#ipkknd non canon ffs
featheredclover · 3 months
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This one shot is inspired by this prompt by @arshifiesta
Also on Wattpad
“ How long will Sahil be Aman?”
“ An hour”
Swearing under his breath, Arnav brought up a hand to loosen his tie.
“ Marcos has called the garage as well so don’t worry ASR”
Leaning back against the now broken car, Arnav took out his pack of cigarettes and offered one to Aman.
The two men cut out as dashing figures, with their impeccable suits and cigarette dangling from their mouths.
“ You want to sit somewhere? Hartford has great coffee “
“ Sure”
They stood in front of a glass door, below the sign ‘Cafe Captain’.
A bell tinkled as Aman swung the door into the place, the place was painted in hues of brown resembling an old British bakery. The strong smell of coffee permeated Arnav’s senses and he headed towards the counter.
“ ….so yes, while a croissant is nice, it doesn’t hold a torch to our cream bun. They melt in your mouth!”
Arnav heard the waitress go on and on about cream buns. He stopped himself from clucking impatiently.
Finally, he thought as he moved forward.
“ One black coffee “
He read the chirpy girl’s name tag- Khushi
A gasp forced him to look back up. “ It is horrendous. Why would you do this? Why? I mean I understand if you are hungover or hmm probably a diabetic, are you?”
“ Um no, I am not”
“ Great! Then darling go sit right there and let me bring you the best cup in Hartford!”
Dumbfounded, Arnav simply paid and went towards the table Khushi had pointed to. It was only when he sat down that he wanted to kick himself.
What am I doing? Black coffee was fine.
It didn’t help that Aman was smirking as he sat down, amusement filling his eyes.
“ I thought no one could boss you around. Glad I am wrong”
“ Just shut up”
He looked up to see the girl walk towards his table with a huge smile.
Placing the huge cup down, she giggled.
“ This will help you! And trust me you will find yourself here everyday “ she said with a wink.
“ And here you go! Lemon tea!”
Aman thanked her while his eyes rested gleefully on a flushed ASR.
It was only after she had taken her place back at the counter, that Arnav looked at his cup.There in white cream was a sun drawn with a smile on it.
He found himself at the doorstep of Cafe Captain again the next day. He couldn’t risk bringing that bastard with his all knowing gaze ,with him. Especially,when he himself couldn’t understand the helplessness he felt as he remembered her laughter “ And trust me you’ll find yourself here everyday”
Tinkling bells greeted him and he headed straight towards the queue.
Arnav couldn’t take his eyes off her. The excited bobbing of her head, her laugh, the scrunch of her nose when she disagreed with something, and the way her hands moved when she was explaining the merits of glazed sugar cookies. Everything fascinated Arnav. He felt like he was watching a doll come to life.
And when it was his turn, she flashed him a beautiful smile. “ Just go sit!”
That’s all she said to him. And that’s all he needed.
He watched her work. Preparing his cup , taking the small white jug in her dainty hands and placing it on a coaster.
“Here you go!”
Arnav looked down to see a sunflower smiling up from his coffee. He sipped as he watched her work, chatter and flutter around like a butterfly.
He would never admit the disappointment he felt when she didn’t come to talk to him again. He gulped down the last bit of the milky - sugar filled concoction and headed back out.
“ Hey!”
Looking up from the cream doodle of a dog, Arnav stared right into Khushi’s eyes.
“ Congratulations!”
“ Um…for what?”
“ You have been coming here daily for the past week, so now you are my regular “, Khushi said with a wink.
“ Thanks, I guess” Arnav hoped his boring drawl seemed perfect to her. Because otherwise she will know how he really felt about her grouping him with all her other “regulars”.
“ What’s your name? “ she asked in such a soft voice that he found himself answering, forgetting the earlier slight.
“ Arnav”
“Arnav” she repeated as if rolling his name on her tongue.
“ So tell me Arnav, what do you do apart from drinking my marvellous coffee?”she said with a cheeky grin.
“ I run AR.”
“ The design house! Oh my god! I love your clothes! “
“ The designers will be glad to hear that”
“ So…you don’t design any of your clothes?”
“ I used to. Lately…I haven’t found the time”
“ That’s a shame. Something so creative should never be given up!”
Arnav looked away. He should have reminded himself why he didn’t date. He didn’t want a lecture on his workaholism. Di was enough for that.
“ Hey…I am sorry. I didn’t mean to touch on a nerve. God knows I haven’t picked up a guitar since school and I want to scratch anyone’s eyes who reminds me!”
Arnav had to smile at that.
“ Guess that makes us alike”
And in the next moment, his breath caught, as Khushi’s cheeks flushed a beautiful pink.
Aman tore into his chapati, as Anjali served more aloo-matar onto his plate.
“ Slow down Aman! There’s enough for you to eat till you burst!” Anjali laughed.
