#instant family manhwa
9-93 · 1 month
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rokso-o · 11 months
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marinktgawa · 6 months
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፧⠀⠀ instant family
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ktarzis · 10 months
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NEW Instant Family
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pvbt · 11 months
Instant family chapter 28
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rouecentric · 2 years
May I request gen hc with the agriche family with darling isekai'd from our world so she know roxanna actually is the same situation as her maybe with romantic cassis pedelian?
a/n: you absolutely can! Enjoy reading this post! :)
for some reason let's say you were a successful murder mystery/detective writer, so that's why you know a lot about weapons, poison, etc. I'm also aging up cassis and roxana, because ain't no way am i accepting the fact that she's 16 and cassis' 17 at the start.
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oh you poor, unfortunate soul. How the hell did you get into this mess of a family?
-Waking up in a baby's body is confusing, and even more when you see Lant Agriche, a fictional character from the manhwa and novel called "How to Protect the Heroine's Older Brother", the father of the main character
-At first, you assumed it was a dream, and just went along with it as if it was a roleplay. But then the next day, you woke up still in the same body, so then you decided to wait until you could do the bare minimum, and wait you did
-after a few excruciating years, you were old enough to walk, talk, and handle yourself at six years old, but, surprisingly enough, you were one of Lant’s eldest children in the family and in the future, oldest daughter of the Black Agriche, and from you getting unexpectedly isekai'd into a manhwa, you were gifted with future vision, meaning you could see into the future whenever you wanted, which was a huge advantage
-So, as a daughter of a wealthy and mighty man, you, as well as your siblings, had a pretty big allowance, but still rather small, indicating that the children should work hard enough and the head might raise your monthly allowance
-And as a successful writer who writes dark things, you decided to buy two lockable diaries and a pen to write down everything you knew and ideas that could benefit you, but your main goal was to just save Ashil from dying and help Roxanna from the shadows before Jeremy remakes the Black Agriche and becomes the next head after Lant gets assasinated
-One of your ideas was rather simple, yet good. Starting a business and investing into other businesses. You decided for the business to start off as a simple store for ladies, full of earrings, rings, necklaces to fans, parasols, gloves and handkerchiefs
-When you proposed the idea to Lant, he was curious to see how the business would go, so he decided to fund your business idea, giving you a building in the capital to sell such things, and when the store opened, it was an instant hit! Noble ladies loved the designs of the things in the store so much, it even started a new trend for the entire year!
-Although your monthly allowance was raised more and you had some of your independant income source, you decided that you should start other projects once every year, as doing just business to benefit the Black Agriche was just not enough to pass by with, deciding to get personal trainers for various kinds of weaponry you used to write about in your books, from various hand-to-hand weapons to long-range weaponry such as daggers, swords, spears, and even gauntlets to bow and arrows, whips and crossbows, of course, you also learned a thing that didn't exist at first, magic
-You, of course, didn't need a tutor to learn about various poisons, because well, you were a professional writer back in your world, having to read about poisons and their side effects, as well as how much you need to give it to the victim and how it kills the victim as well as the antidote of the poisons
-So, with your weaponry training in the mornings, your business management papers being finished right before the clock hits 2 pm, you had rest of the day off, as you finished your classes a year before, as you requested your father to give you more classes for the entire entire two years so you could peacefully take the initiative for future projects without any hindraces like classes
-And when you had rest of the time off, you always either resided in your room, the library, or the gardens, but in every single one of the places you were in, you always met Ashil
right, i almost forgot to explain how you met.
-You met Ashil a year ago, accidentally stumbling upon him in the library. To be honest, he was sweet and sensitive, reminding you of a puppy multiple times, it's rather fun teasing him as he rather easily gets flustered
-He was too soft, but that's alright, you already were ready on risking your ranking and life for him to live, not like he had any other choice but to live now that you're here
-And by befriending Ashil, You were bound to meet one of your step-mothers and half-sister, Sierra Agriche and Roxana Agriche
-For them to be shocked that Ashil befriended another Agriche was shocking, but for it to be the second-highest ranking child and oldest daughter? Sierra was apalled, while Roxana was was neutral about it, but inside, she was excited
-You see, you existing in the manhwa wasn't supposed to happen, and now you created an alternate universe just by getting isekai'd. Your very existence in the manhwa made you materialise into an alternate world of Roxana's, appearing as another side character in the novel, a beloved second-highest ranked child of the Black Agriche and a successful businesswoman who subtly helped Sylvia at the start, but fully broke her out at the end with your gift, future vision, and ultimately became Sylvia's right hand man once she escaped and became the next head of the Pedelians
-In short words, Roxana was your number one fangirl and wholeheartedly supported the plot twist and shipped you with Sylvia
-You easily got along with Sierra's family, as you were easily one of the sanest people in the family, going as far as to call Sierra "mom", she definitely cried while hugging you out of joy
-Unfortunately, you had to do something, not just hang out with Sierra's family, manage the store, and take your lessons, and so you decided to start another project, and this time without Lant's knowledge about it being one. Well, you know about Roxana's future poisonous butterflies, so why not hatch the carnivorous and Hallucinogenic poisonous kinds of beautiful butterflies as a long-term project? You already knew the location of where to get the butterfly eggs, you just need to bring them back into your own poisonous greenhouse and successfully hatch them
-Oh, right! Did I mention that your own independant income is enough for you to get construction workers to build you your own greenhouse?
-And now with a long-term project in motion while having some other things to do every day, you were practically set for the next couple of years! Well, kind of..
-The next year, you had a huge project on your mind, There will be a underrated seamstress that will get famous in the next couple of years for their designs and talent with sewing clothes, and you wanted to collaborate with her for a boutique in the capital, with your father fully funding it again, as the last one became a hit and even expanded into other cities!
-You already had your designs which were blatantly taken from the outfits you saw in other isekai manhwa's, and you didn't regret it one bit, come on! Cayena's, Rezef's and Raffaelo's clothes are amazing!
