#iron guttering system
he-calls-me-kitten · 2 years
His Darling Apprentice 2
<- Part 1
Solomon x Gn!MC 
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"Happy Birthday, Solomon!" Your voice message chirped from his phone at midnight. The first and only wish he got that day.
You weren't too keen on his idea about not telling anyone else, but he was the birthday boy and his word was final. He was away in the human realm 'doing urgent errands'.
In all honesty, he was avoiding direct contact with you. He couldn't stop feeling guilty about that night.
"Won't you let me come meet you atleast?" You texted. He could picture you pouting so clearly. It hurt him to make you that way.
"Next year I promise. This year, just your wish is enough." He said, warm and giddy as he lay back in his bed, waiting for your next text. Only there was a picture too.
It was you wearing a silly birthday hat tilted on your head, one finger stuck inside your mouth, cream smeared on the sides."You are missing your delicious birthday cake. I don't know how long I can protect it from Beel."
Fuck. Not again.
His imagination grew more vivid. He closed his eyes and imagined you sitting on top of him, displeased because he kept you waiting. He imagined you undoing his belt and roughly tease his throbbing erection. "This is your punishment for spending such a special day alone."
"Hah...MC..." You placed his tip between your soft lips and he grabs you by the hair, pushing himself inside you, to the back of your throat. You don't pull away even as your eyes water. He tries to pull away before he comes but you don't let go.
His cum marks your face, glistening in the moonlight as you smile and taste him. Before Solomon knew it, he'd made a mess of himself, some of it even covered the phone screen. Right on your picture. He wiped it away hastily.
Ironically, the last text from you read "Please just come soon."
"It's almost Christmas." You shivered by the closed windows, watching the delicate snow flutter to the ground. "I love the festivities, hate the cold."
"Really? I rather like the cold." Solomon placed a blanket over your legs. The goosebumps on your skin were too distracting. "It's the heat of the summer I can't stand."
"Well the cold is fun when you have a partner to cuddle you and keep you warm." You said gleefully, pulling him closer and wrapping your arms around his waist in an embrace. "Just like this."
His heart pounded right underneath your cheek resting on his chest. He let his arms reciprocate.  He felt the summer heat in the middle of Devildom winter, throbbing and needy under his belt. He had gotten worse since that day, getting aroused by your mere proximity.
"We are doing the Secret Santa system aren't we? Who did you get?" He asked, changing the subject. Talking to get his mind out of the gutter.
"I got Satan. Got him a book called Memoirs of a Catlady." You answered. "Every chapter is about each one of her 32 cats. Honestly it's good that Satan has such particular interests. Easier to buy gifts for him. Who did you get?"
How lucky for him.
"Well I didn't so much 'get' one. More like Asmo simply took the paper with his name on it and forced it into my hand." Solomon sighed. He really wanted to get your name. There's so many things he could have given you.  
You seemed downright annoyed, eyebrows furrowing in anger. "That Asmo, honestly! Again the same as last year! I don't care if he's full of himself but the least he can do is not be so pushy and let you choose fairly like everyone else." Your grip on his waist tightened.
Is that just protectiveness? Or is that ... jealousy?
"It's okay, it's not too bad. One good thing about Asmo is he always keeps a list of the gifts he wants ready." He laughs, as if trying to soothe you. "So I never have to think too much about it."
"Ugh. Way to ruin the spirit of suprises." You shook your head in dismay. "Well what does he want then? If it's something magical you have to stay up late night to make again, I'm going to help you. I can't believe you lost so much sleep trying to make a particular soap for him last year."
"Haha, it's already finished. I'll show you at the Eve party tomorrow night." He patted your head to calm your temper.
It was driving him crazy. Your endless care and willingness to help, getting angry on his behalf - he was falling deeper in love than he thought was possible.
Asmo announced it before Solomon could. "Attention everyone! I'd like you all to marvel at the gift I requested! Thank you Solomon for being so amazing!" The demon leaned towards him, pressing a glossy kiss on his cheek.
Solomon's eyes flitted to you on instinct. You were looking somwhere far away, a forced smile and resentful clapping. Like you didn't want to be in this room anymore.
"It's a magical mistletoe! Any two people standing beneath it will feel a unstoppable compulsion to kiss." Asmo winked at you when he said that.
Solomon's head burned. But your steely eyed response to Asmo's advances cooled it back. What a relief. Atleast he won't lose you to his cheap charms.  
"You can't possibly think to hang it here in the middle of the party." Lucifer reprimanded. "What if two of us brothers land underneath it?"
The rest of the brothers let out groans of disgust and agreed. Simeon and Diavolo nodded in agreement too. So it was put away, back in its box until the party ended.
Soon, Levi was singing his sixth song on the karaoke. Mammon and Asmo were trying to pull him away, Belphie was passed out asleep and Beel was finishing whatever was left of the giant Christmas cake. Diavolo was attempting to carry a drunken Lucifer back to his room while Barbatos was enjoying tea and themed pastries with the angels.
"What a waste. You must worked hard making it." You appeared next to Solomon. Even with the chaos erupting around him, it felt like he was in a space alone with you. He constantly craved that feeling.
"It's quite alright actually. I'd have to take the blame for whatever that thing makes happen." He felt you lean on his shoulder casually. The weight of your head on him was more comforting than he could imagine.  That was until Satan took it away.
"MC, I believe I haven't properly thanked you for my gift." The demon appeared out of nowhere, taking MC by the hand and leaning in towards their face. Solomon almost muttered a repulsion spell.
"No Satan really it's okay. I'm just glad you like it as much I thought you would-"
"Even then it's not fair that only Beel got to give you a present. Half of which he had already eaten. Surely you deserve better presents than that." Satan argued.
"You are waiting for MC's permission to give them a gift? I already planned mine." Asmo appeared, wrapping his arms around both Solomon and you. "I'll come to your room to give it to you at night."
A sickly feeling filled his insides - Solomon did NOT like the sound of that.
"Just what I was afraid of." Solomon stared at the enchanted mistletoe hanging from your ceiling.
He didn't dare imagine what would have happened if he hadn't sneaked away from the party and to check. Even the thought of another man with you- ugh, it made his blood boil.
He was just about to get up on your bed when he heard the door creak open. You looked back in shock to see you enter.
"Solomon?" You inched closer to him. He should have stopped you. Stop before we're both under the mistletoe. But he didn't. All he could think of was your lips and how soft they'd feel against him before he lost complete control of his body.
Without another word, he pulled you in, latching his lips on to yours. You tasted like cake and coffee, so soft and supple. Far better than what he dreamed of.
Light-headed and dizzy, he thought of nothing else. Only that he was kissing you. And your hands were holding onto him tightly and your tongue dancing on his.
