#instant coffee is between 1-6 dollars depending on how much you’re getting and it will last you much longer than a single 8 dollar Starbuck
vexenya · 8 months
Maybe a hot take but if for whatever reason you cannot boycott maybe keep that to yourself? Don’t go around telling everyone and the dog “omg I have to eat McDonald’s 😢 I can’t afford anything else” because 1) there are plenty of better and cheaper options, trust me I’ve been there and I didn’t eat McDonald’s a single time when I was there. And 2) when you say things like that you’re clearly trying to get people to sympathize with you and reassure you that you’re not a bad person and you’re not doing anything wrong. People are literally dying, this situation is not about you.
Decades in the future, when all this is in the history books, people in Palestine won’t remember that you couldn’t stop drinking Starbucks because it’s the only coffee shop in your area. They’ll remember that people in a first world country refused to do the bare minimum to help them.
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University is a weird, interesting experience — one minute you’re out at a bar, drinking with your friends, and the next you’re eating ramen, and only ramen for weeks. With various expenses like books, rent, and tuition, it seems impossible that as a student, you would even have any money left over to save — but it is possible. By being frugal, smart, and aware of your spending habits, you can easily start saving money for further experiences or maybe some food that isn’t just instant noodles as a post secondary student! Read on for thirty excellent tips on how to save money while away at university.
1. Have a budget.
A basic, but necessary tip is to have a budget. By putting aside money for certain things like rent, bills, groceries, and other mandatory amenities, it leaves you with an amount to utilize for other important, but not necessary things like entertainment, shopping, and travel. It’s important to set the budget and follow it, however, so make sure you’re not just setting a budget to go over it each month! You can create a budget through Excel, or if that is too daunting, just start by tracking your expenses to see where the bulk of your money goes so you can adjust accordingly.
2. Take better care of your things.
Another easy tip is to simply take better care of your stuff. This saves you money in the long run because you won’t be going out and repurchasing replacement items as often. If you’re someone who ruins their charger cords in a month or breaks headphones in a matter of weeks, it’s time to be more careful and take better care of your items, not only for your sake, but your wallet’s sake as well! Instead of throwing clothes on the floor when you get home, hang them up; put your laptop in a case; clean your shoes every once in a while! These tips can ensure that you will save money in the long run by having your items for longer.
3. Put a certain % of your paycheck in a savings account you don’t touch.
If you currently work a job, an effortless way to save some cash is to put a percentage of your paycheck into savings each month. Whether it’s 5% or 50%, the savings will accumulate and help you budget the money you do have for spending more accordingly.
4. Thrift everything.
I am a firm believer that if you need an item, you can thrift it. From clothing to appliances to even furniture, your local thrift store has decent quality items for a cheap price that will not only please you, but your wallet. You would be surprised at the amazing selection some thrift stores have and how much money you’ll save buying used instead of new.
5. Only shop fast fashion clothing on sale.
I usually only shop fast fashion twice a year — before school starts and on my birthday — but if you’re someone who doesn’t like thrifting (for whatever reason) or is aching for a traditional shopping spree, only shop in the sale section. If you’re just shopping to shop, its better to pay less with sale and discounted items than to go crazy and buy an expensive t-shirt that would cost you $50 from Urban Outfitters. Just try to make sure you’re buying clothing items you need or will wear, or else you’re really throwing your hard-earned money down the drain on absolute trash.
6. Stop eating out.
Or eat out less. Making your own food can save you an exponential amount of money, while also being much healthier for you in the long run. Forbes.com reports that cutting out restaurant trips for a month can save upwards of $200, which equals $2400 yearly.
7. DIY everything.
Have experience building furniture? DIY your own! You can also DIY your own clothing, home décor, beauty products, and accessories. r/DIY is my favourite resource to find DIY ideas that don’t break the bank.
8. Only drink water.
If you’re already paying for your water in your bills, you might as well drink it. Coffee, alcohol, pop, and juices can add up to a hefty penny every month; switching to water will not only save you calories, but a significant amount of cash as well. The Simple Dollar found that you can save around $70 dollars by switching to water each month, accumulating to a staggering $840 annually.
9. Buy a water filter.
Taking the previous tip up a notch, cut out buying bottled water and switch to using a water filter.  Assuming you drink your eight glasses a day, the Treehugger reports that you spend $1400 on bottled water a year. Crazy, right? Buying a filter can save you that money, along with the environmental stressors plastic bottles harbour onto our ecosystems.  
10. Quit smoking.
If there already weren’t enough reasons to quit smoking, the fact that someone smoking a pack a day spends about $91 a week on cigarettes, which is over $4745 each year should be enough to reconsider this dangerous habit.
