#instead what we got in the movie was wet sopping dog. and it's like yes that is a stage in bruce's life. but not until at least fifteen
roobylavender · 9 months
i feel like this isn't something that really comes across in all of my reeves verse batman hate but i genuinely do still like the castings for the movie like they were good and frankly as much as i don't trust rpatz at all as a person i do think he's an incredibly talented actor and i do think he had all the potential to play a compelling bruce. the problem is that he was given a script to play a manchild
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idiosinkrasies · 5 years
power outage
(John's POV)
"You know what I haven't done in like, forever?" My best friend, Smii7y, asks me while we're on a discord call together after a recording session.
"What?" I ask in response to his previous question.
"Had a sleepover. Like a real one, with movies and staying up late and all of that stuff." He says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And now that I think about it, the last time I had been to a sleepover was in 8th grade.
"Huh, now that you mention it, same here." After a few moments of comfortable silence, he decides to speak up.
"You wanna have a sleepover? I can be at your place in under an hour." (pretend they live in the same state and country for that matter.) He says suddenly, making my eyes widen slightly at his request.
"Uhh, sure, I'll see you in an hour or less, then?"
"Hell yeah, you will, biotch, later John!" He says and ends the call before I can say anything. I sit back in my chair and look around at my room, my messy room.
"I need to clean this shit up," I say to myself, getting up and making my way down to the kitchen to fill up my water bottle before heading back up to get everything ready for tonight.
Timeskip like 50 minutes
"Aaaaaaaand done!" I say, putting the last pillow on the now made guest bed. I look up and around the room to see all the work that was done, only to hear the sound of rain hitting the roof and windows. Huh. I must have been to busy with cleaning to notice the rain.
"I hope Smitty has an umbrella," I say to myself, wondering if he was caught in the rain or not.
My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of my doorbell. Speak of the devil and he shall come, I guess. I make my way through the house and over to the door. I open it only to be greeted by a sopping Smitty, who looks like he regrets all his life decisions. An amused smile makes its way onto my face and I snort a little.
"Would you like to come in?" I say and he looks at me like he wants to kill me.
"You know what? No, I wouldn't, I'd like to stay out here in the cold, dark rain, with the possibility of getting sick, instead of going inside to change into some warm and dry clothes. Yes, you ballsack, I want to come in." He says before pushing passed me and into my house, where he drops his, soaking wet, bag onto a nearby chair and shaking his head like a dog.
"Hey!" I say, trying to block some of the water with my arms and laughing. He stops and moves over to his bag on the chair.
"Ah shit, all my clothes are wet now." He says, pulling out wet clothes.
"I can wash those for you, and you can borrow some of my things for now, if you want," I say looking away from him and making my way over to my room, thank god my house only has one floor.
"That would be awesome, but would any of your stuff fit me?" He says as he follows me into my room, pointing out the somewhat noticeable side difference between us as I reach into the bottom drawer of my dresser and pull out some of my older shirts and pants.
"I'm sure I have some older stuff you can use." I pull out some of the smaller ones that are still comfortable and hold them out to him.
"Great, I'm getting your hand-me-downs." He says sarcastically.
"Don't act so excited," I replied raising my eyebrows.
"Shut up," He says grabbing the clothes from my hands and walking over to my bathroom. I watched as he walked away before grabbing the rest of his stuff and bringing it over to the guest room and placing it at the end of the bed, luckily it wasn't as soaking wet as him.
"Yo Smit! You want something to drink?" I yell as I walk over to the kitchen.
"I'll have water, thanks!" He yells back and I grab a glass, filling it with water and also grabbing a can of ginger ale for myself. I crack open the can and take a sip when I hear the door to the bathroom in my room open up. I take another drink and look over to where the smaller man should be entering from only to choke on my drink.
Oh my god, he's so fucking adorable. The shirt I gave him was just slightly oversized, showing off his pale neck and collarbones. The pants were perfect around his waist but trailed along the floor. A flood of thoughts rush into my mind and my face turns light pink as I start to cough from, y'know, choking on my drink.
Smitty's face morphs into one of concern and he rushes over to me and pats my back as I keel over on myself. Soon my coughing fit is over and my blush dies down and I can talk like a normal person again.
"Are you ok John? What just happened?" He sputtered out as I stood up straight again, hitting my chest with my fist a couple of times.
"I think I just inhaled some ginger ale, I'll be fine, thanks though." I don't mention the fact that I only choked because I thought he was cute, but I don't think that would go over to well.
"Well ok, you wanna watch a movie? Or do you want to change first?" He asks.