-And when the boutique was open in the capital, as usual, it became popular, but thankfully, some designs weren't sold as you wanted the most iconic outfits that you stoledesigned. Unfortunately, you were deemed a genius and immensly talented lady by your business partners, which Lant agreed with
-Life was rather swell after that! Well, would be if you would ignore Roxana's abrupt rise in being practically obsessed and worshippy with you, constantly praising for every decision and achievement you made to her mother and brother, but Sierra brushed it away, seeing it as just simple admiration for her older half-sister and even encourages it, unfortunately, Sierra and Ashil would fall head first into the abyss that is called obsession
-And so, a couple of years passed by, and the dear fl was twelve, you as well as Ashil and Sierra celebrated her birthday cheerfully, but this was the year when Ashil gets killed by Dion in front of Sierra and Roxana, leaving the two traumatised, one hiding their PTSD while the other was too weak, never being the same person again
-And as the older half-sister of Ashil, it was your duty to explain and help him prepare as much as possible for his monthly examinations, as you were a year older than him
-Thankfully, your poisonous butterflies hatched without a problem last month, feeding them the corpses of dead staff and the toys your siblings had, sending a few of them to spy on Ashil to keep him safe for as long as possible
-Unfortunately, Ashil failed one of the monthly examinations, maybe Ashil truly was meant to die?
Ashil was truly in a pathetic state for an Agriche, barely standing while desperately trying to block the ongoing attacks that were from Dion, his own blood staining his pale face and staggering from the blood loss, but just before the black-haired boy could do anything to strike a fatal blow to kill the bloodied blond - a swarm of blurred red blobs appeared, frantically speeding to be in front of the blond teenager, before disappearing to show the face of the person who stood in front of Ashil, and the owner of the red butterflies.
There was you, standing in all of your glory, crossing your arms while looking at Dion with an aggravated expression in your dark blue, over the shoulder dress that you talked about to Sierra.
"Now, what is with this fuss all about?" You questioned, staring straight at the dark-haired teenager in frustration as he fumbled to quickly kneel down, not even daring to look back at you.
"Ashil failed the monthly examination, father commanded me to dispose of him." the kneeling boy explained, slightly shaking.
You sighed, shaking your head, "Then report back to him saying that it won't be possible to dispose of him, and tell him that this piece of advice is from me; rather disposing, disown him and give him to me, I do need a personal butler because of father taking a bit too long with assigning me my own staff after the incident, or else he might not be able to benefit from more things in the future," you kneeled in front of him, holding his face to make him look straight at you, red butterflies swarming around the both of you.
"you'll do that for your dearest older sister, right?" you inquired, smiling at his wide-eyed expression, subconciously bringing back the butterflies and standing up, releasing Dion's face from your grasp, watching him run outside from the bedroom, assumingly going back to Lant's office.
you turned back to the others, apathetically staring at the bleeding teenager on the floor.
"You should bring him to the infirmary as soon as possible, he could most likely get an infection if he doesn't go there soon." you recommened, leaving the bedroom yourself to go to your own, as somewhat of a lot of energy was taken from you just by summoning and bringing back the butterflies on command.
-Your first meeting with Dion was actually really long ago, right when he was just a beginner in his classes
-As he was younger than you, you naturally felt pulled towards him, always meeting up with him in either your room or the library, never failing to bring him treats
-Of course, being just nice to him wasn't your entire plan, subtly molding him into how you wanted him to act with you by words of affirmation, indirect orders disguised as simple minor requests, such as bringing you your book you "forgot" and getting you alstroemeria, a flower that meant devotion and friendship that was being raised in the garden
-And from small requests they grew into chores, and from chores into orders, but won't he do it for his dear sister and only genuine friend?
-every single refusal, failure to do it, or just a simple "later" caused you to fake being sad and looking like a kicked puppy, apologising to Dion for having to waste his precious time with such an insignificant task, which he would always desperately ramble apologies out with a wide-eyed and teary expression while hugging you
-When Lant was informed of your actions, advice and fact that you now had carnivorous and hallucigenic butterflies, he was bewildered! Who would've known that you'd go and defy his orders about killing Ashil, raise rare yet dangerous butterflies, and give him a disguised threat turned into advice!
-the feeling of bewilderment soon after changed into pride, of course you were able to do this! You're his oldest daughter and secretly most favored child! so, without any fights or complaints from him, he disowned Ashil and gave him away to you, him becoming less of a personal butler, but more of a doll you'd take care of
-Sierra and Roxana were immensly thankful, with Sierra standing in front of your doorstep waiting for you to let her in, and when you did, she tightly clung to you by your waist as she slid down onto her knees, crying while rambling on "thank you's" for saving Ashil with Roxana standing behind her mother, trying to console her
-Ashil was the most thankful out of the three of them, seeing you as his savior and a godess-like person, made to be worshipped and cared for without any complaints
-When Jeremy and Roxana became rather close, he was always curious of you, hearing a lot from everyone in the house, even from the staff and teachers!
-Roxana was happy to tell him everything about you and how you're like, portraying you as an angel sent from the heavens, blessing this hell-hole of a family with your kindness
-His positive opinion about you strengthened extremely more when he met you for the first time in the gardens, with you in a gazebo lazing around and drinking tea with a biscuit in hand
-Of course, he approached you and kindly introduced himself, making small talk with you about the current trends in society and some rumors that were spread about other families, then he simply asked if the biscuits were tasty, with you just simply feeding him a biscuit without warning, smiling at his starstruck expression
-Yeah, you were definitely an angel sent from heaven
-Your meeting with Maria wasn't much, as you wanted to escort Sierra to the tea party Maria invited her to participate in, knowing full well that Sierra can't handle that well Maria's "doll's"
-Well, Maria was always happy to accept another guest that is close to Sierra, and her step-daughter at that!