11. Get a library membership.
Instead of buying books, rent them from the library for free. If you���re a massive bookworm, this tip will save you more money as compared to someone who reads minimally.
12. Stop buying lottery and scratch tickets.
Since I turned 18 in 2016, I haven’t purchased one scratch ticket. With the very slim chances of winning, one can spend their saved money from not buying lotto tickets on more important things.
13. Buy reusable bags.
Another environmentally friendly tip, buying reusable shopping and grocery bags may not save you a lot, but it will eventually add up in the long run. If your grocery store gives back a reusable bag credit (usually 5 cents or so), this tip can also make you money, though not a staggering amount.
14. Have a meatless Monday!
Meat is delicious, but also staggeringly expensive. If the thought of going vegan or vegetarian terrifies you, start off by having a “Meatless Monday”, which depending on the number of people in your household, can save you upwards of $520 a year.
15. Switch to cloths and rags instead of purchasing paper towels.
Paper towels are stupid expensive and quite wasteful when you consider using rags or dishcloths instead. Growingagreenfamily.com reports that ditching paper towels in favor for washcloths can save a family around $1000 in five years.  
16. Ditch your debit and credit cards and start paying only with cash.
I noticed when I shop with my debit card, I am much more likely to spend a higher amount of money than when I use cash. When you can physically see the money you’re taking out, you have a conscious reflux to spend less of it as compared to using debit or credit.
17. Make your own coffee.
The Simple Dollar reports that the average coffee runs between $2 to $5 dollars and making your own home brew will save you around $2.50 per coffee. Assuming you drink one coffee a day, everyday, you would save a whopping $887 a year, which in Toronto is equivalent to one month of rent in a two-bedroom apartment shared with your roommate. Absolutely crazy.
18. Have a no spend day, week, or month.
Really hurting for some money? Stop spending it entirely. Survive off of what you already have for a day, week, or month and save a good amount of cash.
19. Buy things from the dollar store.
I love the dollar store. I buy everything I can there, from groceries to medicine to beauty products. Instead of purchasing at the grocery or traditional store, check to see if the dollar store has your favourite items for a cheaper price. It’ll save you a lot in the long run!
20. Stop drinking and doing drugs.
Like cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are a dangerously expensive habit. Whether it’s drinking less, making your own drinks, or cutting out alcohol and drugs completely, each will save you a good chunk of cash to place in your savings.
21. Grow your own food!
It’s amazing how easy you can grow fruit and vegetable plants from scraps. If you can, start growing your own spices and seasonings to start, and progress onto fruits and vegetables for maximized savings.  Follow this guide for information on how to do it!
22. Do your own manicures and facemasks.
While the saying that beauty is pain might be true, it should be changed to beauty is money instead. If on average you’re spending $30 bucks a manicure twice a month, getting your nails done can cost around $720 a year, while facials can cost much more. DIY instead and see much more money in your pocket!
23. Walk, bike, or take public transit.
Owning a car and paying for it is expensive. If you can, walk or bike to school or work instead to save you a significant chunk of money per day instead of wasting it on gas.
24. Handmake presents and cards.
Why pay $5 for a card when you can make one yourself? With a little bit of creativity, you can give wonderful handmade cards to your family and friends instead of buying them. If you’re handy and very thoughtful, you can also DIY gifts, like making handmade soaps, necklaces, etc. Your family members will likely appreciate these more than store-bought varieties because of the hearty amount of thought and personality you put in. Cute!
25. Hang your clothes to dry instead of using the dryer.
Hanging your clothes up, either in your room or backyard, can save you a little bit of change from your bills while also conserving energy.
26. Use less.
A pretty vague tip, but using less water, electricity, and gas can save you some good money long term. You can also save more by using less of everyday items — shampoo, cleanser, dish soap, food, paper, ink for your printer — you get the idea.
27. Switch your feminine hygiene products.
If you menstruate, switching from tampons to a device like the Diva cup can save you around $120 a year assuming you spend $10 on sanitary products each month. Not to mention the environmental impact it’ll have! Check out the Diva cup here.
28. Buy higher quality items.
Though it sounds counter-intuitive, buying high priced, quality items will last you longer as compared to a cheaper alternative, saving you money from not having to repurchase as often. Buying nicer quality jeans and shoes are a good example of this.
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29. Use the thirty-day rule.
Browsing online out of boredom and find something you “absolutely have to have!!!” like a cute shirt or new video game? Wait it out for thirty days to dispel any impulsiveness. If you’re still thinking about the product after a month, you can buy it.
30. Stop using your phone’s data.
Nowadays, there is wifi basically everywhere. Unless it’s an emergency, turn off your data and scour for wifi hotspots instead.
