Introducing... Me Again
I used to blog on here all of the time, but it was for mindless ramblings about the universe and my life. It was a lot more “high school/ college me” complaining about problems. 
This is a new me. 
I’m older. Kinda wiser? Let’s see how this blog goes this time around. My old one is still out there if you can find it. But it’s not associated with this one. 
Let’s get started. 
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bizarrepotpourri · 2 months
Ravenka Introductoryposting
Depending on how long you are on Tumblr and which rabbit holes you fell into, you might have seen posts from my previous account.
In short: I'm a goth, I'm unashamedly horny, I'm bi, I love cats, I write really dark smut and I play games in my free time.
Common tags:
#ravenka hornyposting and #my weird fetishes for the hot and kinky stuff.
#my writing for stories, research, ideas and work-in-progress notes.
#ravenka nerdposting for trivia and curiosities, mostly historical, but also linguistic and gaming-related.
For posts in Polish, press #po polsku.
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kavinsenanayake · 3 years
About page
My name is Kavin Senanayake. I am a 21 year old student at QUT studying a bachelor of Information Technology majoring in Information science. I am eager to learn more about game development as videogames were an essential part my life and understanding the procedure of how videogames are developed would give me a greater understanding and deeper appreciation to the art of creating videogames. I aim to further understand the process of how videogames are made and to gain the knowledge and experience to create my own videogame. 
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trixie-studies · 4 years
Shh... let’s pretend this is my first post.
So... after appearing out of the blue, and then disappearing again, and then making several alterations... I am now a studyblr! 
Completely new, and unsure how to do a lot of things, so bear with me as I break a lot of tumblr ettiquete rules, and feel free to tell me when I do (When do I reblog vs. reply underneath a post? Why does my header keep resizing? The list goes on...).
ANYWAY.... I’m Trixie! Half-way between year 1 and 2 of a 3 year Masters (it got confusing when I tried to take a gap year and then COVID came...) 
About me...
I love writing and always have several projects on the go
I love reading (esp. classic lit) and will probably rave about it a lot
I did science and health care in my past life
I’m learning Koine (ancient) Greek... and I honestly find it really hard. Soon I will be learning Hebrew too! Eek. 
I like running, but have had a few health issues lately, so I’m trying to begin a strength routine... let’s see how it goes.
Goals for this blog
Stay inspired! I’m currently studying Greek self-paced, and sometimes it requires a lot of motivation...
Feel like I’m not in this alone! Online classes mean study has been a bit lonely lately
Find the beauty in the everyday... everyone makes their study sessions look so pretty/fun, and I’d like to try too!
Lastly... (QUESTIONS!)
Which tags should I use? Do people use tumblr on their phones only or other devices? Can I tag my own content with the same tag I used for tracking? Should I track? How important is having my own theme? What does it all mean haha? I read a few intro to studyblr-ing posts, but I’m still a bit confused... My tags at the moment are a hesitant experiment (basically I tried to copy everyone else...)
So without further ado, hi everyone! 
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apostlespoons · 4 years
greetings & salutations, I am late to the game
Hello, friends! :)
My name is Georgia and I am ~excruciatingly~ new to Tumblr. And the Outlander fandom, for that matter.
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I’ve embarked on my Tumblr journey mostly because I thought (1) it would be fun to document the process of writing my first Outlander fanfic, (2) interact with readers/other writers and Outlander bloggers, and (3) I could fully immerse myself in the Outlander universe.
I’m fairly new to the fandom, which is wild to me since this series is older than I am and also a deadly/perfect combination of all of my interests synthesized. :’) I’ve absorbed the tv show and am working my way through the books.
Anyyyyway, a bit about me in case you’d like to know who exactly the person behind the digital curtain is. :) 
My name is Georgia, and I’m from the US but I’ve also lived in Germany for a wee bit. I’m finishing up my degree in English (Creative Writing), German, and History, and so yes, I do like to write, I do like to write about historical things, and I do use way too many commas when I write in English because German has made me second-guess every single comma placement. I like collecting old things, going new places, and meeting new cats :3
If you want to recommend users to follow, good fics, or literally anything regarding this gargantuan fandom, please feel free to because I haven’t a clue what I’m doing. :)
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Make Way! It's Irro
Full Name: Irro ‘Scandalous-Endearing-Brazen’
Age: 26 Summers
Race: Vulpera
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Vol’dun
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, female leaning
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Occupation: Merchant, saleswoman, con artist, privateer(?)
