#interactions: haneul
gildcdglory · 7 months
WHO: Haneul Seon & Marcia Ramos (@proeliums) WHERE: Borderline Hotel
Other than himself, there were very few people Haneul respected. He respected Lucien, the man keeping Haneul from dangling precariously off a cliff of his own design. He respected Heart, the childhood friend who knew the painful sting of rejection from a title given to you at birth. Lastly, he respected Marcia. The woman had been the one to raise him in the mob and act as a guiding mentor as he learned to navigate the underworld. When she abandoned the Burning Gods, individuals across the city could hear the shattering of Haneul's heart--- an object that most believed the man didn't even possess.
Perhaps that's why he found himself tucked away in the corner of the Borderline Hotel bar. He didn't know why he sought to torture himself with her presence, but a part of him held the foolish belief that he could win her back to his side. The Burning Gods had latched onto her once--- who's to say they couldn't do it again? The mindset kept his focus on the entrance, sitting up a bit straighter when MARCIA RAMOS entered the room.
❝You look as beautiful as always, Ramos.❞ He teased, wandering over to her side. It felt comfortable being near her--- like he could imagine the abandonment never happened. It was evident, though, in the way conversations seemed to quiet down around them. ❝I'm surprised you answered my call. I half expected those Hanging Man goons to not let you out of their sight.❞
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paradiserots · 6 months
𝗪𝗛𝗢: daiyu chen & seon haneul (@gildcdglory) 𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘: olive branch martini bar 𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗡: evening
IN THE FACE OF REJECTION, DAIYU FINDS HERSELF WARPED INTO SOMETHING UNRECOGNIZABLE. She watches her reflection, perpetually contorted and distorted by the bitterness continually weighing on her. It begins with her mother, and multiplies with every cumulative failure. HANEUL— a walking, breathing reminder of her most despised fragments. He sits at her bar and with an infuriating ease. What she would do to strip him of this abandon… The fragments of their shared past tear at her skin. No matter how vigilant Daiyu is, she always manages to catch herself on a stray jagged edge. Still, she remains unflinching, repurposing her disdain into something useful. Antipathy sustains her in ways love  never could. It’s all consuming— never leaving her hollow or yearning. It’s what drives her forward as she closes the gap between them. “Has a bartender attended to you yet?” her true intentions are not so readily offered up. “There’s no loitering allowed, if you weren’t already aware.” 
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tewwor · 1 year
ooc — (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚new muse idea is forming……. back on my bs of hey,, what if i took an idiom and made it literal? aka, ‘back when tigers used to smoke’ as a literal tiger shifter….. that still smokes :o)
they’d be part of haneul’s residents at the mysterious inn as a storyteller that can tell tales for days upon end. some even say that the stories this tiger’s come to collect have a sway with truths that can be altered to reality. others say a powerful boon can be traded for one’s life story — though this oftentimes means the tiger will hold possession over that person’s life in some manner.
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offleurs · 8 months
✿ → @okayhaneul
It should have been expected, really, with all the water on the stage and the fact she was trying to dance, enjoying herself as she had fun. It was truly the end of the summer, and considering they didn't get to do this last year, Seonhwa wanted to make the most of it. by popular demand, an oldie but goodie, a classic for sure, she was performing Full Moon. So, of course, it all happened in a second - the water on the stage had her slipping and falling on her ass in the middle of it. Although everyone gasped and seemed concerned, Seonhwa laughed at her own clumsiness and got up to finish her stage.
Now that the adrenaline had been processed and her muscles cooled down, it fucking hurt. Her lower back and her ankle, and as much as she would have liked to do something silly, sitting in between Haneul's legs but her back rested against his chest as they waited for the fireworks was the perfect plan if you asked her. Soon, they would have to go back home to see their insane daughter, but for now, she wanted to enjoy a moment with her boyfriend. "I think I won't be leaving our bed for a week, everything hurts," she whined with a pout.
