#install tkinter in python
pythonfan-blog · 1 year
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thedigitalcreations · 17 days
Python Tkinter TK Widgets
All the TK widgets available by default. You don't have to install anything to use them:
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For more details:
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tutorialwithexample · 2 months
Building Your First Python App: Step-by-Step Tkinter Tutorial
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Welcome to our Python Tkinter tutorial! If you're curious about creating user-friendly graphical interfaces for your Python programs, you're in the right place. Tkinter is Python's standard library for building GUIs, making it easy for beginners and seasoned developers alike.
What is Tkinter?
Tkinter is a built-in Python library that allows you to create windows, buttons, text fields, and more. It's a great tool for adding a visual aspect to your programs, which can make them more intuitive and engaging to use.
Getting Started with Tkinter
Starting with Tkinter is simple. Since it comes with Python, you don’t need to install anything extra. You can directly start designing your application’s window and adding elements like buttons and text boxes.
Creating Your First Window
Imagine you're creating a small window that says "Hello, World!" on your screen. Tkinter lets you do this easily. You can set the size, title, and content of your window in just a few steps.
Adding Elements to Your Window
Tkinter allows you to add various widgets to your window. Widgets can be anything from text labels and buttons to input fields and checkboxes. These elements make your application interactive.
Why Use Tkinter?
User-Friendly: Tkinter is easy to learn and use, making it perfect for beginners.
Versatile: It can handle everything from simple applications to more complex ones with multiple windows and functionalities.
Cross-Platform: Tkinter works on Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring your application can run anywhere.
Benefits of Using Tkinter
Using Tkinter, you can turn your simple Python scripts into polished applications with a professional look and feel. This can be particularly useful if you're creating tools for others to use or if you want to enhance your coding projects with a visual component.
By following this Python Tkinter tutorial, you’ll start building your own interactive GUI applications with ease. For a deeper dive and more examples, explore this detailed guide.
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draegerit · 3 months
Fehlerfreie Installation von Thonny auf Linux: Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung
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In diesem Beitrag möchte ich dir zeigen, wie du eine fehlerfreie Installation von Thonny auf einem Linux System durchführst. Dazu zeige ich dir dieses in eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung und wenn es besonders schnell gehen muss, dann biete ich dir das Shellscript an, welches diese Schritte automatisiert ausführt.
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Fehlerfreie Installation von Thonny auf Linux: Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung Hintergrund: Zur Vorbereitung auf meinen MicroPython-Kurs im Jugendfreizeitzentrum Schöningen habe ich einige Laptops mit Linux Mint erhalten. Auf diesen Systemen musste ich zunächst ein Update durchführen, bevor ich Thonny installieren konnte. Dabei sind mir einige Fallstricke aufgefallen, die ich hier gerne inklusive der Lösungen vorstellen möchte. Im Beitrag Thonny IDE auf Linux einrichten für den Raspberry Pi Pico W habe ich dir bereits gezeigt wie du Thonny installierst, jedoch verlief dort die Installation sauber durch ohne irgendwelche Fehler. Für die nachfolgenden Schritte benötigst du root Rechte bzw. das Passwort für den Benutzer!
Schritt 1 - Aktualisieren des Linux Systems
Bevor wir Thonny installieren, aktualisieren wir das System. Damit stellen wir sicher das alle benötigten Pakete aktuell sind. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
Schritt 2 - Installieren vom Python Paketmanager pip
Damit wir die Python Pakete später installieren können, müssen wir pip installieren. (Ggf. wird dieses bei Thonny auch installiert, weil dort Python3 mit installiert wird.) sudo apt install pip
Schritt 3 - Installieren von Thonny
Das Tool Thonny kannst du im Anschluss mit dem nachfolgenden Befehl installieren. sudo apt install thonny Auf einem System musste ich das Modul tkinter manuell mit nachfolgendem Befehl installieren. sudo apt-get install python3-tk
Schritt 4 - Benutzer der Gruppe dialout hinzufügen
Damit der aktuelle Benutzer auf den seriellen Port zugreifen kann, muss dieser der Gruppe dialout hinzugefügt werden.
