#introduced… the siren song getting the men to jump into the water.. THE SINGING ACTUALLY SOUNDING LIKE SIRENS. GOD.
rowrowronnie · 2 years
love disney going through it’s anti imperialist arc rn (andor, wakanda forever)
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Water Lily Songs
This is a rewrite of my Semi fanfic, I posted the old one here and the rewrite first on ao3 here. 
Semi Eita x Reader
Chapter One
There was a legend I was told of as a child, the legend of the sirens.
Beautiful mythical men and women who were half fish, half people. Voices like silk and irises of gold and silver, one may say that they look like they have been sculpted and created by the gods themselves.  They were not to be mistaken for merfolk however, as those were their less vicious relatives. No, sirens were vicious water dwelling creatures who took humans as their prey. They loved seducing those who they deemed intriguing and eventually, disposing of them when they have had enough.
Living near the seashore as a child, I wasn’t really allowed to visit the white sand beach. That is because I lived with my grandparents who had taught me all about these mythical creatures. I wasn’t exactly ever scared of these creatures, nor was I interested in finding them. It was more of an; “I knew they could exist, but that wouldn’t hurt me at all”.
What they allowed however, was for me to be able to swim in a pool and join the swim team in all the years of my life so far. They knew that they wouldn’t be able to keep me from the water forever. They knew that, one day I would want to swim more than I know I do, or at least, these were my grandfather’s last words to me before he died. And as weird as his words were, I understood them completely.
I loved going to the beach before I was told the legends by my grandmother. I loved swimming in the pool we had in our backyard and wanted to be in the water almost all the time. There was something soothing about the cool water, not even just on a summer day. Even in the winter, when the water wouldn’t freeze, I would swim. I would enjoy the chilling feeling of the somewhat icy water around me, as snow falls from the sky.
Normally, or as I would eventually learn, you would get sick from doing that, but I didn’t. My grandparents didn’t seem to mind either, so I grew up thinking it was fine, until of course, my best friend Kiyoko had told me in junior high. It was a funny thing for both of us at first, how she would worry and I would insist that I’m fine. Then we got used to it, and laughed it off every now and then.
I’ve been swimming all my life, like the water is a part of me and my being. And this got me a scholarship to a good school, Shiratorizawa. In junior high I had left the shores I grew up seeing and now in high school, I have left all of the sea breezes and sleepovers, for a dorm and a varsity position on the girls’ swimming team.
I’ve always won with my team, every year since 1st year, and now it is my last. As captain I’ve received invitations to colleges and universities for another swimming scholarship. But even with all these things, I’ve been feeling rather empty lately. Sure I was doing well, I still loved swimming and being with others, yet… something was missing.
Sometimes, when I’d get time to visit Kiyoko at Karasuno, we would talk about this and she would show a concerned look at how frustrated it made me feel.
“Maybe you should take a break, y/n.” Kiyoko put her hand on my shoulder.
I was helping her put back volleyballs after a weekend practice the Karasuno boys team had, “Why so?”
“I know you aren’t losing any of your affection for anything, but maybe you should take a break and look at things from a wider perspective, you know like how we used to joke around.”
So I finally decided to take her advice, hangout with other friends, take small breaks from doing the things I love, and maybe just maybe, try something different. Today I headed for the gym where the volleyball team practiced at to meet one of my close friends, Tendou Satori.
The way my friendship with Tendou was weird to say the least, we were in the same class in our first year of high school. Then all of a sudden, he came up to me and asked me if I could sing.
“You’re L/N-san right?” He looked at me with a curious glance
“Yes, why do you ask?” I looked up from my copy of Shonen Jump
“Do you sing?”
“No? I’ve never really tried to..?”
He smiles and nods as he introduces himself and finally asks about the copy of Shonen Jump I was reading. Despite the odd question, we could talk to each other easily as mean as others were to us.
Sometimes, Tendou would even joke that people wouldn’t look at him as weirdly as the swimming angel Y/N is his friend. I would brush it off, and joke back that he had crazy good abilities as well. I smile as I hear that their practice is over for the day, and walk into the gym, greeting their coach who gives me a nod in reply.
“N/N-chan!” My friend singsongs as he walks over to me, “Did you bring over the newest edition?”
I smile and pull out a copy of what actually brought us together as friends, “Of course I did.”
He smiled even wider and took one copy from me, “Oh, we’ll be going out today, would you like to come with us?”
