#iristo weekend
cockabeetle · 5 years
Monster Mash
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Bun and I traded sketches to line for the Iristo Weekend! I'm really pleased with how this one came out, it's some kind of vampire au
I wasn't 100% clear on the premise when I was lining and coloring it, and it's been like a week now :P
Original sketch drawn by @curseofbunny
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iristo-official · 5 years
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So for our fifth semi-annual Iristo Weekend... welcome! We're still having a good time and loving this ship.
banner made by the fantastic @cockabeetle
♡ any kind of media- fanart or fic, AMV or fansong, edit or collage or meta, theories and headcanons- are welcome!
♡ anything promoting hate speech- racism or homophobia or transphobia- will not be interacted with and blocked on sight.
♡ noncon and incest (ie, making the characters related and still shipping them together) is prohibited and not tolerated. any relationship headcanons should be saved for literally any other event.
♡ nsfw will be allowed, but tag correctly and be safe!
♡ be respectful! ship bashing and character hate will not be tolerated.
The event runs from October 4-6!
Feel free to make anything based on the prompts, or ignore them all together. Whatever floats our boats ^^
Make sure to use the tags “iristo” “iristo weekend” or “iristoweekend” so we can see it, or @ the blog!
Oct 4th - Monster Mash // Pumpkin
Oct 5th - Folk Tales/Cryptids // Soulmate
Oct 6th- Fortune Telling // Trick Or Treat
Bonus prompt: Peppermint Kiss
Notes on "fortune telling": (link to wiki) There’s a holiday called St. Andrew’s Day that usually occurs on the 29th through 30th of November. It’s believed to be more magical and thus easier for young women to find their husbands or have one bound to her. The holiday used to mostly be celebrated by young women, but young men have also begun celebrating. It’s also believed to be the start of Vampire season, which then ends on St. George’s Eve (april 22).
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goldendaydna · 7 years
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Iristo Weekend - Watermelon
Happy Iristo Weekend!!!! my first contribution to this adorable ship!!!!! 
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followmetoyourdoom · 7 years
Survival of the Fittest
*screeches* I wanted to do so much more for Iristo Weekend but *gestures at uni work and actual work* Anyway I used the prompts Snowstorm, Watermelon, and kiiiiiiind of Role Reversal here since... well you’ll see at the end :3
A spell goes awry and ends up causing both Iris and Mephisto to be trapped in a cave, closed off by an avalanche.
Read it on ao3 or below:
The twins were back to back, the snow storm they'd called up on the mountainside billowing around them and making it hard for both them and the girls to see. Once again, another plan they hadn't really thought through properly.
Iris was facing off against Mephisto, her shield up as he pelted her with dark crystals.
Praxina and the other two girls were exchanging magic, shields going up left right and centre, neither side gaining ground.
But the older twin had had enough. It was cold, she wasn't meant for cold.
"Mephisto! Now!" she called, grabbing his hand. Mephisto nodded and raised it when she did. Their magic grew and mixed together, sparking above them.
Iris squinted through the snow. She had no idea what was going on.
Auriana on the other hand spotted the magic and put one of her shields up just as the twins cried out: "Amoveo magus!"
The spell shot in both directions, hitting Iris square in the chest on Mephisto's side and rebounding off Auriana's shield on Praxina's.
"ARGH! Stop doing that!" Praxina complained, moving out of the way before the spell hit her.
"I did it, Prax! I-" and that's when the spell hit his back.
It sent him flying, the dark magic not reacting well with his own and he crashed into Iris, both of them ending up tumbling into a nearby cave.
They both grumbled in a pile of limbs and snow, trying to come to their senses.
But before they could, the mountain above them rumbled loudly and within seconds snow and lose rock fell all around, covering up the only exit from the cave and plunging them into darkness.
Mephisto shrieked and held onto Iris despite himself.
"Get off me!" she complained, rubbing her head and trying to detangle herself from him, but he clung desperately to her arm until she shook him off.
"Nononononono this wasn't supposed to happen I can't- I can't use my magic and it's dark and we're trapped and oh Melzors. PRAXINA!! PRAXINA, GET ME OUT OF HERE! PRAXINA PLEASE!!"
"Calm down," Iris muttered, trying to use her own magic. "I'll have us out in a-" but nothing happened. "What did... what did you do to me?"
But Mephisto was in no state of mind to answer and had now wrapped his arms around his legs.
"Let me out, get me out, please, you have to let me out, idontlikethisidontli-" he stopped muttering abruptly as Iris put her hand on his arm, realising something was seriously wrong with him.
Her necklace began to glow and Mephisto lifted his head up, drinking in the light while it lasted. Just before it faded, Iris could just about make out the tears on his face.
She blinked, rather taken aback.
"C-can you make it-" he sniffled up, "-make it do that again?" he asked quietly, voice trembling. "...Please?"
"I...I don't know..."
Mephisto whined and buried his face in his arms again. "We're gonna die."
"We're not going to die," Iris said sternly, fishing for her phone in her pocket. As soon as she turned the screen on, Mephisto shuffled closer.
"You can keep this on, right?"
Iris frowned when she saw there was no signal. "Only as long as the battery lasts. And we should conserve it."
"Oh who made you an expert on wilderness survival," he said bitterly, wanting to hoard the light to himself, moving to take it then grumbling when Iris held it out of reach.
"...The girl scouts, actually." Iris told him.
Mephisto snorted. "Sounds pathetic." His leg twitches nervously and he tried to focus on his foul mood to distract himself from breaking down again. "As if humans would know about surviving any kind of hardships."
Iris just stared at him. "Humans have to deal with a lot more than you know."
"Oh please, like what?"
"You for starters," she shot at him, "whenever you try to kidnap me and Talia and Auriana in broad daylight. But," she continued before he could butt in, "they also have to deal with war, and famine, and loss-" she listed them off on her fingers- "and heartbreak, and death, and torture..." Mephisto flinched at that last one. "You're not the only one to go through those things," she said, more gently now. "And there's people you can talk about it to if you want to."
Mephisto looked at her in the dim light of her phone. "Like you?"
"Like me."
He was close, ever so close to opening up... but then the phone screen shut off and Mephisto panicked, reaching above Iris' head for it and sending her toppling backwards.
Iris squeezed her eyes shut and waited for her head to crack against solid ground, but it never came.
Mephisto landed on top of her, oblivious, and continued to reach for the phone.
"MEPHISTO!" she screeched, scrambling for something to hold onto and whacking Mephisto in the face with the phone by accident.
"OW! What the Klatznik, Princess?!?!?!?!" The villain abandoned attempts to grab the phone and sat up, lifting his hands to his face, whining as he felt blood. He really hoped she hadn't broken his nose.
Without Mephisto's weight on top of her, Iris began tilting backwards and she snatched at Mephisto's shirt in front of her, calling out again and trying to save herself.
