#ironpanther shifter au
naferty · 5 years
Ironpanther birthday fic is back! Part 8 has finally arrived. Finally. 
Shuri and Peter were crouched under a bush and watched intently as T’Challa and Mr Stark quietly talked to each other. Both felines lied on their stomachs with their paws crossed in front of them. T’Challa, Shuri noticed, was constantly flicking his tail upwards in interest. A tell she knew meant her brother appeared invested in the relationship that was building between himself and the white tiger in the span of a month. It mattered not what that relationship ended as. Her brother already showed he considered his tie with the tiger important.
As for Mr Stark. There were no visible tells that showed he returned the sentiment or the interest. No flick of his tail, no paw shuffling, no ear twitch, no casually leaning closer, not even a subtle sniff. Mr Stark was as still as a stump. He was guarded, cautious, even more so than her own brother, who had gone through lessons after lessons in order to hide any body language that would show weakness to their enemies.
Mr Stark appeared careful, even amongst allies only wishing to help. Even as her brother showed obvious signs and clear intentions. The courage to open up was nonexistent in his form. Signs of embedded wounds buried deep within his being. Perhaps a case of too often bitten, permanently shy?
Days had gone by and the injuries Mr Stark had sustained had healed over. The white of his fur finally clear and the worry of infection long gone. Now, only the emotional scarring remained. Scarring he wished to keep hidden. Through what little they could see during moments he let himself go Shuri had come to find the man was stubborn and brash and perfect for her brother, who was equally hot-headed and knew no better. But how to let him see?
They needed a hand. A little push together.
“We need ideas. I feel the song will not be enough for them. The two are too stubborn,” she said to the wolf. “They need all the help we can offer.”
Peter sniffed, “You think a song about love is not enough? I thought it’s pretty straight forward.”
“They are too proud. Neither will take the leap. We need to give them a push.”
“Right. How about… falling leaves while the song plays?”
Shuri tilted her head. “Falling leaves? For an aesthetic touch to it? Yes, that’ll work. View each other under a different light. How about the scene of the water… does Mr Stark swim?”
“I don’t know. I never actually saw him swim, but he’s a tiger, I’m sure he knows how.”
“Let’s hope so. If not, my brother can rescue him. That will surely earn him points.”
“What do you have in mind for the water part?”
“Knock them in. A swim is perfect. We’ll have to time it.”
“Oh, they’re not going to like that.”
“It’s their own fault for needing the help.”
Shuri grinned when she heard Peter snort. They would require to plan ahead if they wished to make their list come true. To time everything as perfectly as they could. To let the two adults know whatever they feel, no matter how small, is mutual.
Maybe they’ll find something more together.
“I hope none of them freeze,” Shuri had little in that regard, “we need to go and prepare. If I know my brother he will continue to visit each day. If not to chat Mr Stark up, than to check both his and your progress.”
As if by reflex at the mention of their past treatment, Peter shook his head to ruffle the fur around his neck. Perhaps to remind himself of the freedom he now possessed without the collar? She felt a pang in her chest at the thought.
What they must have gone through…
At least now they are safe and free to roam, instead of being locked in a cage as if they were mere animals. The very idea, the audacity, it sent a shiver of disgust through her.
“We can plan these events to fit his visits, but we need more suggestions. They will need the courage to admit anything and that will not occur from one.”
Peter’s tail visibly wagged. “Let’s get to planning then. I’ve got plenty of ideas. Not all of them sane, but I’m sure they’ll be fine. Mr Stark is quick on his feet.”
“So is my brother. Perhaps we can use that.”
“Brainstorm then?”
“Brainstorm,” Shuri agreed before they ran off to plan every detail they could.
Over to where both tiger and panther rested Tony’s entire body shivered. His hairs all rose as if danger was in his near future. The sense so strong he visibly shuddered and T’Challa noticed.
“Did you sense that, too?” The prince inquired, letting him know he experienced the same thing.
“Something is going to happen. We’re not going to like it.”
“I fear we’ll have no choice in the matter. We will not be able to avoid whatever we will meet in our future.”
Tony huffed. “That doesn’t sound ominous at all. Thanks.”
T’Challa gave him a toothy smile. “Would you rather I lie?”
“I’d rather steer clear of it in general. Can you make that possible?”
“I can make a lot of things, but even I cannot predict future occurrences.”
“Guess we’ll just face our fates then. Can’t be that bad, right?”
Tony would have assumed he had jinxed himself by speaking too soon, but he honestly had not expected or had been prepared for this.
Two days since the foreboding and he had braced himself for the worst. His mind had run with dozens of possibilities of what their future held. From the metaphorical rug soon being yanked from under his and Peter's paws with the true colors of the prince being revealed, to something simple as one of them having the unfortunate luck of catching a cold.
Of all those possibilities it never occurred to him that Shuri and Peter were the ones to be responsible for the whole debacle and what, exactly, the duo had planned to do.
Boy, it had never crossed his mind this was what they had planned for both him and T'Challa.
He had been lying peacefully on the ground. His fur shining better than ever under the sun. The patches where his fur had once been missing were now covered and healthy. The white of his fur glowing, showing his progress in health. While some scars would forever remain, he counted his blessings for now. T’Challa had truly kept his word and aided them, but Tony still planned to keep his guard up.
He’d been burned plenty of times.
The prince himself was lying next to him. Moderate space between them to not intrude in their personal bubbles.
They weren't chatting, surprisingly comfortable with just each other’s company. Tony was enjoying the sun’s rays as he continued to heal and T’Challa was enjoying a small break from his princely duties.
The orange petal falling from the sky was first seen by Tony. The white tiger had been basking under the rays with his head up and eyes closed when something flicked his nose. His eyes open to the sight of a beautiful long petal balancing perfectly on the tip of his nose. Confused, he lowered his snout to allow the petal to continue its path down.
Odd. Tony didn’t even know their cage had orange flowers. He eyed it confusingly.
Then another petal floated down. Then another and another. All of them trickling down and landing all around them.
T’Challa was just as confused as him, if his twitching ears had anything to say of it.
“Is this normal?” He asked the prince. It appeared only their spot was being rained on by orange petals and nowhere else.
“It is not,” T’Challa stared at the petals as if their very presence was a threat. “These are not from the flowers of the palace, and we do not partake in showering in them in this manner.”
Well, even if they didn’t make it a habit to shower in flowers, Tony had to admit the contrast between the orange of the petals and the black of T’Challa’s coat was very beautiful. Almost worthy of a portrait to be displayed for those who appreciated the arts.  
Not that Tony would ever say it. The prince didn’t need his compliments nor would the prince want them from someone like Tony.
They both nearly jumped out of their fur when a voice echoed all around them.
“Can you feel the love tonight?...”
Up on their paws they stood to search for the source of the noise. When it was evident the noise was, in fact, a song and they listened closely to the words they were left staring at each other awkwardly.
Unable to hold the prince’s gaze, Tony turned away, grateful his fur hid the otherwise very obvious flush on his face. Needing a distraction, he searched for the source of the petals and the song combination and found them on top of a hill that overlooked their spot.
The grinning face of the princess stared down at him. Next to her, the orange petals were thrown over the edge and soon enough Peter’s own wolfish grin joined hers. They appeared very proud of themselves and were obviously the culprits.
“Really, Peter?” Tony said just as T’Challa gave a very defeated sigh and a “Shuri.”
“Hi, Mr Stark,” Peter’s tongue lolled out with his grin.
“Don’t mind us. Do continue your time together. We’re just setting the mood,” Shuri said, just as the song echoed “The world for once, in perfect harmony.”
Tony really did not like what that implied. “Thanks, but that’s really unnecessary.”
“You are welcome,” they said simultaneously before disappearing. The song did not stop.
T’Challa shuffled in place, anxious about their situation. “I apologize for her.”
“Yeah, sorry about my kid, too.”
A bouquet of flowers of different varieties and colors came crashing down before them.
“Brother, give him these!”
T’Challa groaned and lowered himself to the ground, covering his face with his paws. “Shuri.”
Tony couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part7) (Part 8)
@xissa-chanx @bornwithgasolineheart @societyslostone @aliceinawesomeland @seven-oomen @not-the-cavalry @gabriel-r3ap3r-reyes @sodoyoufondueme @damej @gentlemanspygalahad @meghatron12337 @the-ice-goddess @fullheartedlyprovocative @breyito @llaladonna @caped-ace  @larissaloki @ninacloverfield @wateriiterro @avengingphoenix @hurricanesass @arellaroth @inkblackfingers @hestia-sama @itsall-taken @olevereidna @im-an-indoor-person @0dannyphantom0 @zessagirl @drarrydarling @beautiful-rave
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Wardog’s Fic Masterpost
You can find nearly all fics through my AO3 account, but here’s a list of links!
The Old Guard
Immortal Husbands- Nicolo di Genova x Yusuf al-Kaysani 
A Hunting (We Will Go); Part of Moonrise In The Hallows
Halloween Oneshot (Within a Larger Verse); Teen & Up- The Guard is a Shifter Pack, led by the fierce wolf Andy. Her fellow wolves Sebastian & Nile, along with the hyenas Lykon and Yusuf are fierce and far-ranging. To say nothing of the vampire, Nico, that is somehow one of them. When their youngest wolf goes missing, the Guard hunts down those responsible and will terminate them without hesitation. The fact that there's another prisoner being held in the basement probably isn't important...
Reluctantly Making Art 
Ongoing; Teen & Up- While Yusuf al-Kaysani would prefer to be a hermit in his apartment and get over his recently ended bad relationship (and subsequently worse breakup), he has friends that have decided that is not his decision to make. He might ignore them, except for the fact that they're his best friends AND the most terrifying women he's ever met, so he doesn't have much choice. He goes to breakfast, he goes to art class, and he falls head over heels for the beautiful Italian man sitting as the model. Because of course, he does; that was the plan all along. (Joe has to admit... it's a pretty good plan.) 
IronStrange- Tony Stark x Stephen Strange
Wishes (Better Left Ungranted)
Complete; General Audiences-  Tony makes a few wishes, but some are better left ungranted.
