#instead of it being drippy now it disintegrates thanks for coming to my ted talk
spearxwind · 2 years
oh snap wait when did you give adri broken halo stuff? :o is it related to, like, the angelic theme for the body/code/mechanical stuff he's in?
it's been a while!! I havent actually been able to draw him a whole lot though, buuuuuut *checks sketchbook* I gave him the halo back on feb 23rd or so!
and it is totally related :] since his halo is now the markings around his neck its got the symbolism of it slipping down to choke him // him using it as a weapon
also funny enough he had a halo back in his first days too! a drippy inky ring with a couple horns! and he had it in my OG attempt for a monster form too which was... you guessed it... a snake
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It eventually evolved to no longer be drippy and was just a thin halo with horns. I honestly don't remember why I relinquished it though, he had it for a good while. I guess it was during my whole design experiment phase?? It was always optional but at some point I just stopped drawing it behind him whihc is a shame. anyway now its always there in some way :)
Here's a bonus doodle of him with it in human form since I had yet to draw it
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