#insulin resitance
wellextol · 7 months
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Glucodyn: The Comprehensive Blend Glucodyn is a supplement that combines a carefully selected array of vitamins and nutrients to target the unique needs of individuals dealing with Type 2 Diabetes and insulin resistance.
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
TW trauma mention
My body is getting more difficult to handle again.
It feels like burnout.
The exhaustion, the dizzyness, difficulties with sensorimotor coordination, diffivulties with seeing, insomnia...
It takes so many hours for me to switch from one task to another,
all the terrible memories crawl into consciousness when I am at my weakest. which makes it additionally difficult.
It gets harder and harder to give this very aching body compassion.
I crave to have time and energy to do what I enjoy, but instead all time and energy is consumed by tasks I hate, shitty food intake, shopping groceries, traveling thru the exorbitant large city, standing the intense noises and brightness,
I want calm.
I.. do not know.
I want the diabetes to be better managable. I do not want these unforeseen peaks and random insuline resitance to occurr in phases of large stress.
please, I just want to know how I can at least better optimizie my energy handling.
Getting more and more restful sleep is of high priority, but this problem goes hand in hand with the worrying and attemtping to find solutions to an unsolvable problem, and that I fail to calm my mind, especeially when i am at my weakest.
the worrying goes in all directions: what i did wrong some years ago so I dont have access to a medical institution that could at least possibly help. I made mistakes and behaved poorly, I did not know what i know now. heck, I was not able to reflect, because i was still in this bubble of thinking my mother's delusions about me and the world were right. damn, I made so much wrong. and it is not possible this medical institution would ever get I really changed. I now have my stamp there, and it is impossible to get rid of that.
no amount of rational behavior could convince them I am not just seeking attention.
it is such a complex and entangled problem constellation, that really no one is "at fault" for that shitty suffering, it is just a bunch of very shitty automatical behavior/decisions on my behalf, miscommunication from both sides, misunderstandings, and sadly that I was to afraid to tell this psychotherapist he reminds me of my father in regards that make me very passive aggressive.
No amount of rational behavior could convince this therapist that his prior opinion of myself should need to be reevaluated if he tells things like:
"Autism has nothing to do with why you are here." (I was in a trauma therapy)
(implying autism and ones own biography are separapable and autism has no significant effect upon ones own biography)
"It is not that you cant, it is that you dont want to. "(In regards to understanding other people[empathy]
"Diabetes is just a very common illness."
(implying it is no trauma, because it is just a very common illness. (what sort of logical fallacy lis behind this deficitary argumentationn???? ) I could not even tell him about how it feels to be almost dyivg from dehydration after more than a week of drinking more than 7 liters a day and pissing out more. or how it feels to getting said, after like 10 days, the mother bringing her dehydrated diabetic child in the clinic to get first treatement for the onset of diabetes: "You have luck! One more day and you would have been dead! "(If I knew earlier, I would have been runned away and would have preferred to die.)
or the fact that this diabetes is still, up to this day, very difficult to manage.
Damn, I was 7 when I got it, I was primarily left alone with that birthgiver who had no time for her kids.
damn. it was/is a chronic illness. I got it as KID! it changed everything! It impacted everything since then!
It is regarded as trauma even if a family member gets a chronic disease. why not if a kid, oneself, gets a chronic disease with getting told "You have luck. one more day and you would have been dead. " and I cannot forget how it feels to almost die from dehydration. I CANNOT forget this part! because it IS ceverely life-threatening! But why is it not regardedjas trauma?
Because "it is just diabetes and vers many people have diabetes. "
I do not know whether I should grief not having this therapist anymore or seeing that he has too many incompetent features.
I mean, he is not able to see complexity,
he seems not to be able or not willing to see from other (my) perspectives,
I have huge difficulties, because now I am blaming HIM. am I blaming him? Or am I just stating what I find unhelpful about how he attempted to help me?
Because I am so confused about all the stuff he wrote in the letter.