So those are my thirty tips for effectively saving money while in university! Any tips you’re anxious to try? Let me down in the comment section below.
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electricoutdoors · 5 years
Cheap Survival Food: For Food Storage and More (With Recipes)
Cheap Survival Food
Survival food can be really expensive if you’re buying any kind of manufactured freeze-dried food, but does it have to be that way? If you’re willing to do it yourself, you can get inexpensive survival food pretty easily!
What is the best cheap survival food? These are the best cheap survival foods you can get:
Rolled Oats
Dehydrated Fruit
White Rice
Instant Coffee
Powdered Milk
Instant Potatoes
Best Cheap Survival Food
Cheap survival foods are pretty easy to come across. You just need to know what to look for.
I prefer food that doesn’t need much to get it ready to store. Things like dried corn, wheat, rice, beans, etc. It just makes getting everything stored a lot faster.
This doesn’t work for everything, however. If you’re looking to store fruits and vegetables, then you’re going to have to either buy the canned version or dehydrate them yourself.
Let’s take a look at the different types of survival food that I would consider cheap.
Beans - Beans make up about 1/3 of everything that I put into food storage. They’re a great source of protein, which is something that can hard to find when you’re looking for inexpensive survival food.
It’s hard to get meat that will store for long periods of time for anywhere near the cost of beans. You can pick up all kinds of beans for less than a dollar a pound and you can even order prepackaged beans for food storage for about a dollar a pound.
You just can’t do that with many other sources of protein.
White Rice - White rice makes up another 1/3 of the food that I store. It’s super cheap and has the calories to keep you going in a survival situation. You can buy about three pounds of white rice for a dollar!
Try to stay away from brown rice. It has more nutrients than white rice but the oils in it make it go bad in a matter of months instead of a couple of decades.
Rolled Oats - Rolled oats are a great dry staple for cheap food storage. They last just as long as rice and beans when they’re properly stored and they only cost about 60 cents a pound if you look around online.
You want to store rolled oats and not steel cut ot instant oats. Rolled oats can last for 30 years where steel-cut or instant oats are only good for about 5 due to the way that they’re processed.
Wheat - I store both hard red wheat and hard white wheat. These can be ground down with a hand grinder to make flour for different types of baking.
Hard white wheat will produce a lighter, fluffier bread that looks more like what we’re used to today. Hard red wheat is going to make a more dense, and slightly bitter bread.
Both are great for storing for a survival situation and they only cost about a dollar a pound.
Pasta - Pasta is one of the great comfort foods. It’s filling and has plenty of calories for when you may have to do physical labor all day.
It also stores for a long time and is really cheap. When it’s properly packaged it can last up to 30 years. Different types of pasta can be found for 50 or 60 cents a pound.
Dehydrated Fruit - Fruit is a great treat when you’re stuck eating mostly rice and beans every day.
The cheapest way to store a lot of dried fruit is to grow the fruit yourself and dry it in a food dehydrator. This is a good way keep fruit from going to waste if you have a tree that’s producing way more than you can eat.
Another option is to just buy the fruit already dried and packaged. It’s going to run you between $4 and $12 a pound depending on what you get. For some of the more exotic fruits, this is probably the best way to get your hands on it.
Corn - Corn is going to cost you 60 - 80 cents a pound. You can grind it up to make cornmeal or tortillas and soak it to rehydrate it and eat it whole.
Corn can be found for even less in feed stores. Keep in mind this is technically for animals so it doesn’t go through the same screening process as other types of corn packaged for human consumption.
Lentils - Lentils are a lens-shaped legume that many people eat for their high fiber and magnesium levels. They are a complex carbohydrate.
Lentils that aren’t packaged for long term food storage will normally keep their color and flavor for about 2 - 3 years. When they’re properly stored in bags with oxygen absorbers inside of plastic buckets, they can last for 25 years.
Bulk lentils can be bought for about 35 cents a pound online.
Peas - Dried peas are another great food to store for emergencies. They usually cost about $1-$2 per pound but you can find them as low as 70 cents a pound in bulk.
Peas have been stored for most of history since they last for a long time (up to 25 years if stored properly), have a wide range of vitamins and provide a lot of calories. They’re also great for creating hearty soups and other meals that can help raise spirits when food is scarce and times may not be great.
Salt - Salt is one of those things that is super cheap now and will become extremely valuable if there’s ever a long term disaster.
It’s good to season all those rice and beans, but it can do a whole lot more. Salting meat was one of the original ways to preserve it and if we ever lose access to modern refrigeration, it’ll become common again.
Right now you can get salt for about 40 cents a pound. Store a lot and store it often.
Sugar - Sugar is another modern miracle. It makes our day to day life so much better and costs almost nothing. This will change if you ever need to start using your food storage for real.