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mail-me-a-snail · 10 months
Tell me about Vance 🫵
thank u for giving me this opportunity to introduce you to vance my love my light v(ance). it's. a long one. a very long one
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vance is a gay transgender man who grew up in a corporate family. his mother n father had met while working for arasaka counterintel during the 4th corpo war and had vance and his sister maya shortly after the war ended. they owe arasaka their comfortable, safe lives; if it weren't for their loyalty to the megacorp, they'd have been crammed into some rundown megabuilding alongside a thousand other poor, working class night citizens.
a lot of things started to change for vance when he turned 15. he realized he was transgender and confided this in maya, who had suggested his first chosen name: he started going by penn when he started his education at arasaka academy.
this was also the year he received an official, albeit beginner-level, cyberdeck. it's a hard implant for someone so young, but he had expressed an interest in tech and the NET years beforehand; why not let him hold the beauty of it in the palm of his hand?
he had jumped at the opportunity. he had always wanted it; why not accept it, now that he's been told he could have it?
he began to see his small world for its interlocking machinations. began to understand the little bits of code fluttering inside every piece of tech in the city. with the cyberdeck linked up to his neural systems, night city's buzzing got louder and louder, until the ever-present drone started keeping him up at night.
it would follow him throughout all his years in the academy—right until he graduated and arrived on arasaka's doorstep at the age of 19, newly transitioned and unaware of the other, freer paths the world might've had for him.
they took the beginner deck they had given him four years prior and began building him a new one.
a new deck required new implants. some of these were necessary, at first: a black steel spine to shoulder the weight of the deck, for example.
but over time, as vance excelled at every task they had given him, and then some—arasaka began to wonder: could they make him into something beautiful, in its intricacy, something impossible?
the average netrunner looks like their profession; technosights; jumpsuits; the seams for their cyberware running through their skin.
arasaka wanted to create something different—something covert. the most innocous of people; a tech weapon the nusa government themselves would kill to have (but how little they really knew).
vance's handlers proposed this plan to vance himself, there seated in arasaka's basement; they were, in some aspects, honest about what they wanted for him. they wanted him to be dangerous. they wanted him to be good. they vowed that they would be by his side throughout the whole process, the promise as loyal as vance had decided to be the first time he put on his uniform.
so he agreed—to all of it.
they started slow.
the steel spine traded for titanium; an expansive cyberdeck with more ram capacity; pulmonary implants to keep up the processing power; other organs traded for their mechanical counterparts, to ensure their safety when vance overclocks his systems.
vance became eerily familiar with arasaka's in-house chop shop. the ripperdoc there, boone vasco, put him under the knife time and time again—each major procedure had been carefully scheduled a few years apart. but vance wasn't just arasaka's pet project; on the side, he was their assassin. their ghost, trickling through the neon-drenched gutter that is night city, slaughtering anyone that needed zeroing.
a little hack there, an iron pressed up against someone ribs here.
he flatlined some disgruntled, middle-class corpo rat, some pencil pusher, who thought all it took to delta out of the corp had been booking the fuck out of the city with little else but both his family and several canisters of CHOOH2 in tow.
as far as anyone is concerned, maybe they did make it across the border.
or maybe they could've just made it, had they been faster; smarter; had they stayed to begin with.
vance ran ops in and out of the nusa; his file will never see the light of day, not for all the eddies in the world. there's shit on there that'd start coups; destroy what little they've all built to keep. there are just some things that will always stay between him and the corp. they owe him that much.
when he wasn't out on the field, he was chasing novice netrunners out of arasaka's intranets.
eventually he had gained enough implants that the skin on his torso and back began to run warm—too warm. these were the days where he'd run ops feverish and slow. these were the days his own systems would fail him.
letting the machines breathe out in the open would've defeated vance's entire purpose; they had to get creative.
enough of these slip ups led to an entire torso's worth of a realskinn graft. arasaka had taken the market variant and specifically modified it so that it would allow vance (and his systems) to cool down faster. it's like a mesh rather than skin, soft enough to pass as the latter, but with pores big enough to remind one of the former.
they peeled the organic skin off his back and chest and replaced them—slowly, carefully—with this unique version of realskinn.
it took vance a long time to recover; for his body to accept this skin-like facade as its own.
because of the nature of his work, arasaka had thought it best to keep his existence a secret from the people beneath him in the pecking order. as far as they were concerned, vance was in a class of his own—just as adam smasher is his own unit, in a sense. still arasaka's; still a product of their patronage; just with a false sense of independence and superiority above everyone else, as if they're not all wearing the same tags.
vance had found a friend in someone like him; her name was veronica. she was a weapon, too—more blatantly, however, and certainly more of a physical, immediate threat that secrecy would've been a waste of more realskinn.
they often snuck out of work when they could—they took any and all measures to ensure that they didn't look anything like what arasaka had made them into. they went to bars. concerts. they breathed with the rest of night city—for the first time in a very long time.
the year is 2076. vance has been in arasaka's ranks for 12 years. he is 80% realskinn and the only truly organic parts left are on his arms, legs, and face. he is still arasaka's top dog; he is still their hound, loyal on a short leash. he still hears the world as loudly as they want him to.
but one, slow night in the basement, his handlers begun to talk—not to him, but amongst themselves. they didn't know he had left a little virtual watchtower for himself in the mikoshi chamber; the one place where he wasn't allowed to be.
he had spent 12 years as their model of what the perfect netrunner should and could be: covert, dangerous, and a powerful piece of tech.
he had spent 12 years as the first in a potentially long line of others.
they could've started sooner, more efficiently; they could've rolled out 3 generations in 12 years, not just the one.
one of the techies claims trial-and-error; there had been many times where certain implants had made vance violently ill. they had had to roll back. his recovery had been a necessary delay time and time again.
another agrees: one generation for twelve, another 2 in half that time. why not stop complaining and start now, with all the information gathered thus far?
and what'll we do with him?
the techies gathered around the room didn't have to answer for vance to understand his own obsolescence.
he had given them 12 years of his life; he had given them the skin off his back; he had told himself that every time he chose arasaka, he was choosing out of his own desire to be good.
what good comes of something past its expiration date?
he hadn't been the only arasaka pet project to be thrown out. veronica, too, was going to have her implants traded out so that they may go to the faster, newer generation of her kind.
together, they worked fast; they pulled every string that they had had the foresight to weave around night city; they created a small team of mercs to ferry them out of arasaka HQ; among them was vance's contact, jackie welles.
not many mercs were open to going toe-to-toe with a megacorp like arasaka—but if vance scrambled all the data concerning himself and veronica from their escape, then no one would ever be the wiser. to anyone on the outside looking in, it'd just look like they were stealing equipment from a shipyard.
i won't go into too much detail about the escape; only that it was long, tedious, and had left its marks on the both of them—physically and mentally.
in 2076, veronica and vance disappeared from arasaka's ranks, carrying within themselves the unique, stolen implants that made them who they are.
in 2077, they were beginning to live their own lives again.
vance changed his appearance; scrubbed all traces of himself from the NET, if any at all; tried to find his footing in the city that had heard of him only in the bodies he had left behind.
he looked over his shoulder a lot, those first few weeks he had spent lying low in mama welles'. he had been averse to any and all touch; he still craved it, however. that soft affection that demanded of him nothing but to let himself have it.
the hand brushes from jackie; the way mama welles would pat his cheek or fix his hair (even if it didn't need fixing) now and again; how viktor had put his hand on vances knee after the latter had confided in him everything arasaka had done to him.
he had left his family behind. his sister.
but he had friends at the end of his corpo world, too.
moving among them, he had found something in himself that he had had never realized was there: that he has a lot of love to give, and no idea how to give it.
but he tries, anyway; that is the one act of free will arasaka can't take from him.
that's it from me! you can learn more by perusing vance's character tag (#vance) or! if you have any further questions I'd be more than happy to answer them :3
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beardedmrbean · 20 days
Bulgarian archaeologists at Perperikon have uncovered new evidence of ancient life, including a system of blood sacrifice altars used for divination. Two altars were discovered, one for making holy wine and another for blood sacrifices. These altars are reminiscent of those used in the worship of the Thracian horseman and the temple of Mithras, according to Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov, who has led excavations at the site for nearly 25 years.