All of a sudden she stopped falling, a strong hand around her forearm tugging her back onto her knees.
Iris couldn't see, but then she didn't have to to know it was Mephisto who had saved her. He was the only one there after all.
"Thank you," she murmured, in slight disbelief. "I don't-"
"Turn the light back on," Mephisto said quickly, trying to convince himself that was the only reason he'd saved her. "Before we go falling down another hole."
She did so and cast its light into the chasm behind her.
It didn't even reach the bottom.
"Do you have a mirror?" Mephisto asked, hands on his face, trying to work out how much of his face Iris had broken.
Iris shook her head then handed her phone to him. "Here hold this up to your face and I'll check it for you." When Mephisto gave her a weird look she rolled her eyes. "I might as well to stop you moaning about it."
"Fine." He held the phone under his chin, illuminating his face.
Iris grimaced. Mephisto was indeed bleeding, but not from his nose as he'd feared. He had a bust lip. She sighed and moved to wipe the blood off his bottom lip but he flinched away. "I'm not going to hurt you," she promised. "I'm wiping the blood off."
Mephisto's free hand went up, "Where am I bleeding from?!?!?" He smeared the blood across his face.
"Just your lip," she caught his hand, "and you're making it worse."
"Just my lip?!?! That's not a just, Princess that's-" he stopped abruptly as Iris skimmed her thumb across his bottom lip, catching the blood.
Fumbling for something in her pocket, Iris didn't notice how Mephisto was looking at her. He couldn't remember a time when he'd been touched so tenderly before, not even when he was younger and his sister had always been the one to pick him back up off the ground when he fell.
"Here," Iris broke his trance, holding up a stick of something.
"What is that?" Mephisto asked warily.
She rolled it up to show him. "Lip balm, it's for chapped lips so it might help sooth yours? I'm not sure," she admitted.
Mephisto sighed. "Yeah sure you might as well."
Iris nodded and touched the lip balm to his lips, making Mephisto jump. She caught his chin, "Stay still then," she told him, swiftly running the stick along his lips.
Although he winced when it came into contact with his cut, Mephisto did try to stay as still as possible, tongue darting out quickly at one point. "It tastes weird," he frowned, licking it again until Iris bapped his nose with the lip balm.
"Stop licking it off, it's watermelon flavoured that's why it tastes nice. It's my favourite so be grateful I'm letting you use it."
Mephisto smirked as Iris went back to applying it.
"Hey! Stop moving," though she was smiling too now, her own lips catching in the light of the phone.
With a start Mephisto realised this was what Iris' lips tasted like.
Not that he'd ever thought about kissing her before, of course not. Why on Ephedia would he ever do that? But even he couldn't deny he was staring at her.
And soon Iris noticed too.
"Are you okay?" she asked, giving him a strange look, "your cheeks are going all red."
He pulled away sharply. "I think I've got enough on now," he had to really fight the urge to dart his tongue out again, "and it's probably the cold."
Iris nodded.
Mephisto watched her put it back in her pocket, then shone the phone light outwards towards where they'd flown in. All he could see was a pile of snow. "Hey so about saving this light… I think I get why now."
Turning her head, Iris winced. "Yup, that's a cave in alright."
"So what do we do, Miss Expert On Wilderness Survival?" Mephisto asked sarcastically, though he licked his lips afterwards while Iris wasn't looking.
She held her hand out for the phone, Mephisto handing it over to her rather reluctantly.
"You know, I could just keep you in here," Mephisto contemplated. "It's a good a trap as any and I'm sure Gramorr would be extra grateful if I delivered you to him without your magic. I'd get a promotion for sure!"
Iris rolled her eyes. "Is that all you care about?"
"Well no, I care about taking over Ephedia with Praxina and Gramorr too," Mephisto helpfully pointed out.
"Mhm, and how are you going to do that from in here when I'm the one with the torch?"
Mephisto glupped, fearing she'd turn it off. "Point taken." He grumbled and held his hand out. "Not enemies until we get out of here?"
"How about 'friends'?" Iris tried.
"Until we get out of here," he added, grinning when she shook his hand. A friend! He'd never had a friend before. Then he scolded himself. Because of course, she wasn't an actual friend, they were just working together that's all. Like they had done that one time before, after which Mephisto had started taking Iris seriously and, even though he wouldn't admit it to himself, had started to develop a crush on her.
Knowing how her lips would taste was not helping.
Iris' echoing steps on the stone floor caught his attention and he realised with a start that the light was pretty far away now.
He sprung to his feet and hurried to the snow wall where Iris was crouched down. He plucked the phone out of her hand with ease and lifted it aloft. He whistled. "It goes up quite a way, to the very top in fact. As in there's no way out. At all." He cleared his throat, trying to hide the fear in his voice, not very successfully.
"Don't worry," Iris reassured him. "They'll find us. Your sister and my friends both. Locatum spell, remember? Then they can just blast through the snow. It's too loose down here to dig through. It'd just collapse on us."
Mephisto stretched up with his free hand and scratched at the highest part of the wall he could reach. "Yeah it's loose here too."
Iris made the mistake of looking up. The snow Mephisto had scratched off fell into her eyes and she blinked rapidly, not focusing on what she was actually looking at. Which was another big mistake considering it was quite a nice sight.
"A-are you checking out my butt, Princess?"
Blinking out the last of the snow, Iris found she was indeed, if by accident.
She quickly dropped her gaze, ignoring the voice in her head that had very much appreciated what she'd seen. "You dropped snow in my eyes, I couldn't see," she muttered, cheeks red.
"Oh." Mephisto sounded almost disappointed. "So now what?" he asked, gesturing at the snow wall. "Can't you use this," he waved the phone around, "to call someone."
Iris stood up, very carefully not looking at him, and peered at the screen. "No signal, so no."
"So we just wait?" Mephisto said with disgust. "All I ever do normally is wait for one of you princesses to do something interesting and now I'm stuck in here with you! Urgh, maybe I'll die of boredom before I die from the cold."
"You're not exactly my first choice to be stuck in a cave with either," Iris muttered, stealing her phone back again and carefully making her way to the back of the cave. "We could try to find another entrance," she told him, "but that'd take energy out of us… How long does this anti-magic spell last?"
Mephisto shrugged, following her so he didn't lose the light. "A few hours maybe? I don't know how Earth time works."
Iris nodded thoughtfully. "I say we wait it out then."
She settled herself down on the floor away from the chasm and patted the floor next to her, Mephisto joining her moments later.
He immediately complained about the cold and took his cape off to sit on. At first he only rolled it up big enough for himself but, on catching Iris shivering, undid the last fold and placed it on the ground. "There, now we won't freeze our butts off," he muttered.
"So considerate," Iris giggled, moving onto it.
Mephisto rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of it. "Don't get used to it."
