#into a big fight with ppl closest to me who said some very hurtful things
shenzuns · 2 years
my 2022 hard pill to swallow is that sometimes being bitter is not the best result for those i care about and even though i’m angry about things, being the mature one, being the kind one though that’s Really Fucking Hard will be the best thing.
and it hurts, and it sucks, and i want to be the asshole guard dog i’ve always ever been but no one’s ever stayed in the face of my rage so i have to be kind always. and i want to be kind, don’t get me wrong, but it’s so difficult and it hurts. i would love to stew in my rage and my bitterness and my cries of ‘it’s not fair’ but i’m not given the option to be childish anymore and it SUCKS ass and dicks and this is the cruelest thing abt growing up. being kind isn’t as easy as it used to be.
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
Sorry but hearing ppl say “I would like CF more if Edelgard was either treated like a full-on villain or as a manipulated groomed victim of TWSITD who had no choice” and just generally seeing ppl trying to shoehorn her into one of those two takes,  it’s hard not to think the words “Madonna Whore complex”
I kinda abhorr the latter more than the former (Not the crowd calling her Hitler and clown-emojis, but I’ll take someone who considers something she actually did a moral dealbreaker over someone who defends her because “she’s just lashing out cause she’s traumatized”.. That’s Dimitri. you’re describing Dimitri.) because it goes against everything her character is about, which is mostly: 
a) A tendency to think in the big picture, focussed on mainly the end result, especially on the temporal axis (”The nobility system has only existed for 1400 years”, “This is all part of the ebb and flow of history”, “This is the path that leads to the least casualties in the long run”)
She’s always playing the long game - so dealing with the Agarthans later (once the church is taken care of) is the same as dealing with them now. She never went against the church instead of them, she’s playing them against each other. 
b) A rejection of tradition as a reason to keep things the way they are
c) An emphasis on self-reliance and proactivity instead of surrendering yourself to your circumstances. See the speeches she gives to Petra and Lysithea. 
She generally believes in ppl’s agency, she gives everyone an out, and likewise her generals and the non-recruited ppl are all shown as believing in her cause (Something even Seteth notes) - they’re fighting to abolish hereditary Feudalism and clamp down on corruption. You’re fighting a bunch of people who wanna abolish Feudalism and Theocracy. 
Claude wants the same but he’s hiding it because he thinks he can avoid confrontations that way (There’s pros and cons to both their approaches, and I’m not saying that Dimitri or Seteth are bad, either, especially not in the context of the world they live in) 
She’s basically a Nietzschean Superman but in the original sense not the cheap bastardized version mixed up with pseudoscientific misunderstandings of evolution: Someone who proactively lives according to their own beliefs regardless of the mainsteam in greater society. 
And herein lies another factor, I think,like I’ve often noticed a tendency in modern fandom that people can’t seem to emphasize with anyone who isn’t in some way marked as an underdog -  Leading ppl to argue that characters who are definitely not underdogs like , say, Tony Stark, are definitely underdogs. 
Of course in reality things aren’t so simple that you could make a clean split into “underdogs” and “not underdogs” - Some ppl clearly demonstrably have it harder than others but ppl can have it hard in one way and have it easy in others. (Dimitri clearly struggles alot  - but he’s also a king. One doesn’t negate the other.)
There’s nothing wrong with underdog stories, they can be very inspiring and cathartic - but they shouldn’t be the only kinds of stories. 
Even the most powerful  can see themselves as victims because we’re all just squishy meatsacks who can still be hurt, and even the most powerless might see themselves as in-control if that helps them feel better. 
It also goes into the trolley problem and the human illogical tendency to view harm done through action as heavier than harm done through inaction. A tendency to not want to rock the boat, to confuse stability with peace. 
There’s no difference between harm done through action vs inaction. 
It’s at best, a failure of object permanence - to understand that things still happen and change even if you dont act  - and at worst selfish pride and ego (I want to keep MY hands clean I don’t care if people are suffering and dying as long as no one can say it’s my fault... the counterproductive puritanical idea of morality as “good person vs bad person”)
This leads to this attitude where if they can think of someone as a “victim” then it doesn’t matter what they do, because, after all, it was just circumstance, but the moment someone makes an active, deliberate choice, all empathy goes out the window and they’re held to some impossible standard. 
For the opposite extreme, see Dimitri (mind you I’m not saying he should be judged either im saying that mindlessly hating both is equally nonsensical... the dimitri haters are fewer but they do exist), or worse, Rhea... who regardless of her backstory has objectively been in a position of power and privilege for a literal thousand years.  You know Dedue and Seteth are right there? )
Something similar is to be said about ppl who call “bad writing” or “waifu-ism”, or consider her a “manchild” because she... opens up around people she trusts? Expresses relief when an ally validates her in a moment of self-doubt? Gets into comical situations in everyday life? That’s just kinda consequence of living in close-quarters with her. 
“How dare you not fit into “misguided victim” vs “ridiculous bitch” dichotomy don’t remind me that some character I don’t like is a human being” 
They pressed that any deviation from that is “ridiculous” or “extreme”. Tell me again that someone who’s consistently calm, collected and intellectually-inclined is a “manchild” for telling her closest ally that she would like to take a day off sometimes and liking stuffed animals.
