#tiger tony stark
superherotiger · 5 months
Taking Irondad or Dadneto drabble prompts!
Hey everyone! I’m in the mood to write (a rare sight I know) so if you have any small irondad & spiderson OR dadneto & quickson prompts, feel free to send them in an ask and I’ll see what I can do haha!! ✨
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gammacousin · 10 months
Pepper Potts: “How did the house cleaning go?”
Tony Stark: “I called for help twice. And not a f you, what do you need, nothing!”
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
Pre-qualifiers; Group Two: Subsection Two
Millie x Moxxie from Helluva Boss
Sid the Sloth x Manny the Mammoth x Diego the Saber Tooth Tiger from Ice Age
Meta Knight x King Dedede from Kirby
Steve Rogers[Captain America] x Anthony “Tony” Stark[Ironman] from Marvel
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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As Throg senses that his friend, Thor, needs help; Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers teleport to the volcanic plateau at the South Pacific. The Pet Avengers found that not only Thor, Iron Man and Bucky had been turned into frogs, they also found Fin Fang Foom and the alien dragons which pose bigger problems. It seems odd that Fin Fang Foom is the only alien dragon who wears pants.
Avengers vs Pet Avengers #1, 2010
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letmeinpplease · 2 years
Buckle in kids, the Barnaby Brooks, Jr. Defense Squad is holding a meeting.
So I gave up on the argument with my BIL. Below is, essentially, the essay I wrote trying to explain why his particular opinion of Barnaby sucks. I decided not to send it because I realized that frankly, even if I'm right, it's not going to change his view, so it wasn't worth my time. Instead I figured I'd send it out into the void that is Tumblr to hopefully get some good faith interaction.
-My BIL's best friend watched the show specifically to understand our argument and said Barnaby "had no signs of mental illness, maybe just some trauma."
Bro has at least an anxiety disorder and, given that I have one and that man is showing every single fucking trait I did before being diagnosed, I will die on that hill (I did also check the DSM for non-anecdotal evidence related to my specific disorder, and I'm pretty sure he meets the GAD criteria). Regardless, PTSD is, in fact, classed as a mental illness (specifically subclassified as a form of anxiety), and you can't watch the show and tell me he doesn't have PTSD.
-BIL's BF also said that Barnaby has a shitty, unlikeable personality with very little to redeem him through the end of Season 1.
Bullshit again.
There's literally a slow progression of him getting steadily better (both mentally and as a person) throughout all of season 1 and into season 2. I don't have time for a full watch through to rip small details, but you can literally watch Barnaby change in real fucking time. He's not the same person at the end of season 1 that he was at the beginning. Maybe its the hyperfixation talking, but I genuinely don't understand how you can watch the show and not catch the little, incremental ways he changes throughout season 1. And on that note--
-You don't have to like Barnaby's bitchy, shitty behavior in early Season 1. You literally aren't meant to. It is bitchy, shitty behavior, and it's stemming from unrecognized and/or unmanaged mental illness of some kind (even if it's only PTSD) in combination with Maverick's upbringing. It's an explanation, not an excuse, and it's realistic as shit. His support network is literally Maverick and Samantha. I'm not even gonna get into how much fuckery the Maverick component added to Barnaby's mental health, social skills, and general world view, cause I really should not have to. As for Samantha, I always got the vibe that they loved each other, but they rarely communicated, so he doesn't have much going for him there.
Why is this relevant?