Eventually the pair started chatting casually, the awkward moment from earlier in the back of their minds. Iris didn't even notice they'd managed to shuffle closer and closer together until she bumped shoulders with him.
"Heh, sorry," Iris drew back a little, wincing as she checked the battery life on her phone - 12%. "Hey is your magic back yet?"
Mephisto tried to summon his magic circle with little success. "Nope. Yours?"
"No…" Iris sighed after attempting to do the same.
Gulping, Mephisto tried not to let the worry show on his face. If he had to face being in the dark again, especially without his magic… He didn't really want to consider what sort of mindset he'd fall into if-
Iris placed her hand on his comfortingly, tearing him away from his thoughts. "It'll be okay," she reassured him. "Can't be much longer after all."
And so when Iris's phone ran out of battery, Mephisto tried to remain calm, clutching onto the hand Iris had left in his. "You're so cold," he whispered, feeling a little guilty since he had gloves on and she didn't. "Give me your other hand." Iris did so and Mephisto enclosed both in his, covering them completely. "Better?" he asked, glad for a distraction.
"Much, thank you." She smiled in the darkness, grateful Mephisto couldn't see her blush.
She tried to convince herself this was just to keep warm, that he couldn't mean anything by this. Besides, he was the enemy, and she was with Nathaniel. Though she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be with someone she could be herself with.
Someone she didn't have to lie to to keep safe, someone that could keep up with her on so many levels.
As yet more time passed and the pair started getting closer together, both for warmth and comfort, Iris started to worry more and more about their chances of survival. She hadn't even considered them not making it out of this, that ever consistent ball of optimism inside of her failing fast the more she shivered, the more hunger pains stabbed her.
Mephisto was shaking almost constantly now, both out of fear and from the cold.
Iris' necklace would light up from time to time, as if she didn't already know there was a person in need near her. And while Mephisto would drink this light in, Iris would get more and more frustrated every time.
By the fifth time it shone, Iris snatched it off her neck angrily. "There's nothing I can do, okay?" she told it, ignoring Mephisto despite how close he was. "I can't help either of us right now, I'm useless, so stop reminding me!" She dissolved into tears, pendant slipping out of her hands as she buried her face in them.
It landed in Mephisto's lap and his fingers reached for it automatically. Right there was the key to his future, the key to Gramorr wining and taking over Ephedia.
When Iris felt careful fingers at her neck, her head jerked up.
"Relax, Princess," Mephisto muttered, "I'm just making sure you don't lose your charm. You'll need it when your magic returns." He fastened it rather clumsily, running his finger under it afterwards to check it wasn't going to fall off. "There."
Iris whispered a thank you, rubbing the tears off her face. Shakily, she placed her head on his shoulder. "Is this okay?" she asked, "I kind of need someone to lean on right now."
He took her hands in his again. "It's perfect," he replied, truly meaning it. They both needed some comfort at this time. "Besides," Mephisto cleared his throat, trying to ignore the pitter patter of his heart, "gotta share body warmth huh?" Yes. That's all this was.
"Sure." Iris smiled, wondering if it could be more than that.
"I guess I was wrong with the timing of the spell, sorry," Mephisto muttered, wishing either one of them had their magic back. "I don't suppose you have any food in your pockets?"
Iris bit her lip, her own hunger gnawing at her stomach. "No, sorry."
Mephisto whined. He hadn't eaten since the previous day, and even then that hadn't been much, just a sandwich he'd managed to steal from an unsuspecting middle aged businessman. And it had been mostly salad. He was already feeling light headed from the lack of glucose.
And so it was unsurprising, at least to him, when he felt himself slipping and he slumped against Iris, hands holding hers going limp.
"Mephisto ow, get off… Mephisto?" she shook him gently, harder when she got no response.
The panic set in and her necklace glowed even stronger this time if possible, allowing Iris to see how unnaturally pale he looked, almost sickly, even in the bright pink light.
"Stop it, I can't do anything!" she cried, trying to wake Mephisto up, desperately wrapping him in his own cape. Even if he was her enemy, she didn't want him to die. She didn't want this to be the end. Not to mention what Praxina would do if he did. Iris didn't even want to think about it, didn't even want to imagine facing such grief fueled fury - and she hoped she never would.
The glow of her necklace grew and grew, engulfing the pair in a bright pink light. When it cleared, Iris was in her shanila mode, hair shining above her and rocks reflecting the light all around her.
One blast of magic at the snow wall shot the entire contents outwards, the mountain above them rumbling menacingly.
Quickly, Iris picked Mephisto up as if he weighed nothing, holding him in her arms, then teleported outside the cave. She watched as yet more snow fell down the mountain and sealed it up once again.
A moan from her arms caught her attention and she glanced down at Mephisto. "Oh I did die then," he muttered, "didn't know I'd lie with the stars though… that's nice."
Iris destransformed and fell under Mephisto's weight, both of them ending up in the snow.
Mephisto screeched, the cold stunning him awake, and sprang to his feet. "WHAT THE KLA- Iris?" he looked around for her, making a strange noise at the back of his throat when he saw her buried in the snow. It wasn't long before she was in his arms, shivering and holding on to him tightly despite his cape that was wrapped around her.
"We s-should… should l-leave," she mumbled, tugging the cape tightly around her.
But before they could, a gem appeared in front of them, a brilliant dazzling green one, the exact same colour of Mephisto's eyes.
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margoteve · 7 years
Starting the Quarterly Iristo Weekend with this ;P One of the prompts was “Watermelon”, couldn’t exactly figure out what to do but hey watermelons are in season in summer so! :D here you go.
Also on AO3 [I really like commentsss :3]
Summer has the sweet flavour of the watermelon. It’s the fresh scent of strawberries and texture of mint ice cream. It is the green fields and pink sunrises. It is the blue sky of her eyes and golden sun of her hair. It is the white daisies like his shirt and burgundy sunsets of his hair.
It is their fingers entwined as they lay on the blanket, guessing the shapes of the clouds. It is the heat of their kiss when it’s time to go home.
“Mephisto?” Iris leans close.
“I love you.”
“I know princess.” He replies.
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maybeawriter6 · 7 years
The Green Prince
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: LoliRock (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Iris/Mephisto (LoliRock) Additional Tags: Iristo Weekend, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Short One Shot
Summary: A knight is called for an audience with their ruler. Do audiences usually involve this much blushing?
For Iristo Weekend, Day One - Princess/Knight (With a twist)
Read on ao3 here or below!
Iris stood outside the chamber door, gathering her courage. She raised her hand, hesitated, then knocked.
"Enter, please." a voice answered.
Swallowing hard, Iris swung the door open and walked forward. She tried to keep her eyes down, but curiosity got the best of her, and she saw him.
The Prince of Ephedia stood staring out the windows with a melancholy expression.
