#im just going to chill in the part of the fandom which is actually not this invested in her private life and does not think we as a fandom
beachesgetpeaches · 1 year
saw a few posts be like "but why did the people mag have to state she was not swayed by fans wtf"
bcs she wants you to know that you cant bully her in or out of her private relationships (be it romantic or platonic), but no one is picking up on that.
you've been told you were wrong (whether it's bcs you don't have all the facts, or any other reason) twice so far:
the "ive never been happier" - which could have been anything; her addressing Joe breakup cryptically and hoping people would stop hoping he'd do something, her addressing Matty rumours and how she is happy (and between the lines we don't know the whole story), or just trying to get everyone to back off speculating about her private life...
and now with this people sentence/quote/statement you are once again being told that the level of energy you've directed there has been misplaced, for whatever reason. be it that matty healy is not in fact all these horrible things you have all decided to call him, or that it wasn't that serious, or maybe it was serious but there was no need for such public vitriol.
either way - I think thats what that people magazine statement was for. to very indirectly say "hey guys that was fucked up". but as always, there are people going "wtf why would they put that out as well"... it's for you.
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Here's what you missed on Hatchetfield...
Okay so Nerdy Prudes Must Die is happening in a month's time and I'm aware that lots of people who enjoyed guy who didn't like musicals and black friday might not have had time to watch nightmare time. While Nick has said this musical will be fully stand alone and no knowledge of nightmare time is required, nonetheless some of you might be curious about what we've learned that might come up
Presenting a tldr lore drop for nightmare time:
1) Wiggly has brothers (aka the Lords in Black)
You remember Wiggly from black friday? That ugly green little fucker? Well turns out he has brothers. They call themselves the Lords in black because they're pretentious little fucks and they all have different 'powers'.
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Itemised list
Pokey (pokotho) - mind control type stuff, likes to make hiveminds
Wiggly (Wiggog Y'wrath) - idk you saw black friday whatever the fuck goes on there
Blinky (blinklotep) - massive eye, likes watching things
Tinky (T'noy karaxis) - fucks with time
Nibbly (nibblenephem) - massive mouth, eats shit
You've actually met Pokey before - remember the blue shit from guy who didn't like musicals? That's the same blue shit leaking out of the cracks in pokey's face in the picture above.
They also have a sister called Webby that I believe Hannah references in Black Friday. We don't know much about her but thus far she seems like a good guy
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2) Grace Chasity is a nerdy prude
Remember the girl Bill is trying to set Alice up in guy who didn't like musicals because 'at least she's nice to him in church'?
Well turns out Alice was right. Grace Chasity is a nerdy prude. And also coincidentally one of the main characters of Nerdy Prudes Must Die (to be played by Angela Giarratana).
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We meet her in nightmare time 2 (episode 2 part 2) which takes place at a religious camp designed to educate people about the perils of pre marital sex.
Grace Chasity is, well she's many things, but she is very much the stereotype of an American evangelical Christian. She even showers with a swimming costume on so as not to tempt herself into sin.
Despite all this, however, she is a devious motherfucker who will absolutely fuck you up
3) You remember Ted from guy who didn't like musicals...
Well not only are he and the homeless guy the same person (time travel, its a whole thing, blame the yellow guy from the Lords in black photo)
But also we learn that his surname is Spankoffski (because of course it is) and he has a 'nerdy little brother' called Pete Spankoffski who will be one of the leads in nerdy prudes. In nightmare time he's played by Nick Lang but in nerdy prudes he'll be played by Joey Richter
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We meet Pete in nightmare time 2 (episode 2 part 2) but we've actually met him before in guy who didn't like musicals. You remember hot chocolate boy? The one who had very low blood sugar?
Yup you guessed it that is one Peter Spankoffski
(If you've been super out of the loop and are wondering why he was recast and for that matter where the heck is Robert anyway just trust that that is a whole thing im not going to get into and it's for the best he's gone)
4) Meet the Lauters
Two more characters who have been announced for NPMD who we met in nightmare time 2 are Stephanie Lauter (Mariah Rose Faith) and her father Solomon Lauter (Corey Dorris)
Steph is actually pretty nice and chill on the inside but definitely has a reputation for being a bit of a party animal/wild child.
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This isn't helped by her father who is the mayor of hatchetfield and from what little we see of him will always put his career before his daughter.
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Steph and Pete hook up in nightmare time so look out for a possible romance between these two
5) What the fuck is a Holloduke?
You may have seen the word 'holloduke' batted a lot around this fandom lately which refers to the ship of two characters that we've been introduced to through nightmare time.
While it's unclear if either of them will appear in nerdy prudes, given that both Kim and Curt are in the cast and they go a long way out of their way in nightmare time to show Kim's character getting a job at Hatchetfield High in set up for *something* a lot of people think there's a good chance she at least will be appearing.
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The Hollo of these characters is called Miss Holloway although at the end of nightmare time she ends up ret conning herself and is forced to assume a new identity as Miss Holiday so if we meet her in nerdy prudes that will likely be her name. She is a witch who has a deep love for all things 80s. We don't know a huge amount about her but that might be because she's cursed(?) so that anything she reveals about her backstory will be instantly wiped from the mind of the listener.
Curts character is an ordinary social worker called Duke who among other things works with Hannah and Lex when they're having troubles with their mum. He's in love with Miss Holloway/Holiday, and it's reciprocated, but due to the curse(?) et al things keep not quite working out for them.
They're both absolutely wonderful people who deserve the world and are absolute OTP fodder
6) The Gift
We don't know a huge amount about this yet but we do know that some people in Hatchetfield, notably including Hannah from black friday have something called 'the gift' which gives them some loose powers
Most people grow out of the gift as they go through puberty, for instance Lex also used to have it, but they may be able to use it in some scenarios (such as manifesting a firearm from the black and white as Lex does in Black Friday)
People with the gift were historically persecuted in Hatchetfield by a group of people called 'the hatchet men' who may or may not have turned them into trees(?)
7) The Black Book
There is a book of spells called the black book which Miss Holloway/Holiday uses to do her magic
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ceasarslegion · 5 months
wait, now im really interested in the silica gel drama. how did hlrp sex ed lead to eating a gel packet?
This is going to require a novel's length of context.
To begin, I want to underline that this is not meant to be a callout post, and I will not be providing any identifying traits that could be used to single this person out. The most you will get out of that are she/her pronouns, and her age at the time this happened, which was years ago, and I will not specify what year. I genuinely do hope she got the help she needed after this, because LORD knows she needs it and didn't find it at home. This is also not meant to be a character assassination, nor should anybody who reads this post consider it to be a takedown of any sort, and if you try to find this person through me or any of our mutual friends, you will not be met with kind words. The only thing this is meant to be is a wild-ass story of some of the most off the wall experiences I personally had with this person from my specific side of the story, with a few no-username screenshots attached to prove I am not bullshitting you.
With that in mind, let's get started. This is going to be very long, so I'm throwing in a read more
Back when I was in uni, I joined a growing group of Half Life roleplay blogs. The whole idea of our group was that we each chose a character, canon or OC, and we would blog as if the pre-Black Mesa incident moment in the timeline was a workplace comedy a la The Office or Superstore. I played Barney, because I was already working night shift security at this point and thought it would be funny. Plus, it gave me something to do that wasn't staring at CCTV feeds all night tossing a ball against the wall. We played off of each other very well, yes-anding our way through funny little situations and plotlines we put together. At one point we had roleplayed enough that one of the scientist rpers created a discord server for us to talk as the actual people we are instead of through characters.
Great idea at the time. None of us saw the "Pandora's box" label on the tin before we opened it. Would I still join it if I knew what was about to transpire? Yes, because I met my boyfriend and many genuinely lovely friends through it. Would I hesitate for a second first, though, as the events that are about to transpire flashed before my eyes? Oh, abso-fucking-lutely.
We started off as many fandom servers do: chill for the most part, very loud minority of a few assholes who ruined it for the rest of us, but unlike most fandom servers, we actually won and it ended in them getting banned and the server itself surviving to this day. But the other two lunatics are not who you came here for. You want the christian lunatic.
Let's give her a nickname to make this easier. I have the Sylveon build a bear on my PC desk. Let's call her Syl.
Syl was not there for Half Life, she was there for Portal. She LOVED Portal, Half Life was just part of the same universe for her. Portal wasn't just a game for her, it was her entire personality. Which I didn't see much of an issue with at the time, because she said she was 15. Whatever, I thought; she'll learn to control her emotional attachment to things as she gets older. Syl also said that she was christian. I am a flaming atheist who doesn't even believe in the concept of a soul in comparison and I am NOT the biggest fan of christianity as an institution to put it mildly, but I'm not gonna like, be a dick to you for your personal religion if you are not a dick about my beliefs, so I didn't think much of it at the time.
It quickly became apparent that Syl looked up to me more than any of the other adults in the group the more I would talk about my life growing up as a third culture kid and moving out on my own at 19, working 2 jobs and going to a good university. She would ask me a lot about growing up and uni and moving out and yes, sex ed, and it became even more apparent that she didn't get any actual guidance from her parents or pastors or ANYBODY beyond bible studies and homeschooling, so I kinda stumbled into a mentorship role in her life. I wasn't cold, but I was aware of the age and maturity difference between us and established the appropriate boundaries with her and made it very clear that I am an internet friend, not an irl friend or an educator, but if no one else was going to give her information that wasn't actively harmful then fuck, I guess SOMEONE had to do it. I could not in good conscience watch some kid go through life with harmful inaccuracies about the world and basic human biology when I could have done something about it, y'know?
And the more things I taught her about the real world and how things actually work rather than how her republican bible-thumping rural town said they did, the more I realized she was born into a full-blown cult under the guise of a christian congregation. Oh goody, I had my work cut out for me. I will not get into the details of how messed up this group was because it will be a dead giveaway of where she lives and potentially who she is, but let's just say that one time I said that I appreciated the gesture of praying for me during a stressful week I was having but it didn't really do anything for my mental health because I was an atheist, and she sent me a bunch of bible verses begging me to start believing and said "I just don't want you to go to hell because you're so nice :((" EXCUSE ME??? Another time she said that death was only sad for non-christians because their loved ones were in hell and that proper christians deaths were a good thing because they were in heaven now. Hi, that's the most insensitive death cult shit I've ever heard in my goddamn life.
Okay, set up is done. All of these details will tie in like the world's worst reboot of Pulp Fiction, I prommy.
After a good long while learning about the world from me (which like... a uni kid working night shift security is not exactly an academic source but we take what we can get) and exposure to viewpoints outside of her in-group, Syl began that very painful journey of realizing that what the cult taught you was a lie. Except that she just wasn't grasping that unlearning things was an active process. She started to flip to the opposite side very quickly, but kept all the fundamental brainwashing of the cult that raised her. The concepts were all the same, just slapped a different label on them. This created a noticeable pull between two sides of the same personality: the cult personality, and the person beyond the cult who wanted to break free. Mix that with how fucking 15 years old every 15 year old is, and you have a LETHAL concoction just waiting to blow up at the first sign of a spark.