I blinked once, “Where? Are you sure it would be okay?”
“It's fine, Y/N-san, it will only be the third years anyway.” Ushijima says with a nod, he was the only other person I truly knew amongst the third years, but then again, I had been classmates with all of them….except Semi.
I have a reason to believe that Semi Eita has a vendetta or grudge against me. From the moment we met when I was introduced to them in our first year, once he had found out that I was on the swim team, it was as if I had lost all chances of being able to become friends with him. I honestly could never understand why he wouldn’t ever look at me for more than 10 seconds, or why he would always shut down the idea of singing with me or me singing at all.
I’d hate to admit that he has a beautiful voice, soothing and alluring something like a CD track playing from the record player. Yet, he never really liked singing in front of us much, or anyone as I’ve heard. So the reason as to why he wouldn’t sing, well, I haven’t figured it out yet.
With a smile I accept my friends’ invitation and that is how I find myself in a situation I would never be able to prepare for; getting stuck under a bus stop with only the man with a grudge himself, Semi Eita. We were on our way to the mall when we all got split up because of miscommunication, so here I am with Semi as the only two people under a bus stop, in the rain, without an umbrella.
We sit a good distance apart, silently and awkwardly. Semi has a frown on his face as he looks at the schedule for the buses. I take this opportunity to study his features. His ash blonde hair looked soft and a little messy, his clothes were simple but they suited him well, his facial features were pretty and I find myself admitting that he does look rather handsome.
For the first time, he looked at me and I got to stare into his eyes for the very first time, he had flecks of gold and silver in his irises, they were beautiful. He looked away and sighed dejectedly.
I took a deep breath, “Semi-san, why do you hate me?”
He coughed and looked back at me, not daring to meet my eyes, “H-hate you?! Where did you get that idea…”
“You never look at me or talk to me, and when you do, you always make fun of me….”
He sighs and looks into my eyes, “You’ve heard me sing, right L/N-san?”
I hum in agreement, “Yes, why?”
“Do you feel anything weird when I sing?”
“Yes and no, I just think you have a pretty voice...but sometimes I feel jealous.”
“I thought so.” He chuckles somewhat sadly.
“What do you mean?” I shoot him a curious stare.
“Do you see how my eyes have streaks of gold and silver?” he asks with a serious tone.
I nod.
“So why are you unaffected by my song?”
“...your song..?”
“Do you know why it seems as if I hate you?”
“Yeah,” I say looking down a little and he moves closer.
He laughs with a hint of sadness, “Well, for one, you're a swimmer. Even if I could, I wouldn’t be able to….”
The rain pours down harder and harder as he moves closer, “And secondly, you aren’t affected by my voice at all… I thought it was something that would be different over time, but then I saw your eyes...and realized ah, a siren, but you aren’t one at the same time.”
What? A siren?? What is he on??! I think to myself.
He looks at me amused, “I know you’re confused, but were you ever asked not to take singing lessons as a child?”
“Because you don’t need them, because the legends are real and you are one...or at least half of one..”
The rain is heavier now, and so is the mood of this whole conversation. Some of the things he was saying made sense, but I didn’t want them too, it sounds like pure madness in all honesty.
“If you sing at the karaoke later, you’ll know what I mean… but since you aren’t fully a siren, you won’t be of any harm…” He looks at me with an expression proving he was serious.
He thought of something and then took my hand, “You know what, we’re going to the nearest beach”, he says as the next bus arrives with no one in it.
He then starts humming a tune and you were somewhat mesmerized, “So it does have some effect, interesting…”
With that you get on the bus with Semi, all plans abandoned for the day. Partly because you are entranced, but mostly because of your own curiosity, but will that be your downfall?
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emootakukpoplover · 7 years
Breaking the Wall. Part 1
This is my first fic on Tumblr, yeahy me – going up in the world! You may want to listen to Against The Current’s cover of Uptown Funk before reading.
Yoongi X Reader
Word Count: 2154
Part 2
I was fourteen when I first messaged him, I brought him back from the edge of suicide and depression, pushed him to continue his life and told him that I knew that he would do great things with his life. He did the same for me, with my depression, self-harm and anxiety. We continued to talk and I eventually learnt his name.
Yoongi. That’s the name of the boy I have never met yet developed strong feelings for. He has a special existence in my life, my advisor, supporter and best friend. He lived in Korea and I in England. He’s a part of a big idol group called BTS now.