Records from the Roman period describe public animal sacrifices, where a priest dressed in white and wearing a crown would cut open the animal and perform divination on its entrails. This practice took place in the "area sacra," or sacred area, which contained both public altars for communal use and private ones for family sacrifices. The newly discovered altars, which will be presented at Perperikon on September 4, offer further evidence that the great temple of Dionysus was located within the complex.
One of the altars, featuring a large stone tub with a drainage hole, has been studied to determine its stratigraphy, revealing that it was used over a long period, sometimes spanning centuries. The earliest sacrifices on these altars date back 3,000 to 3,200 years, from the end of the Bronze Age to the beginning of the Iron Age. Prof. Ovcharov explained that one of the altars from the Roman era provides an opportunity to reconstruct the sacrificial practices, which likely involved small animals such as goats and sheep.
Prof. Ovcharov plans to demonstrate how the liquid from the sacrifices drained through gutters into special basins, where divination was performed on the animal's blood. He will also review the progress of this year’s excavations at Perperikon, which have been extensive due to a 500,000 leva state subsidy prioritizing the site.
The southern quarter of Perperikon, unexplored since 2016, has been found to be rich with buildings associated with various cults. The first altars date back to the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, with several temples emerging during the Roman era. By the 5th-6th century, after the adoption of Christianity, the great basilica of Perperikon was built. Prof. Ovcharov described this area as a classic "sacra" alley, a sacred space similar to those found in many ancient cities.
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hubrisbracket · 1 year
Hubris Bracket Side A Poll 9: Javert (Les Miserables) vs Lucilius (Granblue Fantasy)
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Propaganda below (may contain spoilers):
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(this image is from the movie, but there was no version specified, so it could be the book/stage musical versions as well)
My man was born in the French prison system and his exposure to that system and the people inside it led him to believe that the law is a moral imperative. He becomes a police officer with an incredibly ruthless sense of justice. He doggedly trails Jean Valjean (whose only crimes were stealing bread -breaking a window to do so- in order to feed his sister's starving children as they were all destitute, and trying to escape prison, which extended his sentence from 5 years to 19. He does this because he firmly believes that redemption doesn't exist. At the end of the story he has Jean Valjean cornered in the sewer and is convinced to let him go in order to allow the life of a young man (Marius) to be saved. Jean Valjean even goes so far as to give Javert his home address to that the police officer can come and arrest him in the morning. However Javert is thrown into a crisis of both faith and identity and that drives him to dispare, he takes his own life that night by leaping from a bridge after coming to the conclusion that he was in the wrong, after all those decades of chasing and locking up 'scum' 'from the gutter'.
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Literally tried to destroy the world to piss off god
Lucilius is the clone to a Speaker of the God of Rebirth and Destruction, Bahamut. He's been plagued by dreams of a life he didn't live because of that, and interpreted it as "God is making fun of me in particular. well if he's so funny, i'm going to be hilarious" and he basically came up with various world ending plans in order to climb the Tower of God, and dethrone him, and destroy the whole world into the void. To do so he creates creatures he ends up neglecting and torturing in a way i think, ironically, makes him very similar to the God he hates so much. He even makes himself a clone that is the "perfect version" of himself, whom he calls Lucifer. Lucilius gets beheaded by said clone, but gets brought back to life by Belial, another one of his creation who loves him despite the fact Lucilius hates him. To bring him back, Belial beheaded Lucifer, and sewed Lucilius's head over the corpse of his original killer. With this amount of power, he takes down the Speaker he's the clone of and almost manages to reach his goal before one of his creation, Sandalphon, whom he wrote off as being completely useless and that he had almost discarded if not for the fact Lucifer cared for him, manages to take him down, thanks to powers Lucifer had passed down to him before dying, and Lucifer watching over him. Lucilius is currently locked into an interdimensional prison with Belial, thanks to the Speaker's last attempt at using his powers for good (the Speaker, Lucio, is okay now). His Hubris was to take down God for making his life a joke but in so, he mistreated his creations. He was taken down twice, by his most loved creation, and by the one he found the most useless. A wannabe God, resentful of God, meeting his end because his own creations resented him enough to end him the same way he wanted to end God. What's not Hubris about it. His boss battle, Zero, is the ultimate propaganda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr08k6Y4wbo the vocals start at 3:15 and it says it all. "Give praise, for he has no equal. Worship him. A God has been born unto the world."
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@gyubby99 okay okay here it is.
Alastor x OC fic
Deborah walked into the club, her tail dragging behind her as she did.
She had heard that Valentino's club had a singer that was to die for.
Ironic, considering everyone here was already dead.
Usually Deborah wouldn't walk into clubs. She was a catholic woman and wouldn't hear of such things as strip clubs.
But everyone had told her that this performance was more of a nightclub thing, which she much preferred over whores and sluts stripping down, dragging Jesus' sacrifice through the gutter.
Deborah found a table near the front, the smell of alcohol and other liquids making themselves known through her cat nose.
"And now, one of the more popular attractions of the night, coming from the house of valentino, everyone give it up for Aponi!" The announcer called.
As the music started, Deborah looked up in shock. The scent of her early departed daughter wafting its way through the club.
Love makes me treat you the way that I do Gee baby, ain't I good to you?
Deborah's mouth dropped.
Her baby, down here in hell?
Either the heaven-hell system was fucked up somehow, or Lilly did some very awful things.
There's nothing too good for a boy that's so true Gee baby, ain't I good to you?
Deborah looked at her daughter.
The dress she wore, while revealing, was fairly modest for a nightclub.
Thank God.
I bought you a fur coat for Christmas, a diamond ring, a Cadillac car, and everything
Her daughter's voice rang through her ears.
Lilly, with pale skin and black orange and yellow markings all over her body.
And her body had changed.
Not that Deborah could judge. At least her daughter wasn't a cat demon.
Love makes me treat you the way that I do Gee baby, ain't I good to you?
As Deborah watched her daughters performance, a gentleman looking no older than 35 sat down at her table.
"I do apologize for the intrusion, but I always do love her performances," the man says as he sat back to watch Lilly.