-Maria is rather overbearing, but so is Sierra, Roxana and Jeremy, so you were used to people acting like that
-You and Grizelda haven't met that much, but you and her always shared pleasantries and initiated small talk whenever you met, becoming close acquaintances
-Charlotte admires and wants to be just like you, so she would always go to you for advice to see what you would do if you were in her shoes, but whenever someone talks bad about you? They become Charlotte's toy for her to torture
-Fontaine doesn't have much of an opinion on you, as he simply admires your achievements
-fast forward towards when Cassis is kidnapped, you immediately requested father for the Pedelian to become your toy, causing everyone in the room to go quiet while Cassis immediately started staring at you, anticipating the head's answer
-In the past, you never had any pets, not like you even wanted them, the only thing that came extremely close was Ashil, but he was originally meant to be disposed of if it weren't for you stopping Dion, so, Lant agreed, happy to see that you were becoming more like him day after day
-Cassis was cautious from the start, and his anxiety was higher now that you, the oldest daughter of the Agriche family, wanted him as a pet
-He really was suspicious of your instant personal announcement that you would help him getting out of here when you two were alone in his cell, but the fact you kept on bringing him fresh and warm food alongside medicine and changing his bandages from time to time, he eventually fell for you
-And when he realised it? He was stunned and in denial! He wasn't supposed to fall for his family's enemy! But you were just so.. nice and friendly towards him! You complimented and somewhat even babied him almost every day!
-Cassis was now sure he wants to bring you back home with him as his fiance, but you knew that it wouldn't be possible for now, and when he tried to convince you to go with him back to the Pedelian family? You had to remind him of what kind of people your family and you are, telling him everything you've done just to survive, and telling him to "just go, you'll most likely see me again in the future if you hurry up and leave."
-He promises to bring you back and marry him, even if he has to break you or kill everything around him
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foralleternityidiot · 6 months
📌 Ren’s Danmei and Manhwa/hua Reading List
Seven Seas Danmei
📖 = Currently reading 📚 = In my reading pile ✅ = Read 🟨 = Publishing complete 🟧 = Publishing in progress 🟥 = Not yet published
✅ Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 魔道祖师 (Mó dào zǔ shī) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu 5/5 volumes published (complete)
✅ Heaven Official’s Blessing 天官赐福 (Tiān guān cì fú) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu 8/8 volumes published (complete)
✅ The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System 人渣反派自救系统 (Rén zhā fǎnpài zìjiù xìtǒng) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu 4/4 volumes published (complete)
🟧 📖 The Husky and His White Cat Shizun 二哈和他的白貓師尊 (Èrhā hé tā de bái māo shīzūn) by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 5/11 volumes published (currently reading vol 4) Next publications: Aug 20, 2024 (vol 6)
🟧 📚 Thousand Autumns 千秋 (Qiān qiū) by Men Xi Shi 4/5 volumes published Next publications: Jul 9, 2024 (vol 5 - final)
🟧 📚 Remnants of Filth 余污 (Yúwū) by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 3/7 volumes published Next publications: Jul 23, 2024 (vol 4)
🟧 📚 Stars of Chaos 殺破狼 (Shā pò láng) by priest 3/5 volumes published Next publication: Sep 17, 2024 (vol 4)
🟧 📚 Guardian 镇魂 (Zhèn hún) by priest 2/3 volumes published Next publications: Aug 13 (vol 3 - final)
🟧 Case File Compendium 病案本 (Bìng'àn běn) by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 1/? volumes published Next publications: Jun 11 (vol 2)
🟧 The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish 残疾暴君的掌心鱼宠 (Cánjí bàojūn de zhǎngxīn yú chǒng) by Xue Shan Fei Hu 1/4 volumes published Next publication: Aug 6 (vol 2)
🟥 Ballad of Sword and Wine 将进酒 (Jiāng jìn jiǔ) by Tang Jiu Qing 8 volumes TBP Next publication: Jun 4 (vol 1), Sep 10 (vol 2)
🟥 Peerless 无双 (Wúshuāng) by Meng Xi Shi 5 volumes TBP Next publication: Jul 30 (vol 1)
🟥 You’ve Got Mail: The Perils of Pigeon Post 飛鴿交友須謹慎 (Fēi gē jiāo yǒu xū jǐn shèn) by Blackegg 4 volumes TBP Next publication: Aug 24 (vol 1)
🟥 KinnPorsche รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก by Daemi 5 volumes TBP Next publication: Sep (vol 1)
🟥 Run Wild 撒野 (Sā yě) by Wu Zhe 6 volumes TBP Next publication: TBA
Other Danmei/BL/Webnovels to Read:
📖 Little Mushroom: Judgement Day
Little Mushroom: Revelations
Peach Blossom Debt
Golden Terrace
The Imperial Uncle
Faraway Wanderers by priest 
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint by Sing Shong
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xī Zǐxù
Global University Entrance Exam by Mu Su Li
Fake Slackers by Mu Gua Huang
Mistakenly Saving the Villain by Feng Yu Nie
A Certain Someone by Mu Su Li
FOG by Man Man He Qi Duo
Married Thrice to Salted Fish by Bikabi
How to Survive as a Villain by Yi Yi Yi Yi
To Rule in a Turbulent World by Fei Tian Ye Xiang
Manhwa/hua Reading List
*=on hold/might drop
Blood Bank
Dark Heaven
Elixir of the Sun
Park Hanhoo’s Manager
*Pearl Boy
Wild Eyes
Be My Baby (season 1)
Bend Over Backwards (side stories)
Gig of the Day (season 1)
Instant Family (season 2)
Love in Orbit (season 2)
My Jumbo Babe (season 1)
Red Candy (uncensored version)
Secretary to Stage (season 2)
The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace (season 2)
Work Love Balance (season 2)
1 to 10 (season 2)
Can’t Think Straight (season 3)
Define the Relationship (side stories)
Fake Romance (to be continued)
King’s Maker (to be continued)
Minmotion Syndrome (side stories)
Our Sunny Days (season 2)
Shutline (season 3)
Wolf in the House (side stories)
Privated my completed manhwa list because 1) it got way too long and 2) there are some things y’all don’t need to know I’ve read 😳
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coralinnii · 1 year
What are some pet peeves u have with manhwa and manga?
