peabnaut-blog · 7 years
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i'm so new to this site yet i'm overwhelmed by all the sweet messages from all of you. what i'm going through is nothing i haven't dealt with before and i'm already taking the steps to get past it. my job was even nice enough to give me a week off and i plan to use it wisely :'y i'm just mostly sad that with my depression comes inevitable art blocks and i'm struggling pretty bad rn. so here's a rare drawing of my face which you'll hopefully never have to see again rip
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glassydragon · 7 years
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ZADR WEEK!!!! #1 Bees! Veré si puedo mantener el ritmo uwu ______________ Let’s see if I can do this uwu
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ladyofdecember · 7 years
ZADR Week - May 19th - Making up
I can't find the words to say, But they're overdue, I've traveled half the world to say, I belong to you
I Belong To You - Muse
They were hanging out, spending the sunday at Dib's house for once, or rather, his former house. Gaz was away for the week at a gaming convention leaving the house vacant. And so, Dib had convinced Zim to spend at least the day over there rather than at the base like usual. Their father, having grown very busy with his experiments over the last year, would not be returning back home until September, about four months away. It wasn't odd to Dib anymore that their father seemed to take no interest in them, leaving them to fend for themselves. After all, they were both nearly grown, him being nineteen and Gaz already seventeen. What did it matter?
The most amazing thing about it all had been Dib's ability to actually convince Zim to come over. After their fight-not-fight that they'd had, the human had been sure the alien wouldn't be talking to him for quite some time. He had given him space, as much as possible, for about a day or so until he couldn't take being apart from him any longer. He'd always had that problem with Zim, never being able to stay away for very long. He knew what it meant, it meant love. Dib Membrane loved a tiny, green alien named Zim. Attachment was dangerous and obsession even more and he'd spent who knew how many years trying to pretend like this wasn't exactly what was going on between them. It had been a long time now since he'd first met the alien in 4th grade. It was time to stop pretending and start getting on with it all.
So when Dib had pounded on the alien's door, their door, early that morning and begged him to come back to his father's house with him, he'd been surprised that the alien concurred with argument. It seemed, the alien had missed him just as much, though again it had only been two days.
He and Zim were now watching TV, some paranormal ghost show on the sci-fi channel and Dib was poking fun at their dumb scare tactics, as per usual. Zim seemed distracted however and the human knew it was due to the impending storms heading their way.
He'd made sure to check the weather once they headed over, knowing the irken was very neurotic about things like that. He didn't blame him, not being from earth, the loud noises of the thunder and flashes of lightning probably seemed baffling and scary like they did to a small human child. In addition, there was the nasty side effect of the raindrops burning his delicate skin. That would make anyone fearful and want to stay away.
“Zim... you okay?” He asked gently, picking up his laptop from the coffee table. The alien seemed to be back to normal, no longer angry or upset with him but he still wasn't convinced.
The alien puffed out his chest in faux machismo. “Of course! Why wouldn't Zim be okay? Zim is... simply bored by your television decisions.” Okay, so he was scared of the storms.
Dib nodded, deciding not to push it. “Uh-huh. Well, I'm gonna order a pizza for us, want anything in particular?” He began pulling up the pizza website on his computer, trying to hide his smirk.
The alien twitched, his eyes scrutinizing the man. “Zim can't eat that filth! Have you the brain worms?”
“I thought anything baked was okay? Doesn't the water just evaporate enough for you to be able to ingest it?”
Zim shrugged, not caring either way and really just wanting to argue. He snatched the remote before Dib could say anything and began switching channels rapidly.
The man sighed in irritation. “Could you just pick something already? Geez.”
“Shut up, Din-Din! Zim is in control now. Zim will choose what we watch.”
“Alright, well I ordered us both a medium each.” He said putting the computer away and snatching the remote back.
A struggle ensued, ending with Dib on top of the alien and pushing him down into the sofa cushions, smirking triumphantly. “So... it seems I've won.”