I for once really like that she’s tough and proactive and makes decisions that really impact the plot without being a flat over the top amazonian stock character with no emotion other than “grrr! men dumb” which is then never taken seriously as a threat. 
Actually this part alone would not even preclude her from being a victim even Osama Bin Laden had a favorite color and liked disney movies. Hitler liked his dog. Stating this is just acknowledging simple facts, not saying that you should have sympathy for them (which for the record, you shouldn’t) - I think a work geared at ppl over 15 shouldn’t have to explicitly remind you that “this is an evil person” every time one shows up, people can distinguish for themselves, and those who can’t won’t be convinced by a video game. No one can “make” you like or empathize with a fictional chracter peeps. 
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 10 - "I've been channeling Raffy's chaos and messy style" ~Amy
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Colin survived omg omg. I went on call with him after tribal council and I smoothed things over with us. So I'm like the only person he's not hating right now. Also I literally told Colin everything. I told him exactly what happened which is so awkward if anyone finds out I tolf him that they all backstabbed him. Also Elle cannot be trusted!! Why would she do this? She's probably working with Colin and at this point I'm ok with voting off Elle. She really backstabbed the entire plan. Also Elle's idol is gone so it would be easy. BUT, we need to rid of the advantages that remain. There's not any time to get off people I don't trust. We need to expose every last idol we can. Also I know Brayden has an idol and I'm working with him but I might have to backstab that guy because if he makes it to final tribal council with an idol that will be big on his resume. Honestly Brayden will be seen as the most popular social player so that will look really good compared to me. So I might have to backstab my best friend before the time runs out. 
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Wtf was that tribal. Literally besides Colin, the only person left out of the vote and lied to by my own partner. Just when i thought things were looking up for me in this game, the rug gets pulled from underneath me again. I literally dont feel like i can trust any of them but for the sake of playing nice, I have to pretend that everything is fine and be a fake bitch for a day or two. Ugh 😑
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I understand Colin is probably really upset and hurt because he felt personally close with me, but I don’t understand why my reasons for not saving him weren’t valid. When he tried to save Dennis, it rubbed HIMYM the wrong way and I didn’t want to betray 5 people for 1 person the same way he did that because it’s what gave everyone distrust. He said he didn’t tell anyone about HIMYM until after he heard his name, but that’s a lie as Josh and Jay both heard of it by round 8. I said that and then he said “well that’s still one person”. It’s more than one and even then, one person is one person. You gave us a reason to distrust you and that’s why you were targeted. I never told anyone about his SWP because I didn’t want to give him a reason to tell others I’m not trustworthy or for him to target me with. Ultimately, of course I knew Jay wasn’t going to send me out, but there was a real concern that Babs had an idol and that between me and Anastasia, I would go. So yeah, my concerns were indeed valid as it could’ve gone to a point where I go. I really want immunity this round. So bad. But if it’s not me I’ll be ok with my allies having it. But please I want immunity!!! 
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[this was earlier, but put it wherever✨] Sooooo so much drama these days, I used to be in an alliance with Jay, Brayden, and Anastasia but they're all in a megasix alliance except Jay is relatively new bc they swapped him out for Colin recently, Jay is completely in Jodi's pocket and RIP honestly bc I was hope our little Corn Tribe (we're both from Ohio lol) would make it far, Colin and I are firmly allies now and we have an alliance with Amy (who is currently Colin's no. 1 ally and I respect that she risked it all for him lol understandable) and are goin to make another one with Josh. Josh and I are allies and I trust him a lot partially bc ppl lied to him almost as much as ppl lied to me and Colin and being at the bottom is a good way to know your allies are true, they have little to gain 😂 oh and Brayden and Anastasia and I are still "allies" and idk Jay hasn't talked to me yet sooooo let's see what happens there!
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I accidentally said that Josh was on the bottom out loud when I was answering him for the question who doesnt deserve to be here. Omg I literally ruined our relationship. I am sooo stupid. I literally told him i was sorry and he said K. Ok but he is on the bottom. Obviously he doesn't need me as an ally and that whole side has a plan. Omg Im ready to be blindsided lol. But also maybe dont vote out me. Josh really isnt that forgiving is he? That is crazy to me. I wouldve pretended to forgive at least. Now I feel even more awful because he never said he forgave me. Pain. Anyways I screwed up and now I'm just praying Josh doesn't gun after me now. But I did tell Josh the whole truth and apologized genuinly about the situation. Oh god I hope he doesnt hate me. I dont even want him as a jury vote I just cant take anyone hating me or disliking me. It makes me want to throw up. But I deserve to feel this way since I emberassed him infront of everyone i am so so stupid. Anyways time to plan who to get out. OMG JOSH JUST TEXTWD ME "It's fine Im on the bottom. My feelings dont matter" WHAAATTT OF COURSE HIS FEELINGS MATTWR I CANT BELOEBE IHURT HIS ACTUAL FEELINFA I AM SO STUPID WTF I AM AWFUL I WILL GO APOLOGIZE MORW NOW GOODBYE
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it appears either jodi or jared are going tonight, and although they’re my allies, i selfishly don’t care. I’ll still be in the game, so that’s nice i suppose. I love jodi, but she’s paranoid and it’s a whole deal trying to work with her, if she got voted out i could maybe get some sleep every once in awhile. I love her to death, but frankly whatever happens tonight as long as it ain’t me I don’t really care. Hell, even if it is me, then whatever lol, I can get caught up on sleep then. Frankly this is where the game gets ugly, and i’m cool with staying out of the drama. it still sucks that josh hates me though, i genuinely like him, and i feel like he doesn’t want to be my friend beyond the game anymore. To me, i’m going to keep doing me. I’m gonna chill, i’m gonna relax, and i’ll play when i feel like it. My mental health is important, so even if i’m not playing as hard as others, it’s just a game. If i lose, i will not lose any sleep over it. 
