#intent data
abhibaj · 2 months
What is B2B Intent Data? A Roadmap for B2B Marketers
No matter what your business is, without sales conversions, success remains elusive. While this is a universal truth, the challenge lies in how B2B enterprises can achieve optimal sales conversions. B2B intent data consists of behavioral signals that identify prospects at the account or buyer level with a high likelihood of conversion based on their interest in your product or services. B2B buyer intent data is collected from a variety of signals gathered at multiple touchpoints throughout the customer journey. These signals indicate the products, features, and content your target audience seeks. By leveraging intent data statistics, B2B businesses can gain valuable insights to optimize their marketing and sales strategies. This article delves into B2B intent data definition, roles, collection methods, and strategies in sales and marketing to boost ROI and sales performance.
What is B2B Intent Data?
B2B intent data reveals the motivations and desires of your audience, gleaned from their online buying behaviors. It offers insights into preferences, needs, and purchase readiness, gathered from channels like website visits, social media interactions, emails, and search queries. Analyzing intent data statistics for marketing insights allows businesses to deeply understand their audience’s needs, enabling tailored marketing strategies. This data extends beyond direct interactions with a company’s digital assets and includes insights from third-party sources such as data providers and publishers.
Get full insights: https://itechseries.com/blog/what-is-b2b-intent-data-a-roadmap-for-b2b-marketers/
Why is Intent Data Important to B2B Sales and Marketing Organizations?
Effective B2B intent data strategies for lead generation are pivotal for modern sales and marketing organizations. Understanding the significance of intent data is crucial, as it empowers businesses to pinpoint and engage prospects. Some of the significances are as follows:
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Enhanced Accuracy: B2B intent data is derived from a user’s actual behavior and engagement with a brand, offering greater accuracy compared to demographic or firmographic data, which may not accurately reflect a user’s current interest or buying intent.
Tailored Messaging: With the data, businesses can personalize their outreach efforts to target prospects who are most likely to engage. Businesses can significantly boost their conversion rates and optimize ABM strategy with intent data by customizing messages to align with a user’s interests and behavior.
Optimized Lead Scoring: It also allows businesses to capture lead scores based on conversion likelihood. By identifying prospects and actively researching specific products or services, businesses can prioritize these leads and concentrate their outreach on those more inclined to make a purchase.
Steps for Intent Data Collection and Integration
The steps of B2B intent data collection are essential for businesses aiming to leverage intent data outreach to drive ROI and sales. Here is the process:
Step 1: Identify Your Data Sources
To effectively anticipate customer needs and tailor marketing efforts, it’s crucial for marketers to first identify relevant sources of intent data. These can include website analytics, content consumption analysis, social media monitoring, third-party data providers, purchase history, and existing customer data. Understanding these sources empowers marketers to create personalized customer experiences aligned with business goals.
Step 2: Define and Align Your Business Goals
Aligning B2B intent data with specific business objectives is essential. For instance, if the goal is to increase inbound lead generation, relying solely on traditional outbound methods won’t suffice. Marketers can leverage intent signals—such as specific search queries or visits to key web pages—to anticipate purchase intent. By targeting identified contacts with tailored offers through email campaigns and ads, marketers can effectively drive inbound lead generation. This can also enhance conversion rates, optimize ad targeting, and even retarget existing customers with compelling new offers.
Step 3: Data Integration
Integrating intent data into ABM strategies enhances campaign effectiveness. This integration enables a real-time mixture of purchase history, behavioral attributes, and demographic data. Collaborating with IT and operations teams ensures seamless data synchronization across platforms, optimizing audience targeting and personalization efforts.
Step 4: Segment and Personalize
Segmenting audiences based on intent signals allows for targeted messaging and personalized offers. By identifying groups exhibiting similar interests or behaviors, marketers can craft bespoke content—like tailored emails, website experiences, and ad creatives—that resonate with each segment’s unique preferences and intents.
