irnqueen · 5 years
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Face to face with ... Herself, Pepper clears her throat, extending a hand to the peacock-masked doppelganger. “I think ... You are my next dance partner,” she says with a soft laugh. “Care to join me?”
@irnwoman​ // liked for a dance starter
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techdesigned-a · 5 years
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is this real?
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The princess immediately stopped, turning towards Pepper and quickly turning her lightsaber off. Bringing a fully-functional - and highly impractical - weapon to a party full of people definitely wasn’t her best move, but the need to show off kept her from thinking responsibly. 
Now, though? The only thing that she could envision was the woman telling her brother that she brought the weapons to the party against his judgement. She couldn’t remember any rules about weaponry, but then again, Shuri wasn’t much for reading rules to begin with. 
“That depends,” she started, voice cool and confident. “-if it happened to be real, what would your reaction be?” 
@irnwoman // nightmare on bleecker street meme ( accepting! ) 
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titaniumforged-blog · 5 years
If there was one thing that Tony had always wanted to experience . . . it was Disney. His dad had never taken him. What was a staple for many children growing up and been overlooked in his case. Once he had gotten into MIT, Disney had seemed a waste of time. He wanted girls and drinks by then. After graduation, he was hurtled right into running the family business. He’d had to grow up quickly. 
Yet, after seeing an advertisement for the famous amusement park, he’d felt the need strike him to his very marrow. It was time for Tony Stark, and the rest of the Avengers, to go to Disney. After all, they had just saved the world from his bungle with Ultron. They needed a vacation. 
Because Tony wanted to do Disney the right way, he had decided to Disney Bound, in which you dress in clothes similar to a character from Disney without blatantly dressing as the character. Today, he was doing Flynn Rider, and thus wore a simple shirt with a blue vest over it. He looked damn good, if he said so himself. Of course, no outfit was ever complete for him without a matching pair of sunglasses. 
“Come here, Pepper,” he said once they entered the park. It was, essentially, empty since he had bought the park out. It’d cost him a shit ton but . . . they deserved it. “You have such fine skin, you need to be protected.” A tube of sunscreen rested in his hand, and he squirted just a little bit onto his finger and began to rub it into her face. 
“So, baby, what’s the first thing you want to do? Have you been here before? Because I haven’t, and I am a little . . . well . . . overwhelmed. There’s a lot.”
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herosacrificed · 5 years
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     “ SO , SAY I TOLD you that i’m not wearing any underwear right now . . . what would you do ? ”
@irnwoman gets a starter !
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vanityspread-blog · 5 years
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     “ i didn’t ask to meet with you today to attack you or your family in any way . . . i just think that the public hearing about how you’re doing after everything would just help . a lot . ”     maybe by seeing someone like pepper and tony moving on in some way will help others do the same .
@irnwoman liked for a starter !
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everlightblessing · 5 years
“Will you ever come back?” (surprise me for the muse!)
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              When they need me, Carol wants to say. There’s a lot of planets out there, galaxies even, that need her help. And despite the losses, the Avengers have this one covered. She knows they do. Sure, she wants to say, next time the earth is in danger and they require an extra hand. Or sparkling fist. “You can call me,” Carol replies instead, glancing around at the serious faces in a funeral where she feels both incredibly out of place and responsible for all at once, “I told Nick not to bother me unless it’s an emergency last time I left, but… I can make some time for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
memes | always accepting.
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egoteric · 5 years
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It’s been a couple weeks since his unplanned space adventure and he’s gained back some of the weight he’d lost but he’s still a bit frail. At least he’s back to walking around. Pepper and Rhodey have been putting a cane in his hand every chance they can get but he’s not too keen on it. He’s old but he’s not THAT old. Sure, maybe he’s been injured and it’s just a bit of assistance to help the recovery process but he has his stupid pride.
He’s managed to sidestep everyone still left around the compound and made it down to his lab. Not that he can really do much work. He tinkers with a few small things just to keep him from being BORED out of his mind and he’s going through some blueprints for future suits when he comes across a Spider-Man design he forgot about. Tony freezes, staring at the holographic interface. There’s a picture of Peter’s face attached to the file and Tony’s gaze is drawn to it. He thinks about Peter every day. The guilt is still stifling.
“Boss? Your heart rate is spiking. You need to calm down.”  Tony is aware F.R.I.D.A.Y. is speaking but his heart is pounding in his ears and he can’t quite PROCESS the words. He’s glad he’s already sitting because otherwise he’s certain his legs would’ve buckled beneath him. It’s a far too familiar feeling but he’s already felt so helpless and weak since his return it only compounds it.
He feels her hand on his arm before he sees her, eyes panicked as they move to her. His hands are TREMBLING, one gripping onto his shirt over his chest which feels so impossibly tight.  ❝ It’s my fault he’s gone. ❞  He gasps.
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titaniumforged-blog · 5 years
The ache in his arm bit painfully up in the air. The pressure wasn’t doing him any favors. Yet, he wanted to get home as quickly as he could. He’d just spent far too many months trapped in a cave in a desert pit.  He was tired, in pain, thirsty, malnourished, and he was in need of a shower in his own home and to sleep for a week. Mostly, however, he needed to see his assistant.
And a cheeseburger. 
If there was one reason he had gotten through that hell, it was because of Pepper Potts. He’d gotten low quite a few times. Through sheer stubbornness and picturing a fiery redhead in his mind, Tony had forged the suit that was responsible for his rescue. And Yinsen. That man’s sacrifice would be something that Tony never forgot. 
Once the plane finally touched down, Tony rose with Rhodey’s help. His arm was in a sling, not broken, but severely sprained. Once the ramp was down, he saw two familiar faces. His gaze locked on the one with vibrant red hair. His expression was stoic as he approached her. Despite being exhausted and starved, he held himself with the same poise and confidence that he always bore.
