#into the flashverse
lokescurse · 14 days
Can I get uhhhhhh Reverse Flash merch that doesn't suck?
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gorogues · 2 months
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Spoilers for Speed Force #6!
You can see some preview pages here.
Unfortunately it looks like the writer got word late that the series wasn't being continued, as things are wrapped up rather abruptly and it feels like some plots are left dangling. However, I also get the feeling that the ending is left open and there's a possibility of things being continued at a later date, which will hopefully be the case. Cadence is still hanging out with the heroes and her vaguely-sinister plotline is unaddressed, and I'm not sure what's happening with Fiddler and Klarion at the end -- although Klarion is clearly still manipulating him somehow, and appears to have an agenda of his own.
Fiddler is understandably upset that his company was taken from him, but I'm not sure whether he grasps how fully he was betrayed by his 'friends' who didn't care about his well-being during the concert at all. And ouch, it's got to hurt to have been riding so high and be accepted by younger people, only to lose it all and get dismissed as "an old dude"; it doesn't help that the new artist actually does make him look old. It's just a difference in art styles, but it makes him seem like he's aged significantly overnight. So he's had a great fall, and time will tell if this development is picked up again, but now he's got a legitimate grievance with Mad Mod, Music Meister, and Sebastian Stagg, and a less justified (but probably real to him) beef with Wallace and Avery. There's certainly fodder for future stories right here, and it's good to see him being used again.
Mas Y Menos are brought into the kids' friend circle at the end of the issue, indicating that they're at least pals with Wallace and Avery even if they don't end up joining the Flash Family. We'll have to wait and see if they will, but at least they're now on the Flashverse writers' radar and have friends within the Family.
So I think the ending to the series is rather hasty and harmed it as a result, but that was likely due to sales/marketing and wasn't the writer's fault. Hopefully Jarrett Williams will get to write more of the Flashverse and possibly continue Wallace and Avery's adventures, and it was definitely nice to see them get the spotlight for a change. It was also good to see the Fiddler here and get a surprising amount of development for a lesser-used villain!
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icedteaandoldlace · 8 months
Lace's Official Ranking of Couples from The Flash
1: Cisco and Kamilla
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Best guy in the Flashverse meets best girl in the Flashverse. Instant recipe for perfection.
When I first heard via Tumblr that Cisco had a new girlfriend in season 6, my automatic reaction was, "Oh, Christ, ANOTHER one????" because while I don't dislike his previous love interests, I had grown tired of watching him fall head over heels for people who didn't care as much about him as he did for them. And given the less than encouraging (and wildly incorrect) criticism for Kamilla in the same post that I learned of her existence in, my expectations were very low, and I tried to just enjoy single!Cisco while he lasted, dreading what I thought would be yet another uneven and unsatisfying romantic arc for him.
So when a cute bartender offered Cisco a drink to cheer him up (half a season sooner than I was expecting her), and they struck up a conversation that felt so comfortable and effortless, a little wistful part of me was like, "Man, it's too bad he can't just date her. She's sweet and relatable and they have nice chemistry. If this was how he met the girl he ended up with, that would actually be really cute." AND THEN SHE INTRODUCED HERSELF.
Admittedly, I was still a little skeptical for a while, due to the frigid reception she got from the majority (or just the loudest members) of the fandom, but the more I saw of Kamilla, the more I couldn't help liking her, and she quickly became one of my favorite characters. A photographer, an artsy girl working a customer service job that she hates, who's attracted to Cisco's personality and decidedly turned off by all the stupid personas he tries on to try to impress her; who tolerates his chatty friend crashing their date with a smile, and is certain about her answer when he asks her if she really wants to update her relationship status.
Building a relationship with each other is easy, but it still takes some work. For Kamilla, it means letting not only Cisco, but his whole found family into her life, and accepting all facets of his life and dealing with all the craziness that comes with being part of a superhero team. For Cisco, it means breaking down his protective walls and letting himself be vulnerable with Kamilla, and trusting her not to let him down. And as their relationship progresses, they both support each other's careers (and get involved in them when needed) and never want to stand in each other's way. They're both fiercely protective of one another, and they have compatible aspirations that change at the same time, allowing them to grow together instead of having to choose between each other or themselves.