There hasn't really been a lot of manhwa or manga I've dropped since I'm kinda a completionist and I understand that every story should have some suspension of disbelief because every story would just be a page if we add too much realism or hindsight to everything. So, I don't really have that many pet peeves.
But I do have some. These are instant drops for me if I see a manhwa with these (but it's fine if you don't mind them or even like them, this is a personal irk for me)
Some of these can be sensitive topics for people and triggering (bullying, abuse, toxic relationships) so read at your own volition.
Intentionally abusive for the sake of love. I absolutely hate when anyone, be it the families or male leads or the MAIN LEADS insults or even hurts someone and saying it was because they love them, excusing it as "I must scare you away for your own good" then expecting them to forgive you because it was done with good intentions. I'm less mad when they attempt to avoid people in fear of hurting them which may lead to neglect, but when you put the effort in bullying someone you supposedly love??? I can't understand that logic
Teacher/Student relationships. It's just too unethical for me. I'm studying to be a teacher and this kind of relationship is too unprofessional for me to enjoy. I know there are people who like that dynamic, I just personally don't.
Red flags but it's a good thing apparently. I get the whole "he's a red flag but it's my fav color" joke but at least you are aware that these are red flags. I do not like stories where the main leads do dangerous things but it's portrayed as a good thing. With most yandere stories, the reader AND the characters are aware that some actions are unhealthy and it's being told as such, so I'm happy as long as we have that understanding. I DO NOT like stories when someone does alarming things and the main character is legitimately unhappy with them but everyone in the story is like "how romantic~". I often find this with smut and unfortunately early BL and GL works but it's a rare thing to see now.
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bb-editing · 1 year
ROXANA (Chapter 61)
*E/N: Most readers know the late brother of Roxana as "Asil," but since the S2 translation of the manhwa refers to him as "Achilles," I will be using the latter name going forward to clear up any confusion. ("Achilles" also sounds better.)
“Are you alright there, Miss Agriche?”
On my way back to my lodging, a man approached me. Silver hair…? No, not silver- white. 
“My master wanted to give you this.” The man handed me a bouquet. 
“Give him my thanks,” I said, and he hurried away; he seemed to have more to say, but I had no interest in him. My mind was occupied with other matters. Now that Cassis had made his public appearance, the fun was about to begin. A sweet smile of conviction graced my face and I crushed the rose in my hand. I began walking away, leaving red petals fluttering in the breeze. 
* * *
I arrived in Father’s room, where, as expected, he was pacing around the room after failing to meet with Noel Bertium.
“Father, I think we should return to House Agriche immediately.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I just met Dion and heard the news…” Father’s face contorted violently. “... it seems Fontaine tried to start a rebellion while you were away.”
* * *
The Agriches left Yggdrasil soon after. Jeremy, who had left the banquet hall immediately after receiving word from me, had prepared the servants in advance for our departure. 
Cassis was quickly informed of this information. “Are you ready?” He asked his soldier while removing his banquet robes. 
“We have done as you ordered.”
“Then,” Cassis said, “we'll begin.”
Donning a dark blue cloak and crude leather boots, he stepped into the hallway. He appeared more like a trained knight or seasoned hunter, rather than the heir to an aristocratic family. Today was the last day of the reunion meeting, and now the banquet was in full swing- perhaps that was why the lodgings were empty. It was better this way.
Cassis noticed Sylvia approaching him. “Cassis, you must be careful.” She looked at him with the same golden eyes as his, though they were warmer, softer, and tinted with worry.
He reached out his hand to pat her head. “Go back to Father. When I’m finished, I’ll head straight back to House Pedelian.”
He had already finished my preparations, and there was no need to say goodbye to his father. Cassis left Yggdrasil as quietly as he arrived. 
We were both heading for Agriche, the place where we first met.
* * *
A scorching red sunset painted the horizon, and there was a deep, unfamiliar warmth settling over House Agriche- an ominous energy had permeated every inch of the land. 
“BRING HIM HERE, RIGHT THIS INSTANT!” The moment he stepped foot in the mansion, Lanche Agriche ordered Fontaine to be brought to the courtroom. The courtroom- used to dole verdicts and punishment- the same place where Achilles was murdered.
The mansion’s interior was cluttered, perhaps due to the turmoil that took place during Father's absence. Several curious wives and siblings left their rooms to bear witness to the commotion. Among them was Grizelda, Roxana’s half-sister. As I followed Father, she quietly crept up behind me. “Are you ready?” I asked.
“The preparations are complete.”
My face betrayed no emotion, and we distanced ourselves physically. A red butterfly disappeared silently through the wall. “Jeremy. You take care of business on the outside.”
“Yes, sister.”
Father and I entered the courtroom.
* * *
Fontaine was dragged into the courtroom. “Fontaine… are you prepared?” Father approached him as Fontaine kneeled on the floor. While attempting to stage a coup, he had been caught, overpowered, and arrested by Dion, leaving his body seriously injured.
“Ah, Father!” Fontaine tried to rush forward towards Father. “This is all a misunderstanding,” he started hurriedly, “bu- GUEGH!” He was struck by one of Father’s officers. 
Father hit him without hesitation, a hit so hard it seemed like he'd intended to kill Fontaine. Blood splattered onto the shiny marble floor as the cane made contact with his face. Father was merciless. 
“How dare you!” BAM.
“You… how dare you stab ME in the back!” WHACK.
Father's cold eyes regarded Fontaine with unbridled fury. Despite being middle-aged, Father's appearance and strength appeared no different from Fontaine’s. Fontaine had been weakened by imprisonment and torture, Father's discipline had now reduced him to a further state of servile helplessness. WHAM!