Shyam smiled, “ Well, that’s what bachelor life is, isn’t it? Perennially hungry, filling time with cup noodles and coffee! Aman and Arnav, it’s time for both of you to get married.”
“ Speaking of coffee, Arnav does seem ready to be hitched” Aman spoke before stuffing his mouth again, oblivious to Arnav’s glare.
“ Chotte! Who is the girl? When were you going to tell us?”
“ And what is the connection with coffee saale saheb?”
The chair screeched as Arnav pushed it back and stood up, silencing them all.
“ I am done with lunch”
And he walked out, ignoring Anjali’s protests and Aman’s laughter.
That bastard.
As he roamed the streets of New York, Arnav couldn’t help but wonder about Khushi. He was smitten, he had admitted with quite difficulty one evening, when he had been driven mad when he learnt Khushi had taken a leave because she was sick. The next day he brought a basket of apples and a bouquet of lilies for her. Her giggle had been worth the embarrassment he had felt ,when Aman found out what he was planning to do.
But did she like him? He kicked a rock at the curb and exhaled in frustration. She seemed to greet all her customers with the same glee and modify their opinions on sweet treats with as much vigour as she poured the sugar in his coffee.
His only hope was the doodle on his daily coffee. He hadn’t seen her do that to anyone’s cup. The others would just get simple cream hearts.That was a sign wasn’t it?
That’s it. ASR is not so weak that he is brought to his knees by a woman. He will ask her if she’s interested in him. That’s simple. He has tackled million dollar deals with fabric companies, this would be nothing.
Arnav swirled the wheel, drove forward and parked, unaware of the light in his eyes as it fell on the brightly lit coffee shop.
He pushed the cafe’s door open, but the sight in front of him made him stop in his tracks.
Khushi had thrown her head back in laughter as a man stood leaning against her counter.
A splinter opened somewhere in his chest as he realised he had never made her laugh like this. He had never made her blush so red. Overwhelmed, Arnav was about to turn back and leave when his eyes caught Khushi’s.
With no choice but to get through the evening, he headed towards his usual table. He didn’t glance at the man again, he couldn’t. He wanted to tear him to pieces. He clenched his trembling hand into a fist.
He looked up at Khushi when she placed his cup down. She was still a beautiful shade of pink. Her smile was soft, her eyes glazing. Before he could say a word, she had moved back towards her counter in a hurry.
Frowning slightly, Arnav glanced down at his coffee. He gulped painfully as he saw bloody hearts on them. So, this new man comes along and he doesn’t get a special doodle. He gets what all her customers get. That’s what he was to her. A douchebag in a suit, who had nothing better to do every evening than sip her coffee.
Arnav shut his eyes, and breathed deeply. He opened them to see that it had begun raining outside. Bloody poetic, he thought. Unable to control the spiralling of his emotions, Arnav stood up in a flash and dashed out of the cafe, his coffee left untouched.
His leather shoes splashed against the fallen raindrops as he hurried to get to his car. To get out of this damned place.
He heard footsteps behind him before he heard the shout “ Arnav!”
He turned to see Khushi holding an umbrella above herself and another in her hand. She smiled somewhat hesitatingly, as she extended the umbrella to him.
Rage flooded his being as he stared at the beautiful woman standing before him, a deepening sorrow in him as he was reminded of his one sided love.
“Don’t need it “ he gritted out.
Her eyes widened in shock at his tone.
“ Wha- what happened ?”
“You want to know what happened? I have not been able to function normally ever since I walked into your bloody cafe after my car broke down that god forsaken day! You and your sweet coffee have driven me mad. And here I am, a grown man, waiting for the clock to strike 5 so that I can leave to travel from New York to Hartford. Just to…just to hear you laugh, just to see you smile, just to get a doodle on my coffee. A doodle that’s just mine. And today yo- you are laughing with another man, turning red when he is speaking. And..and doodling just hearts for me! Hearts you do for every other regular of yours.” Arnav burst out, every word hiding his grief.
He stared at Khushi for a moment. A moment in which both of them didn’t even dare to breathe .
Her grip loosened as the umbrellas fell from her hands, she reached him in a few steps, uncaring of the rain soaking her, entwined her hands around his neck and kissed him.
Arnav froze as her warmth permeated his whole being. A rush of joy flooded his brain. But it wasn’t enough. His hands grabbed her waist, tightening in desperation as he deepened the kiss. He tilted her back further as he drank her. A shiver ran through Khushi as she moved her hands to clutch his hair in an almost painful grasp. She pushed his shoulder lightly, as she attempted to break away from the kiss. Arnav kissed the corner of her lips, before kissing down her neck to her collar bones.
“ Arnav! “ Khushi giggled. “ It’s raining pretty heavily, if you haven’t noticed “
He stood looking at her smiling figure. Breaking out of his trance, he grabbed her hand, and began walking to his car.