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sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER Im Anschluss muss der Rechner neu gestartet werden, erst damit werden diese Berechtigungen final gesetzt. Mit dem Befehl groups kann man sich die zugewiesenen Gruppen zum Benutzer anzeigen lassen. groups $USER
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Schritt 5 - Entfernen von BRLTTY
In meinem Fall wurde kein Port in Thonny aufgeführt und ich musste zusätzlich noch das Dienstprogramm BRLTTY entfernen.
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sudo apt remove brltty
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BRLTTY ist ein Dienstprogramm im Hintergrund, das es blinden Personen ermöglicht, über eine Braillezeile auf die Textkonsole von Linux/Unix zuzugreifen. Es steuert die Braillezeile und bietet umfassende Funktionen zur Bildschirmüberprüfung.
Schritt 7 - Testen der Installation
Wenn alle Schritte ausgeführt wurden, dann müssen wir noch kurz die Installation testen. Dazu stellen wir eine Verbindung her und geben im Editor ein kleines Script ein, welches "Hello World!" ausgibt. print("Hello World!") Wenn die grüne Playtaste aus der Toolbar betätigt wird, dann wird das kleine Programm ausgeführt und es sollte der Text "Hello World!" auf der Kommandozeile angezeigt werden.
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Thonny fehlerfreie installation mit Shellyscript
Nachfolgend nun das kleine Shellyscript zum automatischen Installieren von Thonny. Shellscript zum automatischen installieren von ThonnyHerunterladen Die SH-Datei musst du auf der Konsole jedoch ausführbar machen, dazu gibst du nachfolgenden Befehl im Terminal ein: chmod +x install_thonny.sh Im Anschluss kannst du dieses Script dann mit dem nachfolgenden Befehl starten: ./install_thonny.sh Hier nun das kleine Shellscript zum automatischen Installieren von Thonny: #!/bin/bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt install pip sudo apt install thonny sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER sudo apt remove brltty groups $USER sleep 6 sudo reboot Read the full article
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getfreecourses-uk · 1 year
Build Real World Python Projects - GetFreeCourses
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Build Real World Python Projects
Python Masterclass 2023: Build 19 Real World Python Projects Build Real World Python Projects course is designed for beginners who want to learn Python programming language from scratch. The course contains two parts: 1. Python Basics (Section 1 to Section 14) 2. Python Projects(Section 15 to Section 44 ) Here Is What You Get By Enrolling In This Course: Word-By-Word Explanation: In the entire course, I explain each line of code, without skipping a single line of code. High Quality Content: Over 55+ hours of HD(1080p) Videos. Well Structured & Easy To Learn: Course has been specially designed to make it easy for the students to learn Python, Django, Data Analysis, Flask, Tkinter, OpenCV, File Compression, Desktop App development with PostgreSQL & Web Scraping. 24 X 7 Support: I will always be there to guide you in your journey to become Python expert. _________________________________________________________________________ Here Is Everything You Will Learn In This Complete Course: In this hands-on course, you will learn Python right starting from scratch to the level where you can build almost anything with it, be it a fully functional database oriented web application or an automation tool. This course will teach you Python right from scratch from a very basic level and will gradually move you towards more advanced topics. We not just cover all the Python basics but also the most popular Python libraries such as Django, Flask, Tkinter & Selenium. The Complete Course is divided into 17 Major sections. Here is a brief description of what you will learn in each section. Section 1: Python basics. This section covers all the basics of Python, starting right from installing the required tools to covering topics like mathematical operators, strings, accepting user input, string operations, variables, conditionals like if, elif, control structures such as while & for loop, functions, modules & packages, lists, file handling, OOP in Python, regular expressions. Almost every basic Python concept is covered in this section. Section 2: Make GUI In Python Using Tkinter. Once done with the basics, we know learn the Tkinter library which allows us to create desktop based applications with Python. We learn how to create GUI apps using Tkinter & Python and also build a fully functional Desktop app i.e a calculator. Section 3: Making Database Oriented Desktop Apps With PostgreSQL. Making a simple desktop app alone isn’t sufficient, it needs a backend database to store some data. To do the same we learn how to connect our desktop apps to the backend. In this section we build a student management system software using Python, Tkinter to design the GUI & PostgreSQL database to store the data for our application in the backend. Section 4: File Compression & Encoding In Python. In this section we will learn how to perform file compression in Python to reduce file size. We also learn how to de-compress the compressed data and the methods used for it. We build a GUI based file