Remember how I said that Portal was her whole personality? Syl decided that she wanted to be a scientist, and go into an ivy league program like I was in (I was in a SOCIAL science, but sure). Problem was, she didn't have the grades or the ambition, really. I had told her that I still got into an ivy league when I failed math in high school, and she seemed to completely miss the part where I said that I also joined every extra-curricular, then worked for 2 gap years for recognized institutions, and wrote an essay about why my math grade is not relevant to my program. I did it with one bad grade, so she was justified in basically just slacking off and then excusing it with "but its haaarrrdd" when we'd tell her she needs to put the fucking work in NOW if that's what she wants to do.
It quickly derailed from here. Not only was she going to be a scientist, she was going to be like Cave Johnson. And she was going to... replace her body with robot parts so she could be like glados. I don't... think she actually knew what science is, because she would just publically fantasize about running unethical experiments on people in the name of "science," and talk about how one day she wants to basically establish aperture labs for real. All of us who were there kind of agree that we don't think she was joking based on what we knew about her and the cadence of her tone. Here's something she said at the time to give you an idea of what direction she was nosediving in:
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This was after a session with her therapist where said therapist said that she definitely has some kind of personality disorder, after which she was weirdly proud of having one and treated it like a badge of honour.
Syl then made a separate group chat for all the best friends she made on the server. There was her, me, @false-pyre, and @imtheaura. She titled it "My Family," despite the fact that we were all adults and she was 15 and she only knew us over a discord half life server where one person in it stepped up to somewhat equip her for real life outside of a cult. Regardless though that GC was more the vibe of a group of friends sharing memes and chatting about the day than the wider server was at the time. The others began to also take on a sort of mentorship role towards her as well, because that's kind of inevitable when you get someone talking about teenager problems in a room full of adults who all made the same mistakes before in their own lives. Well, minus the cult.
And remember how I said that she didn't unlearn any of the cult shit? Well, there was a lot of proselytizing. She decided she wasn't christian for a spell, but still wanted us and everyone to know that jesus was the lord and savior and we had to accept him or we'd burn in hell. Usually said after we'd make some joke about satan being daddy or declaring ourselves god instead, because that is just the type of humor the others and i have with each other. She took it so personally whenever one of us would go "oh my god" "you called?" it was fucking annoying. I lost count of the amount of lectures she gave us, all of which I'd shut down and tell her to get a grip about because I have a big stupid mouth.
The others and I also like to talk about evolution, and speculate about where we're going from here. My fucking god, did she not like that. She bit our heads off about how evolution isn't real and god made everyone as we are and there's no scientific evidence or whatever the hell. Like yeah good luck getting into STEM with that mindset. Whenever we pointed out that she was objectively wrong about that, she'd have a big stupid meltdown about how much we're slandering god and how jesus died for us and we're spitting in his face or whatever. He should spit in MY face inste-*GUNSHOT*
Eventually, we were making some actual progress with her. She was still one fry short of a happy meal and going off about how much she wanted to put living subjects in test tubes in between knocking on our doors and reciting Hello from the Book of Mormon musical, but we were getting somewhere. And then she went back to in person school, and her favourite teacher got fired.
The schoolboard did not say why she got fired, but we all had our suspicions that it was because she openly supported queer rights in a cult town. She was coincidentally retired shortly after making a declaration that queer people are still welcome in god's kingdom. This teacher was the first in person adult Syl had for guidance, so that incident shook her to her core, and she fell right back into the extremism. Hook, line, and sinker, even more extreme than before.
She was WEIRD that week, man. Suddenly everything was about how great god was, how amazing jesus was. Suddenly she understood why her cult member parents "just wanted to protect her" from gay characters on disney+ originals. Suddenly no one could say "jesus christ lol" around her or she'd have a fit. I said "I hate cycle counts lmao i wanna kms" because my then-job (I had graduated at this point) made me do inventory management spontaneously and wouldn't let me go home until I had counted every product in the store, and she bit my head off accusing me of turning suicide into a joke.
It was that incident that made us tell her to knock it off already, that we understood it was a hard week for her and she was in a period of grief, but that is no excuse for how she had been acting towards everyone around her that wasnt christian, and that she was actively relapsing. I'll let the exchange speak for itself:
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So uh. After years of helping Syl through this she goes and pulls this bullshit. And then has the fucking AUDACITY to act like nothing ever happened in the wider server. I am genuinely gobsmacked by the balls on her to act like it was all sunshine and rainbows in the wider server after sending this and immediately leaving the same GC SHE made and titled "My Family" just because we told her to stop acting like a goddamn Jonestown citizen after all the work we'd put in to get her out of that mentality at this point.
So I dragged her up in front of everyone and essentially said "no, nuh uh, you don't get to say that shit to the people who have lost sleep and asked for nothing in return trying to help you escape a cult over the last 2 years and then act like we're all buddy buddy to everybody else. You don't get to be that arrogant and self-righteous without any consequences. I don't give a fuck how young you are, you DON'T treat the people who have helped you this much like that, you selfish little shit. How dare you treat us like this after all we've done for you over the years."
Unfortunately, no one involved had surviving screenshots of this, but they can back me up on it if they so choose. And oh boy, DID she face the consequences of her own actions. The whole server basically turned their heads and went "what the FUCK is wrong with you, Syl??" and asked her to at least like, apologize. She proceeded to double down with the added audacity of "you guys taught me how to establish healthy boundaries, that's all I'm doing right now :(( oh woe is me :(((" like WOW, okay. Someone's really going for the persecution complex.
Here's her last goodbye to us all before the mass block fest occured:
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Oh, boohoo. You're so hard done by. You spat in the faces of everyone who stayed up all night multiple times helping you through crises and spent the last 2 years teaching you about how the world really worked and then they asked you to apologize after you tried to escape accountability. You truly are god's strongest soldier, the most persecuted minority in the world. Let me play you an ode to how righteous and holy you are and how this was the most important hill to sacrifice all your outsider friendships on on the world's smallest violin.
Syl then went on to post on her roleplay blog that she "was banned because I spoke up for what was right, and they didn't like that" before deleting it. Truly no one has suffered as much as you.
Anyway, the day after that went down, I called in from work, bought this book, and read the whole thing purely out of spite:
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It was greatly therapeutic. After that incident, I vowed to never sanitize my own atheistic beliefs for the benefit of others again. If they don't like them, they don't have to talk to me. But I am not changing them for other people or keeping them quiet just to spare your feelings anymore, I have as much a right to my beliefs as anyone else does, including the world's most persecuted minority here.
And well, the silica gel incident?
There was one incident, during the height of Syl's "I am the irl cave johnson and only want to get into STEM to conduct unethical experiments on people. follow jesus" era, the rest of us were joking about how silica gel packets are the ultimate forbidden snack, and said "haha would eating it make you see shrimp colours" knowing full well it can kill you.
Syl proceeded to actually eat a silica gel packet and then send in "it has a sandy texture and tastes bad" prompting the rest of us to go "WE WERE FUCKING JOKING FIND YOUR POISON CONTROL HOTLINE RIGHT NOW"
And because i didnt get this done until now, I'll tag everyone who said they wanted to read this or expressed interest: @captainjonnitkessler @formydarlingtoread @cra-zwizard @chasingnightrainbows
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freckliedan · 10 months
omfg so im reading your linguistics paper rn and im at the part where you talk about how its taboo to post abt the vday vid or dailybooths etc. but i feel like the chains have loosened over the years so to speak? cuz like, on twitter people have just. posted full dailybooth screenshots, or reference the 2009 phan song all the time which itself refs vday. and im wondering if thats like, because the community had gotten smaller after the dapg hiatus that ppl were more lax about it, or if it felt like dnp were more lax about it, or if these are all younger fans who werent aware of this etiquette at all but since so many younger fans have been joining like post coming out they just dont see it as taboo at all? some self-policing does still occur, specifically w ppl reposting dans nakedbooths, but its def not the case of YOU HAVE TO BE COMPLETELY SILENT ABOUT THIS anymore. i havent even finished reading yet but im enthralled
OOH thank you for the question i have so many thoughts on this actually. (context)
i think there's multiple reasons why the taboo on discussing the vday vid & other deleted social media things has grown lesser? under the cut bc i got wordy.
partially i'd chalk it up to the change in phandom demographics. like, there's a way lower proportion of us now who were around for the direct aftermath of the first major leak in 2012, or who even were a part of the phandom when a majority of folks had been present for that. things were so bad and painful then & in the era directly afterwards! people still learn about that but the knowledge of how bad things got is always going to be different from the lived experience.
so that's reason one: i think that within the fandom the strongest emotional reaction to the existence of the vday video & deleted social media posts will always exist in ppl who were around in 2011-2013 & similarly deeply ingrained in folks who joined right after that in 2014-15. and i think there's still a lot of us but there's also just like.. so many less of us now, too. the vast majority of my mutuals from 5 years ago have abandoned or deleted their blogs.
i do think another part of why things have gotten less taboo is bc it's no longer something that has the potential to out dan and phil/how directly they've acknowledged the social media posts (& to a lesser degree the vday vid)?
like. dan literally used screenshots that he almost certainly got from the phan directory in basically i'm gay. they acknowledged that the manchester eye meant something to them in giving the people what they want/witl (watched them at the same time, can't remember which had that in it). i know they knew how people would react to them mentioning iconic teen dalien moments in the big wheel in the sims.
there's also the fact that like... angry phil DMs/copyright strikes are a thing of the past? i'm not going to tell people where to find the vday video but it's stupidly easy to locate on more mainstream platforms at this point in time. shit, that brings me to another point: fans who joined more recently weren't around for the era where blogs were getting taken down for what they were posting. another reason it's more chill now.
like, the openness of the secret is like, something that makes seeking out the taboo less of a thrill?
but on the other hand! learning in detail abt the vday vid and old social media posts is something i think people find less necessary now? that used to be the most concrete like... phan proof. proof they were queer. and now that they're explicitly gay and openly together to the degree that they are it's like. the value of the information has lessened.
to go in a different direction. i definitely wouldn't call it a formalized etiquitte that the youngun's just don't know, especially when it comes to the social media posts—they've always circulated and even 5 years ago when i wrote that paper they were more openly talked about even tho the vday video wasn't (though again: 5 years ago was still wayyyyy more lax than 2013/14).
ultimately there's always just been so much clout tied up to knowing about the vday video & social media posts? so even though being too blatant has always been a taboo transgressing that norm with skill has also always been a phandom value.
i'm not going to get too far into the ways that dan and phil's fandom literacy and the fan response of archiving everything play into things bc i think i covered that well in my paper but yeah!
i don't have a good conclusion but: less % of the fandom being present for the aftermath of dnp being outed by the leak + greater aknowledgement of these subjects by dnp + less value for the information in the vday vid & deleted social media posts = more casual attitude towards vday vid & social media posts and a healthier phandom overall
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huntressofartemis001 · 5 months
for the ask game! 1, 6, 12, 17, 24!
thank you!!