I texted him the other day; see? I told you that you would make it :) 
He said that I was to stop being snarky with him, he was after all my senior.
But I never saw him like that, only my best friend and an imaginary friend. It was hard to believe he actually existed most of the time, even when I heard his deep voice over the phone.
We never looked each other up, on facebook nor on google. I didn’t want to shatter the fantasy we had created and neither did he. We shared secrets that we never told anyone before and stayed up late with each other to keep each other company.
He sent me audio files of his songs, letting me help him arrange them; we both had a passion for music, lived and breathed it. I loved the songs, every single one. I came to know his bandmates, and he knew my friends and my bandmates. He knew I was in a band, though he never pressed me for music. I’ve been close to sending him some clips, but always backed out. I was never confident in my voice, I thought it was too deep and strong. Even though I haven’t been confident, it never stopped me from going on stage and singing my heart out.
It was through the stage we got to do a concert in Korea, Seoul. ‘Come on y/n, we need to get going!’ Hayley shouts at me while whizzing past me, running for the sign that said out band name on it: Nap Time Lullaby. Veronica began pushing me from behind, complaining that I was too slow.
‘I just woke up…’ I mumbled as I started forward.
Liz, Casey and Martin were already at the banner as Hayley began interrogating the men holding the sign.
‘Oi, stop disturbing them Hale,’ I tell Hayley as we arrive. She immediately quiets down and says that she’s sorry, I give her a smile to let her know I wasn’t that mad at her – she returns it.
‘Y/n?’ a lady asked me, I nodded in reply. ‘Kim Sook-Chul, head of the International Band Battle committee.’ She extends a hand to me and I take it and give a firm squeeze before dropping it. She was young, maybe a decade older than us, so about 29. Her hair was a light brown, cut to her chin. The hair fluffed out, softening her sharp features. She looked like a kind woman, the type of role model we wished for when we were younger.
‘Hi, we are thankful for your invitation to this tournament, we never expected to be a part of such a huge event!’ I said in Korean, my friends nodded in agreement.
Ms Kim’s soft brown eyes widened slightly at my reply, she obviously didn’t expect us to speak her language. It’s not like I wasted my late nights with Yoongi doing nothing for five years! Geez, I may have failed French at GCSE but I took a Korean GCSE and A-Level, got A*’s in all exams.
‘Well, the fact you know Korean makes things much easier,’ she says before pulling out a folder from her case. ‘This is the event order and the practice schedules, you have been paired with a group that we feel you will get along with best; friendship wise and musically. They will make sure you have everything you need as you will be sharing a dorm together. Your partnered group are Korean, so they have been there for a few days now. In answer to their request, you are placed in a lodge in a woody area, to ensure peace and quiet. It’s about a 30 minute drive to the studio’s you will be practicing at.
‘Your equipment will be sent to the lodge, and there will be a crew to transport them. The courtyard has working electrics, so you can practice outside if you want, and there is a soundproofed practice room in the basement. Is there anything else you will need?’ she asks as if we required designer clothing and reservations at the top restaurants.
I shook my head, ‘as long as there’s a kitchen and full cupboards, then I’m good.’ I say as my companions shake their heads.
‘Fantastic! Then we best be on our way, the lodge is about an hour and a half away.’ She then turned around and walked away with a sharp clip of her heels towards the doors. ‘Ah!’ she spun around quickly, ‘don’t worry about your stuff, the crew will grab it all.’ She then turned around and continued her power walk, leaving us mere mortals to gape and catch flies.
I was being shook, I didn’t want to wake up. I groaned and pushed the person away, my hand connecting to a soft cheek. Casey, had to be her. ‘Come on, we have arrived. And you seriously need to check this place our y/n, it’s like a dream!’ she said as she shook me harder.
‘I’m tired,’ I mumble as I curl up more. She gave a sigh and left me alone. I could hear them talking outside, the door must be open.
‘Sorry, she hasn’t slept in about three days… I’m Casey and this is our band Nap Time Lullaby.’ She introduced.
‘I’m Martin, I play bass and do some of our vocals. Casey is our rhythm guitarist.
‘I’m Liz, or Lizzy. I’m lead guitarist. That’s Veronica, she plays keyboard, piano and cello. And this is H-‘
‘I’m Hayley!!’ I hear her shout, I bet she’s been eating sugar again…’I’m the drummer! The girl who’s asleep in the car is our leader and main vocalist. She also plays acoustic guitar, piano and violin.’ She begins to laugh.