His main color was red. He seemed to be a deer demon, and was fairly handsome.
Love makes me treat you the way that I do Gee baby, ain't I good to you?
"No trouble at all. She's my daughter," Deborah stated as she took a sip from the martini she didnt remember ordering.
The man glanced at the woman in shock.
"Well then I'm obligated to tell you, your daughter won't be here any longer. I'm going to make a deal with her later today to sing at my new nightclub. She truly is interesting," the man explained.
There's nothing too good for a man so true Gee honey, ain't I good to you?
Deborah raised an eyebrow.
She knew her daughter was a good singer, but she never thought she was THAT good.
Deborah looked away to bring her attention back onto her daughter, and when she turned back the man was gone.
I know how to make a good man happy, I'll treat you right with lots of loving just about every night
Deborah turned to her daughter, only to make eye contact with her immediately.
Lilly's eyes went wide in shock before she glanced around and gained her composure.
She recognized her mother.
Love makes me treat you the way that I do Gee baby, aint I good to you?
Aponi walked down the stairs of the stage and to where Deborah could make out the outline of the man she was speaking with earlier.
Lilly sang to him in a seductive way.
Deborah did NOT like that.
Maybe Lilly was a whore after she moved out.
She was probably asking for it with Jason. Yes. That's why.
Lilly was a little whore and killed herself, ending up down here.
Deborah glared. She knew the system wasn't messed up. God has a plan for everyone.
I served you candelit dinners, and breakfast in bed. Took your car to be serviced when your engine went dead
Deborah returned her attention to her daughter as she walked back on stage.
Love makes me treat you the way that I do Gee baby, aint I good to you?
Lilly walked to the microphone stand, placing the kicrophone in it as she sang.
They got me paying taxes for what I gave to you, Gee baby, ain't I good to you?
As Lilly belted out the last notes, Deborah grabbed her purse and briskly walked out of the club.
Aponi walked into her dressing room and began to bite her nails.
"Knock knock toots! We gotta rush outta here if we're gonna move into the happy hotel soon," Angel stated as he walked into the room. "'Poni whatchu bitin' ya nails for? Val woukd kill ya if he found out you were damaged even a little," Angel spoke as he walked and took Aponi's hands out of her mouth.
"I think my mother was here...." Aponi muttered.
"What? Oh please. She's probably still on earth livin' her life. Ya got nothin' ta worry bout. Now cmon. The only boxes left is your shit and I ain't movin it all," Angel teased before taking Aponi's hand and practically dragging her out of the club.
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herohikara-wol · 4 months
Pub Crawl: Hero Shadeseer
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(Picture taken before disaster-bun was allowed to poison his system)
Bold the choice that applies the most for each pub.
Italic other likely possibilities
Pub 1
Huddles in a corner staring wide-eyed at the group and wonders how they got there in the first place | Sits off to the side, sipping something non-alcoholic and watches the antics | Cheerfully sits with the group and drinks their first round | Calls for a round of shots to get the party started | Hangs our near the center of things, telling stories and cracking jokes 
Pub 2
Finds a new corner to huddle in, growing increasingly concerned as the drinks flow | Relents and orders a glass of wine to nurse through the next ice age | Laughs and chats with the group, drinking the drinks and enjoying the camaraderie | Is off flirting and chatting with someone. | Has made friends with the pub’s musician and is on stage singing and/or dancing a jig 
Pub 3
Has been kidnapped by a roving gang of pirates (ironically also on a pub crawl of their own) | Goes on an impromptu pirate hunt because fuck those pirate! | On a third glass of wine and starting to let flow all sorts of interesting self details | Has managed to spontaneously get half the bar to sing a drinking song | Has hooked up, proposed, and split up at least twice thus far and is working on their rebound third | Disappeared into a back alley with a shady looking character leaving assurances of picking something up to “liven things up a little” 
Pub 4
After astonishing the pirates with fancy swordplay, is now being ferried around by the them on a makeshift palanquin as their “Pirate Lord”  | Beyond wine drunk and keeps losing layers because it’s “too hot” | Is engaging in some cross group friendly rivalry in the ages old combination of booze and hurling sharp objects at a target | Passed out in the gutter halfway to the fourth pub | Whether it is incendiaries or herding the entire crew onto an impromptu dragon flight, whatever surprise is planned will be memorable 
Tagged by: @fair-fae who did not know that Hero is a lightweight but does know that Hero is always down to party!
Tagging: @beetlebrownleaf, @ishgard, @nozomikei, @tcfactory, and anyone else who's interested! Don't be shy!
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kausatstolar · 11 months
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Okay, technically sovstuck's been out for a little while, but i've been thinking about it, and figured I may as well preserve my thoughts somewhere than the sovstuck discord. [shout out to you guys fr]! May as well use this blog for something. The prologue can go above the cut.. But the rest of it, not so much. Without further ado, our story begins.
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The year is 5023
Not much going on with the text, so it's time to take a nice hard look at the panel! I think it's so fascinating how the planets from the beta kids' session make up this solar system, alongside earth, which-- Once again, appears to be the third planet from the sun. Which.. Is the light symbol. Could be artistic choice, could be literal. Either way, this is a gorgeous piece of art.
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The place, Earth C. More colloquially known as AFTERRA.
Afterra... That's fun. Keeps up with naming conventions. Not much to say about this, other than the fact I can't help but notice the second moon...
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13 years ago the OLD GODS came back to this world, 5,000 years after its birth, to much fanfare and to much dismay.
Huh. 10 years unaccounted for. S'probably nothing! This is a fun panel to look at, and it's also very fun to see that building's roof resemble one of the can city structures from homestuck proper.
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But this story isn't about the Old Gods. And this story isn't about THE CONSTRUCTION, either, nor a new form of it.
points. hey who's that incredibly handsome carapacian in the foreground... [retris's dad!!] once again, this is beautiful to look at. neo kyoto... I haven't yet commented on it, but I love the texture of the prologue panels. Very edible. while The Construction piques my curiosity, this isn't that story.
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No, this is a story about a boy, his friends, and a game they play together.
YEAHHHHH RONTIS... His house looks so nice. Goodbye paper texture. Not much to say, but I'm sure excited.
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This is a story about you.
WOO. Not much to analyze about the text that's present, but plenty of panel to dig into. it's nice to see him so comfy.. However, his room is a smidge of a disaster. Peeping the 3ds, sure, but also... His clipboard, monster energy, and papers scattered everywhere. Shout out to the aspect wheel by his head, too.
There's a gif of retris at the computer, but it's a smidge too big. Behold page seven on your own. It's just damn pleasant to watch, seeing everyone's signs bounce so pleasingly.. Wait. What's with the iron cancer sign matched with the pieces sign. Hm. I'm sure we'll get there. I also like how the blue of SVURP's spirograph is an exact compliment of SBURB's spirograph.
