#I’ve seen a lot of posts like this lately and it kinda irked me
vexenya · 8 months
Maybe a hot take but if for whatever reason you cannot boycott maybe keep that to yourself? Don’t go around telling everyone and the dog “omg I have to eat McDonald’s 😢 I can’t afford anything else” because 1) there are plenty of better and cheaper options, trust me I’ve been there and I didn’t eat McDonald’s a single time when I was there. And 2) when you say things like that you’re clearly trying to get people to sympathize with you and reassure you that you’re not a bad person and you’re not doing anything wrong. People are literally dying, this situation is not about you.
Decades in the future, when all this is in the history books, people in Palestine won’t remember that you couldn’t stop drinking Starbucks because it’s the only coffee shop in your area. They’ll remember that people in a first world country refused to do the bare minimum to help them.
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rabbitsparklez · 4 years
✨sorry Im kinda late if you're still doing the ask thingy. anyway, what are some of your UNPOPULAR opinions?
No, it’s fine! I’m happy to get asks whenever :)
First of all, I’d like to apologize for the delay. It took me like 3 days to answer this because I added a lot. This was a LOT more elaborate than you asked for so uh...... enjoy?
I have a lot of conflicted opinions that I wouldn’t exactly call “unpopular”, but I also have several that I would. There is negativity in this post, and if you’d rather not read it, then please don’t.
Please do not comment or message me about these if you disagree. This is my blog, and if you generally disagree with my than I don’t know what you are doing here.
Thank you for the ask!
1. I kinda... almost.... hated “Buddy”.
 Yes, it’s a really catchy song and a great blend of Zach and James’ voices, but it also serves as a reminder that the writers prioritized Cassandra’s importance over Eugene’s. I’m already not a fan of it when people use strong and mature characters in overly silly scenarios, but it makes my stomach churn to think that they would actually dare to ridicule Eugene to such a far extent in order to give Cassandra the spotlight, when her entire arc was written poorly despite all their costly efforts to give it to her. I know that Eugene didn’t intentionally fall under the influence of those flowers and he certainly would’ve done something had he been there when Rapunzel discovered the Moon Incantation, but honestly that just bothers me even more because Eugene had so much potential and they wasted it.
2. (I don’t know what’s gonna come of this) I don’t hate King Frederick. I’m very disappointed in him, but I don’t hate him. Everyone hates him because of his failure to handle a threat to the kingdom, and his rashness and dishonestly toward his daughter, and I both agree to a lot of it, but I don’t hate him.
I have no excuses for the fact that he lied about having the black rocks under control because he didn’t know what to do about them. As the king, it is his responsibility to consider what is best for his kingdom, and by lying about a major threat, he only caused the problem to get worse. The reason the black rocks came in the first place, however, is because he took the Sundrop to heal his dying wife and unborn child. I know it wasn’t the most prudent decision, and he did a horrible job cleaning up the mess he made afterwards, but he was desperate to save his family, and chances are likely that he didn’t have time to consider every aspect and consequence that taking the Sundrop would cause.
Regarding his actions towards Rapunzel, I hate the fact that he would dare consider locking his own daughter in her room to protect her from something that he’s not making any effort to fix. Treating people immorally harshly while saying it’s for their own good is toxic, and I want to make it clear that I am the last person to defend abusers, but I highly doubt that Frederick gingerly considered every aspect of locking his daughter in her room and how it would affect her. Rapunzel was kidnapped as a baby, and that gives two reasons why Frederick is so protective of her: the fact that he is her father and the pain and trauma in itself. Everyone takes trauma differently, depending on the person and the weight of the situation. I hate it when people who are clearly smart and strong enough to understand the situation use their traumas as an excuse to justify their actions, but some people are so devastated by their traumas that they completely lose themselves. Again, he logically wouldn’t have thought about every single thing he was doing and the trouble it would cause. He lost his baby girl. I’ve heard many times that losing a child is the worst pain imaginable, and you could only understand that pain if you experienced it. Perhaps he even felt responsible for the fact that his daughter was kidnapped because he thought that he wasn’t as protective as he should’ve been, and the idea of “making things right again” and protecting her was drilled so deeply into his mind. In addition to the pain that he went through and how that affected his judgments, Frederick had no parental experience whatsoever. All parents have to figure out who their children are and how they should handle situations. Doing this involves trial and error, tears and pain. As seen in the episode “You’re Kidding Me”, Rapunzel and Eugene both thought they knew how to treat children but both of them made errors due to the cooperation and sensitivity of the kids they were looking after - this applies to every parent and every child. Frederick was completely ad-libbed into parenthood, and his trauma from losing his child did not mix well with Rapunzel’s spirit of adventure and independence.
As a king, Frederick failed in his responsibility to do what is best for the kingdom, and I agree that he wasn’t justified for the actions he took (or didn’t take), and he was a jerk for lying about it; but as a father, I feel more sympathy for him because in his eyes, he was doing the right thing, even though we know that he wasn’t. People are so quick to justify Varian for his actions following his traumas, when he’s admittedly intelligent enough to understand them; but people are so quick to demonize Frederick for his actions following his traumas, when he’s clearly not intelligent enough to understand them. I don’t think that’s fair in the minimal sense and it still irks me how biased a lot of people were in this situation.
3. I’m not sure how “popular” or “unpopular” this one is considered, but I hated both Stalyan and Brock Thunderstrike. It takes a lot for me to actually hate a character, but considering how much they wronged Eugene, I can’t ever see them in a positive perspective.
Aside from almost killing Lance, Stalyan abused Eugene. When he was only 16, she tried to marry him so that he could be her partner in crime, and judging by the way she talked to him in BTCW, it’s likely that she manipulated him and constantly belittled his choices. (which is another reason I hate how they did that with the Cass arc, because he should be entitled to such a valid opinion). She called him by his fake last name and tried to pull him back into the past, showing that she gave no importance to his persona and development as a character. When he refuses to marry her, her dad poisons his best friend and forces Eugene to either let his best friend from childhood die, or leave his girlfriend - his closest companion who filled in his missing parts and helped him to know that he mattered. Afterwards, she brushed it of with “that was my dad’s idea, but bad guys have a flair for drama”, in the least sympathetic tone imaginable. She then locked him and his dying friend in prison until the wedding, and tried to convince him that he wasn’t good enough for the woman he loved. The writers could’ve used her as a way to understand Eugene’s insecurities and pain a little bit better, but they freaking REDEEMED her. She just went with Rapunzel on a little road trip where she decided “y’know what, you can have my ex boyfriend and I’ll move on! Tell him I said hi!”. We didn’t get a proper address that Stalyan likely had a role in damaging Eugene’s sense of importance and trust, but even worse, we didn’t get an apology. I can’t believe that they made Rapunzel deal with someone else’s abusive relationship, where she hardly understood what was actually going on. Stalyan never said another word to Eugene or apologized to him or Lance for what she had done to both of them. She married a guy that looks exactly like him in the end too! Instead of looking for someone new, she chose a guy who looks exactly like her ex, showing that she cared more about his looks than his inner self.
Speaking of her new boyfriend, I hated Brock Thunderstrike. Let’s just pretend that Eugene hasn’t already been sidelined and ridiculed for Cass, and make an almost exact copy of him, only without his flaws and development! Let’s make him look exactly like him, make him repeat every iconic action and line that he made in the movie in a flawless way, and make him steal his entire former identity!  - THAT WAS SO STUPID! I can’t believe they actually did that! Eugene is one of the most meticulously created, personified, and multifaceted characters that Disney has ever created, but not only did they push him in the mud to give Cassandra space, but they created this idiot Mary Sue copy of him with no personification otherwise! In the end, just like Stalyan, he decided with no redeeming deeds or apologies that he would make a new person of himself.
They really make a good match, and that’s not a compliment.
4. I love Lance as a person, but not as a character - If that makes any sense.
I love that wholesome boy a lot, but I don’t like the way he was used in the show. I think that even he pitched in to the factors that flattened Eugene as a character in the show. First of all, it takes away some of the meaning of love and it’s necessity to Eugene’s life. We always thought that Eugene was a lonely, rejected child who needed love more than he realized, but it turns out he did, in fact, have a buddy who wasn’t just his partner in crime for years, but a close, brotherly figure. That contradicts the significance of Eugene’s childhood and life as an orphan. Secondly, Lance was often used as an object to distract Eugene and drag him into the stupid and nonsensical scenarios that prevented him from interfering with Rapunzel and Cassandra’s overly prioritized involvement to the plot of the episode. Don’t get me wrong. I love Lance and have nothing against him, but his role as a character could’ve been used in better ways.
5. Adira should have either had a larger or smaller role in the show.
When we were introduced to Adira in Season 2, she was the fairy godmother  that always came when the squad was in distress. She could do everything: she is superhumanly strong and agile, can cook, can effortlessly cut down trees, can survive in the wilderness, knows everything, and is practically perfect. But considering her knowledge of the Sundrop and Moonstone and her past with the Dark Kingdom, I was disappointed that we couldn’t explore more of her character and personality. In Season 3, she just kind of vanished. Considering her amazing abilities, we could’ve explored her character and learned of her weaknesses and backstory in season 3, but we didn’t. She played a lot of parts in Season 2 but almost none in Season 3. I thought Adira was sort of a Mary Sue. She’s perfect on the outside, but we have little knowledge of the inside. To make her a better character, she could’ve either been brought into the light in Season 3, or not given as much attention in Season 2. Either way, she’s an unbalanced character. I like her, but she’s hollow.
6. I like Shorty. 
He’s kind of pointless and it made me roll my eyes when he unintentionally saved the day when other characters *cough* Eugene *cough* could’ve done so, but he also made me laugh a lot. He’s an idiot but fairly harmless otherwise. Also, unlike a lot of things in the show, he’s in character. In the movie, it wasn’t out of character for Shorty to pop up in weird places or save the day without really knowing it (he was one of the ones who helped Eugene break out of prison). The Snuggly Duckling was a major point in the movie and we didn’t see a lot it in the show. While Shorty’s tagging along didn’t contribute anything to society, it kept the Snuggly Duckling present in the show.
7. As much as I love him, I’m not attracted to Eugene.
I think he’s handsome and charming, but I ship him with Rapunzel too much to be in love with him :). I would give anything to have a platonic friend like him, but maybe not a husband.
To be frank, I’m a little creeped out by people who seem to “fall romantically in love” with characters, because they sometimes........well let’s just say that they portray them in a way that makes me incredibly uncomfortable - if you know what I mean. This applies to all characters, but especially to the ones that I like.
8. Varian’s role was too invasive. You’re probably surprised at this, because a lot of fans seem to think that he didn’t get enough of a role and wasn’t put to his full potential. I agree that he is a very elaborate character with a lot of potential, but he was never intended to be a main character, and he shouldn’t have been given a larger perspective and more angst factors than the actual main characters.
After his villain arc, fans started hating Rapunzel because they had sympathy for Varian and accused her of not treating him well, which I hated. It is true that he was in a situation worth having pity on him for, but they expressed a lot more emotional impact from his perspective than from anyone else’s, thus fans only considered his feelings. Rapunzel was going through an extremely difficult time at that moment, too, but it was shown in a less dramatic and sympathyzable way. She almost lost her parents and the man she loved in a snowstorm, while for the first time when she had to make prudent decisions as a leader, the kingdom was in a state of distress. After the storm, her father continued to lie to her, and the reason she never helped him was because he convinced her that Old Corona was under control. All she wanted to do was stabilize herself in a calm state of mind, which was ok, because she didn’t realize that there was more trouble. Even so, she could hardly do so because she was still stressed and traumatized. If these things from her perspective were more clearly presented to the audience, there would’ve been less of a war in the fandom and there probably would’ve been sympathy from both sides. But they wanted to show things from Varian’s point of view, which was valid until he went feral. {He stated in the episode before the finale that he understood that Rapunzel “did what she had to”, and he is clearly intelligent enough to pull things together, but everyone used trauma as an excuse. If he could connive that entire plot where he would kidnap the queen, use a dummy of him, extract the Sundrop’s power, etc. then he clearly was in a sane enough state of mind to put things together, but he didn’t. In Season 3, he admitted that the reason he became a villain was because he had taken his anger too far, after realizing that he was wrong. }
Considering that Rapunzel is the main character and the writers expect us to feel sympathy for her, they should’ve at least made the situation less dramatic from Varian’s point of view. Chris Sonnenburg himself was annoyed with fans who sympathized more for Varian and watched the show for him instead of Rapunzel - but in a way it was his fault for the way he portrayed the situation. I agree with him in the sense that I was annoyed with Varian fans taking over the fandom and demonizing Rapunzel, but it was the crew’s own choice to make Varian such a likable character to so many people.
Although his redemption arc was handled well in my opinion, it was more focused on and important to the show than that of the Father of Tangled Redemption Arc’s - Eugene’s. His redemption arc is the backbone to the entire franchise, but the series didn’t take him seriously, so even though his redemption subtly fell in place in Season 1 especially, I was disappointed that he didn’t have a nice serious episode where his redeemed self shined in the light, while Varian, a secondary character, did. Although not to such an extent, Varian’s role, similar to Cassandra’s was prioritized in the show above the main characters’ and that bothers me.
9. I’d say this one is more under-acknowledged than unpopular, but Cassandra’s existence contradicted Rapunzel’s development rather than bringing out her characteristic “compassion”
Even after all of the horrible things Cassandra did to Rapunzel, to Eugene, and to the kingdom of Corona after deciding to turn evil, she was redeemed. Anyone would’ve stopped pitying her and left her behind, but Rapunzel still cared for her and let her be her friend again. Why? Because the writers tried so hard to convey the message that Rapunzel has compassion for everyone and anything that comes in her path.