‘Shut up!’ I shout as I curl up tighter on the back seats.
‘Oi! Y/n, our stuffs set up in the courtyard, wanna play?’ Martin asks softly, his voice is louder and more concentrated. I opened an eye and peeked at him. I nodded and sat up, crawling out the car.
I stretched and yawned as I got the kinks out of my spine. I yawned again as I heard the sound of a deep bass along with a catchy riff of the guitar, it was followed by lazy beats of the drums.
I couldn’t help swaying to tempting beat and walking closer. ‘Hit it y/n!’ Martin shouted as a microphone was tossed my way, I caught it and began to sing.
This hit, that ice cold. Michelle Pfeiffer, That white gold.
Within seconds I was awake and dancing to the sick beat, doing the duet with Martin. I looked up as I sang the next lyric and noticed we had an audience, seven guys in total. A pink haired individual looked at me as if I had made him a huge cake, I couldn’t help but wink at him.
Stylin’, wilin’, Livin’ in up in the city. Got chucks on with Saint Laurent. Gotta kiss myself I’m so pretty~!
I looked at our audience again, dancing hard and jumping around. You would have never believed I was asleep under two minutes ago.
Make a dragon wanna retire, man. I’m too hot (hot damn). Say my name you know who I am. I’m too hot (hot damn)
I stomped my feet, while shuffling and saw a black haired man with blue highlights in them. My heart began to beat faster, and for some reason I didn’t believe it was from my expressive dancing or singing.
‘Cause Uptown Funk gon’ give it to ya, Saturday night and we in the spot, Don’t believe me just watch (Yeahy!)
I punch the mike down and swayed my hips left and right, clapping in time with the mike in my hand. I closed my eyes as I felt the deep bass in my bones, feeling his eyes on me, it felt intoxicating. I then turned to Martin and started at him during our little pitch battle.
Stop! Wait a minute, Fill my cup put some liquor in it, Take a sip, sign a check. Julio, Get the stretch! Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, Mississippi, If we show up, we gon’ show out, Smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy
I smirked at the black haired man and I began to dance with extra vigour, a smile embracing my lips as I sang the opposite lyrics from last time.
Make a dragon wanna retire, man, I’m too hot (hot damn), Bitch, say my name you know who I am, I’m too hot (hot damn), And my band 'bout that money, Break it down…
My head unconsciously nodded along with my hip. Another smirk playing on my lips.
'Cause Uptown Funk gon’ give it to ya, Saturday night and we in the spot, Don’t believe me just watch (Come on!)
I slowed down my movements and looked him straight in the eyes and before closing my eyes again and moved to the beat.
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up. I said Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up.
Sing it, dance, Jump on it, If you sexy then flaunt it, If you freaky then own it Don’t brag about it, come show me Come on, dance, Jump on it, If you sexy then flaunt it, Well it’s Saturday night and we in the spot Don’t believe me just watch (Yaow)
I was lost in the feeling of loud bass, swinging my hips like always and the hot feeling of the man’s gaze making me feel like a sexual siren, I stared the man in the eyes smiling as I sang the final verse. I felt myself unconsciously leaning forward.
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up. Uptown Funk you up!
I was breathing rather heavily afterward, I looked over to Martin to see him smirking at me as if he knew what I was feeling earlier. He shook his head at me and chuckled to himself.
‘Fuck you Martin Hector Jesen.’ I flip him my middle finger as I take off my big emerald hoodie and tie it around my waist before I turn back to our previous audience. I could hear Hayley going through some serious beats as Lizzy came up to me and passed me some water.
I muttered a quick thank you before gulping it down.
‘You must be their leader, nice to meet you. I’m Namjoon, my stage name is Rap Monster though.’ I hear him say, I don’t know why; but that name was familiar to me. ‘I’m the leader of our group; Bangtan Sonyeondan.’ I nodded as I took the last gulp, man I was thirsty. ‘We’re also known as BTS.’
I spit out my water, all movement impossible as the words ran through my head. Rap Monster. Namjoon. Monnie. BTS. Yoongi. I then began to shiver, knowing that this wasn’t a joke. Yet, I had to be sure.
‘BTS? Like, Danger, War of Hormone, Blood, Sweat and Tears, Not Today and Spring Day; BTS?’ I ask. I felt myself going cold, shit. I really didn’t expect to run into them. Especially so soon.