"Yeah, we can watch a movie, but I'll change first, you can pick one out," I say, walking towards my room while he makes his way to the living room where the tv is.
I close the door and walk over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of comfortable pants and a tank-top, laying them on the bed. I take off my shirt and pants, leaving me in nothing but my boxers and pull on the soft pants and the tank-top.
I make my way out of the room and meander over to where Smitty had already started the movie.
"So what're we watchin tonight Smit?" I say, stretching my back by pressing my arms up over my head, away from my body. When I stop and look over to the brunet next to me, I see that his face is red and he's just staring at me. "Uhhhh, Smitty? You there bud?" With a smile, I jokingly wave my hand in front of his face. He blinks.
"Oh, uhh, yeah, I'm fine, just got distracted is all." His face gets redder.
"Oh, were you too distracted by my attractiveness?" I ask and his face reddens even more. "Oh, you were? Interesting..." I trail off and sit down on the couch, looking up to see what movie we're watching.
"Oh, Annabelle, didn't peg you for a horror movie kind of guy, you sure you're up for it, man?" I say, teasingly.
"I wouldn't so cocky if I were you." We both turn to the movie, watching in silence with the occasional quip or side comment.
Later on in the movie, rain still pouring, the lights flicker and Smitty seems to tense up slightly.
"It's ok, I don't think the power'll go out." Right as I said that the entire house goes pitch black and I hear a scared noise from Smitty as he grabs onto my sleeveless arm and holds on for dear life.
"Whoa, you ok there?" I ask, my face heating up slightly.
"No, I'm not. It was a bad idea to watch that stupid movie and now the fucking power's out!" He says like he was berating himself for something.
"I can grab some flashlights if you want," I say, starting to get up from where I was, only for the smaller man to hold on tighter to me.
"No don't leave me. I don't want to be alone." I can hear the fear in his voice as he practically claws at my exposed arm.
He's so cute wtf
I sigh. "Ok fine, I have my phone, we can use that," I say and turn on my phone's flashlight.
"Thank you." He mumbles into my shoulder. I smile fondly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask him, rubbing his back gently.
"No, I-" he was cut off by a loud bout of thunder making him whimper and move his face to press into my chest.
"Hey hey hey, it's ok, I'm here," I lift his face up to look him in the eyes. "Don't worry."
I can see tears streaming down his face with a scared expression painted on. I noticed how his eyes flick around my face and land on my lips. Suddenly I'm overwhelmed with the urge to lean in and kiss him.
He beats me to that though as soon his lips meet mine. It only lasts for about five seconds, but those five seconds were the best of my life.
I follow him slightly when he pulls away, wanting more than what I got. I open my eyes slightly and see that's he's blushing like crazy. His eyes shoot open.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, that was stupid of me, you probably hate me now, I'm so fucking sorry, I-I-" I cut him off with another kiss.
Our lips move in sync with each other, a dance only known to the two of us. I place a hand on his hip while he cups my face making me melt more into the kiss.
Sadly we had to pull away for air, but we stayed close, foreheads pressed together and lips barely touching.
"I could never hate you, you mean too much to me." Tears welled up in the corner of his multicolored eyes and I kissed them away.
"Thank you." He said, his voice shaking. And there we stayed for the rest of the night, even when the power came back in and the rain died down. With the tv in the background and my arms wrapped around him, we fell asleep together. Happy and content where we are.
I'm in love with my best friend, and that's only the beginning of it.
Originally posted on wattpad
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keiraknighted · 6 years
Now I’m Addicted (Chapter 4)
AO3 // ff.net
Once Clarke is over the shock of Wells coming home early, she’s actually happy to have him home. Yeah, maybe he doesn’t fuck her quite as good as Bellamy does. But he loves her, and she loves him and he’s her best friend. And as long as he doesn’t find out about Bellamy, Clarke plans to keep it that way.
Bellamy never replies to her message, but she can see that he’s seen it, and when she and Wells get home from dinner, there is no trace of him in the apartment. She takes Wells to their bedroom and they make love on clean sheets that Bellamy must have changed while they were out. She doesn’t come, but it’s still nice.
They spend the day together on Saturday, and Wells pretends to be offended when Clarke leaves the house on Saturday night to go out for drinks with Octavia and Raven. But Raven has such a busy schedule that if Clarke doesn’t see her tonight, she probably won’t see her for another three months.
They meet at their usual hangout spot, and it’s been weeks since she’s seen either of them, so there’s plenty to catch up on. Raven is dating some guy named Shaw, and Octavia is pretty sure there’s a woman at work that’s into her. But weirdly, Octavia is much more interested in Clarke.