Iris stopped a respectful distance away. "You summoned me, Your Highness?"
He turned to look at her when she spoke. Iris drew a sharp breath.
The Prince was beautiful. More beautiful even than the rumors claimed. He was dressed in a tunic that was made of fine fabric but was very simple and modest. The only decoration was the snake design that curled around his torso and over his shoulder. The only jewelry he wore was an understated yet elegant gold circlet, with a single green gemstone that glittered on his forehead.
His features were perfect, as far as Iris was concerned. His jaw was cut soft yet strong, his nose just large enough to be endearing while his high cheekbones complimented his eyes. And what eyes. Green as if all the grass in all the kingdom was lending him its color. Deep and clear as a crystal sea. Piercing, intelligent, yet kind.
Iris thought that perhaps, in happier times, his eyes looked like they might sparkle with cheeky humor.
Now, of course, they were devoid of such a thing. They spoke instead of sorrow, of fear, of anxiety.
She felt maybe she would die happily, if it would put the sparkle back in them.
He was staring at her. Why was he staring at her? Oh no. She'd messed up, already. No, no! How could she be so bold as to just stand there, gaping at him?!
She dropped quickly to one knee, her armor clanking from the speed of the motion.
Her terror kept her from noticing that the Prince was definitely not staring at her because he was shocked at her lack of decorum. Quite the opposite. He was staring in wonder as he beheld the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.
He'd seen her before, of course, but never so close. Her hair was like a cloud of pink satin, falling gently over gold and pink armor. He couldn’t have designed a prettier, more appealing face if he’d set his mind to it. It was a face that looked as if it smiled a lot. Her eyes were a striking blue, like two shards of sky, and gazing into them had felt like flying. Better than flying. He wished she’d look at him, again.
"Gen-" He cleared his throat. "General Iris. Thank you for being so prompt."
"Of course." She kept her gaze in the floor. "What is your bidding, my Prince?"
For some reason, he blushed when she used that title. "Uh, I..." He sobered when he remembered why he'd called her. "...I trust you've heard the news. My sister..." It was painful to say the words. He trailed off, composing himself.
Iris wished she could comfort him.
He looked out the window, his face taut with barely contained grief. "...My sister, Princess Praxina, has been taken by the evil Lord Gramorr. He kidnapped her a week ago, and we have..." Not we , he reminded himself, wincing. There was no more we . He was alone. "...I have received reports of a dark queen, who leaves destruction in her wake." He squeezed his eyes shut.
Iris looked up, horrified. "...The Princess?"
He took a shaky breath. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... "...I... I fear the worst..." Do NOT cry. "I believe he's... done something to her. Corrupted her with dark magic." He looked at Iris with angry, tearful eyes. "...If there is any chance of getting her back, any at all... Well..."
Iris blinked. "Do you believe I can help her, Sire? I will do everything in my power, of course, but will it be enough?"
He smiled sadly. "...My parents trusted you. They spoke often of your valor, your courage, your cleverness. But, most of all, your kindness. I think my sister needs your kindness, right now."
She blushed at his compliments. "Y- You flatter me, Your Highness. But I understand. I will leave at once."
"Thank you." He looked conflicted. "I desperately wish I could join you, but...” He sighed, his voice taking on a tone as if he were reciting something he’d been told many times. “The battlefield is no place for a Prince."
If only he'd been born a girl. Then nobody would stop him from doing as he liked. He could help Praxina. Indeed, had he been a princess, Lord Gramorr may well have taken him, instead. He could have spared his sister all of the pain she must now be suffering.
"With all due respect, Sire, I disagree." Iris kicked herself. Why did she say that? She couldn’t talk to him like this! He was a prince!
He looked at her in surprise. No one had ever contradicted the role his sex forced upon him. Nobody outside his family, at least.
She swallowed nervously, but pressed on. "I have heard of your great magical skill, Your Highness. I dare say you could handle yourself."
Dear heavens, could she make him any more flustered? He rubbed his hand over his red face. "I- Uh- I don't- Um... Th- thank you, General." He coughed, trying to get ahold of himself. "...But... Um... Even so, I couldn't possibly. With my parents gone, and my sister, well, indisposed... Somebody has to run the kingdom."
Iris bit her lip, trying to restrain herself, but finally her words slipped out. "But, Your Highness, I am not of royal blood. I am not powerful enough to break dark crystal. And I would be very surprised if I didn't need to do so at some point on this quest."
He hesitated. She made an excellent point.
"And when we free your sister, the kingdom will have its leaders back."
An even better point. Moreover, the fact that she'd said when and not if sparked hope in his chest. She believed they could save his sister, and that made him feel more confident.
He agonized for a minute before finally nodding. "You are right, General. I will accompany you, yes."
Iris grinned excitedly, pleased at the idea of his company, before regaining control of herself.
The Prince felt sure he would die of her cuteness before they reached the first battle.
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's so short; I like the AU, tho, and might expand it sometime. :3
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kikurukina · 7 years
Iris never thought that Mephisto was anything but her enemy until she bumps into him at Starbucks. She did not mean to follow him all the way to Ephedia, but she did, and now she is stuck with him and she is learning that he is so much more.
Mephisto is desperate to escape the future awaiting him at home but now that Iris is here, destiny is all too eager to keep him on track. By all rights, he should absolutely hate Iris for what she is and what she represents but he can't bring himself to do it.
Written for Iristo Weekend 2017 (October 13-15, 2017).
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istanbuldefinition · 5 years
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Second biggest island in Adalar
Heybeliada that had housed the important personalities of Turkish literatur such as Ahmet Rasim, Esat Mahmut Karakurt, and Huseyin Rahmi Gurpmar, is the second biggest island in Adalar. The green coverts, shore and beaches, pretty architecture are the leading qualities that make the island popular. Heybeliada, the oldest known name is Domonissos (Demon Isles), has a very old and colourful story dating back to 2,500 BC.
Due to its flora and atmosphere resembling Mediterranean climate, Heybeliada is a place that must be visited during winter, not only summer; but certainly during spring and fall, like the rest of the islands. The splendid monasteries of Heybeliada are famous. One of them is AyaTriada, first turned into Greek ‘ Orthodox School of Theology, then into the Greek Highschool for Boys, with a director but without any students. Aya Nikola Church (St. Nicholas) and Terk-i Dunya Monastery (meaning, leaving the world) with its sad name are the others.
The current name comes from its “profile” when looked from the sea (Heybeliada means -the island with a- saddlebag). Its full moon is as beautiful as being the theme of songs and poems.
The last ferry from Heybeliada to Sirkeci is at 8.40 PM during the working days and 9.25 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to Bostanci is at 11.40 PM everyday.