‘Till Then
Complete; Mature- Stephen Strange is trying to work at Kamar-Taj when his boyfriend texts him... from his Malibu bed. Stephen opens a portal to talk to him about it and they wind up, not really talking about it. ( Tony Stark Bingo Explicit Card A4 KINK: Masturbation)
The Theory of Magic 
Ongoing- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- A get together series in which Stephen Strange has a crush and actually makes a movie. Stories are Complete but the Series is Ongoing, available for expansion via prompts when open. 
 Remind Me
Study and Practice
Burden of Proof
Absence Makes the Heart
Time Heals All
Ongoing- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- Stephen Strange and Tony Stark are married. A little Team Cap antagonistic. Part 3 is a little Dark!IronStrange. 
What the Doctor Ordered
Cloak and Dagger
Break Rules (Not Oaths)
IronPanther- Tony Stark x T’Challa
Hot Chocolate
Complete; General Audiences- (Fluff and Flirting)- So a combination of a prompt and a ship. From jacarandabanyan "Hot Chocolate" and bash-it-all's "IronPanther".
WinterHawk- James Barnes x Clint Barton
Well-Armed (To Hold)
Complete; Teen Audiences- Tumblr Prompt: "Would you ever write WinterHawk? <3"
A Meddling Affection
Complete One Shot; General Audiences-  A belated Birthday ficlet for the lovely Ru! Combined with Tumblr Prompt: All Avengers, clock, poking (Heading toward WinterIronHawk)
WinterIron- James Barnes x Tony Stark
Children of Light
Ongoing Series; General to Teen- Slowbuild to WinterIron. Deals with the Death of JARVIS, the first activation of FRIDAY, and JARVIS’s eventual resurrection. (Note that J is the “Major Character Death” referenced.) This is angsty because I have FEELINGS about the loss of JARVIS and the fact that we never mourned him in MCU. Stories and Series ongoing. 
Son of Stark
To Lose a Child
A Child’s Initiative
I Will Always Find You
Complete; General Audiences- Tony as Snow White, Bucky as Prince Charming in an AU snippet of OUAT. 
Collision With a Dream
Complete; General Audiences- Bucky's walking along arguing about Russian Lit when he literally runs over his dream guy. Tasha does what she usually does, she makes it worse. That's alright, Tony's apparently the forgiving sort.
(You Wanna) Date My Dad
Complete; General Audiences- Featuring Harley Keener! "Would you ever write a fic where Bucky meets Harley?"
To Cure a Hangover (You Need Espresso and a Date)
Ongoing; General Audiences- Prompt: "Would you ever write: WinterIron with age difference? Like teacher!Bucky with Student!Tony? :P"
I Was Promised a Flying Car
Complete; General Audiences- Prompt: Would you ever write a fic where Tony and Bucky is bonding over being nerds/loving science? (And doing all kinds of wacky, mythbuster-esque experiments that Tony whips up any time Bucky begins a sentence with "I wonder what would happen if...?")So it's not "science" driven, but science nerd Bucky did spend his last night before deployment at the Stark Expo, staring at a flying car...
Mechanics, Millionaires, Models & More
Ongoing Series; General Audiences- Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are friends from childhood. When Tony as a single dad catches the eye of the model James Barnes, there’s some mutual Instagram-Stalking and a lot of flirting. 
Tony’s First Friend
Coping for An Age
(Walk Walk) Fashion Baby
Milkshakes and Motorcycles
Ongoing; Teen Audiences- Bucky, second to the Captain for the Howling Commandos, hears a scuffle around the corner and finds himself with an armful of just about the prettiest little lost lamb he's ever seen. Since Tony don't seem too keen on his now-ex, Bucky's gonna buy him a milkshake, wrap him in a leather jacket, and hopefully show him a good time.
California Dreamin’ A Beach Bums Verse
Ongoing; Teen Audiences- Note: A Special Collaboration Series! This is a WinterIron get together with puns, angst, fluff and more! Make sure to read my partner maevee’s stories!
Don’t Tell (Secrets)
(Everyday Is A) Winding Road
Mai Tai (Offer You A Drink)
When You Wish Upon A Stark -Maevee!
We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Bucky -Maevee!
Ongoing; James Barnes, the Winter Soldier, has been out of the ice and Hydra’s hands for a month the first time he hears a familiar voice. (A SoulMate AU)
True, Strong and Brave
Ongoing; Teen- Bucky Barnes moves into the tower and receives help from an otherwise elusive Iron Man. But when the team gets called out and things go wrong, Steve gets a reality check as to what has been done in his name. Bucky steps up, he's one of the few who can. (Team Cap Critical; Anti-Wanda)
Complete; General Audiences- From a Prompt on Tumblr: Random Sentence- “I’ll do it for you.”
(Were) Whisperer
Ongoing; Mature- In a world where Aliens rain destruction from portals through space, ancient Gods arrive on beams of light, and a certain Billionaire Philanthropist darts around the world in a metal suit: there really is a very high bar for what is considered "weird". Shapeshifters hardly register, having been long known. You’re either a Human, a Were, or a Whisperer. Most people can prove whether they’re the first or the second, a few will lie about being the third. Alternately, there's Tony. Tony Stark is one of the few people pretending the first and burying the third, and he’s more or less in the clear with it until Steve Rogers catches up with the Winter Soldier, and brings him home to Avengers Tower. Tony doesn’t have to say a word, the Wolf knows differently.
An Attraction
Complete; Jurassic World AU-  Write... a crossover/au of the last non-marvel movie you saw and marvel (if ships, winteriron?). Essentially Jurassic World & Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Snippets with WinterIron. Originally Posted on Tumblr: Expansion Pack for AO3!
The Continental
Teen- From the Prompt: “ Would you ever write: Winteriron as a John Wick!AU?” James "Winter" Barnes has been accepted into The Continental Hotel's exclusive clientele. While preparing for a job he visits the Hotel Lounge and meets the gorgeous singer, Tony Stark. The Owner's Son, the New Manager... Maybe the love of his life.
Ongoing; General Audiences- So my adorable FandomNiece made me a beautiful Moodboard for True, Strong and Brave. I offered a gratitude fic for her pairing and trope of choice! This is a WinterIron Identity Porn story!
New Hire
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- In reaction to the Prompt: "Actually totally WinterIron and Peteypie, with...sitter or teacher Bucky???" (And things got out of control as they do, I guess.)Essentially: Pepper hires a Bodyguard/Babysitter for Peter out of SHIELD's ranks. Tony is spiky about it, at least until he gets a look at the guy. (Yeah, he wants to climb that like a tree.)
(Let’s Go) Dancing
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- This is a Marvel Universe-Center Stage Fusion AU that no one asked for and everyone is getting anyway. Tony dances for the American Ballet Company as their featured ballerino, performing under the name Antonio Carbonell. James and Steve are two of the ABC's newest students, and James gets a chance to meet his crush on his first day. Just his luck, Tony is even better in person. (Natalia may have been setting them up all along.)
Next Year Will Be Better
Complete One Shot; General Audiences-  Just a quick story for Tony's birthday. Pre-Slash Tony Stark/James Barnes, and Tony acting as IronDad to the Spider Son and his Potato Gun Son.
The Most Powerful (Pillowfight)
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- In which Carol and Tony (aggressively) support each other and then do battle (with pillows) for their honor. Or each other's honor? It's unclear, things got out of control. (James Rhodes loves these idiots way too much.) This is a fill for the TSB 2019 Square: T2: A BATTLE/FIGHT/CONFRONTATION
Coffee, Curses, Kisses
Complete; General Audiences- Tony Stark drags himself out of his workshop on a regular Thursday morning. Well, mostly a regular morning. Except for Clint Barton lying on the breakfast bar in themed underwear. The theme is new, the rest is depressingly familiar. Ok, so maybe the rose petals are new too. (What the hell, Clint?) It's enough to make a billionaire grateful for the Avengers Alarm. Wait a minute, magic too? Fuck, this is just not Tony's day. (Until it really, really is.)This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019 S4: FIRST KISS
Riding Roughshod
Ongoing; Teen & Up- The Heroic Captain America wakes up in a world that is integrated far beyond what he would have dreamed of when he went into the ice, though he never expected to be a part of it. A pioneer of mixed-race teams back in his own day, the last thing he expects is to be called upon to do so once again, this time gathering a group of heroes from some rather unlikely places. If that weren't enough to worry about, there's a wild-card Soldier with a familiar fighting style making trouble at top-security bases all over the world... and a shiny red and gold suit that doesn't seem to answer to anyone. That's to say nothing of the kid genius that's supposedly behind it.This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019 R4: CentaursThis is a Fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019 K3: Tony Stark/ Iron Man
Love Like Knives
Complete One Shot; Mature- Winter wakes up Tony when he wants someone to play rough with.This is a Bingo Fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019. U4: [Image: Winter Soldier holding a knife.] 
(I Will Try) To Fix You
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- Dark Fic; An Extremis-modified Tony Stark decides he could run the world better than those currently in power, but he needs his pliable boyfriend James to go away and the Winter Soldier to come back...
WinterIron Week 2019
Day 1. The B Team  First Meeting/“Are we really gonna do this here?” 
Day 2. Done  “You done yet?” 
Day 3. A Second Take, A First Impression  Bed Sharing / “I’m not drunk enough for this.” / Soulmates
Day 5. Hunting For (You)  Celebration / “Bad timing?” / Prosthetic Arms
Day 6. Give It Away  Identity Porn / “You should shut up now.” / Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart
WinterWidow/RussianRoulette- James Barnes x Natasha Romaova
No Fics Currently
Stony- Steve Rogers x Tony Stark
A Guardian of Light
Ongoing; Teen- a.k.a. that time Steve sank the Valkyrie in the Arctic and became a spirit-walking wolf to guide Tony, at Frigga’s suggestion.
Shield Studios Ltd. 
Complete- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- All the Avengers in a non-powered voice-acting AU for an animated show called "Assemble" staring their Marvel counterparts. Tony/Steve have a mutual admiration/crush but it's not actually romantic and can be read as gen.
