kaqura · 1 year
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【make me choose】 ↳ anon asked: bankotsu or renkotsu
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johannepetereric · 10 months
I know it says “hint,” but this time I heard “You have done well to understand the hentai gave you” 😂😂
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theloopcrew · 11 months
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unxpctedlybleach · 1 year
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redeyye · 7 months
god i love this fucking show
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skylardoesthings · 7 months
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entamesubs · 7 days
How the Fansubbing Process Works for entameSubs
The delays have brought about speculation and misinformed assumptions of how our work is done.
This post explains our entire process to put this misinformation to rest, and also informs those curious of how fansubbing works.
For those unaware, each subbed episode comes with a section of credits at the very end that are specific to that particular episode. For example, EP124 was translated and timed entirely by me (entame), while EP122 was translated jointly by tessa (batsugeemu) and yona (angelthinktank), while I took a proofreading role. Each episode's credits are different, and I always make sure to credit properly based on who worked on what.
Step One: Translation
The job of the translator is to just get from point A (Japanese) to point B (English). One full run-through of the script, no stops in-between. Work is not edited, proofread or checked in any way, it is simply translated and then moved onto the next phase of the assembly line, so to speak.
Leave typos in, leave mistakes in, leave phrases you cannot translate or parse alone and move on. Awkward or literal translations are fine. The goal is to finish the whole script. A couple lines missing here and there is fine - they will be caught later. The first step is just to get it done.
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Translating a full script can take anywhere from 2-6 hours, depending on the episode or any extraneous circumstances. To be clear, 2-3 hours is the absolute fastest that it can possibly happen, and it is an outlier. I can count the amount of times it has taken 2-3 hours on one hand. Those are usually reserved for our dedicated "speedsub" episodes, where we have everyone on deck to work continuously, without break. This is not a norm, nor should it be assumed so.
A normal episode will usually take around 4-6 hours working time to translate. Sometimes this is done a couple hours on one day, and another couple on a separate day. Sometimes it's done all in one sitting. It varies depending on the translator's schedule.
Step Two: Proofreading
After that, the proofreader then goes through for a second or third watch to do edits and checks. The proofreader is strictly in charge of making sure the translation itself is correct as well as fixing any missed lines from the translator. Grammar, typos, various other minor corrections are not expected to be done in full here, the main job of the proofreader is to just make sure the Japanese to English translation is complete, correct, and makes sense.
Is the subject correct? Is this the right verb to use in English? Are they talking about themselves or someone else? Is the context the original translator took correct/accurate? A second/third pair of eyes is essential to making sure everything comes out properly.
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The translator may mark specific lines that stumped them or they need a second opinion on for the proofreader to pay special attention to. Maybe the translator can't think of an appropriate way to make something work, or need pun ideas.
Proofreading and translation roles are entirely switchable on request, because both proofreader and translator must know Japanese.
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Step Three: Timing
At the same time, the timer begins the tedious work of timing the subs to the episode itself, making sure sentences show up at the correct place, for the right amount of time.
They ensure subs cut at scene changes, that the lines shown on screen are properly broken up if a character pauses, and are instering forced line breaks where necessary so subs don't awkwardly fill the entire length of the screen and are instead always centered.
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Step Four: (not) "Final Check"
"Final Check" as I'd like to call it, is always done by me. Once proofreading and timing are both done, the sub files are sent to me.
I add in the opening and ending, I do all the fancy text effects if need be (such as scrolling text, rainbow text, gradient text, translating signs or posters shown on screen and blending them into the episode, etc - this is all under "Typesetting"), and I also do a third check of the script on a watch through to further edit any lines that may feel awkward to read on screen or I have thought of a better translation for.
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The state that the subs come in pre-final check are subs that only contain the very middle of the episode itself. This means the prologue, the opening, the ending, UTS Report and preview are entirely unsubbed, alongside any signs or extraneous text on screen. Subs are not done pre-final check. There is a reason they must go through me first and that is because I am the only typesetter on the team.
To be clear, timing and typesetting are two entirely different skill sets. Getting the subs timed properly is one thing, getting the subs to look nice, flow well, and not feel awkward to read is another.
Typesetting is usually known as an "invisible" job. When it's done poorly, you notice it. If it's done well, you don't.
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At this point, I also go over and double check things like character voice and make sure it's following our style guide. While this is a consideration made during step one and two as well (translating and proofreading), this is the point where things are tightened up.