Why Intent Data is the Future of B2B Marketing and Sales
In today’s competitive landscape, understanding buyer intent is pivotal for achieving higher success rates in marketing. By analyzing prospects’ behaviors and triggers, businesses can pinpoint what motivates companies to make purchasing decisions and when they are most likely to act. This insight allows for precise targeting and personalized advertising, significantly increasing conversion rates. As information becomes more accessible, prospects are increasingly informed about their options.
Follow for more info: https://www.itechseries.com/
Harnessing the power of intent data is not just a trend but a strategic imperative for B2B marketers aiming to stay ahead in a competitive landscape. By deciphering buyer behavior and predicting their purchase intent, businesses can tailor their B2B marketing strategies with unprecedented precision. This proactive approach not only enhances conversion rates and ROI but also fosters deeper, more meaningful engagements, with prospects through their buying journey. As technology evolves and data insights sharpen, integrating data into marketing practices will continue to drive superior business outcomes, ensuring companies are well-positioned for future growth and success in B2B markets.
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salesmarkglobal · 3 months
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Trends of Account-Based Marketing in 2024
Another critical area is the interaction between marketing and sales; it may be stated that in the future, these two departments will have to strengthen their cooperation even more. The integration of these teams ensures that the process of identifying strategies within each organization works effectively within the confines of the ABM strategic model for both departments.
Sales and marketing harmonization is supported by 58% of businesses on LinkedIn, they say that it fosters customer retention and 36% say that it enhances sales probabilities. This makes it possible for the business to have a central view toward identifying and selling to important customers.
Such examples are just recent and perhaps the best one is Atlassian which tightly connects the marketing and sales functions. With its help ABM campaigns have been integrated and it has given a snapshot of 20% from leads to customers. 
To know more - https://salesmarkglobal.com/the-top-trends-of-abm-in-2024/ 
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net99999999 · 9 months
How does B2B Buyer Intent Data differ from traditional lead generation methods
B2B Buyer Intent Data and traditional lead generation methods both aim to identify potential customers, but they approach it in fundamentally different ways, offering distinct advantages and drawbacks. Here's a breakdown:
Traditional Lead Generation:
Focuses on casting a wide net: Techniques like cold calling, email blasts, and event attendance aim to reach a large number of individuals, hoping some will be interested.
Qualifies leads later: Leads are generated based on basic criteria like industry or job title, and then further qualification happens later in the sales process.
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Inefficient and time-consuming: Requires significant effort to reach and qualify leads, often leading to wasted time on uninterested prospects.
Low conversion rates: The broad targeting results in lower conversion rates as many leads may not be actively interested in your product or service.
B2B Buyer Intent Data:
Identifies prospects actively showing buying interest: Utilizes data signals like website visits, content downloads, search queries, and social media engagement to reveal companies actively researching solutions in your space.
Targets based on purchase intent: Prioritizes leads based on their demonstrated interest in your product or similar offerings, ensuring higher relevance.
Improves sales efficiency: Allows sales teams to focus on highly qualified leads, optimizing resource allocation and accelerating pipeline development.
Boosted conversion rates: Targeting companies already expressing buying intent significantly increases the likelihood of successful conversions.
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Key Differences:
Timing: Traditional methods reach out to any potential customer, regardless of their purchase stage. Intent data focuses on those actively in-market.
Accuracy: Traditional leads are often unqualified, while intent data provides real-time insights into purchase intent, increasing accuracy.
Efficiency: Traditional methods require significant effort and time investment, while intent data optimizes lead generation, saving time and resources.
ROI: Traditional methods often have lower ROI due to low conversion rates, while intent data's targeted approach leads to higher ROI.
In short:
Traditional methods: Like throwing a wide net and sorting the catch later.
Intent data: Like fishing with a targeted lure to catch specific fish.
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Both methods have their place, but intent data offers a more efficient and effective approach to B2B lead generation by focusing on qualified leads with a higher probability of conversion. The choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and resources.
I hope this clarifies the differences between these two approaches! Feel free to ask any further questions you may have.