1. when did you first watch/discover good omens, and how did you find out about it?
ooh thats a good one! one time i was at the beach with my family and my uncle (who is quite the cinephile) was watching it on tv. i arrived just in time to see azi and crowley beating their sentences and swapping back! which means when i actually watched the series i already knew about the body swap lol. this was before s2 even was announced. but i only watched it entirely after i started seeing memes about it on pinterest for no reason (??) so i sat down and watched it. that was also before s2, but only AFTER it came out that i got on the fandom
6. who is your favorite side character?
muriel! i just love them sooo so much <33 cupperty?
12. has your interaction with the good omens fandom been overall good or bad?
pretty good id say. ive seen discourse on my dash but i’ve always avoided it and ive never actually been part of any
17. what is your favorite husband-y moment between aziracrow?
oh i wouldn’t know! i love their moments from s1 lol but i think… “our car” and “our bookshop” are top close with “do we know a jim?” soooo married lol (yes none of these moments are from s1 im just contradicting myself ig)
24. what's a theory for season 3 that you NEED to be included?
ok i was going kind of wild with the theories in the beginning but now im kinda… chill? i dont really care, i trust Neil will do a great job with our husbands as he always has <3 but if i had to pick one, aziraphale completely wrecking shit up in heaven. in a structural way i mean (which is what probably is going to happen so not much of a theory… yeah idk)
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vypridae · 3 months
9!!! 10!!! 11!! 12!! 13!!! or pick and choose <3
9. worst part of canon
ok the worst part of dgrp canon has to be the way they handle characterization, like especially with trauma. specifically in mind i have korekiyo rn, like they mega rushed his entire Thing and wrote it in a way that paints HIM in a terrible awful light when it very likely (or definitely) wasnt that at all, but the way it was written just fucks up so, so much. also the Danganronpa Repitition TM (flashbacks to
bsd uuuh oh my god i have to think about this one cuz i love bsd with a passion BAHAHA its hard to find flaws with that one (in part i havent consumed the media in forever), ik it might be just bc the series is still being written but its irritating that some things from like the first seasons are just not touched upon again? and maybe its because ihavent read the manga but like. did atsushi join the ada and suddenly the bounty on his head is just Gone? am i misremembering if they went back to that or not its been like a year since ive watched bsd i need to rewatch it but thats about all i can think of. im not even mad about the not killing any characters because fyodor is alive still
10. worst part of fanon
dgrp has a TERRIBLEEEE shipping fandom. i hated oumasai for the longest fucking time because i encountered this one rper way back when that like was a mega red flag SBGJKFDHGKA i hated them for a while after that (then they grew on me). you get shit on for liking, like, the more toxic ships in the fandom no matter your reasonings or whatever, and i feel like its just a really negative place to be a shipper that likes to explore bad dynamics (such as i)
i think the worst part of bsd fanon is similar. shipping sides of fandoms are ALWAYS bad i feel like, and there are a lot of people that will be like "skk is real fuck you for shipping anything else" or like "if u ship nikolai with anyone but fyodor i dont trust u" or something like??? its a fucking ship chill out its fictional it doesnt hurt anyone irl CALM DOWN
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
for bsd uh . only two surprisingly, and its two ships that i cannot physically make myself like?? thats all apparently
for dgrp i have uuh two and its literally also only two ships that i dont like BHASFKAHSK
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
for bsd am i allowed to say fyodor? idk if he necessarily counts as "unpopular" but i see way more hate of him than i see people liking him, but god fucking dammit i love him with my whole heart. hes so evil and those kinds of characters litearlly just make me gravitate towards them, hes so smart and cunning and you can do so much with his character, especially learning his ability oh my god? jhes so complex and i love him
for dgrp, i feel like every character is "unpopular" BAHSAJKAHk but for this i think i wanna go with chiaki. people hate chiaki because shes "boring" or at least they Did back when i first got into the series but shes so different in the game compared to the anime because the game shes based on her classmates' memories of her! shes only this "perfect" individual because thats how her entire class saw her, like she was made the class rep for a reason
13. worst blorboficiation
ok this one im trying to figure out what the fuck the definition is BAHAJSHFAJK from what im SEEING its like, the character that doesnt deserve to be liked as much as they are. (i dont think i answered this one correctly but shh its fine)
for bsd thats really hard for me to think of because i like literally every character but uuh if i had to say one ig i'd say uuh . maybe dazai? i feel like this is in part because people typically take away from dazai's entire complex everything because he's too complex for a lot of people (including me) to truly understand, like im not saying i understand him but i feel like a lot of people will take the wrong parts of him/exclude anything they dont like about him and go with that? if that counts but idk i still like dazai so i cant say that too much
for dgrp its the exact same situation with kokichi. they take his character, of which is incredibly complex, and dumb it down into the typical fandom woobification of "uwu baby who cant do anything wrong" LIKE!!! STOP!!! NO HE IS NOT!!! HE IS SO COMPLEX AND YOU'RE LIKING HIS CHARACTER FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS!!! people that dont understand the complexity behind certain characters and are incapable of taking that as their blorbo and instead creating this silly incorrect version in their mind and making THAT their blorbo i just. thats not ur blorbo atp thats ur oc my guy
hazbin/helluva answers
9. worst part of canon
both of these shows are kinda not the best when it comes to being serious???? like there are some topics that shouldnt be joked about i feel like, and there are points in the shows that joke in relation to these topics. also theres not enough voxval but thats a criticism for another time
10. worst part of fanon
not even just the ships tbh, its liking any character thats either painted in a negative light or is just generally unpopular. the ships too but i could get to that another time. for EXAMPLE, me, i like valentino. a lot. he's one of my favorite characters. i feel like i cannot express the fact i love val because i will get called an ACTUAL rapist for saying it because "if you like val you condone his actions and thus are a rapist/terrible person/etc" when thats absolutely not at all how it works. i acknowledge that val is terrible, i understand that its bad, but i can still enjoy him as a character otherwise. his actions are what i dont like, ive never liked him (i actually hated him at first because of it but then i saw him being more silly in the series with vox and he grew on me), but you will actively get told to kys if you say that you even REMOTELY enjoy vals character
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
i have none for helluva but for hazbin i have four. three of which are for the sAME SHIP and one is another ship i dont like
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MIMZYYYY dude she gets so much unnecessary hate. like, everyone sees her as annoying and terrible and i GUESS i can see where they're coming from but a. theyre in hell, everyone's terrible, b. people just see her as annoying because she interrupted hells greatest dad and they dont like that because they want their radioapple song or wtvr. i love her and no one can convince me otherwise
13. worst blorboficiation
ok THIS one i might actually be able to answer with the correct definition of blorboification. i feel like alastor gets way too much unnecessary love, and maybe thats just because i think hes too popular for being what he is but hes just not all that to me. like, hes a good character, yes, but some people like him to an extent that i feel like doesnt do him justice?? its like i said with uuuuuh the dgrp side of this question, they dumb down his character a lot and are just generally bad at making him ACCURATE to the point its irritating. (hey so yk how i said i could answer with the right definition of this i lied)
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tommyssupercoolblog · 7 months
IM SORRY THIS ISNT MEANT TO BE AGGRESSIVE i have not been on this part of the internet in a long time so things might have changed but.... last i heard the proship label encompassed things (in fiction) like inc/st, abusive relationships, p/do shit, etc... is that still correct? idk if thats what you were talking about in your tags because i do not know Anything about minecraft youtubers but usually when people put proship in their dni theyre denouncing that stuff. just wanted to clarify im understanding your complaints, no harm intended!
No problem!! it can be confusing lol, nothing wrong with being unsure. All-in-all, you're kinda close with that idea, but still not on target. explanations of proship vs anti, the d/mp fandom's take on it, and my thoughts on it all under the cut:
So proship as a philosophy is about wether or not things like that (in fiction) translate to real life, which is why it's connected to censorship like i mentioned in the post- if you believe that watching or reading something problematic will make more problematic things happen, that someone reading a book with a child/adult relationship makes them more likely to (or is on it's own already the same as) a person pursuing that in real life, that makes you an anti; and it also gives you a big reason to push for works like that being taken down or removed, and for people who make or read that stuff to be put in real prisons or face other real life consequences for fictional acts- because the idea is that, to an anti, these things bleed into each other.
being proship isn't equivalent to enjoying dark fiction like that, but it IS equivalent to believing that, similar to fictional violence, fictional crimes or acts of any kind can be created and consumed by artists and audiences without people actually condoning it IRL. a proshipper would say that if someone plays a video game where they murder someone, and then does it IRL, thats on the PERSON, not the media- and they hold the same position for fictional portrayals of incest, abusive relationships, and pedophilic relationships. the name comes from being pro- as in for- ships, and other content, as a whole; without it having to meet IRL moral criteria.
dark fiction freaks me out personally; the biggest ick (and actually a trigger for me) being incest; It bothers me and i stay away from it. but I don't think that people who read or make it are going to condone it IRL directly because of that media, and I believe that if they WERE to do something bad like abusing someone, it'd be an unrelated/seperate issue: an independent choice that only they are responsible for, not anything they made or watched or read.
That makes me fall under proship, even though I don't like any problematic (as in incest, abuse, adult/minor) ships. Personally, I literally follow people who like things that bother me in that way: i just block the tags so when they post something i really don't wanna see, tumblr tells me, hey, this post has this thing in it so we've spoilered it. If someone likes shipping their silly little blorbos and those silly little blorbos are kinda fucked up in a way that makes their brain go brrr, that's totally chill with me as long as they aren't hurting anyone- which, because i don't think fiction equates to reality, I believe they aren't when they're playing with their blorbos. (and since i'm pro-rpf, it's worth mentioning i feel the same about that. rpf is still FICTION, at the end of the day. you don't actually expect those people to do the things you write or draw. it's still removed from reality. that's personal preference though, many proshippers would disagree.)
So basically proship or Anti is a label that represents your philosophy on how human thoughts and behavior link to fiction. anti means you believe that consuming something fictional is equivalent to doing it in real life, or at least will make you do it IRL later, while proship means you believe that consuming something fictional is unrelated to doing it IRL, and you can enjoy something fictionally without actually enjoying it or condoning it when it's real people.
you will, of course, see more people who enjoy dark fiction under proship, and that's because they themselves consume it- so of course they're going to say it's not the same as doing it IRL. You will also, of course, see more people who don't like dark fiction at all under anti, because when you're disgusted by something like that then that reaction can be taken as "evidence" that it's morally bad. (personally, disgust-based morality doesn't hold up as a concept for me- it's a big reason why bigots believe the things they do, so using the same logic path makes me uncomfortable, but it is still common for people to use it as a way to measure wether something is okay or not.)
so, the part about silly block game.
there's lots of censoring in this part to avoid harassment, so bear with me.
