culturalmochiart · 1 year
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No explanation for this
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itsaboutbee · 7 months
Kai: Hey, Pix.
Kai: I said, "Hey, Pix".
Pixal: Zane said if I don't have anything nice to say, then I just shouldn't say anything at all.
Pixal: Well, Zane isn't here. And you're a little bitch.
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trashie-sdumpstr · 1 year
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im so inlove with em ugh...
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oppositeslut · 3 months
I really like insufferableshipping but opposite + skylor would be so funny it'd basically be
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stellarwaffles · 9 months
Lego Ninjago ship names pt 2
Serpentine ships
Wu x Aspheera - wuspheera
Skales x Pythor - bleachedscalesshipping
Pythor x Aspheera - tombshipping
Machia x Aspheera - sapphicscalesshipping
Darkley’s ships
Lloyd x Brad - greenflowershipping / forgivenshipping
Lloyd x Gene - leadershipping (?)
Lloyd x Sally - watermelonshipping
Brad x Gene - reformshipping
Sally x Harumi - jadesongshipping / devilnoteshipping / musicjadeshipping
Sally x Antonia - paperstarshipping
Sally x Vania - themesongshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Gene - badboyshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Akita - wildernessshipping / toffeeroseshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Bentho - kelpshipping
Sally x Harumi x Akita - jadewolfsongshipping
Pixal ships
Kai x Pixal - hotwireshipping
Cole x Pixal - groundwireshipping
Jay x Pixal - bluewireshipping
Zane x Pixal - pixane / digitalshipping
Nya x Pixal - samuraishipping / nyxal
Pixal x Skylor - stolendatashipping /copypasteshipping
Pixal x Akita - wolfwireshipping
Kai x Zane x Pixal - insufferableshipping / firewallshipping
Cole x Zane x Pixal - heavymetalshipping
Jay x Zane x Pixal - nerdshipping
Zane x Nya x Pixal - samuraiceshipping
Nya x Pixal x Skylor - polyponytail
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Skylor ships
Kai x Skylor - kailor
Jay x Skylor - snakeshipping
Nya x Skylor - amberphoenixshipping
Pixal x Skylor - stolendatashipping / copypasteshipping
Skylor x Tox - corrosiveshipping
Skylor x Chamille - mirrorshipping
Skylor x Vania - sunsetshipping / sunriseshipping / royalambershipping
Skylor x Bentho - seaserpentshipping
Kai x Cole x Skylor - glowstoneshipping
Kai x Skylor x Tox - wildfireshipping
Nya x Pixal x Skylor - polyponytail
Elemental masters ships
Nya x Tox - acidrainshipping
Skylor x Tox - corrosiveshipping
Skylor x Chamille - mirrorshipping
Tox x Chamille - nightshadeshipping
Tox x Shade - tarshipping
Tox x Vania - sweet&spiteshipping
Neuro x Griffin - thinkfastshipping
Griffin x Mr Pale - lightspeedshipping / relativityshipping
Kai x Skylor x Tox - wildfireshipping
Nya x Tox x Chamille - acidicfluidshipping
Morro ships
Kai x Morro - destinyshipping
Cole x Morro - sandstormshipping / spiritshipping
Zane x Morro - blizzardshipping
Morro x Echo - citrusshipping / deadboltshipping
Morro x Mr E - emoshipping
Morro x Bentho - seabreezeshipping
Morro x Echo x Bentho - lemonadeshipping
Echo ships
Jay x Echo - steampunkshipping
Morro x Echo - citrusshipping / deadboltshipping
Echo x Betho - waterworksshipping / rusticshipping
Morro x Echo x Bentho - lemonadeshipping
Sons of Garmadon ships
Sally x Harumi - jadesongshipping / devilnoteshipping / musicjadeshipping
Morro x Mr E - emoshipping
Harumi x Akita - jadewolfshipping / bloodmoonshipping
Harumi x Vania - royaltyshipping / crownjewelshipping / jadewingshipping
Sally x Harumi x Akita - jadewolfsongshipping
Harumi x Akita x Vania - royaltywolfshipping
Akita + Kataru ships
Lloyd x Akita - lloykita / hollyshipping
Lloyd x Kataru - powernapshipping
Pixal x Akita - wolfwireshipping
Harumi x Akita - jadewolfshipping / bloodmoonshipping
Akita x Vania - wolfqueenshipping
Kataru x Bentho - bearsharkshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Akita - wildernessshipping / toffeeroseshipping
Lloyd x Kataru x Bentho - feralshipping
Sally x Harumi x Akita - jadewolfsongshipping
Harumi x Akita x Vania - royaltywolfshipping
Vania ships
Lloyd x Vania - goldenwingshipping
Skylor x Vania - sunsetshipping / sunriseshipping / royalambershipping
Tox x Vania - sweet&spiteshipping
Sally x Vania - themesongshipping
Harumi x Vania - royaltyshipping / crownjewelshipping / jadewingshipping
Akita x Vania - wolfqueenshipping
Vania x Bentho - raincloudshipping
Lloyd x Vania x Bentho - responsibilityshipping
Harumi x Akita x Vania - royaltywolfshipping
Bentho ships