The irken blushed, or what was the equivalent of a blush anyway. He'd learned to read the alien's facial features well by this point. Irkens were very expressive in their movements, if you knew what to look for.
“Perhaps... or perhaps I let you win.” Zim challenged, staring up at his friend and matching the smirk.
Dib's breath caught in his throat as he became lost in the alien's eyes, his red orbs showing for once, his contacts sitting nearby along with his wig on the table. They were alone after all, no need for extra security here. He leaned in to press his lips to the alien's own when suddenly, a lightning bolt sounded, striking nearby and cutting the power for the entire house.
Zim screeched in terror as the television cut out, leaving them in darkness. Dib sat up to peer out of the curtain covering the living room window. Sure enough, it had begun raining and almost all of their block seemed to be out. At least, he imagined so, it was hard to tell during the day if people's lights were out.
“We're... we're sitting ducks! We're DOOMED!” The irken began ranting from his place on the couch as he sat hugging his knees.
The human glanced back at him, smirking at how cute he was being. “It's fine, Zim. Just the power. I'm sure it'll be back on soon.”
He sat back down next to him and reached for his phone for some light. It wasn't completely black as the sun was still up, though it was obscured from the dark clouds. “It's okay. And hey... food'll be here soon.”
He tried smiling at the irken who just began vibrating in fear like some sort of cat. Placing a gentle arm around the smaller one, he brought him closer up against his body to comfort him. It must have worked as the irken stopped his shaking and just sort of melted against him.
Dib felt his heart feel like it grew double in size. He felt... right, just sitting here cuddling with the alien. He slowly stroked Zim's arm in comfort up and down, up and down, pleased at the way the alien was quiet for once and seemed to be contently leaning up against him.
“Din-Din?” He asked quietly, not looking up at the man as they sat waiting in the quiet darkness.
“Yeah, Zim?”
“Zim thinks it is a good thing that his leaders tricked him. Otherwise... Zim would never have met the Dib-thing.”
He pulled a face at the familiar insult but shrugged it off as one of the less biting nicknames he'd been given over the years. After all, the alien was trying to use it in an affectionate manner. He smiled, pushing his face into the top of his head, chuckling at the way his antennae brushed against his cheek. “Me too.”
Zim glanced up at him then, his eyes narrowing at his expression as if trying to determine if he were messing with him or being serious. When it became clear he was very, very serious, the irken nodded, definitively and leaned back against him.
Dib however, placed a finger under Zim's chin to guide him to look back up at him. When he did, he leaned down and kissed him soundly on the lips, or the area of where lips would be on a person.
Zim smiled into the kiss, no longer concerned about the dark or the thunder or the lack of good TV.
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mitarashiarts · 7 years
I LOVE. YOUR ART. SO MUCH!!!! - irkenenthusiast (dis my main blog) BUT MAN. ACK.... Ok I'mma get some work done now and then I'll draw your human AU Zim because just...fuck me up~ I dunno. *rolls away spilling coffee everywhere*
YELLS/// AW DUDE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH ;AAAAA; //w//> ;;;; so i can follow the art side better ehehe) I’M VERY HONORED OTL THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ;///; 
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mun-i · 7 years
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Hey, remember this? http://mun-i.tumblr.com/post/159219909004/irkenenthusiast-here-is-a-wip-still-my-first it's still a wip but I haven't posted anything related on a while so here it is. Hope I finish it soon :3 @irkenenthusiast
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‘tis me! Irkenenthusiast!
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WE ALL AGREE WITH THIS FACE. THIS IS A FACE THAT WE ALL AGREE WITH. So many good selfies in our inbox! You guys are GIFTED! - Mod-Panda
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viperdae · 7 years
The seventh and final chapter of ‘Summer Mishaps’ has been posted. I can’t believe I made it through a whole week of updates!