Extraneous TL notes may also be added here in-episode if needed.
Step Five: Quality Checks
After everything has been bundled together and ready-to-go, it gets sent to our Quality Checker for the very last and final run-through. QC checks spelling errors, typos, grammar, weird English, missed casing, missed lines, style guide errors, etc.
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The QC does not need to know Japanese (though it is a nice bonus if they do!), they only need to know English so they can check for grammar and weird phrasing. At this point, all of the translation work and check has been done, it is just making sure stuff makes sense to an English audience now.
After QC sends in their changes (or lack thereof), the timer usually goes back to fix up the final file for publishing.
Step Six: Distribution & TL Notes
Finally, the person who hits publish and uploads the episode file to all relevant sites is me, since I know how to setup, run, and seed torrents.
A lot of people may not know this, but all anime pirate sites (R.I.P.) pull their content from Nyaa's feed. If it's not on Nyaa, it won't be on a pirate site. In order to actually ensure proper distribution of the episode, it needs to be uploaded through Nyaa. Once it is on there, the pirate sites will all update of their own volition.
Translation notes, if any are necessary, are also written entirely by me, even if the episode may not have been translated by me initially. These are usually only written if I have time or if there is a specific concept/idea that I really want to make sure comes across properly.
Final Words
I hope this gives you better insight into the entameSubs process and how episodes are usually worked on/made.
A lot of our team is scattered across different timezones, with one person being 9 hours ahead, and another one being 6 hours ahead. This means things are done at different times and at the leisure of whoever is in charge of their role. If someone is busy, then there is nothing else anyone can do but wait.
It may be that after waiting for someone to finish, someone else in the chain becomes busy, and the process of waiting starts all over again. Steps are done like this so that we have appropriate checks in place. This is just how it is. None of us are paid, and all of us are doing this for fun.
Most of all, I take a lot of pride in the team's work. If something is not up to snuff, or I don't feel comfortable publishing it until we've been able to correct something that's been bothering us (whether that's a line, typesetting, or etc), it doesn't get published. These subs are not just "my" translations, but the work of the whole team.
Call it arrogance, but I'd much rather put out something we're proud of than something rushed through the wringer just for the sake of getting stuff out. You may disagree with lines or certain translations, but they are our work at the end of the day.
And it is a lot of work.
Thank you.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Spitfire Vb EP122 on the flightline at Duxford on this day 2016
@Stuey_Norris via X
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the-metaphysics · 8 months
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catchdacraze · 1 year
5 Reasons why Your only job is to tell a good story EP122
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johannepetereric · 10 months
If this “ancient letters” don’t already exist in our world,
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Imagine if this was just ancient world shitposting XD
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theloopcrew · 11 months
i need to know this animation director that draws zenigata with the hugest wettest eyes in the world its always so funny
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galigongbible · 2 years
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ep122 啟示錄六1~17 天啟四騎士,123456印 galigongbible ep122-1,-2,-3,-4 共4輯 這輯滿重要的,因為這輯講到「現代」 想要知道聖經時間線走到哪兒 這4輯不能錯過喔! 建議使用podcast app #applepodcast #spotify #soundon 進入#galigongbible總表,按下撥放 享受連續撥放的便利 #白馬 #紅馬 #黑馬 #灰馬 #大患難 #大地震 #血月 #俄烏戰爭 #波灣戰爭 #反恐戰爭 #911事件 #第一次世界大戰 #第二次世界大戰 #核子戰爭 #金本位 #貨幣寬鬆 #土耳其地震 #戰爭 #饑荒 #瘟疫 #野獸 #獸人 #僵屍 https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/1538595596 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpATaE1yyxm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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demianblog · 2 years
S3 Ep122: Stop calling every breach “sophisticated”! [Audio + Text]
The birth of ENIAC. A “sophisticated attack” (someone got phished). A cryptographic hack enabled by a security warning. Valentine’s Day Patch Tuesday. Apple closes spyware-sized 0-day hole. DOUG.  Patching bugs, hacking Reddit, and the early days of computing. All that, and more, on the Naked Security podcast. [MUSICAL MODEM] Welcome to the podcast, everybody. I am Doug Aamoth. He is Paul…
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ericvanderburg · 2 years
S3 Ep122: Stop calling every breach “sophisticated”! [Audio + Text]
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