thevagueambition · 1 year
i just spelled erobreren as erobren because that's how you say it why is danish writing like this
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ghost3slovebloop · 3 months
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✟ death of (un)holy creature. ✟
warning : sappy angst under the cut.
why draw happy stuff, when i can draw death & misery instead? gotta love all my doomed lovers otps. no happy ending just drama, where everything hurts and sucks forever.
but seriously, i have a lot of expirience with one half of my otp being dead as doornail. at least, let me cope by making those deaths romantic & personal & pretty. vs how they usually are. the way adam's died still kinda low-key piss me off tbh. my evil awful dude deserved better.
and speaking of him...
with adam art, i was thinking that when birds die, they tend to have their wings tucked close to their body. and since adam is a huge bird to me, inside my mind his wings had the same response to death. and just sadly tuck close to his sides one last time, once he stopped breathing. as for second one...well, snake's bodies do still have movements in them, once you kill it, so lucifer can give adam like 8-9 seconds of unexpected comfort.
in this instanse, i imagine that it's an au, where they were friends in eden. and lucifer had to tend to adam's boo-boos for him, bc goober had no idea how to not get hurt at first. and then, when adam did get hurt, he was a baby about it. so lucifer would give him a hug to 'make it better'.
decades later, he still gives adam a hug. bc true friends stab you in the front and hold you, while you die.
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mychlapci · 6 months
Hi its me the fic anon! Time to post jazzprowl unto ur lap.
Ok so they’re both knocked up, they got each other sparked. But unfortunately they’re both expecting multiples but they decides to keep them all. Its ok in the beginning, they’re a bit sick and moody but they get through it. It starts when they start showing, slowly thier bellies expends outward, they’re small but a dense little ball, and thier hips and thighs widens, and ofc they find each other super hot and have sloppy sex every chance they get, they need transfluids for thier growing sparklings.
Almost in a instanse they get bigger, they start to waddle when they walk with a hand on the underside of thier bellies, they get even more effectionate toward each other as the coding takes over, esp for prowl who becomes very lovey dovey with Jazz even in public. And ofc thier fragging gets more messier as they try to get around each other with thier bellies in the way but they find a way, they take times to take each other from the back, filling each other with fluids and thier bellies slapping into each other. And afterward they hold each other breathing heavily and carassing thier active midsections.
They get so big so fast, bellies hanging down to thier knees, tits growing massive to be able to feed all thier little creations, hips and aft wide and thighs so plump, they will kiss each other passionetelly, having to press thier bellies together to get to able to kiss, messaging eachother out in public when one of them are tried and or rubbing thier belly to calm the little ones inside.
Maybe one of them get over due, prowl needs to wait for his sparklings to be born, they don’t want to get out right away. But jazz is there to help his still pregnant lover.
ghrhh knocked up together is a very fun trope that we don't play around with enough. Jazz and Prowl getting nice and fat with each other's babies... mhmmm, if they want to kiss their pregnant bellies rub against each other, and it just makes them more revved up... Interfacing is so hard, the bellies get in the way, but they don't want to take on a third to be their donor, so they have to endure... that, and the feeling of their baby-bumps and titties slapping together makes them feel so good <33
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thegnomelord · 6 months
I silently make my way to your ask box, after days of reading your content like a lurker I'm. During these days I have made an oc, CoD self insert (With Monster AU variant and today I bombed my unwilling friend with Monster AU Makarov x Self insert brainrot, because I got succumbed to all cute courting hcs etc.) and started impulse One-shot. . Krhm. But in all seriousness. I love your way of writing, In your long fic about the Mage reader, while reading, I was talking to my friend how the picturing of the magic is so good, it's ugly, hard, dirty but damn is it powerful too yet not too op. I mostly returned to the as simple scene as the shower one in chap 2, usage of words and picturing how things tasted an looked like. Being on the edge in chap 1 and even before "the janitor" comes in, something tingles in my writer head "*Something is going to happen, I can feel it.*" That fic was one of the instanses I fell in love on your way of worldbuilding too. I accidentally found your Good dog fic first, as I was trying to find something from the tags for my own unholy projects. I notice the Male reader tag and despite my hope being drained after years, I click on it. And I was so glad I did. (On a note I'm in very bad brainrot train on that man, it took the edge off.) So, out of curiosity, my mind now given water after so long for being dehydreided, I decided to take a peek. And I ended up reading a lot, finding it so refreshing to also have a top reader. And I eventually found the Trans fics. I'm Pre-transition, ftm and the first time ever, a bloody fucking nsfw fic, (besides horny), makes me happy and content *with myself and my future.* And that's most sappy I will go but I told you this that your fics has also truly imbacted in some deeper way. Okay, back to lurking, but I will be going to some recommended blogs too, because I might just go and read all of your fics again. Also about time I remember to follow you. Keep up the good work and good luck on your studies. ✌️
Yessss another one joins to the monsterloving/ monsterfucking cult lol and honestly those impulsive one shorts are some of the best things ppl write lol.