The castle of Sait Faik
The smallest, thus the prettiest of the islands. The name during the Byzantine period was Antigone, coming from a castle built by one of the generals of Alexander the Great. Its current name is similar, Burgaz means castle. Burgazada is calmer than the other islands. The island that has a width and length of 2km, used to be Greek village, before Turks began settling down here after the second half of the 18th century.
The only hill of the island, Bayrak Tepesi (170m) or 1 Iristos with its old name, has a beautiful view for those who does not get tired and climb. Burgaz has gained its fame with Sait Faik. There is a statue of Sait Faik at the port. The house where the story writer used to live, can be visited at Burgaz Cayiri Sokak, no: 15, between 9 AM 12 PM and 2 PM – 5 PM during the working days. It can be visited until 1 PM on Saturdays and is closed on Sundays.
If you visit Burgazada, you must definitely go to Kalpazankaya countryside restaurant. You will see a dazzling sun set especially in September and October. l ire last ferry from Burgazada to Sirkeci is at 8.55 PM during the irorking days and 9.55 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to llostana is at 11.55 PM everyday.
The melancholia of voluntary exiles
The first stop of a journey towards Adalar is Kinaliada. That is why its name during Byzantine period is Proti, in other words first the current name, Kinali (henna-coloured) comes from the colour of its soil with plenty of ferric oxide. It is so small that, phaetons are not used in the island, because you can walk from one side to the other in half an hour.
Kinaliada is suitable only for excursions, because there is no hotel in the island. Ayazma restaurant or Ayazma Beach is the only place you can swim in the sea or pool. Kirkor Lusaroviq Armenian Church, Panagia and Khristos monasteries must certainly be seen with their magnificent architectures.
Source: https://istanbul.privatetours.info/marriage-under-comet/
0 notes
istanbulwinter · 5 years
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Second biggest island in Adalar
Heybeliada that had housed the important personalities of Turkish literatur such as Ahmet Rasim, Esat Mahmut Karakurt, and Huseyin Rahmi Gurpmar, is the second biggest island in Adalar. The green coverts, shore and beaches, pretty architecture are the leading qualities that make the island popular. Heybeliada, the oldest known name is Domonissos (Demon Isles), has a very old and colourful story dating back to 2,500 BC.
Due to its flora and atmosphere resembling Mediterranean climate, Heybeliada is a place that must be visited during winter, not only summer; but certainly during spring and fall, like the rest of the islands. The splendid monasteries of Heybeliada are famous. One of them is AyaTriada, first turned into Greek ‘ Orthodox School of Theology, then into the Greek Highschool for Boys, with a director but without any students. Aya Nikola Church (St. Nicholas) and Terk-i Dunya Monastery (meaning, leaving the world) with its sad name are the others.
The current name comes from its “profile” when looked from the sea (Heybeliada means -the island with a- saddlebag). Its full moon is as beautiful as being the theme of songs and poems.
The last ferry from Heybeliada to Sirkeci is at 8.40 PM during the working days and 9.25 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to Bostanci is at 11.40 PM everyday.
The castle of Sait Faik
The smallest, thus the prettiest of the islands. The name during the Byzantine period was Antigone, coming from a castle built by one of the generals of Alexander the Great. Its current name is similar, Burgaz means castle. Burgazada is calmer than the other islands. The island that has a width and length of 2km, used to be Greek village, before Turks began settling down here after the second half of the 18th century.
The only hill of the island, Bayrak Tepesi (170m) or 1 Iristos with its old name, has a beautiful view for those who does not get tired and climb. Burgaz has gained its fame with Sait Faik. There is a statue of Sait Faik at the port. The house where the story writer used to live, can be visited at Burgaz Cayiri Sokak, no: 15, between 9 AM 12 PM and 2 PM – 5 PM during the working days. It can be visited until 1 PM on Saturdays and is closed on Sundays.
If you visit Burgazada, you must definitely go to Kalpazankaya countryside restaurant. You will see a dazzling sun set especially in September and October. l ire last ferry from Burgazada to Sirkeci is at 8.55 PM during the irorking days and 9.55 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to llostana is at 11.55 PM everyday.
The melancholia of voluntary exiles
The first stop of a journey towards Adalar is Kinaliada. That is why its name during Byzantine period is Proti, in other words first the current name, Kinali (henna-coloured) comes from the colour of its soil with plenty of ferric oxide. It is so small that, phaetons are not used in the island, because you can walk from one side to the other in half an hour.
Kinaliada is suitable only for excursions, because there is no hotel in the island. Ayazma restaurant or Ayazma Beach is the only place you can swim in the sea or pool. Kirkor Lusaroviq Armenian Church, Panagia and Khristos monasteries must certainly be seen with their magnificent architectures.
Source: https://istanbul.privatetours.info/marriage-under-comet/
0 notes
istanbulfoodtour · 5 years
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Second biggest island in Adalar
Heybeliada that had housed the important personalities of Turkish literatur such as Ahmet Rasim, Esat Mahmut Karakurt, and Huseyin Rahmi Gurpmar, is the second biggest island in Adalar. The green coverts, shore and beaches, pretty architecture are the leading qualities that make the island popular. Heybeliada, the oldest known name is Domonissos (Demon Isles), has a very old and colourful story dating back to 2,500 BC.
Due to its flora and atmosphere resembling Mediterranean climate, Heybeliada is a place that must be visited during winter, not only summer; but certainly during spring and fall, like the rest of the islands. The splendid monasteries of Heybeliada are famous. One of them is AyaTriada, first turned into Greek ‘ Orthodox School of Theology, then into the Greek Highschool for Boys, with a director but without any students. Aya Nikola Church (St. Nicholas) and Terk-i Dunya Monastery (meaning, leaving the world) with its sad name are the others.
The current name comes from its “profile” when looked from the sea (Heybeliada means -the island with a- saddlebag). Its full moon is as beautiful as being the theme of songs and poems.
The last ferry from Heybeliada to Sirkeci is at 8.40 PM during the working days and 9.25 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to Bostanci is at 11.40 PM everyday.
The castle of Sait Faik
The smallest, thus the prettiest of the islands. The name during the Byzantine period was Antigone, coming from a castle built by one of the generals of Alexander the Great. Its current name is similar, Burgaz means castle. Burgazada is calmer than the other islands. The island that has a width and length of 2km, used to be Greek village, before Turks began settling down here after the second half of the 18th century.
The only hill of the island, Bayrak Tepesi (170m) or 1 Iristos with its old name, has a beautiful view for those who does not get tired and climb. Burgaz has gained its fame with Sait Faik. There is a statue of Sait Faik at the port. The house where the story writer used to live, can be visited at Burgaz Cayiri Sokak, no: 15, between 9 AM 12 PM and 2 PM – 5 PM during the working days. It can be visited until 1 PM on Saturdays and is closed on Sundays.