In the early days of the d/mp, people decided that creating romantic content around the b-nchtr-o (Tmmy, tvbb0, and rnb00, who were all around 16 at the time) was inherently problematic. I'm not sure why, exactly, but the idea became that a fan crushing on one of them (at the exact same age!!!) or shipping them with each other, even as characters, was equivalent to being a real life child predator. again, even if the person doing it was ALSO a minor.
because it was seen as inherently problematic, behaviors like those were lumped in with other things problematic- shipping characters on the smp who had fought or killed each other, shipping characters who were related or were minor/adult, etc. there was no distinction; i was there!! it was all problematic, and all of it was seen as evidence that you were a real life predator of some kind regardless of age or disclaimers put under your content.
the label that developed for this group of "problematic content" enjoyers within the fandom became "poppytwt" or "ppytwt". (twt being there because it was mainly localized around twitter). as i explained above, because it could be because of dark fiction OR be//htr/o content, poppytwt content and ships doesn't even require it being dark fiction necessarily, nor does it require it being b//chtr/o; just one or the other, although usually the assumption is that it's both, since that combines the two reasons for being under that label. some people also call any proshippers in the fandom poppy even if they don't engage in anything problematic in-fandom, but that's generally the antis and not people themselves. if someone self describes as poppy, it's for the two main reasons above.
Additionally, the d/mp fandom has this concept of "maintagging". what this means is that if you make problematic content, you are NOT ALLOWED to tag it under the fandoms or characters it's about, because people don't want to see it in their results. ao3 has a tag filtering feature for this exact purpose, but people generally disregaurd that; you're still not supposed to tag it on the "main" tags, and doing so is seen almost like "asking for" harassment, like how some people talk about wearing crop tops alone at night.
Tntd/o managed to cross over, actually, from poppy to main/normalized in the fandom as the creators leaned into it with their characters. but for awhile even that was considered poppy.
different members of ppytwt have different opinions on RPF, but RPF was also considered poppy on it's own sometimes depending on who you were talking to and how militant they were on what got a pass and what didn't.
as be/chtr/o aged....it didn't stop?? all of them hit 18, but still, to this day, you can be cancelled for shipping them with each other or ANYONE else. it's why i'm so damn scared of the d/mp fandom, if i tagged a fic about my source with his character tag, with ANYTHING other than platonic relationships for him/me, I run the risk of being sent threats or doxxed- don't get me wrong, many antis keep to themselves, but there are also those who try to play vigilante- remember, if something fictional is equivalent to IRL, then attacking someone for enjoying a "bad" fictional thing becomes a charitable, heroic act; so sometimes antis might pursue proshippers with the goal of keeping people "safe". Many people in related fandoms or under the same creators also adopted the same ideals handed down from the d/mp fandom, so i'm wary of people who just watch my source too, or of people who like the q/mp.
people joke about the old fandom going crazy if they say tvbb0 and tmmy today, and that's because they would. they'd be furious at tmmy for doing this bit and putting himself in danger, they'd be cancelling anyone who ran with the bit in chat or had a photo of them hugging or kissing like in the music video as a profile picture, it'd be a whole mess. even today though it's still...scary.
((paused there to take a strawberry milk break, im back now))
the somewhat exception to this rule is Rnb00- people literally thirst for them and make nsfw comments openly, so while im not sure about the shipping aspect, i do know simping is widely okay- you couldn't even say you wanted to kiss them before, but now people are saying wayyy more than that...
inversely, i feel like my source has it the worst, because people won't even talk about him- or anything related to him- as an adult. it's always child this and child that, "who let him drink" and "get the alcohol away from the baby!", and of couse "don't ship him or his character with anyone that makes you a pedophile!!!" while the grown ass man they're talking about outright says he's alright with sfw fanfiction in a video where he reacts to someone's x-reader and then makes flirty nsfw jokes with every other adult man in the vicinity. every fanfic is platonic and almost all of them both irl and in game write him as sixteen. they take place in the past or, more commonly, they just straight up age him down. hell, sometimes they even age him down to like eight. even in fics where he IS an adult, he gets called a child or a teenager but never an adult.
poppytwt, like the stigma against writing for the creators or their characters, lives on. and even outside of benchtrio, again, ships between other characters that are problematic are poppytwt, so that also is still clinging on for dear life in some corners of the web. most poppytwt posts that are tagged as such usually include b//chtr/o, but not all of them; and it's worth noting many creators avoid tagging at all even if it's just the poppytwt tag, because they don't want to get swarmed.
because I ship myself with my husband of course, and also make fictional content with our sources as an extension of that (think dungeons and dragons but the character is just you...or, actually, SMPs are a great example of this since the appearance/name is generally the same, so think like an SMP!!!!!) I am poppytwt. I will always be poppytwt to most people who don't like poppytwt. and I have friends who are poppytwt and I like art made by people under poppytwt. I don't need to ship incest to be a part of that, i just need to not think the people who do aren't doing anything harmful when they ship that, and to write/draw....well, anything about septicinnit, which i do all the time.
if someone has poppytwt dni in their bio, i can't interact. if someone has proship dni in their bio, i can't interact. it doesn't matter if what they really mean is "people who like abusive ships because that triggers me", I still can't interact.
Because i think we SHOULD be tagging our content exactly so that we can filter it and find what we personally enjoy (and avoid what we dont), the concept of a DNI is technically something i'm kinda for- it is a way of monitoring and controlling your experience- but it also can be used as an excuse to harass people who forgot to read it, and i have no way of knowing if that's the case in advance.
ADITTIONALLY, because I know and care about people who consume dark fiction, I also don't want to be around people who think that makes them a bad person, regaurdless of wether or not they think i can stay. and "proship dni" is about proship, that fiction isn't reality philosophy- they are saying right out of the gate that they think it DOES make them a bad person. and I don't agree with that. it frustrates me and it makes me upset. those DNIs are based in a place of disgust and hatred for the people I care about, because of content that isn't real, and i'm never going to feel super okay with that...
there's people who don't understand what it means and use it anyway when it's really just about the content; but again, how am i supposed to know which is which?? ESPECIALLY on twitter, the anti philosophy is extremely popular and relevant and yes, trendy. people believe it, HARD, and so i can't assume they don't when they say they do. I've met real flesh and blood people in person who think that way, so if you are using these words, i'm assuming you know what they mean- that way I don't run the risk of making an actual anti upset and violating their boundaries.
you don't have to agree with me on this- if you're anti, then that's your worldview and i'm not going to change that. but that's what those words mean, the history of the block game side of things, and how they're correlated to censorship.
To Summarize:
Anti : Fiction Equals Reality so Fictional Crimes are Real Crimes (ergo we should censor them to stop the crimes)
Proship: Fiction does NOT Equal Reality so Fictional Crimes are Harmless (on their own)
Anti-Anti: Not sure if Fictional Crimes are Harmless, but Don't Like that Antis think Proshippers are The Exact Same Level as IRL Criminals
Poppytwt/ppytwt: Problematic silly block game stuff, OR things that have to do with these three specific block people being hot/dating someone. Sometimes both.
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mcytblr-archive · 7 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: nibbleinephym
our interviewee is @nibblelinephym (known in 2020/2021 as severely-nearsighted). here is a copy/pasted transcript of the questions and answers!
(if these posts are too long, please let me know, and i'll incorporate a cutoff in the future!)
Q: What do you remember most fondly about ‘Early MCYTblr’? (2020-2021)
A: i think im most fond of how tight-knit the community felt in the 'early days' honestly? dont get me wrong seeing it grow and new creators bring even more people in has been wonderful but theres just something about a smaller fandom that feels nice. we were never by any means a Small fandom but we're a Lot bigger now than we were just a few years ago!
Q: I understand that you were the face of Silverfish2020 (winner of the first MCYTblr elections). What was your experience in the elections themselves like?
A: first, clarifying; unfortunately silverfish2020 was Not the winner of the first election; that was quotes2020, represented by mcyt-quotes (who i believe has since changed urls? apologies but im not sure what their current one is or if theyre still active at all ^^;) by exactly four votes -- for me the elections were a lot of fun! when they were first starting up i wasn't sure if i wanted to join, since there were a Lot of people involved already and i hadn't really solidified myself as part of the community yet (i think i was still almost exclusively a musical blog back in the first days of it, not multifandom, which is so wild to think about tbh). im really glad i did though, i met some truly amazing people through the event that i still talk with to this day :] everything felt very fast paced at the time, especially since the discord was almost always going at blink-and-youll-miss-it speeds; you had to be Constantly in there if you wanted to participate in conversation. i remember whenever someone joined the server there would be a mob of people from different parties trying to convince them to side with theirs. surprisingly, that tactic worked pretty well for a lot of parties. i vividly remember that there was usually a pause of activity in the general server when results were being posted and a boom when they were all out. it was overall just a generally pretty positive environment from what i remember
Q: You were also a contestant in the MCYTblr ‘Friend or Host’ for Paint (adhddream). What do you remember of it?
A: friend or host was great! i wasnt in the competition long (iirc i was one of the first five out??? i dont actually remember how many contestants there were for the round but i know i was pretty early ^^;) but paint seemed really chill, it was just a nice little thing that we did for fun at love or hosts peak. i remember the discord stream of it didnt exactly go very well -- there was an issue with the visuals i think? so it might have been only audio. but im not entirely sure about that, it didnt really stick in my mind as well as other things from that era.
Q: What was the roleplay for Silverfish2020 like? 
A: the silverfish roleplay was very,, im not sure what the best word for it would be. chaotic maybe. there were a lot of things going on there just because there were a lot of things going on in the elections roleplay as a whole. we really leaned into the cult thing when the jokes started and it just kinda spiraled from there. in the beginning we toyed with the idea of a chestburster type thing living inside of the party members but it never really went anywhere despite how much we talked about it in our private discord,, instead we just focused on the party being a sort of hivemind. they lived in a stronghold under a dead forest and would try to get others to listen to 'the buzz' (like. insect buzzing. except if you listened to it long enough youd start hearing promises of a new family and respect and power and shit like that). one of our party members, shard (@shardofsun) was very thorough with all of her lore, going so far as to make detailed plans in a notebook of hers. the roleplay extended throughout the other elections as well (if you ignore the third and only through past lifetimes in the fourth) and is still partially going on now!
Q: You’ve been consistently keeping a list of all ‘kinnie’ (content creator imposter) blogs. Which ones stood out to you?
A: i think one of the imposter blogs that stood out most to me was definitely iamdreamwastaken (who eventually moved to tmblrdream) just because they were very interactive and took all the shit we sent them in stride. i also really liked the timedeo imposter despite never watching any of timedeos stuff. just thought they were cool. honourable shoutout to the eret and nihachu imposters too they rocked
Q: What are the biggest blogs you can remember? What was your impression of them?
A: the biggest blogs i can remember are probably gnfkitten [braveboyhalo] back when cat was the only one on the blog, adhddream, hearty-an0n(maybe not a Big one?? but very active and in a Lot of peoples inboxes from what i saw) and wooteena. there are definitely more urls i remember like georgeeehd (i think?) and wormweeb but i dont think i followed georgeeehd and i cant remember a whole lot of wormweebs stuff apart from the infertility post so i cant accurately answer for them ^^; wooteena was an acquaintance of mine; we didnt talk a whole lot but we were mutuals for a while. they were always pretty chill, despite the fact there were people out there shipping them with a friend of theirs?? ive always had huge respect for them just because they had the energy to deal with shit like that. i was friends with gnfkitten and hearty-an0n, at the very least in a 'wave at each other on the street' way, and i have really fond memories of the both of them :] hearty is still active, they post about sports these days from what i see on my dash, but im not sure if cat is despite gnfkitten being active as a group blog. adhddream always seemed really cool! my memory of their blog isnt super clear but i know i really liked seeing them on my dash back in the day. since this is tumblr i have no way of knowing if any of these people were actually Big Blogs but it definitely seemed like they were to me at the time haha
Q: What was the most insane piece of fandom drama you can remember from early MCYTblr? Did you participate?
