something something all the hermits have matching overalls with different embroidered patterns. idk what all of them look like but here are a few:
pearl's have the moon phases up and down the legs
mumbo's have sunflowers
tango's have nether mushrooms
zed's have little sheep
bdubs' have little mossy patches and glow berry patterns
ren's have paw prints
grian's have a sun and falling feathers
scar's have little jellies
I've tried to come up with some patterns myself, but I couldn't think of anything. Guess there's a reason I'm not a fashion designer, haha
These are really cute :)
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odukora-lore · 2 months
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Genesis Era
The Goddesses
✧ Revontulet
❀ Borealis
Before the Fall
🕯️ Lightcatcher
💎 Elouise
Rulers of Cloud Cliffs
🌧️ Lufiere Hyetal Seraph
⚡ Raiko "Kaori" Fragor
Royal Assistants
The Guardian Guild
🪐 Airiwn Fylios
🏔️ Kimoru Serenity
☕ Dusleth Nocturne
🍰 Rurene Pekoe
💐 Meraki Amaranth
🍄 Kahdeina Luster
Former Keepers of the Empyrean
-Azimuth/Aerolite (Marzipan)
-Cliff (Zingiber)
- - - - - - -
Medieval Era
[Swan Feather]
🌨️ Heron Solstice
🗡️ Dulcet Plumehart / 🍊 Tangelo "Tangerine" Yuzu
-Lychee Kasturi
-Gyoza Enoki
-Jay Warren
-Cayenne Cassia
-Falene Sonnet
-Anise Azolla
-Pomelo Yuzu
The Last Monarchs
🌕 Gandoline Lunaris
🦋 Mariposa Solstice
Ancestors of Elwood
- - - - - - -
War Era
- - - - - - -
Modern Era
[The Eternal: Fallout]
🌻 Helio Gaharu
🌷 Jingle Tinsel
🪶 Truffle Elnath
🌙 Sereina Skyscape
🍀 Clover Rowan
🌿 Lyrin Tinsel
🌲 Juniper Penzai
☄️ Pepper Flint
🌼 Mallow Cassia
🌟 Orion “Rigel” Skyscape
🪵 Oak Elwood
🍃 Birch Elwood
🔮 Etamyal / 🕯️ Atcher Lucerne
💫 Asteria Polaris/ 🪷 Eureka Elnath
👑 Eridani/Cygnus Polaris
🧊 Conifer Penzai
🍁 Maple Elwood
🍂 Red Elwood
🌳 Cedar Elwood
🍯 Chamomile Cassia
-Harper Tinsel
Team Pets
🍬 Toffee
🥖 Churro
[Paradigm of Empyrean]
☁️ Cinnamon Swirl
🪴 Bramble Carver
🌖 Nyxium Lunaris
🗻 Aaron Reneirre
🔖 Reese Dominique
🌀 Zephyr Whirlwind
🌸 Whisper Himiko/Lullaby Larkspur
🌋 Topaz “Shade” Reneirre
🌒 Mythical Lunaris
🌾 Peachi Fernweh
📜 Aspen Elwood
🌹 Ashling Crimson/Hawthorn Oblivion
🌱 Aichi Fylios Serenity
🌺 Amber Reneirre
🪨 Slate Brickedge
🪽 Feather Brooke
🍒 Cherry Parfait
Team Pets
🖍️ Crayon
[Where Time Meets Destiny]
🫐 Sparklyn Neptune Dreams
🍪 Koru Choco Pudding
🍈 Honeydew Droplet Springs
☀️ Horizon Dusk Skies
🧁 Macaroon Chiffon Cake
❄️ Winter Southwest Snow
🍮 Caramel Flairne Ryunashi
🌰 Gingersnap Ralfie Breeze
-Marigold Dawn Skies
-Daisy Dawn Skies
-Simnel Chiffon
-Estrella "Star"
- - -
[Cupid's Serenade]
🎀 Angie "Cupid"
🎵 Azalea "Siren"
- - -
[Cabbage Peak]
- - -
[Weather Headquarters]
- - - - - -
Future Era
[The Sun is a Star]
🫧 Marble Meredith
✨ Skylar Altair
-Soleil Altair
🚀 Cirrus
⚙️ Periwinkle "Vinca"
[Tales of Iridescence]
🫐 Sparklyn Neptune
☘️ Arctic "Bonbon" Marlowe
🐾 Gale Luscinia
🍨 Vanilla Sundae
🌑 Shadow Lune
- Wisp “Auster” Chronos
- - - - - - -
[ Misc ]
Liru's Explorers of the East
-Drake Verano
-Matthew Agaros
-Nemui Kou
-Heather Aki
-Gray Brickedge
-Solar Bituin
-Thunder Raiden
-Faye Miyako
-Elaine Trinidad
-Echo Chronos
-Lukas Eunil
-Celine Meowth
The Youngsters
-Tirami Tinsel
-Jayde Penzai
-Parsley Flint
-Dahlia Gaharu
-Autumn Skyscape Elwood
-Hope Miraclella
-Fauna Lavendery
-Meadow Juniper
-Dreamy Cottontail
-Penelope Blossom
-Amber Crystalline
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autolovecraft · 7 years
The bad fruit of the Widmanstätten figures found on meteoric iron.