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Your name is RETRIS MORAGE, and you are tired. It's been a long and treacherous 18 MOVES since your OPENING, and 18 minutes since you've woken up from an incredibly long nap that you didn't mean to take. Whoops.
god i envy this very sleepy retris. It is currently 7 pm sharp on a wednesday, and I wish to rest. Not much to note as far as the art of the panel goes for this page! MOVES and OPENING... Chess terms. fun. Wonder if the whole of afterra uses these names, or if it's predominantly carapacian areas only.
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The sunlight pours through your windows, unfettered. You take a moment to survey your various possessions as your brain wakes up. The gears of your mind groaned to life as you remembered yourself.
Hey! He's got a portrait of his parents on his nightstand. How sweet of him! And.. Monster energy cans everywhere. Lovely EVA merch too. On the note of the prose, I do quite enjoy it! Smth about the poetry of, "the gears of your mind groaned to life as you remembered yourself" sticks in the mind...
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You, like everyone, have a variety of HOBBIES and INTERESTS. Among these are SWORDPLAY, WORDPLAY, and FOREPLAY. Don't think about the last one too hard. Don't think about that phrasing too hard, either. Get your mind out of the gutter. You have an ardent passion for ASTROLOGY and the science of MYTHOLOGICAL ROLES. You run a rather sizeable CHUMBLR blog dedicated to the subject. You wish you didn't. You know in your heart that you are a MAGE OF LIGHT, and are looking forwards to getting this proven to you. Sooner rather than later, hopefully. You're getting ahead of yourself, though.
Helluvah set-up he's got in his room, as far as his computer goes. mars on the back of his computer.. Very fun. Well kept room, aside from the cans and papers.
However, uh. Retris. Retris, what the hell do you mean you're gonna get your status as a mage of light proven to you. Swordplay, wordplay, foreplay.. I guess I'll have to pay a bit more attention to his phrasing, i suppose. Er. Not about the foreplay, let him layabout as it pleases him. Wordplay, however. Curious that Mythological Roles are a science, and that he's gotten too deep into running a tumblr blog about it. Surely that won't come back.
I'll get through the rest of the comic later; i've got things to do. Fascinating to see how it's begun, though. I can't wait to see where this's gonna go.
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rjalker · 1 year
Extra paragraph breaks added for readability
K’vin wished that more girls were available to Impress green dragons. It made that facet of Weyrleadership considerably easier to deal with.
There were still a few, of course, but with parents keenly interested in applying for more land by setting up cot holds for married children, fewer and fewer girls were encouraged to stand on the Hatching Grounds.
While being a dragon rider didn’t prevent a girl from having children, if that’s what she wanted, it did prevent them from owning land.
Still, grandchildren, even the Weyrborn, could claim land.
Though, in actual fact, more Weyrborn preferred to stay in the Weyr even if they didn’t Impress.
Yes, I'm so so sure that being a dragon rider is the only thing preventing women from owning land. I'm sure. And the "if that's what she wanted" thrown on the end there like these women aren't all universally treated as broodmares.
The exterior buildings of the College were designed to be Threadproof, with high peaked roofs of Telgar slate and gutters which led into underground cisterns where errant Thread would be drowned.
So these people are in fact capable of using basic common sense in building buildings that can withstand thread very easily.
All the Craftsmen involved, including those destined to inhabit the facility, would have preferred to enlarge the cave system, but there had been two serious collapses of caverns and the mining engineers had vetoed interior expansion for fear of undermining the whole cliff-side.
Even the mutant, blunt-winged, flightless photo-sensitive watchwhers had refused to go on further subterranean explorations which, their handlers insisted meant dangers human eyes couldn’t see.
So build they did: stout walls more than two and a half meters thick at ground level, tapering to just under two meters under the roof. With the iron mines at Telgar going full blast, the necessary structural beams to support such weight had posed no problem.
Although why in the heck are they making it so thick that is just completely unnecessary waste of resources.
Also why are they calling the whers mutants when the dragons are also equally mutants.
Also, of course the main antagonist is from bitra. Where else could he possibly be from.
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revsforgottenwar · 2 years
Shadows in Castle Town
Rev’s Forgotten War AU!
Rating: MA
Pairings: Link/Zelda
Tags:  angst, violence, swearing
WC: 1500
Two old friends meet up for a night of aggressive negotiations.
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Castle town glowed dimly at night. Sconces mounted on the walls of the main squares, outside pubs and single candles in only a few houses marked the late time. The uneven rooftops sprung up in the sky like a jagged mountain range surrounded by high stone walls and towers, crowned by the enormous structure of the Castle at the north end of town. 
A figure stood silently in the shadow of a chimney stack, glancing across the moonlit roofs. They were dressed in tightly fitted armour, embellished wth the eye symbol of the sheikah, face cowled and blonde hair wrapped in cloth. A small elegant harp was similarly wrapped and strung across their back, and the sides of their thighs were covered in sharp kunai. They appeared to be a young man, but there was only a very small group of people who knew the truth. Beneath the cowl was Princess Zelda of Hyrule.
Lips twitched into a smirk as her knees bent before launching her body in a soundless run towards the edge of the roof. The lean and powerful muscles of her form propelled her across the empty void of an alley, landing noiselessly before springing forward again across the next roof. She cut through the air, the long wrapped braid of her hair whipping behind her and she leapt again and again. Up a wall, skimming a balcony, across an archway. Breaths coming strong yet even as she floated like a phantom through the night.
She was heading towards the west side of town, towards the large warehouses and dark twisting alleys that flanked the small abandoned quarry. Keeping an eye out for figures roaming the dark streets, she came to a stop on the roof of a dilapidated storehouse as she felt a warmth blossom in her left hand. It was a familiar feeling, her shard of the Triforce was calling out to one of it’s missing pieces that it could sense nearby. It was a joyful feeling.
Zelda was surprised that Link was tracking her, especially tonight when the moon was nearly full. Since his return to Hyrule four months ago, he would disappear out into the wilderness around the time of the full moon returning three days later as it began to wane. She knew about what happened in Termina, a place that she could find no evidence for existing. She was too logical a thinker to truely believe it did in fact exist, she could only pretend she believed the story and try and help him cope in the aftermath. The worst part was, he knew her well enough to know this truth, but too kind to challenge her.
She closed her eyes and focussed her senses on her environment. She could feel the city around her, tiny waves of magic that lapped the border between her world and the magical plane. Little spots of warmth that floated around torches, the bouncing wave of music that seemed to vibrate in a pub nearby. The blossom of light that bloomed within a cat that roamed in the gutters of the street below. Then the strong rhythmic pounding of the Triforce of Courage. 
Magic was alive and ever changing, the life-force of all things. The pieces of the Triforce all felt different. Power was painful, it scorched the air around it, suffocating and charging the air like lightning. But that was Power, pain and desire rolled into one. Simple to harness, but easy to be corrupted by. A siren’s song.
Wisdom by contrast was cool and calm. It was tranquil and not always easy to grasp. It took great concentration and restraint to focus on and manipulate. By nature she was headstrong and brash, in conflict with her chosen piece. But with time it was proving to be a calming force, slowing her down and clearing her head.