After about 20 seconds of looking online, I found 10-pound bags of sugar for $4. You can’t beat that for something that can bring a lot of joy following a disaster. It’s also useful for curing meats and doesn’t really go bad.
Honey - Honey is a great sweetener for food storage. It basically never goes bad and can add a lot to meals after a disaster.
This is probably the most expensive item on our list. If you’re willing to purchase large amounts of honey then you can get some really good deals. Outside of that, you’re looking at about $12 for 5 pounds. It’s still a good deal but not as good as other food items on this list.
Powdered Milk - The only way to really get milk for long term storage is by buying powdered milk. It typically costs about $4 - $5 a pound which will give you about 15 - 8oz cups of milk.
You can expect powdered milk to last around 10 years in an unopened container.
Instant Potatoes - Instant potatoes are another great staple food to add to your food storage. You should be able to find them for about a dollar a pound and they can last for 25 years if you package them in buckets with oxygen absorbers.
Bouillon - Bouillon can basically last forever as long as it still tastes good and doesn’t have anything obviously wrong with it.
The best part is it’s really cheap and tastes good. It can go a long way toward making bland foods taste much better. I’d highly recommend adding some to your food storage!
Instant Coffee - Ground coffee can last for about 5 or 6 months on the counter or up to 2 years if you freeze it. Instant coffee can last for 20 years if you package it right and that makes it a great addition to long term food storage.
If you’re a coffee drinker this could make an otherwise horrible situation seem slightly more normal. For about $5 per 80 servings, it makes sense to store some regardless of your coffee preferences.
Tea - Tea is another comfort item that’s going to give you a little escape. Black teas are fully fermented and last around 2 years before they start losing their flavor. Green tea should last for about 18 months before it starts losing its taste.
The good thing is it won’t go bad if you store it in a cool dry place, so you can use it as long as you like.
You can easily find 100 tea bags for $6 or less.
Packaging Your Food
What Are the Best Foods to Stock Up for Emergencies
How to Make Long Term Survival Food
How do You Make Survival Food
Homemade Survival Food
Related Questions
How much food should you have stored?
Is peanut butter a good survival food?
The previous post Cheap Survival Food: For Food Storage and More (With Recipes) was originally published to: Ready Lifestyle Blog
Cheap Survival Food: For Food Storage and More (With Recipes) published first on https://readylifesytle.tumblr.com
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cookymoms · 6 years
Best Latte and Cappuccino Machines 2019: Top 5+ Recommended
I HEART coffee!
Especially on a cold morning— when its aroma fills your entire home and waking up every cell in your body.
But, not just ordinary coffee will do. Like any other coffee enthusiast out there, I like sipping on all kinds of coffee and experimenting on the extensive menus of coffee shops.
But, do you know what I like most? Something that I will order over and over again?
Creamy lattes and cappuccinos!
So, if you are like me who’s pretty addicted to the heavenly creaminess they bring, then you might want to try making one of your own.
You could do just that and unleash your inner barista with the best latte and cappuccino machines at your disposal!
Why Invest in Latte and Cappuccino Machine When I Can Just Buy My Coffee At The Coffee Shop?
Uhm, I think you pretty much answered that question there.
Why buy your lattes or cappuccinos at the coffee shop?
Don’t get me wrong, I do buy lattes or cappuccinos at my local coffee shop, but I do so when I’m already out and taking a break from grocery shopping.
Unless you are a fan of overpaying for a cup of coffee and standing in lines every time you want a coffee, I don’t really see how you would think that buying cappuccinos and lattes at a coffee shop beats having your own best latte and cappuccino machine at home.
First and foremost, getting your own latte and cappuccino machine will save you lots of money. Although, buying your own coffee machine seems like a massive purchase, but how much do you think you spend in your local café monthly?
Go on, get your calculator and do the math. I’ll wait…
But, kidding aside, I’m guessing you could pay off the best latte and cappuccino machine easily with that sum, couldn’t you?
Oh, and it is more convenient that way! You do not have to plan your entire morning around waiting on a long line in your local coffee shop. You only see in, create your own cappuccino or latte (whichever you like) and start the day at your own. Sounds hassle-free, right?
And the greatest of all:
It is way more fun figuring everything out on your own, creating your own lattes and cappuccinos, experimenting with various flavors and maybe mastering the art of decorating your cappuccinos and lattes with those intricate patterns and shapes that will surely WOW your family and guests every time they visit you.
Tell me that does not sound exciting at all and I will delete this article, right away!
Latte VS. Cappuccino Showdown
I’ve been talking about latte and cappuccinos for some time now, but for the new coffee lover, it might sound confusing.