Because Barnaby doesn't know how the fuck to deal with Kotetsu's shenanigans or his own issues, so he lashes out. Once he actually has and accepts a support network (Kotetsu), he starts to improve as a character. Wanna know why I clocked that? Cause I did The Exact Same Fucking Thing. I had 0 friends in high school because I was a constantly on edge due to unrecognized anxiety and PTSD (obviously at the time I had no idea why I was so angry all the time), which made me a reactive, short tempered bitch. I got better in college, and that was because I was in a different setting and around new people, which provided me the exposure I needed to realize "something might not be right here." The little support network I formed at college helped me learn how to manage, how to interact with people, and how to manage my reactiveness simply through exposure (i.e. I figured it out as we went and apologized when I fucked up, they were not expected to take any sort of responsibility). Recognition of my issues later led to going to therapy and getting a diagnosis. We are literally watching this happen with Barnaby. Season 1 is the first time in Barnaby's life that he has a significant influence outside of Maverick. We are literally watching that exact same growth over the course of the show.
-And that brings us to Barnaby's motivation, which I have another post on, so you can totes skip this paragraph if you want. Once he gets past the revenge arc Barnaby is literally just trying to do what makes him mentally okay. That's literally it. That's what everything he does from then on boils down to. Granted, it's not as obvious early on, but it's heavily implied at the end of season 1, it literally feeds the plot of The Rising, and he outright says that's what he's doing in season 2, and it's backed by his actions throughout. He's still helping people while doing it, so it's not like it's to other people's detriment, but he's prioritizing what he needs and what could make him happy. You gotta put on your oxygen mask before you can help others, and that's a hard but important lesson to learn when you're mentally ill. Prime example is that I had to end a friendship last week because her mental health issues were worsening mine, and she would not accept any form of boundaries. I wanted to be able to continue to support her, but you can't save someone if you're drowning. Additionally, I think it's hard for people to get what it's like for your only goal to be to feel okay without the context of being mentally ill for Literally as long as you've had memories (and I'm not even exaggerating there, pls don't ask about my childhood fear of toothpaste). Seeing that shit reflected on screen is Refreshing As Hell. Barnaby's not in it purely ~to help others~, or to avenge his parents, or for the sake of justice, or anything like that. Barnaby is Literally just a guy trying to find something that makes him happy, and is clinging tooth and nail to keep whatever he finds (namely, his partnership with Kotetsu).
-Basically, my view boils down to this: You don't have to like Barnaby as a character. You don't have to like his coping skills, or lack thereof. But Barnaby is a fantastic representation of what its like for some (key word SOME, I'm not gonna claim my experience to be universal) people dealing with long-term unrecognized mental illness. You can hate him, but when the show outright gives you all this context showing you Exactly why he acts the way he does, and then shows you how he makes an effort to change, you should at least consider it before just saying "he's an asshole and that's that." Also, recognize that if you can't see the representation he provides, He's Probably Not For Your Benefit (why yes, this IS another "importance of representation" post). It's so rare to get realistic portrayals of mental health in the media, and even less so with genuinely Good characters, so frankly, it enrages me when people just disregard the Mountain of context provided in favor of saying "oh, he's just an asshole" (looking at you, CA: Civil War era Tony Stark hate).
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shadowwingtronix · 1 year
"Yesterday's" Comic> Harley Davidson Avengers #1
BW's "Yesterday's" Comic> Harley Davidson Avengers #1
“Stop hogging the…hog, Steve! It’s Hulk’s turn!” Harley Davidson Avengers #1 Marvel Worldwide (March, 2012) “Heroes Arise” WRITER: Jeff Parker PENCILER: Manuel Garcia INKERS: Jay Liesten, Don Ho, Rebecca Buchman, & Dave Meikis COLORIST: Jay David Ramos LETTERER: Joe Carmagna ASSISTANT EDITOR: Jon Moisan EDITOR: Bill Roseman Continue reading Untitled
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0ptopop · 2 years
Peter: Mr. Stark, do you believe that Carole fed her husband to tigers?
Tony: Well-
Carol, running into the room: I did no such thing! I’m not even married!
Peter: Sorry, not you, Carole Baskin.
Carol: Oh, well yes I think she did.
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writings-of-a-demigod · 3 months
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"Hey" Bucky said as he walked into the lab that Stark gave you.