compression tool using Python & Tkinter and a file compression library. Section 5: Text To Speech Converter Using Python. Text could be converted into speech/audio and that is exactly what is being covered in this specific section where we build a tool that generates audio from a given text. Not just that, we also learn how to convert an entire text file into mp3 which can be used to generate audiobooks from ebooks. We also learn how to convert the user input into speech. Section 6: QR Code Generator. We build a simple tool that can convert any link and convert it into a QR code that can be scanned via any smartphone that has a QR code reader. This tool creates QR code images that can be shared anywhere and the entire tool is built using Python & Tkinter. Build Real World Python Projects Section 7: Video Downloader App. In this section we built another tool to build our Python skills. This tool accepts a video URL, asks us to select the path where we want to download the specified video and then downloads that video to the specified path on our operating system. Not just that, this tool will also be able to convert video files into pure mp3 files as well. We build this tool from scratch right from architecting the code to designing the functionality to creating a user interface, all of it done using Python. Section 8: Building A Credit Card Validator Using Lhun’s Algorithm. In this section we will learn what is Lhun’s algorithm and how it is used to validate credit cards. We learn how Lhun’s algorithm can be implemented in Python and used to validate credit card numbers. This section is designed to teach algorithmic thinking and implementation in Python. Section 9: Data Analysis. Python is being widely used in the data science domain and hence it is important to learn how to use Python to analyse data. Hence in this section we learn how to use the tools and techniques used to perform data analysis. We start off by learning the Pandas library which is used to perform data analysis and all the basic concepts like DataFrames, Reindexing, Indexing, Broadcasting and also learn how to perform data plotting and visualisation with the Matplotlib library. In this section we also have a data science project which is based on analysing supermarket data to find insightful information which helps take better business decisions. We also learn how to represent data visually using multiple types of charts and bar graphs built using matplotlib. Section 10: Python Web Framework Django 3. This section will teach you how to build full-stack web applications with Python & Django 3. Django is one of the most popular web frameworks for Python and is used to program the back-end side of out web app. In this section we will learn Django right from basics and will build a simple book store web application. We will learn how to create models, how to route URL requests, how to create different views for our web app, how to integrate HTML templates and a lot more. In this section we also build a fully functional todo list application built using Django. This application performs all the basic CRUD operations which stands for Create, Read, Update & Delete data from the database. While building this application, we ensure that all the important concepts of Django are throughly covered and implemented. Section 11: Python Web Framework Flask. Flask is a micro web framework for Python used to build simpler web apps. If you want to develop some simple and small websites, you can do so using Flask. In this section we cover flask basics suck as Routing, Dynamic URLs, Templates, passing data to the server & site cookies. Section 12: REST APIs Using Django Rest Framework. In this section we learn how to build our own REST APIs using the Django Rest Framework. If you already have a Django web app built, you can create API endpoints for it using the Django Rest Framework. In this section we will build a fully functional REST API with features such as search, filtering & authentication. Section 13: Web Scraping in Python. Python can also be used to crawl websites and gather data from it. In this section we learn the same, we build a web crawler which crawls up any website of our choice and gathers links from it. Web crawlers are used by many search engines to rank websites and in this section we learn how to build a smaller version of it using Python. Section 14: Automation with Python & Selenium. Python is widely used for automation as well, especially for testing. Selenium web driver is one such tool which has been built for automating tests but the same can be used for automating other browser based tasks as well. In this section we learn how to automate tasks using Selenium and will also build a Facebook Bot that automatically posts status for us. Section 15: Best Practices: Writing Clean & Efficient Python Code. To be a good Python engineer/ developer you need to know how to write clean, concise and efficient Python code. In this section we learn some of the best practice that you must follow while writing Python code so. Section 16: Network Programming In Python Using Sockets: Building A Chat Application. Networking is an important concept in IT & Computer Science as it facilitates communication between devices or servers. Keeping this in mind, this section covers the basic networking concepts and we learn how to implement them using Python by building a simple desktop based chat application.  