Thank you so much @irkenenthusiast for organizing this week. I really enjoyed participating and being a part of it, and I absolutely loved seeing the beautiful art and reading the awesome stories people have created. I think this week was a great success and I hope there are more things like it in the future.
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beckiserenity · 7 years
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Definitely that last one.. Oh wait, no, no I meant the first one XD @irkenenthusiast
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snappedsky · 7 years
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@irkenenthusiast I saw your older!Pepito drawing the other day and I wanted to show you my version!
He's about sixteen. But yours looks like a sexy bad boy whereas mine is more like a loveable dork.
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ladyofdecember · 7 years
ZADR Week - May 18th - Sudden Tension
The sound of the rustle of the leaves through the trees was soothing, almost soothing enough to make Dib forget just how hot it was today. He was currently on his way to the convenience store down the block. Zim had insisted he go, and go alone, to retrieve various snacks and sodas for him to feast on. He had agreed almost without complaint, almost.
"Why can't you go?"
Zim side eyed him venomously as he stood on one of the very bottom levels of his base, currently working off his massive computer screen. "Zim is busy." Was his only explanation as he waved the man off with his claw.
Rolling his eyes, Dib trudged towards the elevator and rode it to the main floor of the house. He took a deep breath in and out and tried to remind himself that even jerk Zim was better than depressed Zim.
The alien was finally coming back around to his normal, aggravating self. No longer was he holed up on the couch watching hours of mindless TV nor hiding in some unknown holding space on some level of the base.
Dib reminded himself of this the whole way to the store and back. It was too hot today. Too hot to go out, too hot to do anything. As sweat began dripping down from the base of his neck and on down his very spine, he grit his teeth and hurried his pace.
Upon arriving home once more, Dib set the black, plastic bags on the kitchen table and called down to Zim. The base was constantly being monitored with video and audio and so he knew the alien could hear him.
Cracking open one of the cold, sugary sodas, he settled down on the couch to watch some TV in the cool, cool air conditioning.
Zim entered the kitchen from the elevator and collected his snacks. "They didn't have that goop?" He asked in irritation.
Dib sighed but kept his eyes fixed on whatever infomercial was on the TV. "What goop? You need to use your words, Zim."
"The goop! The green goop! You know very well what Zim means!"
Still feeling entirely too hot thanks to the near 100 degree temperature outside, Dib lost it, tossing the remote down on to the couch. "No I don't, Zim! I never know what the hell you mean!"
The irken had not the patience nor the want to deal with the human right now. All he wanted was the special dip and crackers combo he loved so much so that he could climb back in that elevator and sink down to his base levels to be alone. The human had to make everything annoying. "Listen to me you... you... DIRT BALL!! ZIM WILL NOT REPEAT HIMSELF!"
The teen scoffed. "Who are you talking to like that? Your human slave?! The guy who just went all the way to the store for you even though it's hot as shit outside?!"
"Yes, Zim commands you, you do Zim's bidding. That's how it works!" He shrieked at him, his voice doing that high pitched thing it often did.
Dib chuckled darkly. "Wow, you are some kind of delusional, Zim! You're not in command here you know, in fact you're not even a-"
He stopped his sentence short, just short of saying what had been itching at the back of his mind all afternoon to say.
"I am so sorry!" Dib gasped, his eyes widening in realization, unable to believe that he'd even contemplating saying such a thing. He looked at Zim, at the way his fragile little antennae began to droop, his eyes wavered slightly, no longer the bright, clear orbs they normally were. He watched as the irken turned away from him and began heading towards the elevator.
"Zim!" He called after him but was ultimately ignored, as the alien descended towards the depths below.
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mun-i · 7 years
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@irkenenthusiast here is a wip!! (Still my first time using maya tho, don't be rudes xDD) I THINK I'LL MAKE A BIG PANNEL SAYING INVADER ZIM MOVIE OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT GIVE ME IDEAS
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ladyofdecember · 7 years
ZADR Week - May 17th - Stargazing
They were lying on top of the Membrane roof stargazing and enjoying the summer night air. Dib's roof was best for that seeing as it had a large, flat surface as opposed to the base's arching one. There was a comfortable silence between them as each laid on their back just staring skyward.