It is true and in her character for Rapunzel to be compassionate and humane. The movie conveyed the message that Rapunzel, even after spending so many years unloved and mistreated, loves and has sympathy for everyone. She sees the good in everyone and everything, thus she is capable of redeeming those who have strayed. This characteristic of hers is what caused Eugene to leave behind his past self and find a new life. She didn’t fix him; she opened his soul and brought out the good person who had been hiding inside him for the longest time. The same thing happened to the thugs, other former thieves, and many others. Rapunzel’s compassion and love for others brings the best out of the unlikeliest of people. The way Glen Keane described it, Rapunzel is the representation of humanity.
However, Mother Gothel is the representation of everything that is an obstacle to Rapunzel and her freedom. She gaslight and objectified her by passively claiming that she loved her, and used her as an object to satisfy her own vanity. She never let her express her energetic and adventurous self by locking her inside, and when Rapunzel rebelled, she locked her in chains and took her to the dungeon. Rapunzel’s development can only grow if she is not stifled by chains and abuse, therefore she should avoid Mother Gothel at all costs. But who is this person who, three years later, Rapunzel tries to redeem? The very daughter of Mother Gothel, who is more like a reincarnation of her to be frank. She brought back what Rapunzel was supposed to leave behind. She condescended over her and shamed her for her underdeveloped tendencies before she even betrayed her. She constantly wanted more from her instead of accepting her who she was. She blamed her for her problems and victimized herself. Rapunzel is supposed to be past these things so that she can grow to be a strong and independent woman. Using Cassandra as a permanent villain who Rapunzel would fight against would define her as a developed woman who has moved on from her traumatic past - but it wasn’t like that. Rapunzel pined onto Cassandra despite everything she put her through. The writers tried to use this situation as a way to bring out Rapunzel’s compassion, but it contradicted her self independence and strength.
Rapunzel and Cassandra’s relationship was a toxic one, and it shouldn’t have been portrayed as a good thing at any time in the show, because of it’s disintegration of Rapunzel’s development. Rapunzel is both compassionate and resilient, but because of how poorly the writers handled this, they contradicted both of her character tendencies. It looked more like schizophrenia to be honest: One day Rapunzel resents Cassandra for her actions and fights her with a powerful incantation to keep her away from Eugene; the next day, she sings a song mourning their friendship and expressing how much she wanted her to come back.The way a character’s personality traits are presented is very important. Imagine that you’re at a restaurant where every item uses the same ingredients, but is arranged and composed in a different way. A burger on a bun with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and ketchup would be delicious and appealing; however, a hamburger and cheese smoothie with chunks of lettuce and tomatoes floating in it and ketchup drizzled on top would be nauseating and a horrible idea (sorry for the ridiculous comparison but hopefully it gets the point across). Even though the two items have the same composition, one of them works and the other doesn’t. Rapunzel is both compassionate and resilient, but the writers made a contradicting mess out of these two tendencies because they made them clash.
10.. It annoys me when people think Eugene overreacts to things. He’s neither whiny nor childish. He’s a realistic person in a crazy world, who can’t help but be upset about certain things.
Let’s face it, he’s been through a lot, and all things considered, he’s very tolerant and resilient. He’s the most realistic character in terms of skepticism and trust issues, and that’s something I’ve always loved about him. In situations where nobody’s in danger and things are fairly normal, he tends to “overreact” to minor things, but in dangerous and serious situations, he is the first person to stand up and help people. If he was a shrimpy, whiny wimp who can’t handle things, he wouldn’t have willingly died to save someone, led a rescue squad to save the king and queen in a dangerous situation, decided to live with his former abuser to save someone who was dying, or willingly accepted his role as a captain and lead the safety of the kingdom.
If you were abandoned by your father and ended up as a poor orphan who became a criminal to fend for yourself, it’s only human to not immediately feel inclined to accept him into your life, especially considering his apparently whimsical and unconcerned personality. By the end of the episode, he himself realized that his father kept in touch with him and by the end of the show, came to understand his motive for abandoning him. Nobody forced him to see the good in his father. He realized it by his own effort. When his father gave him a gift at the end, he was the first to hug him, showing that he had come to accept him willingly.
If for generations, your family has dedicated and lost their lives to destroying a dangerous object that has caused a lot of deaths and destruction, and you break your trust with your girlfriend to protect her from it; then when you finally allow her to take it when her jealousy-driven handmaiden takes it with every intention to kill her - of course you are going to resent that woman and be upset that your girlfriend still cares about bringing her back, (especially considering you weren’t keen on her in the first place). Even though Cass didn’t deserve it, he still patiently put up with and respected Rapunzel’s opinion of her despite obviously still disliking her. That doesn’t show that he was happy about it, but that he patiently tolerated situations that he didn’t agree with.
Imagine that the only comfort and security that you had for 15 years was your fake reputation as a different character, despite knowing it wasn’t a good one, and you find it difficult to let him go because you still can’t help but wish you were as established and “successful” as he was. Then some cocky twerp that looks exactly like you comes along, dresses exactly like you and uses the same name as you did, and repeated everything that you were proud to accomplish but only better, and is liked by your friends better than you ever were. Despite the fact that your former identity wasn’t a good one, it was the only thing you had and the only thing you could find pride and joy in because you had a low self esteem about your actual self. I can certainly say that if I met someone like Brock Thunderstrike but a copy of me instead of him, I wouldn’t be happy at all. But in the end, although he obviously resented and was jealous of him, Eugene disinterestedly told him that he saw potential in him, and allowed him to find his own identity.
Eugene is one of the most realistic characters that I’ve ever seen, but he lives in unusual circumstances that he’s not used to. There’s nothing wrong with the fact that he can’t immediately see something, because all’s well that ends well - and in the end, he always makes a just decision.
{There was one more that I wanted to post but I thought it would be too conflicting so I didn’t.}
If you agree with some of these but not others, that’s fine! After all, these are unpopular opinions and I’d be lucky if anyone agreed with them.
Again, thanks for the ask!
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josiebelladonna · 4 years
is it just me or is social media getting really boring as of late
Between the constant onslaught of the pandemic and everyone screaming at the top of their lungs about it (among other things), it all feels too much and I feel so... out of step with everything.
Like “yes, I know. All of this is fucking horrible. I am forbidden from leaving my own house unless I really have to and I have to don a bandana around my face like an old timey bandit. Pretty sure California’s fucked from an economic standpoint. Then again, I’d rather let the economy die than risk my life or that of anyone else in favor of the almighty dollar. We have the absolute worst people at the helm right now. I worry about Joey and Krista getting it all the time. I used to actually love getting groceries, ‘cause growing up poor will make you appreciate that sort of thing - I fucking hate it now because I never know what’s going to be there. Or what’s not going to be there. These live stream concerts are godawful (probably the best ones I’ve seen by far were Eddie and Billie Joe at that Home Together thing back in March, and Post Malone doing Nirvana covers a couple of weeks ago), and I really hate how everyone’s acting like it’s going to be all over come next month—if you ask me, this thing is just getting warmed up.”
But I literally do not read anything political anymore because it’s so played out and predictable at this point. Like... “wow, how original it is to be political. The guy we have as president is an idiot and said something outrageous. How original.” The last... I’d say the past few days I went on Twitter (this morning being the most egregious example), I had to get out of it after ten seconds. I just.. I couldn’t take it. When news got out that Chris died, I was communicating like crazy. I was talking to people, and consoling with them, and connecting with them through our mutual love of music, and then... I don’t know. After a while, everyone stepped away (or they only came to me when I brought up Chris, which was not at all fair to me because I wanted to let him rest and move on) and I went on my hiatus. I almost feel like I can’t talk to people anymore if I’m honest.
I’m starting to think making my old FB account a safe spot was a bad idea because I don’t know anyone anymore and it doesn’t help a lot of those dude bros in the Anthrax group have been really irking me the past couple of days (I’m starting to think a lot of them don’t like Joey. But then again, he’s a slender handsome Italian/Iroquois boy with the voice of a choir boy, I’d be insecure in my balls, too). Instagram’s getting boring, too. It’s like “scroll... like Pearl Jam’s post, like Anthrax’s post, watch something Charlie did with Skolnick and Danny Lilker, like Kirk Hammett’s post, giggle at Cypress Hill’s post, like Alain Johannes’ post... done. Go draw or write something.” I almost don’t even feel like making comments anymore; it’s kinda sad because I like making comments - I like getting them, too! And I always have because they’re more engaging than a straight up like.
It’s just... incessant. And I really feel alone in my being a glimmer of light, or at least trying to be because it’s like all everyone wants to do is be negative all the time.
And it’s a little ways off, and I’m glad I caught it now, but I know there’ll come a point where I’m going to yank someone aside and say “stop. Just stop. Enough. Shut the fuck up. I get it. Your wokeness makes me wanna poison myself not only smack the shit out of you but log off the Internet forever.”
In fact, you know what? I think I might partially log off. I won’t go on Twitter and I’ll use IG very minimally. Just keep Tumblr active, my writing spots open, and keep making art, because god damn it, JOEY FREAKING BELLADONNA IS A FAN OF ME! And my writing is starting to find some traction on the writing sites so I gotta stay open at least somewhat no matter how many caveats come with it.
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milkchu · 5 years
❝anyway the wind blows❞ five.
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Summary: (Y/N) Mercury’s journey of love, fame, and pain, alongside what would become one of the most legendary bands ever, Queen.
Pairing: Borhap!Queen x Reader, eventual Brian May x Reader
A/N: sorry i haven’t been posting !!! this chapter was kind of a pain to write so i apologize if it does seem kinda bad heuheuhsudh. happy reading! 💓
Warnings: Mentions of drinking and smoking, suggestive themes
{previous chapter} {next chapter}
“Do you really think she’ll sing this?” Roger asked, holding onto a piece of paper, while looking at Brian, confused.
Brian shrugged, “It’s worth a try.”
“I do kind of like the song,” Roger said, “But, it’s literally about girls’ arses, Brian, she’ll never sing this!”
“Sing what?”
Brian, Roger, and John all jumped at your sudden appearance, letting out breaths when they see it was just you, sipping on a juice box.
Brian then cleared his throat, and stammered, “Oh, uh, it’s noth-”
“Brian wrote a song,” Roger interrupted, immediately handing over the piece of paper over to you.
The curly-haired guitarist then smacked his blond friend’s arm in annoyance before he started to tap on his chin in nervousness, cheeks warming up, while watching you read the lyrics.
Roger expected a sour look to appear on your face while you read the paper, but then got a smile slowly growing on your face instead.
“It’s alright if you don’t want to sing it,” Brian sighed, “I was stupid to ask-”
“Fuck yeah, I’ll sing it.”
I've been singing with my band
Across the wire, across the land
I seen every blue eyed floozy on the way, hey
But their beauty and their style
Went kind of smooth after a while
Take me to them dirty ladies every time
You couldn’t decide whether you loved America or not. It was definitely your kind of place but, some people can be such a drag.
Like last night, all four of you were out in a random pub and this stocky man kept flirting with you but luckily, your three favorite lads were there to protect you.
All of them were pissed off by it, especially Brian. You didn’t think that it would still irk him until the next day.
Maybe he was just was protective of his friend?
All of the bus trips to different parts of America mostly consisted of you sleeping, drinking, smoking, destroying the lads in Scrabble, and, Roger, sometimes Brian and John, picking up a few girls here and there.
It was a quite annoying and it bothered you a lot, but that was the new lifestyle, I guess.
Oh, won't you take me home tonight?
Oh, down beside your red firelight
“We love you, Cleveland!”
“We love you, Houston!”
Oh, and you give it all you got
“We love you, Denver! Very happy to be here!”
Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go 'round
Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go 'round
“And are the crowds big?” Matthew asked through the phone.
“Well, we’re selling out every night. I just wish you were here to see it, they really love us.” You replied, leaning against the payphone.
“We love you, Portland!”
Hey, listen here!
Now I got mortgages on homes
You can’t help but playfully tap Brian’s arse, “He’s got a big arse, too!”
I got stiffness in my bones
“We love you, New Orleans!”
Ain't no beauty queens in this locality, I tell you
“We love you, Atlanta!”
Oh, but I still get my pleasure
Still got my greatest treasure
You called over the blond drummer to the front, “Rog! Come down here and say hello!”
“We love you, Pittsburgh!”
Heap big woman, you done made a big man of me
“I’m good, I just miss you,” Matthew said, feeling a bit lonely in your shared flat.
“What are you doing? You can’t possibly be having any fun without me.” You replied, playfully.
He chuckled, “Nothing as exciting as America.”
As he was saying this, you noticed a familiar man pass by you, you didn’t realize you were staring until he, himself, stared back and had a little smug smile on his face.
He continued to walk towards the bathroom, your eyes not leaving him.
“Say hi to the boys for me,” Matthew’s voice snapped you back to reality, before you stammered, “I will, I love you.”
“Bye, (Y/N), I love you.” Matthew breathed, before ending the call to go to work.
As the man opened the bathroom door, he looked back toward you once more with a suggestive smirk and went inside.
You put the phone back and leaned against the wall, getting a view of his black t-shirt that had your band’s logo on the back above the word, ‘crew.’
Get on your bikes and ride
Ooh yeah, oh yeah, them fat bottomed girls
Fat bottomed girls
Yeah yeah yeah
Alright, ride 'em, c'mon
Fat bottomed girls, yes yes
 Looking at the closed door with a sigh, you began to reflect on all the times you had felt this way, or had this kind of moment.
 You felt. . . somewhat unhappy or empty. But, what more could you ask for? You and your band were literally rockstars at this point. 
You still couldn’t quite figure it out yet but luckily, the amazing shows and its crowds were there to distract you from it.
 After you had all returned home from the tour, a meeting was set up between the band and Ray Foster.