It’s not like I hadn’t planned to tell Yoongi, I just wanted to prepare myself mentally first. I didn’t know if I wanted to meet him, I mean; our fantasy was safe. If we knew each other physically, what would that mean for our relationship? Does it change? Become awkward? Reduce to nothing where we never talk anymore?
Or would it be better? Happier and less annoying now that we’re in the same time zone? Could it…become more…?
Did I want to risk it?
I didn’t get a choice, because the perfectly built fantasy we had made was falling apart around me.
‘Y/N!! I found a tattoo parlour in the city that does sick tatts!’ Hayley shouts at me, squealing to Casey and Vica.
I felt myself falling, everything was spinning and I couldn’t find anything to hold onto.
Warm arms encircled my waist and pulled me up to a hard chest of a much taller male. I managed to look up and see the black haired man staring down at me, or more specifically down at my collar bone. In near unreadable writing was the name of my most trusted person.
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A Bittersweet Truth
A Semi Eita x Reader
Warnings: None (for now)
Word Count: 1765
There was a legend I was told of as a child, the legend of the sirens. Beautiful mythical men and women who were half fish, half people. Voices like silk and irises of gold and silver, one may say that they look like they have been sculpted and created by the gods themselves.  They were not to be mistaken for merfolk however, as those were their less vicious relatives. No, sirens were vicious water dwelling creatures who took humans as their prey. They loved seducing those who they deemed intriguing and eventually, disposing of them when they have had enough. 
Living near the seashore as a child, I wasn’t really allowed to visit the whitesand beach. That is because I lived with my grandparents who had taught me all about these mythical creatures. I wasn’t exactly ever scared of these creatures, nor was I interested in finding them. It was more of an; “I knew they could exist, but that wouldn’t hurt me at all”. 
What they allowed however, was for me to be able to swim in a pool and join the swim team in all the years of my life so far. They knew that they wouldn’t be able to keep me from the water forever. They knew that, one day I would want to swim more than I know I do, or at least, these were my grandfather’s last words to me before he died. And as weird as his words were, I understood them completely. 
I loved going to the beach before I was told the legends by my grandmother. I loved swimming in the pool we had in our backyard and wanted to be in the water almost all the time. There was something soothing about the cool water, not even just on a summer day. Even in the winter, when the water wouldn’t freeze, I would swim. I would enjoy the chilling feeling of the somewhat icy water around me, as snow falls from the sky. 
Normally, or as I would eventually learn, you would get sick from doing that, but I didn’t. My grandparents didn’t seem to mind either, so I grew up thinking it was fine, until of course, my best friend Kiyoko had told me in junior high. It was a funny thing for both of us at first, how she would worry and I would insist that I’m fine. Then we got used to it, and laughed it off every now and then. 
I’ve been swimming all my life, like the water is a part of me and my being. And this got me a scholarship to a good school, Shiratorizawa. In junior high I had left the shores I grew up seeing and now in high school, I have left all of the sea breezes and sleepovers, for a dorm and a varsity position on the girls’ swimming team. 
I’ve always won with my team, every year since 1st year, and now it is my last. As captain I’ve received invitations to colleges and universities for another swimming scholarship. But even with all these things, I’ve been feeling rather empty lately. Sure I was doing well, I still loved swimming and being with others, yet… something was missing. 
Sometimes, when I’d get time to visit Kiyoko at Karasuno, we would talk about this and she would show a concerned look at how frustrated it made me feel. 
“Maybe you should take a break, y/n.” Kiyoko put her hand on my shoulder.
I was helping her put back volleyballs after a weekend practice the Karasuno boys team had, “Why so?”
“I know you aren’t losing any of your affection for anything, but maybe you should take a break and look at things from a wider perspective, you know like how we used to joke around.”
So I finally decided to take her advice, hangout with other friends, take small breaks from doing the things I love, and maybe just maybe, try something different. Today I headed for the gym where the volleyball team practiced at to meet one of my close friends, Tendou Satori. 
The way my friendship with Tendou was weird to say the least, we were in the same class in our first year of highschool. Then all of a sudden, he came up to me and asked me if I could sing.
“You’re L/N- san right?” He looked at me with a curious glance
“Yes, why do you ask?” I looked up from my copy of Shonen Jump 
“Do you sing?” 
“No? I’ve never really tried to..?”