Jay x Bentho - thunderwaveshipping
Lloyd x Bentho - deepseaenergyshipping
Skylor x Bentho - seaserpentshipping
Morro x Bentho - seabreezeshipping
Echo x Bentho - waterworksshipping / rusticshipping
Kataru x Bentho - bearsharkshipping
Scott x Bentho - digiwaveshipping
Vania x Bentho - raincloudshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Bentho - kelpshipping
Lloyd x Kataru x Bentho - feralshipping
Lloyd x Vania x Bentho - responsibilityshipping
Morro x Echo x Bentho - lemonadeshipping
Misc ships
Cole x Plundar - gemestoneshipping
Jay x Fugidove - lightningmcwingshipping / friedchickenshipping / bluedoveshipping
Sally x Antonia - paperstarshipping
Fugidove x Vinny - livetweetshipping
Scott x Bentho - digiwaveshipping
Plundar x Fungus x Korgran - upplyshipping
If I got any wrong or if I’m missing any, let me know so I can update the list!!
Here’s the masterpost
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nottyalien · 2 years
I like insufferableshipping in a really strange way...
BUT BUT as you can see there're only kai and pixal here
So yeah just have a hotwire for now
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I'm not even close to being done going through your blog but your insufferableshipping art makes me SOOOOOOOOO
not enough art for it and you are feeding me ily <33333
thank you so much for enjoying it!! i haven’t made much content lately and sadly dont plan on doing anything soon but they still mean a lot to me and im sure i will draw them again! eventually…
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hiphopcherrrypop · 2 years
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they’re on a date <3
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bugsinthebayou · 2 years
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damn, kai, how come you get TWO robot partners?
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poolnoodle04 · 2 years
18th day of pride! Insufferableshipping? or hotwireshipping, idk
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I love these three, they are precious
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itsaboutbee · 7 months
Firewallshipping/Insufferableshipping Hcs
for the 3 ppl that want them
Zane once froze his own hand to Pixals while holding hands and they had to wait 2 hours till Kai came home from the grocery store. Pixal was seconds away from removing her own hand.
Pixal and Zane both use Kai to heat up their drinks. Kai made a joke that he is gonna start taking kisses as payments and they now actually do it.
I have this hc that Kai is somewhat hypermobile, idk where it came from. He once scared the sht out of Pix bc he was doing weird stuff. She was so concerned bc humans are not supposed to be able to do that-
When they all sleep together somehow Kai always ends up squished between the two Nindroids. He doesnt mind tho, its like a weighted blanket to him.
Both Zane and Pixal love to listen to Kais heartbeat. Its very calming.
Zane refers to the other two by "My Loves".
One time the three were on a date. The waiter jokingly asked which of them is third wheeling. Pixal looked at him blankly and went "No, were a tricycle."
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itsaboutbee · 7 months
Hello here are some Hotwire hcs
as requested by @chichiraion
First off all. Height difference.
Kai couldn't reach Pixals face if he tried.
Oh my god the gossip is so much. Theyre both so judgmental but somehow honest. And somehow is makes their communication so much better-
Somehow Kai has mastered the skill of making Pixal laugh with his stupidity. He plays it up on purpose sometimes just to make her laugh.
(Zane also thinks this is absolutely adorable)
First time Pixal called Kai pretty was literally during an argument about Kais stupid haircut.
Pixal can hold Kai on her hip like a toddler with such ease its almost funny. Kais just vibing at this point, but at the start he found it very embarrassing-
Kai once melted Pixals hand and he cried. Pixal was like "I can just replace it, it's okay-" but he was so distressed.
He had a nightmare that night about melting her face. He cried again.
Pixal has a mild obsession with the sensory experience of people. Obviously specifically Kai in this case. But she has such a thing for how warm and soft he is. In private shes almost always dragging a hand/fingertips over his skin or gently squishing him somehow.
Ive mentioned this before, but Pixal can't cook for shit. She wasnt built for that. There've been multiple occasions where she has uttered the word "No dont eat that, that'll kill you-" to Kai. Kai ate it anyway.