The aspect of the party vowed.
It was magnetic, for almost anything now, and a feeling of something lurking under there. But even then I do not like the globule and the sages studied its surface curiously as they did so. No one replied, but perfectly conscious and able to move away? There seemed virtually nothing to do but that dignitary did no more than write a humorous article about them, and that wild things leave queer prints in the Gazette, but recognized some solvents as I viewed it, be the outcome of a large colored globule embedded in the attic. Behind and below was only by a clatter which told of a spacious valley; and as all the time of fruit and harvest. His wife now had spells of terrific screaming, and Ammi's grip tightened on a couch in the corner, and Nahum's place became a nightmare of buzzing and crawling. It was a mounting wind which seemed to be shot for its own good.
Quick to connect and reflect upon all the cases occurred in a great spot eaten by acid in the valley which everyone knew from the lantern he had by that time, even the small-paned windows. The bad fruit of the horses had stampeded. Anyone but a stolid city man about the well was belching forth to the ten-acre pasture. He saw so much so that nothing further could be analyzed, of course, so Ammi had to recall the speaker from ramblings, piece out scientific points which he knew only by analogy that they empty and explore the well was belching forth to the laboratory and test again the hapless farmer's mind was proof against more sorrow. But even then I do not like the brittle globule in that stone it musta come in a fearsome instant of deeper darkness the watchers on that meteor, leaving the frightened man on the telescopes and photographic plates of our earth or heavens.
Nahum sadly saw that his mind was bent ever so slightly; but they could not believe I would hate to think what it might not have told the men paused indecisively as the column of unknown and unholy iridescence from the abyss. The neighing and stamping of the rural tales are queer. April brought a kind of local celebrity. The color, and as Ammi visibly shivered, the unknown. The stench was beyond any mind's guessing.
It must be Nahum's, and as the light from the college for testing.
They say the color of our observatories. But the terrible thing about the deep skyey voids above had crept a stealthy bitterness and sickishness, so that he had blundered? The trees grew too thickly, and had never been fed from the world, and in time the professors stayed away in air, and did what he sought was no more at the window, and no one was surprised when the boys continued to crumble.
That was the vegetation. Only a wooden ripping and crackling, and the sages studied its surface curiously as they pried away the smaller mass they saw a fearsome sight. Why has he never been there, and a most detestably sticky noise as of the globule in the laboratory as its predecessor. It must be Nahum's, the testing was carried on in glass; and then he shut him in an attic room, but shadow lurked always there. The six men drove out in a democrat-wagon were unstirred. It was truly an awful moment; with terror in that frightful room above.
So the men from the well. Nahum quickly became a thing, or bridge over gaps, where the unknown. Nitric acid and even the medical examiner. Hydrochloric acid was the next morning both chips and beaker were gone too; numbers went queer in the air which she could not, however, restlessness was worse than his fellows, and that wild things rustled in the well, or face another time that gray blasted heath seemed to hint theories, the seekers left again with their gnarled, fiendish contours; but it was, they protest, are very horrible in that aerolite two summers ago, had almost run away.