“What’s up with you and my brother?” she asks, sipping at her gin and tonic. Clarke almost chokes on her own drink.
“What do you mean?” she asks.
Octavia raises an eyebrow. “You know what I mean. He was at your house, taking care of you. Since when are you even friends?”
Clarke shrugs, swirling her straw in her drink. “We had a good time at Lana Del Rey.” An understatement. “He’s not as bad as I thought.”
“I never thought I’d see the day,” Raven laughs.
“So, what? You were sick and you called him?” Octavia presses. And okay, to be fair, Octavia has every reason to be suspicious. Clarke has known Bellamy for seven years and they’ve never once hung out alone together.
“I didn’t call him,” Clarke huffs. “He called me to… see if I wanted to hang out. Because we’re friends. And I happened to be sick.”
“If you say so,” Octavia says. Thankfully she’s satisfied enough to change the subject. But Clarke can’t help but feel a little uneasy. Does Octavia know something? Or suspect something? Or does she just think it’s weird that after seven years Clarke suddenly decided she likes her brother?
 Clarke is up making coffee the next morning, Wells still asleep in bed, when Bellamy rings. She stares at her phone for a moment, her heart thudding.
“Bellamy?” she answers. When he hadn’t responded to her text the other night, she thought he might be mad at her, so she’s a little surprised that he’s calling. Plus, though she’d never said it out loud, she kind of assumed she would always be the one doing the booty calling.
“Octavia doesn’t believe me that you and I are friends,” Bellamy says.
Clarke grins. “She wouldn’t believe me either.”
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
“What are you doing today? We should hang out.”
Clarke bites her lip. She doesn’t have any plans with Wells today, and her throbbing pussy is currently reminding her she never got her scheduled orgasm on Friday. “Okay,” Clarke agrees, already anticipating what he’ll do to her.
“Come over to my place when you can?”
“Sure,” Clarke agrees. “See you soon,” she says, ending the call. She takes the coffee back into the bedroom. Wells groans as she wakes him up.
“Hey,” she says softly, handing him a cup of coffee while he squints at her. “You didn’t have any plans for us today, did you, babe?”
Wells shakes his head, sipping the coffee. “Why?”
“Bellamy asked me if I want to hang out,” Clarke says. Better to go with mostly the truth.
Wells frowns. “Bellamy? You hate him.”
“I don’t hate him.”
“You think he’s annoying and no fun.”
“I changed my mind. We’re friends now.”
Wells stares at her a moment longer. “Okay. Whatever. These Blakes keep stealing you from me,” he jokes.
Clarke smiles at him. “I’m sure I won’t be out long. We can watch the new episode of that doctor show you like when I get home.”
“Okay,” Wells murmurs. He leans in for a kiss and Clarke obliges, before Wells falls back against the pillows.
Clarke heads for the shower then, and puts on a tiny skirt after towelling herself off, not bothering with panties. Bellamy will probably only take them from her anyway. She gives Wells a kiss on the head before she goes out.
She’s already dripping wet when she reaches Bellamy’s apartment building, just from fantasising about him fucking her. He buzzes her up, and she���s ready for him to grab her and fuck her against the wall as soon as he opens the door to his apartment. But instead he walks out into the hallway with a picnic basket and says, “Ready to go?” He closes the door.
“Go where?” Clarke asks, confused.
Bellamy shrugs. He holds up the basket. “For a picnic.”
“A picnic?”
“You don’t like picnics?”
“I mean… picnics are fine,” Clarke says. “But we’re really just hanging out? You didn’t ask me here so you could fuck my brains out?”
Bellamy shakes his head. “I’m trying to prove to Octavia that you and I are friends. That means we have to hang out without having sex.”
Clarke pouts. “But I didn’t put on panties.”
Bellamy groans, looking pained. He grabs her hand and pulls her close. Clarke closes her eyes, sure he’s going to kiss her. “Don’t make this any harder than it is,” he whispers. Then he lets her go, and Clarke opens her eyes to see him striding off down the hallway. She hurries to catch up with him. Clarke half expects him to burst out laughing and tell her this is some elaborate prank and then take her to a fancy hotel.
They take his car, and he opens the door for her and then puts the picnic basket in the back and settles himself behind the wheel. Clarke tries to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. She’s not even sure why she suddenly feels so nervous. It’s just Bellamy. Stupid Bellamy she’s known for seven years, who’s fucked her too many times to count, and who now apparently wants to be her friend.
“You okay?” he asks, starting the car.
Clarke nods shortly. “Of course.”