Latte (also known as Caffé latte) and cappuccino are the 2 most popular Italian coffee drinks and are both prepared using creamy, hot milk. But, they do have their own differences.
What is Latte?
It is an espresso-based milky coffee drink with 1 – 3 or 1 – 9, espresso to milk ration. It is nothing else than milk with coffee.
It is quite popular since the coffee content is quite diluted and the standard recipe can be tweaked by adding different flavors, creating latte a dessert. Its frothed milk layer also allows baristas to create intricate patterns and beautiful drawings.
Latte Coffee Recipe
The standard latte recipe is prepared in an 8 ounces cup and contains the following ingredients:
1 or 2 shots of espresso ( 1 shot = 1 ounces)
About 5 – 6 ounces of steamed milk
Top up with a thin layer of frothed milk
Flavorings as desired
What is Cappuccino?
Anther espresso-based drink, Cappuccino is a stronger coffee with equal volumes espresso, frothed milk, and steamed milk. So, as you can see, the main difference between latte and cappuccino is its milk content— latte is creamier thanks to its greater amount of milk, whereas cappuccino is just a milder coffee.
The coffee to milk ration of cappuccinos is about 1 – 1.5, considering that the foamed milk is at least double in amount compared to steam milk. Cappuccino offers a bold and rich taste, like any espresso coffee would, but is slightly toned down, due to the steamed milk.
Cappuccino Coffee Recipe
The standard cappuccino recipe contains:
A single shot of espresso which should not be drip or instant coffee.
1 ounce of steamed milk
1 ounce of microfoamed milk
Understanding Espresso Machines: For Latte and Cappuccino Making
Now, for the newbies, I understand that you might be confused.
We’re talking about latte and cappuccino machines, how come espresso machines suddenly appeared!
The simple answer
Lattes and cappuccinos are made with espresso machines.
Both coffee needs espresso coffee as their base. People use different recipes for lattes since the amount of milk sometimes covers the coffee taste. However, for the authentic cappuccino taste, real espresso is the best choice.
And both can be achieved with a great espresso machine.
Espresso Machines are group into 2 categories: super-automatic and semi-automatic
1. Super-Automatic Machines
If you are a die-hard latte and cappuccino lover, have a generous budget and do not mind relinquishing full control over the brewing process, then the super-automatic espresso machines are for you.
These machines can do everything for you— from milk steaming to micro-foaming. You can even adjust the setting in order to create minor tweaks to your brew. So that every time you press the button, you will get exactly the same brew!
You usually do not get that in coffee shops since every barista uses a slightly different technique in creating their coffees, especially lattes and cappuccinos. For consistency of texture and flavor, super-auto machines are the best.
Another great feature of these machines is the micro-foam they produce. You simply cannot replicate the velvety and smooth texture of the froth that a super-auto machine using regular milk frothers.
2. Semi-Automatic Machines
If you’re tight n budget, and you already have a decent barista skill or just want a mix of convenience and control, then a semi-automatic espresso machine should give that to you.
A semi-automatic machine comes with 3 advantages:
Flexibility: It allows you to customize your drink
Reliability: It will not let you down when you needed it most
Price: Affordable and mid-range price tags for most coffee lovers
Also, if latte and cappuccino art is your thing, then semi-automatic machines are perfect.
The only thing you need to consider with semi-autos is the number of drinks they can create. If you wish to create several cappuccinos and lattes at a time, then look for one that has 2 boilers— one for steaming milk and one for espresso.
A single boiler machine is fine if you only need to create cappuccino or latte for yourself, however, it will be too slow if you want to serve multiple drinks to your guests.
What Makes the Best Latte And Cappuccino Maker? 5 Things To Consider
When buying the best ate and cappuccino machine, there are very important considerations you need to check. This is to make sure that you do not get an inappropriate device which does not suit your need. Here are some of the considerations you should check before making a purchase.
1. Easy to Use
Sure, it may look simple when the barista does it. However, once you are the one controlling those control keys, levers and whatnot, you will probably wish that you bought a more user-friendly latte and cappuccino machine.
If you are new to making cappuccinos and lattes, never fool yourself that you can try the more advanced model from the beginning.
Oh, and by the way, ease of use also means ease of cleaning. IT should not take about forever just to take the machine apart, washing everything and putting it back together. A complicated cleaning process typically results in giving up on using the machine entirely.
2. Size
You also need to figure out where you are going to put your new latte and cappuccino machine. Is it an additional kitchen appliance that satisfies your specialty coffee cravings or is it going to replace your old coffee maker?
Think about this for a second.
This is because you need to make sure that you have enough space for it in your kitchen, particularly if you plan on using it to create creamy lattes and cappuccino every single day!