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DAMN last tribal really killed the vibes in the game. no one wants to talk. everyone is scared of stuff getting leaked or turning on people. BUT ON THE FLIP side that means everyone is flipping on everyone SOMEHOW amy managed to escape unscathed. They have NO idea she's in with us and with them. She's telling us everything. it's actually insane to watch her do it. Truly international superspy behavior.   We have our numbers and they have theirs. They made another majority alliance except they replaced me with Jay. Whatever, expected. its fine. I truly did not talk much to people before the challenge, I just laid back and let Amy gather information for us. The immunity challenge was absolutely crazy good for us. Elle winning immunity is perfect, and the fact they GAVE AMY the other immunity is also amazing, a testament to how much they do trust her. THEN THIS IS WHERE THINGS STARTED GETTING EXCITING so I still have my handy chaos idol. I was thinking about numbers and I came to the realization that we could get Jodi cirie'd out this tribal. Their side is splitting votes on Josh and I, and there's four of us. If we vote the other 4 people in that alliance and then play the chaos idol, it leaves Jodi the only one without a vote and she's automatically out. It was a huge risk but I brought this plan to Josh, Amy, and Elle. because of the touchy subjects it made me truly feel that I could trust my allies right now. I was voted "Who is your closest ally" and I'm almost certain it was those three that put me down. That means I can trust them with this plan. (I hope). Elle, however, brought up the very good point that Jodi might be idoled, it's very obvious for us to go after her. SO we also decided that we should leave no votes on Brayden and then theres a revote between the two. SO TLDR THE PLAN RN: play chaos idol and coordinate votes so there's a revote between Jodi and Brayden. Also we're telling everyone else our plan is to vote Jared, that way it's not too obvious we have shit up our sleeve. there is the prospect of them splitting the vote 3-3 and then we don't even need to use the chaos idol, we just have the numbers. The other option is they put all 6 votes on one person and then we do have to play it. Thats why its so good we have Amy as our inside source telling us everything that's going on with them. so yeah right now we're still playing it by ear. not a lot of people are online and available to we're just waiting to get it all sorted out. Updates soon! uwu
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Hahahahaha omfg so after we yeeted out of last tribal and then elle used their idol apparently anastasia and jodi changed their vote to Babs so they still went home and we kept Colin's idol. We jumped back on the tribe call and it was only host Jay and Raffy left lol like we were ready for a tribe fight! But I think it turned out better because I am still getting all the info in the group. Touchy subjects was interesting and almost exposed us bc colin and jodi tied for closest allies lol which I'm sure it was like 3-3-whatever. But she said I'm the group maybe it was like 2-2-1s. So that's a relief. However. Everyone is being really quiet with me and our brayden - jodi - me alliance is silent. I'm concerned they think it is me who's leaking but from what I can tell jodi (and thus anastasia, brayden,jay, and jared automatically) believe it was elle who leaked the plan to vote colin. So idk how but I'm in the clear. I'm just waiting to be found out bc I'd be an easy vote out. BUT I think they believe I'm still with new himym because brayden chose to give me immunity in touchy subjects!! And elle got first out!! So we are both safe and the current plan for Jodi's group is to tell Colin josh and elle they are splitting but they will put all votes on josh so that colin flushes his idol. Except lol it's a chaos idol. And if that's the case colin wants me to vote him ☠️ but it actually keeps him safe so I'll do it. I would just hate for the chaos idol to be fake. I think I know where all remaining advantages are except the idol I think Jared has lol. So for the break down brayden has an idol he believes is real but is fake and he is not telling anyone in the group or jodi or me so as much as I like brayden I can't wait to see him play it and it's fake. Then Colin has Dennis's chaos idol and one more regular idol. I have the merge idol and a steal a vote. That leaves only jared's idol that we might be able to flush this go if they actually believe jared is the target from Josh elle colin. But if they don't we can leave votes off jared and jodi and we can vote out the unplayed idol or vote jodi out and her minions have to regroup. My biggest concern has been josh bc he really seems to not like me ☠️ and here I am risking it all to keep colin, elle, and josh in the game lol. So now colin elle and I have a three. Colin filled them in and they trust me. And we waited until josh calmed down bc he was really mad that I cut his rope in the challenge. Unfortunately I knew that he wasn't winning bc he's at the bottom, none of them were giving him immunity, and I needed to keep up the facade that I was with them 100% so I was guessing like everyone else on the most allies even though I knew it would be colin lol. So now colin has talked to Josh and josh knows about the chaos idol so I just hope he's 100% with us. Because if we play this right it's 4-4. And then I'm gonna have to reveal to them I have a steal a vote lol they might be upset I didn't tell them before but I've never said I didn't have anything (except to jodi whoops). Also now jodi is thinking worst case like wants me to say I'll vote out anastasia if it's a revote and also at 6. I was like "oh I'm a revote? I got you" as in if vote you out sorry girl. Listen I know I'm not winning and I know I'm not getting to the end because it would be stupid to take me at this point. I'm literally a double agent secret spy lol. However the entire jury WILL despise me but all I could hope is they respect the moves I made. But it seems like a lot of people in this game take