#inuyasha bankotsu
kaqura · 1 year
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【make me choose】 ↳ anon asked: bankotsu or renkotsu
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randompurr · 4 months
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Iiiiii finished him 🫠 I thought I wasn’t going to be able too 👏 not bad for drawing him for the first time but I feel like I gatta draw him 2 more times to get him good, I want to draw him again but in a modern way. We will see when xD
I’m not fully happy I think the face looks weird but I also drew him in 2 hours o.o so I will probably see what I don’t like after I look at him again xD
I fixed it xD
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awesomedoggirl · 1 year
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sleepy-edits · 9 months
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elevenharbor · 7 months
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drawing other men from Inuyasha instead of my usual Sesshoumaru brain rot as a challenge. I think I did alright?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
These are just crops of the full image, which I drew for the FeudalConnection winner banners.
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Another one. This never gets old.
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sikuanlili · 6 months
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Bankotsu redraw! I had a huge crush on him back then LOL
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ka-go-me · 1 year
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【★】~ Twitter | 만계
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tiroma-art · 7 months
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Instagram - Twitter - DeviantArt
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noahideahwrites · 9 months
Hi! Idk if you still do your X alpha reader hc but..
Can you do one for the Boys of Inuyasha again?? This time maybe How they ( the omegas/the boys ) secretlt like to be Carried by their Alpha?? Would be totes happy if you did this! ^^
How They Like To Be Carried — Inuyasha Omegas
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Notes: I'm so sorry it took me this long to answer, the past few months have been wild with university and personal issues. But I'm gonna try and be more consistent, at least while I'm on summer break.
Warnings: Possible spoilers (principally on Naraku's), grammar mistakes, implied sex, and suggestive content
— Inuyasha:
»» As we all know this guy is a major tsundere, so he will deny and complain about you carrying him, even if deep down he loves it. You need to learn how to read his signs, similar to a dog's body language.
»» Now I'm a fan of making him flustered, so I would recommend doing it in front of his friends for a good laugh. But you need to keep in mind that he will not like you carrying him in front of others (who aren't his friends), principally if they're the enemy, even worse if it's Sesshomaru.
»» The guy has to keep his tough persona up and look intimidating, he cannot do it if he is red while you carry him. If you keep in mind those details, then you should be fine.
»» Inuyasha likes to be carried in any way, be on your back, shoulder and princess carried just to name a few, For him it doesn't matter how, as long as it's you doing it.
— Sesshomaru: 
»» There is only one way Sesshomaru likes to be carried and it's princess style, which can be surprising considering his personality and cold demeanor.
»» But for his alpha, Sesshomaru does and enjoys things he didn't think it would be possible for him to even consider. We have to remember that this guy is obsessed with his alpha, so he can tolerate a lot of things.
»» For you to even be able to carry him there can be only three people seeing, you, him, and maybe Rin, since she is your pup now. If even Jakin is present to see it, the moment you think of carrying him, he's gone.
»» The moment you're going to carry him the most is during aftercare, he loves to be pampered, principally after sex, so expect to be carrying him a lot after the act.
— Tōga: 
»» Tōga LOVES being carried, he doesn't care who sees it, or if people will start gossiping, or if he will embarrass his pups for being seen with you two.
»» He is also shameless, so he will ask you to carry him whenever he feels like it, and he will be smiling ear to ear and purring loudly, this man doesn't give a fuck.
»» He also loves carrying you, his alpha that he is really, REALLY obsessed with. If you don't like being carried he will only do it in the privacy of your home with only your pups to see.
»» Another frequent sight is Tōga carrying your pups around, doesn't matter their age, if they let him he will be seen just picking them up and walking around. But if they don't like it, it will be the same as when he does it to you.
»» Just like Sesshomaru he prefers the princess carry style, but he is not picky and will accept being carried in any way, shape, or form.
— Kōga: 
»» Absolutly HATES being carried with a passion, but loves carrying you. Don't even try to argue is not gonna work.
»» Every time you try to carry him, he does the uno reverse card and carries you instead. But you can feel the almost unnoticeable purrs he gives when carrying you.
»» Honestly, if you don't like being carried either just stop trying to carry him and you should be fine, he won't normally go out of his way to carry you around.
»» The only moment you will be carried no questions asked and without you initiating it, it's if you need to escape for whatever reason since he is faster than most if not all with the jewel shards.
— Bankotsu: 
»» This guy is the most neutral of all of them, he truly doesn't mind being carried, but it's also not something he likes, it's just indifferent.
»» Now, he does like teasing you when you go to carry him, saying something along the lines of "You really can't control yourself, huh?", he will make comments like this until you start blushing, this is the only part he actually likes about it.
»» But I feel like he is provocative to his alpha doesn't matter the occasion, it's just that you make it so easy when you like carrying him so much.
»» If he had to pick a style on being carried it would be a piggyback ride, he gets easy access to your ear, he can easily free himself if the need arrives and he can even provoke you if he feels like it.
— Naraku: 
»» ABSOLUTELY NOT, hates even the idea of it and hates even more thinking of carrying you, he just despises the carrying altogether.
»» How he goes about it depends on if it's just Onigumo that loves you or if Naraku as a whole loves you. If it's just Onigumo you won't even have many opportunities to even think about it after the first offer, he will cut you off and maybe even avoid you.
»» If the entirety of Naraku loves you, then it's another story. He still hates the thought of it, but the way he acts about it it's different.
»» Either he lets you carry one of his incarnations/clones, or he will try to distract you with other things, considering the way he is if he didn't accept on the first ask, I recommend not trying again if you want to live.
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snow-body · 6 days
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Best boi
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greenlight20 · 9 months
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devilatelier · 1 year
just learned that bankotsus dub voice also voices ed so now i am cursing you with that knowledge
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dvalshock · 11 months
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collection of bankotsu completely styling on inuyasha
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sleepy-edits · 7 months
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amara-sessh · 8 months
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Did the six fanart challenge on Xtwitter~ ♡
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