 It was way past the agreed meeting time and Ray Foster’s office was currently in complete utter silence, except for the occasional tongue-clicking and sighs, as everyone including Reid, Paul and, Jim Beach all waited for you.
The silence was suddenly interrupted with the door slamming open, “Hello,” You greeted, walking in with an outfit that clearly contrasted everyone else’s.
“You’re late,” Foster said with a somewhat annoyed tone, as you made your way to the empty seat, “Am I?”
As you passed by, your bandmates’ eyes couldn’t help but follow your ‘figure’ that Brian definitely did not write that song about, wearing the shortest shorts they’ve ever seen.
Paul smiled, before gesturing towards the empty seat, “Saved you a seat.”
“Lovely,” You said, before sitting down, immediately grabbing a cigarette from your jacket pocket.
“Okay, so, now that we’re all here, Jim, this is Ray Foster, Ray, this is the band’s lawyer, Jim Beach,” Reid introduced them.
“Oh, you must stop calling him that,” You said, as you lit up your cigarette.
Reid sighed, “That’s his name.”
“No, we cannot keep calling him ‘Jim Beach’. No, that’s absurd, not to mention, unspeakably boring.” You counter, before taking a drag.
“Miami,” You announced, Brian letting out a chuckle, “From now on, I dub thee, Miami Beach!” You grinned, as you pointed towards him.
 Jim chuckled, “The sun always sets behind you, doesn’t it? On. . . Miami Beach.”
You shot him a smile in amusement, “Hm.”
“Right. Now that everybody’s got an acceptable name, let’s get to it,” Foster began, “Look, we just really need something special. More hits, like Killer Queen. . . only bigger.”
You grabbed a record from the bag beside your chair and stood up, walking towards the record player by Foster’s desk.
“It’s not bloody widgets we’re making,” Roger chided, “We can’t just reproduce Killer Queen.”
Replacing the record with the one that you brought, “No,” You set down the tone arm onto the record, “We can do better.”
As music started to play, you looked towards your bandmates with a knowing smile before taking a drag out of your cigarette.
Brian looked at you in amusement as you started to sway around behind Foster, “It’s opera,” Foster said with a deadpan tone.
“Opera!” Reid nodded, before Paul joined in too, “Opera!”
Your bandmates nodded in enjoyment as John says, “Yeah, there seems to be an echo in here!”
Swaying along with the music, your bandmates join along as well, while Foster just looked at you in bewilderment.
As the louder part of the song came, your hand moved along with it, ending literally with a bang on Foster’s desk.
You and your bandmates began to shake, trying hard not to laugh out loud at Foster’s reaction.
Afterwards, you slowly swayed your way back to the record player, before turning down the volume.
“See, we don’t want to repeat ourselves, the same formula, over and over,” Brian explained.
“Formulas are a complete and utter waste of time,” You continued, as Brian nodded in agreement.
“Formulas work. Let’s stick with the formulas, I like formulas,” Foster said, a smile growing on his face.
Completely ignoring what he just said, “We’ll call the album. . .” You looked over towards your bandmates, “A Night at the Opera.”
Foster sighed, “Are you aware that no one actually likes opera?”
“I like opera,” Miami chimed, “Do you?” Foster looked over to him before Reid chimed in as well, “I do.”
“No, don’t misunderstand, darling. It’s a rock and roll record. . . with the scale of opera, the pathos of Greek tragedy, the wit of Shakespeare, the. . . unbridled joy of musical theater,” You grinned.
Your bandmates nodded in agreement, before you continued, “It’s a musical experience, rather than just another record.”
“Something for everyone. . . something. . .” You looked over towards your bandmates, “Something that will make people feel belongs to them.”
“We’ll mix genres, we’ll cross boundaries, we’ll. . . we’ll speak in bloody tongues if we want to!” You chuckled.
“There’s no musical ghetto that can contain us!” Roger argued.
“That’s it,” You pointed towards him.
“No one knows what Queen means because it doesn’t mean one thing!” John added.
Foster sighed, before looking over towards Reid, “What do you think, John?”
“I. . . agree with the band,” Reid gestured towards you all before Foster replied, “Of course you do. How about you, uh. . .”
“Miami,” Jim answered, as you look at him with a grin, “Fortune favors the bold.”
You turned towards Foster, placing both your hands on his desk, “Surely, a man of your. . . unique taste isn’t afraid of a little risk?”
Foster then shook his head at you, “Please don’t make me regret this.”
You grinned as you pointed towards him,
“You’re fun.”
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acearchivist359 · 4 years
My Rise of Skywalker Opinions/Commentary
this is mostly for me but and for my other blog (not on tumblr) but I thought I’d post it here too cause why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ happy Star Ways Day fellow humans, may the force be with you 
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   Okay so here's something I have a lot of opinions about. I'm gonna have to say right off the bat, I didn't like Rise of Skywalker. Being said though, I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. I've seen it twice by now, I wrote my notes having seen it once, I've had lengthy debates about it with multiple people ranging from one of my parent's friends to one of my best friends to my little brother. I saw it like the day after it came out, I wrote my notes on January 1st, so I've sat with this for awhile and I'd sat with the movie before I wrote them. I kinda forgot about it all for a bit cause I blocked it out of my head and then I thought it might be too late to post it but I put a lot of, frankly chaotic, effort into my notes and I figured when it came on Disney+ people might start talking about it again so here we are.  Now I'm still using my original notes, which I added to after seeing it the second time, cause I have no desire to watch this movie again. I really don't. I honestly wouldn't have even seen it twice but I had told my grandma I'd go with her cause she loves Star Wars and she had no one to go with. My grandma loved it, but my grandma loves them all "because it's Star Wars." My mom also saw it and liked it, she's only seen the originals though and had no idea what was going on. I, on the other hand, spent a lot of time hitting myself in the head (the first time round) and there was a few occasions where I honestly said "what the fuck??" out loud in the theatre.  So one more thing I have to note, I feel the same way about the whole trilogy I don't really like any of them and I never did. But I'm not entirely just looking at this as one movie, a lot of what I've got to say looks at this as the end of the "Skywalker Saga" cause that’s what it is. I also have some things that go back through the entire trilogy but this is mainly based around TROS since it's the most recent and I refuse to watch the others to make notes on them. Also, I'm aware of the problem they had with the whole George Lucas vs. Rian Johnson thing and how they wrote them separately, however I'm still gonna call them out on things they should have done to tie things together from the beginning cause that was a really dumb way to do things anyway. Plus like I said I'm looking more big picture on a lot of things (mostly cause there's major plotlines that I hated). One of these days, I'll make a positive review but it won't be about the sequel trilogy, I'll tell you that much.  With all that said, I vote that I get on with this. Just for reference though, none of this is in chronological order. There are some things I did like about this movie, I will give it that, so I feel like we should start there. Small Positive Things:
The first thing I put in my notes is just "Finn and Poe" and honestly that's still a mood. I really liked them in this one and I really saw why people ship them.
The next point in my notes just says "death star" which boils down to two different things: the aesthetic and the Imperial March
I know I said positive things but I didn't think of it in my notes and I need to address this. You're telling me that the Death Star exploded but there's still that big of a piece in tact??? But whatever not the point.
The aesthetic: vague continuity thing aside, I fucking love the Death Star in this I really do. It looks awesome. It's really cool to see this broken down, abandoned version of the Death Star. I loved the Stormtrooper helmets scattered on the ground, for some reason that part really stuck in my head. Being said though I generally love the old Stormtrooper helmets, the First Order ones just don't do it for me, but seeing them scattered around.. Idk it was a nice touch I think
Imperial March: so like the Imperial March is the shit, obviously, but that soft, subtle hint of it in that scene as Rey steps into the throne room is one of the only parts of that movie that made me hit my brother's arm in excitement (we do that at the movies, it's our thing). It reminds me of that thing they do in Clone Wars when Anakin does something just a little Darth Vader.
Right so the next thing I had was that part where Kylo Ren finds Palpatine and he      switches from his voice to Snoke's to Darth Vader's.
It was a little thing but I liked it a lot. As far as having to tie it all together, the idea that it was actually Palpatine manipulating Ren wasn't so bad. (That being said the       whole how Palpatine is around thing is pretty far fetched, but they tried.)
My next thing, and this I actually laughed at as opposed to like confused laughter, is the part where they get back from their little mission to find the map to whatever the place was called and Threepio introduces himself to Artoo and Artoo literally does a double take and backs up like "what the fuck??? " That was such a human expression for a robot, it was hilarious. Also Threepio being like "You're not messing with my head!" *cuts to Artoo messing with Threepio's head* Basically anything Artoo cause I love him.
Again tiny random thing, but the Jet Troopers and the Sith Troopers were really cool. Me and my brother quote the "they fly now??" "they fly now!" part all the time. Also just like red Stormtroopers..
So here's a thing that gave me feelings. (I'd like to just point out that this is one of the      only things that gave me feelings and it's about to be clear why.) Chewie finding out Leia died. That hurt my heart. I knew that they couldn't possibly go through that movie without having Leia die, and I said this before the movie ever came out. What I said before was that they really had two options: they could have Leia die off screen which would have been disrespectful to both Carrie Fisher and Leia or she could just sorta disappear which would have also been bad. However they gave her the death scene she deserved. I mean sort of, jury's out on it really. But Chewie making sad noises and falling to his knees hurt me. Similarly Artoo beeping at her sadly made me weepy. (The Anakin in me really jumps out whenever Artoo comes up but like I love him)
I honestly have nothing else to say for this point besides: I can't believe Harrison      Ford agreed to do that
I just wanna touch on Poe again cause he was always my favourite of the new characters, I wasn't really  connected with any of them (which is so uncommon for me) but Poe was my favourite cause he was funny. He was really good in this one, I thought he was funny, again him and Finn had a brilliant thing going. For whatever      reason this one made me appreciate Poe more.
I have some (general) grievances to air out now
I have to say one thing that really irks me about this trilogy is that none of the original characters reunite. The exception of which being everyone and Chewie. Also are we counting Luke and Leia's? I guess in the end they end up reunited in the force in the end either way but still. I mean really Han and Leia have their scene together, and I love that scene, but other than that nothing. No Han and Lando, no Han and Luke reunion. Han and Luke is the one that bothers me though cause them and Leia are the trio and Han and Luke are the only ones that don't reunite. We never see Leia and Lando together on screen either. It's a crime.
I don't know how I feel about Hux being the spy. I feel like it was just kinda lame, you know? Pretty predictable when you think about it, would have been cooler if he wasn't the spy. Seemed like it was just comic relief when it should have been a plot point.
I think it would have been cool if there were more Jedi in the final scene. Like all those Jedi voices spoke to Rey, but only Luke and Leia are there at the end? I get the symbolism with the lightsabers and Luke's place and all that, but still. Like at least, you know, Obi Wan or Anakin. This is one of those full circle things but still, I think it would have been a cool scene.
Okay so this is just me being petty but like I don't care it bothers me. The fact that they keep acting like the lightsaber Rey has is Luke's when it's actually Anakin's bothers me. I know it's a little thing and Not Important but it's dumb. Cause it's not Luke's lightsaber, Luke made his own later on.
Also the fact that they started calling it Rey's lightsaber annoys me so much for the       same reason. She has her own lightsaber now, leave Anakin's alone.
Okay so, we have reached the point where I start talking about things a bit more, bear with me (if people even bother to read this at all idc this is mostly just for me to rant and stuff):
So like look, I'll be the first to say not a Kylo Ren fan. He had potential, I will give him that, and that's where I'm going with this. The other movies had him as this whiny, try hard, Darth Vader wannabe and I just really didn't vibe with that. I mean this is the first real villian since Darth Vader (not counting palpsy during the prequels cause he was just behind the scenes and every movie had a different Bad Guy) and he throws a temper tantrum. Those stormtroopers were hilarious but still. But anyway, did not expect to come out of this movie having wished Kylo Ren was in it more. If they had had him be the way he was in this one the whole time, I might have actually liked him. He did some cool stuff for once in this one so let's discuss that:
I talk about things being full circle a lot (but with movies as nostalgic as Star Wars there should be full circle, fight me) but him fighting with Anakin's lightsaber was very full circle
I do like that it was Leia's death that triggered his return to the light side (I mean I'll get into some things about that later) as opposed to some romance bullshit with Rey. I really don't ship them, like at all, and I think it makes it more compelling that it was his mother's death instead.
He did some cool shit at the beginning, that fight scene was cool. I like the part where he slams the guy down on the ground, don't ask me why I have no idea. I saw it in the trailer and I liked it.
The Han Solo in him really jumped out in the end there and it was really entertaining
The fight with the Knights of Ren was really cool (besides that one jump thing he       did cause I see where they were going with it but it just didn't look as good)
What was definitely cool is the part where he pulls the lightsaber out from behind his back, that was a cool move
Alright so here's my thing and this is gonna make me sound bad probably but like as already established, I don't really like the new characters as much. I just didn't connect with them on the same level as the past trilogies characters, which is fine it's whatever. But I am just gonna say it, I don't really like Rey. But here's my thing, I've always been indifferent towards her but like not really caring either was but there are some things she did in this one that just.. bothered me so this being my platform I'm gonna talk about it.
So the thing with Star Wars movies for me and most people is the family feel right. But like Rey just goes off on her own and ditches Finn, Poe, Chewie and Threepio all the time and like I get that she's sensing something or she wants to get to the death star but she could say something instead of just.. disappearing
Okay so here's another thing, and I know they wanted to find a way to tie it back to the originals but….. a Palpatine?? There are so many other characters they could have gone with but it's like they just wanted to do the 'watch the light side defeat the dark side' thing in as many ways as possible in one movie (Which I'll talk more about later)
Alright so here's my last solely Rey related point and like I don't know where people stand on this cause they seem to either love it or hate it. But Rey Skywalker?? Here's my thing, I've a really hard time getting past the Palpatine thing on that one. But also is that supposed to be the Rise of Skywalker? Because I don't know that I consider that to be rising for her.