He mixes things I find difficult about myself too, with interpretations that are so far-fetched and leave out so many details, that you can smell the cherry-picking out of this piece of paper...
It is like: WHAT!????
He also brought the basic statement of: "shows histrionic features, because dresses strangely, is an artist and has published books in niche topics (implying i feel like something better, because "niche topic" implies "only superior people are interested" - hint: it is not the case. it is just the case that I am interested in topics most people dont care about. i publish because I just want that shit to be published if i create it anyway. also: i have no problem with getting critique. ))
... I had to literally decrypt his letter about my patient case, and it left me very very confused and... I understaood why the therapy was not helpful there. there were sooo many misunderstandings, and if i attempted to explain he used the rhetorics of "feels misunderstood because (s)he is narcisstic" and "you do nt have to justify yourself. "(heck, i do not justify myself, I explain. Justifiying would mean that I think my behavior is alright andmdoes not need to be improved. Explaining means I want to clarify myself and add important details: i am not saying my behavior is okay. It does not excuse my behavior. I just attempt to find a consensual and open communication.
and it was so diffcult to get into a rational conversation with him, because he was so focused on talking in a different communication channel than I was in. (common problem between neurotypical and autistic people: autist says something in the communication channel of the factual level, neurotypical is mostly in the emotional/relationshio communication channel and implies hidden intentions behind my intentionless factual level words... I mean. It is a basic concept of how miscommunication happens. )
I feel like... It is pointless to think about contacting this therapist again, because, like, the communication does not work at all.
I do not even know why I consider contacting him for getting to talk about it and possible further therapy options.
Perhaps I think the reason is just, because many psychotherapists have not enough experience with complex trauma (on the other hand, he seems to be unhelpful for me as well, as in: his ignorance in regards of autism and our difficulty to getting into a common rational conversation) and it is like... annoying to think about it.
But one thing I think would still be helpful:
I would like to make an appointment and talk with him about the two letters he wrote about my case. I would like to hear his clarifications, and I would also like to tell him the results of my reflection of the previous 2 years. I also want to know how I can proceed with my life now since the contact to the mother is finally broken up, and since i have realized the reality loss i was in due to - really some self esteem delusions, that were really delusional.
Now that I have typed all that here in tumblr.
... I will delete it soon, but I had to get it off my mind.
why am i still publishing this post?
i publish such posts, because I think, perhaps, sometimes anyone reading such types of my posts could help me reflect about what to do or how I could think about it.
yet, I am sorry if I trigger anyone with my often detailled descriptions of the shit - or if it gets annoying. In this case I encourage you to take care of yourself and hit the unfollow button.
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mrm101 · 11 months
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Another Virgin Galactic flight today, this time a research flight with three commercial sub-orbital astronauts onboard. Galactic 05 will be the 14th powered flight of VSS Unity which with take off onboard the carrier aircraft Eve at 14:30UT. However it won't be televised (as will be the norm in future, apparently multi-millionaires are shy). One of the passengers has still not been revealed but is a franco-italian. The other two are payload specialists. Dr Alan Stern (pictured on left) is a US Planetary scientist and associate Vice President in Southwest Research Institutes (SwRI) space sector. He is best known as the principle investigator of the New Horizons Pluto mission and has played a key role in 30 sub-orbital, orbital and planetary space missions. He is also a former NASA Associate Administartor. He will be wearing a biomedical monitoring harness during the flight and conducting a dummy run for the operation of an astronomy camera. Stern will wear a Accutracker-II biomedical harness, Various iterations of this have previously flown on 68 Space Shuttle missons and Stern has also worn it during F104 Starfighter research flights. Dr Stern will also practice taking astronomical observations with a mock up Xybion wide angle visible and UV camera, for which he is principle investigator. This has also previously flown on two Space Shuttle missions. The real camera will be flown on a future flight, under NASA's Flight Opportunities program, for which Dr Stern will be practicing. Kelli Gerardi is a US Bioastronautics Researcher from the International Institute for Astronautical Sciences (IIAS). She is operations lead for Palantir Technologies. She will be wearing a boimedical monitoring shirt and conducting payload experiments developed with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). She has also previously conducted an expedition to the analog Mars Desert Research Station and is an online presenter. She is the authour of 'Not Necessarily Rocket Science' and the childrens picture book series 'Luna