You didn't respond because you were too focused on your work you didn't even hear him enter the room.
Stark came in "Hey Y/n have you seen my...."
Bucky cut him off "She's not listening"
Tony looked at him Bucky gave him a small smile and shrugged, Tony looked back at you and started to make his way over to you, he placed his hand on your shoulder and caught your attention you reacted quickly as if you were under attack. You turned around and spread his arm you held it behind his back then you hit his head on the table
"Hey hey hey"
Bucky panicked and reacted fast and tried to stop you.
"Y/n you're hurting me" Tony said and you let him go.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't hear you come in...." you tried to explain.
"It's okay good to know your training is paying off " he said holding his head
"I told you she wasn't listening"
Bucky said behind you which made you jump and punch him but he held your wrist.
"Easy there tiger" he smiled.
"Damn you! What the hell are you guys doing here? And since when have you been standing there?" you asked the two men standing in front of you.
"I came to get my blueprint from you" Tony answered
"Oh yeah I'm done with it"
Bucky let go of your wrist and you gave Stark his blueprint with a "Thanks" he was gone. You turned your attention to Bucky he gave you his big smile
"Wanna hang out?"
You hit his arm playfully
"Can't you see I'm working dumbass"
he just laughed and then pulled up a chair to chill in the lab with you.
*Gifs not mine*
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nickeverdeen · 1 month
The original 6 MCU characters reacting to you kissing them while being drunk
Tony Stark
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Tony would initially be amused, his signature smirk appearing as soon as you kiss him
He’d make a playful and flitry comments
Despite his teasing, Tony would be concerned about your state and make sure you’re okay
He’d gently guide you away from any more drinks, saying, “Let’s get you some water, champ.”
Tony would definitely remember the incident and bring it up in a humorous way in the future, teasing you lightly about your drunken kiss
Steve Rogers
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Steve’s immediate reaction would be one of surprise, his eyes widening in shock
He’d blush, clearly flustered by the unexpected kiss
Steve would gently but firmly pull away, asking if you’re okay and if you need any help getting home
He’d make sure you’re safe for the rest of the night, staying by your side to ensure nothing else happens
Steve might feel a bit awkward about it later but would handle it with his usual politeness, never bringing it up unless you did first
Bruce Banner
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Bruce would be visibly shocked, his scientific mind trying to process the unexpected event
He’d feel nervous and awkward, not used to such spontaneous displays of affection
Bruce would gently ask if you’re alright, making sure you’re not feeling unwell
He’d try to reassure you in a calm, soothing manner, suggesting you sit down and drink some water
Bruce might avoid the topic in the future unless you bring it up, feeling too embarrassed to discuss it
Natasha Romanoff
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Natasha would be surprised but would quickly recover, a small, amused smile playing on her lips
She’d remain calm and collected, gently but firmly pulling back and assessing your state
Natasha might tease you slightly, saying something like, “Enjoying the party, I see?”
She’d make sure you’re safe and not getting into any more trouble, keeping a close eye on you for the rest of the night
Natasha wouldn’t bring it up again, understanding that it was just a drunken moment and respecting your privacy
Clint Barton
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Clint would be startled at first, his reflexes kicking in before he realizes what’s happening
Once he understands, he’d chuckle, finding the situation funny
He’d tease you lightly, saying something like, “Calm down, tiger, you could’ve just asked”
Clint would make sure you’re okay, perhaps even leading you to sit down and sober up a bit
He’d definitely remember the incident and might bring it up later in a joking manner, making sure you’re comfortable with it
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Thor would be surprised but quickly break into a hearty laugh, finding the situation really funny
He’d respond with an affectionate, “Ah, a kiss from a friend! You honor me!”