Phil’s Failed Plan
You’re Welcome to Try
The Vague & The Unmistakable
Complete; General Audiences- Looking back on it, there are several things that should have tipped Steve off that today was his Birthday. (Starting with the fact that it's suddenly clear Tony engineered every one of them.)
Stucky- Steve Rogers x James Barnes
No Fics Currently
Stuckony- Steve Rogers x James Barnes x Tony Stark
On The Wing
Complete- Open for Expansion; Teen- A Wing AU for Stuckony. Stories are Complete but the Series is Ongoing, available for expansion via prompts when open.
(I’ll) Be Good
Complete; Mature- So when the tumblr prompt "Would you ever write...ABO winterironshield with alpha Tony?" meets my Kink Card S2 Square "Alpha/Beta/Omega Society" this is where we end up.
Allergic to Coddling
Complete (But Possibly Ongoing); From the Prompt: "Would you ever write Tony Stark having an allergic reaction to something and the rest of the Avengers babying him to the point of ridiculousness because they just love him so much?" Sort of Stuckony, sort of Everyone is Poly Because Avengers? Your choice.
Poly Avengers- Everyone Loves Everyone 
Everybody Loves Me
Ongoing; From the Prompt: "Would you ever write a TonyXEveyone fic? Not exactly everyoneXeveryone, but everyone *in love* with Tony only?" Note this is a Partial Fill which may be expanded on later. Featuring Tales of Suspense Hawkeye/Comic Clint Barton, aka deaf and a dumpster kid until the end.
Non Romantic- No Shipping
Shut UP, Bucky!
Complete; Teen-  From the hellscape of Discord Discussions I bring you: QueenWuppy: "During World War II condoms were not only distributed to male U.S. military members, but enlisted men were also subject to significant contraception propaganda in the form of films, posters, and lectures. A number of slogans were coined by the military, with one film exhorting "Don't forget — put it on before you put it in." "guys i was doing research and and steve and bucky were subjected to this". AKA Bucky makes SO MANY COMMENTS about Super Soldier Sized Protection. So many.
We Can’t Plot Murder All The Time
Complete; General Audiences- From the Prompt: "Would you ever write Deadpool/Tony (IronPool? DeadMan? IronDead? Dunno their ship name :b)" AN: I don’t ship them so this is a non-romantic. 
Video Games and Phoenix Metaphors
Complete; General Audiences- Pepper plays Pokemon GO for SI Employee Morale... But she thinks the boss should be in on it too, and the best way to get Tony to do something is to get Rhodey to do something, and then clue Tony in. (Hint: It works.)
(The Upgrade) You’re Missing
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- Riri Williams is having a bad day, and though her AI TONY can't fix it, he can call in reinforcements.
The Losers
A Touch of Grace
Ongoing Series; Gen to Teen- Cougar has a bad feeling right before the Fadhil operation, and he admonishes Jake to be careful. Jake mostly pays attention, but Cougs is pretty distracting. (Slight D/s tones and Subspace.)
If I Touch You, Will You Listen? (Cougar’s POV)
If I Listen, Will You Touch Me? (Jensen’s POV)
You and Tequila (Make Me Crazy)
Ongoing; Teen & Up- Fortalvarez Tequila is a family business that's been in operation for a hundred and fifty years. Currently, under the management of the family matriarch Constanza, the business will soon be passed to her beloved grandson Carlos. The problem is, Constanza does not care for modern technology or the fact that all of her grandbabies (but especially her favorite) are single. Her solution is a single advertisement for a new Social Media Expert, which is about to be answered by the very handsome (and rather impulsive) Jake Jensen.From the Prompt: "Cougar's family runs a tequila distillery in Mexico. A luxury one. But his abuelita is getting too old to run the place with the firm hand that's required and someone has to take over. Jensen? Jensen is GREAT at social media management. SOMEONE WRITE IT SO I DON'T HAVE TO."
Tag (You’re It)
Complete One Shot; Teen & Up-  Jake hacks a new system for the express purpose of getting the Losers prank dog tags printed and delivered. Mostly because his Unit is full of people that make bad decisions, himself included. And also? To flirt with Cougar. Jake is willing to do stupid, stupid things in order to flirt with Cougar.
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tonystarkbingo · 6 years
Tumblr media
Week 4 Roundup!  Click on the “readmore” to see what awesome stuff your fellow creators got up to this past week!
Title: Accountable Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: coffeeshop au Summary: Tony wants to have a stable relationship by New Year’s Eve. Well, Bucky’s here to hold him accountable. Word Count: 2199
Title: Ask Me Again Tomorrow Collaborator: schroedingersfox Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - flower shop AU Ship: FrostIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: pre-slash, flower shop AU Summary: “It’s just for Secretaries’ Day.” The cashier snorts at that. “It’s ‘Administrative Professional’ now. So, are you a cheap boss, or not?” Tony grimaces, but he’s got a point. He’s just not sure he wants to give this guy the satisfaction of being right. Word Count: 1204
Title: Watch them fall Collaborator: RossKL Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Baron Zemo Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: angst, Zemo POV, canon compliant Summary: The worst kind of hurt, for men like Stark, didn't come from just some deaths - not even from those of his own family. Word Count: 794
Title: Good Vibrations Collaborator: kellebelle Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Vibes in Public Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, exhibitionism, orgasm denial, D/s undertones Summary: Tony dares Steve to wear a vibrator next time they are out in public. Things get pretty raunchy from there. Word Count: 2251
Title: In The End Collaborator: NastyBambino Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - image Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: character death, final moments Summary: Tony gets the life he always dreamed of when it's too late. Word Count: 525
Title: The Truth Will Out Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Captivity Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: not Team Cap friendly, AU shifters  Summary: Helmut Zemo's original plans were stymied by Tony's big reveal at the Leipzig airport. But he will have his way, no matter what. Because no matter how you try to hide it, the truth will always come out. Word Count: 2097
Title: be scared with me, honey Collaborator: only_more_love  Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - vulnerability Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: past alcoholism/alcohol abuse, happy ending Summary: "His strong arms fold carefully around Tony, and he waits, exactly as he promised he would, while Tony feels the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, and uses the time to gather what little courage he possesses."  Word Count: 1161
Title: a new world and a bold world Collaborator: sbiderslut Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - Arc Reactor Ship: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Rating: Teen Major Tags: pining, fluff, mermaid AU Summary:  In which Peter is a young merman off the Monaco coast, and Tony Stark is a handsome bachelor who uses the city as his personal playground. Word Count: 708
Title: Cutie Avengers Cross Stitch Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: cross stitch, crafts
Title: already know you're fucked up (and it's cool with me) Collaborator: sbiderslut Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Doing Groceries Ship: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Rating: Teen Major Tags: eating disorders, angst, hurt comfort Summary: Love and care are often shown through food. But sometimes, food is too much. Tony seems determined to love Peter, regardless. Word Count: 2,948
Title: Found Family Collaborator: NastyBambino Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 -  Workshop Troubles Ship: Tony and the bots, Tony & Pepper & Rhodey Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff, bot fic, playlist Summary: Just a day or relaxation for Tony featuring his best friends and robotic children Word Count: 288
Collaborator: monobuu Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T5 - Clint Barton/Hawkeye Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: gif art of Clint Barton dancing in a towel
Title: Moodboard Collaborator: IronSpider Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - AU Cyberpunk Ship: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Rating: gen Major Tags: art Summary:  In a future where corruption reigns supreme and cybernetic enhancements are commonplace, two unlikely heroes join forces to save their city from destruction.
Title: In His Arms Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 -  Snowed In Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: snowed in, pining Summary: If life were any kind of fair, there would be a fire, crackling merrily and lighting Tony’s eyes with warmth. Maybe Bucky would be content enough to lean against Tony just for the joy of touching him. Word Count: 1502
Title: Dreams start their drifting & you hear a lullaby Collaborator: cutebutpsyco Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - kidfic Ship: IronStrange, Bruce Banner/Christine Palmer Rating: Gen Major Tags: de-aging, kidfic Summary: He’s not Stephen’s kid,” Wong said, allowing Bruce to think to something different. “He is Strange, and the shy boy over there is Stark.” Word Count: 5457
Title: take my hand, take my whole life too Collaborator: FreyaS Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - holding hands Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: asexuality, fluff Summary: Tony stands in front of the mirror and nervously adjusts the cuffs of his bespoke suit. He fiddles with the cufflinks shaped like the atoms of the element he created (a present from Rhodey for his forty-something birthday) and tries to breathe in slowly and calm his nerves. This is his fifth and probably last date with Steve and he wants to commemorate the moment with his most polished look. The suit is his armor and it’ll carry him through to the bitter end. Word Count: 3462
Title: S2- Petal to the Metal Collaborator: thudworm Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - AU: flowershop Ship: IronHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: blind date, second chances Summary: Tony loved his job running his own flower shop. He really did. But there were times it took its toll, like today. It was hard not to let the constant stream of happily-in-love customers remind him of what he didn’t have. Doubly so after the sting of being rejected, sight unseen. Word Count: 1525
Title: Keeping an Eye on the Boss Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - Friday Ship: IronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: getting together Summary: Friday likes to keep an eye on things for the boss. Word Count: 1929
Title: The Floor Is Lava Collaborator: singingwithoutwords Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - T'Challa/Black Panther Ship: IronPanther Rating: Gen Major Tags: no powers AU Summary: And it's far from the hottest thing in the room. Word Count: 842
0 notes
naferty · 6 years
Part 7 is here!!
One thing Tony hadn’t considered when he accepted the help of the prince was the method in which the prince was going to lather him with the disenfectives. Paws weren’t exactly ideal, not when claws could accidentally cause more damage or the salve wouldn’t be placed properly.
As a panther it would’ve been difficult for T’Challa to work on four legs. Opposable thumbs was a luxury and proved to be a necessity on more than one occasion and now suddenly the blanket T’Challa brought with him made more sense.
Tony tried his hardest not to allow his eyes to glance over to the form of the prince kneeling next to him with only a blanket to cover his nakedness to the world. Instead he focused on the feeling of fingers trailing through his fur and caressing his skin. The medicine soothing the burn of his fresh wounds and the soft fingers relaxing his muscles.