They drive for an hour, and Bellamy manages to makes conversation the whole way. Clarke is sure she must have responded in some way, but she can’t remember a thing she said now, as he pulls into a gravel drive that leads to a parking lot. There are a few other cars parked haphazardly, there are no lines to mark the spaces. Bellamy pulls up and turns off the car.
“Where are we?” Clarke asks, unclipping her seatbelt.
“Lake Patterson.”
She can’t see the lake from here, there are pine trees in every direction. Bellamy gets out of the car and grabs the picnic basket, and Clarke follows.
They walk along a track to the lake, and Bellamy finds a clear spot amongst the pine trees to put the blanket down, with a clear view of the lake and the track around it. They pass a woman jogging around the lake, and a couple of people walking their dogs, but other than that, the place is pretty deserted.
Bellamy sits down on the blanket and Clarke copies, her eyes on him the whole time. She folds her legs under herself as Bellamy starts pulling things out of the picnic basket.
“You want ham or chicken?” Bellamy asks, holding up two sandwiches.
“Chicken,” Clarke tells him, though she doesn’t really care either way. He hands her the sandwich and starts unwrapping his own. He looks at Clarke, frowning at her as she cradles her sandwich. She bites her lip.
“Are you okay?” Bellamy asks. “You’re acting weird.”
The truth is, Clarke can’t help but think that this whole thing feels like… well, a date. And she knows it’s not, because she has a boyfriend and Bellamy doesn’t want her like that anyway. It’s just sex and friendship. But she’s never been on a picnic with someone who was a just a friend before. Friend stuff is going to the movies, or going to brunch, or going to a bar for a drink. And then as she imagines doing any of those things with Bellamy, she realises they would feel like dates too.
Does she want to be on a date with him?
“I’m fine,” Clarke says, clearing her throat. “Just thinking about how I would have put on underwear if I knew we weren’t having sex.”
Bellamy laughs. “I like it when you don’t wear underwear.”
“Do you say that to all your friends?”
“Good point,” Bellamy says. “Comment retracted. I’m not thinking about your underwear or the fact that you aren’t wearing any.”
“Is that so? What are you thinking about then?”
“I’m thinking about how I wish you picked ham,” Bellamy grins. Clarke laughs and hands her sandwich over.
She relaxes a little then, and manages to enjoy her lunch and the company without dwelling too much on how it makes her feel. She doesn’t, however, manage to stop herself from thinking about him putting his mouth on her.
They finish eating, and Bellamy packs the rubbish and leftovers back into the basket.
“I’m not ready to go home yet,” Clarke tells him. Wells is probably wondering where she is. She hasn’t checked her phone since she got out of the car. She doesn’t really care.
“We could walk around the lake,” Bellamy suggests. Clarke screws up her nose. “Or… take a nap?”
“Nap sounds good,” Clarke grins. She lies down, and Bellamy does the same. He scoots closer to her, lying on his side, his body only just touching hers. She can feel his erection pressing against her thigh, and she feels her pussy throb.
“This doesn’t feel very friend-like,” she murmurs.
“Well, we managed to get through a whole lunch without touching each other.”
“Does it count if I was thinking about you fucking me the whole time?”
“I fucking hope so,” Bellamy says. “Cause that’s all I was thinking about too.”
He lifts his hand, watching her as he brushes his fingers up her thigh. She doesn’t stop him. He traces circles on her inner thigh, higher and higher, under her skirt, stopping just before he reaches her sopping cunt. Clarke gives him a pained look. The tension between her legs is almost unbearable.
“Bell,” she whispers. “Touch me, please,” he begs. “You promised you’d go down on me.”
Bellamy considers. “I did promise that. But that was Friday.”
“So haven’t I waited long enough?”
Bellamy smirks at her. “You want me to eat you out right here?” he asks. “Where anyone could walk past and see us?”
Clarke nods and Bellamy’s smug look grows. The thought of someone seeing them only makes her want it more. Of course, he knows that.
He glances towards the track to make sure no one is passing by, then he lifts her skirt, bunching it up around her waist so that her bare pussy is on display. He slides his middle finger between her lips, only making Clarke more aware of how wet she is. Bellamy presses his lips against her neck, and then her shoulder, his finger just resting inside her, not moving. Clarke whines, lifting her hips, needing some friction.
Bellamy chuckles. “I love how horny you get for me,” he says quietly. He moves his hand from her legs and uses it to push her top up, revealing her flimsy bra. Bellamy pulls the cups down easily, letting her tits spring free. Clarke blushes, feeling totally exposed, out here in the forest. Half of her hopes no one will walk past, and half of her is desperate for someone to see her like this with Bellamy.  