In this section we learn what is an IP address, what are ports, sockets and buffers and how they could be used to implement a communication program. We lean how sockets can be used for communication between process on the same and on different devices. Section 17: Image Processing With Python & OpenCV. Python can also be used to process and manipulate images and videos. In this section we learn how to use OpenCV library with Python to manipulate images. We learn some interesting things like capturing webcam video, tracking images from a live video, different image thresholding techniques, image blurring, averaging and Gaussian filtering. _________________________________________________________________________ Build Real World Python Projects So let’s begin the journey of becoming an expert in Python. In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you  have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this  course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message me  directly and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as  possible! _________________________________________________________________________ Make sure to enrol in the course before the price changes. Take yourself one step closer towards becoming a professional Python developer by clicking the “take this course button” now! Join the journey. Sincerely, Ashutosh Pawar Read the full article
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fluffy-critter · 1 year
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fiverrseoexpert2 · 1 year
Make Python Bots, Browser Bots and do Web Automation
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Make Python Bots, Browser Bots and do Web Automation
I make Python bots tailored for your need for task automation, web automation, or web scrapping using selenium and Python.
My name is Ishan Agrawal I hold a strong experience when it comes to building bots or automating the boring stuff with Python. For over 6 years now I have been creating automation bots that are :
Easy to install and use
- Secure
- Lightweight
- Tailored to your specific needs
Here Is what I offer :
- Task Automation
- Web Automation
- Browser Automation with Selenium
- Installable EXE that can be deployed in any system without any - pre-requisite
- Well-commented code
- Complete Documentation
- Scrapping Websites
- Data scrappers
- Easy to use UI with Tkinter
- On-time delivery
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tareshkumarsahu · 1 year
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Python training in Raipur we are offering core python,django,advance python,tkinter,machin learning, data science where some special feature like high configured lab , 9 plus year of experience trainers, small strenth batches, fees installment facility,100% practical based ,live project ,interview calls ,jobs assistent. #pythontraining #python #pythontraininginraipur #datascience #machinelearning #traininginraipur #pythononlinetraining #pythonofflinetraining #paramsir #paramwebinfo
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kirtisahufansclub · 1 year
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Python training in Raipur we are offering core python,django,advance python,tkinter,machin learning, data science where some special feature like high configured lab , 9 plus year of experience trainers, small strenth batches, fees installment facility,100% practical based ,live project ,interview calls ,jobs assistent. #pythontraining #python #pythontraininginraipur #datascience #machinelearning #traininginraipur #pythononlinetraining #pythonofflinetraining #paramsir #paramwebinfo
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codehunter · 2 years
_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
I am running a simple python script in the server:
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npx = np.random.randn(60)y = np.random.randn(60)plt.scatter(x, y, s=20)out_png = 'path/to/store/out_file.png'plt.savefig(out_png, dpi=150)
I try to use the command python example.py in this server which has matplotlib 1.5.1 installed it fails with the error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "example.py", line 7, in <module> plt.scatter(x, y, s=20) File "/home/USER/.virtualenvs/nnet/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py", line 3241, in scatter ax = gca() File "/home/USER/.virtualenvs/nnet/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py", line 928, in gca return gcf().gca(**kwargs) File "/home/USER/.virtualenvs/nnet/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py", line 578, in gcf return figure() File "/home/USER/.virtualenvs/nnet/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py", line 527, in figure**kwargs) File "/home/USER/.virtualenvs/nnet/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.py", line 84, in new_figure_manager return new_figure_manager_given_figure(num, figure) File "/home/USER/.virtualenvs/nnet/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.py", line 92, in new_figure_manager_given_figure window = Tk.Tk() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 1810, in __init__ self.tk = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
What is happening here?