He smiles and nods as he introduces himself and finally asks about the copy of Shonen Jump I was reading. Despite the odd question, we could talk to each other easily as mean as others were to us. 
Sometimes, Tendou would even joke that people wouldn’t look at him as weirdly as the swimming angel Y/N is his friend. I would brush it off, and joke back that he had crazy good abilities as well. I smile as I hear that their practice is over for the day, and walk into the gym, greeting their coach who gives me a nod in reply. 
“N/N-chan!” My friend singsongs as he walks over to me, “Did you bring over the newest edition?”
I smile and pull out a copy of what actually brought us together as friends, “Of course I did.” 
He smiled even wider and took one copy from me, “Oh, we’ll be going out today, would you like to come with us?”
I blinked once, “Where? Are you sure it would be okay?”
“It's fine, Y/N-san, it will only be the third years anyway.” Ushijima says with a nod, he was the only other person I truly knew amongst the third years, but then again, I had been classmates with all of them….except Semi.
I have a reason to believe that Semi Eita has a vendetta or grudge against me. From the moment we met when I was introduced to them in our first year, once he had found out that I was on the swim team, it was as if I had lost all chances of being able to become friends with him. I honestly could never understand why he wouldn’t ever look at me for more than 10 seconds, or why he would always shut down the idea of singing with me or me singing at all. 
I’d hate to admit that he has a beautiful voice, soothing and alluring something like a CD track playing from the record player. Yet, he never really liked singing in front of us much, or anyone as I’ve heard. So the reason as to why he wouldn’t sing, well, I haven’t figured it out yet. 
With a smile I accept my friends’ invitation and that is how I find myself in a situation I would never be able to prepare for; getting stuck under a bus stop with only the man with a grudge himself, Eita Semi. We were on our way to the mall when we all got split up because of miscommunication, so here I am with Semi as the only two people under a bus stop, in the rain, without an umbrella. 
We sit a good distance apart, silently and awkwardly. Semi has a frown on his face as he looks at the schedule for the buses. I take this opportunity to study his features. His ash blonde hair looked soft and a little messy, his clothes were simple but they suited him well, his facial features were pretty and I find myself admitting that he does look rather handsome. 
For the first time, he looked at me and I got to stare into his eyes for the very first time, he had flecks of gold and silver in his irises, they were beautiful. He looked away and sighed disappointedly. 
I took a deep breath, “Eita-san, why do you hate me?” 
He coughed and looked back at me, not daring to meet my eyes, “H-hate you?! Where did you get that idea…”
“You never look at me or talk to me, and when you do, you always make fun of me….”
He sighs and looks into my eyes, “You’ve heard me sing, right Y/N-san?”
I hum in agreement, “Yes, why?” 
“Do you feel anything weird when I sing?”
“Yes and no, I just think you have a pretty voice...but sometimes I feel jealous.”
“I thought so.” He chuckles somewhat sadly.
“What do you mean?” I shoot him a curious stare. 
“Do you see how my eyes have streaks of gold and silver?” he asks with a serious tone.
I nod. 
“So why are you unaffected by my song?”
“...your song..?”
“Do you know why it seems as if I hate you?”
“Yeah,” I say looking down a little and he moves closer.
He laughs with a hint of sadness, “Well, for one, you're a swimmer. Even if I could, I wouldn’t be able to….” 
The rain pours down harder and harder as he moves closer, “And secondly, you aren’t affected by my voice at all… I thought it was something that would be different over time, but then I saw your eyes...and realized ah, a siren, but you aren’t one at the same time.”
What? A siren?? What is he on??! I think to myself. 
He looks at me amused, “I know you’re confused, but were you ever asked not to take singing lessons as a child?”
“Because you don’t need them, because the legends are real and you are one...or at least half of one..”
The rain is heavier now, and so is the mood of this whole conversation. Some of the things he was saying made sense, but I didn’t want them too, it sounds like pure madness in all honesty. \
“If you sing at the karaoke later, you’ll know what I mean… but since you aren’t fully a siren, you won’t be of any harm…” He looks at me with an expression proving he was serious. 
He thought of something and then took my hand, “You know what, we’re going to the nearest beach, he says as the next bus arrives with no one in it.”
He then starts humming a tune and you were somewhat mesmerized, “So it does have some effect, interesting…”
With that you get on the bus with semi, all plans abandoned for the day. Partly because you are entranced, but mostly because of your own curiosity, but will that be your downfall?
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