#interactions: timeguardians
officerwaltons · 1 year
“  i’m not letting you go alone.  ” Susan to Peter
PETER SMILES FONDLY at his younger sister. Susan has always been stubborn. He knows there isn’t any real use in trying to dissuade her. Instead, he tries to placate her. “I’m not going alone,” he says, hoisting himself up onto his horse. “Ed’s joining.” Then, just to be cheeky, he says, “Unless you don’t trust the pair of us together?”
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There is a momentary pause hearing her speak before Bradford turns around and looks at Chen. A brow arched in question before he speaks. ❝ Boot , if you slip you'll fall on the concrete. I'm not catching you. ❞ She probably didn't mean it in a literal sense of the phrasing ; in fact odds are she's probably teasing him. But he isn't going to let Chen have one up on him in any capacity. Amused or not he doesn't let it show. Still as stern-faced as always.
❝ Nor am I allowing you days off when you hurt yourself. ❞
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❝ If we slip then into your arms I'll fall. ❞ (Lucy to Bradford) @timeguardians
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gotnorighttodoless · 1 year
"Steve?" Peggy Carter tremulously beckons. It couldn't be!!! She was in radio contact when the craft headed for New York downed somewhere in frigid waters. (timeguardians)
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"Sorry, pal," Howard told Steve sincerely when Steve looked to him, unable to speak due to the mess of emotion that welled up as soon as he saw Peggy. "I didn't want to mess up your plan but I couldn't keep it from her any longer that we'd found ya." Howard glanced between Steve and Peggy before patting Steve on the shoulder, trying not to smile at how Steve was entirely incapable of hiding how he was feeling. "I'll give you two some privacy." Speaking up so Peggy could hear, Howard teased them both, taking great relief and satisfaction in getting the opportunity, "I won't be back tonight so no need to worry about any interruptions. You can fondue to your heart's content." Before Steve could say something to that, Howard was quick to turn and walk away, not wanting either of them to see him get emotional himself at their reunion.
With Howard gone, Steve returned his attention to Peggy, the longing he felt for weeks to see her again taking over completely after being supressed for so long, causing him to move toward her even though he still hadn't said a word. Only when he was close enough to touch her did he stop, blinking away the blurriness caused by welled up tears, and tell her, "I'm sorry for taking so long to come back. I wanted to make sure I was okay first. When Howard found me, he said I was trapped in a block of ice. Neither of us knew what effect it'd have on the serum."
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brooklynbred · 9 days
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" why do i smell smoke ? " Peggy prods." did you try to make me dinner ? "    //    @timeguardians.
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Steve  jumped  slightly  when  they  had  heard  the  voice.  They  had  been  PLANNING , to  make  the  meal  for  themselves , but  seeing  as  they  apparently  had  a  guest ... Steve  was  enclined  to  be  the  nice  host  they  had  always  claimed  to  be.  That  and  if  Agent  Carter  of  all  people  was  coming  to  see  him , this  was  probably  something  important.  They  weren't  CAPTAIN  AMERICA  anymore.  That  part  of  their  life  was  over  now.  Too  much  of  their  efforts  seeming  to  be  WASTED , and  preferring  the  simpler  life  they  had  now  that  they  were  happily  retired.
" Well  it  WAS  a  meal  for  one , but  I  don't  think  you  want  any  of  this. "    Steve  wasn't  a  bad  cook.  But  they  were  no  culinary  EXPERT  either. They  were  fine  at  your  staple  meals , but  when  it  came  to  more  complex  dishes  like  the  one  he  had  been  attempting  to  accomplish  before  she  had  mad  herself  known.    " But  I  can  put  a  pot  of  coffee  on  if  you  wanna  tell  me  what  it  is  that  earns  a  call  from  Agent  Carter  herself.  You  know  I'm  retired  right? "    For  a  while  now  they  had  been.  Not  working  for  any  group  anymore , but  showing  support  when  the  people  closest  to  them  and  innocent  people  needed  them.
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gobubyourself · 23 days
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FROM  THE  PROMPTS.    ─    ACCEPTING.    ─    @timeguardians.  ( rogers. ) " 💀 "
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killing  was  what  he  did  best.  everyone  here  knew  that  already.  hell , this  was  a  war ... they  were  in  a  war  weren't  they?  everyone  here  was  good  at  that  to  some  degree.  especially  this  war.  some  had  spoke  about  his  animalistic  fighting  style , but  there  was  being  told  someone  fought  like  an  animal ... and  actually  seeing  it  first  hand.  captain  stephanie  rogers  would  get  to  see  that  for  herself  today.  the  reason  why  he  had  been  brought  into  this  war.  god  knew  he'd  rather  be  anywhere  else  but  back  in  yet  another  war.