Alright, on the topic of the light side vs. dark side thing. Yes I am aware that this is a fundamental part of Star Wars and always has been. However they did it in two      different ways in the same movie. Here's the thing I don't like Rey or Kylo Ren over each other, I have the same level of indifference with both of them. So this isn't me being a Ben Solo stan, promise cause I could not possibly care less if they bring him back, I'm not gonna fight them on it. But the storyline of him overcoming the dark side, would have been more interesting to me. Because I knew Rey wasn't gonna go to the dark side, this is Star Wars. But I wish we could have seen Kylo/Ben struggle with the dark side vs the light side more. I mean they gave us such a good look at it with Anakin, we watched him struggle and fall. That to me would have been rising.
Not to mention Palpsy literally just tries to use the same trick on Rey that he       already tried to use on Luke. That's not full circle, that's Palps being dumb.
Okay, now for the full circle nonsense I keep talking about. The thing with this is that it probably would have been the things you do over two movies and not just the one but just cause they didn't write them that way doesn't mean I can't imagine it.
For one thing, I'd have had Ben kill Palpatine.
Hear me out: Palps himself refers to Ben as the "Last of the Skywalkers" and given that Palpatine is the reason behind all the Skywalker drama from the beginning. With that being said, having the last of the Skywalkers kill Palpatine and thus end his insane, saga long reign over the universe would have been amazing
Not to mention this would be finishing what his grandfather started which was his thing the whole time. Anakin tried to kill Palpatine at the end, and having the last Skywalker, the last of Anakin's blood genuinely finish what he started would have brought the whole thing to an end
Along the same lines as that, the power the all of the Jedi scene would have in that case (and I'm saying this like he was good for more than the last 10 minutes of the movie) been so much more powerful. To have him hear Anakin's voice, like he always wanted but guiding him towards the light instead. Not to mention his mother.
And also, small thing but on the topic of finishing what Anakin started and all that but his grandson, the last of his blood (I'm gonna keep using that) using his lightsaber, the very one he had when he first fell to the dark side, to kill Palpatine once and for all would have been one of those full circle moments that I expected the movie to have more of.
 SO yeah that's everything, all my thoughts and feelings. This literally took me forever to finish. It's been like 5 months but it's Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with You!) so I had to cram to get it done or I'd die. Plus once it started to get away from when the movie actually came out, I figured I'd wait for it to come out on Disney+ and it has so here we are. I'm glad to be done with this and get it all out cause I honestly just don't care for that movie. I'd rather watch Clone Wars (the finale was soooo good).  Anyways, peace out and may the force be with you, always!  -Moony
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Here it is! My first ever blog post under my Asian Drama Blog Series. The following are the dramas I watched during the month of January 2019.
// Okay, I kinda felt the need to explain. Most of the dramas I watched this month are those of EXO Members’. As I’ve said in my 2018 Highlights, I only decided to officially spazz kpop recently and this is sorta part of it. I really wanted to watch most of the members (if not all) to somehow catch up to whatever I’ve missed when I still haven’t “stanning” as much as I can so I watched and am continually watching their dramas. //
1) EXO NEXT DOOR Rating: ★★★☆☆ | Light plot No. of Episodes: 16 Running time: 15 minutes Genre: Web Series, Comedy, Romance Plot: 23-year-old Ji Yeon-hee is extremely shy and introverted with zero dating experience tends to blush like a tomato when talking to someone she likes. One day, four young men move into the house right next door to hers. Much to her surprise, they turn out to be Chanyeol, D.O., Baekhyun and Sehun from EXO, her favorite boy band who are trying to lay low for a while.  Thoughts: It’s like your typical boy band fanfiction that has been adapted to become a tv series. I don’t know if it’s because I watched so many dramas already or the fact that I grew up reading fanfictions or because I watched it few years after it’s hype that’s why I said this??? Had I watched this during its release, I would have been really stoked! (Probs because I’m much younger back then) But of course, I am not any less glad even though I watched it years late because it’s still like a dream come true of some sort to have seen your idols actually act as the characters in a plot that you have only been imagining or you have just read in a fan fiction. We’re talking about audio-visuals here lol.
This is actually the first drama where I saw Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun act. I have watched Kyungsoo before in Pure Love and 100 Days My Prince (he’s also the main reason why I decided to finally look up and stan EXO lol) and it irks me a bit to see him do the second lead this time. Sehun was really funny here. Total maknae! I can never forget you, brotha. The series is actually short. I finished it in two nights alongside with another drama I was watching. You can totally finish this in one sitting! Finished Watching On: January 09, 2019
2) THE UNIVERSE’S STAR Rating: ★★★☆☆ | Moderate plot No. of Episodes: 6 (MBC) Running time: 30 minutes (MBC) Genre: Fantasy, Romance Plot: Byul is a 19-year-old student who has been struggling to keep up with her job to guide dead souls to the afterworld as a Grim Reaper, learned that her favorite singer Woo Joo, is expected to die soon. She decided to save him as he is the only memory that she had in her previous life before she got into the accident which caused her life.  Thoughts: It’s a little refreshing for me because I haven’t came across a fantasy plot between an idol and a fan, more so a mystic entity in this case, for quite a while. Although it’s a bit predictable (perhaps for me since I’ve read a lot of fan fics/ teen fics and watched so many dramas already or it really is predictable), I still liked how it ended and also a bit sad over its bitter-sweet ending. Finished Watching On: January 11, 2019
3) BE POSITIVE Rating: ★★★☆☆ | Very Light plot No. of Episodes: 6 Running time: 10 minutes Genre: Web Series, Romantic comedy Plot: Film major student Hwan-dong prepares for his graduation project as a movie director. He is facing a difficulty in finilizing the film due to lack of funding. Left with no choice, he asked Hye-jung, an actress of present time and alumna of his university who happened to be his ex-girlfriend to play the main role in his production. Thoughts: It’s really light but it’s understandable since it’s only a web series/ promotional series. To be honest, I only watched it since Kyungsoo is the lead role. I think it’s the perfect drama which portrayed relationships that ended without proper closure. Can relate. I like to commend this because true to its mission to “send a message of support to the younger generation”, it actually showed how we must really own up our mistakes and be mature enough to talk any misunderstandings out. Kyungsoo was really cute here huhuhu. It’s super duper short! I mean it’s only an hour!!! I seriously finished this in one sitting. Finished Watching On: January 12, 2019
4) STRONG GIRL BONG-SOON Rating: ★★★ ★ ☆ | Moderate plot No. of Episodes: 16 + 1 (Special) Running time: 70 minutes Genre: Fantasy, Thriller, Action, Romantic comedy Plot: Born with superhuman strength,  Do Bong-soon dreams of creating a video game with the main heroine as herself. Her strength is hereditary and passed along only to the women in her family. She is desperately trying her best to become a willowy and elegant woman to meet the ideal type of her long-term crush, In Guk-doo, a police officer. Due to her strength, she was scouted to be the bodyguard of Ahn Min-hyuk, a rich heir and the CEO of a gaming company who recently received anonymous threats, blackmails and a series of stalking.
One day, a series of kidnapping cases break in Dobong-dong, the district Bong-soon lives in. After her friend was targeted, she became determined to catch the culprit. As they try to find the suspect, the three found themselves in a love triangle. Thoughts: What’s there to say aside from it being super good? It’s a mixture of suspense, romance and cuteness. The romance isn’t annoying at all. I really liked how the kidnapping case added so much spice to the plot and how after all the ruckus it all went down to family being your major strength.  Finished Watching On: January 18, 2019
5) TERIUS BEHIND ME Rating: ★★★☆☆  | Moderate plot No. of Episodes: 32 Running time:  35 minutes each / 2 episodes per day Genre: Romantic-Comedy, Mystery Plot: Go Ae-Rin suddenly loses her husband. A mysterious man, Kim Bon, lives next door. Kim Bon is a legendary NIS agent. He was involved in a failed secret operation wherein the woman he loved died three years ago. He has since become disconnected with the world and decided to live alone quietly. He helps his neighbor Go Ae-Rin uncover a conspiracy which her husband got involved with. Thoughts: Watched this because of a trailer I came across on Facebook and So Ji-sub!!! This has been on my list since last year and I only got the chance to watch it this month. It’s a breather from my usual teen fictions so I was hooked. Super Ioved the twins, they were super cute. I especially enjoyed the part where they had to deal with the bioterrorism coz I can 10/10 relate, my Microbiolog(ist)y heart was very happy and was very amazed to at least see it be executed/ planned even if it’s just on screen. It’s not the most perfect spy series but it’s enough for me (or because I never really watch spy shows). The traitor in the ending (a supposedly plot twist) wasn’t very surprising to me... not sure if it’s predictable or because I have watched so many dramas already that I did predict who’s who already.  Finished Watching On: January 24, 2019
6) SEVEN FIRST KISSES Rating: ★★★☆☆ | Light plot No. of Episodes: 8 Running time: 9-12 mins Genre: Romance, Comedy Plot: Lotte Duty Free store employee Min Soo-jin has never been in a relationship before. One day, she meets with the goddess of date who grants her an attempt to pick the perfect partner for her first kiss among seven men. Her options are firstly, a religious tech billionaire (Lee Joon-gi), a serious yet romantic boss (Park Hae-jin), a sexy secret agent (Ji Chang-wook), an adorable younger male friend (Kai), an innocent chaebol heir (Ok Taec-yeon), a beloved k-idol (Lee Jong-suk) and finally a free-spirited travel writer (Lee Min-ho). Thoughts: Bukod pala sa babaeng lahat. Charot! I have watched this during its release but I failed to catch up with every episodes. It’s only now that I decided to watch it as a whole again. Watched this after finishing Memories of the Alhambra as a rebound/ to ease my broken heart. It’s super light, tamang kilig and fantasize sa oppas. Literally watched in one sitting. Finished Watching On: January 28, 2019
7) SECRET QUEEN MAKERS Rating: ★★★☆☆ | Light plot No. of Episodes: 7 Running time: 15 mins Genre: Romance, Comedy Plot: A travel agent who lacks confidence in her appearance finds her hidden beauty with the help of six men she met at Lotte Duty Free stores. Thoughts: Watched this because of Chanyeol and Sehun!!! I only knew it was also a short series the moment I decided to watch it so I also ended it in one sitting. Dunno what to say other than it was cute and fun and short. I suck at reviews but this is another usual fan fiction I have read huhu but ofc, I love that I have seen it with my eyes than just imagining it. Finished Watching On: January 28, 2019
8) MEMORIES OF THE ALHAMBRA  Rating: ★★★★☆ | Heavy plot No. of Episodes: 16 Running time: 65 minutes Genre: Fantasy, Suspense, Sci-fi, Romance, Melodrama Plot:  After receiving an email regarding a groundbreaking AR game about medieval battles in Alhambra, Yoo Jin-woo, CEO of an investment company that specializes in optical devices, travels to Granada, Spain to meet the creator of the game, Jung Se-joo. However, Se-joo is missing and there, he meets his sister Jung Hee-joo, owner of the hostel he stays in and a former guitarist. Both get entangled in a mysterious incident and the border between the real world and the AR world built by Se-joo begins to blur. © Thoughts: Watched this while it’s on-going. 11/10 would recommend!!!! At first, I felt like it has the same vibe as W and got super amazed then I only learned mid-drama that both drama were written by one writer that’s why they have the same vibes. Super crazy plot! I honestly couldn't quite catch what’s going on in the first few episodes, I thought I was going stupid and going crazy myself but got a hang of it din later on. Super genius! Everything is astounding... except the ending. LOL I’M SO MAD!!!!
I decided to delay watching the finale for a week to “emotionally prepare” myself but I never thought I would be betrayed like this??? Had I known, I would have prepared for a month. Have already watched tons and been watching kdramas for several years already, I shouldn't be surprised and disappointed to open-ended stories anymore BUT I AM!!!???!!! So proud of Chanyeol here and my girl, PSH, still never disappoints! Finished Watching On: January 28, 2019
MOVIES Never a fan of watching movies but for EXO, I watched them loooool
1) SO I MARRIED AN ANTI-FAN Rating: ★★★☆☆ | Light plot Genre: Comedy, Romance Plot:  Top star Hoo Joon ended up living together with his anti-fan reporter Lee Geun-young. Thoughts: Literally a fan fiction ripped straight off of Wattpad... charot! Not sure which came first but that’s what it was for me. Not that I don’t like it... again, it’s a dream come true to have seen my favorite idol actually act as the character I have only imagined before but I read a fanfic with the same plot before I watched this. Watched on: January 05, 2019
2) HYEONG/ MY ANNOYING BROTHER Rating: ★★★★★ | Light plot Genre: Comedy, Drama Plot:   All thanks to  Doo-Young, his younger brother, Doo-Sik was granted a parole from prison. Doo-Young is a then promising judo athlete but got involved in an accident before the selection for the national team which made him lose not only his break but his eyesight as well. After 15 years, Doo-Sik (Jo Jung-suk) suddenly appears in front of Doo-Young and they begin to live together. Thoughts: Of course, watched this because of my bias Kyungsoooooooo. Seriously this guy knows how to tickle your lacrimal glands and make you cry. Almost all of his movies were tear-jerker!!!! I felt super proud of him here. He literally pulled it off #nobias. It’s super relatable especially because it tackles about sibling-hood. Watched on: January 26, 2019
3) SO YOUNG 2: NEVER GONE Rating: ★★☆☆☆ | Light plot Genre: Drama, Romance Plot: A wealthy young man pursues a young woman of modest means, but circumstances often separate them as the years pass. ©  Thoughts: The movie was said to be an adaptation of a novel. Honestly, I didn't clearly get the plot in whole? I was confused what happened in the end. Not sure if it’s because it’s poorly shown or the fact that maybe the Chinese characters that were flashed (which I can’t transcribe) held a significant role that’s why I didn't understand the ending. I saw a clip on Facebook and it seemed interesting + it’s Yi Fan’s movie which lead me to watch it. I had to search for reviews and summaries in hopes of finding enlightenment about the ending but I haven’t found any which clearly explains what happened. About the characters, I had to say that the relationship was kind of toxic and they were really immature, I’m so mad! (says the mature one lol)  Watched on: January 27, 2019 Soooo that’s it. Please understand that these are all based on my personal opinion. I am in no way a professional in making reviews. I’m just a plain nobody who loves watching asian dramas. The way I see a plot (as a light or as a heavy one) may be different from others and the ratings I gave could be different from anyone else as well. Most importantly, your thoughts might differ to mine so you do you. I hope I was able to help you find what to binge next!