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mooict · 2 years
Make a GUI Magic 8 Ball App with Python and Tkinter
Hi Welcome to this new tutorial from MOO ICT. In this tutorial we will be making a small magic 8 ball style application using python and tkinter. This is a continuation tutorial on our Python Tutorial Series. For this application we will making this step by step in the video tutorial below. Before we start please make sure you have the PILLOW framework installed on your python. This framework…
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View On WordPress
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training1294 · 2 years
How do I learn Python in depth?
Learn Python Online from scratch. Our Beginning Python course at the University of Bristol assumes no prior programming experience.
There's no shortcut, read lots of code then write lots of code.
Start and learn the basics: Python installation is the first step. Select Python 3.x, establish your coding environment, select the Python directory, etc. 
Master libraries: Building components, such as libraries or modules, assist you in creating your app. Which one do you need for your app out of the thousands of modules available?Depending on the product you wish to create. Django or Flask are popular frameworks for web projects. Tensorflow and Sklearn are two prominent modules for machine learning. You can use wxwidgets, pyqt, tkinter, or other modules for desktop apps.
Study courses: Courses can help to boost your knowledge. There are many courses out there, that will give you a kick start in developing software applications. Instead of struggling through the documentation, why not follow short video tutorials that explain clearly?
Work on projects: Once you mastered the basics and can use modules, it's time to make your own apps!
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updatestitta · 2 years
Qview aplication
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We’d love to receive your feedback about your experience with using this app and will continue to add enhancements.
Hisense Qview was developed by the Hisense Software Development team. When a user leaves the app, then his or her content is no longer available for others to view or access.
Up to 10 people can share content on the TV at the same time.
Exit notification: Each time a user leaves Hisense Qview an on-screen notification message is shown. Note: QView GUI is based on Tkinter and therefore it is highly recommended that you get familiar with this Python.
‘Grabbed’ notification: Each time a user ‘grabs’ content (which can only be accessed when the content owner ‘enables’ the Grab feature), an on-screen notification briefly displays the device name.
Use it to enable others to access the piece of content that you’ve shared to the TV.
Grab: The Grab feature is disabled by default.
Swipe Left/Right: Use the Swipe feature to go to the next or previous content on TV.
Play Mode: Use this feature to enable or disable the queue from showing the next piece of content.
Thanks to this web application adapted to mobile devices, it is possible to.
Share: Press the Share icon to cast a photo or video to the TV screen for others to view in a larger size Solutions Pallet handling ES QVIEW Solutions Rollcontainer & Isolated.
‘Joined’ notification: Each time someone joins in to share their content, his or her name briefly appears on the TV screen.
Download Hisense Qview now to get started! Simply upload your favorite videos or photos into the queue (which holds 50 pieces of content at a time) and then view them one after the other on your Hisense 4K UHD Smart TV. Hisense Qview is unique because it enables multiple users to share multiple pieces of their content to the TV at the same time! If you’re planning a small gathering or large party, then Hisense Qview is the perfect way for everyone in attendance to share the spotlight together. We’d love to receive your feedback about your experience with using this app and will continue to add enhancements.Qview comes pre-installed on Hisense 4K UHD Smart TVs. No cluttered interface, just your image and a titlebar. qView is a free, open-source image viewer designed from the very start to be as visually minimal and space efficient as possible.
The user’s name (or Gmail address associated with their Android device) briefly displays on the TV screen. qview is an image viewer for viewing, No toolbars or distractionspure space efficiency.
Exit notification: Each time a user leaves Hisense Qview an on-screen notification message is shown.
Auto Play: Use this feature to enable or disable the queue from showing the next piece of content.
Swipe Left/Right: Use the Swipe feature to go to the next or previous content on your device.
Share: Press the Share icon to cast a photo or video to the TV screen for others to view in a larger size.
‘Grabbed’ notification: Each time a user ‘grabs’ content (which can only be accessed when the content owner ‘enables’ the Grab feature) an on-screen notification briefly displays the person’s name or Gmail address associated with his or her Android device.
