#internet experts are my favourite kind of experts tbh.
beeseverywhen · 1 year
Saw a post talking about how it's stupid that literary analysis is seen as this boring excruciating thing and yep. Couldn't agree more. But it got me thinking about how much I love how ppl on this site talk about ideas that were traditionally pretty inaccessible things, restricted only to an academic elite, so casually. Like yeah there's no running from how there are people here who are determined to be anti intellectual and those that have their head up their own arses and are determined to think that they are way more intellectual than they are lol but there are even more people just talking about these ideas casually and I just think that's so important and so cool and honestly that's what the internets all about??? Its about getting exposed to people and ideas you never would have gotten exposed to irl.
Like its so fun! I love that ppl talk about philosophy and sociology and literature analysis as these everyday things that you can joke about and make memes about. Yeah loads of you are wrong lol and tumblr is the home of net zero information, but acting like there aren't idiots spouting shit in every university worldwide is ridiculous. Sometimes people are wrong and they are really sure they are right! And part of the fun of learning is accepting that and reading between the lines. Being ready to challenge people and challenge your own ideas! Yeah I just love it tbh. I love getting to see ppl sharing this specialist knowledge like it's nothing. I've been introduced to so many fascinating ideas and texts through tumblr. I love to bump in to someone raving about their speciality and let what they've told me lead me in to a total wormhole of research and end up knowing way more about an idea I never would have even considered
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a--loveroflove · 4 years
Hello :)
...and welcome to my first self written post which is supposed to be an introduction. 
I think I’m gonna use this tumblr account as my personal little space, so in the future I can look back and think, oh that’s what I liked that certain time and how I used to be: stupid ;) So similar to a journal maybe. I once even tried journaling but I stopped pretty soon, so let’s see how this will work out.
So now let me tell you a little bit about myself!
First of all I’m 18 years old and my mother tongue is German, so my posts will probably be full of mistakes but hey I’m trying my best to get better.
I really like music. I’ve been listen to Korean music since 2016 and really got into stuff from the 60′s and 70′s last year. Except from that I also listen to current music that’s more on the alternative side, I guess. But I want to expand my music taste and I am pretty open for new stuff. I will probably post about some of my favourite songs or something in a post soon.
I really like drawing, I always did, even though I have to admit I don’t draw very often. I think I draw the most in school tbh. Fortunately the teachers just got used to it and let me since I'm probably one of the most well behaved students in my class anyway. I want to start  drawing more often since it’s fun, I feel like I haven’t made much progress the last few years and have barely any finished pieces. But finishing a rather good piece always makes me incredibly happy and I want to put some up on my wall. I’m in the middle of my last year of school though and I currently have a bunch of stuff to do. I just hope I will be able to finish this school year successfully lol :(
I really like deep and philosophical conversations.
I think astrology and zodiac signs are really interesting (I’m not an expert about it though)
I have a cat and I love her. I came up with her name: Gnarly. She used to be a stray cat. We found her, when she was still very small and very sick, so we took her in. I also gave the other stray cats, that frequently run around in our garden and play with Gnarly, names: Harrison, Nilson and Campbell.
I’ve started taking acoustic guitar lessons a few months ago. I want to play electric guitar one day.
I really like fashion. I’m trying to stop or at least barely shop at fast fashion shops. I prefer strolling through second hand shops anyway and wear a lot of old clothes from my parents and other relatives.
I really like painting my nails.
My favourite series are: Haikyuu!!, Supernatural, Goblin:The lonely and great god, The Monkees and Doctor Who (the first 4 seasons, I’ve nothing against the other doctors and the other seasons aren’t bad. I still watch them. The vibe is just really different and I don’t love them as much as I do the first few seasons. I would also like to watch the old series one day, I just haven’t found an affordable way to watch it legally yet)
I’m quite social awkward and often get anxious and really shy talking to people I’m not 100% confortable with. Therefore I also don’t have many friends. And there are some people in my life that I’m not sure if they are my friends or not since we kind of spend time at school together but except from that don’t hang out or anthing and when we are alone together it tends to get awkward or we’re just silent. I want to meet many more people in the future and make new friends.
I would honestly also like making internet friends, so if anybody wants to you can just contact me. As I already said I am quite shy but I’ll try my best to do spread positive vibes.
This post is so long and nobody probably cares about it but It doesn’t matter since I do. (...at least that’s what I tell myself). I hope I didn't forget anything important.
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greaseonmymouth · 7 years
Thank you for answering my question! I've never heard of horse being used as a meat animal before (I'm from the U.S. and the concept of eating a horse is like... a last resort type of thing and not something that's done now), and cows just being kept for dairy. I'm gonna have to learn more about your food system, it sounds very interesting.