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flyjacket06-blog · 5 years
Current Episode: The Retract
You know... The older you get, the more you value your alone time. Or just time in general. I remember a much younger me, going out to party pretty much all weekend. Drinking copious amounts of booze, looking for a crush that same night. This weekend I spent alone, entirely getting high and sleeping, resting for the week ahead. Adulting man...it’s weird. I bet a bunch of you, much like me, would go back to their younger selves and say, “Don’t ever say, ‘I can’t wait to grow up’“. I made this blog as a venture to express myself to complete strangers. None of my family or friends know about this and I kinda wanna keep it that way. There’s no right way into living life. Infact, the only way to learn life is to make mistakes and learn from that or others. We get older and compare ourselves to others, mainly our parents or friends. I now find that less is more. Less people around me equals more happiness. With life, the more you think you know, the less you’ll understand. Keep that in mind. Right now I’m going through a weird moment in life. I’ve cut all my friends out; they are just one giant disappointment after another. In fairness, a combination of life issues, plus their cock ups have created a giant snowball effect which I’ve decided to avoid by becoming a recluse. At times I catch myself thinking about suicide, but a few things are stopping me from actually doing it. One: I’m too good looking to kill myself. I mean, I think i’m good looking and I’ve never had an issue with women or sexual confidence. Two: who’s really gunna take care of my cat if I die? Like I’m thinking about that now and kinda peeved if someone gets my cat and doesnt take care of her. Three: I’m not a God fearing man, but being raised Catholic to some degree has taught me that suicide and renouncing God are the only two ways into Hell. I don’t really wanna take that chance nor have my last living action condemn me for the afterlife I’d be so fast to head to. Damn mythology from the Church! Curse you! I guess I’ll lay it out there for you. My government is suing me for unpaid student loans. Nothing crazy. Something like 12k, but it’s gotten to small claims court and lawyers and well....this is a first experience for me. If you don’t know, I do not do well with first experiences. There’s a learning curve and a coping issue when it comes to first experiences. While my recovery time has greatly increased since I was in my twenties, it still takes a few days for me to see the larger picture of things and regain a level head. To each their own. At work, I was dealing with becoming a fresh new leader among the new and old set of crews. Another first experience, which I managed to flub, atleast I feel that I flubbed it up. There was a moment when I called out three co workers for their lack of ...well...work ethic. You’ll have seen it or been through it. You’re working and you’re working hard. Just grinding, but others are kinda lolly-gagging and gingerly moving when you need post-haste movement. Sure it was the first show; Sure I made the inappropriate call over the radio for a meeting. I had to express myself to these guys that whatever it was that they were doing that day, was complete garbage. I alienated them and myself. Coulda chosen a better way to approach it really. That same night, pretty much broke down in front of my boss. Humiliating in retrospect, but the build up of things got to me. The fact that my landlord refuses to fix a wall in my place, so when it rains heavy, mushrooms grow outta the baseboards. MUSHROOMS! INSIDE! How the fuck... it’s only been six months since I reported the first of three incidents. Who know’s what’s behind and under those walls and floors. Who knows what spores i’ve been breathing in. Then I get to work and I’m put in this situation where I have more responsibility and I’m being relied on to do more and lead a motley crew. These guys and I came up together and now symbolically, I’m above them but they just aren’t taking the things I take serious, serious themselves. You know how frustrating that is?! When you need to get the job done and they are like, “Yeah, okay hummm”. Main problem of that stemmed from the fact that some new guy, a real new aged stoner complainer type, created a stir with me over absolutely nothing. I’m trying to help this fool and he snaps at me, goes behind my back and tells my boss i’m bullying him?! The man is 40 something and at best, a pan sexual imp. If he can’t handle direction or control his sensitive side, then I suggest he apply to Wal-mart to become a greeter. The guy legit goes out of his way (and brags about it) to sue people or corporations where he can. That should tell you what type of character he is. He was the first one I cut out this year. I’ll let him be someone elses problem. As for the other co-workers I disciplined with that meeting, we seem to be on better terms, but realistically since they won’t know, or understand my responsibilities going into this new season, I’ve quietly backed away and kept my own counsel towards things and people.  Oh my phone screen broke at work. Managed to go several phones without having that issue and boom; it happened. My boss said he could fix it, if I got the spare parts. I did! Then he lost my phone! Can you believe that?! Lost my broken phone... He claims he found it and fixed it, but that was day’s ago... Funny how when you’re phone goes MIA, life turns upside down. In my case, it took a while. I deleted all my social media weeks ago. That’s means I was using my phone as an actual phone. Also tells you how pissed off I was with people and the world. One disappointment after another. I figured I needed to recharge my batteries and focus on myself again. Of course the sudden deletion of social media prompted others to bother me on the daily if I was, “okay”. Unbeknownst to them, each time someone asked me if I was, “okay”, I felt more and more uneasy. I really questioned there for a good solid moment how much I had left in the tank. So a broken screen on a phone wasn’t a bad thing. My boss losing my phone after having it for two days...kinda irked me. But what irks me more is that I believe he fixed it and hasn’t give it back to me. I say that because I went into the office and saw my phone charging. Atleast I think it was my phone. It has no sim card in it, so when I touched the home button, and saw it had no sim card, but a fresh new screen, I began to think.... “Why? Why hasn’t this been given to me?!” Esp after the intense, painstakingly slow process it took to back up my old phone to new software and the back up. The process of removing apps and pictures and songs to acquire the capacity space needed for the restore. The endly prompts telling me the restore didn’t work, to log in for this or that ID. Like fuck! A good solid two hours of my life, gone! Reading about how to fix iTunes and error codes, just to load information onto my burner phone, when I likely have a perfectly good phone, not being used or given to me?! HELP!!! As you can imagine, when I got served my papers, I had to rethink and redo all my budget. The end result was losing a lot of savings money to off set a credit card. Fine, I did it, it’s outta the way and done for. I’m thankful for that, but a lack of money has always made me...moody. Without money, you can’t pay for rent or food or anything! Money is freedom and you understand it better as you get older. Add all the issues I just stated above and you get a fuck storm. So to recap: -Got sued -expunged most of my money -Strained workplace relationships -People & friends letting me down consistenly -Broke phone -Boss lost phone trying to fix it -Several mistakes made which I was hard on myself and that’s been how it’s going of late. I’m dealing with it better; having no social media actually helps. But for fucks sakes, I use the whole being sued thing just floats on. They are not disputing my payment plan and want me to pay more. Like fucking blood suckers. I know happiness is a choice. I know tough times don’t last, tough people, But all I want to do right now is disappear....
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spoopercorp · 7 years
Supercorp Fic 4/4
Summary: Kara leaves for a mission and when she returns, she is not entirely herself - Kara Danvers and Kara Zor-El are gone. All that is left is Supergirl, last child of Krypton and now Rao’s successor.
Chapter Summary: Supergirl finds herself drifting farther and farther from humanity, but something - someone - keeps pulling her back and involuntarily tethering her to Earth. Her efforts to discern whether the person - a mere human - was previously friend or family always comes up fruitless.
Maybe because Lena was someone that could not be fit into those two categories.
Based on this: “plastic-pipes.tumblr.com/post/161320253433/plastic-pipes-i-can-c-basically-its-kinda-i” by @plastic-pipes.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
The utter shock was evident in Alex’s expression and tone, and she stepped to the side, sliding the window to her apartment open. Supergirl floated into the spacious living room, dimly lit with only a nearby lamp and the television screen.
“I was worried,” Alex whispered, taking her little sister’s fingers into her own and squeezing.
Supergirl did not reciprocate, instead, she observed the action, mesmerized.
“You need not be worried,” she reassured, felt the need to.
“Well,” Alex folded her arms, “Last month there was that neighborhood attack, then the restaurant bombing, then another assassination attempt on…”
She trailed off when she registered a subtle change in Supergirl’s expression.
A moment of silence enveloped them before a curious glint was caught in Alex’s eye.
“How’s Lena?”
“She’s…” the Kryptonian was clearly caught off guard by the question, “Injured. Recovering.”
“Did you see her? Recently?” Alex moved to the couch and Supergirl followed without a word, hovering next to the arm of the sofa.
“No,” she answered, almost in disappointment, moving to the bookshelf, “The last we spoke was two weeks ago.”
Alex hummed in reply. Lena’s and Supergirl’s interactions were always...interestingly peculiar; it was by no means steady, almost on and off - the latter would visit, usually every night, then the meetings would stop suddenly for an undetermined amount of time, only to spontaneously resume at their daily paces.
Supergirl visited Alex less often, at least once a week, but the scheduling was less...precarious, more consistent.
It was probably more stimulating as well; there were times when the Kryptonian would watch the show playing on the television and ask questions every five to ten minutes, it depended on how interesting it was. Then there was music and then there were the board games, which Alex quickly ended up scrapping because Supergirl always won.
This time the Kryptonian was occupied with the books on the agent’s shelves, which were honestly not particularly intriguing to read; the majority of them were non-fictional informational texts from Alex’s time studying in medical school.
She did purchase a hulking book of American idioms, because Supergirl had suddenly acquired a keen curiosity with them, and it did make talking to her a lot easier. She finished it shortly though, and had a small novel in her hand instead, reading next to Alex, whose eyes were glued to the screen.
“I finished your newly purchased texts regarding the topic of psychology,” Supergirl informed.
Alex did not turn from the screen, “Is there a reason you’re so interested in that? You’ve picked up interesting reading subjects lately.”
“Humans are...confusing.”
“That's all?” Alex asked, momentarily glancing over before returning her attention to the television, “I can hardly see that reason being sufficient enough to prompt you to want to read books on psychology.”
“Ms. Luthor is...confusing,” Supergirl supplied instead.
Alex's gaze rested on Supergirl for longer this time, a brow quirked.
Of course.
Then she turned back to her screen.
She also fought off a grimace at how Supergirl - Kara - addressed her former best friend. She was not the only victim though. Winn was Mr. Schott. James was Mr. Olsen. Even Clark was Mr. Kent.
Alex was always Alexandra though. More formal, but more familiar.
Everyone’s bond with Supergirl was unique. Special with their roles in their own little ways.
Alex often found herself exchanging her point of view to the goddess for more...human situations.
Cat was straightforward, blunt, and practical with her advice, but was rarely visited.
Maggie and Supergirl seldom encountered one another, but when they did, it was always when their duties clashed - they were civil though, discussed the jurisdiction of the police and the latter’s heroic antics.
J’onn was relatively quiet, only informing the Kryptonian of missions the D.E.O. needed to accomplish, but there was a connection there, no matter how brief. He kept her old suit as well, when it was discarded the moment Kara transcended.
Clark and Mon-El were reminders of Krypton, though she almost never sought them out.
James and Lucy often brought Supergirl around to experience the life of humans whether it was taking photos or going out for a quick bite, even with all the gawking.
Winn cracked jokes as many times as he could to get a smile out of her whenever she was at the D.E.O. It never worked and Alex believed it was because of Kara’s current condition and the fact that Winn was not funny.
Eliza and Supergirl did not speak often, the latter only visited for the rare desire of peace and quiet in Midvale - perhaps the silently warm comfort of a mother.
Lena was...different. Alex had known of their meetings, nothing past that, but Supergirl often left from them more...normal. Maybe even to say more emotional, more passionate, but that was all normal for Kara.
“They won’t stop talking about it, you know?” Alex said.
Supergirl’s ears perked up at the sentence, followed by the name ‘Lena Luthor’ emitted from the television set. She raised her head to rest her gaze onto the news anchor, spewing out some biased details. Then her focus trained on Alex, if she was going to hear nonsensical human jargon, she would much rather hear it from her.
“Some people say Lena was a hero,” the agent started, lifting the remote from her coffee table and lowering the volume, “Most say Lena set the stage up. You know, for some good publicity.”
“At the price of her own well-being?”
Supergirl’s voice had a skeptical lilt to it, almost disbelieving, almost irked.
“Ha,” Alex threw her head back, “Right? Like, I get where everyone’s anti-Luthor mentality comes from, but she's consistently shown that she's not like her family, and...people - humans - are just a little difficult to fully understand sometimes.”
Supergirl nodded in agreement, turning back to the jumbled words in her book, “Is that why Ms. Luthor tends to be-”
“Aloof? Cold? Distant? Unapproachable? Lonely?” Alex shrugged, “Maybe.”
Supergirl tilted her head, “She is not alone. Her secretary assists her often.”
The agent chuckled softly, “No. There’s a difference between being alone and being lonely.”
“Enlighten me.”
Alex shrugged again, “Well, for starters, you can still be around people and feel lonely. I guess it’s like a part of you is missing - it feels empty, hollow, like nothing can really fill it, like no one really understands you,” she sighed, “If it weren’t for you or J’onn I might’ve still been drunkenly partying around all the time - alcohol is a temporary coping mechanism.”
“Ms. Luthor drinks a lot,” Supergirl stated.