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lovcscene · 8 months
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"¡sorpresa!" anuncia con una amplia sonrisa en sus labios, unos globos en una de sus manos y en la otra una caja con cupcakes y galletas, con temáticas de los videojuegos favoritos de su novio, que se paso la noche horneando. a sus pies una cesta con comida y una bolsa de regalo. agradece que uno de sus amigos le prestara su auto porque traer todo esto solo en sus manos y el transporte público habría sido una odisea y temía que los horneados se arruinaran al ser aplastados por otras pasajeros. "monsieur haneul, hoy por ser el día nacional de han vengo a buscarlo para el mejor día de su vida." anuncia con pretendidas formalidades para jugar. “¿me acompañaría a un picnic para empezar?” / @thundcrous
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ofnari · 1 year
❀ → @okayhaneul​
Haneul had been her friend for years, it wasn't the first time Nari had gotten him a gift. He was the closest to a brother she had, besides her actual brother, and she always wanted to give him stuff he would like and appreciate. If there was something that could never be too much in his closet, that was black boots. It seemed that he liked those, and she wanted to get him something he would actually wear. It was so annoying when people gave stuff in Secret Santas that was just forgotten because it wasn't something they would use, and Nari always wanted people to be happy. It was Christmas, it was supposed to be a great time. It had taken her a while to find a black Christmas gift bag, but it was cute and it fit, going great with the Dior black boots she had found for him. It wasn't like she could just grab Seonhwa and put a bow on her head, the perfect gift, but she was already Haneul's, so Nari hoped this was a good second best. "Hey, oppa!" she greeted cheerfully. "Close your eyes."
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ofseok · 1 year
☆ → @okayhaneul​
If there was something Minseok would never admit, it was the fact that he always made sure to know where Haneul and Seonwha's rooms were whenever they arrived at a new hotel, just to make sure he knew how to find them in case it was needed. Because he knew they usually shared the bodyguard's room, and it was very close to his own, there was no doubt in his mind when he decided to stand right outside their door at two in the morning. The hotel was quiet and empty, a bit scary without any soul around, but his growling stomach had been stronger than his good sense. Still, he stood there just staring at the door, deciding if he should knock and wake them up, or worse, interrupt something he didn't want to know (or hear) anything about.
Just like a kid outside his parents' bedroom, Minseok wasted time just fighting himself for being like this, but he was hungry and he wanted his hyung. With a pout, he finally knocked loud enough to wake up the couple, and then for good measure, he texted Haneul to let him know it was him outside, and that he was cold and hungry. It wasn't one of his brightest ideas, but Haneul was the only one he trusted for an adventure at this hour knowing he would be safe no matter where they went to.
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wictor · 2 years
                          closed starter for @haneul-ko​ at the infirmary .
                                  flashback; six months ago .
Mesmo antes do antídoto ser, por fim, administrado em Victor, as expectativas eram altas. Afinal, foram cinco longos anos trabalhando naquele preparado. Possivelmente, muitas idas e vindas, muitas tentativas ineficazes e muita frustração fizeram parte do processo. Mas, agora, parecia haver certeza no que fariam. Havia chegado a hora de despertá-lo do sono profundo ao qual estivera preso a fim de preservar seu corpo. No entanto, não havia muito tempo. Depois que Victor acordasse, o antídoto deveria ser ministrado logo. No ponto em que seu corpo estava antes de sua mãe congelá-lo por dentro, o veneno já havia se espalhado e atingido órgãos demais. Se não desse certo, não tinha como colocá-lo de volta em seu estado anterior.
Se tivesse que descrever aquele momento tão singular, Victor começaria pela sensação de estar preso em um lago muito escuro e muito fundo, nenhum sinal de claridade, nem mesmo da superfície, que sequer parecia existir naquela realidade a qual estivera preso, submerso. Era como se estivesse preso no limbo de lugar algum e ainda assim alguém aparecera para fechar os dedos ao redor de seu pulso e puxá-lo de volta para a superfície. Era assim que parecia, para ele, o momento em que o feitiço de sua mãe se quebrara. Aos poucos, ia recobrando a consciência, como se tivesse que atravessar algumas camadas de véus até finalmente chegar à última, que eram as pálpebras ainda fechadas com o peso do tempo do tempo em que estiveram seladas.