Thor would ensure you’re alright, offering to get you something to eat or drink to help sober you up after a while
He’d stay close to you, ensuring your safety and wellbeing for the rest of the evening
Thor wouldn’t bring it up again unless you did, respecting your dignity and understanding it was a harmless, drunken moment
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supercap2319 · 7 months
"Thank god we're finally done!" Peter cried as he collapsed on the couch with his mask in his left hand. He stinks, and his costume is covered in acid stains.
"You're telling me. Next time, tell Tony he can fight the sinister six." Y/N sighed.
"I know, right? Mr. Stark promised us the day off, and we had to spend it fighting?"
"Well, he owes me a new costume. My hood is ruined." Y/N stripped the red cape and armor off his body and was standing in front of Peter sweaty and shirtless, dabbing his forehead with his ruined cape. Peter's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Y/N's sweaty and shirtless form. He couldn't help but lick his lips, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I could do something about that."
"Really? You could fix it?" Y/N turned to Peter.
"Well, I can try." Peter stood up and walked over to him, his hands moving to gently brush some of the sweat off Y/N's skin. As he did so, his fingers accidentally-on-purpose grazed against his toned abs. "Woah, Tiger. My eyes are up here." He teased.
"I can't help it. You look so delicious all sweaty and... well, you know." Peter's cheeks turn pink at his own comments, but he continues teasing, running his hands down his sides and back up to cup his waist lightly.
"I think someone wants to play after a hard night's work kicking villain ass." Y/N said.
Peter grins and nods, his hands sliding lower to gently grabs Y/N's ass cheeks, squeezing them softly. "Yeah, I think we both need some stress relief after that fight."
"Do you wanna be fucked or be the one who does the fucking?" Y/N groans as Peter squeezed his ass.
"I think I'd like to be the one who does the fucking." Peter's voice is husky with desire, his hands squeezing Y/N's ass cheeks more firmly as he leans in close, their bodies almost touching from chest to groin.
"Then by all means. Make me your bitch." Y/N grins.
"Oh, you want it rough?" Peter's grin turns wolfish, his hands moving to grip his hips as he pulls his boyfriend closer. "You're gonna scream my name and beg for more."
"Fuck, Pete. Do it." Y/N moans.
With a growl, Peter lifts Y/N up off his feet and slams him down onto the couch. His body follows, pinning Y/N beneath him as he traps his wrists above his head with one hand. "You like that?"
"Fuck, yes! You know I like when you take control." He smirks.
Peter smirks back at his boyfriend, a feral glint in his eyes. "Good to know..." His other hand moves to stroke his now very visible erection through his uniform and underwear, causing Y/N to groan.
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superherotiger · 2 years
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Hey, hey everyone!
 I was absolutely over the moon to find out that my Outlaw Irondad AU, Dear Fellow Traveller, was not only nominated for the @irondad-creator-awards, but has now made it as a finalist in the AU Category!! So let me take the chance to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who nominated and voted for this series, it’s been such a blast writing it and knowing that you all still enjoy it means the world to me!! I hope you all have an amazing day!! <3 <3 <3
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bucknastysbabe · 9 months
hi cal! i love your page sm. i wanted to request more chubby bucky (i’m so obsessed & haven’t seen him in a min) also make sure to take care of yourself and have a good day/night 🩷
HI!!!! Sorry I’ve been such a spazz and awful about my page and askbox I’m in my new era blah blah but YES! CHUBBY BUCKY! Thanks for the well wishes I’m trying to practice ~self care~ and ~time management~ mwah mwah much love. So let’s say this just in the same universe as Poolside Blues!
Rating: Explicit
Tags: TW: body dysmorphia, obsessive thoughts, negative body talk, Muscle chub Buck, Bucky’s shit self esteem is saved by sunshine gf, holiday weight gain, Bucky being a stubborn mf, switch!Bucky, reader has empathic projection, horny texts, body worship, WE LOVE SOFT PARTS AND STRETCH MARKS ROUND HERE, teasing, sub space, daddy kink, pnv!sex, cuddles and fluff, Bucky is just a big cuddly tiger kitty
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“Bucky if you stare at the scale any longer I’m going to break it. Holidays are over, you can get back to being in the gym twenty-five eight.”