things very personal so I really think it would be a completely bitter jury against me not that I'm getting there. I kind of don't want to use my steal a vote at 8 and hope they still think I'm with new himym because then we could simply idol where their vote is and I keep steal a vote for 6 and my idol for 5 and I'm golden lol 😂. And here I was gonna hard quit the game lol. I mean tbh they could just vote me here... Wait lol I'm immune jk thanks. Literally i think Babs is indifferent and dennis did like me but his vote would still go to colin. But if I was in f3 IMAGINE the story of have to tell lol and convince them all. It's the struggle of playing more behind the scenes but I really think someone is going to leave the info. I hope josh stays quiet until 7 when we should have numbers. Anyway all of this to say I wanted to play this game doing the absolute minimum and I'm spending hours and hours a day like copy pasting from the group to colin 😂 and now to our group. The problem is colin really believed jared when he said he'd flip and I was like colin no that's EXACTLY what he detailed he'd do in the group. And then Colin and josh were like wait anastasia and brayden may consider flipping and here I was like no y'all they are telling me / us they're saying that. Unless it's like a double play they are lying to you and that's their plan. All I can do is copy paste their exact messages and hope they believe me. I really do think they trust me bc I'm risking my life here. I just need to talk to Josh and explain the situation and I am with him not against him! Honestly this is such a great cast and they are playing very well. It'll be fun to see how it all works out. I don't think I'll be at the end but I would love to see underdogs take it. I would actually love josh elle and Colin at the end and I'd vote colin to win lol he put in work! I'd also vote anastasia to win because she has laid low so well with still having pull in the game. Idk it's a fun one that I think will blow up on me soon but I've been channeling Raffy's chaos and messy style bc I'm just here to have fun not to win actually lol. I am writing this while on a flight so I'll have updates later. Oh right our 4 group plan is to use the chaos idol and throw votes around so that like 2 or 3 people don't have votes then they are the only ones vulnerable in the revote and everyone who got votes is safe. Then we can vote either jared or jodi like that's the thing if jodi doesn't play an idol here I don't think she has one or no one is giving her one. I think my only chance to make it farther is to let the 4 group know I'm with them 100% but still keep my idol for myself hopefully until 6 or 5 but lol idk about that. Like I can see them wanting to take me out then. Okay that's all my thoughts right now.
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[😬 Not me completely forgetting to send this oops here i'll add a fun quote at the beginning] Jodi is Regina George, we are the schoolbus✨ Sooooooo Colin has a chaos idol how fun for him and tbh im kinda tired so here's the voting plan and the rest you can just kinda glean: Amy - Josh Elle - Colin Josh - Anastasia Colin - Jay ~~~
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Power Ranking:
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Amy: She has managed to escape suspicion from last round. Nobody believes her to be the rat leaking things to Colin. She is in the best position in this game right now being on all sides and having every single option open to her.
Colin: King of idols. King of chaos. He has it all locked down. Has capitalized on those the Jodi side has burned. Will continue to capitalize on it. The power struglle ends here.
Elle: Mostly just floating behind Colin’s shield which is what she should be doing atm.
Josh: If he stays out of people’s periphery, he can make it far. Might be dragged to end, but could make a great pitch for himself.
Jay: Ruined his position with multiple people last round. Is sort of in the middle? Sort of not? He is definitely aligned with Anastasia and Brayden who are protecting him.
Brayden: If he betrays Jodi, he will shoot up in this ranking. Needs to become a free agent instead of being locked into an alliance.
Anastasia: If she betrays Jodi, she will shoot up in this ranking. Needs to step away from Brayden and Jay who are clouding her good judgment. She is being iced from the other side.
Jared: I don’t know why he is going to use his idol on Jodi? His loyalty to her will be his downfall.
Jodi: Seems to have accepted being voted out this round. Seems to have backed herself into a corner based on her logic. Too worried about advantages to see the right path.
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rebakadraws · 7 years
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
Who is more likely to hurt the other?
I suppose Inuyasha; it’s already a thing that when his youkai blood fully takes over due to some outside force, he loses his self-control and is a danger to everyone… Kagome is able to help him keep more control of himself, but… Didn’t he actually hurt her when he transformed once in the final act? The final battle with Naraku? Rip
Who is emotionally stronger?
Definitely Kagome. Inuyasha has put up with a lot, A LOT, of tragedy in his life, and continues on with a brave face… But just because he never like, breaks down crying over things, doesn’t mean that he’s entirely emotionally strong. He still lets his anger and jealousy get the better of him, and, well we all know he can generally act pretty immature pff.Kagome may let her tears show, but, she also continues on with a brave face, and  yet unlike Inuyasha, she didn’t grow up in these times of tragedy and demon-like youkais overrunning the world, she wasn’t conditioned to the emotional trauma like he was. But she too continues on with a brave face. Also she was so emotionally strong that she was able to willingly decide to loyally stay by Inuyasha, even though his guilt-driven loyalty to Kikyou in turn tore her apart inside… That is emotional strength right there dang (and it pays off in the end \o3o/ )
Who is physically stronger?