Courage felt like a thumping heartbeat, a punch of adrenaline to the system. You didn’t exactly harness it, it took control of you.  Ironically, it could not be wielded by the fearless, but only by those who were afraid but had the strength to move beyond it. The Triforce of Courage was unpredictable and dangerous. Especially now as it’s host was so plagued by demons and fear. Capable of triggering destructive power without intention. Pure defensive reaction.
Zelda opened her eyes and glanced in the directing of the thumping. Nestled amongst some scaffolding on an old watchtower was a hooded figure, slowly turning it’s head as it searched for her. Link had a strong natural connection to the magical plane, but she had been raised by the Sage of Shadow, taught to cloak her aura and appear almost invisible.
She stood up until her frame was bathed in moonlight and flared a pulse of magic from her Triforce, watching as his head snapped around immediately to look at her. She then made her way towards him, leaping silently once more across the roofs. 
She landed next to him and he pulled down his tatty hood revealing a wooden mask with painted lines on the cheeks and forehead. She sat down in front of him, cross legged and close enough that their knees touched. It’s how they both functioned these days, so equally touch-starved that they always made the most of contact.
“Hey, out for a midnight stroll?” she quietly asked as she pulled the cloth mask down to revel her mouth.
He pulled his own mask up so it rested on top of his head revealing his face. He looked tired as he always did, dark bags shadowed his sky blue eyes and caused the jagged scars on his cheeks and forehead to stand out prominently. He smiled softly before his hands started to move in a hesitant yet precise manner.
‘Night face s-m-u-g-g-l-e-r-s?’ he silently asked in Sheikah Sign.
She smiled and repeated his question back to him both verbal and in Sign
“Tonight are you facing the smugglers?”
He nodded and repeated the question back at her with her corrections. He always was a fast learner.
“My sources tell me that they are meeting tonight in the old quarry storehouse” She lightly patted the full looking purse attached to her belt. “I’m going to try and beat their employer’s price.”
‘Need help?’
“If you would like to, I can also manage on my own.” She had been for the past two years, but Link joining her had certainly made things more efficient. However the last thing he needed was to be pulled into another battle. He’d recently come out of a war, the battle trauma suffocating him slowly. It had taken a lot from him, including his voice as well as his sense of peace. As much as she wished he’d retire somewhere and live out a calm, tranquil life, she knew he wouldn’t for the same reasons she couldn’t.
Just because the War ended on paper, didn’t mean it ended for them. She couldn’t put down her weapons any more than he could. They were both two heavily scarred by memory and paranoia for that. Besides, she couldn’t give him up either. Princesses don’t retire to the country with humble common boys. It was selfish of her she knew, but when had she not been when he was involved. 
‘Who is … leader?’
“the Employer?”
He nodded in response.
“Lord Deacon Grent. He’s one of the key powerhouses on the Royal Council. He’s also trying to increase taxes on Necluda’s harvest while embezzling from the Treasury right under my Father’s nose.”
Link’s eyebrows shot up before he settled into an angry glare. 
“I know, but first I need to find out what he is using the rupees for, then i will bring him to heel.”
‘Tell… then Prison?’
“My Father considers him one of his most loyal friends, he will never listen to any evidence i bring forward. I need to break Grent’s operation and blackmail him until he’s under my control.  More malleable heads on the Council will be a benefit.”
Link looked away from her, concern obvious on his face.
“I know you don’t agree with my methods, but until i’m Queen I have no way of dealing with these issues. There is little honour in Court politics.”
He looked her in the eyes and she tried to ignore the agonising need for his approval. He was a far kinder and better person than she was, she’d committed enough dark deeds as Ganondorf’s agent during the forgotten war to consider her good nature forever blemished. The only redemption she felt she had was to make life better for her people.
‘I trust you. Always do good, for common people.’
She didn’t believe that was true, but she was trying. She smiled sadly back at him as she stood up.
“All right let’s go then.”
He rose to his feet, sliding his mask back down and pulled his hood up.
‘How you want play it?’
She covered her own face back up and cracked her knuckles as she surveyed the surrounding buildings.
“Same as usual. Intimidate then negotiate.”
They both disappeared into the shadows.
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fremedon · 2 years
Brickclub 5.2.6, “Future Progress”
Nothing to add to Bird’s writeups of the last two chapters except “What he said,” so I’m going to jump in here where I have rather a lot to say.
So, Bruneseaus’s regularizing and straightening and mapping of the sewer under Napoleon is typical of the era--the Restoration and the July Monarchy inherited a lot of Napoleon’s reforms that really couldn’t be undone, because what had preceded them was too complicated a snarl of historical accidents to recreate on purpose.
Like meritocratic promotion in the armed forces, a professional civil service, uniform law codes and weights and measures and taxes across France, it was a good and necessary improvement. But also like those, it is enabling a fundamentally misguided and unjust system to continue working, even more efficiently than before, without suddenly filling the streets with the contents of the sewers or of the lowest human mines.
The list of the lengths of new sewer added by successive regimes is introduced with the aside “--these figures are interesting,” which I think means this actually is important and Hugo is trying to call your attention to it with just enough sarcasm to deflect anyone who hasn’t figured out by now that the digressions are the heart of the book’s moral argument? Something like that?
At any rate, this is one of the only sentences in the book that directly mentions “the present regime” without any deflection. And I think Bruneseau’s work underneath the surface is meant to remind us of Haussmann’s above it, especially in conjunction with Hugo’s digs in the previous chapter at the architecture of the Rue de Rivoli being mirrored in the sewers. Below as above, the streets have been widened, straightened, and prettied up--and the people they used to contain have been displaced, underground and out of sight.
And then we return to the moment where we left Jean Valjean:
Thirty years ago, at the time of the fifth-sixth of June insurrection, there was still in many places more or less the original sewer. A great number of streets, now cambered, then had a gutter running down the middle of them. Very often to be seen in the declivity into which the sides of a street or a crossroads sloped were large square gratings with thick iron bars that gleamed from being polished by the feet of the crowd, dangerous and slippery for vehicles and liable to bring down horses.
The entrance to the ancient sewer is itself a remnant of the ancien regime, something that makes society--the vehicle--swerve and rock but that can be fatal to the individual misérable--the horse.
The chapter ends with Hugo returning his metaphor to its non-symbolic argument: that Paris is sickening and impoverishing itself to throw away a thing--sewage--which has value.
We know that by ‘cleaning the sewer’ we mean returning the muck to the earth, putting dung back in the fields. As a result of this measure there will be a reduction in poverty and an improvement in health for the whole social community.
And I wish, I wish, given 1848, that the symbolism here did not make that proposition work out metaphorically to “deport the urban poor to the countryside.”
But I can’t see any way that it doesn’t.