If you visit Burgazada, you must definitely go to Kalpazankaya countryside restaurant. You will see a dazzling sun set especially in September and October. l ire last ferry from Burgazada to Sirkeci is at 8.55 PM during the irorking days and 9.55 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to llostana is at 11.55 PM everyday.
The melancholia of voluntary exiles
The first stop of a journey towards Adalar is Kinaliada. That is why its name during Byzantine period is Proti, in other words first the current name, Kinali (henna-coloured) comes from the colour of its soil with plenty of ferric oxide. It is so small that, phaetons are not used in the island, because you can walk from one side to the other in half an hour.
Kinaliada is suitable only for excursions, because there is no hotel in the island. Ayazma restaurant or Ayazma Beach is the only place you can swim in the sea or pool. Kirkor Lusaroviq Armenian Church, Panagia and Khristos monasteries must certainly be seen with their magnificent architectures.
Source: https://istanbul.privatetours.info/marriage-under-comet/
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cockabeetle · 5 years
Trick or Treat
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Final day of the weekend! They're dressed up for Halloween!
Iris as a Vampire Princess, Mephisto as a Mummified Prince
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iristo-official · 6 years
That time again
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Our next iristo weekend is coming up! September 15-17, to be exact.
15th ♡ Gardening / Fairy Tale
16th ♡ Matching / Movie Night
17th ♡ Watermelon / Honeymoon
Rules: don't repost any art or post any ship bashing. It's always a downer when a great post has something dragging it down! Do not manipulate the ship to make it uncomfortable or gross- ie, don't make it incest or have a weird age gap. OT3s are allowed for this event, but make sure atleast some focus is put on iris and mephisto. And remember to have fun!
Edits, art, amvs, fic, headcanons, meta, gifs, playlists, fansongs, comics, any of it goes! Just make sure it's in good spirits and about iris and mephisto.
Remember those days, have fun, and contact this blog or @curseofbunny if you have any questions!
(Banner art is a collab by @curseofbunny and @cockabeetle!)
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istanbulcistern · 5 years
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Second biggest island in Adalar
Heybeliada that had housed the important personalities of Turkish literatur such as Ahmet Rasim, Esat Mahmut Karakurt, and Huseyin Rahmi Gurpmar, is the second biggest island in Adalar. The green coverts, shore and beaches, pretty architecture are the leading qualities that make the island popular. Heybeliada, the oldest known name is Domonissos (Demon Isles), has a very old and colourful story dating back to 2,500 BC.
Due to its flora and atmosphere resembling Mediterranean climate, Heybeliada is a place that must be visited during winter, not only summer; but certainly during spring and fall, like the rest of the islands. The splendid monasteries of Heybeliada are famous. One of them is AyaTriada, first turned into Greek ‘ Orthodox School of Theology, then into the Greek Highschool for Boys, with a director but without any students. Aya Nikola Church (St. Nicholas) and Terk-i Dunya Monastery (meaning, leaving the world) with its sad name are the others.
The current name comes from its “profile” when looked from the sea (Heybeliada means -the island with a- saddlebag). Its full moon is as beautiful as being the theme of songs and poems.
The last ferry from Heybeliada to Sirkeci is at 8.40 PM during the working days and 9.25 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to Bostanci is at 11.40 PM everyday.
The castle of Sait Faik
The smallest, thus the prettiest of the islands. The name during the Byzantine period was Antigone, coming from a castle built by one of the generals of Alexander the Great. Its current name is similar, Burgaz means castle. Burgazada is calmer than the other islands. The island that has a width and length of 2km, used to be Greek village, before Turks began settling down here after the second half of the 18th century.
The only hill of the island, Bayrak Tepesi (170m) or 1 Iristos with its old name, has a beautiful view for those who does not get tired and climb. Burgaz has gained its fame with Sait Faik. There is a statue of Sait Faik at the port. The house where the story writer used to live, can be visited at Burgaz Cayiri Sokak, no: 15, between 9 AM 12 PM and 2 PM – 5 PM during the working days. It can be visited until 1 PM on Saturdays and is closed on Sundays.
If you visit Burgazada, you must definitely go to Kalpazankaya countryside restaurant. You will see a dazzling sun set especially in September and October. l ire last ferry from Burgazada to Sirkeci is at 8.55 PM during the irorking days and 9.55 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to llostana is at 11.55 PM everyday.
The melancholia of voluntary exiles
The first stop of a journey towards Adalar is Kinaliada. That is why its name during Byzantine period is Proti, in other words first the current name, Kinali (henna-coloured) comes from the colour of its soil with plenty of ferric oxide. It is so small that, phaetons are not used in the island, because you can walk from one side to the other in half an hour.
Kinaliada is suitable only for excursions, because there is no hotel in the island. Ayazma restaurant or Ayazma Beach is the only place you can swim in the sea or pool. Kirkor Lusaroviq Armenian Church, Panagia and Khristos monasteries must certainly be seen with their magnificent architectures.
Source: https://istanbul.privatetours.info/marriage-under-comet/
0 notes
followmetoyourdoom · 7 years
Halloweening // Chpt 3 - Opposite Sides
Final chapter for Iristo weekend, and I’m starting to wish i had thought about the title for more than 2 seconds but oh well. Prompts are Halloween Candy, check; Movie Night, ...kinda check; and Opposites, ...I mean, it’s Iristo, they’re opposites by nature. Anyway, here it is.
Read it on ao3 or below:
Everyone met up around an hour later, Praxina smirking subtly, Nathaniel's cat ears mysteriously missing. Auriana's makeup was smudged and Talia seemed to have loosened up a lot more, though she still refused to wear a costume. As for Iris and Mephisto, they were laughing and giggling together as if they'd been friends their whole life.
"Woah," Nathaniel said in awe as Mephisto and Iris walked over. "Where did you get that costume from? It's exactly like in the show."
"Magic," Mephisto replied.
Iris' eyes went wide and she stepped in front of Mephisto, pushing him behind her. "Haha, yes, magic sure, pfft, as if. No, Mephisto is just uh…" She struggled to find an answer, but there really was no explanation.
"It's okay, I get it," Nate held his hands up. "I flaked out on you, I'm glad you've got someone to match with. Though this means you're the only vampire now, Prax," he said, turning to her.
The other three girls exchanged a look. Since when was Nathaniel on nickname terms with Praxina?
She shrugged. "He can dress up as a Paloofian swamp monster for all I care."
Nathaniel snickered. He didn't quite know what a 'paloofian' swamp monster was, but it did not sound flattering. "Still, I wish I could whip up a quick vampire costume."
"I have a spare set of teeth," Praxina offered, magicking a set into the hand behind her back.
The human boy took them with a grin. "Perfect! I can be a member of some sort of secret vampire cult. You'd be the leader of course," he added with a wink.
Iris rolled her eyes and dragged Mephisto away. Sure, he made an effort for her. This was worse than Missy latching onto him every second, luckily it would just be for the night. And at least she had Mephisto to comfort her for the time being.