And honestly you're making me grin like a mad man while I'm writing this :Dd Not to toot my own horn but I've had the worldbuilding of the HHABF universe for years lol and I love when magic is this nitty gritty thing that's more harmful than useful if you don't know how to use it lol. It feels great when people like my work but it's even better it impacts ppl in a deeper way than just 'oh yeah fap material' you know?
If you wanna check out some other of my moots there's @lieutnt who was the reason I got into writing myself because his work was so inspiring lol, then there's @rodolfoparras has some monster141 works and his old man Price is scrumptious, @embry-garrick has some trans fics too if I remember correctly and is a talented writer @fortheb0ys did some makarov fics too and they're great lol.
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Human version of Paci-fire from Gravity Falls. Playing with the ibis paint FX is fun :D
Also I flipped the canavs and in this extremely rare instanse it looked even better than I original had it??? Massive W
This was very fun to make
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smittenskitten · 2 years
Watched the trailer for Chains of Heart way back when and totally forgot about it.
Has a very good start with traumatizing event of one of the main lead getting shot in the CHEST! and BOTH lead falling off of the cliff?!?!?
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they don't even need to do anything else cause I am 100% here for whatever story this is going to be
one of them lives (I have no idea which one at this point) and mandatory shirtless training, fitness montage
Okay the one name Ken lives and he is fighting with some thugs and another dude jumps right in to help
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*deep breath* this is not the ml you cannot have second lead syndrome within 10 minutes into the first episode
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OH! Look Kob Songsit collecting another gay son.
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flashback to star gazing with dead (not really) love interest
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and the way he looks at Ken like he is about to start crying or something
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At this point I am ready for plastic surgery theory tbh and bet this guy is the one who got shot
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this creepy af
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who could it be hmmmm
I have my guesses and I have photoshop
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give me second lead syndrome only to make him a bad guy?
EDIT: I was half asleep and the subs were a bit blotchy, he was actually torturing the guys who attacked Ken. So he is not a bad guy and I can still count on my plastic surgery theory!
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it's going to take a toll on my sanity and not ship them if they keep putting them so close together
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studioboner · 8 months
I finally got into Dungeon Meshi like 2 days ago and watched the 6 episodes of the anime that had been released. As someone that has experience with Dungeons & Dragons I find the series AWESOME in terms of how it handles its worldbuilding and characters. I'm curious about getting into the manga as well. Should I pick up where I left off in the show, or would it be better to start the manga from the beginning?
i'd recommedn starting from the beggining and plus you wont take too long to catch up
the apcinf of the manga isnt the same and i'd say the character cna read a bit differently there too
for instanse me and all my friends always assumed laius was softspoken but then in the anime he talks loud and animatedly
it's not bad it just feels different.
But also im biased bc i always preffer manga over anime as i have an easier time reading than watching, so it's up to you really ! it's ok to start the manga and not like it and just wait for more of the anime.
also yes the world building is incredible and the characters are fantastic im glad your enjoying
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dwreader · 1 year
re: your last post. can you point out the instanses of slutshaming and victim blaming of Louis in the fandom? never saw this, at least on tumblr.
I doubt this ask is in good faith but I’m going to assume you’re just very new here instead of a troll but let’s see.. a very prominent writer wrote a whole fic where she said Louis doesn’t really act like an abuse victim, there’s also countless posts blaming louis for staying with his abuser like literally go into the main iwtv tag and you’ll find loads of them, people mad that he’s with Armand, ep3 era when people were mad that he took lestat up on his open relationship offer. Even in fics that are au, the comments section is full of people who get mad when Louis sleeps with anyone except lestat. (See toni’s CoC, GTL/RIL)
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there-are-4-lights · 7 months
"Den 23 januari anordnade den moderate riksdagsledamoten, tillika ledamot i socialutskottet, Jesper Skalberg, tillsammans med RFSL ett nordiskt seminarium i riksdagens lokaler om hur nya translagar har påverkat våra grannländer. Några kritiska instanser eller myndigheter var inte inbjudna som talare – men väl företrädare från trans- och hbtqi-organisationer verksamma i Norden och övriga Europa.
Bland annat bjöds den finska trans-lobbyisten Tanja von Knorring. Vederbörande är ordförande för föreningen Transfemina och aktiv i Seta (finlands motsvarighet till RFSL). Von Knorring har bland annat propagerat för pubertetsblockerare för barn."
In case anyone was wondering what policy capture is: there was a seminar for members of parliament about how "self-id hasn't had any bad effects on the other Nordic countries" where the only speakers were trans activists. And this is then put forward by members evidence that they've listened to the other countries and found there are no issues, or whatever.