Inuyasha duh.
Who is more likely to break a bone?
Inuyasha with how he gets beaten to a fricken pulp all the dang time. His youkai blood allows him to survive it and quickly heal from such injuries, but, doesn’t mean he still doesn’t get them injuries fndsjfndsjk. Though I do wonder how Kagome’s never gotten frickin broken bones from all the times she’s been hit by something and thrown multiple feet to land on the hard sometimes rocky ground fvbdhsjfkbdh
Who knows best what to say to upset the other?
These two both know plenty of how to get on each other’s nerves pff… I guess I’d have to say Kagome though, since Inuyasha gets riled up so easily, she could get him upset with just a word if she wanted to. Inuyasha might get Kagome upset plenty of times with his words, but see, usually it’s unintentional, just him being his gruff rude self – it’s not purposeful malice, like him knowing and planning exactly what to say to upset her, which is what this question is asking.
Who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?
Kagome. We all know it’s Kagome, rip her. Inuyasha gets better with apologizing over time though, amirite? And I can imagine Kagome gets more stubborn about him apologizing first once they’re a couple, and he slowly becomes more and more relenting to knowing when to admit he was in the wrong and needs to apologize.
Who treats whose wounds more often?
Kagome obviously.
Who is in constant need of comfort?
Inuyasha, though he puts up his gruff attitude to make it seem like he’s fine. HE’S GOTTA LOTTA ANGST AND INSECURITY FAM that’s why Kagome is so good for him, she knows him the best anyone ever has, accepts him for who he is, and knows how to cheer him up~.
Who gets more jealous?
Inuyashhaaaaaa, we all know this XD.
Who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
SIIIIIIIIGH hmm……. I…… I hate this scenario because it happens so much in Kagome x someone else fics agh. What if I said that I legit can’t see either of them walking out on each other :V? Even tho ppl who don’t ship InuKag like to think this fndhsjbfhdsj Because like… Kagome’s already made her choice to stay by Inuyasha, despite how much he can upset her and despite the whole deal with Kikyou. After everything they’ve been through together... I can’t see her just finally breaking and abandoning him. She’s too stubborn haha and strong (and that’s why she so good for hiiiiim).And, Inuyasha I think, may be a stubborn jerk sometimes (a lot of the time lol), but he’s not really so stupid to not see what Kagome has for him, and leave her. He might let her go if she left because he doesn’t think he deserves her love, but he himself wouldn’t be so stupid as to be the one to leave. He’s always following after her, coming to get her from her home or rescue her from danger, isn’t he?And the whole thing with Kikyou I don’t think was a matter of him choosing between the two at all. It was such a complex situation, ugh… But Inuyasha gave Kagome an out once, because he knew that he couldn’t allow himself to return her feelings when he felt indebted to Kikyou… But Kagome chose to stay. And he never canonically indefinitely ditched Kagome for Kikyou, it was always just short visits when she was nearby to make sure she was okay. After acknowledging that he couldn’t choose between them, letting Kagome know this, and yet her choosing to stay I seriously doubt that Inuyasha – rude as he can be – would be such a tool as to abandon Kagome after she chose to stay by him.SO YEAH THERE’S MY LITTLE RANT SORRY LOL But this is such a weird topic with this ship.TLDR; These two may fight and argue a lot, but, they’ve both already made their choice to stick by each other, and, I can’t see either of them going back on that decision, not after everything they’ve been through together.
Who will propose?
Inuyasha of course. And I don’t think it’d take him very long after Kagome comes back after the 3 years; after finally figuring out all his confusing feelings and realizing they were meant to be together, only to then have her ripped away from him for 3 years… He’d have waited long enough already to be with the girl he loves ;__;
Who has the most difficult parents?
Both of Inuyasha’s parents are deeeed and Kagome’s mom is an angel 10/10 best mom. So.
Who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?
Kagomeeeee. Inuyasha is the tsundere, we all know this.
Who hogs the blankets?
Kagome, who’s used to sleeping in a big comfy modern bed and gets cold easier. Inuyasha is used to sleeping in trees (so I doubt he moves much) and without blankets.
Who gets more sad?
Well I suppose Kagome, since Inuyasha has his angst but gets more angry than sad from it. Kagome is a lot more empathetic and open about her feelings so, isn’t ashamed of getting sad all the time for other’s tragedies and such.
Who is better at cheering the other up?
Kagome, obviously pff. Inuyasha’s even said that she heals his soul, hasn’t he?? Inuyasha says the wrong things too much rip. But still, when he needs to, I think he’s better at showing his feelings and cheering others up through actions, not words, since he screws those up too often haha. He does his part in cheering Kagome up, but he does have to put in more effort than she does to figure out exactly what to do for her.
Who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Ummmm... Well I can’t see Kagome doing this, but I can see rough Inuyasha doing this.... But not to Kagome. I can see Inuyasha doing this but like, only with bros, like Miroku, or an older Shippou. It just seems too gruff-comradely for him to do to his sweet waifu.
Who is more streetwise?
I suppose... Inuyasha? Since he knows more about their Feudal Era world and everything.
