#instead of idk maybe letting their activistic actions come from an organic place
beachesgetpeaches · 1 year
saw a few posts be like "but why did the people mag have to state she was not swayed by fans wtf"
bcs she wants you to know that you cant bully her in or out of her private relationships (be it romantic or platonic), but no one is picking up on that.
you've been told you were wrong (whether it's bcs you don't have all the facts, or any other reason) twice so far:
the "ive never been happier" - which could have been anything; her addressing Joe breakup cryptically and hoping people would stop hoping he'd do something, her addressing Matty rumours and how she is happy (and between the lines we don't know the whole story), or just trying to get everyone to back off speculating about her private life...
and now with this people sentence/quote/statement you are once again being told that the level of energy you've directed there has been misplaced, for whatever reason. be it that matty healy is not in fact all these horrible things you have all decided to call him, or that it wasn't that serious, or maybe it was serious but there was no need for such public vitriol.
either way - I think thats what that people magazine statement was for. to very indirectly say "hey guys that was fucked up". but as always, there are people going "wtf why would they put that out as well"... it's for you.
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