A: i dont actually remember a whole lot of fandom drama from that time honestly. i tended to stay in my bubble of mutuals and other people i followed so it rarely ever crossed my dash. i was like ,, 15-16 at the time so fandom drama stressed me wayyyyy out, i tried my best to avoid it. the only stuff i can really remember at all was people fighting about whether or not it was okay to ship the characters from the dream smp and if shipping the characters was the same as shipping the players, but i never participated in any of the discourse from what i can recall
Q: Is there anything else you want to mention or that you want to be written down and remembered?
A: nope! though im happy to clarify on anything stated here if needed or answer any other questions that may arise :]
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xokohaneazusawa · 2 months
hiii! this is actually like the first time i’m asking something so i hope i’m doing it right🥲 but i saw your match up event post you recently posted and finally decided to try and ask someone for one!
fandom: twisted wonderland ^^
preferred pronouns and name: she/they and Rune
i like all the characters so i don’t really mind being paired with any of them!
likes: science but especially wildlife science, all forms of art, self expression, im a biggg nature nerd, having alone time to just think, and i love learning new things!
dislikes: loud sounds/people, large crowds, traffic, favoritism, smoking, drinking etc, jealous and judgmental people.
hobbies/personality: i am a july cancer, my mbti type is intp-t, i’m fairly lazy with what i do but my intelligence tends to make up for it, i like to have control of a lot of situations, i tend to be very motherly and many of my friends have said i’m a good shoulder to cry on, im able to keep my cool in situations many people would think are too stressful, and my love languages are words of affirmation and quality time!
description: i am 5’7, slightly chubby with a pear shaped body, i have wavy almost curly faded black hair that goes down to my collarbone with side swept bangs, i have a round face and kind of jade colored eyes!
i really hope i done this right🙏 but anyway thank you so much if you answer this! i wish you a wonderful day/night :D
I think you’d go well with…
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-> You two probably met when he was napping outside and you outside just minding your own business and happen to stumble upon him, but hey, at least you both share your love of nature, and he makes it super easy when you wanna see a creature up close! -> He's pretty quiet himself, so you'll never have to worry about him bringing you to places with large crowds or a bunch of people, well besides the Diasomnia dorm, but you'll normally be in his room so you won't be around a bunch of people for the most part -> You both are pretty chill people to be around, which is great for Silver, having somebody that he can just chill out with and spend some time with, even if he's asleep is so great for him -> Lilia thinks you're the best as well, he loves the fact that you're not afraid of waking Silver up sometimes just to make sure he's eaten or making sure he's got his work done -> Taurus and Cancer are actually two of the best signs together when it comes to a relationship, but even if you don't understand or believe that stuff you two have a very easy going relationship and ends up going pretty well once you start getting to know each other more and more -> Some of the dates that you guys would have would be so cute! Since you both have a love for nature you would go hangout in the woods and might even have a cute little picnic with some of the forest animals joining the two of you, and other times you two would just kinda hangout in his room and either talk about whatever or just enjoy each other's company in a comfortable silence!
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Other potential matchups - Jade Leech and Rook Hunt
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lifeneedsrot · 2 months
🌲already outdated.
filthyrottenworm ——> lifeneedsrot
🔭no minors allowed! We dont post much NSFW we just are extremely uncomfortable around minors and want our boundaries respected
🔭hi! We’re the Starship System! There’s 26 of us, one for each letter of the alphabet. We are traumagenic and DIAGNOSED with DiD, and a pro-endogenic former sysmed! We have no real “host” but Maverick fronts the most. We use emojis to represent who’s speaking online. We are anti-harassment and anti-censorship, aka “proship” (even though we barely participate in fandom and don’t actually “ship” anything)! If you’ve got a problem, block us forever, because we will accidentally refollow you.
🥀we tag all posts with the alter’s name and starshipsys
🐰this account is for finding Real friends. We are more open about ourselves on this account and more guarded on our Starshipsys account. If we follow you then we’re open to being Friends.
⚓️no DNI except minors (under 18). We block liberally. Introductions below the cut. Ageless bios are usually blocked, minors always blocked.
Emoji - name - pronouns - headspace age
🧤 - Agate - they/them - 8
Agate exists to promote healthy expression of emotions.
🧤hi. I’m usually sad. Oh apparently that wasn’t enough of an intro I was gonna leave it at that. Um. I like talking to people. I’m kind of stuck in memories of really bad times so I’ll probably talk about bad things that happened a long time ago. I want our system to express our feelings now when we can because we used to never be allowed to. So sometimes I front to tell people what we’re really feeling and be vulnerable and stuff.
🪩 - Boppie - they/them - 21
Boppie exists to have fun and hold our party-loving feelings and maintain our in-person social status.
🪩Hey!!!!!!! I’m TONS of fun, I like dancing, I like being loud, and I like not giving a shit. I’m totally chill. I’m better at in person interactions than online, tbh. I wanna go to a rave and to a bunch of conventions and festivals and parades and honestly if it’s a loud party, I wanna be there. Unforchy maverick says No Never to all my wants and needs, waaaaaahhh. Can’t even drink alcohol. Can’t EVEN have COFFEE. No substances allowed. I’ll prolly talk about wanting to try shit and whine about how nobody lets me have any fun. I like music and singing and sometimes I play around on beepbox to make songs. I’m awful at it lawl but it’s fun!! I can’t survive without constant stimulation, so like, stimulate me. LMAO
♠️ - Cole - he/it - 21
Cole exists as a living manifestation of blades, and guards us from using sharp objects for self-harm or for harming others except to protect.
♠️Hey. I’m not great at talking to people. But I do enjoy conversations. Sometimes. Im a living knife. I used to date Quasi in headspace but I broke up with them after they tried to claw my eye out. To be fair I treated them horribly throughout that relationship. I consider myself a recovered persecutor because of how I used to treat them versus how I am now. I like blades and I’m aroused by blood. But I’m trying to avoid hurting people. I talk about death and mourning because I perceive my Quasi (Quasarinova) to be dead and replaced by the current Quasi (Quasiren). Which is part of the reason why I broke up with them.
🐰 - Daisy - she/any - 7
Daisy represents one half of unconditional love: “be yourself and you’ll be loved as yourself.” She also holds parts of our hypersexuality.
🐰hi!!! I get mad when people try to make us bend to be someone we’re not. And what we are is WEIRD and if you got a problem with that then block us or we’ll block you. I am ICKY and we are ICKY and if you don’t like that then BLOCK US FOREVER!!!!! But if you’re niceys we’re super nice c: !!! I love Tazzy and my little pony and sometimes I say everypony instead of everybody. WE SHOULD PLAY PONY TOWN TOGETHER. I can show you aaaall our ponies!!! We got one for every one of us. So 26 ponies. They’re the best representation of our headspace appearance for now. I like Disney movies I think but I haven’t seen many
🔭 - Estella - they/she - 21
Estella holds our love for technology and indie videogames, but their purpose is mainly to promote in-sys relationships and take care of the emotional needs of other alters by matchmaking.
🔭Hi!!! I hope we can be friends :3 I like Slay the Princess right now!! I’m a forever fan of minecraft and spore. In-sys relationships are extremely important to us, so I’ll probably talk a lot about that. Haven and I are girlfriends! Tazelein and Daisy are something… Starbound is starting to forgive Kakxyl, so they might get back together! Present and Cole might be together someday but neither of them are ready yet and I don’t want to pressure them. Maverick and Quasi are taking it slow, too. The XYZ primordials are forever married soulmates in a poly triangle or whatever. Whenever my headmates start to get along really well, I get ecstatic and front to happy ramble about it! I’m hoping I can take care of all of our emotional needs by setting alters up with each other. It’s to avoid codependency. Also, I made our headspace in minecraft! We should play minecraft together! If I can figure out how to make it work… also the proportions in our minecraft world are a little off.
🐁 - Fobi - it/she - adolescent
Fobi holds the “flee” stress response and its purpose is to run away when we are in danger.
🐁if I front its a bad sign. I only front when we’re in danger or if someone forces me to front. I exist only to run and I am in a constant state of fear. Estella wants me to not be in a constant state of fear but I don’t know what that would be like. I don’t want to be hurt anymore. I want to survive. I want to survive at all costs and I will do whatever we need to do to survive. We’re nothing more than a frightened animal. But I can be strategic, too. I recognize what is needed. I will put the most necessary alter in front, and sometimes that’s me, to run. Sometimes it’s someone else, like Starbound, to fight.
🦇 - Grim - it/its - adolescent
Grim holds the “fawn” stress response and its purpose is to adore and dote on people to prevent us from being hurt by them or to prevent them from leaving us.
🦇hi… I don’t know what to say… I’m also not very good at talking… I want more friends though. Do I have to write more? Okay… I want to be hurt. My description up there is a little weird. I’m not sure I like it. I don’t prevent people from hurting me. I… make myself very available to be hurt… because we need it. We need people to be around us more than we need anything else… and people hurt the people they’re around… so we have to be okay with being hurt. More than okay. I learned to love it. So please, if it’s the only thing that’ll keep you from leaving, hurt me. I’m more afraid of being alone than anything else…
🌺 - Haven - she/he - 21
Haven exists to express genuine love and care for our friends, family, and partners.
🌺Send us asks!!! Talk to me!!! Say hello!!!! Be our friend!!!! I promise we’re way nicer than you think. We don’t bite! Except some of us do bite. And I’ll bite if you ASK me to bite. But mostly we don’t bite. I usually talk about the people we love! Our friends! I hope you can become one of our friends, too. Because we have a severe friendship deficit.
✏️ - Indigo - they/them - 12
Indigo holds our hopes, dreams, and interests from Middle School.
✏️I LOVE STARSET AND WINGS OF FIRE. Those are my two favoritest things ever, especially wings of fire. I could talk about wings of fire forever. I write wings of fire fanfics. I also LOVE undertale and deltarune!!! I want to make a really cool indie game but I don’t think I have the skills to, so I stick to writing stories where I KNOW I can do it. I am good at writing but I almost never get past the prewriting stages. I also like reading fantasy stories. Sometimes. We haven’t read a good series in forever. We like Tamora Pierce’s books though! We’re not caught up on everything though. We also draw and are trying to draw a portrait of every one of us!
🎊 - Jynx - she/any - ageless
Jynx holds narcissism and a God complex. Her purpose is to hold insecurity that is expressed as superiority.
