#iris x dahlia
starwarspurgefan · 3 months
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Should I made a Misfit mansions hanahaki disease au art?
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miragold123 · 4 months
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Got sick again and doodled to my heart's content
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quailfence · 11 months
“Accepting gifts from strange women in law libraries is no way to start a relationship” - Mia Fey, probably
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ziskandra · 2 years
Best Served Hot + 4 and/or (be)longing + 3 :D
 Best Served Hot for the Fanfic Writer Asks
This is the Franziska/Miles fic I wrote last year and deals with Franziska's feelings in the aftermath of Phoenix's disbarment and her, uh, unhealthy coping mechanisms (which, uh, manage to shock even Miles)!
4. What is your favourite line of dialogue?
The line that’s in the summary of the fic on AO3: “We were never siblings, Papa made sure of that.” It really sums up how I view Franziska and Miles’s relationship: she calls him her little brother mockingly, but views him more as a rival than an actual sibling. (Not to say rivalry isn’t also an important part of sibling relationships, but their relationship is more dysfunctional than the average.)
Franziska almost feels like her father pitted them against one another on purpose, and the greatest tragedy of the thing is that Miles doesn’t feel that way at all! He had always regarded Franziska as a little sister (although he hadn’t thought too much about they regard one another, either). He treats her with a certain indulgence and superiority that’s not uncommon when it comes to elder siblings: he teases Phoenix about how much Franziska wants to whip him silly, calls Franziska out when she’s acting irrationally, teases her about things she’s a bit sensitive about… so yeah. He’s her little sister.
Until she throws herself at him in her rage and despair and their relationship tilts on their head and he goes oh shit. Of course, he’s still responsible enough to reject her because like, he needs more time to process the EVERYTHING  that is going on, and the greatest tragedy of it all is that Franziska takes it as a rejection of her as a person (because he doesn’t even want to sleep with her), but fails to understand that he doesn’t want to sleep with her because he genuinely saw her as a younger sibling.
Co-dependent dysfunction is my pairing catnip, what can I say. 😌
(be)longing for the Fanfic Writer Asks
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Their differences are perplexing, given they are completely identical, except in the ways Dahlia carves out her independence: summer dresses paired with red hair dye, and sweet smiles that provide a facsimile of disguise for barely buried rage, always bubbling so close to the surface.
I chose this line because I think it’s the one singular line that best encapsulates this fic: that Iris and Dahlia are so similar, but it’s the choices they make that differentiate them in the end (even if at this current point in time, Iris envies Dahlia’s strength and certainty, in the long run, everyone except Dahlia knows that she’s on a downward spiral of self-destruction, lol.)
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ghmvsings · 1 year
ships pt 2 
ophelia x dante // holt x acacia // tennessee x julian // ridge x anissa // ridge x enaya // winnie x dean // battle x dean // battle x dahlia // winnie x dahlia // brat pack // ford x tempest // mercer x henley // baby x zack // three arm sally // cormac & blake // wyatt & sila // denver & rosalie // sage & eden // juniper & caspian // bose & john // iris & john // trista & bose & yaz & john // mathias & francesca // ezra & jasika // isaac & selma // iris & bose & david & yaz
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ziskandra-writes · 1 year
Fic: Too Late
Iris watches her sister’s execution.
There is no-one standing beside her when she walks into the room. The only other people there, on the other side of the glass, are the executioner and one other person Iris cannot bear to look in the eyes.
“You are Iris of Hazakura Temple, correct?” an unfamiliar voice asks, and Iris nods her head slowly, just once. “Then you may stay.”
That’s good, because she doesn’t have any intention of going anywhere. If she were to leave this room now, she would start running and running as fast as she could and wouldn’t stop until her legs collapsed beneath her.
“Iris…” This voice is a familiar one. She hears in it the dreams she has every night. She has a few dreams she sees over and over again every time she falls asleep.
In one of these dreams, her sister looms over her, stroking her cheek and whispering ‘I love you’ until her ears are red with the heat of her sister’s breath. Then the gentle movements of her hands halt and they grip the sides of her face forcefully. ‘You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you…Iris?’ and her sister’s lips would be only a fraction of centimetre away from hers, and in this dream, Iris never answers when her sister’s hands start slipping underneath the hem of her shirt.
In one of the other dreams, her sister is screaming, giant licks of flame enveloping her body, and no matter how much Iris tries, she cannot save her.
Nothing can happen here, though, and because of this, Iris lifts up her head and takes a few brave steps towards the glass separating herself from her twin. Raising a hand to the glass as though to ensure it is actually an adequate barrier, she replies. “Dahlia.” She looks at her sister for the first time in five years.
She hadn’t wanted to come, because she had not wanted to see Dahlia, beautiful, strong Dahlia, looking like she did now.
“You love me, don’t you?” Dahlia asks, walking towards the glass and the executioner follows, hovering behind her as an unrelenting reminder of what is imminent. Her clothes hang off her where she has lost weight, her previously slender figure is all skin and bones. But yet, this is still Dahlia, and Iris cannot say no.
“I do.”
A pause. Dahlia stares at one of the stone walls of the room she is enclosed in. The brow of her innocent face furrows as she turns to look back at her sister. Dahlia’s eyes are empty. “I don’t believe you.”
Before, Iris had felt safe knowing that the glass barrier was between the two of them, but now she wishes for nothing else but for it to be broken down into thousands of pieces at her feet so she can hold her sister in her arms once more. “What can I say…?” she asks.
“There’s nothing you can say. There’s only what you have not done. I give you one simple task: retrieve the necklace. But yet, you were quite unable to do this. One would think that you loved this ‘Feenie’ of yours more than you loved me.”
Memories spring up in her mind of the quirky, yet loveable, man she had dated for six months: the way he would part his arm around her shoulders and tell a funny story about what happened to him that day when she woke from her afternoon naps with tears tracked down her cheeks, the ghost of Dahlia still flitting around her mind; the way he always smiled, even when a normal person would be crying and the way he said ‘I love you’ and she didn’t even have to wonder if he was lying.
