#intakavel o dbh fandom
aysepuramu · 11 months
Honestly congratulations to y'all that have been in DBH fandom for YEARS. The headcanons drama get very annoying over time like, I've always been in fandoms but I never saw people literally bashing on each other's hcs like that instead of just completely avoid discussing about something they don't like. I mean it's ok to discuss PACIFICALLY, but it's literally a hc war at this point. I think it's so cool how some fandoms can simply ignore each other's hcs and enjoy whatever without accusing people of shit because of a certain hc (example: in DBH I've seen some accusing people who see Connor and Hank's relationship as family to be homophic and ageist and others accusing people who see their relationship as romantic of being pedophiles pro-incest.) Does anybody that have been in the fandom for more than half a year has a tip of how to keep at least half your sanity in this fandom by maybe, not scrumbling across hc war? I don't have the patience to block half the fandom like some people do lol. I simply don't want to let this ruin the experience for me by making me insane. No, I'm not willing to leave the fandom because I'm obsessed with this game, I've just been in tons of fandoms in my life and none were like this. 🫠
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