Muna." During the flight Gerardi will wear and Asrtoskin, developed by IIAS, a biomonitoring lightweight shirt which has an all in one sensor suite developed by Candadian company Carré Technologies and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). It has an electrocardiogram which will monitor heart rate, breathing rate and temperature throughout all phases of the flight. The shirt is also used by astonauts while onboard the ISS. She will also conduct the IIAS experiment 'Configuration of a Confined Fluid in a Low Gravity Enviroment'. Gerardi will operate a fluid cell designed to better help predict and control the shape and location of fluid within a container in microgravity. This data can help inform the design of life-support systems and new medical syringe designs. Finally Gerardi will 'deploy' an implantable sensor that can continuously sample blood glucose levels and record them in the IIAS experiment 'Contiunous Blood Glucoose Monitoring in Suborbital Flight'. There is growing evidence that long duration spaceflight induces insulin resistance, a pre-diabetic state. This will offer insights, it is hoped, as to how quickly insulin-resitance develops during spaceflight. This will be one of the first uses of a glucose monitor in a microgravity enviroment. The next Virgin Galactic flight, Galactic 06, will be in January 2024. Rival Blue Origin is set to resume New Shepard flights (with a new booster), following an FAA investigation, on 30 November after booster NS4 suffered an engine failure on Flight NS-23, in September 2022, triggering the capsule to fire it's launch escape motor. Fortunately it was a research flight with no crew onboard. This upcoming flight is also an uncrewed research flight to check all is well with the new booster.
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cassiopeia-lost · 2 years
This whole time I was super content having my one biostats class that I completely forgot I was on a staggered schedule this term (different start dates) so imagine my surprise when I logged in to realize the third class to complete my thesis along with health disparities in the US started today. Which is far less than what I would take for my undergrad but I am BURNT OUT. I’ve been in school three year straight now. No summers off. I cannot wait to graduate in August.
Also, I only touch that paper once in a blue moon. I don’t know how many more scholarly articles or research abstracts I can read about tobacco usage, tobacco cessation or deaths resulting from the various methods of tobacco usage. And it’s my fault for choosing the subject but we had to find something that we could measure progress over time in a public health setting. And while I wanted to go with insulin resitance/PCOS correlation and treatment, there was no basis or exact measurement that matched the requirements. Which feels so lame because delving into the correlation of insulin resistance and PCOS and how fucked the current course of treatment is seems much less touched on but equally important.
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yuntraining · 3 years
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TGIM Hope your week is starting off strong. First full day back in Columbus. 16-17 hours in the car not fun, especially for the back :( But according to my D Minder App I raised my Vitamin D levels 22 points while in FL. Have you downloaded D Minder? Wanted to share with you today a very importat point the the things that make us up. Protons and electrons. It's where we get the information for our cells and the energy. It 'tells' the cells what to do. Any person with any disease--autoimmunity (12-15% of population), fat (75%+ USA), recurring headaches, skin issues, etc.......even pain in certain areas--like back pain.....- it means too many protons have built up and you are losing too many electrons. Life should be considered a game everyday of collecting electrons. If the balance gets thrown off to where protons exceed electrons than inflammation will occur, or cell chaos, or cell swelling. Protons have 1852 times the mass of an electron, so an electron is basically free energy and information to the body. Protons give energy/info as well but it comes with a cost. Let's take diabetes and obesity as an example.....anyone who is overweight is techincally pre-diabetic (insulin resistant, leptin resitant, at least a couple markers of metabolic syndrome if not all 5....they say 78% of all Covid deaths/hospitilzations are due to overweightness or being fat....call it what it is.) Most diabetics DO NOT -Ground (feet plugged into earth) -Get lots of sunshine (Sunrise, early AM, and PM most important to build solar callus to be able to absorb more UV light when sun is strongest without burning. All living cells release ELF UV light, the sicker someone is the more they release, that light must be replaced or sickness gets worse) -Eat seafood (DHA , iodine, other brain nutrients, and -Astaxanthin (natural sunscreen-especially in shellfish) -Get cold (cold baths, cold swims, cold showers, cold air) -Drink unfluoridated, cold water -Mitigate Electro-Pollution in their environment. -Block blue light indoors or alter their light environment indoors (light is also electro-pollution). Off the top of my head those are probably the best ways to gain or not lose https://www.instagram.com/p/CWjFVOOO_3p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chriscoles96-blog · 6 years
Preterm type 1 diabetic with an APH
Yesterday I looked after an extremely high risk lady and considering I’m not yet able to cannulate, tough IV drugs or pumps it was a little tough.