They are two very different individuals, but their differences don't interfere with their relationship, because they embrace them and work with them, instead of trying to make their relationship work in spite of them. It also works because they share a lot of similarities; they're both independent and driven, and they both understand this about each other and are able to balance their time spent together and apart. They're also both caring and loyal to their friends and a good ear to vent to and shoulder to cry on, and that carries over to their relationship with each other as well.
Kamilla makes Cisco happier than anyone he's ever been with, she's able to tell him when he's being an idiot while still being on his side, she's someone he trusts with things he's not ready to tell anyone else, while also understanding that sometimes the person he needs to talk to is someone who's known him longer, and what a lot of people mistake for a lack of chemistry is in fact just a lack of reliance/focus on sexual tension.
Even though they didn't get nearly enough storylines and they're criminally underrated, they're easily the second or third most developed couple in the show, and they are absolutely the cutest.
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missgreentelepath · 3 years
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*eyeing the last donut*
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t4tneonj · 3 years
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hashtag facepalm am i right ladies
they're so disappointed what did they do
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piratecrew-moving · 3 years
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OMG SO CUTE <333 ty caleb
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icarusgf · 3 years
you’ve probably already heard the song but <3 ur beauitful summer lovers post made me think of august by flipturn !!
omg i actually haven’t heard it but i just listened to it and i love it!!!! it has the same hazy sunny summer vibes i was trying to capture w that parallels post tysm for the rec 😁❣️
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solcearchive · 3 years
HIIIII im alright !!!! ive been falling back in love w a band i was obsessed with a few years ago its great
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lokescurse · 2 months
ENOUGH about the CW Flash show. Show me blonde pretty boy hunk Eobard from the comics or nothing at all!!!!!!!!!!!
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m8tb0ll-n-spagett · 4 years
Mick: Has a shit ton of gold in his room
Also Mick: Has a beebo in his room
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gorogues · 1 year
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The DC Deck-Building Game has a new set, focused on Eobard vs the Flash (though it does have some Rogues, other members of the Flash Family, and miscellaneous individuals from the Flashverse). What I like about this concept is that you can play as Eobard or the Flash; not sure if it's Barry-only or could be Wally. It's probably deliberately left open.
You may recall the Rogues set from this game some years back.
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icedteaandoldlace · 4 months
Cut Plot Line
Feels kind of weird to be posting this one since I still don't actually know how I'm going to end this fic (I mean I'm pretty sure I know where it ends, it's just how to wrap it up that I haven't figured out), but Preppy In Pink, my Barrisco-at-Dalton AU, which is narrated by a character who is about 95% Barry Allen and 5% Sebastian Smythe, was originally going to end with a flashforward where the narration catches up to present day. Barry is out of high school and college by this point, and you find out that the whole story was being told during a job interview. Tess Wells (the person interviewing him) had just asked him to explain why there were two different names that he went by (something which is not a huge plot point and is explained away quickly at the very beginning of the story), and he'd launched into a tangent of overexplaining and venturing way off topic. Since the rest of the story takes place in the Glee-verse (with creative liberties), I thought it would be fun to end it with Barry and Cisco transitioning into the Flashverse by getting hired at S.T.A.R. Labs at the same time. It was also going to include a cameo of Iris and Kamilla as a couple who make up S.T.A.R. Labs' PR team, or something of that nature. I had a lot thought out for this epilogue, but I never actually wrote any of it down before I decided it just didn't fit with the rest of the story (plus that's a really long story to be telling someone in a job interview where you do end up getting the job). And for several other reasons, it just feels more right to end the fic with them still in high school. Looking at the O.G. ending written out like this, it sounds way zanier than what I actually had in mind, but still, cutting it was definitely the right decision.
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bbluejoseph · 3 years
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ladywind · 3 years
hiii sunz ily 🥰
!!! hiiii bev ilyt :]] i hope the day treated u well !!
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possum-tooth · 3 years
ur friend sarah!
caleb ily!!!!! thank u :')
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izumisremade · 3 years
hello u r soooooooooo funny, i love seeing ur posts on my dash everytime i see them im like ‘ok but ur mind!!’ honestly u r always right, i really enjoy seeing u on my dash u r sooo fun!!! ilu<3
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