3. Reservoir Size
Wait, let me rephrase that:
How many people want your coffee?
You need to choose a tank size depending on the answer. Larger reservoirs simply mean fewer refills. 
And trust me that when it is finally time to show off your newly discovered barista skills in front of your guests and friends, a substantial reservoir is truly a life-saver.
In terms of cleaning and maintenance, I would also like to point out that removable water tanks are a big plus!
4. Speed
Choose a latte and cappuccino machine which can work according to your desired speed. This is quite important, particularly in a busy environment where you will need a machine that will work at a faster rate when you are late for work.
5. Budget
So, how much are you willing to spend to hone your barista skills and start creating your own lattes and cappuccinos?
Prices vary drastically, depending on the model and features of the machine— from around a hundred dollars to a thousand. So, where do your budget limit fall?
Here’s the thing though
I do not recommend letting the cost of the machine be the primary factor of your purchase. Even if you chose a lower end latte and cappuccino machine, you can always make sure that it has at least a couple of crucial features that you want. Otherwise, you will probably just regret purchasing it in the first place.
The Top 5 Best Latte and Cappuccino Machines
#1: Mr. Coffee Café Barista Cappuccino and Latte Maker
Via Amazon.com
Our rating
This entry level cappuccino and latte maker eliminates all the guesswork that goes into steaming your own milk since the machine already does it by itself. Everything about this machine is automatic and all you need to do s to make sure that all the needed ingredients are in place, press the appropriate button an wait for your latte or cappuccino.
Simplicity, it the right term for this machine. Just fill the water tank, the milk tank if you plan on making a cappuccino or latte, put your coffee in the ground baskets, click a button to choose what you are making and that’s it! You will be making lattes, cappuccinos, and espresso in just a few seconds.
It also has a large 55 oz. the reservoir that allows you to brew one cup from another without refilling the tank. Also, it can be easily removed for refilling and cleaning. Cleaning is also automatic with this machine with is Programmed Cleaning Cycle.
What We Like
Dedicated buttons for making latte, cappuccino, and espresso
Integrated milk frother
Best value for the price
Double-shot capacity
Larger reservoir
Completely automated
What We Don't Like
Lacks personalization
Needs priming for optimal performance
Milk frother can create a bit of mess
Water temperature is not consistent
#2: DeLonghi Magnifica XS Cappuccino and Latte Machine
Via Amazon.com
Our rating
The DeLonghi Magnifica XS offers you the Italian versatility and expertise packed in this elegant model! This compact espresso, latte and cappuccino machine has a stainless drip tray, water tank, and ground bins which slide out to the front of the machine. Its 60 ounces water tank is removable and ground bins can hold up to 14 single espressos.
It has a professional burr grinder with a total of 13 adjustable settings that grinds fresh beans every time in order to ensure freshness. It has an adjustable manual Cappuccino system that mixes milk and steam in order to create thick and long lasting foam.
Easy to use, you only need to adjust the menu settings for temperature, cup size and coffee strength and the machine will take care of the rest! The Magnifica XS also self-adjusts for a single or two shots of espresso and brings consistent brewing every time!
What We Like
Small size
Easy to use control panel
Large water reservoir
Built-in coffee beans grinder
Heats up fast
Allows personalization and adjustments
What We Don't Like
Can be quite loud
Cleaning of steam wand is a pain
#3: Breville BES870XL Barista Express
Our rating
The Breville Barista Express is among the favorite latte and cappuccino maker on this list. If you really want something that is close to professional so you can create some latte and cappuccino art and be a true home barista, this machine is the right one for you!
It is a feature-rich coffee maker with just a small footprint so that it does not take up too much of your valuable counter space. With a 67 oz. removable water tank, you do not need to frequently refill it after every few cups. Featuring a built-in conical burr grinder, you can grind beans and also choose both the grind dose and size.
The machine comes with digital temperature control in order to ensure that you always get a precise espresso extraction. And there is also an auto purge function which helps ensure optimal extraction. In terms of latte making, its 360-degree swivel steam wand is a joy to use since it makes milk steaming effortless.
What We Like
Removable drip tray
Comes with all the necessary equipment for latte art
Lot of settings and options
Makes precise extraction
Great water tank capacity
Easier and quick cleanup
What We Don't Like
The grinder can sometimes be messy
Build quality is bit flimsy
#4: Gaggia 14101 Classic Latte and Cappuccino Maker
Via Amazon.com
Our rating
If you tend to make a lot of coffee every day, then the 72 ox water tank capacity of this latte and cappuccino maker from Gaggia should be perfect for you! Other than having the largest capacity among our latte and cappuccino reviews, this espresso machine is well-built with sturdy stainless steel housing and commercial components such as the 58mm portafilter that makes it durable and longer-lasting.