The lady was lovely and had come in on the 28/1/19 after her waters had gone at 23:00 followed by a heavy blood loss estimated at about 750mls. She’d continued to lose blood little and often since and at the start of my shift it had been estimated at 991mls. All pads and inco sheets were being weighed for a running total.
She was a type 1 diabetic on two types of insulin to keep her blood sugars under wraps. She’d only been diagnosed with it last year but had previously had gestational diabetes with her first two children who had both been delivered via LSCS. She was currently 30 weeks and 5 days, she’d had a preterm delivery previously at 36 weeks with one of her girls (who’d been breech) but this was her third baby and a male also in the breech position which made the monitoring slightly difficult.
I did her observations, put her on the monitor as baby hadn’t been checked since last night and she wasn’t feeling too many movements. I also did her blood sugars and got another midwife to adjust according to her prescription for the sliding scale, to keep her glucose and potassium regulated.
I weighed her pads which were now giving a total antepartum haemorrhage (APH) of 1,024mls. The doctors came in and decided that a LSCS was needed to ensure fetal wellbeing - the lady was happy for this plan. So magnesium sulphate was written up and was to be started as soon as possible to reduce the risk of cerebral palsy as baby was very premature. I got it written up and another midwife made it up and we started the drug. Another CTG was started as continuous monitoring would be required to assess fetal wellbeing in the presence of the magnesium sulphate. I did baseline observations and continued them every 15 minutes, I noted that she hadn’t been to the toilet in a while but she said she didn’t need to go. I thought of asking the doctor whether a catheter could be helpful considering we would need one prior to the LSCS.
I continued to monitor observations with the magnesium sulphate running, monitored blood sugars hourly and upped or lowered the sliding scale accordingly. Continuous monitoring continued to be okay. We put in a urinary catheter attached to a urometer to measure hourly outputs.
Around 14:00 she began to get tightenings and these gave gushes of blood about 50mls at a time. Her LSCS was previously planned for 12:00 but due to the activity on the ward it kept being put back as mum and baby were fairly stable.
At around 14:30 they called to say they were ready for us to go to theatre and the anaesthetist had popped in to talk about whether a general anaesthetic or a spinal would be better, yesterday the anaesthetist has suggested a general anaesthetic but the consultant today had thought a spinal would be nicer for mum and also for baby as they were expecting a lot of scar tissue which would make a general anaesthetic a little more dangerous for baby.
We were in theatre at 15:00, the spinal sited at 15:23. The procedure took a while as their was a fair amount of scar tissue but the teams were ready, the peadatrician updated and in the room. I wrote up the tags for baby’s ankles. The cannula with the sliding scale appeared to have tissued, which meant that had to be stopped (the anaesthetist has noticed this due to swelling in her arm meaning the fluid had been going into her arm as opposed to her blood stream).
He also noticed that the second with the Hartman’s in it had started leaking and appeared to be from the cannula after further inspection. Another cannula was sited as he’d need to have a cannula for antibiotics and syntocinon infusion post delivery.