The sensation had him nearly falling asleep and his weakness to touch had him going soft and pliant. If he had the capability he was sure he’d be purring right then. As it happened, he might or might not have been slowly melting under the prince’s hands.
He had a weakness. Living as a solitary tiger had its pros, less worry, no responsibilities to others, no other mouths to feed, but above all else solitary had its cons. No physical contact. No affection. No grooming. No gentle touches. No bonds. No pride strength. He was alone and the feeling of loneliness in moments of weakness hurt more than any wound he could ever receive.
He didn’t believe himself as someone to easily grow affection for another simply because he ran fingers through his fur, but as T’Challa gently lathered around his wrists with a care of easily breakable glass Tony could feel the affection bloom in his chest. It said something for a tiger to allow the fragile treatment, but Tony had been so starved of anything related to gentle treatment after being captured he couldn’t be faulted.
He wondered if T’Challa understood or even noted the importance of it.
The more the panther tended to his wounds the more Tony inched closer to falling asleep. Then T’Challa moved his hands to his flank and back and Tony was in pure bliss.
“You sustained more injuries than I have salve to use.”
Tony twitched his ear at the sudden sound disrupting his elation. He made the mistake of looking to T’Challa and got a trail of skin visible between the the blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a well-toned chest for his troubles. Mouth suddenly dried he put a lot more effort than necessary to move his gaze to T’Challa’s face.
“As long as the big ones are taken care of. Don’t go using all your stock on me.”
T’Challa’s hand suddenly moved to lather on his neck. Tony prevented himself from flinching but gave himself away when his ears went flat down. He moved his head according to T’Challa’s movements to accommodate. At one point T’Challa had to use both hands to adjust and held his chin as he put pressure in order to pass through the fur. Tony stared at his face as he did so. The tongue sticking out slightly as he focused. The thought of grooming strong on his mind after seeing that.
The panther’s fingers ran over the fur of his cheeks and as if belatedly realizing what he’d been doing T’Challa finally met his eyes. For a brief moment time stopped and Tony wondered what the prince’s next move would have been had the sound of twigs snapping didn’t make them nearly jump apart. T’Challa retracted his hand and both of them faced the panther cub and wolf pup trying and failing to hide under bushes. The youngsters looking far too interested at what they were doing.
T’Challa wrapped the blanket tighter against himself and Tony did the sensible thing and stood to move his body in front of the panther, blocking the view. He gave the young pair an unimpressed look.
“How long have you both been hiding there?”
The panther princess peeked her head through the green and piped up. “Long enough.” The feline grin she had didn’t leave room not to worry.
Peter followed her and stuck his nose up, tongue hanging lazily out of his mouth. “We didn’t want to disturb you, Mr Stark. Looked like you were having a moment.”
If looks could scare.
“Mind coming out from there?”
“Since you asked so nicely,” Shuri slithered out and stood tall. Her fur shining under the light of the sun. Peter didn’t slither but he gave a good attempt at it. His fur wasn’t as shiny but considering what they had gone through months prior it was practically sparkling compared to his fur’s previous state. He looked healthy and energetic and Tony sighed fondly at him. Carefree for the first time in so long. He couldn’t take that away from him.
“Did you both need something?” There had to be a reason why the two sought them out.
“No, we wanted to check you both weren’t dead. You were awfully silent.”
“What, were you expecting us to fight? Pretty sure your guards would be against me hurting a prince.”
“No, but plenty of other reasons to be quiet.”
T’Challa, now in his panther form, walked around Tony. “Such as?”
“I can’t possibly say.” Shuri made a show of looking around paranoid. “Far too many ears around us.”
T’Challa shook his head, ready to respond, but it seemed Shuri was not going to stick around for it. She jumped on her four legs and to Peter she said, “Race you to the top of the hill.”
Peter crouched down before taking off. “You’re on!”
And just like that they were both gone, leaving tiger and panther alone to wonder what all that was about.
“The energy of youth,” T’Challa said with fondness.
Tony raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you calling me old?” Which, rude.
“N-no! Of course not. I hadn’t meant to offend by it.”
The wide eyes and the taken back stance made Tony internally chuckle. A prince that stuttered. He never thought he’d ever see it in his life. Then, as if stuttering wasn’t enough, the prince actually froze and blinked at him. As if his mind was attempting to reboot.
Tony grinned. “No offence taken. I wouldn’t even know what to do with all that energy. I’m old and grumpy.”
The panther seemed to snap out of whatever notion he got himself in. “There is plenty to do with that much energy. You just need creativity.”
Now it was Tony’s turn to blink. If he didn’t know any better he’d assume the prince was flirting with him, and his eyes seemed to be half lidded.
It was a good thing he knew better. The prince was his owner and most likely didn’t have time to flirt with his property. Even if he did nothing would come out of it. Not unless the prince wanted a warm body for the night and Tony had no choice but to say yes.
Tony hummed and refused to respond. If he didn’t acknowledge it perhaps the prince would drop it. Instead he turned and got comfortable back on the ground.
Shuri ended up winning the race up the hill by using the branches and jumping to her advantage while Peter was stuck running on the ground. While he may have lost he hadn’t been upset by it. Not when he could finally run after being locked up for so long. To feel his legs burning from exertion and breathing heavily.
He flopped down on the ground when he finally reached her perched on the hill. “Next win is going to be mine.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” She wasn’t winded and she didn’t look even close to as tired as he was.
“Five minutes.”
“I’ll give you ten.”
“Thanks.” Peter breathed deeply during the time, trying to calm his heart, all the while Shuri sat upright for a moment before pacing in a circle around him.
“So,” she started casually, “my brother and Mr Stark.”
Peter grinned. “Do you think they know?”
“If they don’t they’re about to. The way they were gazing at each other. It reminded me of that lion film and the love song it played. They’re practically begging for it to be their song.”
“Lion film?” Peter perked up.
“Have you not watched it?” the panther tilted her head.
“I live with my pack hidden in the forest away from humans. I’ve seen a few films from what we manage to get, but they’re usually not priority. My uncle tells me to focus on staying hidden.”
“I see. Sounds sad.”
Peter shrugged. “Plenty to do with the pack every day. Not that it’s always fun, but we survive.”
Shuri circled one more time before curling up next to him. “Is that how all shifters live where you are from?”
“Not all. Only those who live as their animal form. It’s easier to live hidden like that and have humans keep walking. There’s some who try to live as both and even manage to make small villages deep within forests. They have electricity and technology and everything.”
“Do you live as your animal only?”
“Yeah. Electricity makes it easier for humans to track us so we try to avoid that.”
“Is that why you don’t shift even now? You and Mr Stark?” It was a sad thought, and made sense now that Shuri thought about it.
Peter nodded. “We live in a forest. Mr Stark on his own but he’s a friend of my pack. He helped me when I got seperated from my aunt and uncle one day, and tried to stop the poachers from taking me. They got us both instead.”
“How long ago was this?” How long were you captured.
“What day is it?”
“Seventeen of September.”
Visible sorrow appeared in Peter’s eyes. “More than half a year ago. Aunt May and Uncle Ben must be worried sick.”
“You’ll return to them,” Shuri said with utmost certainty. “I meant what I said. We wish to help and that means returning you to your home. Wherever that is.”
“Thank you.”
Shuri made a quick move to bump her head against Peter’s in affection before pulling away and standing again. “Now. I can’t believe you haven’t watched that lion film. Tomorrow I’m bringing a whole set up and we’re going to sit and watch it and when that scene comes out you’re going to help me play it out for my brother and Mr Stark.”
Peter hopped to his feet as well. “I can’t wait.”
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part8)
@xissa-chanx @bornwithgasolineheart @societyslostone @aliceinawesomeland @seven-oomen @not-the-cavalry @gabriel-r3ap3r-reyes @msmynx @sodoyoufondueme @damej @gentlemanspygalahad @lighthearted-liv @meghatron12337 @the-ice-goddess @fullheartedlyprovocative @breyito @llaladonna @caped-ace @can-i-be-your-alice @writingstealer @batfamily-stark @harryrockz777 @larissaloki @ninacloverfield @wateriiterro @avengingphoenix @hurricanesass @kaci1ynn @arellaroth @inkblackfingers @hestia-sama @caffinatedtrashcompacter @itsall-taken @olevereidna @im-an-indoor-person @0dannyphantom0 @zessagirl @drarrydarling @beautiful-rave
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naferty · 7 years
So....🎁2/19 is my bday 🎂 and I was wondering if you had any sneak peeks for Finding Pack or Mr and Mrs... Mom & Dad? Or if you'd be able to give a little IronPanther lovin'? I'm still a bit pissed at Steve for the bs he pulled in CW and have been obsessed with IronPanther lately. Anything will be loved though ❤❤
You left me with too much limit and little time so I sort of had to quickly write this out, an Ironpanther with shifter mixed in and some Tony and tiny Peter fluff, and I hope it makes your day brighter. Happy Birthday!
This is part 1 for you! I’ll get you part 2 out the moment I can.
Tony prowled his territory cautiously. Recently there had been an influx of humans wandering the forest, searching, hunting, and he couldn’t risk getting caught off-guard. Not when many shifters had moved further south, away from the humans residing north.
They were being pushed back. There was no denying it now. Many shifters were losing their homes in a rapid rate and many were leaving even faster.
The safest for shifters were to pack up. A lone shifter was an easy target, but a group had a chance. Tony was not amongst the lucky ones to have a group watch his back, at least not outright. The shifters of the area were canine and many. They had little trouble sticking together. Forming packs and tight bonds that made it harder for humans to target. Their instinctual needs making it easy to fall into roles.
A pack of these canine shifters were kind enough to be acquainted with him. Some might even, dare he say it, call him a friend of the canines. Which was saying a lot, considering he was a white tiger and made canines wary in the best of times and posed a threat at the worst.
Not many would’ve taken a chance on him, but he was thankful the uncoordinated pup (though he claimed to have been a teenager) had stumbled upon him. Disoriented and lost, he had feared him at first, but the pup began talking his ear clean off and stuck close when Tony showed no signs of wanting to eat him. The only shifter in the area Tony offered safety that the pup needed and Tony understood wandering the forest alone as a cub. It brought forth terrors. Never knowing when something would strike or when a human would jump from the shadows.