Eventually, the cane in Father’s hand broke, and finally, the beating stopped. “Shit-for-brains. I raised a boy who can’t even take a beating. How DARE you betray me.” He stared at Fontaine, now covered in his own blood, and discarded the broken cane on the floor.
“Did you think I was unaware of your schemes? I even tried to give you a second chance, but you dared to go through with it and betray me like this?” 
Fontaine’s eyes were burning sharply, though he gritted his teeth to endure the pain. ‘Damn, how did I get caught?’ He thought. ‘All my plans were perfect.’ He glared at Dion from the floor. “Father, this… everything is Dion’s fault! That bitch tried to frame me! This is unfair!”
“You’re still talking bullshit.” Despite his child’s agony, Lanche studied him coldly. “You’re out of your mind. I can see right through you. Did you think I wouldn’t know how you started recruiting private officers behind my back, while I let Dion take charge in my absence?”
(Ch. 62) NEXT ->
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9-93 · 3 months
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madnimrod · 1 year
An admission of taste
Okay, this been bouncing around in my head for a while, but I finally worked up the right sorta spoons to kinda-sorta geek out about this.
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This manhwa is called “How to get my husband on my side.” It is a manhwa that has a certain trope I wish existed more in stories. Not gonna go into full detail, but this series starts pretty depressing with the lady suffering at the hands of her husband’s servants and her own family. Husband has no idea this is going on cuz he been busy with other stuff and when they are together she pretends everything is ok-ish cuz she’s certain he doesn’t like her either but needs to keep things up for appearance’s sake. Eventually things get so bad for the lady that she flees the estate with her animal companions.
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The instant he hears she’s gone, he rushes into the forest with his knights and spends days looking for her. And when he finds her after three/four days of searching, what does she say?
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I might be a bad person for liking this, but THIS is the sorta thing I wanna see more in media. For one of the characters to get so badly hurt by everything that they choose to distance themselves from it all, and for the other character to need to work and prove that they’re loved and they want the first character back.
I seen a lot of things where Person A just up n forgives Person B on the spot, or the other extreme where Person A and B never get back together, to the point that sometimes they end up killing each other. I wanna see more stuff where things get better, but shows Person A getting the chance and the time to actually heal while Person B works to prove they truly want Person A around, and to fix things so Person A won’t get hurt anymore. Healing, and Repentance. For a person to go “I screwed up” and actually make efforts to fix the things that made the other person flee to escape the pain. Like I said I might be a bad person for wanting to see more of this stuff (cuz things gotta start really bad before they get better), but I really wish more stuff like this existed.
And for those folks who see this and are worried, the lady does return to the castle after a scare involving a dragon. While she’s recovering from her illness and injuries, her husband goes around the castle looking for everyone that hurt the lady and makes it abundantly clear he won’t tolerate such behavior again. As in, he comes close to strangling a guy to death cuz he learns it was this guy’s cruel remarks that were the final straw in making her flee. More stuff happens after that, but if u wanna know what happens u gotta read it. The end of chapter 33 is when her animal buddies help take her away from the castle, so if u wanna skip the initial drama there u go.
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kyonoc · 10 months
I love it when everyone show their love to Stepmother's Marchen 😭😭😭😭
I love the story a little bit too much. The author did their research on designing the dresses; their art is professionally done, they got a good gasp of color theory, anatomy & draw different character's feature really well, even how those dresses with those crinolines would bend/fold (?) when one sit down is accurate too. The original story/plot is really good, the pacing is nice and I havent seen a plot hole so far (or I just love it too much and overlooked it), the character's settings and personalities are well executed.
Everything is neatly taken care of, 11/10 there is absolutely nothing to complain about.
On that note
I don't really like a lot of Manhwa since, well, the market is oversaturated with the same old recycled "villaness fem lead" (those recycled plots are not even executed well), and I'm picky with the artstyle.
From my viewpoint, one of the more special thing about Manhwa/Manhua is the availability of color usage. The colors/palettes could have enhanced the mood so much yet I barely ever see any manhwa artist make use of it, save for Stepmother's and maybe Secret Lady. All I see is just spammed pre-brushes for anything from accessories to dresses and NPCs, using tools and 3D models without any polishing/refining afterwards, and with idk 100 overlay bling bling layer mode on top of the base color.
Now, I'm not complaining if the artist use a lil bit of help to make their life easier, as the deadline of 1 chap per week is extremely unreasonable and unrealistic. What I'm implying is that those elements are just... rushed.
It's so rough, so raw and there is zero effort behind to make it blend together with the art, the artist really slapped in some random layer modes, brushes and 3D models and call it done without any further work. It is, what would the culture in my homeplace call it, "instant noodles" - some rushed commercial product for a quick cash grab, only good for short term entertainment.
Not to mention the plot sometimes (which is 90% of the time) is just straight up ridiculous and unbearable. One can tell the original writer did zero research and put in zero effort to try and make it logically, let alone historical accurate. I have literally read one manhwa where the fem lead is a legitimate queen of a(n) country/empire, but then she got ridiculed by a head maid and got bullied by the others 🤦‍♀️ Regardless of whether or not does the king truly loves her, or if they only married for political benefits, the queen is still THE queen, and she is within every rights of her to (publicly) execute those maids for disrespecting the royal family. I'm not a historical nerd, heck, i barely know anything about political or even how monarchy works, yet I know that much.
Not to mention the other side of Manhwa is mainly BL (I have seen a few GL), then the rest is just overly sexualized woman with super enhanced bewbs and buct for those corny KR guys 🤷‍♀️ Hot take: I can literally pick up two random ass Manhua I know and its artstyle will still be better than half of the Manhwa section: My idol emperor and Song of the sky walkers (I love twin tails/pig tails characters sm aaaaa)
Or maybe I'm an arrogance self righteous b who barely read anything outside of the romance section. I have heard mixed opinions about Solo Leveling, and Wind Breaker artstyle atm is pretty fire ngl, but idk. Was really disappointed by the previous manhwa choices i read so I'm kinda skeptical now. "The way to protect female lead's brother" have some good artstyle but the plot is, uh. "The Villainess Reverse the Hourglass" have some potential too, at least the artstyle is logical to some aspect (Aria's feature growth) and the plot is decent. I dropped midway tho, might revisit later on.