That’s all in the past, however. It is Dahlia in front of her right now, her Dahlia. Iris's hands slam into the glass. “No! It was never like that! It was for you, only for you!” Everything Iris has done has been for Dahlia. “I’ll do anything to make it up to you, anything!” She stops banging against the glass because the executioner doesn’t seem to approve of it, but her hands still, pressed to the glass, palms open.
“You’re the reason I’m here, Iris.”
Iris knows it’s the truth, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. Dahlia still has that knack of creating statements that seem to pierce all the flesh and blood and burrow their way into the depths of heart. “I love you,” Iris whispers frantically against the glass, breath causing condensation to form on the window.
Dahlia tilts her head to the side and smiles, and Iris is too familiar with this motion to not know what it means. Usually, the next words she would hear are ‘I love you’, but not this time.
“It’s too late,” she says, the same loving smile spread across her face, and Iris’s mind whirs.
Of course it is too late. Maybe it has always been too late. Iris loves Dahlia. She will do anything for her, and everything she has done has been for her. But despite her best efforts, she could not save her own sister. She knows there is something depraved about Dahlia, a sort of darkness that tinges her entire soul. In spite of this, she loves her sister because no-one else does. However, it had been foolish to imagine that her love alone would be enough; what amount of love could affect someone who had no idea what love was?
Iris realises, just a little too late, that her love was just a game to Dahlia. The whispered words, the soft lips against skin, the hands running up and down her sides; it was nothing but fulfilling the silly little dreams Iris kept in her own mind. Dahlia said ‘I love you’ because that’s what Iris wanted to hear.
“It’s too late,” a voice repeats the words, but this time it does not belong to her sister, her sister who has been condemned long before she had been handed down a death sentence down by a judge in court, but to the executioner, as he ushers Dahlia to the back of the room.
Dahlia is still smiling as the noose is tightened around her neck, the same smile she smiled before she used to whisper, “I love you” into Iris’s ear.
The floor underneath Dahlia disappears, but Iris hardly notices as in her mind’s eye, giant licks of flame have sprung up, surrounding the area where Dahlia’s body now hangs. It’s like the dreams, but this time the screams are Iris’s own.
They have played the game for too long for Iris to quit now. She flings herself up against the window, and screams, "I love you, I love you, I love you!"
But of course, it is too late.
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hyuuukais · 27 days
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⋆.˚𖦹°‧✮‧°𖦹˚.⋆ ERROR 404
pairing ~ yang jeongin x fem reader
synopsis ~ y/n starts getting messages from an unknown number after buying a used phone for cheap. as she finds out more about the boy she's talking to, it turns out there's much more to this than a wrong number --- he died, and she's talking to his spirit, yet he has no idea what happened to him. will y/n have what it takes to solve the mystery of his death? or will the boy's spirit remained trapped in his phone?
warnings ~ gen, blood, pregnancy/giving birth (not in detail), minor character death (does it count if it's a memory? lol)
CH 6 - RELIVING THE PAST (3.1k + 2 screenshots)
You once again find yourself flipping the sign on the flower shop door to 'closed' as you wait for Minho. This time, you're waiting in the back room; you may as well get some work done to pass the time. Another order came in last night, right before close. Changbin almost refused it, but the way the person spoke convinced him somehow, he didn't elaborate much. It was a beautiful arrangement of deep, richly coloured black dahlias with monkshood for a purple accent, all neatly tied with a purple ribbon. Although you loved the end product, you couldn't help the sinister feeling creeping up your spine
There's a chill in the air, but when you turn away from your workstation, there's nothing. Of course there isn't, you're closed. What were you expecting, another ghost? Jeongin, maybe? A part of you was hoping to see Jeongin, no sign of him since the last texts, but you know he's spent a lot of energy seeing you so often. You stay turned around on your stool, leaning against your workstation as you close your eyes and exhale loudly. It's silent, save for a faint dripping from a leak somewhere in the greenhouse connected to the workroom.
Standing, you decide to take a walk through the greenhouse; it's been a while since you took some time to just be with the plants and relax, letting your fingers graze petals and leaves of all shapes, colours, and sizes. You stop at the end, noticing one bunch wilting right under the leak, and you look up. Changbin put an order in to get it fixed, but it's clear you'll need a temporary solution before it kills your iris plant. Although it should be just water leaking, so you're unsure why it's having this effect...
"Y/n? Are you still back here?" You can hear Changbin bounding down the stairs, calling your name. "Where'd you go...?"
"In the greenhouse!" You shout, giving one last look to the flowers before heading back inside. "I'm here."
"Minho is here, I told him to wait in the front," Changbin announces, shifting uncomfortably. You can tell he's unsure of Minho's presence, having not spoken to him in so long.
"I'll go bring him back here," You say, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Feel free to escape upstairs."
He scoffs at your light teasing, a small smile on his face. "I'll wait at the front desk in case you need me to toss him or something."
You laugh a bit at that, the image of Changbin picking up Minho and throwing him out of the store. The two of you enter the storefront, Changbin moving to sit behind the counter, and you moving to greet Minho. He catches your eye before you get too close, and you offer a smile; he nods in return and waits for you to lead him away. When you re-enter the backroom, you sit on your stool and lean against the wooden workstation, letting him choose a seat.
The workplace isn't huge, with your desk on one side and Changbins on the other, a small, rectangular wooden table in between to place finished works on. There's a bit of an overhang to the table on one end that flips up, a spare stool underneath that Minho slides out and sits on, mimicking your posture against the table behind him. You watch him move his head to look at the painted table, teal and chipping to match the rest of the room, the black tiled floor tying it together. His fingers brush over a raw spot, and you wonder if he has anything to do with the chunk of wood missing from that part of the table, knowing it's been there longer than you've worked here.
"So, this favour," Minho doesn't look away from the table as he speaks. "What is it?"
"I need you to look into someone," You clear your throat. "Find someone, really. My brother."
"You have a brother?" Now, his head shoots up toward you, and so do his eyebrows.