Bucky eyed his petite girlfriend, frowning from the doorway to the bathroom. He palmed his stupid fucking gut and sighed, he actually had to suck in to see the number! This is why Bucky hated the holidays. Besides being cold. James Buchanan Barnes very much disliked the cold, one could assume why.
He could handle the residual un-moveable pudge leftover from Hydra’s ever consistent tinkering with his bodily functions. But then it all started with Halloween. Wanda and his girlfriend loved to bake. So he’s getting force fed cookies. Then they need to decorate, go to functions, give out candy. No time for gym.
Bucky grumbled and stepped off the scale, padding to his closet. He grumbled more, “Stupid turkey holiday.” Great yes, the holiday known for feasting. Pumpkin spiced everything in his vision. Bucky had a weakness for pumpkin, his ma made good spiced bread. He took a short vacation with his lovely little angel to the mountains. He tried to rationalize that hiking and marathon sex would make up for the amount of food he had ingested.
Tony Stark of course had a grandiose Thanksgiving celebration. Bucky tried to keep it light, he did, he really did. But every refusal got sad eyes or downright offense. The former winter soldier was belly up by the end of the night, all gym plans out the window.
Christmas fared no better. His best gal absolutely adored Christmas. It was the first holiday she’d experience not as an asset to Hydra, just like Bucky. So instead of RUNNING or LIFTING, the Brunette was shopping and ice skating. He’d already gone up a size in clothes December 3rd to be exact. Bucky correctly guessed he would go up another post-Christmas.
He’d whinge and rant to Steve, the blondie listening and telling Bucky to chill— it’s not like anyone thought it was bad. Bucky exasperatedly shouted, “I’m like a goddamn balloon! I don’t need to be on missions like this! I’m going to Bruce, jerk.”
Bruce didn’t help either. Just said once he got back into a routine it would come off and he’d be at his regular weight. Refused to give Bucky Ozempic either. Some kinda doctor he was, his patient was obviously distraught.
“Are you dressed yet?,” she hollered.
“Give me a second!,” Bucky pouted.
He was going to pout today. Go to gym, get anger out, and pout. So he shimmied on some catastrophically tight basketball shorts and the biggest shirt he could find. Luckily it covered him up. May or may not have been a panic buy. Bucky cursed some more sitting on his bench to lace up his shoes, stupid gut getting in the way.
Red faced and irritated he snarked, “Happy now princess? I’m going to the gym, nothing is stopping me, I will be going to work out.” She grinned and watched him grab his bag, slapping a round ass cheek on his way out. Bucky shuddered at the wobble. Her familiar rasp rang out, “Nice ass baby! Go get em!”
He was too old for this. Technically his girl was ten years his junior if you took off the cryogenic time. He loved her dearly, always bubbly, somehow remained optimistic after all she’d been through. But the little freak liked Bucky’s pudge, loved it. Always grabbing up on it.
Bucky took the stairs to the gym. He needed it. The brunette thought with a smirk that if he had a nickel for every time he had to remove her hands from his ‘handles of love’ he would’ve been a millionaire back during the Depression. He grimaced at the feeling of his chubby tummy and thick thighs.
Finally. He’d made it. Gym time.
Not a soul in sight, Bucky could just relax and get his frustrations out. With a fuck-ton of a cardio and some toning exercises— really didn’t need any muscle to bulk him out more. He felt a bit peaceful for once, a strange bravado coming over him. The soldier stretched his unused muscles and did a bit of breathing exercises.
God, he already felt lighter. Maybe. Maybe he would take a picture and see if the camera made him look different. Bucky’s therapist already hammered him about his ‘body dysmorphia and negative self-image’.