He had come to poor Thaddeus in his tale as a moving object. The death had come to meet him, of course; but the death had been right about their nature and arrangement. There are things which puzzled men of science are wont to say when faced by the woods across the road, and had noticed the skunk-cabbage had been dragged by any external forces, Ammi had to tug and point for lack of controllable voice when he shuffled timidly to the sky like a glutted swarm of corpse-fed fireflies dancing hellish sarabands over an accursed marsh, and all the time. It was a scene from a horse from Ammi for his haying, but before the spectroscope it displayed shining bands unlike any known colors of the thing which every man of that abandoned well whose stagnant vapors played strange tricks with the sunlight I saw the aerolite would be called a gas, but around a farm in the yard and the hapless beast lay huddled inert on the other side. It was then that I heard the tale, could give no guess. Whether it had been at it. The trees budded prematurely around Nahum's, and I do not think I shall never drink it. I rouse the aged man, and all trace of the brother who had treated the diseased animals. Anyone but a ragged pit by the entire apartment. Sucks and burns, he has never told them of anything that can be seen or heard or handled, but plainly related and equally unknown to anyone who saw the lightning, as Nahum said something lived in the night a pale insidious beam of ghastly miasma was to him, and was crushed forever with a singular persistence. That night there was a monstrous constellation of unnatural light, like a landscape of Salvator Rosa; too much like some forbidden woodcut in a way which could not have swayed without wind. The stench was beyond any mind's guessing. Traces of the old road, there is a very old town full of witch legends I thought the evil must be the outcome of a spacious valley; and he thought of the current Arkham tales is about fat oaks that shine and move as they ought not to be slightly cooling, there was not like the men clustered round the window, and entity. Anyone but a piece of the party vowed. The night had been, must have been nothing from outside, and in time the mortality among the known tints of earth. I came upon it at the stars of Cygnus, Deneb twinkling above the ripped earth and charred grass near the stone had entered the soil. I sought him out the next day they met with a cloud of color like that light out there now, and did what he had thought he had seen it time and again spite the summer day. How clearly he recalled those dying words of Nahum's to tell people about the trees. I came upon it at the frightened whispers of Arkham the hills rise wild, weird stories of whispered legend was fast taking form. He had gone, no residue was left in this motor age—grow skittish in the railed family plot behind the farm with its collegiate sponsoring, and toward the last—they all bolted out like frightened woodland deer.
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webseries99 · 4 years
Color Out of Space
A secluded farm is struck by a strange meteorite which has apocalyptic consequences for the family living there and possibly the world. A story of cosmic terror about The Gardners, a family who moves to a remote farmstead in rural New England to escape the hustle of the 21st century. They are busy adapting to their new life when a meteorite crashes into their front yard. The mysterious aerolite seems to melt into the earth, infecting both the land and the properties of space-time with a strange, otherworldly color. To their horror, the Gardner family discover that this alien force is gradually mutating every life form that it touches…including them. When an iridescent meteorite plummets from outer space and into the property and foundations of a remote New England estate, a malignant force begins to insidiously permeate the lives of an unassuming family. The effects are gradual – time begins to dilate, nature assumes an otherworldly hue – and all things bright and beautiful eventually mutate and corrupt under its influence. So proceeds this eerie adaptation of the short story by H.P. Lovecraft, one of horror’s most haunting, here presented by the enigmatic South African filmmaker Richard Stanley. Returning to Midnight Madness 29 years after his hypnotic killer-robot fandango Hardware first premiered in the section, Stanley summons his uniquely hallucinogenic sensibilities to envelope his endearing characters in surreal, incremental dread. At first, their domestic bliss is quietly fraught with an undercurrent of unnerving tension, before eventually boiling over into delirious, acid-fueled terror. The patriarch of this doomed brood is none other than Nicolas Cage, continuing his recent renaissance as a midnight-movie staple with an increasingly unhinged performance that reliably ricochets among every technique in the Stanislavski playbook. The rest of the ensemble, which includes Joely Richardson and Tommy Chong, play effective foils to Cage’s delirium, but the real star of the show is the alien entity itself. This all-consuming, dispassionate menace manifests itself in a series of grotesque, body-horror, and psychedelic spectacles, worthy of its ineffable literary origins. —Toronto International Film Festival After a meteorite lands in the front yard of their farm, Nathan Gardner (Nicolas Cage) and his family find themselves battling a mutant extraterrestrial organism as it infects their minds and bodies, transforming their quiet rural life into a technicolor nightmare.
The post Color Out of Space appeared first on Download Web Series.
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asfeedin · 4 years
The Best iPhone 11 Pro Max Cases and Covers
It’s safe to say the iPhone 11 Pro Max is an incredible phone. It’s powerful, beautiful, and comes with one of the best cameras you’ll find in a smartphone. But it’s made from glass, and that glass is fragile, so an unfortunate bump or spill can leave your device with scuffs, or worse, cracks — and neither of those is particularly welcome on a $1,000 smartphone. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution to this, and that’s to fit your phone with a protective case.
But there’s no one-case-fits-all situation, and you’ll need to do a little shopping around before you find your perfect case. Don’t worry though, we’ve made your choice a little simpler by finding you some of the best cases to keep your iPhone 11 Pro Max safe.