Who is more wise?
We all know it’s Kagome XD.
Who’s the shyest?
Inuyashaaaaa. Kagome’s even made a point about it in the show how although he’s loud and rough he’s actually surprisingly shy. Shy doesn’t have to mean quiet, just, reclusive? Which is just what Inuyasha is – reclusive, and not very open with most people.
Who boasts about the other more?
Kagome! Once the two of them finally recognize their feelings and are together and are okay, she’d basically replace ranting about him (like she did to her schoolgirl friends) for boasting about how strong and caring he is hahaha. Inuyasha may not be so tsundere anymore once he’s married to Kagome (can’t rlly brush off your feelings for someone anymore once you’re married to them XD), but he’s still shy, so mainly keeps his appreciation of her just between them. I can see him getting caught rambling about her to his closest bro Miroku tho.
Who sits on who’s lap?
:V. Kagoooommmeeee. SNOOGLES. Inuyasha holds her in his lap a lot, snuggling her from the back, cuz he a needy dog boi. He’d lay his head in her lap a fair share too tho, but, that’s not sitting on laps.
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survivenovascotia · 4 years
Episode 8 - We made the merge!!! - Keegan
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Going into tribal, I thought we were staying strong as our old tribe and voting Dan out, but to be honest, that isn't really what I want anymore. I brought up the idea to Austin last night and then today when I asked what to do he said to vote for Dylan. I guess I'm glad I can make an idea and make someone else think its theirs, because I was perfectly fine voting Dan out as well. I just feel like to move forward, you can't have someone around that you can't trust in the game. I think Dylan is awesome but he hasn't talked much and doesn't seem to show loyalty the way Austin and Stephen have. Even Dan has approached me more. It just makes sense right now, and while I'm scared for Stephen's reaction if Dylan goes tonight, I hope we can make it work.
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Me at Dylan being voted off :O I wanted to work with him post merge that sucks.
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MERGE!! We made the merge!!!
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Ima be honest going to exile really hurt my game. That was the one premerge tribal I could go, and while I wouldn’t be safe I really needed that time to bond with the others, especially people like dan who I had not talked strategy with. Now it seems he is more closely tied to Austin than me, which means he is not a psare vote I can use or a source of information, everything is funnelled through austin. I need to get my act together and start finding people who I can use without others being in the way. Not an easy task.
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I haven’t done one of these in FOREVER. I have an IDOL and a ADVANTAGE! An extra vote, SICK! Our tribe flopping could lowkey be a blessing as we are here to fight and get a majority. I’ve reunited with Dan and Keegan with the new Keji tribe as like a 6. Ive bonded with Coco, Glo and Stephen so like, that’s 9. As long as we get the majority and make the allies think they’re in the inner circle that’s all I need so they won’t flip. 9 can turn to me in the minority pretty quickly. Anywaysss now that it’s merge and I’m reunited with ppl I can redo the Idol Board and get ppl to send me their scores “I want one of us to get it instead of anyone else” teehee. I’m a snake. A silly snake. But a snake nonetheless.
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Heather won the first immunity and that’s alright for me! She’s a close ally and that means the votes are wide open for this tribal. But I’m also nervous since I didn’t win and merge votes are notoriously sketchy. I’m very glad I have a hidden immunity idol. I’d like to save it for a later vote but I’m not going home with this thing in my pocket so if I get sketched out at all I’m playing it. Better to waste it.
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Oof. OOF. Mac just added Livingston to a alliance chat that had already been made. An alliance chat that Mac had said “Hey F4” in when it was first made. And now he added Livingston, a fifth member, to the chat. Mac. No. Mac what are you doing. Mac. Stop.
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So Mac and I just had a call. He said according to Coco he and I are on the bottom of our tribes. Now, I would love to trust im my core three, the chatty trio, and trust in our og tribe, but there are issues. Issue 1) I haven’t been to tribal yet. This means that I havent gotten confirmation that my alliance is legit and they haven’t gotten confirmation that I can be trusted. Issue 2) If Coco flips it means we are 6-6 split, and who knows what will happen then. Issue 3) I need to make a move in this game and fast. I am starting to slip into goat “cruising through” territory, and that’s not me. But I have to make sure I can take credit for the move, be able to show I’m not just drinking Macs kool aid. Now I did lay groundwork with Mac that led to this opportunity, and that’s great, but I need to make sure my voice is heard as well. I also need to make sure Mac isn’t just getting me to say stuff so he can use it against me. There’s a lot to consider, and not a lot of time to do so.
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So clearly the other side has some messy ass people. Apparently the people of Mac, Darcy, Kyle, Keegan and Livingston have me on their radar because they chose not to talk to me or barely do which is weird. Livingston is apparently mad we didn't talk to him but I went into my DMs and saw he ended all of our conversations prematurely before we said  bye or anything. He never responded to me so ok, tea. Kyle never even talked to me so that's fun. Mac exchanged like 3 words to me and stopped responding. The only two I had decent conversations with were Darcy and Keegan and I don't trust them. Right now if I'm being targetted, I'm ready to drop some tea bombs on some people even if they aren't tea but lies. I'm not gonna be eliminated by a group of people that chose not to talk to me and end our conversations and blame it on me.