Tony allowed him to stay, learning the pup’s name was Peter and coming to understand how he ended up lost, how they ended up getting attacked but he didn’t know by whom, not when his aunt and uncle screamed for him to run. He stayed with Tony for days and Tony ended up hunting for two. The most hunting he had ever done in his life.
Eventually the pup’s pack traced his scent and came back for him. Their hostility quickly dissolved shortly after they learned his role in protecting Peter until his family found him. Aunt May and Uncle Ben were grateful. Their leader offered his thanks and promised to spread word of him to other canines of the area. He was an ally and was to be treated like one.
There was no complaints from Tony, not when it resulted in many canines simply avoiding him instead of confronting him when their paths crossed. Tony hoped this thin line of friendship with the pup’s pack extended to helping, or at least keeping an eye out on him, should the humans walk into their territory. Naturally, that thin line extended both ways, so when he heard a howl with a very familiar tone to it Tony didn’t even hesitate or think about it twice. He ran to the howl, taking notice of the sounds of footsteps on dead grass the closer he got. He caught a glimpse of tall shadows standing upright through the trees. The shadows of danger. The shadows of death. Humans were here and Peter had been howling in fear near the area.
Heart beating heavy in his chest he rushed forth, crouching when the shapes of the humans became clear. There were five of them jogging through the trees and there, in the direction of their path, was Peter’s form, shivering with his tail curled around himself. He was trapped. Rocks and boulders blocking his path and far too small to jump over them.
The humans aimed their guns at him, ready to fire, and Tony moved with as much speed as he could. He roared, hearing it echo through the trees and watching as the humans turned to him in horror. He struck at those nearest to him, forcing the rest to back off with shouts and orders. He saw his opportunity and rushed to Peter, grabbed him by the scruff and jumped over the stones in hopes of it blocking the humans and climbed higher. He needed distance, he needed to hide, he needed to make sure Peter was as far away from the danger as possible, he needed to -
A sharp pain struck him on his thigh and gave him a flinch, but it didn’t bring forth a burning sensation of a serious wound so he ignored it and pushed forward with more force. He found as the seconds ticked by it became harder and harder to jump until eventually even moving his front legs seemed an impossibility.
The humans tranquilized him! Shit.
He draped himself over the last boulder he could climb and released Peter, nudging him to go with his snout. “Run, Peter.”
“No, no Mr Stark,” Peter’s tiny body shivered. “I can’t leave you here.”
Tony bared his teeth. “Go!” He managed to catch Peter run and hear the footsteps of the humans closer before he just couldn’t keep awake anymore. The very last thing he heard was Peter’s whine as something struck him.
He woke up disoriented with his head pounding and the ground shaking from underneath him. He was met with darkness and the foul smell of old fear and no forest. His only source of light were tiny holes allowing the sun to shine in and he cursed with a loud growl when he realized he was in a damn box. Moving also showed he was also chained down. A collar on his neck, shackles on his paws and a muzzle.
A soft whimper to his right made him stop from ramming against the walls in desperation. A tiny body was curled next to him and his heart stopped when he realized it was Peter. He didn’t escape. He was captured as well. Tony couldn’t save him.
He curled himself protectively around the pup, promising to find a way for him to escape no matter what.
T’Challa held in a growl threatening to escape him. He had seen not one, but three - three - shifters chained up and displayed as if they were mere mindless animals meant to be exotic pets. To many in this event they were exactly that. Mindless animals praised as rarities by their sellers and paid little mind to them, never questioning how the black stallion standing tall showed intelligence in his eyes. But to those who knew exactly what this fabrication hid under it.
A black market running right under the nose of the clueless. A black market that specialized in the selling and enslaving of shifters for different purposes. For entertainment, for strength, for protection, for pleasure, and it sickened him.
He remained silent, however. It would do no good when visitors of the land caused a scene, not when relations were strained as it was. T’Challa promised he was going to personally see the end of such exchanges. To think they treated shifters as materials when they were just as human as any other.
The itch to take to his fur was strong but he needed the face of a simple man. It would do no good to cause panic and force the Dora Milaje to retaliate in defence, and so he continued his walk, followed by two fierce warriors. He carried his disgust on the inside while on the outside was the face of indifference. He hoped his eyes expressed his anger.
The more he walked the more he wished to leave the foul place. After watching the fourth clueless man stare at the stallion shifter and turn away without any recognition or care the decision to leave was easy to choose. This was when his little sister made an appearance and took that decision out of his hands. Her eyes so often bright in joy were forlorn, silent anger hidden under a layer of control. She wanted to lash out, just as he, but her reason unknown to him.
He didn’t have to ask her reason. She offered with a displeased head shake. “They are hosting an auction. Among their pieces is a shifter. Rare in color and mistreated. I fear if he is sold he will not see another day. Please, we must help.”
T’Challa frowned. Shuri was well aware of what hid amongst the illusions and also knew they couldn’t interfere, not yet, no matter how much they wish to aid. “You know we can not.”
“I have talked to him,” Shuri revealed. “He shows intelligence, more than most.” She looked down momentarily, showing a hesitation rarely ever seen by her. “He protects another. Younger. We must help.”
T’Challa didn’t understand, not at first, but if it had Shuri worried than it must have been serious. He nodded and followed after her, leading him close to the gathering crowd but remaining at the edge. There was a stage present where the auctioneer was to present the merchandize. Shuri led them around and through a black curtain behind it. The dark of the area prevented them from being spotted, but under a designated light source he saw multiple items waiting to be sold and among them a simple bar cage. Primitive and horrid, for inside was a beast. Chained to the ground with shackles on its legs, collar on its neck and a muzzle. The fur mangled, scars present in the patches it missed and dried blood decorating in-between the stripes.
A white tiger. Filthy, scarred, and afraid. It shaked in its hold, but through the trembling T’Challa could easily see the anger coursing through its body upon seeing them. The baring of its teeth accompanied with a soft hiss.
He was beautiful.
They got closer. The hiss grew with each step they took and the body curled into a ball as much as the chains allowed. When T’Challa and Shuri stood just outside the cage he knew why. There, curled up next to the belly of the tiger, was a pup, an adolescent wolf by the size, appearing to be around Shuri’s age. The youngster was untouched compared to the tiger. Better fed and fur relatively cleaner.
The tiger released a protective growl upon realizing he was studying the pup. T’Challa raised his hands, meaning no harm, but didn’t move. It was clear this shifter was mistreated. Not even the other shifters on display appeared to receive the same treatment. He couldn’t leave the creature alone like this.
“Be calm. We mean no harm.” The sharp eyes of the tiger pierced his being. He distrusted, as the nature of his environment. He would not believe a word T’Challa would say. Only actions will win the shifter’s trust. “We will help you out.”
The tiger huffed. His ears were pulled all the way back, flat on his head and tail flicking back and forth in agitation. He didn’t appear to wish to talk and T’Challa didn’t expect him to, but desperation was a strong motivation.
His shoulders sagged, head going down in defeat. “Save…. Peter… please. Get… him out.”
The pup whined and T’Challa knew he couldn’t leave either of them there. He turned to Shuri and they shared a nod of understanding.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)(Part 5)(Part 6) (Part7)
Happy Birthday!!!
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naferty · 7 years
Part 6 of the ironpanther shifter birthday fic!
T’Challa talked well into the day. His hope of letting the tiger learn of himself in order to lessen his hostility proved to result in progress. The tiger no longer kept as close of an eye on him and instead shifter on the branch in order to have his back face him, making himself vulnerable and showing he didn’t see T’Challa as a threat any longer.
Whether he had done so unconsciously or on purpose remained to be seen, but in the end it mattered not. The tiger was comfortable enough to display this.
He stopped with his current tale in order to listen in. Had the larger feline fallen asleep? Or was he simply resting? T’Challa contemplated jumping up into the branches. He didn’t want to push but he also didn’t want to leave without at least checking the full extent of the wounds.
No, he had to give the tiger a leverage. If that meant allowing him the height than so be it. He had to somehow convince the tiger to come down instead. Allow him to choose equal footing.
“Have I bored you with my tales of youth?”
He heard a soft rumble from up above. “Not at all. I’m still listening. Go ahead and finish.”
Still awake then. “I would enjoy nothing more, but the sun is setting in and I’ll be needed elsewhere soon.”
“Right. Important man from what I’ve heard. Can’t have your time taken up completely from the likes of me.” T’Challa chose to ignore that statement. It was a dismissal to be sure. The tiger’s way of coping while defensive. Had T’Challa been anyone else that behavior would receive harsh discipline, and the larger feline knew it. “Forget I said that. Forget I said anything. Just ignore it all. I didn’t mean to -”
The tiger continued to stumble upon his attempt at an apology. T’Challa didn’t expect one, not from such a proud creature, but a long time of mistreatment changed a person, and the instinct to protect overpowered any pride. A look towards the bushes obscuring a small figure proved the apology was meant for more than just the tiger. The young wolf crouched down under the leaves of the bush, hoping the shadows would keep him hidden, but it did nothing to hide the snout sticking out. The pup needed more practice.
“May I ask,” T’Challa interrupted before the tiger began to panic. “If you will not allow me to tend to your wounds, will you permit me to examine them?”
He could see the large form tremble. From fear or the beginnings of a panic he did not know. “Do I have a choice?”
“That is why I ask, yes. I will not force you, as I stated, but your wounds are cause for worry. I am also responsible for the new set you received when I removed the chains from you.”
The white tiger fell into a still silence. For a moment T’Challa believed that to be the end with the large feline continuously refusing to accept aid, but he remained put. He didn’t receive a proper response, and until he was told to leave he would not move.
He heard a rumbling sigh from above and had a split second to admire the graceful leap down, skin and fur rippling from the movement, before the tiger landed on the ground with a heavy ‘thump’ and gust of wind. Now on equal footing T’Challa found the white feline to be far larger than he first estimated. He had to crane his neck up just to see those golden eyes.