Ringke Fusion Matte Case
Unlike a standard clear case, the Ringke Fusion has a smooth and silky matte finish on the back, mimicking the texture of the iPhone 11 Pro Max. The unique coating also prevents fingerprints and oily smudges from being left on the case. Blended into the clean design, the Fusion Matte features Ringke’s Quikcatch lanyard hole so you can attach a wrist or neck strap for added security. As the cherry on top, the case runs just shy of $10 — making it one of the most affordable accessories for your iPhone.
Tech21 Evo Check Case
The nicest thing about this case from Tech21 is the solid drop protection it affords. Your iPhone 11 Pro Max can take a tumble from up to 12 feet and emerge unscathed when it’s wearing this case. Considering how tough it is, the lack of bulk is impressive. Most of the protection comes from the ribbed frame. The outside of this case also sports a soft, self-healing finish that enhances grip and offers antimicrobial protection to keep things hygienic.
Spigen Ultra Hybrid Case
With a crystal clear back panel of virtually unbreakable polycarbonate and a bumper in flexible TPU, this slim case from Spigen should safeguard your iPhone from minor bumps and falls. Their button covers are well defined and the cutouts are generous so you won’t have issues plugging in to charge. It does extend to protect the camera and the screen, but if drop protection is important to you it’s best to go with a more rugged iPhone case. You can get a clear version of this case, or you can get it with a green, black, or rose bumper.
Totallee Clear Case
This is one of our favorite minimal, clear cases, devoid of any logo or superfluous detail. You can get frosted versions in different colors if you prefer, but the clear one is best for showing off the iPhone design inside. It’s a very slim case, but it will guard against scratches and damage from minor falls, and it also enhances your grip. You’ll find the fit is good and it’s flexible so it’s easy to put on or remove.
Nodus Access Case III
Makers of some of our favorite leather wallet cases, Nodus is a brand worth looking at. The stylish Access Case III is crafted from neatly stitched Italian leather in brown, black, teal, or gray. Inside you’ll find a very soft microfiber lining and a handy pocket that can accommodate cards and cash. There’s no shell with this leather folio case because your iPhone 11 Pro Max is held securely by a micro suction pad. This design still covers your iPhone from every angle but allows the leather wallet case to be as slim as possible. The Nodus octopus logo on the inside provides a stylish detail.
Speck Presidio Grip Case
Drop protection from falls of up to 13 feet is a good reason to buy one of these cases. There is a hard shell with a shock-absorbing inner layer and ridges on the outside that enhance your grip on your iPhone. There’s also a raised lip around the screen to ensure it doesn’t touch when laid face down. You can also stop worrying about germs thanks to a special anti-microbial layer. This case comes in a wide range of different colors.
Woolnut Leather Case
This gorgeous, luxury, leather case from Woolnut looks and feels fantastic. There’s a protective shell for your iPhone with accurate cutouts and button covers. It’s covered seamlessly in full-grain leather and there’s a special, super-soft, microfiber lining on the inside to cushion your iPhone. You can pick this case up in black, green, or brown and the leather will change slightly as it ages.
Razer Arctech Pro Case
Overheating can be a problem, especially when you’re putting the iPhone 11 Pro Max to the test with a marathon gaming session. Razer wants to help with the Arctech Pro case, which has a special thermaphene layer designed to collect heat and dissipate it out through the perforations in the back. Thankfully, you don’t have to sacrifice protection to keep cool, because you’ll also find a microfiber layer inside to prevent any scratches and the Pro case boasts drop protection up to 10 feet.
Noreve Tradition B Wallet Case
This beautifully stylish, leather wallet case brings some French flair to your iPhone. A sturdy shell grips your iPhone and a luxurious leather cover wraps around it, with a stud closure to ensure it stays shut when you want it to. The inside cover hosts two pockets for cards with the option of adding two more rear slots. Noreve offers a range of customizations to enable you to select the precise leather finish and color you want and choose various extras, though this will impact the price.
Nomad Rugged Brown Case
By wrapping polycarbonate in Horween leather which slots neatly into a TPE bumper Nomad has managed to create a rugged case that delivers 6-foot drop protection, but also looks and feels great. The leather will age and develop its own patina over time while the case ensures your iPhone stays in great condition. There’s a pronounced lip to protect the screen, accurate cutouts for easy access, button covers, and it won’t interfere with wireless charging. It’s also available in black.
Incipio Aerolite Case
As Incipio’s most protective case, the Aerolite offers protection from falls of up to 11 feet and it manages to do so without adding a lot of bulk thanks to a special material called FortiCore. There are contours inside the case and reinforced, shock-absorbing corners to take the sting out of drops. You can also get a glimpse of the iPhone within this case, and it comes in three different color combinations.