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the  body  fell  of  his  claws  to  the  ground  with  a  muffled  thud.  his  back  turned  to  rogers  while  shoulders  heave  up  and  down , before  looking  over  his  shoulder  toward  his  comrad.  there  were  a  few  more  even  breaths , a  grunt  sitting�� on  each  one  before  he  finally  spoke.    "  don't  bother  checkin.  he  ain't  gettin  up.  "
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diiisplxced-a · 1 month
“going somewhere?” (Batwoman to Harley)
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Harley looked at Batwoman, kinda frozen for a brief moment. They were at a social function and she had spotted her ex, and now she just wanted to leave.
She hadn't expected for it to have this effect on her, but apparently it had and now this wasn't fun for her anymore.
"I just...need ta leave," she admitted. "I didn't think anybody would notice me." Or care if she left, for that matter. She was hoping to sneak out unnoticed.
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mvltiversed · 2 months
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@timeguardians said: ❛ i just wanted to say thank you for interceding for me back there. ❜ from elizabeth to james!
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❝ it was no trouble at all, miss swann. ❞ anything to prove himself worthy of her affections. ❝ i will always look out for you. dare i say that's one of my many appealing qualities? ❞
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brokentruths · 9 months
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✏  “  can  you  hear  me  ?  hey  ...  dimitri  ,  can  you  hear  my  voice  ?  ”  ❥  dimitri  &&.  anya  .  ✗  𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹  𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴  .  ➤  @timeguardians​​  .
     the  last  thing  he  remembers  is  fighting  off  that  demon  statue  ,  and  then  ,  he  felt  something  smack  against  the  side  of  his  head  (  it  felt  like  a  rock  or  stone  )  .  after  that  ,  it  all  goes  black  ...  for  a  while  ...      during  his  blackout  ,  he  had  dreamt  about  her  -  anya  ,  the  one  who  he’d  fallen  deeply  in  love  with  after  getting  to  know  on  those  long  days  and  nights  during  their  trip  to  paris  .  he  just  didn’t  realize  it  until  they  were  actually  here  ,  and  she’d  been  revealed  to  be  the  real  anastasia  romanova  .      after  they’d  gone  to  see  the  ballet  -  cinderella  ,  he  remembers  ,  he’d  planned  to  just  reveal  her  to  her  grandmother  ,  collect  the  ten  thousand  rubles  he  was  promised  ,  and  give  half  to  vlad  .  he  would  then  hop  on  the  next  train  back  to  st.  petersburg  and  forget  all  about  her  ,  perhaps  meet  another  girl  and  fall  in  love  ...      however  ,  it  hadn’t  occurred  that  way  at  all  .  instead  ,  he’d  had  to  forcefully  get  them  to  meet  ,  after  the  lie  was  revealed  and  he’d  been  told  off  by  both  anya  and  the  dowager  empress  ,  by  hijacking  her  grandmother’s  carriage  and  convincing  marie  to  talk  to  her  ,  or  at  least  just  get  a  good  look  at  her  because  the  resemblance  to  her  and  nicolas  was  so  uncanny  that  it  would  have  been  impossible  to  deny  that  this  was  her  granddaughter  .      and  the  thing  that  finally  convinced  her  in  the  end  ?  the  music  box  that  he’d  kept  for  all  that  time  .  until  then  ,  the  music  box  had  been  planned  to  pass  off  any  girl  as  the  real  anastasia  .  however  ,  in  that  moment  ,  it  was  the  one  thing  that  he  knew  she  couldn’t  deny  being  real  .      it  worked  ,  too  .  she’d  gone  up  to  see  anya  -  anastasia  ,  and  they’d  reunited  .  finally  ,  he  could  go  off  back  to  st.  petersburg  and  leave  her  to  rule  her  people  with  a  proper  duke  by  her  side  ,  whomever  that  happened  to  be  ,  and  he  could  ,  like  planned  ,  meet  a  girl  who  would  make  him  forget  all  about  that  vibrant  red  hair  ,  that  voice  that  is  like  music  to  his  ears  ,  those  stunning  cerulean  eyes  that  make  him  want  to  just  pull  her  in  and  kiss  her  like  she’s  the  only  girl  in  the  room  ...      then  ,  as  he  slowly  comes  to  and  hears  her  voice  ,  that  angelic  ,  sweet  voice  ,  he  realizes  that  she’s  not  a  dream  that  he’d  made  up  to  convince  himself  that  she  hadn’t  perished  along  with  her  family  ,  that  she’s  real  ,  she’s  alive  and  okay  ...  and  that  brings  him  a  comfort  he  hasn’t  felt  in  what  feels  like  an  eternity  .      ❝  anya  ...  ❞  he  whispers  ,  slowly  opening  his  eyes  .  ❝  y-yes  ...  i  can  ...  are  you  alright  ?  ❞  heavens  above  ,  strike  him  dead  right  now  if  this  turns  out  to  be  a  fucked  up  cruel  fever  dream  .  he  could  never  live  with  himself  if  this  -  if  she  -  turned  out  to  be  a  figment  of  his  post-coma  imagination  ...