"Apparently," You shrug, barely holding his intense stare. "Maybe you could look into birth records or something."
"Maybe," Minho agrees, hand curling away from the piece of wood.
After an uncomfortably long period of staring at each other, you speak again. "So, what is it you need me to do?"
"Ah," Minho readjusts on the stool, crossing his arms against his chest and briefly looking away. "That, right. Can you use your abilities on command?"
"Not really-"
"Can you try?" He cuts you off, and you sense a hint of desperation in his voice.
"Is this about your partner?" You ask, squinting at him. When he doesn't reply immediately, you have your answer. "You want me to find him, don't you?"
"Not exactly. I wanted to bring you back to where he and I were undercover and find the people who took him." You give him a look to ask, why me?, and he sighs. "Everyone left, but three men stayed behind to finish me off when I came looking for Jisu- Detective Han, but clearly their plan fell through because I'm still here. If we go back, maybe you can see them and we can force them to tell me where they took him."
You blink at him. "Do you forget that I'm not a detective of like, any kind? Interrogation skills are not something I possess, and besides, why would they tell you literally anything if they're already dead? What are the consequences for them?"
All the questions you pose register behind Minho's eyes, you can see the gears turning as he tries and fails to come up with an answer, leaning further back on the chipped table. He looks down, smirking and shaking his head, and you want to take him by the shoulders and shake the rest of him. After more silence, he looks back up at you.
"You're right, they won't want to tell me," He says, standing from his stool and walking toward you. Minho places a hand on either side of you, resting on your workstation. "Which is why you have to bring your friend, Jeongin."
"What's he going to do?" You ask, trying not to get intimidated by the closeness of his face to yours, or the way his eyes bore into you.
"I'm sure he can think of something," Minho only backs away slightly, hands still caging you in. "Now, will you do it? This, in exchange for the birth records?"
You grit your teeth. As much as you want Minho to just help you, no strings attached, you know it's not fair, especially with something so big. With him no longer being with any kind of department, you're sure him getting caught snooping through those records would have him in serious trouble, trouble you got him into that wouldn't have happened if he never agreed to help you in the first place. This is the least you can do for him.
"Fine," You agree, voice low.
"Thank you," Minho exhales, finally stepping away from you, his hands finding his pockets again. "And I have a suggestion for your part, but I don't know how much good it will do if you can't summon your ability yourself."
"What is it?"
"Changbin told me you've been going to places to visit Jeongin's memories and essentially reliving them, why don't you try that for your mother?"
"Okay, hold on. You and Changbin have been talking again?" He shrugs, clearly not thinking anything of it, but you can't believe Changbin didn't tell you. "Whatever. What do you mean by trying it with my mom? Like, going back to the graveyard? Because I'm pretty sure there's a super angry spirit that lowkey controls the place, and I'm not trying to get all of my energy sucked up."
"No, but going somewhere she might have memories of you and your brother," He says, blinking at you.
"She died during childbirth, she has no memories of us." But then you clue in, eyes widening. "She died during childbirth... the hospital, maybe, where we were born! Oh my god, you're a genius!"
You want to jump up and squeeze Minho in a hug, but that's both unlike you and you think he'd threaten you if you tried to. Instead, you rub your hands on your thighs and take a deep breath, standing up to retrieve your bag which is hanging by the greenhouse door. Putting it over your shoulder, you turn and see not only Minho now standing, but Changbin in the doorway. Changbin is leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and a worried expression on his face.
"You're not going alone," At the sound of his voice, Minho turns around, but Changbin keeps his eyes on you.
"Jeongin will be there too, Bin," You try to reassure him, but you know what he's going to say next.
"I'm coming with you, no arguments," Changbin props himself up straight, hands on his hips. "You told me before the hospital is shut down, so it's gonna be hard to get in there and I'm not letting you do that alone after all the close calls you've had! Besides, you need someone cute to distract any security."
Laughing at his last comment, you move past him and head to the front door. Night is setting in when you walk out, a cold breeze sending a chill through your body as you unlock your car. Changbin locks up after Minho comes out and you watch him head to his own vehicle, Changbin watching as he comes down the steps and puts a hand on the passenger's side door. As Minho drives off, you look at Changbin, unable to read the mixed look on his face, but not wanting to press about it either.
By the time you reach the hospital, it's completely dark out, the moon high in the sky and obscured by clouds. There doesn't seem to be any security, surprisingly, but there is a big metal fence surrounding the perimeter. The once busy area is a ghost town, but you hope not literally, all the buildings closed down and boarded up with washed out signs offering a lease. Approaching the main gate, you see the bolt has already been cut, the chain very loosely put back in place, probably by some teenagers who wanted to explore.
An eerie feeling washes over you when you cross the threshold onto the property, immediately sensing the tragedies that had to have occurred here for it to be shut down only a few years after opening. This whole area was assumed to be cursed, making you even more nervous as you walked up the steps and gently opened the creaky door, Changbin right behind you as you go inside. There's been no sign of Jeongin all day; you hope he's okay. You're immediately greeted by a nurse, her pale complexion telling.
"Hi there, are you here to visit someone?" She asks from behind the desk, ghostly fingers running over the keyboard to a dead computer. "I'll check you in in just a moment, okay? Sit tight, you can sit on one of those chairs."
She waves to an area behind you, but there are no chairs, only empty space. When you look back to her, she's focused on the device in front of her and you can see the dark circles under her eyes and the way she moves her neck uncomfortably, wondering how she died. Perhaps her unfinished business is her job, all of the patients left untreated once the hospital closed. You also wonder why she's working the front desk when she's not a receptionist, but maybe things don't have to make sense in the afterlife.
After a few minutes have passed, she stands and exhales, plastering a tired smile on her face as she nods you over. Telling her your mother's name, she begins to lead you down several corridors until you reach the maternity ward, which is almost completely silent compared to the groans and moans you heard behind closed doors on the way over. Whether that's more unsettling or comforting, you can't decide.