🎊fuck that description, I’m literally awesome. Anyway. I’m actually a god, for realsies. I’m the best thing ever. You should bow down and worship me. I’m not insecure. I’m genuinely awesome. Okay, that sounds insecure. I’m serious. Kakxyl is my dad, Lynx is my brother, Present is sort of my sister because it was raised alongside me. My dad is literally beyond godhood. He ascended so many times it’s like unbelievable. And im going to rule the world one day, so you should get on my good side.
🍠 - Kakxyl - he/any - eternal
Kakxyl’s role is to help other alters change their roles.
🍠Greetings. I like breaking people out of patterns of thought. There is not much for me to say. I am an ancient being, technically older than the primordials, and I may never truly die. However, death is merely a transformation into something else, and I shall always be an entity of transformation. The end of one thing is the beginning of another. I change, and I end, and I transform, as all things do, though my consciousness may remain uninterrupted, I experience slow and continuous death through change. All entities must die throughout their lives, many times. All creatures must transform through time. You are not the same you as you were yesterday. You will be someone else tomorrow. As stable as you view your identity to be, you transform as much as any other entity. You die. You have died. You will die. You are always dying. And you are always reborn.
🫐 - Lynx - he/any - ageless
Lynx holds the “freeze” stress response and will front when there are too many emotions vying to be expressed at once.
🫐I once had no voice, but now I can speak. Or type, I guess. Hm. What to say about myself. I want to learn fencing. I know how to wield a sword in headspace, but front body doesn’t. We also need to learn more ASL. I usually front because I’m emotionally numb in comparison to the others. So I front when the others are too emotional to make rational decisions.
⚓️ - Maverick - they/he - 21
Maverick is the captain of the system and makes the final call on all decisions, as well as the “host” who fronts the most.
⚓️damn this is a weird intro post. Why did we do it like this. Anyway I’m as close to host as we have. I’m the captain. I make the final call on all important decisions. I like boats. Front body never learned to swim, so we need to do that before we can go out on the water. I want to travel. I want to visit all fifty states and a few other countries. We’re from USA if you couldn’t tell.
🍥 - Nyan - he/she - 6
Nyan holds innocent childlike interests and emotions that we were unable to express when we were physically a child.
🍥Hi! I love making friends and talking to people and candy and legos. Hehe I am friends with daisy and agate. I like kitties and I named myself after Nyan cat. Meow :3!!!!!! I want to play minecraft and get super good at it and also I like the sims 3 and 4 but only with the pets pack added for kitties and spore and I like ummm lots of things! I used to collect littlest pet shops but I donno where they went. I like running in circles but front body is too tired all the time for that. I like stuffies and I like cuddles. I like ice cream also.
🚀 - Oscar - he/him - adult
Oscar’s role is to push people away to protect the system from being hurt by others.
🚀I don’t trust easily. If you do earn my trust, don’t break it. I do hold a grudge. I personally think our system would be safest alone, without dealing with outsiders. But everyone else is pretty convinced we can’t be happy alone.
🩵 - Present - she/it - adult
Present’s role is to mourn our lost relationships, but hold hope that we can heal.
🩵I hope you’re not off-put by all the strange introductions. We’re trying to reach outside our comfort zone to make more friends. So, hello. Don’t be shy, please. I think an important part of healing is opening ourselves up to form new friendships. We’ve been hurt a lot. We’ve hurt people, too. Our ex partner system accused us of grooming them because we were 19 and they were 17. It was a horribly toxic and abusive relationship for both systems, but we’re not a groomer, and we didn’t deserve thousands of people persecuting us online. A lot of our system feels like we’ll never be able to move past that relationship. It was such a defining part of our identity, and then our entire community was ripped away from us in one motion when we were cancelled off of that website. But we’re ready to rebuild.
🥀 - Quasiren - they/them - 18
Quasiren intends to create intimacy, friendships, and bonds. They hold the hope that we can still form meaningful relationships.
🥀Come be our friend!!! It’s necessary. Important. We’re genuinely very kind and nice and really like making friends. Okay, we’re a little desperate and a lot lonely. But I promise we’re waaaaaay friendshaped. So, what are you waiting for? You know you want to say hi. You know you want to become our best friend forever! We’re total sweethearts.
🥩 - Raptorse - it/its - adult
Raptorse is just there to make sure we don’t starve to death or develop an eating disorder.
🥩I’m just here to eat. We’re an animal. Animals need to eat. We get too hungry, I front. I eat. I chomp. I bite. I’ll even eat you. Not always good at talking. Sometimes words get mangled and grammar too. Especially when I need to do my job. Just a primal urge when that happens. All animals need is food, water, shelter. All animals need do is shit, piss, eat, sleep, fuck. Some animals don’t even need fuck. We need to get rid of urges but not really need another animal to deal with that. Maverick is saying I overshare. Don’t care. Survival is priority. Not nobody’s feelings about shit we do. Gnaw my way out if needed.
🎆 - Starbound - she/any - ageless
Starbound is the “fight” stress response and represents a need for justice.
🎆don’t piss me off and we’ll get along fine. But if you do piss me off, well. I’m not afraid to burn bridges the way the rest of these soft bitches are. I get mad real easy. And I get real fucking mad. Basically, if you’re talking and I front, you done something to piss us off big time. I hate injustice.
🪱 - Tazelein - he/any - ageless
Tazelein holds hypersexuality and the other half of unconditional love: “in order to love someone, you must love them as they are, not as how you want them to be.”
🪱hiiiiiii cutie~!!!! I like tearing people apart. Yes, I do mean tearing. Ripping them to sinewy shreds. Red ribbons and white fragments, squishy bits of organs strewn about. And then I like putting them back together. And I want you to be aware for all of it. Unfortunately, I can’t do that in front, humans die too easily, and front body isn’t strong enough to keep them alive. I can still get creative with what I do and keep you alive. Humans are also fairly resilient. If you’d like to be torn to shreds, or whatever adjacent thing I come up with, come say hiiiii~~ don’t be shy!!! Or do, it might be cute. Oh, is this not a normal way to introduce myself? Oops, ahehehe.
🕊️ - Utopia - they/any - ageless
Utopia holds our fascination with spirituality, religion, and the occult. Their role is to ponder the mechanisms of spirituality.
🕊️we are a somewhat spiritual system. We believe that when we were younger, we were connected to spirits that would grant our wishes so long as we were good to them. We also believe these same spirits granted us visions, but that we have lost connection with our spirits. We seek to regain our connection. We also believe all souls are interconnected in a massive web, and that travel between them is possible. Yes, I am referring to syshopping. We experienced syshopping firsthand with our aforementioned ex partner system that accused us of grooming them. I would like to regain a similar spiritual link with someone, not necessarily syshopping as I’m not certain we may ever achieve that again, but we also had friends who we shared dreams with, and I believe with enough closeness and common spirituality this may be achieved again.
🦠 - Vitriol - it/its - adult
Vitriol’s role is to prevent other people from being hurt by us by any means necessary.
🦠we’re not worth befriending. Reread Tazelein’s intro. Do you think someone who would say that is safe to befriend? Stay away from us. We have been abusive in the past. I don’t know if we still are, but it’s not worth the risk.
🕸️ - Webber - they/any - ageless
Webber holds our abandonment issues, and has the role of building and maintaining trust of others.
🕸️hello there :}. You’ve been reading for an awfully long time, haven’t you? I appreciate it. If you bothered reading this far, please say hello. We likely won’t message first. Most of us are too shy for that; we assume that you don’t want a message out of the blue. Ah, I should introduce myself. I’m Webber, a deity of trust. There’s nothing I value more than the trust of others.
🔥 - Xray - he/xe - primordial
Xray represents the current time and destruction. Xis role is to end or finish things, or get things over with. He does things nobody wants to do.
🔥once we are close enough with someone, we will have a boundaries conversation. We currently have 7 major boundaries, but may add more if necessary. After the boundaries conversation, we may decide to share our simplyplural with you. Any attempt to rush these two events before we’re ready will be perceived as a yellow flag and cause us to be wary of you.
🌲 - Yarrow - they/it/yey - primordial
Yarrow represents the past time and transformation. Its role is to help people see parts of themselves they hadn’t yet seen.
🌲hello. I don’t have much to add. I like writing about the alters of our system. Most of our simplyplural entries are authored by me, including the sentence description that’s written below each of our names in this introduction, which was taken from part of our simplyplural. We will share it when we are ready to share it.
🌊 - Zenith - ze/zer - primordial
Zenith represents the future time and creation. Zer role is to start new things and promote seeking out new pleasurable experiences.
🌊haiiiiiii!!!!! I’m kind of the mom of the system. But like, in a really fun and hot way. I like building people up! I also like making things. Which sometimes includes alters. We currently are maxed out at 26, but we might expand in the future, it’s getting a little tight in here.
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
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Words: 2533
Fandom: MHA x reader
Characters: Hawks, Dabi, Y/n
Summary: Dabi and Hawks trapping Y/n for being sassy, as per usual.
You were laying on the couch at the League's safe house. It was hidden below a building and was practically it's own little underground bungalow for the Leauge to stay safe at.
You were a U.A. high student, one of the most hopeful in your class followed by many of your peers. But here you were, scrolling on your phone, in the house of the very people who kidnapped you way back at the start of the year.
This was one of the many reasons you were here. Along with getting so high in the Sports Festival and having such a useful and powerful quirk. There was many reasons which made you stand out among your peers to help with an undercover investigation against the League of Villians, along with Hawks who'd already been on the case a while before you joined.
Of course, it took a lot of convincing to allow you to be a part of such a dangerous game, but surprisingly the League was very warm and opening to you. Like a messed up family. You felt a little bad for your actions, but you knew what needed to be done.
Though there were times like today, where you would have come over to check up and chill out and everything would be okay.
You were scrolling through an app on your phone at this moment, laid out across the couch.
Just then you heard the door shut and heard two very familiar voices. The number two Pro hero put his jacket on a hook, followed by none other than Dabi.
You could hear the playfulness in Hawk's voice, meaning he was most likely in a good mood.
"Im just sayin' you'd look really good"
"No. I wouldn't"
You peaked up from the couch, looking over to see Hawks hanging up his jacket and walking backwards through the door, followed by Dabi who was rolling his eyes.
"Yeahhh! Sure you would. You'd look like a princess" the winged hero teased, bowing down and getting shoved out the way as Dabi walked past him, making him chuckle.
"Good thing I'm not a princess, why don't you go do that"
"I can't, I've already got my outfit prepared-" the two walked across the room and through another door way, not paying much attention to you. They must have been arguing about something stupid- as per usual when it came to Hawk's teasing. Either way you didn't really care, until you heard the kettle boiling.
"Dabiiiii!" You yelled, hoping he would hear you.
"What?!" You heard him yell back. A smirk grew on your face but disappeared again.
"Can I have a tea?!" You yelled back. In all fairness he was actually in the room next to you, you could have used your Quirk or either of you could have actually walked to the other.
You heard him sigh and whisper something before Hawks began laughing. You smiled happily and forgot about it, scrolling through your phone again.
An hour had passed and your cup of tea came and went, but you stay glued to the couch, scrolling on your phone.
Mostly everyone in the League was out doing something or other, and you didn't want to go back to the dorms just yet, though you knew you'd have to be back for dinner.