Speaking of, let's bring manga to the discussion too. Now it's 5AM over here, and my eyes is dying to rest, so I suppose i will leave a list of my favs manga here and comeback to elaborate further tmr ig (it's not like I don't enjoy manhwas, This Witch of Mine is a good read, Mother's Contract Marriage seems to be interesting. The market is just over saturated idk sleppy)
Kasane (Matsuura Daruma): i have absolutely nothing to complain. The author carried off the whole plot so well, the storytelling is amazing and I actually grown to be fond of stage acting/drama/theater art because of it too 😭😭😭 I also really liked their artstyle and how the manga's cover/illustration were made. The ending is really satisfying and it's the best solution possible, I wouldnt have it any other way. Izana & Sukeyo's back story were tragic, but it didn't overshadowed nor overpowered their two girl's one, Kasane and Nogiku's story is just as equally as good.
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun: The plot thickens so fast I was almost shocked because I half expected it to be a quick read shoujo comedy, rom com sth 😭😭 But the clock keeper arc turned everything upside down. Once I learnt about the existence of Hanako-kun 2014 & Dear my Living Dead, I know I'm in for a good time (i really wanted to play their Half Baked Snowwhite, but sadly EN trans have been taken down and my JP ver won't run bc of technical issues). Iro's writing is splendid and Aida's inking style/artstyle in general is lovely and iconic (lowkey wanted to gatekeep that ngl)
I can see why people may find themselves uncomfortable with some ships like AoiAoi and No6Sumi, but ngl find myself enjoying every ship's dynamic in here. I don't think I'd need to elaborate on HanaYashi because they are so cute together 😭😭😭😭 It's their relationship yet I was the first to be swept off my feet ughhh.
I'd like to think of Akane's obsession over Aoi is purely exaggerated for comedic purposes. Since they are childhood friends, I think they should be comfortable around the other enough to joke like that. Anyhow, chapter 69 broke my heart and then melted it. I find myself relating to Aoi to a surprising degree, always doubting myself of worthy of love and adoration or not, always looking down on others, always keeping my cards close to my heart and refuse to rely on anyone. So Akane's words really touched my heart 😭😭😭 The follow up chapter is heart wrenching too, if HanaNene is my sanity pills for staying a hopeless romantice despite being not very romantic myself, AoiAoi is my relationship goal.
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TBHK section is pretty long now so I'll just summarize that I like how No 6 was built, he was never confirmed to understand Sumire's feelings - true to his character, let alone liking her back. I'd like to view them as one sided puppy-crush dynamic rather than a true ship ngl. I like Sumire's character a lot too oeoeoe.
Koko wa ima kara rinri desu: 11/10, something i have reread so many times and still not get bored, learn something new every time. It's a really good story about morals/enthics with touches of philosophy - how moral plays a part in one life, what is right and so what is wrong, from when does benevolent starts, where does malice ends? and such.
It kind of shaped this "all-time neutral viewpoint" of mine later on in life ngl, it helped a lot in making me considering all aspects of a problem before judging, viewing life in a more objective manner.
Kimetsu no Yaiba. I suppose. It's not exceptionally amazing as those mentioned above but is still a good read and decent manga for me. The plot is decent, the character is well executed and well taken care of. Of course, the running joke of "Only female writers/mangaka could portray a nice and accurate female character".
Personally, I do find myself thinking that the ending have a lot of potential - the final moments of the story is the protagonist being coaxed into becoming the next antagonist, and he was pulled back into reality by everyone he have met on the journey. I think it's a really nice way to finalizes the story, to recounts everything Tanjiro have went through and to honor everyone, every sacrifices, that was made. Sadly, Gotouge had to rush the ending because of her personal family issues. I believe if she was given more time the ending could have been really satisfying and more acceptable, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.
The ending should have been just be one of two options:
Either is to kill Tanjiro right there and then, and the story ends. It's also a nice way to end the series, since putting a stop to a demon that has plagued humanity for at least half a millennium should be no easy feat. It shouldn't be something like "omg cool the main character is here, now the problem is automatically solved without needing any efforts or any catch".
The way that chapter 12x (123 I believe?) ended on a cliffhanger made everyone believe Tanjiro is the sacrifice - the catch, the cost, the price - needed to end this nightmare. I'd say it's a fair game, Tanjiro fought on the frontline along with other pillars, yet more than half of said pillars died. Having Tanjiro survive that would mean telling the viewers "main character can't die", or in other words, plot armor. Tanjiro was such a perfect protagonist with logical settings and nice character building before: He is kind and gentle, but his kindness is not a weakness; he is not strong and experienced as the pillars, but his quick thinking and observation/analyzing skills made up to it, enabling him to hold his ground in battles (though you can see him struggle to keep up the pace in the battle and don't instantly have good reflexes); and many other little details I can list but this paragraph is getting really long-
Anyhow, that plot armor completely destroyed everything that Gotouge have built for him, reducing him to the classic tasteless "plot armored buffed MC" all over again.
Or, Gotouge shouldn't have killed Muzan's physically just yet and not have Tanjiro stopped breathing like that. That scene could have changed to Muzan grabbing Tanjiro for some last hope instead of trying to hide from the sun, trying to take over Tanjiro's body and mind, praying he can conquer the sun like Nezuko. Tanjiro would be suffering from the halfway-done transformation whilst fighting for control from Muzan. Everyone is afraid to step in because they don't want to hurt Tanjiro, they have suffered so much sacrifice already, That would be where Nezuko and Kanao's given potion came in, and the scene inside Tanjiro's consciousness finally happen.