No problem, I'm happy to talk. :)Here in Denmark, where I live now, eating horses is pretty taboo so it's next to impossible to get hold of horse meat at all. (That horse meat scandal the UK had a few years ago? Yeah, we had that too.) mutton is expensive because Danes apparently hate nice food, and fish is expensive because...Danes don't like fish unless it's pickled herring, ugh. (I can't stand herring.) so what I eat meat-wise here is actually 90% chicken, 5% processed pork (chorizo, bacon, etc) and 5% beef on sale. When not eating meat, I get my protein from eggs, dairy, and beans/lentils w/rice. I could get pork, it's cheap, and Denmark is Pork Country, but I don't like pork, so.Icelanders eat a LOT of dairy. You *can* get beef and it's not like it's not produced at all, but when you already get much better meat from e.g. sheep, there's just no point in optimising beef production when you can put that effort towards dairy instead. (And tbh the best goulash is made with horse meat, not beef. Horse meat is much more tender than beef. Mutton does nicely as well.) And man, we eat and drink so much dairy. Even adults drink milk with their meals, not just kids. Milk, yoghurt, cheese, ice cream, butter, cream, skyr... like...I'm lactose intolerant, always have been, and as a child I laughed in the face of that and kept stuffing my face with ALL THE DAIRY EVER. A bowl of skyr with cream (or milk) on top with some blueberries if available is an entire meal in its on right, and we'd often just get that for lunch. Hell, I still just grab a bowl of skyr for dinner sometimes if I don't feel like cooking. I definitely have milk with my meals. I don't know what the statistics say, but it'd be difficult for an Icelander to not consume a single dairy product on any given day.Looking at the food history, all the traditional meat dishes that turn up are primarily mutton, pork and horse, and they're usually salted, smoked, pickled (in whey), or fermented. My favourite meat dish ever is actually salted horse meat (just...boiled, and served with boiled potatoes. You know that bit from CA: TWS when Steve says to Sam "we used to boil everything"? Yeah. We too.), and my second favourite is split pea soup with salted meat (the usual is salted pork but I prefer salted mutton. I've never been a big fan of pork.)And I talked specifically about livestock before, but hunting is still a pretty big deal - whale*, reindeer, fowl such as ptarmigan, goose, duck, and puffin are all meats eaten on the regular, though it varies from family to family and region to region. My mum's brothers A and Þ and my cousin S (A's son) usually go hunting once or twice a year, once for reindeer and once for ptarmigan. In some families ptarmigan is the main course for Christmas. (In mine it's smoked ham and a cut of mutton I don't remember the name for in English. It's a section of the sheep's back.) my dad's family don't hunt. I come from a family of fishermen (in Iceland, who doesn't?) so fish was always, always a staple. I like it best fresh, not salted or smoked (too strong flavours) and boiled and served with boiled potatoes, or minced into fish balls (meatballs, but with fish) and fried, or just filleted and fried in breadcrumbs, or in various types of gratin, etc. Cod, haddock, that big ugly looking fat "eel" with TEETH (what the fuck is it called in English? Wolffish? Anyway in icelandic it's ROCK BITER, that's how hardcore it is), those fishes that are like salmon but aren't salmon, are staples. Actual salmon is not, I guess there isn't much of that around? Idunno. I never had salmon in my life until I moved to Finland, where it (and other salmon fishes) are easily available and not all that expensive. Lobster (well, we call it lobster but I think in English it might be crayfish?) is pretty cheap and easily available as well. Shrimp too. Many kinds of seafood, really. In Denmark I don't get a fraction of the seafood I used to eat on the daily in Iceland because here it's rich people food, not poor people food.Like...look, back in the day when food was more scarce in Iceland and people had to be creative with what they had and utilise every single part of the animal, you just didn't slaughter the cow for the meat if the cow was still giving you milk. You instead ended up with dishes like cod cheeks (I think usually salted? I'm not sure, it's been literally decades since last I had cod cheeks), singed sheep heads, blood pudding, liver pudding, smoked cod roe, meat jelly made from boiling a pig's head, pickled ram testicles, fermented skate and the one that the Internet always likes to bring up every now and then: rotten shark. Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not actually rotten, but fermented. Not the same thing. Etc. Lots of different kinds of meet dishes that all come from sheep, horse or pork, plus lots of dairy + whey byproduct from dairy production that was used to pickle half those meats. So there just isn't much tradition for beef in the first place? We had all these sheep for eating (and bonus: wool + toys made from the bones and horns, leather from the skin, etc)! and practically, sheep are much much cheaper to raise than cows. Half the year you don't have to provide for them, just let them loose on the mountains and they'll fend for themselves and return in the fall super tasty from eating all sorts of grasses and plants. The texture of the meat is also fantastic, no doubt because the sheep get to actually...like...do stuff. Work those shanks. The rest of the year they're eating hay that you cut from the fields around the farm. (I'm no expert on this, so idk if Icelandic livestock gets fed other stuff in addition to hay these days? And sheep are really the overwhelming majority here.)WELL, ALL THIS FOOD TALK HAS MADE ME REALLY HUNGRY SO I'M GONNA GO MAKE DINNER. *(Please leave all whale hunting discourse in the bin where it belongs, please, I'm not interested. If you want to know: yeah, I do eat whale meat when given the opportunity (it's similar in texture to reindeer meat and not that different flavour wise either. If you're being served whale meat that smells/tastes of fish, it's gone bad and you shouldn't eat it) and I don't have anything against whale hunting.)
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