Alex winced, “Yeah, I’ve seen how much liquor she can hold. She’s worse than I am.”
“Are familial, platonic, and romantic relationships not supposed to remedy negative feelings?”
“They do,” she answered, “Ninety-nine percent of the time the people you’re close to really help out.”
“What about the one percent?” Supergirl inquired.
“Aside from the ninety-nine percent.”
Alex frowned, relaxed into her cushions and sighed, “Well, the one percent of the time you’re Lena Luthor I guess.”
“How so?”
“Her shady background prompted some sketchy sleuthing, Winn and I conducted an investigation on her history. There was enough information on Lex, of course, and plenty to go around about Lionel and Lillian. But Lena was always under the radar.”
“What was ‘under the radar’?” Supergirl repeated.
Alex shifted uncomfortably, “Adoption history, a few medical bills, filed charges, her standardized test scores and report cards, which, wow by the way - she did a lot better in school than Lex did, and everyone says he’s a genius, but maybe he was just too busy with his anti-alien agenda-”
“Medical bills?”
Alex’s tone sounded uneasy, “The first one was a year after her adoption, she was five, and it was for a broken arm. The next was when she was seven, she dislocated her ankle. Ten years old she shattered a kneecap. Fourteen when she had a fractured scapula. Sixteen she was brought in with a broken femur. Seventeen she dislocated her shoulder and elbow. I mean, the Luthors certainly couldn’t cite that she was clumsy, might’ve worked the first two times if they were lucky. But some of her injuries festered over time: old cuts, old bruises, et cetera. So, I looked into the primary hospital that treated her and they already had a good influx of donations, but the times surrounding Lena’s ‘accidents’ were when they had a donor that provided a ridiculously large sum of money.”
“You are implying she was abused,” Supergirl deduced.
Alex’s voice grew more distressed, “Yeah. Physically, emotionally, who knows what else. And it definitely explains the charges Lena filed against her mom and dad the moment she hit eighteen, but I couldn’t get into them, even with Winn’s computer skills - the Luthors really wanted that part hidden from the public.”
There was silence, perhaps on Supergirls side because she was digesting the information slowly.
Then Alex ran a hand through her hair, “I didn’t like her at first, ‘cause, you know, she was a Luthor - I didn’t trust her. Then you two became friends and I had to change my perspective a little; she was polite, stubborn, but really genuine with you,” her voice softened into a gentle tone, “Lena was still a little wary and standoffish towards everyone else, but I couldn’t really determine my next opinion of her without some research on why that woman practically never smiled, so...I got Winn’s help, and I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised when I figured out the answer.”
She chanced a glance over to her sister, still floating in the air in her sacred attire, her face like stone, frozen into an unreadable expression.
“She grew up rich, really rich, but she raised herself ‘cause all the support and love went to Lex. She had wealth though, but it wasn’t the usual case of a kid lacking in attention and given money as a substitute and hoping for the best. No, there was that, and neglect, and abuse. It must’ve been a constant nightmare for Lena.”
The voice was almost speechless, came out wavered, mostly even, but the fluctuation carried a cumbersome weight to it.
Alex observed Supergirl staring blankly past the pages of the text she was previously reading, and her eyes skimmed over the cover of the book.
“Menander? You’re interested in Greek texts now? What story?”
“I completed Dyskolos - The Misanthrope. I am currently reading excerpts from all of his fragmented works that were lost in the Middle Ages.”
Alex leaned over and read the title page, “Dis Exapaton - The Double Deceiver? Again? You keep coming back to that.”
“There is a maxim that he wrote that has held my interest.”
The agent chuckled lightly, “Another idiom you want to decipher?”
Supergirl’s eyes softened a tiny fraction, and after Alex has been so accommodated to her stoicness, she easily caught the change.
It seemed troubled.
Her eyes narrowed slightly when Supergirl shut the book with a quiet thud and placed it back on the shelf.
“I must go,” she said, quickly met with a firm hug from Alex.
“Take care, Kara.”
She hovered towards the window, “It is late.”
She gripped the frame, her body almost out of the exit before she turned.
Her eyes seemed to be in turmoil as she gave a nod, clear even in the dark, “Goodbye,” there was hesitation, a little something that seemed like humanity, “Alex.”
Then she left into the night.
She kept going back.
She did not know why, but she did.
At the end of the day, the week, the month...after a particularly taxing mission, she usually found herself atop L-Corp’s balcony.
And she knew it must have had everything to do with the woman who owned the building.
Lena Luthor.
Though she was uncertain to why she was so drawn to the C.E.O. - the invisible pull was there almost every minute of every day.
Especially now.
Because Lena made her feel something, something different than what anyone else offered.
It was best described as something between familial and platonic, but there were many times where it felt different from the two altogether; the something Supergirl felt with her family and friends was gradual, subtle, and comfortable.
Lena caused a fiery spark of something, but it came and went within a heartbeat, and the Kryptonian found herself pursuing it constantly, almost addictively.
The godly facade was being peeled apart by everyone, gently, carefully.
Lena was tearing those walls apart with such passionate ease, but it was not gentle nor careful, more messy than everyone else’s methods, gaining its pace exponentially, and Lena herself was probably unaware of her affects.
Supergirl tentatively floated, on the other side of the balcony, and kept her distance. She observed the woman, hair down, almost slouched, hunched over with her token alcoholic beverage in hand. Her fingers were wrapped around the railing, gripping so hard her own knuckles might have broken.
If it were not for the Kryptonian gliding over to unclench them.
Lena flinched, pulled her hand away.
“You drink,” Supergirl said, eyeing the liquor with something akin to distaste, “Often.”
“Why’re you here?” her tone was quiet, a little snappy, thankfully not drunken, “Don’t you have better things to do? Like save the world?”
The last remnants of bitterness from the incident were still there.
“You are still injured,” Supergirl stated, “You almost died. You should be resting.”
“I know you didn’t come here just to check up on my condition,” Lena hummed, clicking her tongue, “You sound like you want to say something else.”
Supergirl hovered next to her on the balcony, her voice a tad lower, “We spoke of idioms some time ago.”
Lena recalled the memory, and it was a pleasant one judging from the smirk that lifted her lips, “Yes, why don’t you cut to the chase?”
Supergirl did not entertain the sassy remark, her lips twitched, almost unsettled.
“I discovered yet another.”
A small but sad though eager smile colored Lena’s face, “And that is?”
A pause.
“‘Those whom the gods love die young’.”
Lena’s breath hitched and her eyes widened in surprise, but her features were hastily schooled into a hardened expression.
“Why’re you telling me this?”
“I seek an answer, because when I read it...there was a weight within my chest,” another heavy pause, “I thought of you... I do not understand what that means,” she turned, her celestial eyes boring into earthly emeralds, “Tell me, what does it mean?”
Lena knew what she was really asking, but she evaded it anyway with an intellectual answer, because logic was easy to fall into, “That phrase is often used when someone dies young, below the average lifespan. Around eighty years here in the U.S.”
“I did not mean the idiom,” Supergirl notified softly.
Lena swallowed, felt her chest and lungs and vocal cords numb, maybe it was because of the injuries, but she was smart, she knew better.
“Then I can't tell you what you want to know,” she informed, “I can't give you an answer for that. I’m sorry.”
Supergirl nodded, “Explain to me why humans utilize that idiom then.”
That Lena could do, it was easy, “It’s a form of comfort for those who have lost someone too early.”
“Does it comfort you?”
Supergirl’s brows furrowed in confusion and Lena averted her eyes to avoid that crinkle.
“You lack faith and hope. Your hardships have made you cynical and pessimistic,” the goddess stated.
The Luthor scoffed, “Ha. No. I’m realistic. I’m a realist.”
Supergirl felt something stir in the pit of her stomach, it was heated and bubbling, and it made her tone slightly harsher, “You are a misanthrope.”
Lena chuckled humorlessly, “Same thing.”
Supergirl narrowed her eyes, some part of her holy exterior cracked.
The vomit of words came out from her subconscious, and a part of it was meant to inform and to hurt, to inflict pain, “My observations have informed me that you severely lack in the self-worth department. You drink. Too much,” there was no control, the words would not stop, and she murderously glared at the glass of alcohol in Lena’s hand, “More so now because you can drown yourself and become numb to your emotions. You are plagued by insomnia and self-hatred and it suffocates you. It is not necessarily that your mind constantly berates, but when the time comes to prove yourself or to make decisions regarding something or someone with high losses and gains, you are often doubtful and loathing of your abilities; it is due to everyone in your past undermining your accomplishments and favoring your bro-”
Lena’s eyes flared and a loud slap resonated through Supergirl’s acute ears.
She felt a tingling sensation on her cheek, saw the human wince and retract her arm back to her side.
The angry heat in her stomach was replaced with worry, and suddenly she was startled - belatedly so - at her own words, at how utterly human it was from start to finish, from the intention to the inflection.
“Your han-”
“Shut the fuck up,” Lena scowled, her eye twitched from holding back a pained grimace, “You know nothing about me, Supergirl,” she drew back at the name, shrank in her stance, “Get the hell out of my office.”
She watched a tear, then another, fall from the woman’s regretful eyes, in such pain that the already jaded green hue encased in them dulled impossibly further.
Supergirl felt a pang in her chest, her heart stuttered with remorse.
“I am sorry…”
Lena dipped her head at the apology and wiped her tears, then pinched the bridge of her nose.
She took a deep, unsettled breath.
“Me too…”
There was a lump in Supergirl’s throat, and she took a step forward, then another, and then another, until she was standing tall before the Luthor in front of her.
Lena tilted her head up to connect their eyes.
“I have difficulties determining who you are - were - to me,” Supergirl confessed, stroking the dark tresses with the tips of her fingers, “To Kara Danvers.”
Lena swallowed, eyes fluttering at the action as she waited for her to finish.
“You are not someone more nor someone less; you are neither friend nor family,” Supergirl let her hand drop away, “I do not understand. You often feel like both, but you also often feel...different to me. Figuratively,” she raised her hand again, placed it gently against Lena’s cheek, caressing the wet trails with her thumb, and the skin contact buzzed with electricity, “And literally.”
Lena’s breath caught in her throat and she stepped back, away from the emotions, away from what she was feeling, “We were best friends. That’s all.”
Supergirl’s hand stayed suspended in the empty air before returning to her side.
“I see,” she said, melancholic.
Lena saw something dawn on the Kryptonian’s face, a sort of epiphany that enlightened her.
“Did I belong to you?”
The suddenness of the statement caught Lena off guard, left her speechless.
“Was I yours?” Supergirl rephrased, “Were you mine?”
“No,” Lena released a breath, “We were never...” she waved her hand casually, “...romantically involved.”
“I understand.”
Then, “You are cold.”
Lena forced a smile, kept her shivering under control after the comment, “Well, it does get chilly at night. Or do you mean it figuratively?”
Supergirl unclasped her cape from her shoulders, draped the holy fabric over the human.
A moment passed.
“What happened to you? To Kara?” Lena asked, brushing the shock off from her system as she tugged the cape closer to her body. She fought back another wince when her hand protested the movement.
Supergirl waited a moment, contemplated.
“I encountered several Kryptonians, they originated from the remains of Fort Rozz, unassociated with Non and Astra In-Ze,” she explained, “They called themselves the Sun Thrivers - a rogue religious sect banished from Krypton. They stirred trouble, I went to investigate. One of them was a high priest, known as the Voice of Rao, who was endowed with the privilege of speaking directly to the god; he chose me to carry on the legacy as I was still young, but retained Krypton’s memories. They conducted an ancient ritual, imbued me with the reincarnation of Rao.”
There was more silence, and it deepened torturously, lingered with its somberness.
“I’m grieving,” Lena blurted out, then more tears spilled, “I'm grieving for someone who isn't dead,” she turned to Supergirl, eyes ardent with anger and terribly forlorn, “Kara isn't dead,” her voice broke, cracked open, showcased her vulnerability with its heaviness, “She's just...she's just gone…”
“I am sorry.”
“Apologies don’t fix everything,” Lena whispered hoarsely.
Supergirl nodded, her expression solemn, “I have been made aware.”
“I loved you,” she cried, soft, gentle, “I loved Kara. I still do.”
“I am still her,” Supergirl tried, she felt something prickle and sting at her eyes, “I am still Kara Danvers. I am still your-”
“No,” Lena croaked, tightening her grip on the cape over her shoulders, “You’re not. You’re-”
Something impulsive drove Supergirl, caused her to surge forward and roughly capture the woman’s lips with her own.
The moment she decided to pull away, Lena deepened the kiss, a hand slipped around the hero’s waist, the other clawed up her strong back before resting atop a broad shoulder. She grimaced when a sharp pain shot up her wrist, but ignored it.
Something primal snapped inside Supergirl and she pushed forward, slammed Lena against the glass separating the building from the balcony with a thud, earning her a groan of pleasure.
The soft mewls and whimpers quickly shifted into a noise that sounded like growling and Lena’s hands dug farther into the Kryptonian’s muscular body, desperate for skin.
Supergirl followed quickly by dancing her fingers up Lena’s skirt, hiking it up to her hips as she caressed the supple alabaster flesh. Then she squeezed once, twice, before shoving her body closer and pinning the human farther onto the glass.
Lena grunted at the force, then moaned when a firm hand lifted a leg up and she curved it around the hero’s hips.
The kisses became wetter, messier, then Supergirl trailed her lips down to the hollow of Lena’s throat and sucked.
The woman released a high-pitched moan and brought her hands up around the Kryptonian’s neck, played with the hair along her nape with feathery strokes, urging her on.
Lena sighed, set her leg down and lifted the other up, pressing between Supergirl’s legs, who gasped at the sensation.
She returned the action soon after and it prompted Lena to bite down, hard, into unbreakable lips.