Dib thought about the night he'd spent up here intercepting transmissions from Irk. That had been a terrifying time. His mind had run rampant with crazed thoughts of just what insane aliens could be heading towards his planet, intent on decimation. When Zim had arrived, Dib had thought it was surely the end of the world. But of course, time had proved that he had probably overreacted in his constant attempts to stop the alien. That was all in the past now anyway.
The human glanced over at his friend who was uncharacteristically quiet. A silent Zim was never a good thing.
He nudged him with his shoulder, getting the irken to glance his way. “You alright?”
“Hm? Yes, Zim is just thinking.”
“Aha. Well, don't think too hard or your head might fall off.”
“What?!” The irken began to panic.
Dib laughed. “It's just an expression.”
Zim narrowed his eyes at the man before glancing back up at the stars.
“God, it’s so incredibly easy to tease you and you make the cutest faces when I do.” The man continued laughing but then tensed up when he realized what he'd inadvertently said out loud.
Zim hadn't seemed to notice though as he was still staring straight ahead, very focused on the twinkling of light. Dib watched him unabashedly, taking the opportunity to drink in the alien's calm features. It was a rare sight, a calm Zim, one who wasn't angry and ranting or just screaming energetically and running about. It was a zen Zim.
“You know... I think we've known each other now like... eight years or somethin'.” Dib said, still staring at his friend.
This got the little alien's attention and he rolled on to his side to face the human. “Yes... Zim has been here a long time.” He muttered sadly, eyes focusing downward.
“I'm glad.”
Zim's antennae twitched from under his wig in what Dib had come to know as an expression of surprise or confusion.
He continued. “I don't think I could imagine my life now without you. I mean... all these years... “ He trailed off.
Zim smiled, feeling a bit better at the idea that he had spent so much time on earth for, what he now understood, was for no good reason. Though, he supposed, making a hearty enemy/friend, one worthy of facing in battle was reason enough.
The alien rolled back on to his back and looked at the stars once more. “Zim thinks it has been time spent well. Din-Din is a worthy foe.”
Dib rolled his eyes and smirked as he too let his eyes trace over the black sky and twinkling lights above.  
“If Zim discovered a planet, Zim would name it after you.”
“Din-Din is worthy of an entire planet. Din-Din should be given a civilization to rule over. Din-Din has proven worthy.”
Dib sat up in shock, unsure if the alien was kidding or not. Surely, he was pulling his leg. In confusion, and in pure Zim fashion, the alien copied his movements as per usual, sitting up as well.
Dib scoffed. “You're... kidding, right? I can't rule a planet!”
“Din-Din should have more confidence in himself.” Zim shrugged. Then as an afterthought, “Perhaps, not a planet occupied with beings. But, Zim could get you one of those dusty, abandoned balls of gas and fire. Yes, that'll do.”
He smiled at the human, patting him on the head like one would pet their dog, before turning back to the stars.
Dib didn't know whether to be worried or grateful so he just chose grateful and shrugged off any further alarm. At least the alien wasn't depressed anymore.
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ladyofdecember · 7 years
ZADR Week - May 16th - Summer Date
A/N: A small bit of this drabble was partially inspired by a prompt from @witterprompts​ so please go check out their awesome Tumblr! Obviously, the main plot is for ZADR week so go check out @irkenenthusiast!
A loud banging sounded against Dib's window and he almost, almost believed it was just the wind. But maybe that was just his tired brain trying to come up with excuses to not get out of bed.
At the second pounding of the glass, the man rolled over onto his side with a mighty flop. Kicking the covers off, Dib moved to make his way towards the window.
Ripping the blinds upward, the teen was not surprised at all to find a little green alien peering in at him, perched precariously on the edge. "Din-Din! Let Zim in!"