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tumblewise · 1 year
Infusion of intent data score into intent data has resulted in astonishing results for ABM marketing strategies
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b-2-bmarketing · 1 year
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rdigs · 1 year
How to Target the Right Customer Leads with B2B Strategies
The B2B landscape is changing rapidly, and for businesses to stay competitive, they need to stay ahead of the curve. A successful B2B lead generation strategy that precisely targets the right customer lead is essential in this situation. With tried-and-true B2B methods, you can increase the quality of your leads and get more out of your marketing budget.
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Lead generation for B2B is arduous. Many variables come into play, and you cannot simply copy & paste a successful method employed by others. Developing a successful B2B strategy might be difficult due to the enormous data available and the plethora of marketing platforms at your disposal. Formulating successful B2B strategies that enable you to reach prospective clients with the highest propensity to buy is the key to success.
This article will teach you about comprehensive and proven strategies to help you target the right customer leads. We'll dive deep into the essential tactics that will enable you to identify, engage, and convert the most promising B2B leads. So, buckle up and get ready to optimize your B2B lead generation efforts.
Define Your ICP
To properly target the appropriate customer leads, you must first have a firm grasp on who these leads are. This begins with the creation of a comprehensive Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Your ICP should include information about the industry, firm size, job titles, pain issues, and the decision-making process of your target customers. By concentrating, your marketing & sales efforts on prospects that match your ICP, you will maximize the efficacy of your lead-generating process and increase your conversion rate.
Analyze your current customer base, identify common characteristics among your best clients, and use these insights to create a detailed ICP. This will ensure that your marketing efforts are geared toward the right audience, thus increasing your chances of attracting high-quality leads.
Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to Drive B2B Lead Generation
Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategic B2B marketing method that targets high-value accounts with individualized messages and offers. This hyper-targeted approach enables you to concentrate your resources on the most promising prospects, resulting in a higher return on investment and deeper connections with important clients. ABM is especially successful when coupled with an in-depth understanding of your ICP, as it helps you to produce content that connects with your target audience.
Determine the most valuable accounts based on your ICP, develop content suited to their specific requirements, and interact with them over several channels. This personalized approach will not only set you apart from your competition but will also build your connections with prospective customers.
Optimize Your B2B Lead Generation Efforts on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a powerhouse for generating B2B leads. It is the best platform for identifying and engaging new clients because of its extensive network of professionals and organizations. You may effortlessly locate and connect with decision-makers in your target market using LinkedIn's sophisticated search tools, sponsored content, and InMail services.
Engage your target audience by optimizing your company's LinkedIn page, joining industry-specific groups, and sharing important information. Consider utilizing paid advertising alternatives on LinkedIn, such as sponsored content and InMail, to increase your exposure and produce high-quality leads.
Optimize Your Content Marketing Strategy
Content marketing is a powerful strategy for B2B lead generation, having various advantages such as enhanced brand visibility, thought leadership, and organic lead development over the long term. Content marketing has enabled businesses to not only attract new prospects but also nurture existing leads & foster sustainable development. Yet, merely generating content is insufficient; you must optimize your content marketing plan to ensure that it corresponds with your objectives, engages with your audience, and generates the highest ROI possible.
Establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) objectives for your content marketing initiatives. This will help you maintain focus and link your content with your overall marketing & business goals. Do keyword research to determine the topics that your target audience is searching for, develop high-quality content that answers their requirements, & promote your content across relevant channels to optimize its reach. By the use of SEO best practices and content marketing, you can acquire organic leads & nurture them through the sales funnel.
Leverage Email Marketing to Engage and Nurture B2B Leads
Email marketing continues to be a very successful medium for the generation and nurturing of B2B leads. You may guide your prospects through the sales funnel & finally convert them into clients by creating customized email messages that target their individual requirements and pain points.
To optimize your email marketing campaigns, you should divide your email list based on characteristics such as industry, company size, and engagement level, and then create email campaigns that are tailored to each section. Use marketing automation tools to streamline your email marketing and ensure timely, relevant communication with leads.
Wrapping Up!