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valorums · 9 months
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Yet another year has come and gone. As per this lovely trend on the dash, I’d like to take a moment to appreciate all of my mutuals — both longtime and new. Thank you. Thank you so very much for putting up with me and staying involved with my blogs, in spite of my flaws. Over the course of this year, I’ve experienced incredible growth as a writer, and it couldn’t have happened without all of you amazing, talented and lovely folks here in the Roleplay community.
When I first decided to participate in the SWRPC via a multimuse blog that later became separate single muse blogs, I was admittedly nervous. The talent here is off the charts, and I kept wondering if I would be able to meet this community’s standards. Oftentimes, it is difficult to thrive in any roleplay community as an original female character — let alone one with strong ties to canonical content — due to the rampant stereotyping of these muses, but you all took a chance on me, and for that, I will always be grateful. Both Shi’al and I myself have grown as human beings this year in ways that would not otherwise be possible without our interactions with each and every one of you. Even if your username is not on this list (unfortunately, Tumblr only let me tag a certain number of individuals), just know that you are valued and that I adore you. Thank you all for writing with me, and thank you all for being a friend. Here’s to more shenanagians in 2024!
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those who have put up with me the most played the most prominent roles in helping me develop Shi’al Valorum: @fallesto, @magikborn, @vendettavalor, @alootus, @divinehr, @spokewar, @faithfulmaiden, @shadowedlights, @ofthestcrs, @oflightsbeam, @mvndrvke, @jeditrash, and more.
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those for whom the fun has just begun: @malka-lisitsa, @sithdestined, @desireandduty, @debelltio, @mutatiio, @sorehsu, @jaigalorad, @jedicide, @timeguardians, @vivalavillain, @hotchocolatejedi, @adversitybloomed, @healingforce, @khenobi, @luposcainus, and more.
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officerwaltons · 1 year
i wasn't going to let you die. i'm not that cruel. (Anastasia Romanov to Henry?)
Henry isn’t what to make of the Russian girl. She’s…oddly refreshing, actually. He hasn’t met any other noble- nevermind royal- girl who’s spoken to him so directly. Well. Not counting his sister Mary, at least. “I wasn’t going to die,” Henry corrects her. He rolls out the ache in his shoulder. “I’ve been thrown from a horse countless times. It’s sort of a right of passage.” He tries to grin. It comes out more like a grimace. “Would you pass me that ale?”
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Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
Oh I will do you one so much better. I will do more than five because there are so many amazing people in the RPC as of late.
@ladamereveuse , because she's been with me since day one, as well as @theforsakenchronicles. I've known them since I started in this crazy little community and they have put up with my bs for the longest time. I love them so much and I don't know where I'd be without them.
@unitcd, I met in the high days of the OUAT fandom and there is just so much about her I love and adore. And she's the reason I'm currently watching Supergirl and crying about it. So thanks for that. That's now you know a friendship is real
@wiishescametrue , is basically me, we are so much alike. I love her. Plus I don't know anyone else who is taking things I say and turning them into their discord handles. Clearly she thinks I'm funny.
@surgcns , has been nothing but sweet, loving, kind since I started following them. They also encouraged an OC which of course forms a bond truly between people. Extremely talented too. Their ocs? Perfection.
@roguexpogue, is actually JJ Maybank but is pretending they're not. They are just as sweet and nice and I love seeing them on my dash.
@softersinned, while I know we don't interact I will follow her no matter where she goes because not only is she the sweetest fking person but the level of detail she puts into every character is awe inspiring. Plus she has always been there when things got rough. She didn't even have to be but she's got a big heart.
Now these people I haven't spoken to OOC a lot but I love having them on my dashboard and I wanna keep them there.