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osamusbigtits · 2 years
suna has never felt like he's fit in. he can make people laugh and smile, can carry a conversation for a socially acceptable amount of time, but... it all feels like an act. like the person is placating him, entertaining the idea that suna is liked just for the time being. once suna walks away, everyone he talked to talks about how much they dislike him, how annoying he is. it's dramatic and irrational. suna knows that. but he's never had much luck in making nor keeping friends. people went from liking him to suddenly never talking to him again. and sure, your younger years in friendship don't always last, you move from friend to friend as you go up another grade. but suna hoped someone would stay. it took suna a while to find someone- two someones, actually. the twins claimed suna as theirs and didn't take no for an answer. but there was still that voice in the back of his mind. that there was a catch. he was just there for them to laugh at, to make fun of. they had other friends besides suna, he wasn't enough for them. even if they do go to suna first with good news and happy things, or even sad things in their life, suna just can't help but listen to that voice in the back of his head. it's always there. lying, decieving him. but it had been right before, it was based on instanses in the past, things suna just can't let go of.
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atsvensson · 22 days
Fediversum i Sverige
Fediversum i Sverige består i huvudsak av Mastodoninstanser. Dessutom finns det några små och privata instanser med Mastodon och andra programvaror som exempelvis Akkoma och några stycken Lemmy-installationer där två instanser är lite större. I tillägg till detta finns det också ett antal WordPressbloggar som exempelvis denna blogg. Nedläggningen av Mastodon.se Den första stora Mastodoninstansen…
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kompasskurs · 7 months
Som företagare får man verkligen se till att vara om sig och kring sig nr det gäller väldigt mycket. Det gäller att vara påläst på många punkter – man ska kunna bokföring, veta när man behöver olika tillstånd från diverse instanser, ha koll på marknadsföring, ha koll på upphovsrätt; ja alla som har företag vet vad jag talar om. Själv leasar jag ut bokföringsbiten eftersom jag har alldeles för dålig koll för att själv kunna sköta min bokföring. Länge har jag tänkt att gå någon kurs för att lära mig bokföring, men dessa kurser är ganska dyra så man får se när och om det blir av. Många kostar runt 13.000-15.000 kronor, vilket är väldigt mycket pengar. Samtidigt kostar det att ha en redovisningsbyrå som sköter bokföringen, så på några år kommer jag ha tjänat in kostnaden för kursen om jag går den och sedan sköter bokföringen helt själv. Men det är och förblir väldigt mycket pengar att punga ut med på en gång.
Jag håller just nu på att se över ekonomin för firman och de olika avtal jag har med andra företag. Jag har en prenumeration hos Adobe för de bilder jag lägger upp på bloggen – som ju också är en del av mitt företag. Så har jag ett företagsavtal med Sixt för att få förmånliga priser på hyrbilar när jag behöver en sådan för olika uppdrag. Och så har jag en lång rad försäkringar som man behöver som företagare, men som också är svindyra och kostar väldigt mycket pengar varje år. På sistone har inkomsterna på firman inte varit jättehöga och jag har därför börjat se över utgifterna.
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Fånga din personliga dag: Professionell bröllopsfotograf i Haninge
Ert bröllop är förmodligen den viktigaste milstolpen i ert dagliga liv, laddad med glädje, njutning och anmärkningsvärda tankar. För att säkerställa att varje dyrbar tid är vackert skyddad för en livstid, behöver du en erfaren och kunnig bröllopsceremoni bröllopsfotograf som kan fånga kärnan i din respektive speciella tillfälle. Tänk på Haninges allra bästa professionella bröllopsfotograf, Patrik Lindqvist. Med sin kreativa blick och passion för att ta bilder, resulterar Patrik i fantastiska synliga berättelser som avslöjar det speciella kärleksscenariot för varje par han arbetar tillsammans med.
Varför välja Patrik Lindqvist som bröllopsfotograf i Haninge?
Patrik Lindqvist är inte en helt vanlig bröllopsfotograf. Han gör allt för att skapa en personlig och förtrollande praktisk upplevelse för sina kunder. Här är varför han sticker ut bland andra bröllopsfotografer i Haninge:
Skicklig kunskap:
Patrik har stor förståelse och erfarenhet inom fotografering. Med ett öga för detaljer och en djup förståelse för ljus och struktur förmedlar han hisnande bilder som verkligen fångar de inre tankarna på er stora dag.
Kreativ metod:
Patriks fantasifulla vision gör honom unik. Han anser att varje historia är exklusiv och måste skildras genom fantasifulla och visuellt kraftfulla fotografier. Hans förmåga att kombinera traditionella och moderna variationer ger en klassisk samling bilder som kan förflytta dig till din stora dag, även flera år senare.
