#irl stoof
rozugold · 14 days
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Two babies :D
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
Yo with me getting back into RPing I’d figured I’d make a post of my boundaries!
1. No NSFW I don’t even want anything implied
2. No feet tickles, I will RP giving them but will not RP receiving them
3. Platonic kisses,cuddles, hugs ETC... are fine just nothing romantic
4. I haven’t been properly tickled like ever so I don’t know my tickle spots that well but I know my neck isn’t ticklish or my knees so no neck or knee tickles, (like specifically no knee squeezes because IRL those actually cause me pain so I just don’t feel comfy even RPing them but gentle scratches are fine tho!) again I will happily give both just not receive, I don’t know about my thighs but I will RP giving and receiving thigh tickles
5. I don’t get ler moods often so please don’t be upset if I don’t respond or it takes me a while to respond to RP’s where I am ler
6. I will RP giving and receiving raspberries and nibbles but will not RP giving or receiving lickles
7. You can use creators I like in teases against me “I.E. imagine if it was sapnap and punz poking you” “imagine if Wilbur and jack were here to see this!” and also teases about me liking them are fine as well “awe does someone have a crush on sapnap?” Those are all fine just keep the me liking them ones a little more on the down low because I wouldn’t want them to somehow see and get uncomfy
8. I’d prefer to know your boundaries before we RP but it’s fine if you don’t have any or aren’t sure what they are and I will RP either way just I’d prefer to know if you do have any so I can try and keep them in mind
9. I’m fine with feathers, and toothbrushes being used but would prefer to stay away from hair brushes as they worry me because I imagine them as just painful
And yea I think that’s it but if I think of anymore I’ll update this later
OC stoof https://kasey-writes-stuff.tumblr.com/post/651647071881920512/gonna-hop-on-the-persona-oc-train-since-im
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sukirichi · 3 years
hiii, it's 💎anon!! don't know if you remember me, it's been A WHILE. i had to study for my final exams and sign up at different universities etc., but now i finally had the time to catch up and OML.
first of all, all the new little naoya one-shots, ESPECIALLY the fluffy dilf ones,, i'm ascending to heaven. I LOVE THEM SM. of course naoyas son would be as bratty as his him, but seeing naoya really respect and appreciate his wife, PLEASEEBKS and then your reckless series; loved it!! it's unfortunate that people just did not respect you and your work and just be grateful that you deliver this content for FREE, giving away time of your own-free time while probably being busy with irl things. but thank you for giving us the plot outline for the rest of the series!! though you didn't even have to!! (maybe i'm even relieved lmao i don't know if i could have handled all the coming angst omg i'm once again amazed by your master big juicy brain energy HAHAHA,, and you come up with so many great fic ideas so fast?? i really wanna write too but i can't seem to be focused for too long idkk you're simply amazing!)
AND THEN; tokyo revengers.
i just recently started reading the manga as well (currently ch.42) and seeing that you read it as well made me so happy. ALSO GIRL HANMA SHUJI YES. i hate him but i love him. the moment i heard his voice i knew i'd be down bad, and he's so powerful too?? god please stay by my side and lend me strength during these difficult times. yk i'm for feminism all the way, men ain't shit! but for hanma i would do all the house chores, i would cook for my king, clean for my king.
imagine a feared and powerful hanma, but for you he's a fluffy mess, spoiling you rotten, trying to protect you from the bad influences around him. you're his sweet little angel he would give the world for. maybe he would also corrupt you unintentionally and when you pull a 180 he would be so surprised but so turned on, because it was his doing, HIM who turned the halo above your head to little horns, oh god imagineee. i also just KNOW hanma would be the type to pull you into the corner of a party, light a blunt and share shotgun kisses with you (or in general, i KNOW this man loves them. like, you never tried marijuana or any type of drugs, but you want to after seeing hanma smoke some before with his friends and so he would sit you on his lap and then do shot gun kisses with you, slow and passionate AHAHAJKSH. also prayers to those who try to lay a hand on you (and me who's babbling all this shit about hanma 🤢🤢 i just know this aks reeks of pick me girl energy lmfao.) but also imagine it the other way around. you are already in this line of work, a badass bitch and you have hanma being all submissive to you. THE hanma shuji, leader of valhalla, notorious delinquent, hanma shuji being wrapped around your little finger. he's so down bad for you.
PLEASE, i just looove them all. and OMG YOUR DRAKEN FICS. i just simply liked him before BUT AFTER THOSE TWO STORIES. i'm about to become a whole draken simp lmao.
dream was so well-written. you described draken as a soft and calm lover so well. i already love those 'jealousy' and angsty type of stories, and you writing one as well?? AHHHSJS i can only say it again and again, i'm absolutely in love with your writings. you have so much talent and it's so much fun reading them. the way you express things and word them is just indescribable.
i hope you have a great day/ night and thank you once again for writing all these masterpieces,, you are amazing!! 💗💗 - 💎 anon
diamond anon yes i remember you, you’re like one of my earliest anons and if i’m not mistaken you sent me an ask before about fall from grace and thats how it came to be ??? and aah i hope you can rest well and enjoy your break now, you deserve it !! AND THE LITTLE NAOYA DRABBLES IM ABDKEKWKW i just think that daddy naoya and baby naori is the cutest ever like,,,i wanna live in my own tfc drabbles, thats my home right there. and as for reckless, i suppose it was pretty dramatic and wild in terms of plot 😫 aaah actually i struggle from having too many ideas bcos im like UGH WHAT DO I WRITE NEXT THERES SM I WANNA WRITE but not enough time like spspsps.