Becoming good at generating B2B leads for businesses takes a diversified approach and constant monitoring and optimization. With these time-tested methods, you can build enduring relationships with consumers who have a genuine interest in your products or services, maximize your return on investment, and generate more leads.
Use these B2B lead-generating tactics to move your company forward in a market that is becoming increasingly competitive. Continue refining your tactics, maintain your agility, and react to industry developments to achieve long-term growth and success. Now is the moment to take action and raise the bar for your B2B lead-generating efforts.
To help businesses make more accurate marketing decisions, generate more effective outcomes, and craft flawless future campaigns, RD Info Global Solutions provides you with high-quality B2B lead-generation solutions. To know more drop us your queries at [email protected]
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awesomengers · 2 years
What Is Intent Data And How To Use It To Boos B2B Sales?
Data is the new gold and almost every business now knows its importance. But datasources and types are so diverse that it becomes difficult to use that to create acompetitive advantage. What if there was a tool that predicts a prospect’s purchase journey through subtlesignals and helps your company to position to be first in line to make the pitch?Intent data does exactly that. It creates such a…
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exrconsultancy · 2 years
Best Market Research Services Providers in 2023 - Excelsior Research
We offer our clients a range of advanced Qualitative and Quantitative research solutions. Our experienced researchers are trained to conduct surveys and interviews that provide you with the insights you need to drive your business goals. We use the best methodology tailored to the specific needs of our clients while putting into practice years of industry knowledge, insight, and expertise.
Quantitative Market Research
We understand that the success of any research project demands the adoption of a systematic approach for both qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis, and reporting. Our proven proprietary Quantity Management system ensures that our clients get the most robust and effective data possible.
We provide end-to-end research services from developing screener questionnaires to conducting mobile surveys/ focus groups/face-to-face interviews, translation services to questionnaire translation, statistical analysis, data processing, and report writing.
Qualitative Research
Excelsior Research has a long history of qualitative research. Our moderating team works closely with our quantitative research analysts to integrate multi-modal research into a seamless story that will provide you with incredibly rich insights and business-building recommendations.
We provide a full spectrum of qualitative services – focus groups, face-to-face interviews, and telephone interviews – designed to help you make sense of your customer’s needs so that you can develop products and services that speak directly to them.
Request For Query@ https://excelsiorresearch.com/contact-2/
Are you looking for B2B data to generate leads? Excelsior Research offers you a comprehensive range of B2B Lead Generation Services. We can help you to captivate the sales process such that you can briskly reach out to lead and close the sales. We provide leads that are Highly Qualified (HQLs), Marketing Qualified (MQLs), Sales Qualified (SQLs), Intent based, Budget, Authority, Need, and Time (B.A.N.T), and Email Marketing Qualified.
We Generate Leads, You Generate Profit
Our B2B Lead Generation Services can be of great use to you when it comes to generating qualified leads consistently. Our expert researchers will provide you with the ideal database which takes into account the interest and qualifications of your target market. Our database is reliable, accurate, and effective since our team is committed to providing nothing but the best quality B2B Contact Data Service.
Build an Inch-Perfect B2B Database That Supports Your Sales Efforts
Looking for an effective and reliable database? Excelsior Research can help you build an effective and reliable database that can help to identify new leads, reach out to prospects and close the deal.
Our research team will help you to get an inch-perfect B2B business database of your targeted industry. We can help your company in building industry vertical references and contacts. The importance of having a strong business database is vital in helping your sales team to reach potential prospects who are interested in making deals.
We procure an ideal sales team for a reason, it’s because they let us grow our business rapidly. At ‘Excelsior Research’ we use database lists, web research, and social media tools to generate quality leads for our clients. Our strong database has hundreds of thousands of records from 50+ countries around the world.
Looking to track your sales activity?
Are you looking to track the sales performance of your organization? We’re experts at the sales process, data, and performance management. We help your business with technology that provides continuous visibility into sales activity, including predictive analytics.
Our specialist team uses modern sales tools to help you generate more leads, create more pipelines and convert more customers.