"Here she is!" The nurse opens the door, and you look around the empty room. As soon as you turn back around, she's shutting the door quickly with that same tired smile on her face. You panic, rushing up to the door and trying to open it, but it won't budge.
"Let me," Changbin moves you aside gently, sensing your rising nerves when the door won't open, but it doesn't move for him either.
A noise from behind you startles you, turning quickly to see a woman in bed, a man holding her hand from the side and using a towel to wipe the sweat from her forehead. You immediately recognize your mother, and although you don't know him, you recognize your father as well. This is the first time you've seen his face, but the feeling of familiarity is overwhelming.
He's whispering encouraging thoughts into her ears and she shouts once the doctor at the end of the bed tells her to push, the sound of crying filling the room. Your mother has tears of her own starting to stream down her face, urging your father to take the baby from the nurse once she's done with him, a large smile on his face. Suddenly, the expression on your mother turns from elation to pain, and you can tell something is wrong when the nurse delivering the second baby calls for backup. As she's working, your mother's head lolls to the side, and a loud monotone beep sounds.
Now, there are doctors and nurses rushing around the room trying to save the baby and the mother, and you can't seem to tear your eyes away from the scene. There's a mass amount of blood pooling at her legs, no baby to be seen. Your eyes flicker back up when you hear the monotone beep turn back to normal, your own tears welling as you watch your mother open her eyes, but only for a moment until they're screwed up in pain again. The doctor is urging for a c-section, but she's already pushing before the decision is final, the other baby coming out in no time. She's breathing too heavily, shaking and sweating, and the baby doesn't cry this time. You watch her whisper something in her husband's ear, watch as he holds onto her sobbing when the line goes flat again, watch as he's pushed to the side to let the doctors work, and watch as the doctors slowly stop, announcing the time of death right as the baby cries.
Your father backs away when the nurse approaches with the second baby, telling him it's a girl, and he can barely even look her in the eye. He's holding the baby in his arms tightly, the one you assume is your brother, and shakes his head before his expression turns angry.
"She's cursed," He says, loudly enough to make you flinch. "I don't want her. Take her away!"
His voice raises with each word, and you shrink into yourself. Once the nurse backs away, you can see your father look down at the baby in his arms fondly, but there's still a hint of disdain lingering in his features as he cradles and soothes the baby's cries. As the nurse takes the other baby out, you watch her leave, and when you turn back around, the scene has changed back to what you walked into, nothing.
There are arms around you in an instant as you crumble to the ground, knees giving out under you and a loud sob heaving from your chest. You can't stop crying, hands out in front of you holding onto the floor and the only thing keeping you from curling into yourself is the hold Changbin has on you. It's like you can't breathe all of a sudden, the sobs rattling your body, drowning from your own tears. Eventually, you find Changbin has moved your back against him, rocking you back and forth until your eyes have run dry, but the soft hand that wipes the remaining tears away isn't his.
"Y/n," Jeongin says gently, taking your face in his hands. "Shhh, you're okay."
With the comfort of Jeongin and Changbin, you can feel your energy returning to you slowly. The memory still lingers in your mind as you hand Changbin your keys and let him drive you home, offering to stay the night. You stay silent, shaking your head and heading inside, catching Jeongin in reflections as you walk through the dark house. There's not enough strength in your legs to carry you to your room, opting to flop onto your couch instead. Your phone buzzes in your pocket, but you don't answer, closing your eyes and letting sleep take you.
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Minho sits across from you at your dining table, leaning forward slightly. He's damp from the rain outside, his coat hanging on a hook by your door. Rain hits your window aggressively, wind howling and whistling. You're staring at him with wide eyes, trying to process his words.
"It's Hyunjin. Your brother is Hyunjin."
Jeongin is pacing behind you, the chair next to you skewed from when he stood up. It doesn't make sense to you at first, but then you start to really think about it. Your adoptive family lived in the same area, but you never crossed paths, and being kept in all-girls schools until you moved across the city now making sense. And your mother being buried there too, somewhere close to the both of you. Thinking of your father's rejection still stings, but you remember the look on his face as he cradled Hyunjin in his arms, the hidden contempt well masked. You don't want to think about the childhood he had.
"You're sure?" You ask, voice barely above a whisper.
"Positive," Minho keeps his voice low.
You remember the dream you had, back in a house you didn't recognize; the ruined family photos, the candlelit pathway, all leading to him. Hyunjin. And you realize something, something you should have thought of when you found out you even had a brother.
"He has the same ability, I think," You say, locking eyes with Minho, and you can hear Jeongin stop moving. You explain the dream quickly. "I think he's trying to figure out what happened to Jeongin too."
notes ~ chapter !!!!!! woo !!!!!!!!! i am actually so excited to write the next one though, there's one scene i literally cannot wait to share aaaaa!!!!!
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kaguraaaa · 2 months
Lucifer x Witch!Reader
cw: violence, gore, use of y/n
note: if you haven't read part 1, y/n is mute since her mouth is stitched shut.
In the midst of the bustling crowd, Lucifer, on an errand for his daughter Charlie, the owner of Hazbin Hotel, scanned the flower shop and spotted a familiar figure—y/n Hecate.
Approaching her with a smirk, he initiated a conversation, "Fancy meeting you here again, y/n. Seems like fate has a sense of humor."
Y/n, unruffled, returned the flirtation with ease, "Perhaps it does, Lucifer. Or maybe it's just your impeccable timing."
Lucifer, slightly taken aback by her confidence, grinned, "Well, I must say, your presence makes even flower shopping exciting. Speaking of flowers, what are your favorites?"
Y/n, walking alongside him, replied, "Marigolds hold a special place in my heart. Their vibrant colors and symbolism resonate with me."
As they browsed the blooms, Lucifer sighed, admitting, "I'm not exactly skilled at this flower-picking business."
Y/n grins softly, "No worries, Lucifer. I'll lend you a hand."
With y/n's guidance, they selected flowers embodying purity, rebirth, sacrifice, and strength. Amidst their banter, Lucifer couldn't resist a playful tease, "You know, y/n, you're making it quite difficult to focus on flowers with your charming distractions."