The man groaned, rubbing at his face and trying to rid himself of the last bits of sleep. He opened the window so that the Irken could crawl inside his bedroom.
"Stop calling me that!" Dib grumbled, staring at his lifelong friend who was sat on the edge of his mattress. "What do you want?"
"You have been resting for too long, Din-Din! The hour is late and Zim wishes to go out."
"Okay so what? Why does that have to involve me?"
"Zim has decided to focus on this, blending in, as you have advised. I require your assistance with this."
Dib smirked at the irken. "Yeah, okay. But I'm pretty sure this is just so you can spend time with me." He began to tease in a sing-songy fashion.
Zim chuckled. "Oh please. Zim simply requires your knowledge of a human outing. What do school children do during the summer time anyway?"
"Well first of all, we are no longer in school. Second, we're not children anymore! Well, actually I dunno. You're not... are you?"
Zim glared at the man. "I am older than you'll ever know. My age is not your concern! I was ruling planets when you were a tiny smeet!"
Dib rolled his eyes. "You never ruled any planets, Zim. You're exaggerating again."
"Shut UP! He shrieked, shaking his fists in anger before recovering into a calmer state. "Din-Din, you will accompany me today in order to investigate what normal humans do when outdoors." He stood to head towards the hallway assuming Dib would follow.
"Ugh! Why must you call me that?! I told you it doesn't mean what you think it does!"
Zim waved a hand behind him as if to shrug his displeasure off. "Come on, Din-Din, we are wasting time!"
Dib barked in laughter. "Just what makes you think I don't have plans? I can't just up and follow you at your every beck and call, ya know!"
The shorter of the two turned and deadpanned at him. "You? Have plans?"
Dib fumed.
"Din-Din... you never have plans, except to come see Zim. Your plans are usually to follow Zim around as he goes about his day as though you were some kind of sad Vortian or something. Zim is using this honesty... thing. Is it working Din-Din?"
The teen took a deep breath and sighed, feeling very exasperated. "Yes. Sure. You can be honest without being a jerk though, ya know?!"
Zim approached the human, looking him over with scrutinizing eyes. He raised a claw to pat him on the head gently as though one was petting a dog or a cat. “There, there, Din-Din. Will you please show Zim these so-called “summer activities” that all humanoids like to engage in? Zim promises to be nice!”
Smiling despite himself, Dib rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Sure. Though... what you're suggesting seems more like a date to me. You wouldn't be subtly trying to get me to go on a date with you right?”
The irken narrowed his eyes, looking up at the man. “Zim is unfamiliar with this term but remembers the ignorant school children mentioning it to you before.”
Dib smirked and walked past the alien towards the hall, calling over his shoulder. “Forget it. Let's go. I know of a park we can go hang out at for a bit.”
Zim hurried to catch up with the man. “There better not be any death bees there.”
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ladyofdecember · 7 years
ZADR Week - May 15th - BEEEES
A/N: Just to bring everyone up to speed with this universe. Dib and Zim have begun living together in Zim's base now that Dib has turned nineteen though he sometimes still spent a night or two at the Membrane home. It had been over a year now that both had graduated from the high skool and neither seemed particularly interested in attending college. With Dib's father gone often and Gaz more interested in being alone most of the time anyway, it had seemed like the perfect idea. The human and the alien had grown insanely close and yet were still pretty strictly far apart.
din-din ˈdindin/
a child's word for dinner.
Also from urban dictionary:
din din:
another word for dinner, used by the very cool kids
Example: Sup, whens Din Din, Yo?
It started with what the human stinks call “April Showers” dissipating, leaving behind nothing but sunny skies and an overabundance of plant life in it's wake. That was what brought Zim out of the safe and secure haven of his base on the quiet May morning.