Frothing milk for cappuccinos and lattes is also super easy, thanks to the efficient Pannarello wand which can also be used for dispensing hot water. Featuring a dual boiler, this coffee maker can heat water faster than most espresso machines, making it ready to brew in under 5 minutes and ready to steam in 20 seconds.
Operating is also super easy with user-friendly rocker switches. The machine itself is easy to assemble. And if that is not enough, Gaggia also provided a very clear installation instruction manual for your convenience.
What We Like
Simple yet functional design
Easy to assemble
Large water reservoir
Durable housing and components
Faster heating time
Easy to use control
Easy and quick milk frothing
What We Don't Like
Unable to brew carafe sized beverages
Cheap plastic steam wand
#5: Nespresso Inissia Espresso Maker
Via Amazon.com
Our rating
Lightweight, compact, tiny footprint and fully equipped with ergonomic handles, the Nespresso Inissia fits perfectly into any interior design and is available n different colors to find the right one for your kitchen counter.
With this machine, you do not need to wait for it to warm up. In a single touch and less than 25 seconds, the water will reach the ideal temperature in order to create 9 cups of coffees with its 24 oz. water tank capacity. And you can even adjust the cup size with its 2 programmable buttons— Lungo and Espresso.
It offers great barista-style tasting, thanks to its single-touch operation and patented extraction system that delivers up to 19 bar pressure. It has a folding cup tray that can accommodate tall recipe glasses and used capsule container can hold at least 9 – 11 capsules. Energy-efficient, this latte, and cappuccino machine automatically switch off after 9 minutes in order to save energy.
What We Like
Energy saving
Colorful and compact design
2 programmable buttons
High-pressure pump
Fast heating time
Folding cup tray for larger cup sizes
What We Don't Like
Consistent drips after brewing
The Crema-Maker King
Taking everything that a latte and cappuccino machine should have, I must say that the winner of this roundup would be…
Breville BES870XL Barista Express!
A favorite, this latte and cappuccino maker unleashes the barista in you and allows you to master the art of latte and cappuccino arts! It is compact and comes with a decent water tank so you do not have to refill it every now and then! Oh, and the built-in burr grinder is pretty useful, too! And yes, it is super easy to use and clean!
Creamy Thoughts
Smooth and creamy coffee drinks are definitely one of life’s little pressure. Cappuccino and latte make even the most stressful or lazy day manageable and a bit sweet! And with the best latte and cappuccino maker at your disposal, you can always get your hand on sweet lattes or frothy cappuccinos without standing on long lines, ever again!
I hope you find this article helpful. If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to voice it out and hit up the comment section below!
Until then, have a sweet and smooth day!
The post Best Latte and Cappuccino Machines 2019: Top 5+ Recommended appeared first on Cooky Mom.
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antionetterparker · 6 years
It Works: Body Wraps May Fascinate but They Raise Multiple Red Flags [Review]
Weight loss is huge if you’ve got a unique mechanism for achieving weight loss — like It Works does.
But your methods have got to work, or you’ll be collecting complaints rather than customers — like It Works has.
To be fair, It Works has an impressive product line-up, and who wouldn’t want to try its signature body wrap. But if you’re looking for a good MLM, there are plenty of red flags to watch out for.
It Works is a direct sales company that specializes in products related to body shape, skincare, and nutrition.
Mark and Cindy Pentecost founded the company in 2001 by selling the Ultimate Body Applicator, the company’s flagship product.
The company is now worth hundreds of millions of dollars and employs more than 200 full-time employees.
1. What does It Works sell? It Works sells beauty, nutrition, and lifestyle products.
2. What are It Works’ most popular products? It Works’ most popular product is their Ultimate Body Applicator. This non-woven cloth wrap is infused with a powerful, botanically based cream formula that tightens, tones, and firms wherever you need it most. For weight loss, It Works has an entire line of Keto products, including Keto Coffee (instant coffee with MCT oil, butter, and collagen), Keto Go (an energy drink), and Ketones (a non-GMO, soy-free ketone powder).
3. How much does it cost to join It Works? To join It Works, you’ll need to buy a Business Builder Kit for $49.50. That gives you a catalog and 10 business cards, some sample products, and one month of free access to the eSuite, where you’ll get the Training Academy, place your orders, and track your team’s growth. eSuite is $20 per month after your first 30 days.
4. Is It Works a scam? No, it’s a legitimate business selling legitimate products. They’ve been recognized three times as an honorary Inc. 500, 2017 Top 100 Direct Selling News, and 2018 Direct Selling News Best Places to Work.