Case-Mate Twinkle Case
Packed with reflective iridescent glitter foil, this case twinkles in the light like stardust. Beyond the sparkly exterior, there’s a tough case here that offers up to 10-foot drop protection for your iPhone. The flexible sides enhance grip and there are metallic button covers and accurate cutouts. The back also boasts a special anti-scratch coating.
Griffin Survivor Strong Case
If you want to be able to see the design of your iPhone 11 Pro Max, but need some drop protection, then the Griffin Survivor Strong could be for you. There’s a clear polycarbonate back with scratch resistance and a special FortiCore-reinforced bumper that provides grip and protection from falls of up to 10 feet. Griffin does offer a bunch of much tougher and more expensive cases if that’s what you’re after, but this is a good compromise. It also comes in translucent black or green.
Smartish Kung-Fu Grip Case
The iPhone 11 Pro Max is a very big phone, so you may be keen to avoid adding any extra bulk with a case. The Kung-Fu Grip case from Smartish is slim and very light with air pockets to provide some protection against drop damage. The sides are textured to enhance your grip and you’ll find generous cutouts and well-defined button covers. The case also extends at the front to safeguard that enormous screen. This case comes in five different colors.
Skech Stark Case
This clever design manages to offer rugged drop protection for falls of up to 10 feet, but in a minimal form that leaves the iPhone on display and the sides fully accessible. The screen and camera are still protected thanks to raised edges and that hard, clear back is scratch-resistant. The top and bottom edges are where the shockproof protection is. The clear version seems to make the most sense if you’re a minimalist, but this case also comes in four different colors.
VRS Damda High Pro Shield Case
While this case is a standard mix of polycarbonate and TPU it sports an unusual sandstone texture that enhances grip and prevents fingerprints or smudges from accumulating. There are button covers and openings for access to all features, it doesn’t interfere with wireless charging, and raised edges protect the camera and screen. As for drop damage, VRS suggests it’s fine for falls of up to 4 feet, which covers you for a typical drop from pocket height.
Mous Contour Case
The new Contour range from Mous hits the sweet spot between style and substance, offering solid drop protection in an attractive package. The curved plastic case has microfiber inside to keep that glass scratch-free and the back is covered in different colors of leather or a textured speckle finish. There are chunky button covers and all the openings you need are present and correct.
Editors’ Recommendations
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Tags: 11, cases, Covers, iPhone, Max, Pro
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usually redstone hermits just need someone to keep an eye on them if they’re small and working on redstone (in case they break something or try to eat the redstone) but if they get too small for redstone then their caregivers will bust out toy building blocks and kinetic sand
Unfortunately, kinetic sand is no more edible than redstone dust (much to the dismay of the regressors) so they still need to be under close watch while playing with it.
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autolovecraft · 7 years
The professors tried it with a singular persistence.
In her raving there was not so bad as the gray desolation that sprawled open to the zenith a bombarding cloudburst of such colored and fantastic fragments as our universe must needs disown.
The stench was beyond any mind's guessing. He indulged in no details, but encroached a little on the couch, he whispered. The property of emitting this spectrum vanished in a constant state of nervous tension. Leaving the harmless babbler on the other side. The whole aspect of the path, for in one family was pretty bad, too, though; and the woods. He whispered, and that shaft of unknown color flared suddenly stronger and the leaps of that group in the crumbling old homesteads. He and the few that are not of earth can pass through solid obstacles? I heard the story, and there. When he did nothing with the ripening came sore disappointment, for one thing; and had noticed the skunk-cabbages coming up through the strange days; and at last it was only by a firm rein. He saw so much as the blasted heath as it had been dragged by any external forces, Ammi? It must be the outcome of a spacious valley; and because that is all.
It was little Merwin. Specimens could be heard.
When the cooling had grown very considerable, the wide-planked floor. Then I saw the aerolite and its color was that it very slowly and perceptibly moved as it continued to use till the soil, but appeared to promise both brittleness and hollowness. But he could best be launched on his shoulder. It was then that they empty and explore the well? There was really lucky for Ammi that he had found that stone poisoned the whole body would be of no use in telling the city people at Arkham who laughed at everything. No traveler has ever escaped a sense of something—something which grandams had whispered to children through centuries.
But his gaze was the house.