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Heather is immune with the first individual immunity and I'm 100% chill with that . I feel kyle mac or darcy have to go this first vote. They are a trio and I feel are def smart players. My core pretty ppl alliance seems like it is sticking together for now which is great bc less ppl the better .
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It’s been incredibly quiet today and it’s definitely worrisome. Heather said she heard a whisper of Mac’s name but mostly just Evan’s. We had a good conversation and are going to watch each other’s backs. It’s nice to have that with someone outside of my Revenge for Kevin alliance. But I don’t know what’s really going to happen at tribal tonight. I do wish I’d won immunity. Time will tell if it’s Evan or Mac getting the boot. As long as it ain’t me though, I’m alright.
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So I heard MY name come up as an easy vote by the other tribe. Why? I'm not publically being a threat to anyone? Actually, perhaps that's why I'm considered an easy vote. However, I know that my old tribe has the numbers no matter what, and we intend on sticking together. And that's what we'll do.
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I’m getting votes. I think Evan’s going but I’m getting votes. Fml. Oh well. I don’t think there’s enough to send me home though. (This will wither age well or it won’t)
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My old tribe has been discussing who to take out. Once I found out Kyle was throwing my name out there, I was trying to lobby everyone to vote for Kyle. However, the more I thought about my future in this game, the more I realized that Darby might be more beneficial. With Kyle calling the shots and being on the other tribe leading to a potential underdog story, Kyle is a meat shield for me. I know that I will be able to flip-flop safely and make big moves as long as I have meat shields available. And with me being percieved as a goat come the merge, it's important that I make these big moves and get away with it. However, I also don't want someone who is actively throwing my name out there. Blindsiding Kyle would create the message of "If you come after me, you'll go home." I don't know who I'll vote for...
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OMG. I have done so much during this round. I've been up for 19 hours and I've been constantly trying to get information.  First I was on call with Mac for one and a half hour. It was crystal clear to me that he was trying to TRICK ME. He wants me to vote with him against my main people(evan,eric). He thinks he could get me to vote with him, livingston, darcy and kyle. I'm like no way. After that I spilled everything to my MAIN ALLIANCE:  Evan, Heather,  Eric. and then others who i trust for now: glo,  austin,  stephen. Heather kept pushing us to vote out Darcy which is fine with me because I don't really trust him. In order to keep our plan a secret I told Mac that he was being targetted and that he was the target of Eric/Evan. Other than that I have been in a final 3 alliance with Heather, Evan. I also promised Final 3 to Eric. I  have another final 3 deal with glo, heather. Even tho i have all these deals.. I hope that my final 4 will be Stephen, Eric, Evan and myself. I think that I could win the game if I'm next to them but idk who I would wanna give 4TH place.
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My heart was pounding as my name kept coming up. When Tawni asked if anyone was feeling nervous and I didn't raise my hand, I was totally lying. But thankfully for me, I'm still in the game. Now that I know what it feels like to have your name written down, I know that it's important to prevent votes cast against you at all costs; even if you aren't going home.
I've been wanting to get out Austin since day 1 when he lied to me about his connections coming into this game. Because of that, I instantly knew I couldn't trust him. Now, it's time to finally share the fact that he can't be trusted and get Austin out.
I was talking to Heather discussing the idea of making a move against Austin, and Heather catches me in this lie about Oak Island, when I said I knew what the challenge was before I started it, when in reality I didn't. Because of it, I admitted the fact that I have an idol to her. I was upset at myself at first, but then she told me she has an idol as well. Despite Heather trusting me enough to tell me she has an idol, Heather having an idol makes me very weary of her. I'm aware that Heather is a huge threat in this game. Not only is she a challenge threat, but she now has an idol in her pocket. So if I need to blindside one of my closest allies because she's too much of a threat, that's what I'll need to do.
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
Okay so we got the boys as big brothers but I'm curious,,, what about the BMC girls as big sisters???? :0
omg yes yes yes i’ve been thinking about this but i’ve been avoiding doing it since i’ve had requests aka im using this as an excuse to do it
i just put everyone under the cut since i did all of them so
thank u nonny
best. older sister. ever.
if you’re into musical theatre, it’s a huuuuge bonding experience!!!! i headcanon christine started when she was a kid and always loved it so just
imagine getting into it when ur in middle school/high school????
christine helps you with stage makeup and teaches you how to do it properly and what the right amount of stuff is!!!!
if ur not into acting n stuff, you work crew or lights maybe
or you just come to every show and cheer her on!!!!
internally you’re just like “THATS!!! MY SISTER!!!!”
although the play she did junior year was kinda weird
all her theatre friends know you
like?? you could have never done theatre and everyones like “IS THAT [y/n]???”
christine will jam out to showtunes in her car and she gets INTO IT and its rly fun and sometimes the two of you have duets 
also the two of you will sing like 50 different parts for one song
can i be honest and say christine probably has sO MANY PICS OF U TWO LIKE
also sometimes people are like “do u two fight” and ur like “no???? why would we” “ur siblings” “i mean yeah but have u seen her?? does she seem like the person who would fight over dumb things? like the closest thing we’ve gotten to a fight is when i said one of her musicals was ‘okay’ and thats because i didnt even listen to half the soundtrack”
… u two… watch bootlegs together….
ok not theatre-related stuff
christine!!! is just!!! really positive a lot!!!