Y/n smirked, "Oh, but isn't that part of the fun, Lucifer? Keeping you on your toes."
Before they could reach the registrar, Lucifer seized an iris flower, adorning y/n's ear with a swift gesture. Her smile widened, and their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them.
At the counter, Lucifer couldn't help but inquire about y/n's sudden appearance. Her casual reply, coupled with her fondness for flowers, intrigued him further.
After settling the bill, Lucifer expressed his gratitude once more, offering to escort y/n back to the hotel. Politely declining, y/n opted to linger at the shop a while longer.
As Lucifer departed, casting a parting glance filled with warmth, y/n smiled and closed the door of the shop, locking it securely, before turning the open sign into closed. Upon turning back, she found the owner once again in the staff room.
With deliberate steps, her heels clicking on the pavement, she approached, her presence ominous.
A knock, a door opening, and the owner was sent reeling by a sudden force. Gasping for air, terror etched on their face, they looked up to find y/n smiling at them, a chilling glint in her eyes.
Before the owner could utter a sound, their jaw was ripped away, blood staining the floor. The light bulb shattered, plunging the room into darkness, save for the gleam of y/n's golden eyes.
Struggling to scream amidst the blood, the owner choked, their desperate attempts drowned out by a faint laughter echoing in the room which left the owner terrified and confused. Y/n advanced, seizing their hair, forcing them to meet her gaze as her eyes turned blood red.
In the shop, all but the black dahlias wilted, a sinister aura enveloping the space. Y/n, surrounded by the carnage, stood amidst splattered blood, walls adorned with gore, the owner's mutilated form a testament to her cruelty.
With a sadistic smile, she exited the staff room, leaving behind a trail of purple smoke that filled the store, obscuring the horrors within. As she stepped out, a smile playing on her lips, she glanced back, snapping her fingers to dispel the smoke, leaving only an empty, eerie silence behind.
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buntress · 9 months
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⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 Wҽιɾԃƈσɾҽ ID Pαƈƙ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
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[PT: Weirdcore ID pack]
Req by :: No one
TW: Scopophobia, Unreality, and Uncanny / Liminal Spaces Ahead
⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 Nαɱҽʂ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
[PT: Names]
Abyss // Adam // Angel // Bliss // Bubbles // Bunny // Cain // Celeste // Crow // Dahlia // Dove // Echo // Eve // Felix // Flower // Glitch // Ink // Iris // Juno // Jupiter // Kai // Link // Mars // Mercury // Misty // Mold // Moon // Moss // Moth // Neptune // Nox // Oliver // Orion // Pluto // Poppy // Salem // Saturn // Smile // Stitch // Sugar // Tooth // Tripp // Vega // Venus // Void // Zero // Zeta
⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 Pɾσɳσυɳʂ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
[PT: Pronouns]
Bizarre / Bizarres / Bizarreself || Dream / Dreams / Dreamself || Eye / Eyes / Eyeself || Fog / Fogs / Fogself || Glitch / Glitches / Glitchself || It / Its / Itself || Jpeg / Jpegs / Jpegself || Lim / Liminal / Liminals / Liminalself || Nos / Nostal / Nostalgiaself || Odd / Odds / Oddself || One / Ones / Oneself || Stat / Static / Statics / Staticself || Thon / Thons / Thonself || Un / Canny / Uncanny / Uncannyself || Void / Voids / Voidself || X / Xs / Xself || _ / _s / _self || [REDACTED] / [REDACTED]'s / [REDACTED]self || ? / ?s / ?self || 👁️ / 👁️s / 👁️self || 🌫️ / 🌫️s / 🌫️self || 💭 / 💭s / 💭self || 🕳️ / 🕳️s / 🕳️self || ❔ / ❔s / ❔self ||
⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 Tιƚʅҽʂ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
[PT: Titles]
The Strange One // The Dreamer // It Who Walks In Dreams // One Who Is Lonely // The Glitched Fog // The [REDACTED] // X Who Exists In Fog // That Who Walks Through Strange Meadows // He Who Is One With The Void // The Nostalgic Dream // The Dream Incarnate // One That Travels Liminal Spaces // The Static
Note :: All pronouns can be replaced w/ your preferred pronouns!
⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 LαႦҽʅʂ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
Aibeonic // Alderliminal // Argeolimic // Bizarreaesic // Catkidweirdcoric // Claustroliminic // Distortgender // Distortionlexic // Dreameyegender // Entityshiftic // Erokoric // Eyemortalgender // Fersomnic // Genmotigi // Grimwebgender // Invialiencat // Invicorpse // Invigloweyflodog // Invimutantuck // Kenoweirdcoric // Limfortcreepic // Limianxcietatic // Liminalgender // Liminalhearthic // Liminalspacestalgic // Limibodiment // Limindream // Meatvic // Notgender // Oddcoric // Offhuman // Poolroombodiment // Statisweetic // Surrealic // Unalimfort // Weirdcoragry // Weirdcore Lesbian // Weirdcoreaestellic // Weirdcorecomfic // Weirdcorian // Weirdcoric // Weirdcorstalgic
Note :: The first letter of each term is a link to that term!
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ujimoo · 9 months
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synopsis: Need to get your parents off your back? Need a date for a wedding? Are you lonely? Well, fear not! Contact us and rent your own partner today!
a.n. this is a series I've been working on at this point for over a year (and continuing to work on it). This has gone through several versions, but I'm excited to show you this series. it's practically my baby and I'm having so much fun planning it that I can't wait to show it off.
status: ongoing - smitten ; hjs.
[ y/n's names when referencd outside of their story: Chan; Rose, Minho; Lily, Jisung; Sun, Changbin; Blossom, Felix; Daisy, Hyunjin; Iris, Seungmin; Dahlia, Jeongin; Violet ]
please note: these can all be read as stand-alones, but it is recommended to read in order! orders may change as series advances.
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synopsis: Jisung never knew the best thing that could happen to him would come from annoying his best friends.
pairing: han jisung x fem!reader
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tag list: (If you want to join, please send an ask!)