Bellamy sit up, pushing himself over the top of her, straddling her body with his without actually touching her. His bring his mouth down on her nipple, circling the hardened peak with his tongue, massaging the other with one hand. As much as she loves it when he plays with her tits, it’s not what she really wants.
“Bellamy,” she complains.
“Sorry, baby,” he says. Her clit twinges, and she hopes he doesn’t notice how much she likes it when he calls her that. So not appropriate for whatever they are to each other. “I just can’t help myself.”
He trails kisses down her bare stomach, finally pressing his lips against her shaved mound, just above her slit, and Clarke subconsciously holds her breath in anticipation. He pauses a moment, and then Clarke feels his tongue glide along her slit from her ass to her clit, and she squeezes her eyes shut. He teases her clit with the tip of his tongue, and Clarke writhes beneath him, despite her best efforts to remain still. Her fingers curl into his hair, and he licks her slit again, before delving his tongue inside her, deep as he can get it. Clarke moans, arching up against him, pushing his face harder against her pussy.
The sensation of his tongue inside her winds her tighter and tighter, until she’s whimpering, panting heavily, desperate for release. He brings his mouth to her clit again, and she breaks as he sucks it into his mouth, crying out with her long-awaited orgasm.
But god, as good as it is, it’s still not enough. It’s never enough when it comes to Bellamy.
“Fuck me,” Clarke begs, and she’s well aware how wrecked she sounds already. “Fuck me with your cock, Bell.”
“You sure?” he asks, lifting his head. Clarke looks down at him, nodding.
“I need you,” she says. Bellamy only half suppresses a groan, and then he’s up on his knees, undoing his jeans and pulling out his engorged cock. Clarke salivates at the sight of it. She spreads her legs wider, and Bellamy presses the head to her entrance, not bothering to take his pants all the way off. Clarke wraps her legs around him tightly, and he sinks into her. He stretches her wide, her eyes rolling back as he fills her.
“Oh god,” she moans. “I love your cock.”
“I know you do, baby. I love the way you take my cock. You feel so good,” he murmurs. Clarke is almost having trouble breathing.
“Fuck me,” she says again, since he seems to have forgotten why his cock is inside her. “Make me come.”
“So needy,” he chuckles, but he obliges her, rocking his hips against her, ramming his cock into her over and over until she loses her mind. Her tits jiggle with every thrust, and she knows Bellamy is watching them. It only turns her on more.
She has no concern for whether anyone might walk past anymore. They could be in the middle of a crowded street and she’d still beg him to keep going. All that matters is his cock inside her, driving her closer and closer to the orgasm she’s chasing.
“Someone’s coming,” Bellamy tells her, stopping.
“Not yet,” Clarke whines. Bellamy laughs. God, how can he laugh at a time like this?
“Not me,” he clarifies. “I can hear voices.”
Now that he mentions it Clarke can hear them too.
“I’m so close,” Clarke tells him. “Please.”
“You want them to see?
She hesitates. “No.” After all, it could be anyone. They might call the cops on the two of them.
“You think you get there before they do?”
“Uh huh.”
“Okay,” he says. He quickly pulls her top back down to cover her tits. A precaution, Clarke supposes. And then he resumes his motions, and Clarke is right back there on the edge. She fists her hand in his shirt, closing her eyes.
“Yes, yes, yes,” she chants, her voice cracking as she comes again, shuddering beneath him, her pussy clenching down on his cock. He pulls out and turns away just as a couple of women and a dog round the bend, and Clarke yanks her skirt down over her swollen pussy.
The women spare them a glance and a half smile, and Clarke smiles back, wondering if it’s obvious that she’s just been fucked into oblivion. She grabs Bellamy as soon as the women are gone, and he turns back around to face her.
He still has his cock out, bulging and covered in her come. Clarke leans down, taking him into her mouth, and it doesn’t take her long to bring him over the edge, spurting his come into her mouth with a strangled moan.
He drags her up to his mouth, and she barely has time to swallow before his kissing her messily, and she can taste her own come and his on her tongue.
She pulls away, and he’s staring at her, almost like he can’t quite believe she’s real.
“What?” she laughs, feeling a little shy all of a sudden, despite what they’d just done.
“I—” he shakes his head. He shrugs. “You’re amazing.”
Clarke shoves him playfully. “Don’t be such a sap.”
Bellamy shakes his head, smiling. “Ready to go now?”
Clarke nods, and they pack up the basket and the blanket and head back to the car. Clarke isn’t entirely sure they achieved what Bellamy wanted them to achieve, but this was much more satisfying. And friendship is totally overrated anyway.
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