but like, you kinda get to see her being unsure sometimes
if anyone talks shit about her yOU ARE R EA D Y TO F I GH T
christine takes meds for ADD and often you’ll remind her in the mornings just in case she forgets (which is rare unless she’s had a late rehearsal the night before! but she still appreciates it!!)
christine knows exactly how to cheer you up! like, you like sitting back and watching movies? she’s got u. you like petting dogs? well, the best she can do is pictures at the moment but she will sent u all!! the dog pics!!!!
i hc that she’s really into romcoms so sometimes she takes u to the movies with her and its fun
ok but like
midnight chats with christine where the two of you just kinda aimlessly ramble together and its a very nonjudgmental time and you two talk through things
also helping christine by running through lines with her. thats all
u and christine have a lot of videos of u two doing stuff like ur own lil skits and ur own “cooking show” together as kids and it’s really cute
i just rly love christine and its rly obvious
i mentioned how with jake as ur big bro you get a lot of ppl like “oh, ur jake’s lil sibling” and it’s the exact way with chloe
except you get a lot more fuckboys. its gross. you’ve told off a few of them.
alright i’ve had this headcanon but like
fuck gender roles completely. chloe does ur makeup and you feel like a god damn boss
like, ur eyeliner could cut a man.
brooke is around a lot and shes nice to u (sometimes nicer than chloe is)
honestly chloe is rly confident and she strikes me as the kind of person where like, you could be having a bad day and she’d just compliment u but in a way that ur like “is… is that a compliment or are u mad that im sad”
its both.
can i say that chloe is kinda terrible? to other people? like she can be kinda crass toward you a lot but she has these little moments where she’s actually a decent big sister (like her doing ur makeup???)
but even then you two fight and its not rly a good time but one of u will apologize if its Really Really Bad
i like to imagine chloe’s parents have moments like “take [y/n] with you” and shes just “ughh fine”
her friends dont rly mind since ur mostly quiet
“anyway she’s kind of a slut-” “chloe don’t fucking call other girls sluts”
the two of u argue. some of her friends are recording u two fukn fighting
softly theres just someone going fight fight fight fight
it probably ends up on social media
so people know..
you have a couple people like “YO!!! U FOUGHT WITH CHLOE????”
“yeah i mean she’s my older sister so… i can call her our on her shit i guess?” “WHAT T HE  FUCK SHES UR SISTER????”
“wait she signed up for the play?? wtf who else is in it” “jake dillinger-” “god damn it chloe.”
im not even gonna touch on anything that happened at the halloween party other than just you were glad she got out unscathed in the end. 
but after some rumors fly u dont rly trust her??? as much???
anyway. moving on.
actual Good
“why do you hang out with chloe?” “w-what do you mean?” “no offense but……she seems…..kiiinda bitchy……..”
brooke doesn’t talk to u until u apologize
which honestly is understandable bc chloe’s kind of her bestie and u just insulted her so
very gentle big sister
shes in play??? u will be there like!!! “thats cool i didnt know u were into theatre”
i feel like i talk about the play in every headcanon i do but its such a big part so
wait is she dating this guy
she seems to??? kinda like him??? he sounds nice
whats his name
jerry or something
ur ready to fight him tho like, remember brooke’s ex who cheated on her??? u may or may not have called him out.
and possibly punched him.
and possibly gotten beat up
dont fuck with football players
brooke comes home from jake’s halloween party kinda early and shes rly upset and ur just like “wHO HURT U”
ur gonna fight chloe and jeremy.
anyway u kinda sit around with her trying to cheer her up
the next day the two of u go to the mall or pinkberry or somewhere to cheer her up
then chloe calls
“brooke please dont pick it up”
she doesn’t.
and then she does after chloe texts her and ur like “brooke n o o o”
ok so uh
brooke is a sweet big sister even if she’s not there 24/7
imagine being asked on a date by someone cute and ur like ‘fUCK BROOKE H E L P HOW THE FUCK’ and she helps u look cute and calms u down
a sweet bab
i love her
im just gonna go ahead and get it out of the way: you know a loooot of shit since jenna knows everything
jenna is protective and no one dares to say shit about u because like
rumors fly? she’ll debunk them AND find the fucking source and tell them off
someone insults u and she hears it? she will F I G H T
someone insults and makes u feel bad and she always finds out because she’s rly good at noticing things??? she will either cheer u up or approach the person herself
or both
i dont care where u guys go but ur family will go on summer road trips and you and jenna take selfies everywhere like
close siblings. the good shit.
honestly jenna is probably the kind of person who watches tv with u and sometimes she ends up not sleeping a lil so she just keeps watching whatever show and then shes like
wait shit i cant spoil this for them
jenna sits next to u and ur like “you already know whats gonna happen dont u” “yeah” “gdi”
jenna strikes me as the kind of person who would be a vlogger imo
being her sibling u get pulled into her vlogs sometimes
theres no warning shes just recording u at 12 am in the kitchen like
“hey [y/n] what are u doing” and u just staring at the oven “baking cookies what does it look like-” and u look up and shes recording and ur like “ayy”
late night snapchat story consists of her and u watching stuff together bc neither of u can sleep
sometimes she just gets a “jenna go to bed”
it never happens
i wish
i had more headcanons for her but i d on t
thats all babes 
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