@insanislupus, @vntagetee , @lcstinfantasy, @clairelilcorner, @2onrad, @story1ines, @bu11seye, @forthewinn, @fullstcp, @neveragcd, @malka-lisitsa, @timeguardians , @entangledmuses, @awalkoflife
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honorhearted · 7 months
Rate Your Muse's Traits from 0-10! Tagged by @apurekindness (thank you!) Tagging: @pagetreader @retrograderesemblance @thvnkpink @timeguardians and anyone else who wants to! <3
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★  ⸻   COMPASSION: 9/10
★  ⸻   BITTERNESS: 7/10 (It could be argued that many of his actions are inspired by revenge -- i.e. before Samuel is even declared d.ead, Ben wants to avenge the men Rogers k.illed; as well as Simcoe with coming after his father and Lucas B.rewster, etc.)
★  ⸻   HAPPINESS: 4/10 (The guy rarely smiles; he's too STRESSED to be happy.)
★  ⸻   POLITENESS: 9/10 (He'll offer you his chair, but he gets docked a point for the inevitable sass.)
★  ⸻   CHIVALRY: 9/10 (His white knight complex is almost a f.atal flaw.)
★  ⸻   PRIDE: 7/10 (He's hard to budge when he thinks he's right, but he's not too proud to admit fault -- unless you're Anna S.trong lol.)
★  ⸻   HONESTY: 5/10 (It depends -- he's part of a s.py m.ission, so naturally, he's going to lie to certain people. Prior to the w.ar, he was very honest with his friends.)
★  ⸻   BRAVERY: 10/10
★  ⸻   RECKLESSNESS: 7/10 (Despite being the most even-keeled of the ring in terms of leadership, he'll still take unnecessary risks here and there.)
★  ⸻   AMBITION: 6/10 (Ben's ambition is geared more towards the greater good rather than his own glory.)
★  ⸻   LOYALTY: 10/10
★  ⸻   LOVE: 9/10
★  ⸻   SENSE OF FAMILY: 9/10 (Ben gets docked a point for it never canonically showing him and Nathaniel interacting beyond 1x10. I personally write them being close, but are they in canon? Who knows?)
★  ⸻   AGILITY: 8/10
★  ⸻   S.EX DRIVE: 7-10/10 (Depending on his mood and circumstances, it can be anywhere from moderate to extremely high. He tends to seek p.leasure to combat the pain.)
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avictimofthejazz · 1 year
The Hardest Talk--Missy & Face
Continued from HERE
Missy’s anger is predictable, something Face expects as soon as he starts talking. It is the way of teenagers—to lash out violently when their sensitive spots are pricked, and exposed to the light. Her emotions are running through her like a roller coaster, first sinking lower, before rising to an angry high point, before dropping down again. He lets her run through them, from her defeated admission that she is giving everyone what they want, through her defense of settling for Stetson, to her sudden outburst when he spots the bruises. When she stands up, he does so too in a subtle gesture meant to stop her from storming out. To reach the front door, she has to get through him, and he might be comfortably into his forties now, but he is still a formidable barrier to an irate teenager. Besides, he suspects Missy is having a moment of dramatic flair. As much as she might claim it, she does not really want to go storming out of his house. “Take it easy, Missy.” Face holds up one hand as Missy blurts out a glimpse of her pain regarding George’s early death. “I’m not trying to sound like your father. I just sound like a father. We all get the same basic manual the minute our first daughter is born, and interfering with her teenage desire to date jerks is on page 183. He knows Missy has never had a proper chance to grieve for George. It had all been chaos and madness since he passed, and Missy threw herself into partying and chasing boys rather than dealing with her losses. Face tilts his head as Missy gives an explanation for her bruises. “Okay… so maybe a few bruises came when he had to yank you away from the bus—I’ll give you that one. I’ve left bruises too, when I had to tackle people out of danger. But what about these ones?” The con artist gestures at some fading marks higher up on her arms, like she had been pinned in place. “Or these?” He points out a few purple-ish marks just peeking out from her tee-shirt near her collarbone. “Since you don’t play any serious contact sports, I can’t imagine those bruises came from anything other then a guy getting too rough with you.” Face takes a deep breath, his eyes narrowing seriously. “I’ve spent most of my life doing really stupid stuff—in school, in the army, when I was on the run… it was pretty much my M.O. No matter how badly I pissed off Father O’Malley, or Hannibal, or even Amy, none of them have ever hit me over it.” He automatically discounts play-swats, friendly tackles, and light cuffs up the back of his head. Those are natural outcomes of interacting with old friends, most of whom are men. “Even when BA threatened to punch me in the face, and he probably had a right too, he never actually did it. That’s because you don’t hit people you love, no matter how much they annoy you, or how stupid their choices are. If Aaron is knocking you around because he says you’re doing stupid things and deserve it, then he’s lying. It doesn’t matter how stupid your choice might be, or how dangerous an action was. There’s nothing in this world you can do to deserve getting hit.”