A claridade da manhã era dolorosa, por isso hesitou em abrir os olhos, mesmo ao perceber que conseguia. Respirar era doloroso, pelo veneno inundando seus pulmões, então o fizera devagar, puxando o ar com enorme cautela em um gesto vagaroso. Não era só aquilo que doía, era como se tivesse um monstro devorando suas entranhas naquele exato momento. A lembrança voltava junto com a dor, da bebida escura adentrando seu sistema e roubando-lhe a força vital aos poucos. Feliz ou infelizmente, já estava cansado demais para lutar contra o que quer fosse. Mas ainda assim, contra todas as probabilidades, ali estava Victor, vivo.
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hcark · 1 year
status: closed @axdently​ | location: shrek’s swamp <3
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“So two old pals just so happen to walk into a bar…” Loud footfalls stopped short of the now opened door. “You would’ve thought one of them ducked.” A shit-tastic joke for an equally shitty entrance. Yet there Haneul stood — one arm held out while the other stayed close to his middle; two cups of coffee in a drink carrier.
Easy confidence kept the brilliant grin upon his face as Haneul stood there like this wasn’t an unexpected visit. And though he was completely unapologetic about the spontaneity, his eyes were quick to seek out any signs of a weapon – having been greeted by the wrong end of one a few too many times in his recent past. “How’s it going, buddy? Missed me?”
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evesfeast · 2 years
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🍄  +  haneul   ( @haneul-ko​​​ ) &.  currently  playing . . . witches’  wrath.
                          “senhoras e senhores! ninfas, sátiros e fantasmas—a única regra nesse jogo é não parar de dançar. se parar, perde. se cair, perde! e vão ser obrigados a entrar naquele portal ali!”   ela apontava, a voz ressoando sobre as batidas ritmadas de banjos e tambores conforme o aglomerado da rodinha batia palmas, girava e rodopiava sob a brisa quente da clareira. a punição, é claro, era uma espécie de recompensa — eve não tinha encontrado ninguém naquela noite que não quisesse se aventurar dentro de um dos portais! mas suas palavras, como esperado, tiveram efeito instantâneo sobre o grupo e o ritmo dos instrumentos. seu mundo girava rapidamente, as cores pulsavam, a cabeça pesava e flutuava ao mesmo tempo — tudo era muito vivo e guinevere estava viva. feliz. extasiada!  ela dançou até haneul mais uma vez, as mãos segurando as da semideusa conforme a conduzia na mesma cadência retumbante da música.    “não é tão ruim assim, né?!”  bradava, sorrindo ofegante. como todos os que estavam ali, para entrar na brincadeira era necessário ter provado de uma das coisinhas que se escondiam na bolsa de eve. não demoraria a começar a fazer efeito na filha de nemesis.  um rodopio, e por pouco as duas não pisaram nos cascos de um sátiro.    “acha que consegue ir até o fim? se quiser, a gente conta 1-2-3 e caímos juntas.” 
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mconlight · 2 years
📱(for the regular shmegular lads !! :] )
status: accepting!
Send📱for a voicemail my muse left yours.
"hyung? hyung, can you pick me up? i'm at-- i was--- i was at a wedding for the bride--- like i d-did her makeup 'n stuff an-and his ex came to the wedding and sh-she said i ruined her spe-special day and i got a fl-flat tire and i thought she l-looked really pretty before she t-threw cake everywhere s-so can you just call me back when y-you can please?"
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gildcdglory · 4 months
WHO: Haneul Seon & Opal Fontaine (@yuungmenace) WHERE: Old World Casino, Haneul's office
Haneul never paused to think about what his life would've been like without Burning Gods. The organization felt like it had been buried in his blood since his youth, and in a way, it has. Their desire to target Wall Street and the city's elites fell in line with his desire for vengeance against an absent family and unforgiving peers. It was like two souls combined into one on the day he officially joined the organization, ever since then, he felt determined to help Burning Gods thrive in this unforgiving city.