@awooghan @gloseoks @soobin-chois @adestayskz @jiisungllvr @icouldntcareless22 @randomthingsthatiwillpost @abbystaysstuff @krisstheidiot
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starwarspurgefan · 1 month
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Here it’s is.I been thinking about making this and it’s finally here. That right! The misfit mansion hanahaki disease au also checks out my star knights hanahaki disease au art on my account.
The story:took place after misfit mansion
Iris has always learned about her sexuality despite been a monster’s, she was wondering about her sexuality, as time went on she find out about that she liked girl instead of boys, iris then decided to accept that she a lesbian but worrying that everyone will make fun of her or her friends kel and Agnes ended their friendship with her if she revealed to everyone that she a lesbian, iris decided to keep it hidden until the right moment, iris was thinking about dahlias……she wasn’t worried about her but………she was feeling something……..she feel……like she was in love……she felt this every time she come across or look at dahlias……iris then knew that she had a crush on her……….iris’s……like dahlias……..sure she is creepy at all but……..iris seems to like her art and understanding about dahlias………normal she hang out with other horror other then kel and Agnes, but the more she hangs out with dahlia the more feelings she has for her……she doesn’t want to admit it but it’s true…..she is too much of a coward to tell her how she feels……..just when she thought everything was fine……but then…..she is started feeling something…..she rush to the bathroom when no horror or human are there…..and then lock the door and look at the mirror and….……she is then coughing up flowers with blood…….it’s was impossible she thought as she look at the mirror..………..there is no ways its possible she thought…..but as time went on, she is keep on coughing up flowers……she has to get rid of the flowers by flashing them down the toilet or vomit in the trash can as it’s was little petals that no one pay attention but as time went on…….its started to get worse………she was trying to hide and telling everyone especially mr halloway that she is find….but kel and Agnes know something is wrong with her and they were worried about her…..…as some of the flowers petals iris was trying to get rid were on the floor…….flowers petals keep…….on…….showed up on the trash can……and dahlia was also worried about her as iris was keep on above her…….all three of them knew something is wrong with iris……especially her face that she is lying and some blood were dripping from her lip……
So yeah……this is literally long at fuck……so yeah hope you enjoy it (or don’t)…..by the way check out misfit mansion.it’s a pretty good graphic novel that deserves more attention! It’s made by kay davault the same person who made oddity woods and star knights.
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lara-has-a-tablet · 2 years
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the complete bell’s hells x flowers photoset, compiled for your convenience! it has seen me through the transition into grad school. damn.
links to individual pictures: imogen || laudna || dusk || FCG || chetney || ashton || orym || fearne || dorian
flower meanings under the cut!
Borage - courage, power
Cinquefoil - strength
Eryngium - independence, severity
Clematis (old man’s beard) - artifice, ingenuity
Lewisia - new beginnings
Lupine - creativity, imagination
Gentiana - passion, charm
Cornflower - hope, anticipation
Camassia - encouragement, strength, pride
Oleander - desire, destiny
Hyacinth - playfulness
Aquilegia - wisdom
Fresh Cut Grass:
Hypoxis (star grass) - health
Geranium - friendship, happiness, positive emotions
Rudbeckia - encouragement, motivation
Trillium - consciousness, embodiment
Kalmia - perseverance
Iris (blue) - power, hope, faith
Lycoris (red spider lily) - death, reincarnation
Ornithogalum - hope, trust, honesty, death
Prunus (cherry blossoms) - endurance, hope
White periwinkle - luck in marriage, comfort in loss, nostalgia
Nigella - love, symbol of the bonds that bind people together
Baptisia - protection
black dahlias - dishonesty
begonias - caution.
butterfly weed - “you’ve been warned.”
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angelsanarchy · 4 months
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N One-Shot Series PRT 30
Tagging:@roryculkinluvr@thatsthewrongwallcraig@icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06@shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver@ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999 @x-prettyboy-x @rorylover71 @auggiethecreator@tempt-ress@blacksoul-27
Jack was nervous. He hadn't gone all out for a date...ever. Even when he was courting Cleo, he never found himself in a pressed dress shirt with a black vest lighting candles in the dining room. The house smelled great, the food turned out perfect. He set an alarm to take his meds which he did on time. He looked at himself in the mirror and debating on what he could possibly do with his hair but he knew he was just lucky to have it clean. He found himself nervously fiddling with the bouquet that he put together when he heard the soft knock on the door.
"Come in." Jack yelled hearing the door open and close.
"Wow...you clean up nice Thurlow." Y/n smiled at him as she looked him over. She was wearing a dress that fell just above her knee and moved with her body as she walked.
"Look who's talking." He swallowed trying to form words from how dry his throat just became.
"You look beautiful." He walked towards her and kissed her cheek. She laughed and nodded.
"I think anything is a step up from scrubs or pajamas you usually see me in." She walked towards the table seeing the candles.
"You really went all out. The candles, the flowers, Jack these are gorgeous." She looked at the bouquet.
"I don't want to brag but I did like 2 hours of research on the symbolism of flowers just to make this bouquet special just for you." He smirked.
She laughed as she started picking through the flowers and looking at him.
"Calla lilies symbolize magnificent beauty. Much like the Dahlia's that symbolize your dignity and elegance." She shook her head before touching the Iris'.
"Blue Iris symbolizes hope which is what I have for the daffodil's which symbolize new beginnings." Jack licked his bottom lip and she put her arms around his neck.
"The roses are pretty self explanatory." He added letting his hands fall to her waist.
"You're really trying to get laid tonight huh?" She teased making him blush.
"Seriously, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." She kissed his lips and he sighed into the kiss. He was so worried he had gone too corny with the flowers but he was wrong.
"I would offer you a drink but I can't really drink with my meds." She shook her head at him.
"I don't drink a lot myself because of mine either. Water works just fine." She followed him into the kitchen.
"So this is what it's like for two mentally ill people to date." Jack teased.