In-Game Character Name: Irro
Faction: Horde
Server: Wyrmrest Accord
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Looking For: S̶̙̤̭̟͝ȅ̴͈̏̒̊ŗ̵̝̝̙̖̓́͌̎͘v̴̱̯͙̈͂̒̈́â̷̲͕̜̺̔̌ń̸̳̇̾͠t̶̠̝̀͠s̸͈̲̔͗̽͜ Long-term RP partners! Preferably of the emotionally-compromised comedic and/or dark variety. To each their own! Irro is (or at least, can be) very adaptable, when she’s not, you know, being herself.
You Might Know Her If:
C’mon, who hasn’t heard of Irro? If you know, you know, and if you don’t, then offense has been taken.
-- On a more serious note,
You visited Dazar’alor, where she was a freelance trader for about a year.
You saw her during her visits in either Booty Bay or Ratchet, which were both incredibly short and ended less than nicely.
You have heard of her reputation as a devilishly charismatic businesswoman.
RP Style: Mirror, very mirror, incredibly mirror. Whatever the situation demands, you got it. Short n’ quippy? Say no more. A good ol’ bit? Not a bother. Spicy romance? Try your hand at it. Dismemberment? Maybe not. A thorough discussion about magic and its connection to the constellations? Sure, but you’re liable to being shot.
Themes: Comedic and/or casual’s my norm nowadays, but tragic/dark situations are completely up my alley as well. Just… be careful, ‘kay? Her heart’s fragile.
Face/Voice Claim: As seen in game, mostly (FC), Lily Allen (VC)
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Description: Irro is a garnet-colored Vulpera, made blatantly obvious by her relatively fennec features and the bushy, semi-kempt plume just above her backside. Her ears are scruffy and averagely-sized, pierced with a helix stud (right) and a pair of hoop earrings. A warm amber illuminates her eyes, which hold an inherent twinkle and gleam within them, as well as an envious amount of charm. She prioritizes comfort and maneuverability over practicality, as seen in her wardrobe, which would include a varied amount of long-sleeved tunics, vibrantly-colored shirts, overalls, and of course, a trusty cap, for both fashion and business purposes. If one thing was for certain, it was that she was a divine specimen.. though that might just be the hat.
It’s just the hat, isn’t it?
Tycoon. Entrepreneur. Conwoman. Irro is a zealously narcissistic and overconfident individual who adores herself just as much as everyone else does. In a world that gave her nothing and stripped her of the things she did have, she has supposedly found her own cart on this manic rollercoaster called life, via the use of her wit, cunning, and natural born charisma. She views her surroundings behind lenses of false bliss and delusional grandeur, often opting to trust herself and live by her own authority over anything else. This often leads to confrontation and miscommunication within her social circles.
Likeness: A fox that winks and fingerguns. How dazzling.
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Irro's content will always be marked with the hashtag #irromemoirs
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whoatemygranola · 5 years
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Hi! :)
Here’s a little introductory post (that I wish I had started my Tumblr with):
I am 24,
Crunching numbers during the day, Creating artwork at night.
This blog is to mainly showcase my artwork but will also feature -Studyblrs, Cute Animals, Memes, Aesthetically pleasing Photographs, Delicious Food, my Plant babies and occasionally, Skincare and Outfits that I love.
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alexandra-writ240 · 5 years
Assignment 1- Introductory Post
Hi there, my name is Alexandra and welcome to my blog!
To start, I want to share a little bit about myself.
Currently, I am a third-year Sociology major at Queen’s University. Being a student tends to take up a lot of my time, however, when I'm not in class you often will find me out with my friends at the gym or scrolling through social media. Like many Gen Z’s social media and the internet has become a regular part of my everyday routine. Currently, I am active on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Snapchat. Feel free to check me out! 