“Just checking?”
The rumble in his voice echoed in T’Challa’s chest. “You have my word.” To emphasize he pushed the pack he had brought away with his hind leg. Out of his reach. The larger cat eyed it and him before finally looking away, head and neck turning in silent permission. He remained standing.
T’Challa made quick work checking every spot covered in both old and recently new blood. The areas with fur missing allowed him to view the damage properly. The areas with fur still present but the markings of red covering the white he noted down as potential locations for small wounds.
The entirety of the tiger required him to walk around in a circle. Far more wounds than what T’Challa had first estimated became known. Having been obscured by the fur. On one particular spot, on the heavy muscle of his hind leg, there was a knot of dried blood and dirt that T’Challa had difficulty distinguishing between an actual injury or simply matted fur in need of a wash. Without much thought he lifted a paw to try and untangle the mass. It resulted in T’Challa placing the entirety of his paw high on the tiger’s thigh.
He stilled when he realized what he had done. Should the tiger strike out of fear he only had seconds to retreat a safe distance away. Precious seconds that made the difference.
The weight shifted and under his paw T’Challa felt hard muscles clench from the movement. “My, so forward of you. I didn’t peg you as that kind.”
T’Challa pulled his paw away as if burnt. His ears went low in shock. It hadn’t even occurred to him what it might have seemed like, touching without permission and somewhere so informal had they been shifted. And now that his mind was focused on it he couldn’t stop himself from noting how well defined and shapely those hind legs of his were.
If it hadn’t been for his fur the whole world would’ve seen the flush of his cheeks.
“Forgive me. I didn't mean to disrespect in such a manner. Know that was not my intent.”
The tiger faced forward but his golden brown eyes stared at him for a moment before closing them shut. “Don’t worry about it. You wouldn’t be the first one to touch me without permission. At least you were gentle about it.”
The reveal was heartbreaking. “Surely they hadn’t -”
“Not in the way you’re thinking. I’ve been beaten, chained, wrangled down, handled in any way to keep me in check. All of them left bruises for days. Not many trust a loose tiger.”
“But you are no simple tiger,” T’Challa walked over to stand side by side, “and what they did -”
“I know,” he cut him off. “Trust me, I know. Not the greatest circumstances I’ve ever been in. Not that I’ve been through worse. By far this takes the cake, but who knows, maybe our luck has changed.”
“It has. If you ever come to believe me, know we only wish to help.”
Those brown eyes opened and cut through him. “You understand why it’s not that easy.”
“Of course, and I will not push.”
“That’s very considerate. Almost too good to be true. I’ve probably gone mad and this is some fevered dream. At least it’s an attractive cat tending to me.” As if thinking better of it the tiger retreated. “Forget I said that. I didn’t mean - are we done?”
Having pity T’Challa nodded, though he was oddly flattered. “You sustained more injuries than I had originally thought. I require at most three vials of salve to treat you. Will you allow me to tend to them tomorrow?”
A flicker of his white ear. “Maybe.”
The large feline padded backwards, refusing to give T’Challa his exposed back. It was expected for a proud animal.
“Is there a name I can call you by?” T’Challa eventually asked once the tiger looked seconds away from jumping on his previous branch and ending their conversation. He couldn’t continue calling him by white tiger and Mr Stark seemed disrespectful, considering he hadn’t introduced himself with even that name.
A short pause. “Tony. The name’s Tony.”
Tony. He can work with that. “I shall see you soon.”
“Can’t wait.”
T’Challa returned the next day like promised.
Tony didn’t know what to make of him. So far he had been nothing but respectful and kind. Actions that could easily blind from the truth. Tony had been burned before. He knew not to make it easy, but the panther made it difficult to keep his shields up.
The tales of his childhood made him feel so approachable, and he knew that was the panther’s plan. He was trying to lower his guard, and it was working. It didn’t help matters when the panther touched near his hips, a gentle touch that had T’Challa rearing back when he realized what he had done. He had stumbled ungracefully and the sight was… well, unflattering to say the least, and oddly adorable on the panther.
Now the panther was back and with an even larger pack in his mouth and the same blanket as before. He appeared determined, but kept a respectable distance. He had caught Tony while Tony was still on the ground, not giving him the advantage of height like before.
Not wanting to push the panther’s limit, Tony remained put on the ground. Lying down besides a good set of bushes to obscure his back. Lessening the chances of an attack. Peter was off hiding among the greens like before. Nearby, if the sounds of leaves breaking within hearing distance had anything to say. The pup really needed to practice on his stealth.
Tony eyed the panther warily as he got comfortable and curled up near him. When he made no move to speak first T’Challa seemed to happily take charge.
“My sister wishes to know if you permit her a visit with the young Peter.”
“Permit?” Odd, why would she need his permission? Were they not their owners?
“You are his guardian, are you not? After having viciously protected him I would imagine you to be wary of anyone coming near him. Shuri is interested in getting to know Peter, but I will not risk her safety, even if to aide him.”
“Do you think I’m capable of hurting children?” That stung. In the deepest part of him.
“No,” T’Challa said with no visible doubt, “but instincts will make anyone capable of anything. I do not want any of us to have regrets.”
“Fair enough. You don’t need my permission. If Peter wants to see her she’s more than welcome to visit him.”
“And what of you?”
“What of me?”
“Am I allowed to visit you?”
Tony blinked, caught by surprised. “To heal my wounds? Aren’t you already doing that?”
“No, once your wounds have healed. Do the visitations extend to myself?”
Had Tony been a canine he would’ve been tongue tied. Being a feline he was no better. “You - you want to - why? I’m sure you have other important things to do. Your guards are already watching me. I promise I won’t cause trouble.”
The panther didn’t bother to respond, choosing to just stare at him and waiting for his answer. It only agitated Tony all the more. “Why do you even need my permission. These are your gardens. You decide when to come and go, not me.”
“Believe it or not, I do respect someone’s comfort and boundaries. Tending to your wounds is a different matter than visiting out of want, and I believe you could use the company.”
“Aren’t you noble,” Tony muttered, stunned when not only T’Challa heard it, but also chuckled at it.
“I like to believe my family is, but we do have the occasional stragglers. My sister, for example.”
“I heard that, brother,” out of nowhere, from the bushes, a smaller sized panther pounced on the larger, making herself comfortable on his back. “So what did he say?”
“You have permission, so long as Peter wishes for your company. I imagine after spending one hour with you he’d run for the river in order to escape.”
“You are a natural comedian, T’Challa. If royalty doesn’t work for you I imagine stand up comedy would be an excellent career.”
“Off,” T’Challa shook his fur in order to unbalance her.
She leaped to her feet gracefully. “If you have need of me I’ll be hunting down a loose canine,” and just like that she was gone. Only the sounds of a whine signalled her successfully finding Peter.
After a moment Tony blurted the only thing that seemed important at the time. “Royalty?” Because what the fuck, they were royals of sorts? Was T’Challa a lord or something?
“Ah, my father is king. Shuri and I his children,” if possible the panther looked sheepish admitting this.
A prince?! Why would a prince put so much effort on two shifter slaves?
“You did not know.” An observation.
“Of course not. I just thought you were super rich or something. Not a prince. Why would you even bother tending to me? You have others to do that instead.”
“Would you willingly get tended by them?”
He had a point there and Tony grimaced at the admission. He wouldn’t feel comfortable getting tended by strangers. At least with T’Challa he had a name along with the face and a bit of knowledge on his person and past. But a damn prince? Way out of his league as anything.
“Will you allow me now?”
No, Tony wanted to say, but his wounds were starting to get on the irritatingly painful side and they burned. He couldn’t even say yes. His tongue heavy in his mouth. To ask for help just wasn’t in his nature, but this was a prince. He couldn’t disrespect.
A bitter taste was in his mouth. “If it is not too much trouble.”
“Not at all.” T’Challa scooted closer with the pack of salves. “I will be quick.”
“As long as your gentle.”
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part8)
@xissa-chanx @bornwithgasolineheart @societyslostone @aliceinawesomeland @seven-oomen @not-the-cavalry @gabriel-r3ap3r-reyes @msmynx @sodoyoufondueme @damej @gentlemanspygalahad @lighthearted-liv @meghatron12337 @the-ice-goddess @fullheartedlyprovocative @breyito @llaladonna @caped-ace @can-i-be-your-alice @writingstealer @batfamily-stark @harryrockz777 @larissaloki @ninacloverfield @wateriiterro @avengingphoenix @hurricanesass @kaci1ynn @arellaroth @inkblackfingers @hestia-sama @caffinatedtrashcompacter @itsall-taken @olevereidna @im-an-indoor-person @0dannyphantom0 @zessagirl @drarrydarling @beautiful-rave
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naferty · 7 years
Part 5. Gotta melt that tiger heart somehow. I’m sure T’Challa will find a way.
T’Challa found a problem.
While it had been a good idea to offer the sealed gardens as sanctuary for the tiger and wolf pup to heal and stretch their legs, there was a downfall to it. The moment he and Shuri left in order to give their guests the confidence to leave their opened cage the tiger and wolf disappeared amongst the trees and would not come out when others were present. None of the healers have been able to treat the tiger’s wounds and no matter how much they tempt the pair with food or made promises the two refused to make an appearance.
They did not go hungry. This much he knew. The empty plates were enough to let him know of that fact. The two would come out from hiding and snatch the food up when they knew only the guards keeping watch of them were in the area. Should T’Challa, Shuri or their healers attempt to join the room they would rush back to the trees.
For their safety they could not just walk the area in search, should the tiger actually pose a threat to them, but the wounds were a serious matter and T’Challa considered risking his own safety if it meant treating the tiger. He absolutely forbid Shuri from trying. His father would not hesitate to order their deaths should Shuri come hurt from this decision.
The day they had arrived had long passed and now a second day was among them. Two days where the tiger still refused treatment or contact and T’Challa could only wonder what kind of physical and mental effects the tiger was giving himself. Not to mention the canine who needed the feel of a pack. To be surrounded and within contact of more than a solitary tiger.