A male infant was delivered at 15:59 and transferred straight to the resuscitaire and the waiting peadatrician. Baby was very yellow and the cord bloodstained (didn’t look normal). The doctor thought this could be due to a missed haemorrhage from a previous pregnancy which had stained cord and baby and their was a quiery if possible infection (chorioniotisus).
Baby breathed spontaneously but needed some help with sustaining saturation’s so was transferred to the neonatal unit.
Mum went into recovery at 17:20 and transferred back to her room on the labour ward at 17:50. Her observations were okay, half hourly observations were commenced. She looked and felt well in herself. The diabetic team had come to make a plan after I had called them to review as I wanted to know whether another cannula would need to be resited to continue the sliding scale or whether we could keep it off. They were happy to keep it off, as long as we got her eating as soon as she was able.
I was sent on my break and when I got back she’d eaten and was feeling herself. We’d done a blood sugar which was high as she had eaten - the diabetic team had also said this was to be expected as the steroids given to mature babies lungs can higher blood sugars and lingers in the body for 52 hours.
We discussed hand expressing and I found out she’d be able to go over from 19:45 to see baby as long as she was well enough so she decided it’d be good to do the expressing once there or after seeing baby. She could feel her feet and wanted to get up, it was very soon but I got her up slowly, we changed her pads, put underwear on and pyjama bottoms. Her feet were a little tingly so I got her to sit her in a chair so she could put pressure on her feet to help the numbness go quicker. Ted stockings were put on to reduce the risk of a blood clots forming.
The doctor came to review and was a little shocked she was up in a chair already but I’d advised to take it easy and rest - to use a wheelchair to visit baby. She was happy that the bloodstained urine was easing off and now returning to normal.
I handed care over to the night staff who would follow up the care plan and take her to see her little man who weighed 1454g.
It was a tough day, my highest risk case but everyone was fine and somehow I managed to keep on top of everything. Note for next one would be to ensure a solid plan is in place for monitoring blood sugars and what to do if a high reading is found. A plan was written but I didn’t check if throughly until hand over, it had monitoring guidelines but no time frames and didn’t really say what to do if any high readings. I’d heard the plan verbally but it hadn’t been formatted properly in writing which the other midwife wasn’t too happy about. But we all learn from our mistakes and luckily the lady was fine and understood her diabetes better than us.
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cwbullet · 4 years
Research: Cinnamon reduces blood sugar
Research: Cinnamon reduces blood sugar
Cinnamon reduced blood glucose better than a placebo. Cinnamon sticks and cinnamon powder in wooden scoop
I have written prior posts on the miracle of cinnamon. Cinnamon supplements have been touted to help with blood sugar, insulin resistance, and obesity. Identifying a adjunct safe, durable, and cost-effective approach to reduce insulin resitance before the need of medication would be…
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Do you also drink green tea everyday? So know these unique advantages.
With regards to wellness and well-being, green tea benefits can't be denied. Because of the medical advantages of green tea, its pattern is expanding around the world. Numerous examinations done on this have additionally featured its therapeutic properties, which we will talk about right now Stylecraze. Right now, just the advantages of green tea have been told, yet the utilization of green tea and the vital data identified with it has likewise been shared. Additionally, the loss of green tea is likewise referenced toward the finish of the article.
Perusers should take note of that despite the fact that the advantages of green tea are many, it can't be viewed as a clinical treatment of any illness remembered for the article. The advantages of green tea can just assume a supporting job in forestalling physical issues and decreasing their belongings somewhat.What is Green Tea?Before we give data about the advantages of green tea. We enlighten our perusers concerning 'what is green tea'. Green tea is delivered utilizing the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves of this plant are utilized in making green tea as well as in different kinds of tea, for example, dark tea, however green tea has been believed to have the best impact on human wellbeing. On the off chance that we talk about green tea and dark tea, regardless of whether they meet a similar plant, however the technique for making both is extraordinary. To create green tea, crisp leaves are promptly steamed in the wake of breaking, with the goal that green tea is very much framed. This procedure jam wellbeing advancing characteristic polyphenols. Simultaneously, it contains more catechin than dark and oolong tea, which is a kind of cancer prevention agent. The article will additionally clarify its restorative properties and the medical advantages that outcome from it.Kinds of Green TeaThere are numerous kinds of green tea accessible in the market, however it is unimaginable to expect to tell pretty much all. In this manner, beneath we are giving data about certain sorts of Green-Tea.