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Missy’s outburst passes, and her next statement is much quieter. It also gives Face some painful context for how her mind is trying to rationalize the situation she is in. “Is it really better then being a nobody, if you have to pay for it in pounds of flesh?” he asks gently. “I know you’re lonely, and I know how crippling it feels to be alone… but trust me, guys who beat you aren’t a solution. They’ll just isolate you, and make you feel even more alone in the long run. It’s better to be single and free, then to be surrounded by people who only want things from you.” Face’s last statement carries the heavy weight of experience in it. He has spent years learning that painful lesson firsthand, discovering that his best friends are the people who want nothing from him except that he exist in the same world they do. That is why, no matter how fond he is of BA and Hannibal, he always declares Amy and Murdock to be his best friends. From the very first moments of their friendship, they did not want anything from him. Neither of them wanted him to scam anything, or steal something or supply answers. They just want him to exist, and to share their lives. It would take him years to realize just how liberating those friendships were to him. To not be wanted for his skills, but merely for himself made him look at his life, and the variety of masks that covered it, in a new way. Eventually, those friendships gave him enough courage to begin dismissing a few of those masks, and growing comfortable in his own skin. That is the kind of friendship Missy needs, honestly… but unfortunately, she is reaching a stage where her relationship with Callie is not nearly enough. She wants the attentions and validations that can only come from a young man… and Aaron is the kind of man who preys on that vulnerability, and manipulates it into something ugly.  
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red-flight · 8 months
Get to Know the Writer
I RUN : lots of blogs || a few blogs || just this one
I FOLLOW BACK : muses in the same fandom || only muses who interest me || fandomless muses || friends of mutuals || only members of a closed rp group || everyone
I AM ACTIVE : more days than not || as often as not || some days here and there || depending on my school work schedule || rarely || I'm often lurking even if I seem inactive
I LIKE TO WRITE THESE THEMES :fluff || angst || action || casual interactions || intense interactions || crack || first meetings || platonic rp || shipping / romantic rp || threads || ask memes || prompts
I PREFER ROLEPLAYS THAT ARE : one-liners || single-para threads || multi para threads || novella || different lengths depending on my mood
FOR SHIPPING, I AM : multiship || single ship || poly ship || no ship || plotted ships only || open to new ships || not looking for new ships || mostly or exclusively looking for high engagement ship partners || mostly or exclusively looking for casual or low engagement ship partners || not picky about ships || somewhat picky about ships || extremely picky about ships
I LIKE TO PLOT : everything || most interactions || some interactions || first interactions || nothing || threads || everything except memes and crack || ships || family relationships || history / backstory for our muses
TALK TO ME OUT OF CHARACTER : anytime || to plot || if you're confused or have questions in general || to remind me to reply || sparingly || only if it's really important
I GIVE ALTERNATIVE CONTACT METHODS (discord / social media) TO : friends || mutuals || anyone who asks || people i've spent a lot of time talking to already || ship partners || members of a certain rp group || no one
tagged by: @cava1ier tagging: @therapardalis @timeguardians @flyboypoedameron @pracses @oflightsbeam @hotchocolatejedi
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annastrxng · 1 year
@meerawrites thanks for following <3 I don't follow back personals. But you are more than welcome to interact with any of my blogs Anna, Unyieldingvalxr, and Timeguardians
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swevene · 4 months
❀ Belle to the Beast??
Send me a ❀ to give my muse a flower crown | @timeguardians
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There was still a great uncertainty in his interactions with Belle. The castle was a lonely place enchanted but no but the two of them. All of his servants turned to stone because of the curse. A cruel punishment that wicked fairy. Even so there was a charm to the castle nearly anything requested was given. But that still didn't make up for the lack of social interaction. And he was very rusty in that aspect. His words had been few but he did his best to appease the young woman. 
The garden seemed to be a place they both enjoyed. Though, he did warn not to touch the roses. Not that anything would happen to her but they were frozen as they were. They would not grow back if picked. They had a heavy sentimental value to the cursed prince. One of the few things that he could look back with fondness. But in the castle gardens there were tons of other flowers to view and that were allowed to be picked. He was certain he had seen her pick a few of these flowers and place in a vase within the castle, Something to lighten up the area even if just a little. What he did not expect was a crown of flowers to be made for him. And to be placed on his head. He was seated in the middle of the garden enjoying it for what it was. 
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Eyes turned toward Belle a small smile growing at the gesture. "Thank you." He looked upward attempting to see what flowers she had chosen to no avail. "It is a very kind gift."
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