One way to accomplish his goal was to enlist the help of his protege, OPAL FONTAINE. The girl's hacking skills impressed him early on, and he longed to keep her close (if only to keep Seong-Hoon from poaching her for himself). His fingers drummed against the desk as he combed through files of potential targets, eyes flicking upwards when he noticed a glimpse of blonde hair.
❝Opal, come in and shut the door behind you.❞ He called, hand straightening up the files he just rifled through. He slid the documents across the desk, eyes glancing up at his associate as he spoke. ❝I need you to do some research on these organizations. Consider them... opponents of Old World Casino.❞
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decimobile · 6 months
“am i really high maintenance?” lulu to ha-neul
“Hm?” Although he cocks a brow at her question, Ha-neul continues with what he’s doing; he’s preparing dinner for them — her favorite dish. After all, he knew that after a long day of battles, Lulu would like nothing more than to relax and have her favorite meal.
Perhaps she saw a comment or an article somewhere that spurred this inquiry. Nevertheless, Ha-neul far from likes her tone when she asks him about it. It isn’t something for her to be ashamed or feel bad about. Not to him. Never to him.
“Yes,” he finally answers simply, turning towards her with a wooden spoon in hand: sauce for her to sample. “But I like maintaining you.”
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tewwor · 7 months
* & amaro & jiah interaction call ( accepting ) — @dumbthink
It comes to her with a delicate ping. A sort of internal alarm that makes the use of an actual door chime a moot point. "A new customer— welcome, welcome," she calls over their shoulder, delighted but calm. "Congratulations are in order for finding my humble practice, but I should ask— you didn't mean to look for my neighbor, did you? Narrow looking man, gawks from time to time like this.." Jiah's face is drawn into her best ( and skewed ) impression of Ransom's bird-like features. Wide eyes, lifted brows, thinned lips. The smallest laugh breaks the impression and she turns around fully to properly address the newcomer.
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"If you are looking for services regarding memories, then keep that bit a secret between us, okay? But if not, any you've come here for the dealings of stories.. then welcome again, how may I be of service?"
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offleurs · 1 year
♕ → @okayhaneul​
Working on an album wasn't easy on the road, especially when they only had two weeks in each stop and they had a break in between. But Seonhwa was quite proud of the final product - it was very special and unique in its own way, something she couldn't have done without Malachi and Seungho. But especially, she would have never done this without Haneul in her life, her very own muse. That morning when she had received the files, Seonhwa had been so excited that she had to text her boyfriend right away to let him know they would do something important that night.
Their room was quiet as they were all cuddled up in bed, her head resting on his chest as they listened to the album through the wireless earphones. She had promised Haneul that he would be the first one to listen to it, and true to her word, she wouldn't have it any other way. It was only six songs, it didn't take long before they were done. She beamed at Haneul as she sat up. "Seungho wrote 'Only', but the other five are all mine. It took longer than expected, you know, because Infinite wasn't so happy with it at first. But here it is, finally. My manager is trying to get the release date, but nothing so far." It was a bit annoying, but she wasn't even on the music video for 'Only', which had made the process a bit easier. "What do you think?"
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vizinhofantasma · 10 months
questionava-se internamente o que o fizera ir até aquele bar beira mar, talvez fosse o fato de agora ter um colega de quarto. observava as pessoas a sua volta e dava um meio sorriso ás vezes, era interessante o quanto conseguiam se divertir despreocupadamente, algo que Hon não conseguia já a algum tempo. o olhar se perdeu em diversos momentos, mesclando entre observar o movimento na praia e ali no bar onde estava. pelo menos até que @fluffybunnyz se aproximou. "acho que esqueci como é se divertir" encolheu os ombros ao responder a pergunta alheia.
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