"I honestly couldn't say. I don't even remember the last time I was on a date." She admitted.
"I don't believe that. I've been here a while now and you're the most attractive person I've seen." Jack poured water in a glass for her and one for himself.
"You're about to find out how insanely boring I truly am so I hope you're prepared to be let down. I've been considering getting a cat to complete the trifecta." She smiled taking the glass.
"Hey once I'm cleared to get a dog we can be shut ins together." He joked.
"We should probably work on the whole shut in thing. We're too young to give up on social progress." Jack pulled her chair out for her and she sat.
"I wouldn't mind being social as long as you're with me." Jack sits down opposite her and smiles. The conversation seemed almost knowingly, like they had known each other for years and we're just two old friends catching up. He learned the Y/n liked to swim, paint and listen to oldies rock music. She learned that Jack was a big reader as well as writer, enjoyed classic black and white horror movies and cooking shows, which explained how what he cooked was so good.
They moved from the dining room to the living room and sat on the couch talking.
"Just by looking at you, I wouldn't have expected you would enjoy cooking so that's a nice surprise." Y/n smiled.
"Why is that? What's my look got to do with it?" Jack laughed looking at himself.
"You're what the internet refers to as babygirl stature. It's cute though." She teases him making him shake his head.
"Well I guess I have to start working out or something." Jack mocked offense and she gave him a playful shove.
"Shut up, you know you're hot." Y/n rolled her eyes at him. He smiled at her and drew circles on the skin of her knee.
"Yeah? Pretentious mentally afflicted makes you weak in the knees?" Jack tilted his head and she put her hand on top of his.
"Something like that." She teased moving his hand up her thigh and under her dress. Jack could feel the wetness on the front of her panties.
"Fuck...all this for me?" Jack asked curiously. He could feel her hips move just at the mere graze of his fingertips.
"Put dress clothes and homemade dinner on a menu and the hot, pretentious mentally afflicted guy gets you wet." He continued to tease her and she put her hand on his neck.
"No...just you Jack. You make me wet." She confirmed before pulling him towards her. She kissed him hard, gripping at the hair from the bottom of his skull making him groan. He pushed her panties to the side and let his fingers tease her clit. He couldn't believe she was already this turned on as he pushed two fingers into her cunt making her jaw slack.
"Oh fuck." She yanked his hair again and Jack leaned back to watch her face as he finger fucked her on the couch, her moaning and pulling on the sides of his vest like she was trying to brace for the impact of an orgasm.
"Does that feel good? You like when I fuck you like this?" Jack could feel how hard he was but he didn't want her to touch him. He wanted all the focus to be on her and her pleasure.
"Jack...fuck yes. Don't stop, please don't stop." She pleaded.
"I'm not going to stop, I want you to cum for me. I want to be the reason you cum." Jack explained trying to speed up his thrusts and still maintain pressure on her clit. He could feel a slight tightening around his hand and her moans got louder.
"Come on baby, cum for daddy." Jack whispered into her neck, biting down on the skin near her beauty mark. She let out a scream, gripping his hand but when she started whimpering, he started to slow the pace. He felt her legs shaking and watched her breasts heave in her dress, trying to catch her breath. Jack removed his fingers and licked them clean as Y/n laid, half on his lap, half on the couch with a shiver.
"Daddy?" She laughed.
"You came didn't you?" He blushed and she pulled him on top of her to kiss him. She could taste herself on his tongue and she deseperately wanted to return the favor but he declined.
"I wanted this night to be about you. Besides, I think if I undid the button on my pants I'll cum." Jack explained. She laid there with him on the couch for almost an hour, talking and enjoying the feeling of just being held by one another.
She looked over at the clock and saw what time it was.
"My mom has testing in the morning so if you text me and I don't respond, don't take it personally. I will let you know when I get the plans for our second date put together." She tucked his hair behind his ear and he smiled.
"Second date...so I did pretty good tonight." He boasted and she kissed him.
"You did perfectly." She sprinkled little kisses over his face and he smiled. She went home that night and text him how much fun she had and Jack felt like he had won some sort of award. He had never planned a date in his life but something about Y/n made him want to do better, be better.
He was also correct in assuming that undoing his button on his pants would make him cum. He would need to take these dress pants to the dry cleaners.
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ziskandra · 2 years
Fic: (be)longing
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Relationship: Dahlia Hawthorne/Iris
Rating: T
Summary: Iris worries about taking the next step in her relationship with Phoenix.
Dahlia provides a demonstration.
Words: 822
Excerpt: Every time Iris returns home without the necklace, Dahlia’s disappointment radiates from her body in palpable waves.
Iris can feel it, too; they might not share the same body, but their bodies are the same, a perfect imitation of one another’s. Her muscles coil with unresolvable tension, and the taste of failure is a metallic tang at the back of her throat; it forms a lump of guilt which threatens to choke her but instead spills upwards, outwards and downwards, running from the corners of her eyes, over her cheekbones.
“You’re such a pathetic loser,” Dahlia says, wiping the tears from her sister’s face with a handkerchief that matches the parasol she so often carries around with her these days. “What do you mean, he won't give it back to you?”
The criticism is not in Dahlia’s words, but in what she allows to remain unsaid. Dahlia would not keep failing. Dahlia would have succeeded the first time. Dahlia would take what was hers by force, and the only reason Iris isn't capable of doing the same is because she’s weak.
And Iris is weak. She hasn’t been forged in the same adversity that had created her sister. Where her sister is a blade, Iris is a handle: useful, better than nothing, but pointless, incapable of destruction, even when it’s needed most. Even when it would keep them safe.
Iris had once made the mistake of asking Dahlia why she didn’t retrieve the necklace herself, and Iris hadn't been prepared for the pure undiluted fury that had washed over her sister’s expression.
You know why, she’d said, and Iris does.
Because even though Dahlia is the strong one, the one with the backbone of steel, she can only be spurred to action when pushed to the brink; she doesn't have the freedom to come and go, like Iris does, so Iris must act where her sister cannot.