Jasmine Green-Tea
Morocco Mint Green Tea
Gain Macha Green-Tea
Dragon Well Green-Tea
Hauzicha Green-Tea
Kucicha Green-Tea
Sencha Green-Tea
Gyokuro Green-Tea
Bilocan Green-Tea
Macha Green-Tea
Advantages of green teaThere are numerous advantages of green tea. It can help control weight and diabetes and may likewise help somewhat in forestalling the danger of deadly infection like malignant growth. The advantages of green tea can be compelling for inward wellbeing just as skin and hair. The physical advantages from green tea are clarified beneath.1. The advantages of green tea to get more fitGreen-tea can be valuable in decreasing weight. The counter oxidant present in it might help in lessening weight by expanding digestion. As per an examination distributed on the site of NCBI (The National Center for Biotechnology Information), moderate-power practice alongside drinking green-tea can advance fat oxidation (fat consuming), assisting with controlling stoutness. Can be found. Furthermore, in another examination, admission of a blend of catechin and caffeine present in green tea may show a to some degree constructive outcome in decreasing weight and keeping weight adjusted. For more data about this, perusers can likewise peruse our article of Green Tea for Weight Loss.
Simultaneously, as per another exploration, the weight reduction impact of green tea has been seen as fundamentally lower in fat people. In such a circumstance, it isn't suitable to depend entirely on green tea to get in shape, yet with it, legitimate eating regimen, ordinary exercise and yoga are likewise essential.2. Advantages of drinking green tea for the mindUtilization of green tea can likewise be helpful for the mind. As a matter of fact, an examination done regarding this matter has uncovered that green tea can improve the working of the cerebrum alongside lessening nervousness. What's more, it might likewise show beneficial outcomes in expanding focus. Research recommends that these advantages may have a consolidated impact of the caffeine and l-theanine (l-theanine - a kind of concoction) present in green. In such a circumstance, it very well may be devoured in adjusted sums.3. Advantages of Green Tea for Mouth HealthUtilization of green tea can likewise be helpful for mouth wellbeing. Its utilization can forestall mouth disease. As indicated by an Indian investigation, green tea catechin can forestall P. gingivalis and other comparable microscopic organisms like - Prevotella Intermedia and Prevotella Nigrescens from developing. Every one of these microorganisms can influence the strength of the mouth.
Alongside this, another exploration has discovered that green tea can control tooth plaque and forestall tooth rot. Polyphenols present in green tea can go about as an enemy of plaque specialist to forestall plaque in the mouth. Washing with green tea can be valuable, however it is smarter to counsel a specialist once. 4. Advantages of Green Tea for DiabetesAdvantages of drinking green tea incorporate avoidance of diabetes. In reality, an examination led in Japan found that individuals who devoured at least six cups of green tea every day had a 33% diminished danger of type 2 diabetes, contrasted with the individuals who expended short of what one cup of green tea every day.
What's more, concentrates on mice have uncovered that green tea admission can improve insulin affectability (when insulin adequately changes over blood glucose into vitality). Simultaneously, it can forestall insulin obstruction (Insulin Resitence - when cells don't react to insulin, prompting expanded glucose levels) and (hyperglycemia - expanded glucose in the blood). In straightforward terms, green tea has hostile to diabetic properties, which can lessen the danger of diabetes by decreasing the degree of glucose in the blood.
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helpforwomen · 6 years
Reverse Insulin Resistance Amazing what these herbs can achieve! Posted on: Wednesday, December 20th 2017 at 3:45 am Written By...
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wellextol · 7 months
Glucodyn Supplement Review - The Best Vitamins for Managing Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance
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