5. What is It Works’ BBB rating? C+ for failing to resolve underlying causes of a pattern of complaints.
6. How long has It Works been in business? Since 2001
7. What is It Works’ revenue? $686 million in 2016
8. How many It Works distributors are there? 150,000 as of 2016
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2013, the Environmental Research Center filed a lawsuit against It Works because some of its products contained lead. [1]
10. Comparable companies: Total Life Changes, Shaklee, Le-Vel
So should you get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on It Works.
As previously mentioned, the flagship product of It Works is the Ultimate Body Applicator. It’s a cloth wrap that helps tighten and tone skin, eliminating cellulite and improving skin texture. It can be utilized over several body parts including the abdomen, back, legs, and buttocks.
The Ultimate Body Applicator was the product that helped to launch It Works, but the company now offers a variety of other products. The company sells a gel that it recommends be used in conjuncture with the body wrap.
It Works offers roughly 10 different skin care products such as toners, cleansers, and an exfoliating peel (think poor man’s Nerium).
The company has three different lines of nutritional products. “Greens” are dietary supplements that offer various health benefits. Everyday essentials include probiotics, Omega-3, and other supplements for core nutrition. Then, for energy and endurance, they provide energy drinks and plant-based protein shakes.
It Works has a full line of Lifestyle products. This line includes essential oils, coconut oil, minerals, and a variety of gift sets. There are also a variety of packs that combine many of the company’s products that are designed to complement one another.
The company also sells apparel, including tees, jackets, workout clothes, and accessories.
Compensation Plan
It Works sells its products online, but the company also relies on its independent marketers called Wrapreneurs.
These Wrapreneurs pay a $49.50 startup fee (not uncommon, see: Thirty One, Monat, or Scentsy) and receive a Business Starter Kit to help them along. They are then able to make money in the following ways:
Retail Commission – The difference between the wholesale price of a product and the retail price, which varies depending on the product.
Loyal Customer Commissions – Signing up loyal customers, which means someone who buys regularly but does not become a distributor, leads to residual income for as long as they remain customers.
Team Commissions – Additional commissions earned from sponsoring others to join It Works as distributors, ranging from 2 to 10% based on their team location. There are additional bonuses for continuing to build a team and rise through company ranks.
The Good
The starter kit that It Works provides for new distributors is a meaningful asset that can be quite helpful to new members who may not have much experience with multi-level marketing. The kit includes four Ultimate Body Applicators, catalogs, marketing materials, and business cards.
The Wrapreneurs also have access to online training, a personal mentor, personal development coaching, and a customized website to help them run their business that’s free for the first 30 days.
Also included in the starter kit are suggestions for diet and exercise that can help complement It Works’ product line. This kit offers far more than what the average multi-level marketing firm gives to its new distributors to help get them started.
By offering so much, the company lets its members know they are serious about helping them, which in turn, will make the distributors serious about achieving high levels of success [2].
The fact that It Works has expanded its product line to include more than just the Ultimate Body Applicator is also a huge plus. It’s not difficult to imagine that lots of people will be excited to give a body wrap a chance, and so having products that can complement the company’s base product adds to the earning potential of each distributor.
Moreover, even if a customer is not sold on the body wrap, the distributor still has a chance to turn them into a buyer because of the other products offered. Therefore, selling for It Works is not an all or nothing proposition.
The Bad
Of course, while It Works’ body wraps and other products may sound enticing to some, there is little scientific evidence backing up their validity. There are a number of caveats to using body wraps that every person should look into before using one. For instance, users are required to drink large amounts of water on the day of use and the days following use. It’s also important to combine use of a body wrap with proper diet and exercise.
The Food and Drug Administration also warns against the use of body wraps, citing several potential medical complications, especially for those with pre-existing conditions.
There have also been a variety of complaints targeted at It Works. These complaints include customers receiving the wrong products, continuing to receive products and being charged even after canceling their membership, and charging customers a cancellation fee without proper notice.
The high volume of complaints has contributed to It Works receiving a poor rating from the Better Business Bureau. There is also a mix of both positive and negative reviews coming from those inside the company, meaning not all employees and distributors are pleased with their experience.
One final thing to be aware of is the monthly sales requirement for distributors. The overall compensation plan is fair and balanced, but distributors need to achieve a monthly sales quote that amounts to roughly $112 in product purchases in order to be eligible to receive commissions.
This may sound reasonable from the company’s perspective, but it can make it difficult for casual distributors to keep up, causing them to lose out on any commissions they may make.
It Works is far from a terrible company, but there are several reasons why one should be cautious about joining as a distributor. The uncertainty about the effectiveness of their products combined with the possible adverse effects of body wraps are enough to make one think twice about getting involved with It Works.
The volume of complaints from both customers and those within the company should also be an area of great concern.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/it-works/
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