I can tell Gotouge have already got plans for the ending beforehand, judging from how Nezuko was mentioned running towards her brother waaay before the last scene, so it's not something that was made up on the spot. I'm just sad it was so poorly executed, and it single-handedly destroyed every previous work and progress that was made for the story.
Boy Abyss. I like how it explored the character's mentality and all, the storyline is good too. I'm just a sucker for any psychological genre stuff rlly
Maria no Danzai maybe, the story is interesting but it's not even half way done so cant judge for sure
Screaming Lessons is pretty good as I remember? i think i will revist it later
Ps: came back to finish this
Ps2: Woooo boy finally done with my mini thesis
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heavenlysummer · 10 months
[PART 2.] some of my short reviews about completed webtoons i read.
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somehow i can relate to this manhwa. born & growing up in poverty is really hard, esepcially when you onlt have your family by blood and no one from your family (re: parents' siblings or anything) helped you.
this manhwa is goo on portrayed how hard it is to those who are struggle to escape the poverty when you are coming from poor family, when you worked yourself too hard but you barely escape a bit from the poverty. on the other hand, when jueun volunteered herself for her sister for being adoped by their so called long lost father, the writer portrayed the careful jueun when she's in the battle war with her 'family' really well, understand that she doesnt know exactly how the family treated her sister (at first before she knew) or how far her new family can go since they are a wealthy family.
the writer also tell us how jueun understand it wont be easy to fight against the riches or conglomerates where her current 'family' is part of that circle, they might can do anything to banish jueun and her family in instant. i can say they understood the assignment for being realistic not making jueun as somehow too powerful eventhough she finally know how to fight them like in slice of life/real life-based webtoon.
i will say it is a worth reading if you like slow burn revenge & the main character being realistic. though its good, sadly in the end they didnt tell us about hyejin (older sister) while she's the main reason why jueun got her second life. the English one is completed already!
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this is another masterpiece! i thought the webtoon will give much romance despite the storyline talking about a custom sneaker-maker who wants to try again. i can say the storyline is sat set and well-written.
this webtoon really showed us how harsh the world is, especially in work environment. even your closest ones can be your biggest enemy ever. i learned alot about work life, friendship, and obviously more about sneakers!
romance tipis-tipis is a good choice and this webtoon did it. if you love sneakers or want to know more about sneakers, especially custom sneakers, this is for you.
IDN webtoon is complete already, but the ENG still on going.
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one of best local (indonesia) webtoons i ever read! if this story was written in full english and not using indonesia-related name for the characters, i 1000000% believe this is coming from foreign writers.
though i guessed it right for the osis president & villains, the storyline, art, plot twists, characters; all well-written. the writer had stated that it was an open ending for the last chapter but still, when i read the finale chapter i feel like it was a bit rushed.
the sudden skipping time and the after conflict resolution like what happened after the 'fight' between the villain and the headmaster made me a bit disappointed because i wanna know what did happenednto the villain (head master's friend).
if you like mystery, plot twists with slice of life materials (including comedy, romance, school life, etc), this is another good choice.
the english one is on full chapter aka complete already 👍🏻
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lookismershop · 1 year
The Rise of Park Tae-joon: A Comprehensive Look at the Life of the Lookism Creator
If you're a fan of Korean webtoons, then there's no doubt that you've heard of Park Tae-joon, the genius behind the popular series "Lookism." But did you know that this mastermind creator has an incredible story to tell? In this blog post, we'll take a deep dive into his life and explore how he went from a struggling artist to one of Korea's most influential storytellers. So buckle up and get ready to discover the inspiring journey of Park Tae-joon!
Introduction to Park Tae-joon
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Park Tae-joon is a South Korean webtoon artist who is best known for creating the popular webtoon series Lookism. Park began his career as an artist in the early 2000s, working on various projects for small webtoons companies. In 2009, he created his first webtoon series, The days of Hansamu, which was published on Naver Webtoon. The series was moderately successful, but it was with his next series, Lookism, that Park would find major success.
Lookism debuted in 2010 and follows the story of a high school student named Daniel Park who is bullied for his appearance. After undergoing plastic surgery to improve his look, Daniel discovers that he has the ability to change his appearance at will. He decides to use this power to take revenge on his bullies and make himself more popular at school. The series was an instant hit with readers and quickly became one of the most popular webtoons on Naver Webtoon. It has been translated into English and other languages, and has spawned several spin-off series.
In addition to his work on Lookism, Park has also worked on other successful webtoon series such as School Girl Stalker and Unstoppable Sihyun. He is currently one of the most popular webtoon artists in South Korea, and his work has had a major impact on the Korean comics industry.
Early Life of Park Tae-joon
Park Tae-joon was born in Daegu, South Korea, on March 18, 1988. He grew up in a middle-class family with his parents and two older sisters. Park's father was a civil servant and his mother was a housewife. Park had a happy childhood and was always active in sports and extracurricular activities. In elementary school, he played badminton and was on the track team. In high school, he played football and ran track. Park also participated in many other clubs and activities, including the student council.
After graduating from high school, Park enrolled at Seoul National University (SNU). He initially planned to study business administration but later switched to computer science. While at SNU, Park met Kang Joon-hyuk, who would become his close friend and business partner. Park graduated from SNU in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in computer science.
After graduation, Park began working as a web developer for an online game company called Nexon. He worked there for two years before leaving to start his own web development company with Kang Joon-hyuk. The company, named PixyLabs, was launched in 2012.
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Park Tae-joon is a South Korean cartoonist who is best known for creating the webtoon Lookism. He was born on December 19, 1977 in Seoul, South Korea. Park attended Konkuk University where he majored in fine arts. After graduation, he worked as a freelance illustrator and cartoonist. In 2006, he created his first webtoon, "The Foxy Girl next Door" (미용실 여자). The following year, he launched "Lookism", which became an instant hit. The webtoon tells the story of an unattractive high school student who undergoes plastic surgery and becomes handsome overnight. Since its inception, "Lookism" has been translated into various languages and has been adapted into a successful manhwa series. Park Tae-joon currently resides in Seoul with his wife and two children.
