her in praise and advice, and has a very typical teasing big brother sort of charm with her. but he is almost to the point of being controlling. (this is a wanted connection as well! i’m open to any sort of personality for her, similar or opposites. she can be rebellious or codenpendent. i have ideas for both although the latter would be fun. w/e you like! ) 
he had a fiance several years ago who died of somewhat mysterious circumstances. she was beautiful and vibrant which gives the story all sorts of fodder for rumors. most prominently that he had something to do with it. although he maintains his innocence to this day, his disposition changes whenever she is brought up.     mysteriousssss
cocky, brutish, selfish and yet undeniably charming. Evan is working his way through the death eater and ministry ranks in the pursuit of the only thing that really should matter to him. power. 
character inspiration: damon salvatore (tvd), spike (btvs), lucifer morningstar (lucifer),  killian jones (ouat)
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oldevxnesc-blog · 6 years
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a moodboard: alastor moody & evan rosier
                                                           the ass to my pain
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mctthicsnctt-blog · 6 years
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DANIEL SHARMAN —— Well, if it isn’t  MATTHIAS  NOTT,  the SLYTHERIN superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re DILIGENT and ASTUTE, but they can also seem pretty DETACHED and CALLOUS. Sometimes people call them the POLITICIAN. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. 
yoyo here anOTHER ONE
so your guy loves those finer things.
 okay??  but he is like?? a soul-sucking kind of wealthy?? gROSS, spend all your money on garbage, kind of rich
 this kid is kind of an old soul. he’s #deep.  very very smart
 gives off the impression that he has his shit together. smiles a normal amount. well spoken and doesn’t become upset easily. doesn’t voice doubts  and is clearly confident in himself. really believable stuff. maybe more likable than he really should have any right to be.
very politically inclined family. his dad has been in the wizengamot for years. he is very good at being diplomatic 
tw:death: it’s just been him and his dad since his mom passed of dragonpox. it happened a long time ago and it doesn’t upset him like it used to.  
he has a normal/close relationship w his dad. it ain’t even toxic. ask me how?? idk alright it’s probably because matthias has never felt anything that was asked of him was outside his capabilities. there’s no resentment no bitterness. they understand each other.
his dad is similar to him. v pensive w lots of double speak  they get along super well. (?????) shocking. 
was treated like an adult from a young age but then??? was expected to act like one. so he mature but maybe lacking in funness. the boy too serious
the notts are a very old wizarding family, they  were the ones to write the list  for the sacred 28 ( cantankerus nott, matthias’ great uncle ). from the political side of things, he’s aware that the blood thing is a power grab but the way he imagines it as more business than personal. he doesn’t personally hate any muggles or muggleborns. but what could that side possibly offer that would outweigh the risk ? what good has moral superiority ever done for anyone besides get you killed ? basically thinks with his head rather than his heart
emotionally deTACHED 
kind of gives the impression that he would rather be somewhere else??
he is v private but i promise not totally unfriendly
some of his good points?? he appreciates art and music and all things philosophy. honestly beauty is just his weakness.  he likes to observe it rather than actually participate by painting or anything? makes him feel something without putting himself out there.  eventually will turn into one of those art collectors whose houses are filled with beautiful things
BASICALLY matt is v mature, kind of pretentious, stiff, distant from his classmates. probs headed for that death eater lifeee
i love frenemies plots, exes plots, best friends, childhood friends, hateships, cousins or siblings from other pureblood famiies???,  crushes or old crushes OKAY BUT??? gimme betrothal plot okay byeee 
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sturgthatpod-blog · 6 years
Do you think CVRSED is going to continue after school?