Toggle Play: Use the Toggle feature to navigate the screen and play or pause content.
‘Joined’ notification: Each time someone joins in to share their content, his or her name (or Gmail address associated with the Android device) briefly appears on the TV screen.
Built-in (and easy) tutorial: The simplistic design of this app enables first-time users to begin enjoying it without the need for instructions however, this short tutorial is available in the unlikely event that you need assistance.
Owners of these TVs simply need a mobile phone or tablet running Android 4.1 or above and an Internet connection.
Hisense Qview comes pre-installed on Hisense H7B Series 4K UHD Smart TVs. Simply upload your favorite videos or photos into the queue (which holds 50 pieces of content at a time) and then view them one after the other on your Hisense Series 4K UHD Smart TV. This app is unique because it enables multiple users to share multiple pieces of their content to the TV at the same time! If you’re planning a small gathering or large party, then Hisense Qview is the perfect way for everyone in attendance to share the spotlight together.
The next time you feel like taking a stroll down memory lane through your favorite photos and videos, invite others to join in alongside you through this FREE sharing app. Hisense Qview comes pre-installed on Hisense 4K UHD Smart TVs.
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trustmanhattan · 2 years
Thonny themes
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Please test to find and report the remaining (and new) bugs! Please support Ukraine! 🇺🇦Ĥ.0.0b1 is a pre-release with several new features and bugfixes. 🇺🇦 Thonny 4 is dedicated to Ukraine fighting the terror of Russian army.
Update translations for German, Spanish, Japanese, Slovak, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Albanian.
Add Thai translation, by Tomzt Pimai and Game of.
Add Tamil translation, by Kamala Kannan K and அனிச்பிரபு தி, #2211.
Add MicrobitImage inspector for Object inspector.
Fix error with evaluating globals() on MicroPython device, #1938.
Don't assume all CircuitPython boards have RTC, #1760.
Fix various problems with managing files on CircuitPython devices.
Make Shell read-only when device is disconnected.
Disable "Run" command when MicroPython device is disconnected.
Update completion stubs for MicroPython and CircuitPython (from and Add compatibility with Python 3.8 via Windows launcher, #2206.Let macOS installer know the bundle is able to run in arm64 mode, #2201.Warn when environment value is provided with quotes, #2184.Fix display of debugger frames (regression introduced in 4.0.0b1), #2216.Fix Find & replace dialog not appearing, #2208.Fix error with printing (regression introduced in b1), #2233.Fix parameter completions where name of local variable was proposed with trailing '='.Fix KeyError: 'ESP32.url' when connecting to WebREPL, #2082 (regression introduced in b1).Fixes certain problems with running Flask programs, #2062.Don't clear shell after automatic restart.Fix the problem with scripts having declared encoding something else than UTF-8, #1650.Add 32-bit bundle with Python 3.8 for Windows (the main Windows bundle is now 64-bit and contains Python 3.10, which doesn't support Windows 7).It is recommend to switch to "Thonny's Python" from the lower-right corner of the main window. This interpreter does not allow interrupting programs with Ctrl+C. Windows bundle proposes pythonw.exe as default interpreter.EXPERIMENTAL: Add LEGO® EV3 back-end: "Run => Select interpreter => MicroPython (EV3)".Updated Estonian, Thai and Brazilian Portuguese translations.Use %run instead of %Run when skipping interpreter restart, #1565.Allow back-end plugins to modify sys.path, #2281.
Install packages without -user in portable mode, #1606.
Fix problem uninstalling MicroPython packages.
Avoid wobbling of AutomaticScrollbar, helpful report by #2258.
Support CircuitPython with micro:bit, #2251.
Fix support for remote Python 3 over SSH (regression introduced in one of the 4.0.0 betas), #2249.
Fix error when trying to open a file from file browser with ENTER, #1785.
Don't propose pythonw.exe as initial backend, #2236.
See "Editor" and SSH-backends' config pages.