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cairocuestaff · 2 months
so we both feel abandoned by my system. thats... ironic. tragic, but ironic. its interesting to me how she doesnt seem to realize that the two of them are more a "group" than the rest of us right now. she was the one who caused us to realize that feeling supported in multiple ways by our environment and circumstances is a critical factor in whether or not the other parts of my system engage with the outside world, but that seems to be a forgotten fact now.
i dont know. i suppose im being cruel. i think maybe im struggling with the guilt and sadness i feel about what shes going through- what im putting her through- and leaning into the bitterness i feel about my own situation instead. ive never done well with having the correct emotions about other people and their struggles, have i? its overwhelming to hear other peoples problems, and its a hundred times worse to hear other peoples problems when my brain sees (justifiably or not) that i am at least in part to blame for said problems. the bad feeling it causes is so big, its too much for me to hold all at once. so i just turn towards the far more "safe and familiar" thing, which is feeling pity for myself, commiserating over my own pains and issues in response to others sharing theirs
theres an undeniable way in which i feel blamed by her, too. i am my system, so when i hear "the system doesnt talk to me anymore"... inevitably it sounds accusatory, like im doing something wrong by existing in the way i do. i cant control that my headmates arent around much anymore, you know? my life is shit right now, truly in the fucking gutter, and i dont blame them for not wanting to be around. god fucking knows i dont want to be around, either. the host doesnt really get to just check out like that, though. theres shit to be done so i force myself to do it to the best of my ability.
anyway. idk. i feel bad for her. i feel bitter about the position im in, how shes contributed to it, how im still carrying everything in my life on my own. i want her to be happy and feel like part of the timeline, but at the same time shes right in the respect that i dont see her as an "honorary member" of the system anymore- because it seemed like she was taking that as an open invitation to speculate or even overwrite my narrative about the nature of my system and how it works. it seemed to be viewed as a stake in ownership over my Self, which is ultimately what my system is. a construct of my Self. and now she feels abandoned, rejected... i want to help, but im in the same boat, and im getting a finger pointed at me to boot.
yeah im a terrible fucking partner. great. how is this empathy thing supposed to work when every time it tries to activate it just completely overloads/overwhelms me in the most emotionally painful way possible?? tips??
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axrecyclingau · 2 months
The Essential Guide to Scrapping Metal: A Comprehensive Overview
Scrapping metal is a growing industry that not only provides an opportunity to earn money but also plays a crucial role in environmental sustainability. As people become more aware of the benefits of recycling and repurposing materials, scrapping metal has emerged as a popular practice for reducing waste and conserving resources. 
In this comprehensive guide, let’s explore the ins and outs of scrapping metal prices, including the types of metals commonly scrapped, the benefits of recycling, and tips for getting started in the metal scrapping business.
Understanding Metal Scrapping
Metal scrapping involves the collection, sorting, and selling of metal materials that are no longer needed or are deemed waste. These metals are often sourced from various items, including old appliances, vehicles, construction materials, and industrial by-products. 
The process of scrapping metal helps recover valuable materials that can be melted down and reused, thereby reducing the need for new raw materials and minimising the environmental impact of mining and production.
Types of Metals Commonly Scrapped
Ferrous Metals: These metals contain iron and are magnetic. Common ferrous metals include:
Steel: Found in construction materials, appliances, and machinery.
Cast Iron: Used in pipes, engine blocks, and old cookware.
Non-Ferrous Metals: These metals do not contain iron and are not magnetic. They are often more valuable than ferrous metals and include:
Aluminium: Commonly found in cans, window frames, and gutters.
Copper: Found in electrical wiring, plumbing pipes, and some household appliances.
Brass: Used in fittings, fixtures, and some decorative items.
Lead: Found in batteries and some older plumbing systems.
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Benefits of Metal Recycling
Environmental Impact: Recycling metal reduces the need for new mining, which can be highly disruptive to ecosystems and require significant energy and resources. By recycling, you help conserve natural resources and reduce pollution.
Energy Savings: Recycled metals require less energy to process compared to extracting and refining new metals. For example, recycling aluminium saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce new aluminium from raw ore.
Economic Benefits: Scrapping metal can be a lucrative endeavour. The prices of metals fluctuate, but many people find that collecting and selling scrap metal provides a steady income stream. Additionally, the recycling industry creates jobs and supports local economies.
Reduction of Landfill Waste: Metal scrap that is not recycled ends up in landfills, contributing to the growing waste problem. By recycling, you help reduce landfill waste and promote a more sustainable waste management system.
Getting Started in Metal Scrapping
Research and Education: Before diving into scrapping metal prices, it’s important to educate yourself about the different types of metals and their value. Learn about the local regulations and market conditions for scrap metal. Many communities have specific guidelines for handling and disposing of scrap metal.
Collecting Metal: Start by gathering metal items from various sources. This could include old appliances, vehicle parts, construction debris, or even household items. Always ensure that the items you collect are free of hazardous materials, as these can be dangerous to handle and may affect the value of the scrap.
Sorting and Processing: Once you have collected your metal, sort it into different categories based on type and quality. This helps in maximising the value of your scrap. Clean and process the metal where possible—removing non-metal parts and contaminants can increase the overall worth of the scrap.
Finding a Scrap Yard: Locate a reputable scrap yard or recycling centre in your area. These facilities will weigh and price your metal scrap based on current market rates. Building a good relationship with scrap yard operators can also help you get better prices and insights into market trends.
Safety Precautions: Always prioritise safety when handling scrap metal. Wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and safety glasses, to prevent injuries. Be cautious of sharp edges and heavy items that could cause harm.
Staying Informed: The market for scrap metal can be volatile, with prices fluctuating based on supply and demand, global economic conditions, and other factors. Stay informed about market trends and adjust your collection strategies accordingly.
Final Thoughts
Scrapping metal is not only an opportunity to make some extra money but also a way to contribute to environmental sustainability and resource conservation. By understanding the types of metals, the benefits of recycling, and how to get started, you can make the most out of your metal scrapping efforts. 
Whether you're a hobbyist looking to clean up your space or considering a more serious venture, scrapping metal prices offers numerous advantages and plays a vital role in our recycling economy. Embrace the practice and enjoy the rewards of contributing to a greener planet while benefiting from the value of scrap metal.