The possibility of infection was worrisome. In the tiger’s weakened state the wounds could pose a greater threat on his life if left untreated. But the aid would not be willing on the tiger’s part. T’Challa was not going to allow the tiger’s stubbornness be his downfall.
A quick trip to the medical bay to grab a pack of salve, bandages and a blanket he made his way to the sealed gardens and informed his guards of his plans upon arriving. Should they hear even the smallest sound of a fight they were to interfere. Not attack, but pin down the tiger should he show hostility. They were to remain in place by the garden’s exit otherwise.
T’Challa eyes the trees where both wolf and tiger were hiding among. Maybe, by meeting them on equal grounds, they would be more receptive of his presence and aid. Only one way to discover the answer.
He allowed nature to overcome him and his senses to take over. His skin prickled and stretched and out came his fur. As dark as night and shining as bright as the moon on a black sky. He lost his height but in return he gained strength and speed and sharper eyesight. He heard the leaves rustling from movement not caused by wind and the sounds of paws stepping on grass. They were close.
The feeling of letting loose was riveting and the urge to run a strong one, but he had a task at hand and already he felt wary eyes watching him. He grabbed the blanket first and threw it over his back, adjusting it as best he can and nodding when it didn't look to fall on one side easily. The pack he grabbed with his mouth by the handle and once everything was secure he made his way to the trees and bushes carefully.
A slow trut among the greens and browns he searched. Sniffing the air for clues for the often used spots and trails took him further in and spinning in circles until eventually he found a dip in the ground. The grass flattened by excessive weight and constant use. A nest, a bed, a den, same meaning, different sounds.
This was where one or both of the pair slept. Meaning they were close. Not wanting to intrude he trotted away but kept the spot within sight. He had to show he meant no harm but he couldn't let an opportunity slip by.
Finding space between bushes he hid. No doubt he had been spotted, but obscuring himself would make it difficult for the tiger to hit vital points. There he remained. Vigilant of his surroundings and watchful for any signs of the two shifters.
Minutes passed in silence created by the stillness of the garden. T’Challa saw and heard nothing amiss within that time and found himself surprised when the scratching of bark echoed far too close to his right. He refused to show it and kept himself as still as he could, even as his heart skipped a beat.
“Some would say walking head first into a tiger's boundaries meant wanting a death wish.”
The voice was deep, accented to his ears, and yet soothing. T’Challa refused to look at the tiger just yet. He had to show he wasn’t afraid and the tiger had nothing to fear in return. He kept calm. “Others would say it takes courage to do so.”
“Courage? Or ignorance? I’d never call another cat stupid, but you’ve got to admit you’re showing a lot of faith in a complete stranger. What if I had been feral?”
He risked a glance, turning his head slightly to have him within sight at the corner of his eye. “Are you?”
“Lucky for you I haven’t gotten that far yet.”
Finally he turned to get a good look at the tiger and found him perched high on a branch easily accessible from the ground. He was lounging. His tail flicked back and forth as he faced forward, not even bothering to glance at T’Challa. His fur was still coated with smudges of red and it didn’t look any better, but from the way some of the red disappeared on certain spots it was evident the tiger attempted to clean it on his own.
The height really emphasized the tiger’s proportions. While T’Challa himself could admit he was far larger than the common black panther or even black panther shifters, his size almost meant nothing when compared to this white tiger. A wild tiger on his own was one of the largest wild cats around. Mix in a shifter? It was no surprise many sought to buy this beautiful creature for not only his rarity but also his sheer bigger than life image.
T’Challa was in awe.
The tiger’s ear flickered. “To what do I owe the pleasure of the visit?”  
“You’ve avoided medical.”
“Ah, that,” the large feline looked down to his paws, eyeing the fresh injuries caused by having his shackles removed. “You can’t fault me for hiding in a corner and licking my wounds.”
“Then you admit you’ve been hiding?”
Those golden eyes met his own. “I may be proud, but even I know when situations demand I put that away. Considering my circumstances I can’t be sure if your medical will actually tend to my wounds or make them worse.”
“Even after everything we have done to show you otherwise?”
“Several times bitten. Multiple times shy.”
And that had said so much. The same harsh treatment over and over again. No doubt the promise of aid being said in order to coax the pair to cooperate. The tiger didn’t trust just because of the mistreatment. They had done this to the pair before. Have been lied to. For how long?
“If it were just I that tended to you?” Perhaps if it were T’Challa himself to see to their wounds.
“I have more faith in a cat than a human, but even that is pushing it. Of course I have no say, since you’re my owner.”
He hated that term. “Then I will not. Until you give me your confidence I will not lay a paw on you.”
The tiger eyed him, judging and studying. He clearly didn’t know what to make of the situation but T’Challa was not going to push. Not when it could result in more harm than good. Instead he got comfortable. “Do you mind company?”
He half expected the tiger to state he had no say in the matter, considering the gardens belonged to T’Challa’s family, but instead the tiger sighed and rumbled a “suit yourself.” As if T’Challa was going to regret resting within his vicinity.
Only one manner to find out.
Every couple of minutes Tony’s gaze went back to the black panther resting on the ground right below him. In all honesty he had been surprised when the other feline remained unawares of his presence until a movement of his front legs pulled at his wounds and instinctively made his claws come out and scratched over the bark.
Then again Tony had been in the same spot long before the black panther started searching the forest for him. He figured the feline had sniffed him out and got comfortable nearby, waiting for the opportunity that he never took up. The black feline just waited there and didn’t bother to look up or acknowledge his presence, not until his claw made a noise.
A mistake like that could’ve cost him his life with anyone else. Tony gained nothing from attacking. Nothing but pain or even death and Peter to remain alone in this strange land. So he remained put, even after the black panther offered to keep him company.
Either he really wanted to tend to Tony’s wounds out of the goodness of his heart (right), or he wanted to prove something. How far was he willing to go to do so?
Tony mentally scoffed. He had promised Peter he’d try and accept what their owner offered willingly, but going through with it proved… harder than he thought. He just… couldn’t. Not with a smile and his arms wide opened. The possibility of their owner striking when he least expected it was too much of a risk in his mind. It would be so easy. The promise to help, tend to the pain and set him loose, only for those words to be false and his hope crushed. Far more common than others gave them credit for. He could vouch for it.
So he remained quiet. Offering nothing and accepting nothing. He waited for the inevitable treatment and hoped it would come sooner rather than later, but that was a cruelty on its own.
Instead of a silent treatment he had expected with his owner’s presence, he was serenaded with stories about his youth and it decorated the sounds around him. The accented tone of his owner filled with a richness he couldn’t explain. “I remember, back when I had first taken into my shift, coordinating four legs proved almost impossible and I found myself friends with the ground more than the wind. On that particular spot over by the clearing there I had the unfortunate luck of falling over a spot of mud. My fur had been a mess and the mud had dried long before I was ordered to bathe. You can well imagine the difficulty in removing dried blocks of soil from your fur.”
Tony knew, but he refused to comment on it. Instead, he listened and imagined every scenario his owner mentioned. Not like he could do much else. He couldn’t leave without risking insulting his owner and he couldn’t risk moving his owner’s attention from himself to Peter.
“I recalled the first time I attempted to pounce. One of my biggest blunders to date. I misjudged the speed and height required and instead of catching the small dove within my paws I had knocked against the stone head first. Unfortunately it was caught on footage and Shuri has never let me live it down.”
There were worse things he had gone through. Listening wasn’t so bad.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part7) (Part8)
@xissa-chanx @bornwithgasolineheart @societyslostone @aliceinawesomeland @seven-oomen @not-the-cavalry @gabriel-r3ap3r-reyes @msmynx @sodoyoufondueme @damej @gentlemanspygalahad @lighthearted-liv @meghatron12337 @the-ice-goddess @fullheartedlyprovocative @breyito @llaladonna @caped-ace @can-i-be-your-alice @writingstealer @batfamily-stark @harryrockz777 @larissaloki @ninacloverfield @wateriiterro @avengingphoenix @hurricanesass @kaci1ynn @arellaroth @inkblackfingers @hestia-sama @caffinatedtrashcompacter @itsall-taken @olevereidna @im-an-indoor-person
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naferty · 7 years
Part 4 of the ironpanther shifter birthday fic! We’re getting somewhere now. Sort of.
Tony’s head was pounding when he regained consciousness. Considering the last time he experienced such a fierce headache that wasn’t a result of a beating he had woken up chained and already lined up to be sold along with Peter for the first time, he wasn’t exactly calm or happy.
Pushing through the pulsing and burning sensation behind his eyes he lifted his head. His eyes watered from just the thought of opening them to the intense light that shined in the area. He snapped them open seconds later when he felt the lack of metal scratching at his skin and pulling on his fur, disregarding his pain and blinking at the sight before him.
Right before him, on a silver plate made out of a metal he had never seen, two large bloody steaks rested innocently on it. Tony’s mouth was watering within seconds. Having lived on scraps for so long, the mere size of the two steaks seemed like a full course meal. A sad thought but after living through his predicament, anything larger than two strips was indulging himself.
The instinct to bite down and chew was a strong one, but he knew better. No owner had ever left such a delicacy without wanting compensation. For all he knew the damn things could be poisoned for the Owner’s own sick twist of entertainment. Watching a tiger like himself choke in his own breath. A mighty beast taken down so easily.
Tony didn’t touch it, choosing to focus on the more important things than his hunger, like his lack of shackles for example and the new pain pulsing on his legs. Experimentally moving his paws revealed nothing held them down, but it sure as hell made that pain burn even more. There was fresh blood circling around on the little fur present and he hissed at both the sight and the agony. The white of his fur hidden even further. Then he made the mistake of looking to his hind legs and found them blocked from view by Peter’s curled form next to his belly. Fast asleep the wolf pup didn’t notice nor stirred at his waking. Panic set in at the thought of the pup having been tranquilized as well.
“Peter!” Tony moved to shake the pup awake, fear clutching at his heart. Had they hurt him? Had they overdosed him? Was he to never wake? “Peter, wake up!”