"Time for trick or treating?" Mephisto suggested hopefully.
Iris chuckled and squeezed his arm. "Sure. You got something to put the candy in?"
Mephisto gestured to his mouth with a grin.
At this Iris had to snort. "You won't fit it all in there. Or, more than likely, you'll make yourself sick trying to eat it all."
"Is that a challenge, Princess?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Definitely not! Also we," she gestured to Auriana and Talia who were chatting by the festival entrance, "usually pool candy and share it."
Mephisto stopped wiggling his eyebrows and raised them in contempt instead. "Share?"
"Yeah when you give stuff out eq-"
"I know what sharing is," he interrupted. "I just don't do it. I'm evil, remember?"
Iris suddenly remembered everything he'd done to the contrary. How much he cared for his sister, how he'd complimented her, how much he seemed to be enjoying not being evil for once. "Sure," she said with a knowing smile.
Mephisto sighed heavily and subtly magicked one of the pumpkin baskets he saw people carrying into his hand. "There, happy now?"
She peered inside the basket. "I'd be happier if this didn't already have candy in."
"What sort of villain would I be if I didn't steal candy from a baby?" he quipped with a smirk, but he did click his fingers and return the basket to it's own, making up his own basket out of thin air. "There. Now are you happy?"
"Make me one too?" she asked sweetly, giving him puppy dog eyes and smiling up at him.
In the end, he ended up making one for everyone and they began making their way along the main street. As their made their way to the first house, Iris stopped suddenly and gestured to Mephisto to lower himself to her level. She whispered something in his ear and he grinned widely, excitement shining in his eyes.
Nathaniel tilted his head slightly. "I wonder what they're talking about."
"Knowing my brother, either Iris just told him the location of an oracle gem, or just suggested something very very dumb."
"Oracle gem?" Nate asked, confused.
Praxina waved her hand nonchalantly. "The powerful gems that make up the crown of Ephedia. Me and my brother need to collect them and give them to Gramorr in order to defeat the princesses."
Now Nathaniel was even more confused. "Was… was that the backstory that went with the vampire costumes?" he suggested hopefully, ringing the doorbell.
She looked up at him and grinned, showing off her modified teeth. "So she hasn't told you, interesting…" Perhaps Mephisto was right, hanging out with the princesses and their human friend was indeed proving to be an invaluable source of intel. "I'll tell you later," she promised.
Nathaniel was about to thank her when - just as the door opened - Iris and Mephisto ran forwards. They jumped up into the air, perfectly synchronised, and landed in a superhero pose in front of the open door.
"And Chat Noir!"
They said the last part together: "Here to save the day!"
The owners of the house they were at clapped enthusiastically, handing over almost triple the amount of candy they'd been giving everyone else. They never expected a show!
Mephisto grinned as he passed Praxina. "Look at all this candy!" he stage whispered, shaking the basket at her. Praxina rolled her eyes, uncaring until Mephisto continued with, "I bet I get more candy that you do."
Her head snapped around and she glared at him, then marched right up to the front door.
"Give me all your candy!" she demanded, eyes glowing.
The family laughed. "Oh noooo, the vampire is mind controlling us!" The woman holding the candy bowl slowly tipped it into her basket. "Whatever shall we do!" She stopped abruptly and patted Praxina on the cheek. "Is that enough dearie? Here we'll give some to your boyfriend too."
"He's not my boyfriend!" Praxina spluttered, taking her candy and running back down the drive without sparring Nathaniel a glance.
How dare these humans treat her like that and assume-
"Aw you did get more candy than me," Mephisto pouted, looking into her basket. He grabbed Iris' hand and ran to the next house. "We'll beat you in the end though!" he called behind him.
Praxina narrowed her eyes.
Nathaniel walked up behind Praxina and waved his basket at her. "I tried that mind control thing you did and got loads of candy too, not as much, but still." He chuckled, "We should try it together." He gestured to Iris and Mephisto. "Your brother is teaming up with Iris to get more candy, who says we can't do the same."
"Very well…" Praxina said slowly as Auriana whooped in the background, having just received her candy. "But we are not pretending to be a couple."
"I never even suggested that," Nathaniel said quickly. "Why… were you thinking about it?"
Praxina's face turned red. "NO!" She regained her composure and flicked her hair over her shoulder. "Let's just… go."
Iris and Mephisto were already halfway down the street by the time everyone else caught up to them and now had several baskets of sweets, not knowing whose were whose but not really caring all that much. Mephisto had accepted the idea of pooling their candy in the name of beating Praxina, and Iris was happy to say it was all Mephisto's provided they shared in the end. The arrangement just worked, especially since Praxina was stubbornly keeping her candy separate from Nathaniel's.
There was a mad dash to hit every single house they could, Iris giving Mephisto an advantage by knowing the fastest route around the entire neighbourhood. But Nathaniel gave Praxina the same advantage.
"Shall we just go home?" Auriana suggested as she and Talia sat on a street bench, watching the two couples run around like headless chickens.
"I thought you'd never ask," Talia muttered, standing up.
Most of the other trick or treaters had gone home by now, and houses were starting to run out of candy, Iris receiving a questionable single sweet and Mephisto an apple. As soon as the door closed, he dropped his smile and the apple.
"I think that was the last one," Iris mused as Mephisto struggled under seven or so baskets of candy.
"Good," he muttered, "I don't think I can hold anymore."
Iris gasped as she almost dropped one of hers. "Nope me neither. And you wanted to just put it all in your mouth."
"You say that like I still don't."
"Nu-uh, half for me, remember?" Iris pouted and Mephisto laughed good-naturedly, not a trace of malice in his voice.
He bumped shoulders with her. "I remember, Princess. Now let's get out of here." Without a second's pause, Mephisto teleported the pair around the back of Aunt Ellen's house on the pier, setting the candy down on the floor.
As he began counting and sorting, separating the candy into two equal piles, Iris bit her lip.
"Do you also remember how I suggested that you watch Miraculous Ladybug when you had some down time?"
"I do," Mephisto said without looking up.
She looked back at the house, her head screaming at her for what she was about to say, but her heart cheering her on. "Would you like to watch it with me? Now? In the house?"
This time he did look up, confusion etched on his face. "Why are you asking?"
Iris shrugged and sat down crossed legged in front of the pile of candy. "Because Auriana wants to watch scary movies and they bore me. Because I won't be able to carry all this candy inside on my own. Because I know you'd love the show with all the villains." Because I'm not ready to go back to being enemies.
Just as Mephisto was about to reply, Praxina teleported next to him and he yelped, falling into the water.
The lack of Nathaniel concerned Iris. "You didn't kill him, did you?"