babe PLSS HANMA SHUJI SIR HMU IM AVAILABLE AND IM FREE JUST FOR YOU 🤤 hes so fine and so evil and so wack that he just ??? stole my heart ??? AND HIS TIMESKIP I CANNOT QJEKWKWO. yesss omg hes so powerful like he stopped mikey’s kick and stoof his ground that the whole time i was like YEA LETS GET ITTT like dont get me wrong, toman all the way but hello ??? If the antag looks that fine, you bet im cheering as well !! and hngrrr all this hanma brainrot, i actually have an arranged marriaged hanma fic with a really innocent reader just bcos the corruption kink is real. i mean look at him. he has bad intentions and i’d let him tbh, but the idea that hes so soft and sweet to his lover ??? yeah yeah that gets me sm like i LIVE for it. And aaah im so sorry bb but i am not actually into stories that include like drugs asjalalao but YESSS omg having hanma shuji turn to putty at your feet HMMM just seeing his annoying little smirk turn to a submissive smile... yeah thats a good image 😌
And aaaah thank you sm im so happy you liked my draken fics and how i wrote him 🥺 im a huge draken fan too so cmon lets simp together ABSKWKAKA like draken is perfect mmkayyy if ran haitani didnt exist then yea i’d be into draken. also ur kind words i am just ,,, extremely soft rn i dont even have words but thank you so much 😭😭💕 i hope you have an even better day or night as well and much love sent your way !!
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emofloofchild · 4 years
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So uh, found out my drawing app can invert colors, so I went and tried it on random artworks.
My thoughts?
Strix Beestinger from Dice, Camera, Action! as Kyoka Jiro is a yes.
The inverted mirror girl (her name's Haley, she's from a story I wrote years ago) is a demon and I hate how accurate that statement is.
Sapphire looks like that off color gem who predicts stuff after they happen. (I can't spell her name, sorry).
Again, Haley (same girl from 2) looks like a demon. But now it's doubly inverted! As they already were opposites visually.
The bright orange pants with all the blues is so funny to me, I don't know how else to say it. Sorry, Baku, the inverting did a dumb on you.
A picture of irl me, (my pfp, actually) but the fact that it just flipped the stripes with each other is True Beauty.
All in all, 10/10. I may post more goofs like these in the future? I dunno. Gotta draw stoof to do that.
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RnC fandom because why not. XD
Since I had like two anons and Nikki ask me “Ratchet and Clank 001″, I’ll keep my answers to this post to save some space sob. :) 
001 | Ratchet and Clank
Favorite character: Dr. Nefarious (of course)
Least Favorite character: Easily Stuart Zurgo, but a close second is Vendra Prog
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive: Nefarious
Character I would marry: Again, with absolutely no surprise, Nefarious
Character I would be best friends with: Captain Qwark. I would enter the wavelength he thinks at then we would most likely make every villain and hero within a 14-galaxy radius absolutely lose their minds at the amount of BS we could come up with. Not like, narcissistic stuff. More like, “How many strongholds can we infiltrate in five hours but in the craziest ways possible?” kinda way.
a random thought: Man, Ratchet really gets a lot of cool weapons, I really wish they existed irl.
An unpopular opinion: I would like to see Nefarious in one more game and have it conclude his redemption arc. :) 
My Canon OTP: Talchet
My Non-canon OTP: Qwarkarious
Most Badass Character: Lawrence
Most Epic Villain: Tie between Nef and Tachyon. I think Vox might make the top list too because after so many years he’s basically just the face of Insomniac now
Pairing I am not a fan of: I can’t list one off the top of my head, but usually there aren’t many pairings I’m uncomfortable with. If there is one I’d probably be like, “That’s not for me,” and move on.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Vendra. She killed two characters close to Ratchet, Clank, and Talwyn in like the first thirty minutes and then immediately after the game did the classic MLP-patented “I did what I did because I was bullied when I was younger and I had no friends.” With how she acted, it would have bee cool to get that, but have her still be ruthless and end the game either staying trapped in another dimension or dying. Cause... man, she got a redemption in like four hours tops when there’s one guy who’s gone through numerous failures, is ready to change, and has been waiting for years to get his redemption sitting on the sidelines. 
Favourite Friendship: Ratchet and Clank? 
Character I most identify with: Nefarious
Character I wish I could be: I don’t really have a character I wish I could be... I’m happy being myself when it comes to this bunch. :) 
Thank you so much for the asks cri! I hope that answered some stoof, and I’m so glad you guys sent in stuff. I promise I’ll get better at this. 
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shades-of-tedium · 6 years
unexpected hiatus || mun post
Had irl stuff happen right after the holidays, so was busy with not only having to do family stoofs, but also irl crap to deal with. Will be back to posting regularly on 2/1/18 or 2/2/18. Thanks for the tagged memes, will respond to those asap :3 
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Sorry for my absence!
Oof. Been a while guys. Kinda lost my muse for Aqua due to some IRL stoof. But I’m back, and feeling better than ever with my little pixie! So, interact for a starter!
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rozugold · 4 months
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This too is clingyduo
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rozugold · 3 months
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‘nother one
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rozugold · 5 months
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rozugold · 3 months
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rozugold · 3 months
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NOOOO it’s got a rolly polly :(
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rozugold · 3 months
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Look at this pretty slug I found last night
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rozugold · 3 months
He’s doin PUSHUPS
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rozugold · 5 months
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It’s tamale timeeee yaaaay
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rozugold · 5 months
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