The Creation of Lookism and its Success
Since the creation of Lookism, Park Tae-joon has been successful in many ways. He has managed to create a thriving business, with a loyal fan base and a large following on social media. He has also been able to use his platform to raise awareness about important issues, such as body image and self-confidence.
However, Park Tae-joon's success is not without controversy. Some people have accused him of promoting an unhealthy obsession with physical appearance, and of perpetuating harmful stereotypes about beauty standards. Others argue that his work has helped to start important conversations about these topics, and that he is ultimately a force for good.
Whatever your opinion on Park Tae-joon, there is no denying that he is one of the most influential figures in the world of fashion and beauty. His impact can be seen in the way that people dress, the way they think about their bodies, and the way that they view themselves and others. For better or for worse, Park Tae-joon has changed the landscape of our society, and his legacy will likely continue to be felt for years to come.
Impact and Legacy of Park Tae-joon
Park Tae-joon is best known as the creator of Lookism, a popular webtoon that has been praised for its nuanced and realistic portrayal of high school life. Since its debut in 2016, Lookism has become one of the most popular webtoons in South Korea, with over 10 million views per week.
While Park Tae-joon is undoubtedly a talented artist, it is his ability to connect with his readers that has made him so successful. In a society that often puts unrealistic pressure on young people to conform to certain standards of beauty, Park Tae-joon's work provides a much-needed antidote.
Through the characters in Lookism, Park Tae-joon explores the various ways in which people are judged based on their appearance. He also challenges the idea that there is only one standard of beauty. In doing so, he gives hope to those who feel they don't fit into society's mold.
Park Tae-joon's work has had a profound impact on Korean society. It has sparked important conversations about lookism and beauty standards, and has helped change the way many people think about these issues. His work will continue to influence and inspire people for years to come.
Park Tae-joon is a unique figure in the world of Korean culture and entertainment, having created an iconic comic series that has been adapted into a popular drama series. His story is one of hard work and dedication to his craft, something which has been rewarded with success both domestically and internationally. He serves as an inspiration to creators everywhere who aspire to make their mark on the world, proving that if you are willing to put your mind and heart into something, anything is possible.
Looking for high-quality Lookism merchandise to add to your collection? Visit https://lookism.shop/  now and find your favorite items at affordable prices.
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pvbt · 11 months
Instant family chapter 28
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a-go-ni-a · 3 years
My top 3 male characters from isekai/reincarnation web comics (long post)
In 2020, with the pandemic, I had a lot of time in my hands and, like a lot of people, I’ve started to read South Korean comics with female protagonists, usually villainess, who turned back in time after their death or woke up in some novel or game they like. And in order to avoid a destined bad ending, they change the whole story, on porpuse or not.
There are A LOT of this kind of stories, some good, some bad. And, like any media, there are characters we love, character we hate, characters we love to hate and more. 
These 3 guys are the bastards (affectionate) I like the most in all manhwa I am currently reading. There is no specific order. As you will see, my taste for fictional men is shit. Oh, and there will be spoilers (not from novels, because I don’t read any).
Side note: I think it’s funny I’m a Portuguese speaker (Brasil-sil-sil) who reads South Korean comics in Spanish and talks about them in a site where most people speak English.
Abel Heilon from I Became the Wife of the Male Lead (ongoing)
The duke from a region in the north grounded with monsters, Abel is cold and cruel like the weather of his domains. In this place, you must prove your value in order to survive.
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He treats Fiona, the protagonist, bad when they meet. Then, when she shows her power, he finally accepts her and, as time passes by, he became her paternal figure. (HE ISN’T THE MALE LEAD.)
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Why do I like him? There is this cruel and bloodthristy white haired bastard who basically adopts a little girl and treats her better than her shit family and is willing to do anything for her? Instant fave. You forgot your crown, king.
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Lant Agriche from The Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother (currently on hiatus) / Roxana (on Tapas)
(If you know this one, you must be asking yourself what’s my problem. We will get there)
A commom trope found in those web comics is “the protagonist has a shit family or a shit father” and Lant F*cking Agriche is the shitter father in the whole world.
Head of the villainous Agriche Family, Lant has a lot of wives and children, the latter he sees as nothing more than tools. The duke doesn’t even care if some kid dies.
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The protagonist, Roxana, became her favorite daughter after showing him she is a valuable member of the family, not a good for nothing. Proving themselves to him is the only way the Agriche kids can have his attencion and recognation. But only THREE of all the children are seen as worthy by him. 
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Why the f*ck do I like him? The only logical reason is my shit taste for fictional men. That’s it. I didn’t even need to write anything, you could have guessed he’s the worst man ever drawn in any web comic only by looking at these pictures. I hate him, but I also love him.
Callisto Regulus from Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess (ongoing) / Villains are Destined to Die (on Tapas)
The crown prince, who has lost support from nobles during the war due to the Empress’s doing. A cruel and feared man who sees human lives as the same as insects. 
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If you like guys, get one (or more, your choice) who can be both ^
A love interest in a dating sim, in order to protect the heroine, the prince has killed the villainess countless times during the gameplay. After waking up as the said villainess, the infamous Penelope, the protagonist must avoid him at all costs if she wants to stay alive. But there is... something about this guy...
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Why do I like him? What can I say about Callisto? Well, in his first appearance I just knew he would be my fave one among the love interests because he is the worst. (Shit taste, remember?) He is the perfect son of a b*tch (affectionate), he is funny in a way that puts everyone around him in a cold sweat. He’s the best, he’s the worst: that’s Callisto.
And THIS PANEL is the best one in the whole manhwa, I don’t do the rules.
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I may do another post about my fave female protagonists later.
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