#iplehouse fid
calochortus · 2 years
Iplehouse fid Harace by Ali MacTavish-Riach Via Flickr: I adopted an Iplehouse fid Harace from a fellow DoA member and eventually got around to redoing her faceup. The faceup she had was lovely but just not to my taste. I've wanted an Iplehouse bjd for years and am utterly delighted to have been given the opportunity to finally own one.
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Every so often
I'll put an outfit or a wig on a doll, and I'll be like, "Oh. This is NEVER coming off."
Today was one of those days.
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Iplehouse CREAA-J Elysia fantasy (elf-ears) head on Doll Leaves Dream body wearing... somebody's outfit (got it from Doll Peddlar) and Iplehouse FID boots. Monique Trading size 5-6 wig in carrot.
If I didn't suck at taking pictures, maybe others could see how good she looks, too.
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kosomolski-dolls · 4 months
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Ordered mid January, the wait time for my Aolingshi Hin was definitely longer than anticipated, but seeing him in person and handling him... yeah, worth it!
The body is beautifully sculpted, the resin completely smooth, not a hint of a seam line in sight.
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Same for the face, and man, what a handsome guy he is!! 🤩
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Almost all joints have hinges and hold their pose very well!
Clothing is a bit difficult, I was hoping the body would be similar to Iplehouse FID, so they could share, but as you can see, he's more Slender than the muscular body.
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Left picture: Luts MDF51 pants and shirt
Right picture: top row: FIDm, JID, FIDw, bottom row: FIDm (model), JID (pants fit, but too short), MSD shirt from Alice Collection
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As pretty as the body is, it will go to a friend, and I'll hybrid my heads to another Luts MDF body. Colour match seems to be pretty decent 😁
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voximago · 1 year
Eremon, retrieved from the corrosive stream of time
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I’ve had this beautiful man, created by @batchixdolls , since 2015. He sat on my desk at work while I was working on a documentary film back in the day. His spectacular undercut mohair wig (created by Batchix!) needs a bit more conditioning, but we’re getting there. His wonderful silvered PU leather trousers have succumbed to the power of time, so now he’s wearing his graceful long asymmetrical jumper with his ass hanging out, waiting for new togs (incoming).
I’ve been contemplating my tendency to support myself emotionally with retail therapy—buying dolls when under stress. This tends to have predictable financial outcomes, and questionable emotional ones.
This Sunday I am beginning to sense that I derive more psychic and spiritual nourishment from taking care of the stuff that’s actually already in my world.
He will be test-driving some Iplehouse clothing in their FID size soon.
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struungout · 11 months
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The Raccoon Doll body I bought secondhand arrived in the mail today! I originally got it for Knives, but whoops, Vergil took it instead lmao. I actually like him a lot more on the thicker body; he’s like instantly nicer to take pictures of.
Unfortunately for Qianna, this means her man is even more of a giant lmao.
As for the resin match, it isn’t too bad at all! The Raccoon Doll body was made in 2020 and is just a smidge darker and pinker than the Rugged Realism parts. The neck definitely needs modifying though since it’s just a bit too thick for the Geneo and Aquilo head sockets.
I’ll likely buy some extra hands from Iplehouse from their FID line to use with Vergil. Don’t know yet if I’ll get everything in white skin and have it dyed, or live with any color different there is with Iplehouse’s normal resin. P;
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Recaster ChinaBJD/Oueneifs have lost their original Iplehouse FID body mold. Their bodies now have a hip joint that real Iplehouse FID boys do not.
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rip-crew · 1 year
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Photoshoot, for Medieval style Iplehouse FID doll shirt with extras for a trade client April 2023. Tried on my mochi ashi MDD.
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trickster-whim · 7 months
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Vandal's been hanging out in terrible clothing for so long, so I decided I wanted to try to make him something. I wasn't sure what, but I really like seeing Martha Boers' dolls on her Antique Lilac blog, and she has a pattern set for an Iplehouse Outlander set, so I thought I'd try that out! I've been watching a lot of historical sewing videos, and I love 18th century styles (I don't know anything about Outlander, but the internet tells me it's like 1740s?).
I did, admittedly, a rather terrible job. I didn't quite understand the pattern pieces, and I did have to resize a lot since Dollshe 18M is smaller than FID, and I'm still working on my sewing skills, etc etc, but I'm not gonna beat myself up here. For a first try, I like it! I'll go back again with a little more knowledge, put the pieces together correctly (I s2g the sleeves... the sleeves...), make some more buttons because I'm almost out, etc. Also make a kilt lol.
No finished shot here because I'm uploading some pictures I took on a walk the other day later.
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glaceleau · 3 years
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Once I was actually nearly finished with my OC dolls, but not off my OC dolls kick, naturally I started thinking about shelling more OCs. King had been in the back of my head for a while, but I never come across any Project Doll Parts that seemed like they would work for her. When I realized the scale that Daniel and Tennant had turned out, though, I realized... hmm, that's about FID size. And Iplehouse is a great aesthetic match for a Barbie like King. And when I went looking, I found a perfect combination of sculpt and color for her on the DoA marketplace, so that was that. I made her wig pretty quickly, but I put off redoing her faceup because the Iplehouse one was perfectly nice. My first redo attempt, in December 2020, was just bad! Sometimes it's just not working with you. I gave it another try slowly over this spring/summer and I'm much happier with the result. She's gorgeous and she poses... enough, but I hate the Iplehouse hips, haha.
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berryevilpoptart · 3 years
I’m selling my two FIDs. I decided to do this this past spring, but I’m just now getting around to making a DOA post about and announcing it on my socials.🤣 I really like the size, but I have so many different sizes around here that’s it’s become a bit overwhelming and I would love to have some extra doll funds for the quickly approaching IT convention … so out they go. I’m selling Leonard with his complete wardrobe (all from SartoriaJ save for the Iplehouse boots), his wig, and eyes by shrike aesthetics and the only extras included in the Vanessa sale are the resin heels and high heel feet nubbins to match and some shrike aesthetics eyes.
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Iplehouse FID Mari commission
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ranaraeuchle · 4 years
I made a yarn wig for my doll. Look at this handsome dude.
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Doll Pattern (and pictures!) blog
The person who maintains the Antique Lilac blog is a professional photographer and BJD collector. They also have a full page of (free!) sewing pattern tutorials, like this one:
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Iplehouse FID Bianca in "Christine" costume (from Phantom of the Opera), photograph by Antique Lilac.
There are patterns for MSD/FID and tinies (BID), because they tend to prefer Iplehouse dolls.
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kosomolski-dolls · 2 years
How about owner vs company faceup, iplehouse edition?
Starting off with the only SDs in this house:
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Big Anthony (SID Eric) and Big Josh* (nYID Juan)
Then we have the MSD Negroni crew:
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Midi Anthony (JID Boris), Diego (JID Jud) and Sergej (FID Oscar)
And the rest of the Detective Conan crew (... so far...)
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Shuichi, currently in disguise (FID Leonhard) and Gin* (FID Arvid)
*belong to @lucrecia84
Bonus, to show Shuichi out of disguise 🥰
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euphorbic · 6 years
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General Ashrei’s hobbies include: conquest, offending people for yucks, sex, traumatizing her offspring, and honing her particular brand of brutality.
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redsixwing · 6 years
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