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Here are my friends and I (I'm on the right)!
Professional Experience 
My decision to take Writ240 was largely driven by my professional aspirations. Upon graduation, I want to pursue a career in the field of marketing. The past two summers I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work as a marketing intern at Peak Sales Recruiting and Saba Software. During both of my summer Internships, I was in charge of managing both company's various social media platforms as well as creating promotional content including graphics and videos. Through both of these opportunities, I learned that social media plays an essential role in marketing efforts as it allows companies to effectively communicate with their customers, increase brand awareness and boost leads and sales. Although both of these opportunities provided me with valuable work experience I quickly learned that in order to continue to be successful in this field I needed to further develop my writing skills.
Here is an example of an internal testimonial I created while working at Peak Sales Recruiting. 
Why Writ240?
With this in mind, I enrolled in Writ240 with the hopes of being able to fine-tune my ability to create engaging online content that includes captivating imagery and the use of appropriate keywords.  Alternatively, I hope that this course will teach me the skills required in order to better support my personal online presence. Over time I wish to expand my professional presence on social media (in particular LinkedIn) and hope this course will provide me with the knowledge needed to do so. Overall, I believe this course will benefit my personal and professional development as it will help me further establish writing skills that are necessary for everyday life.
That is all for now. I am excited for what is to come and hope you can join me on my digital journey!
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cilpaint · 2 years
A pilgrim from twitter
Hello, I have carried myself here after being taken off Twitter, and watching it get Elon Musk’d.
I am a Transgender Lesbian named Ryoko, and I’m a pro gamer
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shimmerandbone · 7 years
Mystical Readathon 2k17
Hello, everybody! I’m Caprice, and I’m officially joining @bibliophilicwitch ’s Mystical Readathon for September 2017. I’ve been itching to set some goals for myself (haha).
Since I’m starting a bit late, I’m setting my goal at three books–two I’ve tried to get through and aborted a few times, and one I have yet to attempt. They are:
- Your Tarot Your Way by Barbara Moore
- Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine
- 78 Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack
Additionally, I have a stretch goal: after finishing those three, reading the Fey Tarot book in its entirety (which I have yet to do, oh my).
All of these books fall into the 101 category, the divination category, or both. It may not be the most varied list, but I really want to take this opportunity to read these books, which I’ve had on my shelves for a large amount of time. Happy reading, everyone!
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missmel86x-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to my Tumblr Blog. Mostly for networking my photography and art among other things :)
Name: Melissa (just call me Mel)
Age: 30
Nationality: Australian
Loves: My Family, Photography, Art, Creativity, Food, Brisbane, Summer, Storms, Nature, Animals, Travel, Cars, Music, Movies, TV, Mangoes, Hello Kitty, Gaming, Rugby, Motorsport, Themeparks.
Dislikes: Winter, Politics, Ignorance.
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ceritajengjeng-blog · 7 years
Finally.. It’s Me Dian
Berhubung masih dalam suasana lebaran, sebelum nulis saya mau minta maaf dulu untuk jeng-jeng yang lain karena baru sekarang posting introduction ini yaa..
Halo, Saya Dian, a.k.a Jeng Wati, anggota jeng-jeng yang paling junior alias paling muda.. hehehe
Bicara soal kehidupan pribadi, dulu saya adalah orang yang super idealis yang berharap bisa tinggal menetap di luar negeri karena tidak tahan melihat ketidaktertiban dan ketidakteraturan di Indonesia..
Well, ternyata Tuhan punya rencana yang jauh berbeda dengan bayangan saya..
Saat ini Saya dan suami tercinta tinggal di Semarang.. Sebelumnya kami sudah merasakan hidup merantau jauh di tanah celebes, tepatnya di Kota Palu. Dan entah setelah ini bakal kemana lagi, tapi semoga tetap di Pulau Jawa aja ya Allah.. Aamiin (karena sesungguhnya merantau = no savings)
Saya pernah mencicipi pengalaman jadi wanita karier selama hampir 3 tahun sebelum akhirnya harus memutuskan untuk resign, karena pinangan rekan kerja yang sekarang jadi suami saya..