“ Cold na?” Khushi asked with an obvious shiver, as she rubbed her hands together vigorously for some warmth.
Arnav reached into the dashboard, took out a navy blue sweater, which was a size too large for her and without a word dropped it over her head.
She giggled again. Arnav couldn’t help smiling.
He heard her gasp, before he felt her soft hand grabbing his rough one.
“Arnav” she began “ The man I was laughing with was Noah, my sister Lavanya’s boyfriend. He..he was teasing me about…er.. about you. That’s why I was umm turning red” she finished, turning more red than ever before.
His hands turned her face towards him gently. His lips taking hers in a soft kiss.
“Really?” he asked huskily.
“ Really! In fact, I thought you would understand those hearts I drew because I had been drawing something different for you everyday! It had two hearts, Arnav, and they were struck by an arrow. And no, I don’t do this for anyone else” she finished with a pout.
“ I am sorry” he murmured before drawing her into a kiss again. He felt like an addict, he couldn’t get enough of her and he definitely couldn’t leave her tonight.
As she sat, huddled close to him she whispered
“ I love you Arnav”
Tightening his hold on her, he looked down at her lying across his chest. “ I love you too Khushi, more than you can ever imagine “
For now it was enough. It was enough knowing that Arnav was going back to drink the now cold coffee with relish. It was enough knowing that they were going to spend the night in Khushi’s apartment above the cafe. It was enough knowing that two hearts were beating as one.
For now, the rain poured relentlessly , providing them a curtain of privacy as they remained wrapped in each other’s love in the car. Arnav marvelled in the redamancy, as he held the woman he loved in his arms, who loved him.
Tagging: @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @barshifan @andli @shiyaravi @muttonthings @hand-picked-star @msbhagirathi @phuljari @sankititaliya @thenainitaldisaster @thedupattaknowswhatsup @chutkiandchotte @laad-governess @laadgovernors @laadgovernorandsankadevi @leila1 @hi-this-is-permabanned @arshispyaar @minpdnim @thedustyshehnai @bigfatreader @arshiradio @simplycurlz @scorpio-smiles @bengudill
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phuljari · 5 months
any ipk fic recs? i loved devi works!
hey! so i have this post where i've asked people to share arshi fics, incase you want to go through that. i've personally not read a lot of arshi fics (being new to the fandom myself!), however these are some that i enjoyed reading:
• sheesh mahal by @jalebi-weds-bluetooth
• rapture (veritas) by @phati-sari
i've also read the following but haven't finished them yet:
• khushi by jalebijane (a very well-known writer from the first generation fandom, good story-weaving but can contain mature themes like non-con)
• mohabat door jane na de by doe-eyes- (recommended by @featheredclover — checkout their blog for loads more of arshi ff recs!! this particular fic is very descriptive and canon-divergent, if you're into that)
• serendipity by zee (contains an original character; don't remember if there's cheating in that or not? i don't really like reading that trope)
• ek nayi zindagi by palaayan (an au where khushi is a psychologist and arnav is her patient)
• to love or not to love by shrattila (beware, manipulative!arnav in this story)
the last one was recommended by @msbhagirathi on the ipkknd discord server where we have a dedicated channel for fic-recs! (maybe you can ask someone on there who has read devi's works and understands the kind of fics you prefer! i personally haven't but you can definitely share a link below)
p.s. if anyone reading this wants to join the discord channel— the link expires in 7 days! please reach out in case you've missed out on the limit and are still interested in joining! edit: this is the never expire link to our discord server!
p.p.s i'm writing an arshi fic myself, so self advertising to banta hai ;)
• stitch by phuljari (ongoing fic, arnav and khushi reunite in a strange land after a decade, redemption fic, mind the tags!)
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featheredclover · 1 year
Favourite IPKKND noncanon fanfics # 21
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(1) False Impressions by Gargee & Bingala
(incomplete as of now, but worth reading)
(2) Salve by Anupama
An officer bogged down by his rough origins meets an unlikely accomplice
(3) The photographer by InvisibleSmile
(4) What's cooking by RTlicious
A culinary streak of the arshi magic! The author's expertise in cooking shines through each chapter~
(5) Red lighting by RTlicious
A cop and a prostitute meet for the night, but is there more to it than meets the eye?
(6) Maid in love! by RTlicious
A tale of pretence, tactics and love
(7) Bodyguard by RTlicious
The grey eyed stiff bodyguard must be distracted , and who better than KKG?
(8) Rogue agents by RTlicious
Parting ways are bittersweet, but rarely do they end up in a romp
(9) When I met you! by RTlicious
What happens when a series of confusion leads to an explosive love story?