It encouraged Supergirl to press her thigh harder into the Luthor, who threw her head back, her neck vulnerable and so beautifully pale.
Supergirl was quick to assault it with her lips, teeth nipping here and there, then to the shoulders, then to the collarbone.
Lena was overwhelmed, began to ride Supergirl’s thigh desperately, bucking her hips in a wildly uncontrolled manner as she felt the coil in the pit of her stomach intensify, and she returned the favor simultaneously.
Supergirl encouraged her, swallowed her shaky moans with her lips, reveled in the dampness that was on her thigh and in between her own legs.
Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered the fact that this was what humans called ‘arousal’, ‘consummating’, ‘love’, and she - a goddess chosen - was engaging in them swiftly and thoroughly.
Supergirl pulled back, pressed their foreheads together, watched as Lena grew more and more sensitive to touch, heard as Lena’s voice grew higher in pitch as she got closer, felt as Lena’s flesh was coated in a light sheen of sweat.
She came with a weak and strangled cry, sinking her head into the crook of Supergirl’s neck and biting into the bulletproof skin to muffle herself, and the hero followed shortly after with ragged breaths.
Lena’s hips slowed and her whines quieted to shallow pants, and Supergirl found herself surprised at how dismayed she was at the fact she was no longer hearing the woman’s moans.
She also found yet another powerful urge to kiss her and leaned in to plant another, fluttering her eyes shut, only to be met with a tear-stained cheek when Lena turned away. Then there was a hand pressing against Supergirl’s chest, pushing her away, and she took a small step back, but her hand was still wrapped around the woman’s waist.
“No. I...I can’t. You have a higher calling than…” Lena gestured between them, “...this. You were chosen, you're meant to be something great, and you can't be that here.”
Supergirl shook her head, “It was a gift. I’m not obligated to keep it.”
Lena took a shaky breath, dipped her gaze to the floor.
Her eyes widened.
When did Supergirl land?
“You’re…” she felt her heart rate increase, “...on th-the ground.”
She snapped her head back up to see blue eyes overflowing with tears.
“I don't want this, Lena.”
“I want to go home,” she whispered, “I want to have a proper sister night with Alex, I want to play video games with Winn, I want to eat pizza and potstickers, I-I want...I want you, Lena.”
“Kara, what’s - Kara!”
She collapsed to her knees, onto the floor, unconscious. Lena followed her to the ground, her arms firmly embracing her, panicking when a white aura surrounded her friend.
She watched as Supergirl’s divine suit shimmered away to reveal the nakedness underneath.
The next time Lena saw her was a week later, when she was leaned against her desk and carefully observing the television. It was bright into the afternoon, the sun shining through her balcony. It was very unlike her previous meetings with Supergirl, though that was not the only difference.
Lena pivoted to see the girl of steel touch the floor of her building, wearing her old suit and that sparkling grin.
She darted her gaze to the beverage she was holding, not amber in color as usual.
“It’s a little too early for alcohol I’d say,” she hummed, gave a small and somewhat uneasy smile.
Kara took a step closer, her grin still scintillating, but there was a crinkle between her brows as she sought to connect their gazes, “That’s never exactly held you back from drinking.”
Lena chuckled, averted her eyes, refused to match it, “You make a point.”
A moment passed.
“How’s your hand?”
The Luthor raised a perfect brow, then dipped her head in shame, observing her cast.
“I was hoping your transition would erase your memories. You remember?”
“Hard not to,” Kara replied, her crinkle intensifying as her friend continued to avoid her eyes, “The bones didn’t sound too good when you slapped me.”
Lena grimaced, “Yeah, I’m sorry about that, truly.”
“Me too,” Kara said softly, “You weren’t in a good place, I should’ve recognized that, especially after the reveal. I guess I should work on boundaries.”
The Luthor shot her eyes up, but the cowardice had it stop at the sight of the emblem of hope, carefully crafted into the navy fabric.
“That wasn’t you that time,” she argued, “Not all of it.”
“Not all of it,” Kara repeated, “But my tendency to ramble was unfortunately passed on to the godly version of me.”
“And the crinkle,” Lena mumbled, and she immediately bit her lip after those words fell from her tongue.
She quickly evaded Kara’s reply.
“Do you remember everything?” she inquired, “When you became Supergirl full-time?”
“I do,” came the answer, “Listen, I-”
“You don’t have to,” Lena cut in, “I understand. You didn’t mean to. It was…” she turned away, made for her cupboard, “...a lapse in judgement,” she pulled out a bottle of vodka, “A mistake.”
She poured the liquor into her new cup and it sloshed, made a mess around her counter before shooting it straight down her throat.
“No,” Kara protested, “That’s not-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” Lena interjected, pouring herself another glass, “I have a meeting in ten-”
Kara gripped her friend’s wrist, halting it from bringing more alcohol into her system.
“Stop,” she pleaded, her voice firm, “Just...listen to me.”
Lena pressed her lips into a thin line before nodding, steeling herself up for what was to come.
Kara gently pried her fingers from the glass and set the liquor down onto the counter.
She failed again to connect their gazes.
“Do you really think that it was a mistake?”
Her friend remained silent.
Kara sighed, “You’re right, it was a lapse in judgement.”
Lena winced, drew back and shrank from the statement, the pain was evident on her face.
“But I didn’t regret it,” she added, taking her friend’s good hand into her own, “I only wish it could’ve been better. For us. Because you deserved more than…” she shook her head, “...whatever that was. Our feelings are mutual.”
Lena’s eyes widened a fraction and her heart skipped a beat.
“We can move on from this,” Kara continued, gently rubbing soothing circles on the back of Lena’s palm, “We can have a little bit of a fresh start you know. There’s this new fancy restaurant that opened, I heard their kale dishes were amazing.”
The worry ate at her the more the silence fleshed out.
At this point she was almost begging for a reaction. Then she placed Lena’s hand on her own cheek.
“Hey,” she tried again, desperate, “Look at me.”
Kara stepped closer, invaded her personal space, lifted the woman’s chin up until their eyes finally connected.
“It’s me,” she murmured.
Lena’s emerald eyes blinked, seemingly just registered the familiar blue in front of her.
Her thumb stroked the strong cheekbone.
“It’s me, Lena,” Kara whispered.
Lena smiled, “I wasn’t quite sure, you used ‘kale’ and ‘awesome’ in the same sentence.”
They both chuckled, planted a chaste kiss upon each other’s lips.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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sanguinesprout · 5 years
Some storms have passed, hopefully it’ll be warmer soon (updates and blah)
Um, welp... this may be my late-st post yet, that’s something new I guess lol, it ain’t so bad. I was seriously considering not posting this month but I know if I don’t stick to some sort of schedule then I’ll get too lazy and all past efforts will just be lost. At first I was busy for a few days, then I remembered and felt lazy some and then I forgot for some more days, but I’m here now and Imma write this post hoo!
I had another kind of argument and cry involving my sis but it was from a misunderstanding and it was brief and the make up was fast. I still find it hard to express my true feelings to her and her words still cut so strikingly hurtful and are seemingly insensitive at times, but some of mine must’ve hurt her just as bad too. When will I be able to speak my true mind? It’s just so difficult... but in time, with some work I really hope for that to be possible. 
Lately, I’ve been more active on getting my health problems sorted out, making and going to appointments and stuff. Well, none of the problems have actually been sorted out yet, as previously attempted, but I gotta keep pushing about them to hopefully get a better sort of resolution this time. I also went to some other health appointments I had being putting off, as with a lot of things, they weren’t as bad as I thought they’d be, which is good and good of me to finally do them ^^ Avoiding and not doing anything accomplishes nothing after all and again health is super important!
One of the appointments was to a mental health advisor person. The funny thing is I was inadvertently recommended to see them when I was investigating some physical problems. I kinda was hopeful that maybe I’d get referred somewhere better than last time’s super general counsellor by this advisor but uhhh nope. They smiled a lot and asked me how I generally was and a few tidbits about my past and then everything else was just some very general stuff about changing the way you think blah blah. I brung up AVPD, asked if there was anyone I could see who specialised in personality disorders but it was pretty much brushed off, which really sucked. 
At the end they asked if maybe I was interested in mindfulness/anxiety-reducing group therapy sessions and gave me some brief printouts with info. My first instinct would be to avoid like hell at the mention of being in a group, I was kind of irked by it and they noticed but they said to think about it and let them know next week. I also asked if there was someone else I could see 1-on-,1 but as they could see on record I already went to see someone last time (which I guess is the only thing of that they have) there was no luck there.
I’m debating whether to go or not, it could be helpful, there actually isn’t anything to lose. I’m just super paranoid about accidentally meeting someone I knew there (which is pretty irrational and who cares really ‘cause we’re in the same boat kinda thing). Also that I’ll have to give lots of info about myself to strangers, but the sheets say you don’t have to say anything you don’t want to/contribute as little or as much as you like, so that took away some of my uneasiness.
I can’t say it’ll be worth it or not unless I try it of course, a new experience and going out is good at least. I think maybe I will research it some more, then maybe go at least for one session just to see if I like it... hmm. Be brave me! You’ll be okay!
There were two groups I got handouts on, they’re both kind of similar but not. I assume I can only attend one, which one to choose? Maybe I’ll ask for more details when I next see the advisor. I’m proud of myself for going to the advisor foremost, I was pretty anxious and ready to avoid them at first lol.
I’m still very concerned about my family’s health :c My mum has been doing somewhat better, test results are slightly positive but still iffy and more follow-up tests are needed. The wait for those is long, it’s saddening and all the more scary. I really hope she’ll be okay. I wish I was stronger and could help out more. I really need to help myself faster and then help everyone else as soon as I can.
My dad’s health has actually been worse lately, we’ve been noticing some extra symptoms and even he has mentioned not feeling well and we keep telling him to see the doctor but he’s still super reluctant to. But even once he wondered to us if he should go after all. Being scared of going to the doctor or being scared of the increasing toll your health could be taking? I know which one of those I find worse. Maybe I should be more tricky like I did the previous times making appointments for him or at least try more convincing.
My sis’ health has not been too great lately either, she took on a second job and it’s very draining physically and she doesn’t get as much sleep but she does it because we need the extra financial help. I don’t like that it’s taking a strain on her health, it’s both physically and mentally stressful. I definitely agree she should quit if it really is too much. I need to hurry and get a job, things aren’t looking too great for me lately though, no more interview offers as of yet and not many application opportunities out there.
The job my sis got is actually the one I mentioned last time, which I was also invited to interview for. The ‘interview’ was just an extremely long winded talk with about only enough time for you to say maybe a few sentences about yourself in a room of a few people. Their whole system and just everything is extremely unorganised and so slap dash. The appointment dates were messed up and the interviewer had not seen any of our CV’s so all he had to go on to decide was the few lines we uttered pretty much.
As my sis works there now, she’s been telling me of how that disorganised-ness and everything literally encompasses and translates to the whole store and all its’ staff’s less than ideal work attitudes. I seriously thought such a big company would’ve been so much better than this, it’s really disappointing and makes me like it so much less. In a way, I’m kind of glad I was rejected, it’s like I dodged a bullet and with my health I would’ve struggled ten-fold 
I was disappointed with myself when I gave my few lines about myself in the ‘interview’. We were asked mostly what our career experience was and I really didn’t have much at all. I also answered briefly because I was one of the first to be asked. Just sitting there while everyone else went through their long list of past jobs and duties, man, it sucked and totally pushed me far out of the orbit of consideration lol. I was proud of myself at least for enduring the long-ass talks and for engaging and asking questions and keeping my cheery face on, good me.
In other things I kind of cut contact with the few online ‘friends’ I had been awkwardly avoiding and being scared to get rid of for so long. I was so anxious about it for so many years and had resorted to just not visiting that place at all but now that weight has pretty much been lifted. I still feel riddled with guilt and feel sad about it, but they weren’t really ‘friend friends’ more like acquaintances from a past mutual interest, so I shouldn’t feel so bad. I can’t believe all the energy I wasted fretting and overthinking, to them it was probably nothing as they have many other more important friends. People move on and people find new friends and interests, it happens all the time and it’s okay, it’s just life.
If something is hurting you or making you uncomfortable, just let it go, get rid of it for the sake of yourself and your health. It might hurt someone by doing so, but not doing so and letting yourself be hurt so much is no good either. That’s what a different friend told me and they are probably the only one I still keep in contact with now. I guess I got so caught up in being afraid to hurt some people a little that I forgot I was hurting myself a lot in the process. 
Even with the good friend though, it’s... awkward and uncomfortable still in a way, I’m not sure if’s just me or maybe if it’s them a little. I feel like maybe they only still talk to me to be nice. That they reply only out of obligation, but I’ve asked them this and they’ve denied it kind of... Tbh I feel like I wanted to cut contact with them too sometimes but I couldn’t and I probably wouldn’t. 
I can’t be sure if that’s just the avoidant and irrational part of me talking. You know, all the bad stuff floating in my head telling me I’m a nuisance to others, not worth talking to, awkward and just all these things putting myself down in general when it comes to communication and worth, I shouldn’t believe it. None of it is really true. Why is it so easy to believe these lies and irrational thoughts?
I am good and I am worthy, I have the choice to let go of things and believe in things that I want to, and I want these things to be positive and true, not negative and irrational! 
In other creative/leisure blah I have just not had the mood or energy to do much at all and it really blows because there’s still so much I haven’t done yet. I don’t want to keep being afraid of everything >< I did manage to do the tiniest bit of sewing again, things went wrong again and it was stressful but it kind of went okay in the end, so yay!