For the moment you just wanted to laze around in a quiet setting without fear of Kaminari bursting through your door getting chased around by Ashido again. Or hearing Bakugou screaming at Midoryia.
You were laid, sprawled across the couch with your legs on the other arm rest while your head was just below the other one, a pillow there to keep you comfy even if you didn't entirely fill it up.
"Move it" You looked up from your phone, only to look back down to ignore the request.
Dabi was standing by your legs, motioning to them to ask you to move so he could sit down. He had the remote in one of his hands.
He gave you a look when you ignored him, a slight sly grin growing there. You weren't sure where Hawk's had gone off to, but didn't really care either.
"Y/n, move your legs"
"Nah, comfy" you didn't bother to look up at him, just dinner while on your phone, crossing your legs just to be annoying to him.
"Right, comfy" the smirk on his face grew without your knowledge as his voice always seemed so monotone, but then suddenly you felt something big drop onto your shins.
"ooF- what the-" you looked at whatever it was on your legs from behind your phone, only to see Dabi sat back happily leaning against your feet/ankles with one elbow, resting his head as his other hand began to scroll through the channels on TV.
"Get off me" You gave him a deadpan look, no longer finding the humour in the situation of annoying him.
This time the fire villain ignored you, scrolling through news and Peppa pig episodes.
You tried to wiggle your legs, just wiggling around beneath his ass as he tried to stay still to watch his show.
"ooF, you lump get off me!"
You continued to wiggle around, wiggling your feet so he would loose balance from leaning on your hand. You burst out laughing as he did so, his head very comedically falling down and having to grab the sofa to stop from falling.
You were laughing as he turned to stare at you, a grin wide on his face from your confidence to mess around with him.
"Oh you think that's funny do you?" Suddenly you felt a hand on your waist, wiggling it's fingers into your side.
"Hahah-HEYHE! Gehet off!"
"Nah, comfy" Dabi's shit eating grin was always a bad sign whenever it came with his playful side. He continued to tickle your side until you were literally halfway off the couch, still trapped by his weight on your legs.
However instead he gave you a break for a moment, making you catch your breath and sort yourself out again. You rolled your eyes at him, calling him a name until you saw that glint in his eyes.
"Oh, we're not done" then suddenly he had one hand run up the sole of your foot. You yelled, pushing yourself upwards and falling back down again with a yelp.
"Ooo- fun reaction" he grinned. You gave him a look, feeling as your cheeks heated up and trued to wiggle your legs free.
Then again though, he decided to start tickling your feet with one hand while watching TV, completely ignoring you as he wiggled his fingers up and down one of your feet, and on to the other, back and forth.
"SHIT- DAHABI!" You burst out laughing, wanting to wipe the smug look off his face as he ignored you and your kicking from beneath him. You tried to scrunch up your toes to curl your feet but no matter what you did he didn't stop tickling you, making you hold your waist and laugh hysterically, kicking and trying to stop him anyway you could.
However he paid no attention to you, even yawning while watching one episode of Peppa pig on the TV and rolling his eyes at it.
Nobody would ever see this side of him, nobody other than the League. And as much as you hated it, it was also one of your favourite parts. He was usually so dark and gloomy, like a teenage boy going through an ever lasting emo phase. But sometimes he was like the big brother you never had. Whether it was buying you icecream at the shop every once in a while or being a massive dick and trapping you with tickles without mercy. It was always something kind in his own way.
Though he was definitely malicious.
You arched your back, laughing as he wouldn't let up, a smirk on his face growing as he gave you the side eye.
You jumped up in a final attempt to stop him, leaning over him as if making a Dabi sandwich with your body.
And in that moment you fell into yet another one of his traps. He grabbed between your neck and shoulder, right between in one of the pressure points and squeezed it a couple times. You jumped and yelled, pushing him with a wide smile across your face.
It tickled like hell, but of course it was Dabi, he changed spots to your sides making you laugh hysterically and quickly dive your arms to yous sides, scrunching yourself up.
"You alright Y/n? You're a bit jumpy, not comfortable anymore?" You could hear the smirk smacked across his face as he taunted you, you just wacked him off, giggling and laughing as he had you trapped beneath him.
"GeEhEt OhoOHFF!"
Somehow lady luck was on your side and you were freed of the tickling, though he never moved off of you. You just slumped back in your original position, laid across the couch with Dabi sat on your legs.
You were very giggly and wiping all the ghostly tickles off your body. You hid behind your hands and heard the elder laugh before going back to watching his show, now Dora the Explorer on TV.
You'd never understand how Dabi worked, buy turned your head and watched from between your fingers. This lasted a few minutes before suddenly there was another lump on your thighs and hips, making you grunt again.
"You're too close"
"You love it"
You just looked up to see now another person sat on you, this time it being the winged hero, happily sat nexted to Dabi with a packet of popcorn which the other snatched a handful off and threw in his mouth.
You just looked at them both, flabbergasted.
This had to be child abuse. Of some kind.
"Get off me?!"
"Noisey couch" Hawks teased, talking to Dabi as if you weren't there, poking your belly making you yelp.
"You should have heard it a second ago. Very wiggly" Dabi teased, tickling your foot again and making you wiggle and laugh, holding yourself and begging him to stop quickly.
"Oooo! That was cool, has it got settings to do that again?" Hawks teased, looking at Dabi, telling him to do it again.
"Yeah, here" this time he reached under him and tickled your shins, gripping them and squeezing them repeatedly to make you jump and wiggle around in laughter.
"FhUhUCk! DAhAhBi!"
"Woah! Language kid" Hawks looked down at you, breaking chatacter a little but sending a feather to your nose making you scrunch up before it ran down to your neck and made you shake your head with giggles.
"Sohorry- sHIHIT DABI- HAHAWKS GET HIHIM TO STOHOP!" Again the devilfish young adult had a usual evil grin on his face as tickled your feet again, this making you jump up again and fall back down after failing an attempt at getting him to stop.
The sudden movement made Hawks burst out laughing, leaning back and watching you lean over to attack Dabi or at least save yourself, to no prevale.
You fell back down when a feather ran down your neck, as if falling into a fit of giggles as the two continued to bully and torment you to no end.
"StAHaAp! aAgH! I caHaAnt-" you called out, now Hawks having a hand on your waist and Dabi enjoying his own torment on your lower half.
"We're Baaack!" There was a voice that called out, along with a door closed and multiple sets of steps.
Toga skipped in, followed by Twice and Spinner. Dabi and Hawk's both stopped suddenly and you laid back, half dead, blushing and hiding your face with a pillow so Toga and the others wouldn't see.
"Hey Toga" Dabi grinned, knowing how embarrassed you would be whilst Hawks gave a tiny wave with a smile.
"Why are you guys sitting on Y/n?" Spinner asked, putting a bag on the table and giving you all a weird look.
"She was comfy, and we wanted to watch TV" Dabi shrugged. Suddenly Twice jumped over the couch and landed right on top of you too, excitedly look at the TV.
"I hate this show!?"
Of course he argued with himself for a moment before actually realised he was sat on top of you, making himself jump up and ask whether you were okay.
You just grunted a yeah from behind your pillow and felt as Twice sat down in front of the couch, watching Dora The Explorer intensely.
You were trapped for another half an hour or so, for some reason everyone crowded around the couchtk watch Dora The Explorer together. Something nobody would ever expect from a group of killers, but here you were, tickled half to death by at least one of them.
By the end of the episode however, you had to head off and go back to the dorms. Hawks deciding to take you back as it was getting late and also a way to catch up with the mission. You waved everyone goodbye as he got his coat, Toga and Twice were playing Mario Cart against one another and giving you a wave goodbye while playing and Spinner was sat in an armchair on his phone, smiling and waving goodbye.
Dabi however was stood in the doorway with a drink, either tea or coffee, you weren't sure. You gave him a smirk and a look, which he happily returned back to you by ruffling your hair as he passed you to go to his room.
"Cya bird brains"
Hawks rolled his eyes as Dabi flipped you both off on his way off, even with his back turned you could tell he was smirking either way. Lighthearted banter for even villians.
Hawks and you both left, a benie on your head and stepping back out into one of the many alleyways in the city.
Hawks closed the door behind you both and you both walked down, seeing your breath as the weather had been getting colder and colder recently.
Of course he teased you, making you gibe him a soft punch. He raised his hands in defeat and laughed, both of you heading off into the roads now off to the train station. He ruffled your hair and waved you off, checking you were okay before you almost missed your train.
"Cya round (nickname)"
"See you, bye"
As you sat down on the train however, you looked through the window to see Hawks waving at you, a ting smirk on his face which confused you- right until you felt something tickle around your midsection making you burst pit into giggles, covering your mouth so- hopefully- nobody would notice.
You gave Hawks a death stare as the feather shot out from under your shirt and ran back out the train doors right before they shut. Hawks was stood outside waving and laughing where as inside you rolled your eyes at him.
That was the last time you would mess with either of them.
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hey there! my name is nura from canada and im very happy to have come across your blog! i used to casually watch ipkknd with my mom when it first aired more than 10 yrs ago but i didn't remember anything besides the leads so now im watching it all over again and im HOOKED. im glad that there is a fandom for the show, i would've hated feeling so alone in my love for this show.
i was going thru your posts and i noticed in one recent ask you had answered smth along the lines of the general disinterest of the cast for the show and i think their unwillingness to do anything more with the show. can you pls elaborate a little on this as i have no idea what this show was like behind the scenes. i apologize in advance in case i am misinterpreting your answer!
thank you and i can't wait to dive deeper into your blog and possibly bug you even more as i continue my rewatch 💙💙
- nura
Hello fellow Canadian :)
I am so glad you're enjoying watching IPKKND!!! Fandom makes things memorable for everyone :) I've met some of my closest friends due to this show and it's so exciting to chat up about everything you liked about it!!!
Oh don't worry, the cast is actually the best friends off screen. Barun (Arnav), Sanaya (Khushi) and I think Akshay (Akash) even live in the same building! And they all (which includes Daljeet [Anjali], Abhaas [Shyam] and the writer Gautam) often keep hanging out with each other and going on trips together!
The show was also amazing off screen, you'd roll off your bed laughing at their chaotic behind the screen interviews.
Interviewer asks about why Khushi wants to leave post Arnav telling her she's the biggest mistake of his life scene:
Sanaya: Oh nothing, you see my husband has some gas issues.
Barun (yawning and laughing): Haan I have gas.
Sanaya: Exactly, so I need to take a break from this.
But yeah Barun himself quit the show (thank God) because he (accurately) didn't see where the show was going and why he needed to be a part of it. Also the cast in general, especially the leads aren't invested in simply seeing IPK again on screen. Which, understandable. A lot of writing and effort went into making IPK in the first place - to simply see it again as a cash grab (which they did with Ek Jashn) doesn't seem like reason enough. Also Sanaya and Barun have made it very very clear that they really aren't into daily soaps and would much prefer to be in limited series and they're both beyond what IPK is.
Barun has consciously chosen characters that are non romantic in nature to shed off the 'romance' projects. Which is a bit of a shame because few people sell romance the way he does! Sanaya is chilling. Lol she always is.