GIR had been playing some game around the yard and had inadvertently knocked over some of the gnomes outside. Venturing out to set things right, Zim had become overwhelmed by the stink of a large, purplish plant at the edge of the yard. Investigating it closer, he discovered that it was in fact, a flower of some kind, one of the various earth blooms that were common during this time of lunar drift.
He hadn't given much thought to these flowers or plants during his stay on the planet. After all, why should he? He was an invader, not some... plant lover... being. But upon receiving the recent news from his Tallest, it seemed there wasn't much point in conducting his normal studies or daily activities anymore. None the less, Zim was convinced that he did still have an importance here on this dirt ball, a mission, if not official then unofficial and still important in his eyes. So he wouldn't stop, not even if they wanted him to.
Sniffing the bell shaped flower bloom gently, he was surprised that he wasn't immediately repelled by the stench. It was light, a little dizzying but not repugnant.
“Am I interrupting?”
Zim startled, spinning round to see Dib standing just slightly outside the fence at the beginning of the yard. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion at the tiny white, paper bag in his hand. “What is that?”
Dib cocked an eyebrow, the small smile on his face never leaving. “Donuts.”
After a moment of just staring at one another, the man sighed impatiently and motioned towards the house. “Are the gnomes off? Am I safe to come in?”
The irken waved at him dismissively and faced the plant once more. “Yes, yes. They are in need of repair so they've been disconnected. You are safe to enter, Dib-worm.”
The human walked up to Zim, trying to figure out just what was so interesting about the flower. “Did you plant this?”
“No. I believe it was GIR. What IS it?”
“I dunno. I'm not much into flowers to be honest.” Dib said shrugging, then letting his eyes roam over Zim's studious face. “Are you... okay this morning?” To say he was worried about the irken was an understatement. He was downright concerned with making sure the alien was happy, content or at least not borderline homicidal. That wasn't good for anyone.
A pause and then, Zim spun to glare at the human, irritated. “I am fine, Dib-human!”
He wasn't so convinced but decided to let the issue drop for now. He'd bring Zim back to normal eventually. He had a plan after all. Holding up the bag in his hand with a hopeful smile on his face, he beckoned towards the base. “Hungry? You'll like these, Zim. They're covered in sugar!”
Relaxing a little, Zim turned back towards the human and eyed the bag in his hand once more. Well... he supposed he could take a break. But then, it was right back to his constant vigilance and walking the perimeter of their secret lair.
Grinning at the promise of sugar, Zim reached out happily with both claws to snatch the bag when suddenly a loud buzzing began from somewhere behind him. Zim turned with a curious expression, noticing a large bumblebee circling him. He began shrieking like mad and ran to cower behind Dib.
The man laughed. “It's just a bee, Zim!”
“Nonsense! It is... a disgusting thing!”
“In what way are bees disgusting?” Dib asked amusedly.
“Shut UP, Din-Din!” He responded, switching to his affectionate nickname for his friend.
Dib sighed as Zim continued clawing at his back and waist, peering around the side of him towards the flowery bush in an effort to “spy” on the bee. “I told you not to call me that.”
“And Zim told you to shut up!”
The two watched the bee visit each flower on the tiny bush before buzzing upward and over towards them. Dib stood perfectly still, used to bees and the like buzzing around him. They always seemed to follow him. It must be his shampoo. Zim however began to freak out all the more.
“Oh god! We're going to die!” He shrieked as he squeezed Dib's sides, nearly suffocating him.
“Zim! My... organs!”
Finally, the bee grew bored of the the display and flew off, high up into the blue sky and clouds.
Dib squirmed out of the alien's grip and retrieved the bag of donuts in the grass. “See what you did? Now, can we please go inside? I'm starving!”
Calming himself and adjusting his uniform slightly, Zim nodded quietly. “Let us enjoy these... er... do-nots!”
The two headed towards the house, Dib chuckling and shaking his head. “Donuts, Zim.” He corrected.
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beckiserenity · 7 years
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You made the fires -worse-... @irkenenthusiast
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