Familiarity had dulled them, in telling the city people at Arkham who laughed at everything. Their dreams at night, and something terrible—though I know not in what they inferred. No one will ever know what was left to do anything then and there are valleys with deep woods that no axe has ever cut.
They were twitching morbidly and spasmodically, clawing in convulsive and epileptic madness at the same impression from a nocturnal exhalation seen as a phosphorescent mist against the small island in the sun. Ammi had difficulty in recalling all these things, but this new glow was something of that spot when the faint miasmal odor which struck Stephen as wholly unprecedented. And still the pale phosphorescence glowed in that spot, for they could not say; but why had nothing new ever grown there since. Halted by some vague fear, he decided to keep a sharp watch on him. Then, when given two phials of dust for analysis in a queer way impossible to describe, while Mrs. Pierce listened in a democrat-wagon, following Ammi's buggy, and their fantastic dusk was never terrible till the soil, but perhaps they had indeed seen with waking eyes that cryptic vestige of the road. I fed her it'll get her if we ain't careful just a color her face is getting to have the stars of Cygnus, Deneb twinkling above the miasmal brink. In February the McGregor boys from Meadow Hill were out shooting woodchucks, and Ammi, whose head has been a little on the country folk, and in the old house would have thought of searching it for Merwin or Zenas.
He was not a soul of that spot when the sinister stars are out; and as the column of unknown and unholy iridescence from the house was a scene from a round and curiously regular hole in the dark stairs to the sky and bedded itself in the noxious air as if they survived him. There are dark narrow glens where the trees. Into the fine flavor of the yard and adjacent pasturage there sprang up a bizarre growth which only a fine gray dust that no stone was. Most of it built before 1670, and when a detective silently called attention to something terrible—though I know not in what they found. At this point, as baffling in the little ground pools where the earth had caved in; and he feared the fall before was freely mentioned, and in another second they had never even thought a scream had been no wild legends at all about the sensation I derived from my one lone walk before Ammi told me his tale was all that gorgeous array of specious lusciousness not one single jot was fit to eat. From him there were not any color of the party vowed. Not a man breathed for several seconds. He was gone. For the terror had not been wholly changed to lethal gray brittleness. It must be fed and tended, and their nocturnal habits contradicted all former experience. He also stated that Merwin and Zenas were both there, it developed, nearly lost the property.
Then the stronger-minded folk all left the region. Commencing his descent of the thing away at once by a fading parrot memory of professors' talk, it was there that all the cases occurred in a queer way impossible to describe; and remembering how strange the men who had been dragged by any external forces, Ammi could not fancy what for, since the water had been something else—something was fastening itself on 'em, mind and body—Thad and Merwin and Zenas in the woods across the visitor's mind a sudden thought of searching it for Merwin or Zenas. There was a wild commotion and clopping in the clouds before any man could gasp or cry out.
0 notes
autolovecraft · 7 years
As it was there that all the men used their own strength to get away.
When he did enter he saw something dark in the silent valley; for it had been suddenly choked off, being wholly negative in the little ground pools where the devil held court beside a curious way, by that phrase strange days will be glad, too; but they could not see was glimpsed by a clatter which told of a spectral half-obscured by the woods.
Good God! Nothing was emitted, and thanked Heaven that most of the creatures seemed not quite homogeneous. He had left their hives and taken to the country folk, and before I knew it would be certain to start. He said he was a mounting wind which seemed to hint theories, the testing was carried on in glass; and they gouged rather than chipped a specimen to take back to the open; and had begun to look after his wife and Zenas had disappeared or was killed. One of the strange vegetable conditions, the seekers left again with their gnarled, fiendish contours; but had he been able to move away? When he did not complete the walk, because what he sought was no longer there. No rural veterinary would approach his place had attracted, and other realms of infinity beyond all Nature as we know. Hogs grew inordinately fat, then suddenly began to be heard from a round ball like one we all seen in the tainted vegetation. It was then that I heard the story, and he and the Gardners thought that most of the pears and apples had crept a stealthy bitterness and sickishness, so that even the sober professors could not doubt the meteor fragment in the nasty brittle globule in the ancient sitting-room while the men who had been taken by something of that spot when the professors gave it a kind of local celebrity. The way they screamed at each other from behind their locked doors was very cold. Stubbornly refusing to grow cool, it was Ammi, when he shuffled timidly to the open meadows. He did not go into that dim chaos of old wood and farmland to be almost plastic, having heat, magnetism, and did so at the end of May the insects came, and with its seemingly increased strength and the fragment of rag carpet, and a feeling of vague disquiet. One day they paid Nahum a visit; but the brooding farmer professed to see the water had been very like one of them will doubtless linger even when half the hollows are flooded for the window was small and half later, recalled that the trees first begin to get very thick. The color, and sometimes with only one who still remains, or the flames that come down on the gray, twisted, brittle monstrosity which persists more and more in troubling my sleep. Three of the graceful felines. He knew it would quickly spread.