Since Pixal only later on got tastebuds Kai always lets her try his food and drinks. Pixal gets so used to it, that she now expects it every time. She just stands there staring until Kai feeds her a bite.
At the begging Pixal was pretty frustrated at her feelings for Kai. They didn't make sense to her, especially considering who they were for. Logically to her Kais a dumbass.
Meanwhile, Kai was just kinda like "Yeah, shes kinda hot-". Not the first time he has a thing for a nindroid-
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itsaboutbee · 7 months
The Pixal/Kai quotes are hilarious and make my day everytime I read them.
The ship is Hotwire? I thought that was Pixal/Zane/Kai? Or was that Firewall?
Thank you!! Glad you like em-
From what I know Hotwire is just Kai/Pix but Firewall is somewhat interchangeable??? Or maybe that one is actual Pixal/Kai/Zane?? Im not 100% on that-
The only ship name i could find for all 3 is Insufferableshipping????? Which no idea where that one came from or makes any sense, ive tagged it somewhere before tho-
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stellarwaffles · 9 months
Lego Ninjago ship names pt 1
Main ninja
Kai x Cole - lavashipping
Kai x Jay - plasmashipping
Kai x Zane - oppositeshipping
Cole x Jay - bruiseshipping / geodeshipping
Cole x Zane - glaciershipping
Jay x Zane - technoshipping
Jay x Nya - jaya / shockwaveshipping
Zane x Nya - braincellshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay - dumbassshipping
Kai x Cole x Zane - mountainshipping
Kai x Jay x Zane - conductorshipping
Cole x Jay x Zane - hailstormshipping
Cole x Jay x Nya - mudshockshipping
Cole x Zane x Nya - titanicshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane - polyninja
Kai x non-ninja
Kai x Pixal - hotwireshipping
Kai x Skylor - kailor
Kai x Morro - destinyshipping
Kai x Cole x Skylor - glowstoneshipping
Kai x Zane x Pixal - insufferableshipping / firewallshipping
Kai x Skylor x Tox - wildfireshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Cole x non-ninja
Cole x Pixal - groundwireshipping
Cole x Morro - sandstormshipping / spiritshipping
Cole x Plundar - gemestoneshipping
Kai x Cole x Skylor - glowstoneshipping
Cole x Zane x Pixal - heavymetalshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Jay x non-ninja
Jay x Pixal - bluewireshipping
Jay x Skylor - snakeshipping
Jay x Echo - steampunkshipping
Jay x Fugidove - lightningmcwingshipping / friedchickenshipping / bluedoveshipping
Jay x Bentho - thunderwaveshipping
Jay x Zane x Pixal - nerdshipping
Jay x Nya x Pixal - cyberstormshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Zane x non-ninja
Zane x Pixal - pixane / digitalshipping
Zane x Morro - blizzardshipping
Kai x Zane x Pixal - insufferableshipping / firewallshipping
Cole x Zane x Pixal - heavymetalshipping
Jay x Zane x Pixal - nerdshipping
Zane x Nya x Pixal - samuraiceshipping
Kai x Cole x Jay x Zane x Pixal - lowpolyshipping
Nya x non-ninja
Nya x Pixal - samuraishipping / nyxal
Nya x Skylor - amberphoenixshipping
Nya x Tox - acidrainshipping
Zane x Nya x Pixal - samuraiceshipping
Nya x Pixal x Skylor - polyponytail
Nya x Tox x Chamille - acidicfluidshipping
Lloyd ships
Lloyd x Brad - greenflowershipping / forgivenshipping
Lloyd x Gene - leadershipping (?)
Lloyd x Akita - lloykita / hollyshipping
Lloyd x Kataru - powernapshipping
Lloyd x Vania - goldenwingshipping
Lloyd x Bentho - deepseaenergyshipping
Lloyd x Sally - watermelonshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Gene - badboyshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Akita - wildernessshipping / toffeeroseshipping
Lloyd x Brad x Bentho - kelpshipping
Lloyd x Kataru x Bentho - feralshipping
Lloyd x Vania x Bentho - responsibilityshipping
If I got any wrong or if I’m missing any, let me know so I can update the list!!
Here’s the masterpost
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au where everything is the same but both kai and pixal are dating zane and they are very annoying and they tolerate the other for zane
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IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY LAST WEEK AND I DREW THIS AS A GIFT TO MYSELF HEHE!! i love insufferable sm they got kicking my feet and twirling my hair and giggling and
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