I’ve been kind of trying to build up the courage to sort of interact and be present more online, though the action hasn’t happened yet. It’s what happens when I take a break from something, the fear just builds up again and I’m back to square one. I feel like as with the previous mentioned stuff about friends and just kind of existing in places I didn’t want to be, that my slate has partially been wiped clean, like I can start anew and just be me a bit more in a new place. It’s only partially though, I still feel held back by all the bad feels and guilt and awkward from just every past interaction and the fear of the new. I need some more pep talk and convincing for myself first, but I will get there!
Something helpful to remember to do is instead of thinking of everything that could go wrong, to instead think of everything that could go right! It really flips over that scary negative feeling into something more nice and motivating. In the case of what I’m trying to do, it’s something I’ve already done before, so I’ve proven to myself I can do it already. Doing things is not actually that hard or scary, just don’t overthink everything and look to the positives rather than the negatives! Apply this more more more!
I think here’s a good place to stop now. As with every time... I did it, I wrote the post after putting it off so long, yay! 8D
I will try to remind myself the best I can, to be positive, be brave and be me! 
You too! Keep going! Up up up!
Have a positive and productive week! :D
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allurascastle · 7 years
I loved it! I would love to more about Tails, he sounds very interesting.
:D Thank you! And, believe me, I am always willing to talk about my son™. I love him. But before that, some lowkey hcs of mine for Voltron as a whole that are kinda relevant to Talis and his universe:
The first one being that Alfor is the King-Regent - he married into the royal family, any “royal family” attributed things (Allura’s powers, for example, have been hypothesized to be because she’s from the royal line) are from Allura’s mother…who died when she was little (my post about her and Zelda being bffs was based on accidental parallels that I built up…) and because of that, he rules for Allura until she’s old enough (I’ve always seen her as a late teen/very young adult, AKA: my age).
The second one is that Alfor is the Green paladin. I know people like to hc him as the Red paladin (because of Coran’s line about following in his footsteps), the Blue (bc Lance caught Allura), or the Yellow (because of his royal armor), but the comics and Space Mall strongly suggest he was the Green paladin, so that is what he is in any of my ‘verses.
Altean shape-shifting isn’t really changing their shape. It’s chameleon like, so mostly color, and height helps to blend in (I mean, canonically it’s a thing, but my point is that color + height is the extent. You know the things I’m saying are not a Thing Alteans can do in my ‘verses, you’ve been in this fandom).
We haven’t seen much about ancient Galra (except in the same shot as younger Alfor in Space Mall, wherein they all largely look like Zarkon), so liberties have been taken with them. Even back then, though, they were a pretty militaristic, technologically driven society ruled by an Emperor; just, at the time, they all looked largely the same, the way humans do, with few distinct traits. However, they’re not just “militaristic” and “scientific” -  they got a lot of culture that’s been lost, or changed, in the last 10,000 years. I’ll mostly mention these as we go on/in bits of writing, but the sword is definitely a Galra Preferred Weapon the way I hc Staffs (fight me about it I hate the word staves) and Spears are Altean Preferred.
Touching back on the militaristic aspect briefly, it’s not unusual for Galra children to go through a sort of…pre-boot-camp boot-camp (double boot-camp intended). This typically means that they have to spend less time in the actual boot-camps and training. It’s like a middle-school thing and then they get to go about their lives however they want, but military and science being core parts of their society means they’re all very likely to go into that. Once they can. It depends.
(Allura’s line about “an Altean child” being able to handle the level of difficulty their training was on leads me to suspect Alteans also had some form of young military training thing going on, so it’s not unusual for them to have cadets of wide age ranges in a group.)
Also the Galra have a garment I call a belateo from bastardizing “balletor” and “belteo” basically meaning “warrior” and “girdle” respectively. It’s…not at all a girdle, and used to be like a sash, but it (now) looks a lot more like the cloth Tal.i’zor.ah and Quar.ians in general wear with their environmental suits (dots to keep out of basic searches for Ta.li and Quar.ian). (And no, while I love Tali and she is my space wife, that’s not where Talis’ name comes from.)
edit 3: crossing out lore that is now longer. It’s going to be called a balleteo instead, and it’s just as sash, either worn around the waist or chest.
(side note: my brother has a game called Stellaris and in it, he made basically the Galra but they were all cats and honestly, watching his progression through that game was a great reference.)
Anyway, onto Talis himself.
His mother was a scientist - one of the many Galra who worked to create the lions (there are a lot of Galra in the scene during Space Mall, and something as large as one lion must’ve required a whole, big team, let alone a project the size of Voltron). His father was a member of the (Altean) Royal Guard, an all around respected one, especially within the ranks, who accompanied Alfor to the Galra homeworld for the process of creating Voltron - which would be where and when Talis’ parents met. He was born around the same time as Allura, maybe a little before.
He grew up on Galra, visiting Altea often - holidays, religious or just general ones, and to visit his father at the Palace/Castle of Lions (whether or not the Royal family made their home predominantly in the Castle of Lions is…up to interpretation…? I haven’t decided for this ‘verse). And his father would come visit he and his mother whenever he had some days off. Once he was done with pre-boot-camp boot-camp, he decided he wanted to got to Altea and start training for the Altean Royal Guard, in part to be closer to his father.
It wasn’t until he “graduated” that he actually met Allura, but by this point he’d already seen her a lot and sort of gotten to know her at a distance - he knew that once she set her mind to something, she did it, and she was kind but no way would you ever be able to walk all over her, and he over all really admired her and developed a not even remotely subtle crush on her.
Which is a good point to mention that Talis all around sucks at dealing with his own emotions. And emotional intensity, vulnerability. He likes to pretend those things don’t exist and keep them bottled up to himself (if the former is causing him inner turmoil, that is. Otherwise, just the intensity and vulnerability). It’s not really anyone’s fault. Talis just has difficulties handling it and like any procrastinater would (which, interjection, he doesn’t really procrastinate but I do so) decides to just…not. This causes some issues around the time of Altea’s destruction and season one, and by problems I mean he gets all conflicted and distant and it makes things tense around Allura.
At first, his…”broodiness” bothers Allura, once he gets appointed her knight (Which, that in of itself irked her because she does not need a babysitter, thank you very much); she doesn’t really know what he’s thinking, or personally know him. They eventually get to a point where he’s opening up easier to her. It helps that he told her something along these lines:
“Your father didn’t ask me to be your bodyguard so that I could keep you from leaving the Castle. He made me your bodyguard so I could go with you, no matter what.” Allura blinked at him, and he, for the first time ever that she’d heard, chuckled. It was a deep chuckle, but quiet and mostly to himself; he looked down as he did, and then lifted his gaze after a moment. “Not that I would try to stop you if he had. I can tell, once you’ve set your mind to something, you’re going to do it whether you have permission or not.”
And while we’re at it, here’s another little excerpt from something I was writing (actually the above was just something stuck in my head…)
The first time Allura met Talis was hardly remarkable. He was dirty from training with his father, a stately man in the royal guard. She had seen him a lot growing up; it was his job to ensure the safety of her family, and he took it seriously. Talis had very clearly taken after him: stoic and often serious.
He politely told her, “It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, Princess Allura,” and bowed respectfully to her, from the waist and with his head turned down, but not without first looking up at her, meeting her eyes. His bright yellow eyes and carmine red markings had always stood out to her, no matter the color his skin turned; she could always spot him, even in full armor as a cadet and full-fledged guard.
That day, he wore the white armor, lined with blue and gold and with a sash tied and pinned around his waist, the ends of it near his knees. It was two tone purple with golden yellow trims, and looked to be sturdily made.
Talis wears the standard Royal Guard armor initially - looking a lot like Allura’s versus the Paladin’s, with, well as described, blue and gold. I mean, as far as I know. I haven’t actually drawn it out (…not that I have the artistic skill but…), but it sounds good in my head.
He gets made Allura’s knight shortly before the war begins (the “war”), and changes his armor to be red, both to stand out from other Royal Guards and to match Allura more (sort of, vaguely related: he likes to match whoever he’s around, so he’s pretty much shape-shifted 60% or 70% the time he’s in Altea). Also, red is aggressive and his job is now to defend the princess, so it fits.
Since I mentioned Preferred Weapons before, I’ll now take the moment to say that he primarily uses the Spear, which is intentional on his part and also because I love spears (bonus round: it treads on no other character’s WoC territory). He can also use a sword and shield but…he’d rather go with a spear and a shield if he has to have a shield. He’ll one hand that. Or maybe the spears can also he shorter…?
Now continuing on…
Talis, obviously, does not die on Altea. He gets put into a cryopod as well, wakes up ten thousand years later. I could give a detailed rundown on what he’s doing in season one and two, but that would make this super incredibly long and also I plan on writing stuff about it, so I’ll just share the highlights.
He’s struggling with some internalized doubts (starts once the “war” begins and now it’s just plaguing him) about, well, himself and his identity. He’s always used “Galtean” proudly, but with recent (ancient) developments with the Galra…
It makes matters worse that he doesn’t know his mother’s position on turning against and destroying Altea the way Zarkon did, whether because he just wasn’t able to contact her or there was no time. Same thing, really. Waking up to find that a) Zarkon is still alive, b) the Altean solar system is entirely gone, and c) the Galra are tyrants merrily enslaving people does not help.
(I know you must be wondering how Allura feels about him and I’ll admit, she has some mixed feelings, but mostly because she doesn’t know what he’s thinking, once more and during such a bad time, when she’s most vulnerable to suspicions. But, she knows he’s half Galra, she’s known for years, so that in of itself does not garner the same reaction out of her that Keith being Galra does. But things are tense and strange and…cold? between them.)
Talis doesn’t just brood though, mind you. He tries to pretend this conflict doesn’t exist, horribly. He throws himself into repairing the ship, checking everything about it that he can by himself and at odd intervals - basically whenever he can - and doing work in medical; cryopods weren’t meant to last ten thousand years, and who knows what the cost of being in there for so long is? And if he’s not doing any of those things, he’s training obsessively, or helping the paladins train hands-on (he starts off aloof about it, but accidentally turns into a good teacher). And, if somehow he is not doing any of those things, he’s helping Coran or following Allura around. He…manages to do a lot and it honestly concerns Coran and the paladins. When does he sleep?
(He doesn’t. He exists purely on his will to maintain the ship and protect Allura.) (He does sleep, actually. That was a joke, but if he could get away with existing on that, purely, I’m sure he’d give it his all.)
Some stuff happens in the comics, but there’s not really any spoilers. Talis stays behind to continue working on the ship and in the event it gets invaded, Allura won’t be practically helpless. He’s a warrior. Alfor put him in a cryopod so that he could defend her from the threats that Coran simply, and not for a lack of trying, they would both lay down their lives to keep her safe in a heartbeat, could not protect her from, and right up there on that list is “giant Galra.” 
(Of course, Sendak is another story, and technically he doesn’t win or lose that fight.) (Talis puts himself in positions to be injured, a lot, but that’s because out of their three-man Altean team, he’s the tank. It’s going to happen. He wears armor at all times for a reason.) 
He and Allura have a (re-)bonding moment and he manages to open up just a little and tell her what he’s thinking about. She manages to convince him to have some fun with her (because what could be funner than riding that…chair thing, I’ll have to get my comic back out lol, all around the castle? Racing it against someone else) and hen go catch up on sleep.
Episode nine really brings around a change. Allura just lost her father - completely, all over again. Talis is there for her, because he is not anything if not there for Allura. He lets her know that if she needs some company, she doesn’t even need to ask; just let him know. (They sit together for a while. Talk more.)
He goes with Allura onto the ship during episode 10 - at this point, I should mention none of the others know he’s half Galra, just himself, Allura, and Coran, and Talis could probably have saved them all a lot of trouble if he mentioned this and went alone onto the ship, but much like me on last Wednesday (aka the night I accidentally trolled management??) he did not. He also gets captured with Allura because she didn’t want to leave him there when it was her fault. She bodily throws Shiro.
Talis ends up getting tortured before being thrown in the prison with Allura and they have to drag him out of there because he can barely walk. Also, Zarkon calls him “Little Talis” and it makes his blood boil.
There’s too much notable stuff about season two for me to get into tonight, but oh boy. I will tell you he loves the Blade of Marmora. Which leaves us with one more, lowkey headcanon:
The Blade of Marmora are named after a Galra who almost succeeded in assassinating Zarkon. Marmora was a she and her “Blade” started a generation or two, maybe more than that, after she died.
edit: how could I forget the most important thing!!
He gets her something sparkly during Space Mall. Like he took somethings and went to a pawn shop to sell them (and accidentally caught the attention of a collector but that’s okay, he made money because of it) and then went and bought her something sparkly.
I haven’t decided what the sparkly thing is yet. Suggestions welcome.
edit 2: some other weird, but definitely notable things about Talis:
due to weird genetics and alien anatomy, he sweats only on his hands and feet. Because of this, he constantly wears gloves (the grippy-er the better) and has about three thousand pairs of them and keeps multiple pairs on him. Also, socks. Lots and lots of socks.
he has carmine red markings of their own unique shape:
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yes, they show up on his eyelids.
speaking of his eyes, his irises are bright yellow and he has the pink pupils.
his hair changes color depending on his skin color, and not intentionally. When he is his natural form or with any shade of purple skin, his hair is black, whereas when he has brown or tanned skin it’s dark brown, and his hair takes on red hues the paler he gets.
he generally rests at a light brown color, since that’s not mentioned in my writing (yet).
is accidentally romantic, but owns up to it. Also, likes romance novels but rarely ever lets himself “have the time” to read them. In general, likes reading but “never has the time for it.”
can’t write poems worth shit but that doesn’t mean he won’t try.
or anything really. He has a few good pieces but other than that, nope, crumple it up and pretend it never existed.
not artistic either.
can sing though??
has participated in “aggressive” Galra dances, but is terrible at slow dances (and maybe Allura, or whomever, should lead).
wanted to be a Paladin growing up. Alfor let him try to bond with the lions, but they rejected him. He took it hard and is still bitter about it.
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