Peter’s head shot up faster than Tony had ever seen someone’s do. Perhaps he should have thought to remain as calm as he could and avoid panicking the youngster as well. The pup pushed himself further into his belly, attempting to hide from an unseen danger. “What? What, Mr Stark? Are they attacking? Are you hurt?” Frantic eyes searched the area.
“No, no, how are - are you okay? Did they dose you?”
Those eyes landed on him. No longer as frantic. “N-no, they didn’t struck me or hurt me. I’m fine. They got you in order to remove your chains. You’re free now, Mr Stark.” The youngster’s tail wagged ever so slightly. Happiness where he could find it.
Tony couldn’t help giving their cage a pointed look. “Some freedom.”
“Ah, about that. T’Challa said they couldn’t risk us running around when his dad doesn’t trust us yet. Something about putting the safety of others first. Sounds like a big deal here. They promised to get rid of the cage the moment we land!”
Had Tony been in his two-legged form he would’ve raised his eyebrow so high no one would see it hidden behind his hairline. “T’Challa?”
“Yeah, our new owner’s name! His sister’s is name Shuri. From what I’ve gotten so far they’re very important people.” The pup’s eyes sparkled in a way Tony hadn’t seen in what felt like a long time.
Tony didn’t want to be the one to diminish it, but he couldn’t allow Peter to freely trust either. “How do you know this, Peter?” The scolding tone in his voice almost came naturally at that point.
The pup’s ears twitched, wanting to flatten down. “They talked to me… when they brought us food. I- I’m being careful, Mr Stark, I swear!”
Tony wanted to believe him, but even the smallest amount of hope could cause life-long lasting damages. “I want you to do better, Peter. They’re not our friends and they’re not our heroes. They are our owners and we are their pets. Nothing more.”
Peter’s ears went down and Tony’s heart shattered a little bit more. He hated being the bad guy, but if it was required to protect Peter than so be it. He just hadn’t considered Peter being just as stubborn as himself. “I don’t - I think they’re different.” He had never seen such defiance in those young eyes. “I’m being careful. I’m not trusting blindly, but I’m also not blindly ignoring what they’re doing either! You were unconscious. You didn’t see the way they looked at you when your chains were removed. They’re already talking about ways to treat your wounds and help your fur grow back. None of our other owners even bothered!”
“Trying to make us presentable trophies.” He bit back.
“You can’t believe that.”
“I don’t know what to believe, Peter. I’m only trying to survive and keep you safe for as long as I can and if that means fighting our owner every step of the way -”
“But you don’t have to!” Peter nearly barked then took a step back, breathing deeply and trying to calm his nerves. “What if… what if we played along?”
“What?” Of all the harebrained ideas.
“Yeah, if they’re really just getting us ready to show off, why not play along? They look like they’re willing to give us what we need to heal. Don’t bite the hand for as long as it feeds us.” There was that hope again, along with the tip of his tail twitching. “After everything you’ve been through, Mr Stark, you especially need everything you can get.”
“Please? Give it a chance. If you’re right then we have nothing to lose accepting their help, but if I’m right -”
“You think it’s all going to be sunshine and rainbows, Kid?”
“I can hope, right?”
Tony sighed. “That’s the problem. Hope can crush you.”
“Then I’ll deal with it when the time comes.” The hotheaded determination the pup showed almost gave Tony hope himself, but he knew the real world. Knew it didn’t work like that.
“You shouldn’t have to.”
“I’m sixteen, Mr Stark. If not now, then eventually.”
“Not when it comes to this.”
Peter leaned forward and tucked his snout against Tony’s neck, making Tony’s chin rest over his head. “Please, Mr Stark?”
Tony deflated within seconds, remembering he was dealing with a young canine. Pack dynamics made it so Tony held the final say. Should Tony tell him no that would be the end of it. Peter wouldn’t disobey, no matter how much he’d want to.
He gave in. “I’ve always wanted to know what getting pampered felt like.”
The pup’s tail wagged. “That’s the spirit.” Then his snout pointed to the two steaks. “You going to eat that?”
T’Challa had never wanted to bring out and run in his fur more than the moment they finally landed.
Home. They were finally home.
The familiarity was a sight for his sore eyes. His people a welcome comfort. Home was truly where his heart was.
But he had to fully enjoy it later. At that moment he had another priority. He had accommodations to set up, aid to acquire and a tiger to calm. Hopefully the tiger’s mood lifted with a full belly.
But before he could so much as think of a first step to earn the tiger’s trust Shuri flew right past him, rushing to the jet that held the two abused shifters.
“I’ll ready our guests. You start preparing the gardens for them!”
Leaving the boring part to him. As always.
With a fond headshake T’Challa made his way to the very same mentioned gardens. Large and spacious, many would easily mistake it for the very jungle located outside its walls, but this chunk was sealed off from all sides except the sky, was monitored, and had plants uncommon to them grown among their land. It was a room where T’Challa and Shuri had once run around when their shift first came in. They could jump and hide and play without the worry of the outside dangers. Where their mother and father could rest easy knowing they were to not be harmed.
And now it was to be temporarily shelter for the shifters as they healed. Being confined for so long could lead to harmful mental effects and they needed to reduce that stress as soon as possible. He had a feeling the two shifters might truly appreciate the space. Perhaps not openly express their gratitude, but just to see them run around in freedom was enough.
The sealed gardens had two entrances and exits. Simply shutting the doors with a biometric lock would prevent any escape attempts. Not that he believed the two would try, but desperation held a lot of motive. For the safety of the two shifters and T’Challa’s people this measure had to be taken.
The gardens were empty when he arrived and were easily readied for their guests. The guards knew to expect two strange shifters and prepare for new scents. For the salve to heal the tiger’s wounds T’Challa sent a message to have them brought in along with bandages.
Shortly after he sent the order Shuri walked through the doors along with four of their warriors and behind them the cage was dragged in. The tiger and wolf pup were huddled together. The tiger acting as an imposing figure by tucking the pup under him, hiding him from view. His sharp eyes scanned any and every single detail, not daring to sacrifice a second. The two were pressed against the back of the cage, wanting as much distance from Shuri and the Dora as possible.
They had their work cut out for them.
The doors behind them closed with a hiss and the tiger’s eyes locked onto his own. They were a golden brown, fierce, distrustful and strong. Breathtaking on a white tiger and yet so expressive as well. T’Challa had a second to admire their beauty before the important matter of why they were here was brought forth.
“And here are the gardens. You’ll be treated and recover here under the care of the best,” Shuri placed a hand over her chest to signify who she meant by ‘the best,’ “You’ll find the place has plenty of space. You get a beautiful view of the sky. Rent isn’t due until the first day of the month. First one’s free. You’re off the hook for now.”
The tiger didn’t seem to find the joy in the humor, but the pup’s lips seemed to curl upward and show the canine equivalent of a smile. It still did enough as the tiger’s tension slowly melted from his body, allowing for the pup to poke his head out and move closer to the front of the cage.
And so Shuri’s charm had won another yet again.
“And now, for my dear old brother. Not so fairest of them all, T’Challa.” Shuri held her arms out towards him in presentation.
“Thank you, Shuri, for that marvelous introduction.”
“That’s what I’m here for. We’ve got to keep your ego in check.” She leaned towards the cage. “It tends to grow out of control if you leave him alone for a day.”
Now for sure the pup was smiling. His mouth had parted and he showed off canines with his ears perked up in interests. He was opening up easily to her, hardly any hesitation. He crawled closer and for a moment T’Challa thought the tiger was going to stop him, but besides gently placing a giant paw on the wolf’s back as reassurance he allowed the pup what he willed. The tiger, he noticed, remained in place. Barely moved an inch from his spot.
The attention went back to him when he walked closer to the shifters. The pup easily retracted back and the tiger allowed him to curl up under him. Was he that intimidating? T’Challa didn't think himself as that dangerous looking, and Shuri made absolutely sure to remind him of it. They must have suffered a lot in order to believe the worst of him without even seeing it.
T’Challa saw a lot of Shuri tormenting him for the sake of easing their fear in the foreseeable future.
With only bars to separate them T'Challa spoke. “Here we are. I am a man of my word. You will be released from this cage and this garden shall be your sanctuary until you heal and regain your strength. We have ointments that can help with the scarring you have received and return you the fur you've lost from the chains, should you allow us.”
The tiger gave a slow blink. The wolf pup tilted his head sideways.
Seeing no resistance he continued. “The garden is at your will, but it is the extent of your stay. For the safety of yourselves and my people you are to remain here only. Should you try to leave you will be met with force that will bring harm to you, so I ask for you to be respectful and remain put.”
The tiger flicked his tail in agitation before finally speaking. “That's the nicest way anyone has ever said ‘you're not going anywhere so don't even try or else’ I've ever heard.”
Had T’Challa not been taught to he would have openly gaped at the tiger’s statement. As luck would have it he learned long ago to keep poise and show indifference.
His sister did not care for it. She laughed and ‘oooh’d’ at him. “That was a bore and very unnecessary, brother. You deserved that. I've already informed them of the requirements for their stay. They have no reason not to follow and are eager to be freed. You keep their freedom at bay.”
T’Challa sighed. Of course she had. “And you failed to say anything because?”
“How else are you to feel important?”
The tiger snorted. An odd sound coming from such a large beast. “I like her.”
“Surely, I am honored,” she deadpanned.
It only causes the tiger to outright laugh. “I really like her.”
“I count this as a win. Fine work, brother.”
T’Challa looked up to the sky, asking Bast for help with them all. It looked to be an exciting turnaround. He wasn't ready for it.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part7) (Part8)
@xissa-chanx @bornwithgasolineheart @societyslostone @aliceinawesomeland @seven-oomen @not-the-cavalry @gabriel-r3ap3r-reyes @msmynx @sodoyoufondueme @damej @gentlemanspygalahad @lighthearted-liv @meghatron12337 @the-ice-goddess @fullheartedlyprovocative @breyito @llaladonna @caped-ace @can-i-be-your-alice @writingstealer @batfamily-stark @harryrockz777 @larissaloki @ninacloverfield @wateriiterro @avengingphoenix @hurricanesass @kaci1ynn @arellaroth @inkblackfingers @hestia-sama @caffinatedtrashcompacter 
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