Add options for automatically making uploaded or saved shebang scripts executable (includes changing Windows line breaks to Unix ones).
Fix debugger error when importing user modules (regression introduced in 4.0.0b1), #2246.
Add command "Run => Visualize current script at Python Tutor", #2242.
Add "Assistant" help page explaining the possibility to omit selected Pylint checks, #1978.
For clear picture, start your program with import ctypes ctypes.OleDLL("shcore").SetProcessDpiAwareness(1), #2159 This means for example, that Tkinter and Pygame programs on Windows run as if they were executed with plain Python (ie they may become blurry on modern displays).
BREAKING: Don't SetProcessDpiAwareness for user programs anymore.
🇺🇦 Thonny 4 is dedicated to Ukraine fighting the invasion of Russian orcs.
Fix translations with bad placeholders (by #2253.
Add coloring for match and case soft keywords, #2358.
Work around Pylint error (make Pylint work again), #2359.
Seed find/replace with currently-selected text, #2356.
Rename "Python 3" back-end to "Local Python 3".
Use "Install MicroPython" instead of "Install firmware", #2364.
Toggle hidden files also via file-browser's context menu, #1039.
Support OSC sequences for setting terminal title, #2369.
Take OSC commands into account when looking for prompts (relevant for CircuitPython 8), #2349.
Make paddings larger for hi-res displays.
Don't show package extra deps even when the extra is combined with another condition.
Don't crash when Windows network locations can't be found, #2285.
Don't choke on relative interpreter paths, #2335.
Add EV3 default password information to config page, #2284.
Automatically reload saved files after external modification (with help from #1589, #1455, #1968.
" items to the back-end switcher menu if a device in UF2 bootloader mode is detected, #2387
Add possibility to activate a virtual environment via Files view (by #2381.
Refactor MicroPython/CircuitPython flashing dialog, #2344.
CHANGED: Require single click for toggling a breakpoint, #2293.
🇺🇦 Thonny 4 is dedicated to Ukraine fighting the Russian invasion.
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longplaza · 2 years
Linux memory monitor
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#Linux memory monitor install
most useful 3 groups (CPU, memory and disk) contain: %usr, %system, %guest, %CPU, minflt/s, majflt/s, VSZ, RSS, %MEM, kB_rd/s, kB_wr/s, kB_ccwr/s. It's useful in case when you need extra metrics from the process(es), e.g. Pidstat (part of sysstat package) can produce output that can be easily parsed. Grafana part is the same, except metrics names. Minimal telegraf configuration looks like: Instead of Python script sending the metrics to Statsd, telegraf (and procstat input plugin) can be used to send the metrics to Graphite directly. Then opening Grafana at authentication as admin:admin, setting up datasource you can plot a chart like: $ python procmon.py -s localhost -f chromium -r 'chromium.*'
#Linux memory monitor install
Then in another terminal, after starting target process: $ sudo apt-get install python-statsd python-psutil # or via pip A handy all-in-one raintank/graphite-stack (from Grafana's authors) image and psutil and statsd client. It may seem an overkill for a simple one-off test, but for something like a several-day debugging it's, for sure, reasonable. pip install memory_profilerīy default this pops up a Tkinter-based ( python-tk may be needed) chart explorer which can be exported: It can also record process with its children processes (see mprof -help). The package provides RSS-only sampling (plus some Python-specific options). Psrecord $(pgrep proc-name2) -interval 1 -duration 60 -plot plot2.png & Psrecord $(pgrep proc-name1) -interval 1 -duration 60 -plot plot1.png & Sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib python-tk # for plotting or via pipįor single process it's the following (stopped by Ctrl+C): psrecord $(pgrep proc-name1) -interval 1 -plot plot1.pngįor several processes the following script is helpful to synchronise the charts: #!/bin/bash pip install psrecord # local user install Python psrecord package does exactly this. The following addresses history graph of some sort. Procpath plot -d ff.sqlite -q rss -p 123 -f rss.svgĬharts look like this (they are actually interactive Pygal SVGs): procpath record -i 1 -r 120 -d ff.sqlite '$.children[?("firefox" in RSS and CPU usage of a single process (or several) out of all recorded would look like: procpath plot -d ff.sqlite -q cpu -p 123 -f cpu.svg This records all processes with "firefox" in their cmdline (query by a PID would look like = 42)]') 120 times one time per second. It's a pure-Python CLI package including its couple of dependencies (no heavy Matplotlib), can potentially plot many metrics from procfs, JSONPath queries to the process tree, has basic decimation/aggregation (Ramer-Douglas-Peucker and moving average), filtering by time ranges and PIDs, and a couple of other things. Returning to the problem of process analysis frequently enough and not being satisfied with the solutions I described below originally, I decided to write my own.