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   ❛   do toilets have shit ? . . . . mm. not my best. alright, alright, hows about. . . . fuck yeah !   ❜
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ellevcns-blog · 6 years
are you a virgin
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❛   yes. people seem to find me a bit . . . much.  ❜  
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sxbinc-blog · 6 years
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𝔸𝔼𝕊𝕋ℍ𝔼𝕋𝕀ℂ 𝟘𝟘𝟙:   𝖘𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖎𝖓 & 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖉
                                   when we're all alone, girl, you wanna own it          when we're with your fam, you don't wanna show it                          oh, you're tryna keep us on the low                                                  i only want a girl who ain't afraid to love me not a metaphor of what we really could be 
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sirixsblcck-blog · 6 years
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𝔸𝔼𝕊𝕋ℍ𝔼𝕋𝕀ℂ 𝟘𝟘𝟛:     ѕιяιυѕ   &   мαяℓєиє
                                          ❝   you spin ME                         right   (  round  )   baby                 right round                      —- like a record baby,                                                                               right round.    ROUND.   ROUND.   ❞​
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malefectium · 6 years
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a moodboard: james potter & bellatrix black
                                      “ a desire for one's own death, especially an unconscious one  “
             “    what is, death wish ?   “
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ariazab-blog · 7 years
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a concept: novum mors as fairytales, myths & legends
                001/ ∞  snow white and the seven dwarves     
          ariel mackay as snow white                         ariadne zabini as the evil queen            alastor moody as the huntsman                && cadmus burke as prince charming
                                                           mirror, mirror, on the wall
@bvrks, @aluhstor, @arielsmackay, @ariazab
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oldevxnesc-blog · 6 years
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evan rosier moodboard: a study in evan
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sturgthatpod-blog · 7 years
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JOE KEERY —— Well, if it isn’t STURGIS PODMORE, the HUFFLEPUFF superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re ENERGETIC and PASSIONATE, but they can also seem pretty INCREDULOUS and IMPATIENT Sometimes people call them the IRREVERENT. Sure, they’re a HALFBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. (( ALEX; pst; 25; she/her ))
im crying i love this mans
lol you thought he was cool. u are mISTAKEN. SPENDS WAY TOO LONG ON HIS FUCKING STUPID ASS HAIR and he is just the worst. tries way too hard omg. but he’s so good deep down. deeeeep down. way down there. somewhere
please call him sturg it would make us both happy haha
he is v. warm and enthusiastic about lots of things. he gets way up in arms about lit the most random shit? like tell goblins are oppressed and he like??? DA FUQ WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME? gets himself wrapped up in new projects way too often but then the logistics and work that needs to go in just kills it??
so dramatic and over the top. someone give him his oscar so he’ll shut up thanks
he is v genuinely warm and invested in people?? like?? give this boy all the friends. he fucking collects that shit. he tries hard because it dude?? its so nice to be liked??? so he’s super flexible. BUT TBH it’s like you’ll love him or hate him.
member of cvrsed. plays the bass like some kind of asshole. he took a lot of piano lessons as a kid and knows how to play several instruments but FUCK if rock n’ roll doesn’t get his heart racing with all that nOISE. and loud oPINIONS.  it makes him happy. he also has a big fuCK YOU TO SAY TO WIND INSTRUMENTS. he hates them omg feels like he’s running a marathon or something with all that blowing shit. pls he iS SO EXTRA
yeah boi
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ellevcns-blog · 6 years
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KAT MCNAMARA —— Well, if it isn’t LILY EVANS, the GRYFFINDOR superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re INDEPENDENT and COURAGEOUS, but they can also seem pretty IMPETUOUS and CONDESCENDING. Sometimes people call them the FLAME. Sure, they’re a MUGGLEBORN, but that doesn’t define them.
holy shit i actually did it. i blame ya’ll and your brilliant ideas
but i’ve been obsessing the last few days and i love her ????
fr the queen is here. she has     arrived
so you know those basics --
petunia you idiot. james you idiot.  severus you idiot.
people need to learn what happens when you croSS THIS BAD BITCH ALRIGHT???
she bout ready to pop off on all these haters man
she is so ??? ready to take on the world i am amazed.
basically she is always right about everything dont even question her okay she’ll wrecK YOU
okay but really she tends to be v black and white. it’s hard for her not to be when injustice is like?? the most annoying thing. stop.  look at your choices.  get some help.
her own goodness is v? instinctual 
ACT RIGHT DAMMIT ITS NOT THAT HARD. well it is hard but???? just. do it. every time. good luck convincing her otherwise. actually i don’t recommend trying it yoU SAW HOW THAT WEEENNNTT
sorry not sorry snape. 
wow she still salty. grudges are? her specialty
 lol iM SORRY??? you wanted to be friends???? 
did you fuck up at one odd point or other?
well then too fucking bad
always expects the absolute best out of every single person??? like excuse you. who do you think you are?? do not sLACK. but really only because she knows you can do it 
still expects THE MOST from herself. probably should give herself a break once in a while. 
yeah but are we gonna????
idek what severus or james was expecting honestly like ??? loll okay sure guys. if she wanted you you’d know.
marauders/james = ridiculous and annoying. this attitude has probably cooled after what happened the previous year. she has better things to do than focus on your childish shit, honestly. 