(10) The learning curve by RTlicious
A parent teacher meeting turns into a ruckus, paving way for an endearing love story
❤️#20 of non canon ff❤️
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featheredclover · 3 years
Favourite ipkknd non-canon fanfics ❤️🌺 #20
(1) Farewell Winter Nights by ShipperK and SM16
(2) Unexpectedly expected by Sabi/Saucechips
(3) The 10 days challenge by SmitakshiGuha
(4) Conflict Resolution : An Email Trail by Sabi / Saucechips
(4) D for Desire by Omoraboti
(5) Holding it together by sandya
(6) Wild by boyznaka
(7) Sweet Seduction by Bingala
(8) Falling for you by Hot_Chocolate (Avanti)
(9) Road Buddy by reflorated
(10) Silent Whispers by arhi05
❤️ #19 of non canon ff ❤️
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featheredclover · 4 years
Favourite ipkknd non-canon fanfics ❤️🌺 # 19
(1) Someone like me by chotidesi
(2) Serendipity by chotidesi
(3) Corridors by Avi / dreamy shadows / Norolim
(4) Dekh ke chalo by Avi / dreamy shadows / Norolim
(5) True lies by Avi and Pri (posted by dreamy shadows)
(6) A tale of Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham by theincorrigiblemagpie
(7) Fragrant whispers by AngelTeen
(8) Something old, something new by AngelTeen
(9) Loving you by AngelTeen
(10) Reborn by RockBarbie
❤️ 18 of non canon ff ❤️
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featheredclover · 4 years
Favourite ipkknd non-canon fanfics ❤️🌺 #18
(1) Salvation by Palaayan
(2) Until we meet again by Palaayan
(3) Bucket list by Palaayan
(4) Embers by Palaayan
(5) Without you by Palaayan
(6) Just a TV star ! by AngelTeen
(7) Intoxicated by arisai
(8) Swayamvar by chotidesi
(9) Do deewane by chotidesi
(10) Resistance by chotidesi
❤️ 17 non canon ff ❤️
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featheredclover · 4 years
Favourite ipkknd non-canon fanfics ❤️🌺 #17
(1) Azaadi ki udaan by Palaayan
(2) Hum dil de chuke sanam by Palaayan
(3) Hamin hasto by Palaayan
(4) Walk the line by GirlOfFire
(5) Young Gods ♥️ by boyznaka
(6) Zindagi gulzar hain by mints23
(7) Natsukashii by bluemystique
(8) Ek nayi zindagi by Palaayan
(9) Ek prem kahani by Palaayan
(10) Moments of a lifetime by Palaayan
❤️ 16 non canon ff ❤️
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featheredclover · 4 years
Favourite ipkknd non-canon fanfics ❤️🌺 #16
(1) Loving you is fun by bluemystique
(2) Night of Shadows, City of Joy by maverickmartin
(3) Life is beautiful by arisai
(4) Of crossword puzzles and roses by guggu
(5) Saanson ko ♥️ by Palaayan
(6) The courtesans by Palaayan
(7) Do dil mil rahe hain by Palaayan
(8) Fanna by Palaayan
(9) Ishaqzaade by Palaayan
(10) Ranjha by Palaayan
❤️ 15 non canon ff ❤️
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featheredclover · 4 years
Favourite ipkknd non-canon fanfic ❤️🌺 #13
(1) Vermilion by Nivedita
(2) Her dreamcatcher ♥️ by Nivedita
(3) To tempt a songbird by Deleted_d
(4) Friendly mail by Ms.Lizzie
(5) Capricious by Ms.Lizzie
(6) Love knocks again by Ms.Lizzie
(7) Cherished wounds by mistyrains
(8) Stripped bare by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(9) Sunshine by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(10) Loquacious silence by manreet_gill / Palaayan
❤️ 12 non canon ff ❤️
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featheredclover · 4 years
Favourite ipkknd non-canon fanfics ❤️🌺 #14
(1) Whimsical wishes by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(2) Monochromatic carnage by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(3) His antithesis by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(4) Amar prem kahani by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(5) Qubool hai by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(6) Paradise by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(7) Summer love by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(8) The photographer by InvisibleSmile
(9) The wedding planners by manreet_gill / Palaayan
(10) The Arrangement ♥️ by kranijoon
❤️ 13 non canon ff ❤️
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featheredclover · 4 years
Favourite ipkknd non-canon fanfics ❤️🌺 #15
(1) Seeds of pomegranate by -doe-eyes-
(2) 1993 by chotidesi
(3) A new morning by RTlicious
(4) Dr.Raizada by TinaEskay
(5) Forget me not by Anony_mous
(6) His perfect wife by -Yuks-
(7) Love is... by mints23
(8) Of blossoms and promises by -Dil-
(9) Seashores and seashells by mints23
(10) This heart of mine by Kalyaani
❤️ 14 non canon ff ❤️
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