#iron flames spoilers
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wcrriorhearts · 10 months
Iron Flame theories under the cut
After I had a few days to let the book sink in completely, here are some of my unhinged theories about things that came up in Iron Flame
Violet has a second signet and it manifested in the torture scene, where she saw Liam. Yes, she was cut off from her dragons, which is why I think the power was weak, but signets manifest into something the person needs and what does Violet need more in a war after losing people she loved? A way to reach out to them and potentially even bring them back. There was nothing that indicated Liam was a figment of her imagination and I honestly think she truly saw his ghost, BECAUSE they did not burn all of his things ( more on that later )
Violet is tied to Malek & not in fact part venin as many in the fandom believe. Even though her hair is partially silver, she is entirely different from venin in all other ways and I believe they want her for her difference and not because she is like them. Back to Malek, whenever Violet begs him for something, he grants it ( except Liam :( ). She beats death so many times that it seems nothing can kill that girl. When she sees Liam in her cell, he says that Malek sent him. I strongly believe that the Gods actually do exist and aren't just mentioned as part of their religion and that Violet is connected to the God of death, either bc he saved her once, blessed her, cursed her, whatever. Maybe her mother struck a bargain with Malek when she was pregnant with Vi to save her life and the silver hair is a mark he left on her to show she is his. Yarros likes to take names etc from the Gaelic language and there is the Irish myth of the silver branch, which grants entry into the 'Otherworld' without dying, which would explain her connection to the dead and to Malek
The tradition of burning people's belongings is not just a quirky idea they came up with, but a necessity. They forgot why they do it after 450+ years, but I believe that as long as things remain of a deceased, they can be brought back in some shape or form. The tradition began when the people realized it was necessary, but this is why Violet can still reach out to Liam, his letters still exist. Part of him still exists in their world and can be reached
Naolin is not dead, but the Sage. It is never explicitly mentioned by the people close to him, eg Tairn and Brennan, that Naolin is actually dead. Brennan said ' it cost him everything' to save him, but not that it cost Naolin his life. I believe he turned venin and is able to reach into Violet's dreams due to his former connection to Tairn. Tairn also never specifically mentioned that Naolin died, but that they will not speak of the one who came before. We see that Jack's bond with his dragon remains after he turned, so it is to believe Tairn cut the bond to Naolin after he turned. Xaden thinks in his last chapter that Saegyl is uncharacteristically quiet -> I think she cut the bond, but that a bond severed this way is not 100% broken in the way it would be when a rider dies
Andarna said she slept for hundreds of years and waited for someone like Vi. She is an entirely unknown breed of dragon no one has ever seen before, because her breed comes from a time of the founders before the chasm and all knowledge of them existing was erased, because there must be something about them that threatened Navarre. I think that her connection to Vi will be integral in changing the war and that she was destined to bond Vi, unlike Tairn. I sadly believe that whilst Tairn will teach Violet and help her grow, he will not see the end of the war, because he was always just meant to be the teacher, whereas the special girl was always meant to bond the special dragon to end the war and save the world
I think Violet and her 'differences' will be the cure to being venin. Venin lose their souls when they bleed the power around them dry, but if Violet is truly connected to Malek, she might be able to bring back their souls and restore them
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the-dear-skull · 11 months
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lost-in-fictionn · 11 months
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I love them, your honor
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spookyseasontime · 10 months
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cottagecoremom · 9 months
~Iron Flame Spoilers~
I don't know what makes me want to cry more, that Andarna waited 650 years for Violet, or that she makes her scales black cause she wants to be like Tairn
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whenwewereyoung97 · 11 months
(Hinted spoiler?)
So I am, of course, upset for Violet
…but I am devastated for Sgaeyl.
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minxchester · 10 months
Fourth Wing Foreshadow Re-Read~
...look there's something just so disarming and adorable about a tall, buff, shadow-wielding trauma boy with a war on his shoulders admitting that his favorite food is chocolate fucking cake.
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And then it's a gesture of love. 😭
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*goes off to cry quietly in bed for a bit*
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loving-ricciardo · 11 months
“My house. My chair. My woman.”
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Out of context fourth wing spoiler
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wingleaderriorson · 11 months
Violet “I want you feral” Sorrengail 🤝 Xaden “I want them to hear” Riorson
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shipmistress9 · 11 months
Iron flame spoiler (ending)
Wow… wow! I’m not okay!
But also, I am. As devastated as I am after finishing Iron Flame, it was also so satisfying.
Xaden turning venin is exactly what I expected to happen during this series. (My personal prediction was for at the end of book three, but since book two was divided in two parts, I’ll take that, too.) But that’s not even it.
Xaden and Violet were both in the exact same situation, quite possibly at the exact same time. After fighting for so long, they were burning out, putting everything they had into the one task they had to accomplish. They were at the absolute end of their strength, at the ground, defeated, hopeless. They both felt the power of the earth beneath their hands, both knew how wrong it was to use it… yet also that it would be the one thing that could save them. And they both would have made the same decision.
But while Violet had her friends and family around them, the people she loved, the people she couldn’t cut out of her life even when it would have been for the best, Xaden was alone. And where Violet had people fighting for her, keeping her from doing the unthinkable, sacrificing themselves for her… Xaden had no one.
It’s tragic poetry, this parallel to how they live their lives.
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violetriorsons · 11 months
oh my god, tairn's pep talk to violet while she's feeling jealous over xaden's ex being "sweetie, how many dragons picked her? none. how many dragons picked you? two."
someone get him a #1 Dad mug or something
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lost-in-fictionn · 11 months
No but the D jokes 😭😂
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glorfindelfinarfin · 11 months
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I’m not fine 😭😭😭
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loreruinedme · 11 months
Iron Flame Spoilers//
Xaden’s love confession has me weak, this man.
“I’m sorry if you expected me to do the noble thing. I warned you. I’m not sweet or soft or kind, and you fell anyway. This is what you get, Violet - me. The good, the bad, the unforgivable. All of it - I am yours. You want to know something true? Something real? I love you. I’m in love with you. I have been since the night the snow fell in your hair and you kissed me for the first time. I’m grateful my life is tied to yours because it means I won’t have to face a day without you in it. My heart beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I’ll meet Malek at your side. It’s a damned good thing that you love me, too, because you’re stuck with me in this life and every other that could possibly follow”
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