Yet his heart was pounding just a little faster than it typically did. Once he was toe-to-toe with Pepper, Tony looked her over. Beautiful. Incredible. There was one thing that had driven him through everything. And it was this moment. The plane had taken a brief detour to New York City before arriving in Malibu. 
“Hey, Pep,” he said at last, a smile pressing to his lips. Then he looked at Happy. His driver flipped him a shiny object. Tony caught it, and then knelt in front of her. “Will you marry me?”
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herosacrificed · 5 years
"No better time."
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     “ IS THIS A TRAP ? i feel like it’s a trap . ”
@irnwoman | three words
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irnqueen · 5 years
@irnwoman replied to your post: ……………….watching end.game was a great idea……………….my...
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irnarmor-a · 6 years
@irnwoman  / /     starter call
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   “ Whaddya mean it’s too early for Christmas decorations? The Thanksgiving is over, Black Friday and Cyber Monday gone too. It’s the most perfect time for getting that merry cheer around this place. ” 
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grcwingstrcng · 5 years
“I don’t know how you’re going to get through all that.” ( bruce )
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He doesn’t, either. They’d gotten everyone who’d gotten turned to dust back, and of course Bruce was grateful for that, proud of having been a big part of the efforts to correct the horrible actions of Thanos, but losing Nat was... too much.
“I’ll... figure it out. Eventually. I don’t really have a choice, right?”
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ashesincaptivity · 6 years
hear me out...
cyb tony is gonna sing “ thank you baby for loving me “ to pepper at their wedding ???? obviously change a few words around buttt
@irnqueen / @irnwoman
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titaniumforged-blog · 5 years
Tony liked to consider the first wedding that he’d had to Pepper as a practice run. In the aftermath of the Snap, they had deemed it in poor taste to celebrate too loudly their love and reunion. As such, they’d held a private courthouse wedding. Nothing extravagant. Just themselves, Happy and Rhodey, and the judge. It hadn’t been about showing off their love for one another. It’d simply been a need to make official what had always been official between their hearts.
That was over with now. After a year’s worth of healing and physical therapy, Tony wanted to finally have the wedding that Pepper deserved. One filled with friends, family, a select few members of the media, and wedding crashers. 
The gauntlet had taken its toll on Tony in his earlier stages of healing. His lungs had been damaged so badly that he could barely get any oxygen in between words. His heart liked to stop now and then which resulted in a pacemaker powered by a brand new arc reactor to ensure that he kept on ticking. Scars dug deep into the side of his face and body. Yet, perhaps, the most obvious injury had been the lack of his arm. 
In an effort to limit the damage, they had severed it on the battlefield and then rushed him to the hospital. He’d built himself a bionic arm once he had the strength to. The arm was currently in its Mark II stage. It was still a bright red and gold to match his armor, but he had also placed sensor markers in the hand and arm. It was, more or less, a real arm . . . just one made of titanium alloy. 
Despite that, Tony was on his feet. His lungs were better--though he tended to need to catch his breath a lot faster than he used to. His energy levels were back to what they had been before, and other than a psychological ache in his shoulder, Tony was the same man he had always been. 
Except today, he was a thousand times--three thousand times, in fact--happier. Dressed in a stunning blue and white tuxedo, Tony stood beside Rhodey before the carefully woven arch of branches and vines. An outdoor wedding. The sun was bright. There was a bit of wind but nothing to warrant cause for concern. Their audience was huge. 
It was an event for the history books. They were even challenging the numbers for Kate and William’s wedding in England. Pepper probably hated that but Tony was living for it. Their renewal of vows ceremony was being hosted by Thor. After all, who else could say that they were married by a God? 
At his left-hand was his Best Man, Rhodey. Behind him, was Happy, and behind him was Bruce, and behind him was Peter. They were all dressed in black and white save for a matching blue tie to Tony’s suit. 
As the music swelled, the prettiest little Flower Girl started down the aisle. Morgan tossed her flowers along the carpet, looking lovely in her little white dress. When she spotted her father, however, she forgot what was she doing and simply exclaimed happily, “Daddy!” and all but rushed to his side of the aisle. 
“Hey there, baby,” he chuckled, scooping her up amid the coos and laughter. “Here, you missed a spot, throw some flowers right there,” he whispered into her ear and leaned, so she could essentially drop her entire basket worth of flowers in the area just below them. “That’ll do it,” he balanced her on his hip, bouncing her a little. 
The music continued as Pepper’s bridesmaids walked down . . . and then swelled when Pepper, herself, came walking down the aisle. Tony felt his heart swell in his chest. The increase of excitement caused his heart to short out, but the arc reactor ensured that it got back to normal. The only sign that he had experienced some pain was a small tightening in his jaw. 
But he relaxed and smiled wistfully as his wife and soon-to-be-again-wife walked down the aisle toward him. “Mama looks pretty,” Morgan whispered in his ear.
“She does,” Tony whispered back, kissing her forehead. “Just as pretty as you, little M. Here, you hang out with Uncle Rhodey for just a bit, okay, baby? Daddy’s gotta make your Mommy cry--but in a good way.” Rhodes took her and distracted her properly, so Tony could put his full attention on the walking vision before him.
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reactorhearted · 6 years
@irnwoman​ ♡’d —— monster ,  dodie
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❛  maybe i’ll talk to you the only way i know how to.  ❜
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mysticwtch · 6 years
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❛  zhis  is  all  foreign  to  me.  i  am  not  sure  i  am  cut  out  for  zhis  ❜  //   @irnwoman  +  sc. 
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