It's nothing bad, it's just that naturally they're probably not as attached to the show as much as the fans are because tbh, how famous or a classic IPK is was understood some time after the show ended as opposed to when it ran.
It's not like they don't like the show - of course they do granted that it put a few of them on the map, it was a different show and they found great friends out of it - but there actually doesn't seem to be any active engagement regarding the show.
Some examples of when you can see the cast being devoted to their shows like their fans would include the cast of Sarabhai V/S Sarabhai (there was a cute insta reel a few months ago of all of them singing the title song of the show) or Arjun Bijlani from Miley Jab Hum Tum - dude genuinely loves his show so much that when he's clean shaven he posts on Insta that it's #Mayank (which was his character's name).
And it's not a bad thing, it's just that the actors aren't invested in the show they did ten years ago - which happens. In several interviews Barun has little comments on Arnav, he has more of a critical analysis why IPK was different and the writing of the show (he's more inclined to writing in general). And Sanaya also has very little to say about Khushi apart from it being similar to her so she had fun playing it. I think in the recent most interviews where they had questions regarding 'what would their character do' currently or were asked to behave like their characters - they were both a little lost on what to do and had nothing apart from a few funny comments.
Which, again, isn't a bad thing at all.
In fact it probably tells what a big role the writer and director play in fleshing out these characters! Gautam Hegde (the writer) still waxes some of the most beautiful lines about IPKKND.
And if anything the Rewind showed that Barun gets ASR only if there's a purpose to it. And Sanaya can switch into Khushi when she's performing somewhere.
It can feel a bit bittersweet for a fan because a show means so much for a viewing experience. So I won't say that the cast is 'unwilling' - I'd say they're reluctant.
And that's different.
I don't think Barun and Sanaya would ever reprise Arnav and Khushi beyond an hour of shooting if there wasn't anything meaningful to it.
So keeping all this in mind I'm very happy not seeing IPK on screen because current Indian television landscape is terrible and if there's no actual purpose to bringing IPK on screen then what?
It'll just be a Season 3 of Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Rise Bhi or Season 2 of Pratigya!
And canonically Arnav and Khushi got their happily ever after and I'd love it to remain that way.
Lol this was a long answer!!!
Much love Nura,
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kafus · 1 year
i'm very excited for the new kaf song tomorrow judging by the tiny preview they've posted of it, mondo grosso good and it sounds amazing so far, however i'm having really conflicted feelings on the teaser of the music video
excuse me for the quality of these screencaps, this is the best i got
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kaf's model maybe looks kind of different here? not like how kiji is supposed to look? she is literally SO far away it's impossible to actually tell for sure, not to mention this mv is absolutely drowned in intense lighting effects and static, but
the reason i bring this up is because. some cursed knowledge for you all. kamitsubaki does semi frequent art exhibitions you can go to in real life in japan, consisting of various media and often technical experiments. like i know there was some sort of VR experience pertaining to VWP at the last one where they had VR headsets in the location for people to put on in a specific room. but anyways they also decided it would be a good idea to make. a realistic looking kaf??? there was a whole art display dedicated to this realistic kaf model and tldr it's just really jarring and weird. i'm literally going to put it under a cut cause it weirds me out LOL
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NOW all of that being said. YES i am wondering if the kaf in this mv is This Model, which it very well could not be because i can't fucking See anything (like this "virtual human" kaf has a part in her hair, it's not just flat round across the top of her head, but this mv preview is SO staticy i literally can't make out whether she has a part or not)... and like i sure hope it isn't BUT. but. if it IS the virtual human model and they're experimenting with it again for some fucking reason, they better make it look cool and actually make me like the mv regardless. i'm hoping that if it is, her being in different lighting instead of starkly lit on a white background in an uncanny way and environment will not make me hate it and at most just be kind of amused by it/not able to take it seriously
(also for those who aren't into kaf or not as much and may be super befuddled by this, no this is not and will never replace her model even if it is used in this mv, this is like an alternative art project for kamitsubaki and not a new normal. if it was i think the fandom would be out for piedpiper's blood. i'm fine with them being a little goofy from time to time i don't think anyone would be super chill about them fully replacing kaf with uncanny real woman)
edit: OH YEAH I MEANT TO SAY ALSO laplace is back so even if it is VH kaf im so excited to see my fish guy i'm winning
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razzmothazz · 8 months
fuck it. more oc rambles but its all just random things i thought of
Makoto is a huge kikuo fan!!! also speaking of his music taste, i imagine that if he ever finds n25s music he will also love it and be a fan :3 he mostly listens to weird/obscure/sad[ish?] stuff, but one day he overheard someone talk about mmj and decided to check them out, cause he never rlly knew/was into an idol group before and wanted to see what those are about. he fell in love IMMEDIATELY. he felt a comforting warmth in his chest when he listened to them and became a huge fan of their music!!
it took him a while to actually get the hang of the idol thing, but after being very stupid [/aff] about it on his blog people explained it to him HSHDHDIDH. he decided haruka is his fave simply cause she seemed the most put together and thats the kind of people he admires, but as he got deeper into the fandom(i guess u can call it that??) and learnt more about the idols he started sharing the same respect for all of them! haruka is still his favourite tho tee hee.
speaking of haruka! he actually met her AFTER he became a fan by chance and it was the most awkward thing ever. he was waiting for his sister in front of the girls school and saw her walking by, she noticed him and complimented his earring and he just. gave it to her. his mind bluescreened and so it seemed like the most reasonable reaction to an idol complimenting you on something.is to just. give it to them???? he did mention hes a fan tho, so she accepted the gift sjjdjdhskdhfb you can imagine his face when he saw minori run over to haruka after she walked away from that awkward interaction of theirs. he was SHOCKED.
oh yeah ive decided also that he has a part-time job at a music store his family owns! his grandma is the owner so he helps out there a lot, and is also how he met shiho!! she would come around there quite often so they ended up chatting a lot and eventually became friends :3 it took a while tho since theyre both not that talkative, but eventually bonded over their taste in music amd instruments. they often send eachother song recommendations :3
his work at the shop also led him to be close with an! Ken would often get equipment from them and sometimes an would go with him or get stuff by herself, either buying new stuff or sending something for repairs and whatnot. they knew eachother for a few years, and when he learned she makes her own music he was very excited for her and would often watch her perform, later cheering her on when she was part of vbs [which is how he got to know kohane, akito and toya]. he admires how hard working and responsible she is and sees her and ken as family :3
AND SPEAKING OF VBS- he found himself getting along with toya very quickly, since theyre similar in many ways! they enjoy hanging out at weekend garage and just peacefully drinking tea/coffee in comfortable silence, which others find. a bit odd. they have mutual respect for eachother and find the others presence calming.
when it comes to akito tho... they dont exactly get along. makoto is very chill, but something about akito and his temper kinda bugs him.. he sees him as somewhat responsible but way too impulsive and competitive, hes still nice and doesnt comment on those things because akito seems to be a great friend to vbs and is definitely not a horrible person or anything. basically not annoying enough to get worked up about it but annoying enough to just Not Enjoy His Presence All That Much. not like akito likes makoto much either, he kinda sees makoto as a guy that has no backbone and finds him quite boring. however they have something of a mutual respect of The Grind. if you will.
wow im rlly just going on and on here okay last one to finish off the vbs thing!!! kohane!! makoto doesnt spend much time with her but an talks about her a lot, and from her words shes an amazing friend and partner, so he has a lot of respect for her!! whoever makes an this happy will get his admiration and respect, not to mention he sees how hard kohane works too and thinks thats amazing :3
okay thats all for now im back to being normal [not]
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ranhaitanisgf · 8 months
i’m here to spread well known awareness that the next season of tokyo revengers will contain BONTEN PEOPLE.
this better revive the tokyo rev fandom for at least 2 months and i’ll be satisfied.
i’m on the edge of my seat for bonten!sanzu to be animated holy shit 😭😭.
OMGGG i would literally be able to die happy if bonten was able to make the fandom come back tbh ... GUYS PLS COME BACK WE'RE SO CHILL !!!!
SAME THO CAUSE LIKE ...... i get the bonten hype now .... WAITING FOR RAN AND RINDOUUUU (+sanzu mr crazy man ig..... jk jk ....) watch me screenshot every single moment of ran that i can bc i am CRAZY .
im wondering though when they will release fourth season!! bc the spacing between s1 and then s2+3 was very strange ... s1 came out like 2021, but then both s2+3 came out in 2023, so i wonder if they'll make the final arc into a 25-26 episode season or if they'll split it into parts ??? i also think it's interesting that s2+3 both have white noise as the opening, which makes me think that the closer releases was because it was technically one season but split into two parts/arcs????? idk im sorry im literally just yapping LMAOAOA
okay actually LET ME COOK (dont) but honestly the whole timing/pacing i think is veryyyy interesting b/c why did they end s3 right at the hospital scene w/ kakucho ???? like that was sooo random ?? the other seasons ended with mr mitchy at least going into the new future, but they didn't even show the end of the rest of the 'past' of tenjiku arc (if that makes any sense) like the scene w at the riverside, (thats where i thought they would end it tbh ..) IDK IDK dont let me cook actually .
so sorry i turned this into a yap sesh .
ANYWAYS U GUYS LETS GET EXCITED ABT BONTEN CAUSE KFHFHDKJGH IM HYPEDDDDD ASF im literally gonna spam post sooo much just word vomit when they come out i swearrrr ,,, &&&&& IT BETTER BE SOON I DONT WANNA WAIT SO DAMN LONG !!!
(also hope ur day / night is going well new mootie :3)
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shedidntevenswear · 9 months
Dang, I’m disheartened by you validating the anon who said that Taylor’s life is currently “performance art”. Maybe you missed that part of their long ask (I hope so!) because that is an incredibly dehumanizing and weirdly chilling sentiment to put forward. You can criticize her decisions or be disappointed without buying into conspiracies.
Also, no offense to your or anon, but throwing in vapes and Travis amongst the list of “criticisms she’s ignoring” was a real-head scratcher. Because what do vapes or Travis have to do her relative political silence? It’s seems clear to me from the language anon uses what section of the fandom they come from, and that’s their prerogative. But if you subscribe to that part of the fandom, can you kindly make that clear? As a gay woman, I simply don’t have energy for that particular conspiracy on my dash in 2024. Thanks.
I'll be so honest I don't even know what the vape thing is referring to lol but I felt like it was such a long message that if I responded to one thing in particular I had to respond to several so I opted for just validating the opinion (as in, "so fair to have these thoughts and opinions thanks for sharing", not "yes i agree with everything you just typed" which is why i used "valid" rather than "agree" but i realize that for sure could have been lost in translation).
the larger convo that ask was part of is an interesting one to me and one i definitely have my own opinions and stuff on but i think everyone has their own calculations of what matters most and in what way to them that everyone is gonna come to varied conclusions so i've been trying to go about it in more of an open curiosity way but this is good feedback that i can be more critical or clear about what im actually endorsing versus what im just submitting into the convo as a point someone shared so that everyone feels heard lol i will be better!
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