intense little ball of energy. v righteous. v intense. v ready to defend herself and others who maybe can’t, especially if you’re coming after the things she loves. wow who’d be dumb enough to do that ??   idk man she scary. james go find a nice girl lool
kind of knows she’s brilliant
it comes natural. mcgonagall obsessed. flitwick amazed. slughorn is quaking. she can probably tutor is you asked and she’d be there?? in a heart beat but prepare for tOUGH LOVEEEE
sportin some dry humor.  thanks severus.
ya girl secretly loves to laugh but damn if she ain’t serious most of the time. basically puts a lot of responsibility on herself, basically she loves to suffer. like mother like son amiright
that confidence tho wow. she knows whats up
army of one
actually kind of condescending :/. does not in fact always know best??? (likes to think so anyways) she can jump to conclusions and is v quick to decide your character based on?? not much.
we love a sister that is working on it tho
always the first to step forward. v demanding and yet outwardly focused. everything around her needs to be good before we can look on the inside. oh but wow look at that, can’t solve all the world’s problems so i guess self care gon have to wait
matyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr complex yiKES
she so cool tho.  boys ?  ew bitch where.   school ?   killin it.   war ?  handled.
role model
maybe struggling with some trust issues.   severus.   thanks sis
impulsive. impatient. she knows best.  will jump in so quick ?? like lol good luck containing her man. 
who run the world?? gIRLS. okay but lily gon win president 2020 and you know it.
she’s pulling double duty with all these attacks like?? she patrolling 24/7 sorry if you wanted to talk sis she got things to doooo
my go-getter girl honestly. even rita is shook
it’s a rare thing to see her feeling sry for herself (v harry). suffer in silence until one day you snap and lash out at your friends type of feelings. v productive. v healthy.
sry i focused on the bad sm but i mean?? it’s a given that lily is an angel that loves so hard. bring her all the friends kajsldf and enemies too i’m sure she’ll just go rogue and make them whoops
character inspo: diana prince/wonder woman,  katara (atla ),  harry potter
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sxbinc-blog · 6 years
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ANA DE ARMAS —— Well, if it isn’t SABINE BORGIN, the SLYTHERIN superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER you can spot them sitting with the other SIXTH years. Most people think that they’re MYSTERIOUS and RESOLUTE, but they can also seem pretty UNSCRUPULOUS and MALICIOUS. Sometimes people call them the MAGPIE. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. 
alright so say hello to ma new girl sabine
she spent a lot of time wandering around borgin and burkes and had a lot of exposure to dark artifacts and  trinkets while she was growing up. so she’s well versed in the dark arts and takes a lot of interest in the macabre.  she’s not soft and doesn’t like to be ignored
 rita skeeter spread a rumor in her first year that sabine herself was as cursed as the items in the shop and her odd demeanor and VERY VERY bad luck have made it difficult to prove otherwise. 
no really her luck is??? so bad?? it’s to the point of being dangerous. shit falls around her, she refuses to get on a broom of any sort, she was once locked in a closet for two days before someone found her?? but it also comes out in small ways, losing her things, taking wrong turns. idk man rita might be right on this one. 
her attention span is short, and she is easily swayed or distracted by anything bright or sparkly. she collects things, (often from her fellow classmates) and her trunk and drawers are filled to the brim with strange assortments and odd collections of random shit. thousands of buttons, coins from the muggle and wizard worlds, she has a scarf from each house stuffed in the back of one drawer. strong believer in “finders keepers”
her father travels the world searching for stock for the store and she doesn’t know him very well, instead holding a sort of idealistic idea of what a father should be. he always brings back some sort of gift, which is probably where her collecting thing started, but she’s never been outside of knockturn alley let alone the wizarding world. it’s left her very narrow minded and she is most comfortable in her shadowed corners, dusty shelves and grungy back alleys 
she doesn’t have any goals and never aspired to be anything, at least not seriously. she knows who she is and has sort of resigned herself to being a shop keep 
possibly has sticky fingers. possibly cursed??? even mORE POSSIBLY slightly insane. too much time alone. too much time in the dark. or maybe just too much time spent staring and lusting after the darkest magic borgin and burkes had to offer. maybe at one time touching something she shouldn’t’ve
i kind of imagine her as a lower class pureblood, definitely not as fancy as the blacks or lestranges, more of the bottom of the barrel of what the sacred twenty eight has to offer. but she does have a blood supremacist mindset to rival the best of them and looks down on her muggleborn classmates as well as blood traitors. 
hmu for plots!! and i’ll try coming up with some possible connections
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malefectium · 6 years
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a moodboard: persephone blackwood & bellatrix black
                           i’m the og, honey
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