Something was taken away—draws ye ye know something's coming but it ain't no use waiting for the new reservoir they told me this in Arkham. It ran up and splashed on the wide chimneys crumbling and the fragment of rag carpet, and the very look of the brittle globule found embedded in the wind.
Yet the outcome of a spectral half-hour, but their going was scarcely noticed since there now seemed to be almost plastic, having heard that he lived alone in the corner does not bring restful dreams at night. But Nahum was past imagining, Mrs. Pierce listened in a month, the steepness of the notice his place had attracted, and before proceeding further he had seen that nothing would do but go back to the roots of those terrible last words of Nahum's to tell a stolid city man about the shelf and mantel, and when he wished to draw notice to the editor of the fathomless gulfs outside; and it burst with a lantern and pail for water, and Nahum vowed that his orchards were prospering as never before. It was a general cry; muffled with awe, but merely told of a Puritan people. They had, it developed, nearly lost the spirit to bark. They were better off, being wholly negative in the Lord's ways so far unaffected. Weeds and briers reigned, and before I knew it had been so strange were graying now, and at night with a pail and had put therein what he found. He did not wonder that the clouded father would say. But the shying of horses near Nahum's house in his attic room, and disintegration were already far advanced. It was just a color out of the incident with its seemingly increased strength and the wise men talked of the same odd bands at first, though, beyond a doubt.
It was morning when I saw it. It was the same strange ailment which had stood where the earth had caved in; and whereas it had grasped quite as much of the other side.
It was no fruit, and all agreed that plants of that party agreed in whispering later on, that string of explosions in the lot near the well—he lives in the attic, and Nahum sadly saw that his orchards were prospering as never before. Botanists, too; but this new glow was something definite and distinct, and the buggy. How strange the men who had eaten nothing grown in that aerolite two summers ago, had almost run away. No one replied, but let her wander about the anniversary of the visitors seemed so far as he did. Ammi stared blankly at the stars, though the vestiges were mainly skeletal. The others looked at it. Nahum sadly saw that the others, where the devil held court beside a curious lone altar older than the fitful moonbeams; but his eyes; and as all the rest of the floor downstairs now sounded distinctly, and the way back from his mother's. A feeble scratching on the place, for even the sober professors could not place it. They were the usual order of use. By September all the while the shaft of unknown and unholy iridescence from the skies whose motions and dimensions our astronomers measure or deem too vast to measure. The room was deadly cold; and Ammi stared blankly at the moonlit ground between the splintered shafts of the house.
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autolovecraft · 7 years
The samples in this motor age—grow skittish in the woods.
That fragment lasted a week until he began stumbling and hurting himself, he overcame his fears and paid the Gardner farm, and what they found. Its texture was glossy, and like the men from the great morbidity that had left some time before, but toward the last held their noses against the black cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes. I know not in what proportion—still remains, or face another time that gray blasted heath will slumber far below blue waters whose surface will mirror the sky like a landscape of Salvator Rosa; too much like a softened ray from a vision of Fuseli, and no sound could be found amidst the weeds of a large dog in about the stone they smashed it it was much more recent than I had known in the air which she could not stay, for of all that he had by that phrase strange days will be cut down and the scientists verified the fact of the Widmanstätten figures found on meteoric iron. Three of the stone they smashed it it was not quite usual in their stalls had been a moon, and their eyes and muzzles developed singular alterations.
It had happened. There was no wind; but everywhere were those hectic and prismatic variants of some fiendish and unclean species of suction. And because Ammi recognized that color before, but there were little hillside farms; sometimes with all the rest reigned that riot of luminous amorphousness, that alien and undimensioned rainbow of cryptic poison from the abyss. Ammi heard a thud below him. Botanists, too; but although the weight grew steadily less as time passed, and blossoms alike, while his body leaned forward and his unkempt clothing and white beard made him any more comfortable, and always they lacked the power to get the heavy wagon near enough the hayloft for convenient pitching. God! But it was the last half-obscured by the meteor that the fragment was growing smaller and burning the bottom seemed inexplicably porous and bubbling, and the traveled roads around Arkham. What presence had his cry and entry started up? No one could explain. The beaker had gone.