Our specialists utilise modern sales tools to help track traffic and conversions and set up more qualified meetings for your team through inbound channels such as social media, lead generation sites, and email marketing blasts. We also help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by comparing business objectives to marketing activities in real-time.
Excelsior Research provides you with a detailed report of the leads and data insights in a conventional procedure. Excelsior Research helps you get accurate information that can be used to determine which prospects have engaged in your content.
Request Any Query@ https://excelsiorresearch.com/contact-2/
Looking for the right information to support your business decisions? Excelsior can help you leverage your content to generate leads, by leveraging industry sources and whitepapers. According to industry studies, more than 90% of technology buyers access whitepapers or case studies during their purchase cycle.
Surface your content in front of the eyes of your customers and make sure it's top-notch!
Are you looking to track the sales performance of your organization? We’re experts at the sales process, data, and performance management. We help your business with technology that provides continuous visibility into sales activity, including predictive analytics.
Content Syndication Can Be The Cost-Effective Way To Leverage Your Investment
Content syndication is the most cost-effective way to leverage your investment in white papers, Webcasts, case studies, and analyst reports. By making your content instantly accessible to millions of technology buyers searching for information related to your category or business problem that your product solves, you eliminate the time-consuming and thankless exercise of determining which websites will match the right audience profile with your content.
Excelsior Research’s Digital Marketing Team helps you develop an online marketing strategy to drive more qualified visitors to your site and convert those visitors into leads and sales. Our team will give you as much information and assistance as we can to ensure that your appointments turn into sales and revenue. It’s this level of dedication that sets us apart from other B2B appointment-setting companies.
Search Engine Optimization​
Improve your website rank on search engines with our On-page and Off-page optimization strategies. We focus on enhancing your business website visibility. Plus, our target of 1st-PageRank or money-back motivates us to deliver perfect results
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Our Team analyses and develops strategies to increase your online presence by creative content and understanding audience engagements. It helps you to promote your company’s personality
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Email Marketing
Get a structured email-marketing campaigns campaign with clear call to action guidelines. We guarantee complete end-to-end conversion of your leads to a customer. Get started.
Conversion Rate Optimization​
We analyze your customer interests, needs to understand customer behavior. It helps us strategize a plan to increase the percentage of website visitors who take the desired action. Reduce window shopping by getting in touch with us.
Create dynamic emails with real-time data updates, forms, and user actions, right within the email body.
We deliver never-before seen technologies that enable customers to communicate with their customers in a way that has been proven to be effective. With our cutting edge technology we can build personalised emails and automated workflows, resulting in higher engagement rates, better conversions, and increased sales for your business.
Grow your business with our revolutionary email marketing solution. Leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence to send personalized, relevant emails on the right day and at the right time in an efficient way that can help your business to grow rapidly. We provide the best email marketing services to our clients by developing unique email campaign content for them and helping their businesses to become automated pros in online marketing
Get higher open, and clickthrough rates on your email campaigns right from the onset.
Do you have a lot of your emails sent manually? Are you wasting valuable time drafting emails, retargeting old contacts, and engaging with people who aren’t interested in your products and services?
Excelsior Research’s Email Marketing service will help you save time and make smarter decisions about how you engage with your audience. We create customized email campaigns for our clients that open up new opportunities for them by connecting them with the right market.
Get in touch @ https://excelsiorresearch.com/contact-2/
Intents are the starting point of your engagement with customers and the basis for multichannel marketing. An Intent Data platform lets you create data collected from different sources, unite them by intent and segment your customers according to cohort-based behavior.
Use intent data to understand your customer's needs and convert more leads into sales
Intent data confirms target accounts are actively researching and evaluating your solutions, offering real-time insight into client engagement. When you have a more personal level of understanding of prospects’ intent, it’s easier to plan and execute successful campaigns.
We provide the most accurate B2B intent data on the market, and combine it with Widget Analytics’ standard of in-depth user profiling to bring you the most cost-effective campaigns. We have over 8+ years of experience working in this space, and we can offer insight into future purchasing behaviour so you can make smart decisions about your marketing campaigns.
Are your marketing and sales campaigns ready for the new year?