Source By - https://tinyurl.com/2j226p27 
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pgraustin · 4 months
2905 Browntop CtLeander, TX 78641
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Website >>https://www.puregoldrealty.com/homes-for-sale/TX/leander/78641/2905-browntop-ct/bid-39-6453102
House Description<<<
Welcome to this vast and luxurious home located on a cul-de-sac in the Sarita Valley neighborhood of Leander. With 5 bedrooms, 4 and 1/2 bathrooms, a dining room, office, loft, game room, and media room, this home offers an abundance of space in every room and premium features throughout! After entering through the Rod Iron adorned front door you are greeted by a curved staircase, as well as the dining room, office and bedroom.The bedroom is ready for your visitors, equipped with an ensuite bathroom with low profile shower. Wood floors adorn the main living areas and the primary bedroom, and you’ll find elegant double doors and expansive windows throughout the home. Natural light streams through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, highlighting the large fireplace and the built in bookshelves adorning each side. The gourmet kitchen features granite countertops, an oversized island with front and back storage, abundant cabinetry, subway tile backsplash and stainless steel appliances. The primary bedroom features a bay window that overlooks the serene backyard, a tray ceiling, and an ensuite bathroom with a two individual oversized vanities, a large soaking tub, walk-in shower, and a spacious walk-in closet. Upstairs, you'll find a versatile game room and an extremely large media room, alongside three additional bedrooms, including an oversized bedroom with a bay window and bathroom. This home features a side garage with epoxy flooring and is wired for electric charging. On top of it all, you can enjoy several community features including an amenity center overlooking the pond with pool, cabana and outdoor seating as well as backing to a trail system. Built in a prime location, this home is zoned to the award-winning Leander ISD, and is conveniently near several shopping centers, parks, restaurants and offers easy access to Ronald Reagan Blvd. Combining luxury, functionality and convenience, this exquisite home is the perfect place for your next chapter
Listing provided courtesy of :
Tanya Kerr
Keller Williams Realty Lone St, (512) 868-1771
Property Type
Year Built
Sarita Valley Ph 4
School District
Leander ISD
Listing ID
Interior Features
Bedrooms and Bathrooms
▪ Bedrooms:5
▪ Bathrooms:5
▪ Full Bathrooms:4
▪ 1/2 Bathrooms:1
Appliances:Built-In Gas Oven, Built-In Oven, Dryer, Dishwasher, Disposal, Microwave, Oven, Refrigerator, Range Hood, Washer
Air Cond:Central Air
Fireplaces:Family Room
Above Ground Sq Ft:N/A
Below Ground Sq Ft:N/A
Other:Breakfast Bar, Bookcases, Built-in Features, Tray Ceiling(s), Ceiling Fan(s), Chandelier, Separate/Formal Dining Room, Double Vanity, Entrance Foyer, Eat-in Kitchen, Granite Counters, High Ceilings, Interior Steps, Kitchen Island, Multiple Living Areas, Multiple Dining Areas, Main Level Primary, Open Floorplan, Pantry, Recessed Lighting, Storage
Exterior Features
Lot:Back Yard, Cul-De-Sac, Front Yard, Landscaped, Native Plants, Few Trees, Trees Medium Size
Others:Rain Gutters, Resale
Sewer:Public Sewer
Parking Features:Attached,Driveway,Electric Vehicle Charging Station(s),Garage,Garage Door Opener,Garage Faces Side
Website >>https://www.puregoldrealty.com/homes-for-sale/TX/leander/78641/2905-browntop-ct/bid-39-6453102
#real_estate #austin_real_estate #austinl_real_estate_selling #Chad_Goldwasser
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businesspikuk · 5 months
Enhancing Curb Appeal with Stylish Guttering Solutions in East Midlands
When it comes to enhancing the curb appeal of your home, every detail matters – including your guttering system. While gutters may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about exterior design, choosing the right guttering can significantly impact the overall aesthetic of your property.
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At East Midlands Laser Fabs Limited, we offer a wide selection of stylish guttering solutions that not only provide superior functionality but also add a touch of elegance to your home's exterior. From sleek modern designs to classic profiles, we have the perfect guttering options to suit any architectural style.
Our guttering products are available in a variety of materials, including aluminium, steel, and PVC, allowing you to choose the option that best complements your home's façade. Whether you prefer the timeless appeal of traditional cast iron or the low-maintenance benefits of aluminium, we have the perfect guttering solution for you.
In addition to their aesthetic appeal, our guttering products are built to last, ensuring that your home remains protected for years to come. Crafted from high-quality materials and precision-engineered for durability, our guttering systems are designed to withstand the harsh weather conditions of East Midlands, keeping your home safe and dry.
With our expert installation services, upgrading your home's guttering has never been easier. Our team of professionals will work closely with you to assess your needs and recommend the best guttering solution for your home. From seamless gutter installations to custom fabrication, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.
Don't let outdated or worn-out guttering detract from the beauty of your home. Contact East Midlands Laser Fabs Limited today to explore our range of stylish and durable guttering solutions and take the first step towards enhancing your home's curb appeal.
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ballardsplumbing · 9 months
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Guttering in Penrith
We can fix and replace damaged gutters or valley iron and provide an excellent cleaning service to keep your guttering system in top shape.
Broken or inadequate guttering or valley irons can cause leaks within your roof space, keeping your guttering system well maintained can reduce the chance of leaking roofs in the future.
Gutters that contain too much build up of dirt, moss or debris can not only cause a fire hazard in the hot summer months but can also affect the angle of the gutter leading to water build up and leaks through the roof.
Call us today for free measure and quote/assessment of your guttering and valley irons or to book in for a full gutter clean.
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businesspromoting · 1 year
Household activities and yard maintainance
Household activities and yard maintenance are essential tasks to keep your living space clean, organized, and aesthetically pleasing. Here's a list of common household activities and yard maintenance tasks, along with some tips:
Household Activities:
Regularly clean floors, surfaces, and furniture using appropriate cleaning products.
Vacuum carpets and rugs to remove dust and dirt.
Clean windows and mirrors for a clear view.
Dishes and Kitchen Maintenance:
Wash dishes, utensils, and cookware after use.
Wipe down kitchen counters and appliances.
Regularly clean the inside of your refrigerator and oven.
Wash, dry, and fold clothes regularly.
Iron clothes if necessary.
Organize your closet and storage spaces.
Bathroom Maintenance:
Clean toilets, sinks, and showers regularly.
Replace shower curtains or liners when needed.
Keep bathroom essentials stocked.
Declutter and organize rooms to maintain a neat and tidy living space.
Use storage solutions like shelves, bins, and baskets to keep things organized.
Home Maintenance:
Check and replace air filters in HVAC systems.
Test smoke detectors and replace batteries as needed.
Address minor repairs promptly to prevent bigger issues.
Yard Maintenance:
Lawn Care:
Regularly mow the lawn to maintain an even and healthy appearance.
Water the lawn adequately, especially during dry periods.
Remove weeds and unwanted plants.
Plant flowers, shrubs, and trees to enhance the beauty of your yard.
Prune plants to promote healthy growth and maintain their shape.
Mulch flower beds to retain moisture and deter weed growth.
Outdoor Cleaning:
Sweep or blow away leaves, debris, and dirt from walkways and driveways.
Clean outdoor furniture and structures like patios and decks.
Gutter Cleaning:
Regularly clean gutters and downspouts to prevent water buildup and potential damage.
Exterior Maintenance:
Paint or touch up exterior surfaces as needed to prevent deterioration.
Inspect the roof for any signs of damage and address issues promptly.
Pest Control:
Take steps to prevent and control pests in your yard, such as using insecticides and keeping areas free of standing water.
Seasonal Tasks:
Rake leaves in the fall.
Clear snow and ice from walkways and driveways in the winter.
Remember, setting up a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule can help you stay on top of these tasks and prevent them from becoming overwhelming. Additionally, involving other household members or hiring professional services for certain tasks can make the process more manageable.
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