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bananawired · 2 years
Windows xp minesweeper download
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A string is just a sequence of string enclosed inside single or double quotes. In our case, the print() function prints the argument (i.e "Big Python") it is given to the console. Screenshot Copy Code """ PyPortal MineSweeper Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code. perf_counter() measures the time in seconds from some unspecified moment in time, which means that the return value of a single call to the function isn’t useful. Let’s add a bare-bones Python timer to the example with time.perf_counter().Again, this is a performance counter that’s well-suited for timing parts of your code. It is designed to run on server as javascript game in browser or as javagame on desktop. So, here are a few Python Projects for beginners can work on. The goal of the player is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden "mines" or bombs without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each cell. For example, a cell normally opens when you press and release the left mouse button but "Elmar Technique" is a NF method where you change the mouse to open cells on both pressing and releasing. Today, we are sharing details about Pysa, an open source static analysis tool we’ve built to detect and prevent security and privacy issues in Python code.
Minesweeper.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either **version 3** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Typing the operator in the python console and using autocomplete CrtlSpace exposes the parameters (Same as those in the UI). In order to avoid repetition, the coordinates corresponding to a block are repeatedly added to the queue, so it needs to be marked here. Game details: Minesweeper is a one player game, played on a rectangular board. You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. The board is divided into cells, with mines randomly distributed. You’ll get a coding exercise in Python and Java for each problem, so you can get feedback on your solution right away. The python code logic and running minesweeper are not problems.
The motivation of these minesweeper projects is to learn the tooling around python projects, how to create CI/CD pipelines for python projects, and distributing python eggs. In this blog post we will work on the classic game of Minesweeper. It is very simple as it was almost a year ago last time when I wrote a long python script. Python code for processing arrays can take many forms. You can already create, start and debug Python scripts and addons from VS Code with it.
pip install tkinter To hack MineSweeper at the binary level. In this example, Rectangle is the superclass, and Square is the subclass.
See chapter 14 of the org-mode manual for all of the details. Minesweeper made in Processing.py by ChrisB (Source Code) Python implementation with PyGame by Sayan Goswami (Source Code) Mine Sweeper by Bruce Chen (Source Code) MineSweeper by Po Mauguet (Source Code) Minesweeper! This Is How To Create A Simple MineSweeper Game In Python! Remember the old Minesweeper ? A much shorter example is below, but this example uses some odd parts of Python that I don't bother to explain in this book: grid = for y in range(10)] Use one of these two examples and place the code to create our array ahead of your main program loop. C++ is a general purpose, object-oriented, middle-level programming language and is an extension of C language, which makes it possible to code C++ in a “C style”. by loading them onto cloud hosted citrix xendesktop with add-ons such as Office 365 Enterprise E5 suite for enhanced team productivity. First game is being marked '? Create a tic-tac-toe game using open source code.
I want to send 4 float numbers from Python code to an Arduino I was trying to send it via serial and I have some problems. It should be noted here, because a block may be extended to other blocks. Assume that we have to comply with the original version and count the mined neighbours of a clear cell now in 8 directions including the north-west, north-east, south-east, and south-west. Building and visualizing Sudoku Game Using Pygame. Python programming language (latest Python 3) is being used in web development, Machine Learning applications, along with all cutting edge technology in Software Industry. _mesh.off( Simply pass the filepath of an OFF file to the operator in your own code.
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