Setelah resign, saat ini kerjaan saya jadi makin banyak..
Jadi tukang bersih-bersih rumah, tukang masak, tukang cuci,, kadang jadi tukang ojek buat antar jemput suami, udah gitu saya baru aja didaulat menjadi sekretaris perkumpulan istri pegawai kantor suami saya,, 
Tapi kalau sedang off dari pekerjaan di atas, bisa dipastikan saya sedang “tawaf” di mall.. Hahaha
Bicara soal persahabatan dengan Jeng-jeng, saya merasa sangat bersyukur bisa punya kalian..
Dari yang dulu kita  curhat seputar gebetan, naik level jadi pembahasan memilih partner hidup, naik level lagi membahas kehidupan rumah tangga with its complexities ,, Banyak dinamika kehidupan yang udah kita share dan lalui sama-sama yang bikin kita semua sekarang ga hanya makin tua, tapi makin dewasa.. (Boleh deh ntar ada postingan khusus buat bahas yang satu ini)
Dan sebagai orang yang sampai sekarang masih bingung mencari passion dalam hidup, saya merasa super happy bisa punya teman-teman hebat yang sangat menginspirasi kaya kalian..
Love you Jengs..
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trixie-studies · 4 years
Whoops! Almost forgot! Day 1 of the Studyblr Community Challenge:
I'm Trixie, I'm studying a Masters of Divinity, which sounds like something out of Harry Potter haha, but it's essentially 3 years of Theology + Christian Pastoral Care/Practice + Ancient Languages + Church History!
Excited to read everyone's posts!
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thekatspride · 7 years
Welcome to The Kats Pride Tumblr!
Just your generic welcome to the page post! I am looking forward to using this to share our event photos and maybe set up events and pages for things (plus its a little more fun-looking and easier to customize). I am just learning how to use Tumblr so bear with me as I learn! <3
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Becoming the Best: Morgo'Boondax
Full Name: Morgo’Boondax
Age: 23 in HY
Race: Zandalari Troll
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Dazar’alor, Zuldazar
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Arcanital, sorcerer, enchanter, small-time adventurer
In-Game Character Name: Morgoboondax
Faction: Horde
Server: Wyrmrest Accord
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Looking For: Chill people to tell awesome stories with! Long-term RP partners are welcome and encouraged.
You Might Know Him If:
You have visited the golden city itself and frequented the Arcanital wing, or the district in which sorcerers like Morgo would reside.
You have seen him around in Orgrimmar.
You have heard of his great deeds and magical prowess!
You have sought him out for his magical services.
RP Style: Mirroring, adaptable, para (including multi), and novella. I love comedic roleplay, though I can enjoy darker themes as well. Short posts tend to be my go-to when out and about in the city. No snoo-snoo, obviously.
Themes: Comedic, casual RP I’m more inclined to, but Morgo can adapt himself to more dark and serious situations, especially so as of late.
Face/Voice Claim: As seen in-game (FC), Popcaan (VC).
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Description: Standing at an average height of 8’2”, Morgo possesses the same lean and muscular build that many of his brethren do, if not a little thinner. He bears the physique of a track athlete, more or less, with a toned pair of legs and some decent meat on his bones, though he is not without the qualities that his bookish disposition would portend to. If put side-to-side with another troll, he’d look dreadfully frail in comparison. The sorcerer could often be seen outfitted in his golden raiment, the look of quality sewn into every stitch, as well as a few of his own magical modifications. Even from afar, the sheen of enchantments and golden lining were present (and ever radiant) upon his form, calling to attention that he was truly a beacon of culture. His hair, on the other hand, was an exotic set of spiked-up curls, bright pink in color. If his taste in fashion wasn’t enough to allure attention, his hair would definitely do the job.
Morgo is an incredibly anxious, but golden-hearted troll that will always set himself aside to prioritize those he loves and cares for. While his quick-to-forgive and scapegoatish nature could at first be seen as naive optimism, he isn’t as gullible as he tends to present himself as, often taking initiative when it comes to revealing injustices and punishing them accordingly.
Likeness: Twinky troll boy.
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Morgo's content will always be marked with the hashtag #frogboyfiction
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