With new tools and data sources, marketers can gain even more insight into their customers and start crafting more targeted messaging to anticipate buyer needs and drive conversions using different types of intent data.
Excelsior Research’s proprietary intent-based approach to outbound marketing allows B2B marketers to pinpoint customers who are most interested and ready to buy. Through our proprietary algorithm, we’re able to provide you with distinct customer segment information that enables you to identify prospects, engage them more effectively and drive more revenue.
      Any Questions Regarding Our Services Click Here 
Contact Us
Phone: +91 2067108500
Website: https://excelsiorresearch.com/
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marketing028 · 2 years
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ondotmediallp · 2 years
Top Demand Generation Tips to Grow Sales Pipeline in B2B Market
No wonder it’s crucial that the marketing and sales teams of any business in the B2B market must work in collaboration as they both generate demand and potential customers. There are multiple demand generation tactics apart from the common ones to use. 
Here are the tips that work every time in B2B demand generation -
Using Intent Data to Identify In-Market Buyers:
 Intent data helps in gauging the buyer persona. Access to intent data sources avoids the trap of inventing demand and focusing on accounts that are in-market and ready to buy; becomes easy.
Creating High-value Content and Syndicating it Right:
 Every buyer spends days researching, engaging with various brands’ content, and discussing them internally. It’s therefore vital to have a robust content marketing strategy to help potential customers learn about the products and services and influence their purchase decision.
Also, content syndication is a powerful way to enhance the brand’s reach. It helps promote the content to get it in front of the ideal customers. 
An effectual content syndication drive involves: 
Targeted outreach to decision-makers
Paid advertising of relevant content
Increasing reach by leveraging distribution platforms
Targeting Niche and Improving ROI:
It’s known that over 50% of ads are not seen by people, and that’s the average mentioned by Google. But, creating highly targeted ad campaigns is possible through:
Intelligent choice of platform
Highly narrowed targeting criteria by using the filters on the chosen platform.
Google and LinkedIn are the preferred choices for seeing the best results in the B2B space. 
Implementing Account-Based Marketing:
Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a must-have for B2B businesses. When done right, it is a proven method to develop demand and influence decision-makers of your targeted accounts. And for that, building a qualified list is crucial.
Not Underestimating Event Marketing:
In-person and virtual events provide opportunities to build trust with prospects and clients. This helps in increasing networking and pitching about the services and products. Events offer a great chance to share knowledge relevant to the industry and know customer pain points.
If you’re on the lookout for the best B2B marketing companies, OnDot Media will help you in reaching the targets and generate desired results with its global-scale expertise.
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sick-ada · 6 months
i saw this poll on discord but im curious how the results compare so
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when your tears dry up at last, tell me your answer.
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salesmarkglobal · 4 months
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The Top Trends of Account-Based Marketing in 2024
ABM has been recognized as one of the trending approaches in modern marketing over the past decade and has evolved from being a focused approach to being adopted by a number of B2B companies. Taking into consideration what is in store , several new trends could barely redefine the ABM landscape due to relativities in technology, shifting customer expectations, and the quest for more personalized marketing. Here are the core trends in ABM expected to remain highly relevant, with real-time B2B data and examples.
Read the complete article for - The Top Trends of Account-Based Marketing in 2024
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wynandcore · 5 months
Okay I wanna show my favorite piece of Uprising concept art, it’s been in the back of my mind ever since I saw it
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Look at that.
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azaracyy · 8 months
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"...that's all from me. does any of you have any questions?" "nope! crystal clear." "kew!" "that's good! um... thank you for this discussion." "you're the one who came up with this awesome plan, lopmon. have more confidence in yourself." "kew, kew kew kew!" digimon survive week 2024 day 2: cooperation
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wizards1977 · 4 months
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I couple years ago I was working on a follow-up comic to Namine's Journal and wanted to use Data Greeting as a kind of tool to facilitate that. I didn't end up making it aside from these few experimental first pages but I have a folder of quite literally hundreds of KH3 screenshots that I'd like to do something with eventually lol
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