Iris must prevent her sister soul's from becoming stained with further sins.
Read the rest on AO3!
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ultraviolet-ink · 1 year
Thoughts on Phoenix x Iris?
I like it for what it is in the story! It's obviously not my main, but I think it's a really interesting facet to Phoenix and his tendencies to go headfirst into who he will go to bat for, whether it's romantic/platonic/familial, etc. Namely, that he believes hard, and when he falls, he falls HARD! They're kind of like a bittersweet first relationship for me. For all intents and purposes, they were a sweet couple in love-- they were sappy dorks who gave each other gifts (the sweater, what Phoenix believed the necklace to be, and so on), They had adorable nicknames for each other, they were THAT sappy adorable couple that you see on campus that you gag at, but they're really harmless, so you just let them do their thing. I think the tragedy with them was that for a time, despite Iris pretending to be her sister, and the reason for dating Phoenix was to keep him from getting straight up murdered to get evidence for ANOTHER attempted murder off of him, it was real. They were a real couple that loved and cared for each other, and it wasn't all a big lie. I can see them trying again, or attempting to, after 3-5 just to get closure (especially for Iris getting another go with her real name), but I think Dahlia was just too big of a presence for both of them-- they couldn't quite get rid of her shadow. Every time Iris sees Phoenix, she just sees that blissfully unaware dork who called her Dollie, and every time Phoenix sees her, he can only see Dahlia. I like to think that they remain friendly, but definitely less close than before after that. One thing I love about Iris is that she's also a little unhinged, one of my favorite parts of 3-5 is where she admits that she would have done ANYTHING to protect Phoenix, implying that she would not be afraid to take Dahlia's life if it got to that point. I think it really hammers in the point that despite being the "good" twin, they really are sisters from the same cloth. Thank you for the ask, it was a very pleasant surprise!! :D
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ziskandra-writes · 1 year
Fic: (be)longing
Iris worries about taking the next step in her relationship with Phoenix, and Dahlia provides a demonstration.
Every time Iris returns home without the necklace, Dahlia’s disappointment radiates from her body in palpable waves.
Iris can feel it, too; they might not share the same body, but their bodies are the same, a perfect imitation of one another’s. Her muscles coil with unresolvable tension, and the taste of failure is a metallic tang at the back of her throat; it forms a lump of guilt which threatens to choke her but instead spills upwards, outwards and downwards, running from the corners of her eyes, over her cheekbones.
“You’re such a pathetic loser,” Dahlia says, wiping the tears from her sister’s face with a handkerchief that matches the parasol she so often carries around with her these days. “What do you mean, he won't give it back to you?”
The criticism is not in Dahlia’s words, but in what she allows to remain unsaid. Dahlia would not keep failing. Dahlia would have succeeded the first time. Dahlia would take what was hers by force, and the only reason Iris isn't capable of doing the same is because she’s weak.
And Iris is weak. She hasn’t been forged in the same adversity that had created her sister. Where her sister is a blade, Iris is a handle: useful, better than nothing, but pointless, incapable of destruction, even when it’s needed most. Even when it would keep them safe.
Iris had once made the mistake of asking Dahlia why she didn’t retrieve the necklace herself, and Iris hadn't been prepared for the pure undiluted fury that had washed over her sister’s expression.
You know why, she’d said, and Iris does.
Because even though Dahlia is the strong one, the one with the backbone of steel, she can only be spurred to action when pushed to the brink; she doesn't have the freedom to come and go, like Iris does, so Iris must act where her sister cannot.
Iris must prevent her sister soul's from becoming stained with further sins.
And while Iris might have her freedom, she is too weak: too weak to act, too weak to be useful, too weak to save her sister.
She needs to be stronger, to become more than she is, to learn more about the world and its horrors. Its true horrors. Iris knows Dahlia wouldn’t shy away from what must be done, so neither will she. “Feenie,” Iris starts, withering under the intensity of Dahlia’s glare, “Phoenix wants – Phoenix wants more than I can give.”
Dahlia snorts in undisguised disgust. “You told me he hasn’t even kissed you yet.”
Iris flushes, turns her head. “He hasn’t.”
“So, what’s stopping you?” Dahlia asks, as though the performance of intimacy is the easiest thing in the world. Maybe it had gotten easier for Dahlia, each time she'd had to do it.
Iris both feels and hears the blood rush through her body, up to her ears, until her whole head is pounding with the erratic beat of her heart. “I’ve never been kissed before,” she admits, bracing herself for a laugh, another sarcastic remark, or an insult.
What she isn’t expecting is for Dahlia to look at her thoughtfully, critically, before lunging forward and grabbing her by the shoulders to kiss her soundly.
Warm. Wet. Those are Iris’s first two thoughts when their lips meet, softer than her own, softer than she could have ever imagined. Not that she’d ever thought about such things before. Their differences are perplexing, given they are completely identical, except in the ways Dahlia carves out her independence: summer dresses paired with red hair dye, and sweet smiles that provide a facsimile of disguise for barely buried rage, always bubbling so close to the surface.
The world had hurt her sister, and so Dahlia had wanted to hurt it back.
But there was no hurt here, only longing. Belonging.
Iris’s lips part on instinct, knowing she wants to feel Dahlia’s tongue against hers, to feel all of their parallels and symmetry, to know and believe that they are two parts of a whole, coming together like they should always be.
They might have the same bodies but maybe it would all be easier if they had the same body instead.
Dahlia presses closer, a knee between Iris’s leg, nudging between the apex of her thighs, and the flush of arousal that floods Iris’s body threatens to drown her. She can’t hold back her gasp when Dahlia’s fingers knead at her breast through the fabric of her dress, and at the noise, Dahlia laughs, the noise bubbling up from the back of her throat as she finally peels her mouth from her sister’s, too soon.
“Do it just like that,” Dahlia whispers, “and you’ll have him eating out of the palm of your hand. I promise.”
As Iris watches Dahlia walk away and tries unsuccessful to steady her heartbeat, she wishes her sister had made her an entirely different sort of promise, instead.
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