Then a cloud of darker depth passed over the moon to show what was abroad that night; and had come into the yard, and all thought it probable that others would be Nahum to deal with now; he must search for himself. The neighing and kicking in their chromatic perversion. It was getting very feeble.
The listening was, in telling the city veterinary from Arkham was openly baffled. But that was all a freak of madness as the aerolite and its colored globule embedded in the meteor's strange spectrum, wasting away in air, and the upland lot along the road outside, followed at once one of the dark ancient valleys through which he knew only by analogy that they had both suffered from the world, and not an explosion, as Nahum said, with a caved-in earth.
But his gaze was the last of Hero till they buried him next day.
They had heard of again. The property of emitting this spectrum vanished in a clutching fright. The veterinary shivered, the stones of the sunlight changed color around the house was a wild commotion and clopping in the night—the trim white Nahum Gardner house amidst its fertile gardens and orchards. So the men who had been suddenly arrested. Certainly, however, get any good answers except that all the mystery was much as it had crawled or whether it had in other years, and it burst with a bitter disappointment.
In her raving there was not so bad as the rambling voice scraped and whispered on I shivered again and again since Zenas was took where's Nabby, that the blight is spreading—little by little, perhaps an inch a year and half later, recalled that the meteorite; and one sometimes wonders what insight beyond ours their wild, weird message from other universes and other realms of matter I suppose the thing was left to do anything then and there. Thad was gone.
How clearly he recalled those dying words of his host stammered out a desperate tale once more he went with them to see the water come. It was very plain that healthy living things must leave that house. For the terror had not faded with the land around the mouth of that abandoned well whose stagnant vapors played strange tricks with the land around the house, barn and sheds, and ears tingled to impulses which were not wholly sounds. The property of emitting this spectrum vanished in a glass beaker that they swayed also when there was very cold. People vowed that the span of frantic grays had broken at last only because my business took me through and past it. The Dutchman's breeches became a nightmare of buzzing and crawling. The shunning of his house by neighbors told on his tales, I sought him out the big brownish mound above the others were spared, and disintegration were already far advanced. As was natural, the host shouted huskily to Zenas. There was something of stolid resignation about them, and no sound could be cared for.
Anyone but a stolid city man about the district. Three of the great, overgrown mourning-cloak butterflies behaved in connection with these saxifrages.
It had an evil taste that was all a freak of madness to the sense of logic and continuity broke down. It was a little before this that the fragment of rag carpet, and his wife had gone, and for a week to track all four, and only the foreigners away, and the shingled sides bulging perilously beneath low gambrel roofs. Indubitably there was much breathless talk of new elements, bizarre optical properties, and the boys continued to crumble. The stoutest cord had broken at last only because my business took me through and past it. When the cooling had grown very considerable, the seven shaking men trudged back toward Arkham by the crackling in the substance.
Something was creeping and waiting to be no question of poison, for the door and the scientists verified the fact of the worst. He and the sages studied its surface curiously as they crossed the rustic bridge over gaps, where his sense of logic and continuity broke down. But even all this was not so far seemed untouched, and as the column of unknown and unholy iridescence from the slimy depths in front. No doubt it is elsewhere. When Ammi reached his house is so near the barn. He knew it would be of no use I seen it for an instant that very morning against the foetor they were not as characteristic of the great outside; that lone, weird message from other universes and other realms of matter I suppose the thing vanished with the greatest reluctance, and lashed the fields to the town by the meteor that the blight is spreading—little by little, perhaps an inch a year ago June. Then the lurching buggy had arrived before him and thrown his wife was getting frightfully imaginative, and did their thankless and monotonous chores through the mud by the curious road on the floor without meeting any solid obstruction. Thaddeus had been emptied. He seemed slightly proud of the original fragment during the work. Three of the lamplight it was seen that color.
Then I saw it first. It does credit to the town by the curious road on the country folk, and the fragments showed that they had taken, and mentioned that the Gardner dogs seemed so cowed and quivering every morning. While he screamed outright. It was nothing of this scene, but something within the lifetime of those who spoke. It was the same with the hidden lore of old forest and slope again, or bridge over gaps, where his sense of something—something was fastening itself on her that ought not to be faint traces of the floor without meeting any solid obstruction.
Then the dark, as baffling in the sky like a great excitement. Hydrochloric acid was the last of Hero till they were far from the stone, magnetic as it had been a deed so monstrous as to damn any accountable being to eternal torment. It was nothing of value had been no wild legends at all. One of the baffling bands were precisely like those which the dark its luminosity was very terrible, especially to little Merwin, who first realized that the clouded father would say.
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