"Of course not," Praxina snapped. "He went home, and I came to fetch my brother." She dumped her baskets of candy on the floor. "And to settle our little contest." She surveyed the pile of candy, clearly bigger than her own. "Which I seem to have lost," she muttered, tongue clicking in annoyance.
"You can fly."
"You can teleport."
Neither girl was impressed, though Iris was smiling and leant over to give him a hand up.
Mephisto smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. "You shouldn't have done that, Princess." He reached up for her hand, but instead of letting her pull him up, he pulled her into the water after him.
Iris shrieked and lost her balance, grabbing onto the only thing she could - Praxina's leg.
The two girls tumbled off the pier and crashed into the water, coughing and spluttering to the surface. Praxina teleported back onto dry land immediately, face twisted and distorted into a look of pure outrage. Mephisto caught Iris underwater and teleported next to Praxina, keeping a firm hold of the Princess.
"I should hand you over to Gramorr right now for that!" Praxina spluttered, trying to ring her hair out.
"But you won't," Iris assured her, trying not to think about Mephisto's arm under her knees or the hand on her back sending shivers up her spine. "You wouldn't be able to teleport both me and the candy to Ephedia."
The was a pause as both twins weighed up the piles of candy. "She has a point."
"Shut up, Mephisto."
There was a longer, more drawn out pause which Iris eventually broke by wiggling out of Mephisto's arms, her mask close to revealing her blush. "Look," she said with folded arms, facing the two twins, "you two can either stay out here in the cold, wet through, with some candy. Or, you can help me carry this lot inside and we can share it all and watch cartoons. And then you can sleep in a nice warm bed under a roof instead of the cave Mephisto told me you live in."
That did indeed sound like a very tempting offer. Especially since they'd have the chance to snoop if they got into the house.
"Only I'll need to get Talia to make sure there's some sort of magical contract sorted out so you can't attack us while we're asleep," Iris mused. "I'm certain I read something about a binding spell."
Klatznik. So much for snooping.
Mephisto and Praxina exchanged a look. "We'll talk about it and protect the candy while you go get Talia, just in case," Mephisto finally said.
Iris nodded and ran off, the protective barrier shimmering as she passed through it.
The twins sighed.
"You want to watch the stupid human show and eat the stupid human candy and go to sleep in the stupid human bed, don't you?" Praxina muttered, eyes fixed on the house.
Mephisto nodded, looking in the same direction. "And so do you."
"Gramorr will demand to know where we've been."
"He'll demand that anyway," Mephisto said through gritted teeth. "We can always lie. Intel, remember."
Praxina pursed her lips. "Wouldn't entirely be a lie. I have intel on the smoothie human."
Mephisto snorted. "Oh yeah, like his favourite colour? I'm sure Gramorr will appreciate that little tidbit of information, it'll certainly come in handy when he's trying to defeat the princesses and take over Ephedia."
"We can use him against Iris, idiot," Praxina shot. "Also his favourite colour is aqua," she continued, much quieter.
"So are we doing this or not?" Mephisto asked as he noticed the girls leave the house.
Another glance at the candy, an overview of the house and the princesses, a look out of the corner of her eyes at her brother who was shivering, a puddle of water at his feet.
Perhaps it was Nathaniel's influence, perhaps is was her own sisterly instincts kicking in, but either way, words that had followed her every since that fated day returned with a vengeance. The words wove their way through the strings of black magic and nestled against her heart, sending them up up up until she could hear her Papi almost as clear as day in her head: You two have to take care of each other now, you're all the other has left.
"Let's do this, brother."
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margoteve · 7 years
Summary:  Iris finds out something worrying about Missy, the dance approaches and what's going to happen to Mephisto once the night ends?
Rating: very strong T
A/N: Last part of the story for Iristo weekend that happened like 2 weeks ago. Happy to have it done XD Tho there’s a thought of bonus chapter explaining how the twins ended up being demons but posting it depends on if people want to read that so - please comment! :)
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istanbularttr · 5 years
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Second biggest island in Adalar
Heybeliada that had housed the important personalities of Turkish literatur such as Ahmet Rasim, Esat Mahmut Karakurt, and Huseyin Rahmi Gurpmar, is the second biggest island in Adalar. The green coverts, shore and beaches, pretty architecture are the leading qualities that make the island popular. Heybeliada, the oldest known name is Domonissos (Demon Isles), has a very old and colourful story dating back to 2,500 BC.
Due to its flora and atmosphere resembling Mediterranean climate, Heybeliada is a place that must be visited during winter, not only summer; but certainly during spring and fall, like the rest of the islands. The splendid monasteries of Heybeliada are famous. One of them is AyaTriada, first turned into Greek ‘ Orthodox School of Theology, then into the Greek Highschool for Boys, with a director but without any students. Aya Nikola Church (St. Nicholas) and Terk-i Dunya Monastery (meaning, leaving the world) with its sad name are the others.
The current name comes from its “profile” when looked from the sea (Heybeliada means -the island with a- saddlebag). Its full moon is as beautiful as being the theme of songs and poems.
The last ferry from Heybeliada to Sirkeci is at 8.40 PM during the working days and 9.25 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to Bostanci is at 11.40 PM everyday.
The castle of Sait Faik
The smallest, thus the prettiest of the islands. The name during the Byzantine period was Antigone, coming from a castle built by one of the generals of Alexander the Great. Its current name is similar, Burgaz means castle. Burgazada is calmer than the other islands. The island that has a width and length of 2km, used to be Greek village, before Turks began settling down here after the second half of the 18th century.
The only hill of the island, Bayrak Tepesi (170m) or 1 Iristos with its old name, has a beautiful view for those who does not get tired and climb. Burgaz has gained its fame with Sait Faik. There is a statue of Sait Faik at the port. The house where the story writer used to live, can be visited at Burgaz Cayiri Sokak, no: 15, between 9 AM 12 PM and 2 PM – 5 PM during the working days. It can be visited until 1 PM on Saturdays and is closed on Sundays.
If you visit Burgazada, you must definitely go to Kalpazankaya countryside restaurant. You will see a dazzling sun set especially in September and October. l ire last ferry from Burgazada to Sirkeci is at 8.55 PM during the irorking days and 9.55 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to llostana is at 11.55 PM everyday.
The melancholia of voluntary exiles
The first stop of a journey towards Adalar is Kinaliada. That is why its name during Byzantine period is Proti, in other words first the current name, Kinali (henna-coloured) comes from the colour of its soil with plenty of ferric oxide. It is so small that, phaetons are not used in the island, because you can walk from one side to the other in half an hour.
Kinaliada is suitable only for excursions, because there is no hotel in the island. Ayazma restaurant or Ayazma Beach is the only place you can swim in the sea or pool. Kirkor Lusaroviq Armenian Church, Panagia and Khristos monasteries must certainly be seen with their magnificent architectures.
Source: https://istanbul.privatetours.info/marriage-under-comet/
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