Anpassad support:
Patrik inser att ditt bröllop handlar om dig och din make/maka. Han kommer att ta tillräckligt med tid för att lära känna dig, för att förstå din personliga stil, val och perspektiv för dina personliga bröllopsfoton. Denna privata anslutning gör det möjligt för honom att anpassa sin fotografering för att perfekt representera din personlighet som några.
Diskret rykte:
På din bröllopsdag behöver du en bröllopsfotograf som sömlöst kan smälta in i bakgrunden medan du fångar alla specifika instanser. Patrik har en organisk förmåga att vara diskret och diskret, vilket säkerställer att du och besökarna kan slappna av och gilla firandet när han registrerar magin främst för att den utvecklas.
Fokus på detaljer:
Patrik är hängiven att leverera extraordinär hög kvalitet i varje del av sitt arbete. Från att noggrant redigera varje bild till att skapa spektakulära album och design, kommer han att vara medveten om den minsta informationen, vilket garanterar att bröllopsfestbilderna är felfria och också av högsta gemensamma.
Boka ditt bröllopsevenemang Digital fotografering Exponering till Patrik Lindqvist:
Patrik Lindqvist är hängiven att ge dig en exceptionell upplevelse av bröllopsfotografering i Haninge. Från det första mötet till den slutliga leveransen av din egen grafik kommer han att vägleda dig genom hela processen med professionalism och förtroende, uppmärksamhet och fokus på djup.
För mer information om Patrik Lindqvists lösningar för bröllopsfotografering i Haninge och för att se hans vackra portfölj, besök hans hemsida på fotografpatriklindqvist.se. Tala med honom idag för att planera en utvärdering och säkra ert specifika datum, se till att era värdefulla ögonblick tas på ett vackert sätt och bevaras under en livstid.
Tänk på att din bröllopsdag kan vara ett firande av kärlek, tillsammans med Patrik Lindqvist när din bröllopsceremoni bröllopsfotograf, kommer varje enskild vacker minut sannolikt att vara för evigt präglad med tiden.
För mer information:-
Fotograf Haninge
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maelkevejen · 1 year
Min krop flyder over af dårlig samvittighed over ikke at være udenfor i det gode sommervejr på min fridag
Havde planlagt at spille Sims, men jeg har ikke lyst, fordi så forsvinder sommeren lige pludselig. Og så har jeg ikke nydt den. Jeg havde ikke engang opdaget, at det var forår. Det går alt for hurtigt. Jeg har heller ikke søgt om den der dumme dispensation, svaret på mailen om specialemøde fra min underviser, og jeg har først lige åbnet mailen med referatet fra det sidste bestyrelsesmøde i spejderhytten. Hvorfor fuck bliver jeg ved med at melde mig ind i bestyrelser. Nu havde jeg lige sluppet beboerbestyrelsen med stor lettelse, og så tog jeg et år mere hos spejdergruppen. Og da jeg endelig besluttede ikke at stille op til den igen, tog jeg teten i hytten, fordi jeg var overbevist om, at Mathias og jeg ville dele arbejdsbyrden. Men så meldte han sig kun som suppleant (tak for at informere mig om det), og jeg sidder igen som ansvarshavende. Og jeg har også dårlig samvittighed her, fordi jeg ikke har mere overskud at give af, ikke dukkede op til sidste møde, ikke har fået lavet en profil, og stadig ikke har nogen anelse om, hvordan jeg skal agere mellemmand. Jeg har slet ikke lyst til at være kontaktperson. Intet ondt om nogen af de her instanser overhovedet, jeg kan bare ikke. Jeg vil ikke. Jeg vil ikke.
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drinkingproblem · 1 year
Sovit Törnrosas sömn
I hundra år
Han dog för oss på korset och därför älskar vi honom
Att han dog för oss på korset gör att vi håller fast vid korset
Att vi kysser korset
Det är simpel logik
Det minsta och största vi kan göra är att älska honom
Och varandra
Och att låta oss älskas av varandra och av honom
Älskling älskling
Även om det aldrig kommer att gå att anpassa sig
Efter denna omgivnings alla krav och instanser
Så kommer det att bli bra
Skriver jag, på Kristi Himmelsfärdsda
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xxautumnriverxx · 2 years
So, i uh wanted to have a report on google tranlate
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yeah its good and all good points of it:
1 . it helps you learn diffrent languges
2 . it helps you and your friend [Who speacks a diffrent languges] like for instanse my friend , not going to say NAMES!!! , speaks romainian , but shes learning english and irish but its hard for her. so google translate is good for that.
Now, onto the :
1 . There is a thing were some languges have no voice translate like IRISH so that causes proplems IM NOT GOING TO GET IN TO THAT THO!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats the end of that hope u like this
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