Taking a peak about and tying his hair half up, Bucky propped the camera at a flattering angle and yanked off his shirt. He refused to look in a mirror for the holidays unless he was clothed. Fiddling with the inane controls, the man finally had the thing on a timer. He pulled off his shirt and tried to pose, straighten up his back again.
The flash went off and he ran to the phone, hit send, then sat down on a nearby bench to look fully. The brunette had to keep his ‘body positive!’ thoughts at the forefront. His chest and legs looked good. Face didn’t look too puffy thanks beard.
Disgust picked the earlier bravado up and hulk smashed it. Buck’s eyes were glued to his rounded belly and fat hips, a muffin over those horrid shorts. There, oh my god, there were stretchmarks on him? Bucky never had stretchmarks! Not the red kind! But there they were— mocking him. Ragged lines on his hips and sections of stomach.
He deleted the picture, feeling horrid. He should run more. But not before the pings blowing up his phone. She was strange and texted in 5 different messages that could’ve been sent in one singular text.
“Babbbbyyyy omg you’re so hot”
“Fuck, I’m getting all flustered in this debrief.”
“Look at that pretty body. Wanna lick those pretty stripes, tiger.”
“I’m so horny lmfao get your ass back to the room in 30. I’m gonna fucking ride you so goddamn hard.”
Bucky blinked a bit, feeling himself perk up. He still was a overblown balloon, but at-least the weirdo he loved enjoyed it. “Tiger huh,” he murmured, scratching at the sensitive marks. Bucky had a time limit now, snatching his gear up and stuffing it into a bag, hustling down the stairs to his room.
“Hey Buck,” Sam’s voice was a blur as Bucky entered his room. He smirked a bit hearing a muffled, “Weird ass.” The super soldier kept his mind on the prize— getting the daylights fucked out of him by his girls. Nope he wasn’t going to pay attention to the chafe on the inside of his thighs one bit. Okay...maybe he’d powder the area after the shower.
All he had to do was wait now. Wait. Not get nerved about his very naked body. He felt like a pile of exposed lard but it’ll be okay. Yep. Bucky would be fine. Pussy would fix his problems. As long as she played nice and didn’t tease. That rendered Bucky into a teary, babbling mess. Either he was always a masochist or Hydra made him into one but God— sometimes when she got mean he saw stars.
The door busted open, Bucky feeling relief at her grinning face. She gently closed it behind her, stripping easily while throwing her panties at him. He caught the material, moaning softly as she growled, “See what you did to me in the middle of that debrief? Had to cut it short my pheromones were so bad.”
Bucky inspected the panties, eyes fluttering at the slick wetting the cloth. He gripped and inhaled, hand flying down to soothe his cock. A lithe body crawled to the end of the bed, the soldier flushing as she seated herself in between his thighs. Keeping him in fucking missionary, her manicured nails spreading him a bit. He gasped, body jolting at the exposure.
Her perky tits heaved as she groped at his thighs and slid down to get handfuls of his round ass. Bucky threw his head back and moaned, “W-What are you up to?” Earlier mentioned pheromones were making his body keyed up and sensitive, pupils likely swallowing up blue eyes. She leaned forward, taught body against his cock.
“Mmm- I don’t know really. You just looked so delicious,” she kissed his belly and cooed, “I know you’re upset with yourself right now, Buck, you’re fucking gorgeous. Holiday weight or not. But I’ll even go to the gym with you, know I’ve been a distraction.”
Bucky slurred a name, hands reaching for her waist, she was so sweet. He sighed, “I enjoyed you as my distraction, best disss-traction everrr. Fuck you’re makin’ me horny babydoll.” She crawled up his bigger body to plant a kiss on Bucky’s swollen lips before sliding back to her place. His cock leaked when she giggled, “I know, poor baby’s all achy for me. But I wanna do something first.”
She slid palms up and down Bucky’s muscled arms, soothing him a little. Then the she-devil gripped his chunky love-handles and shook, watching with poorly-disguised glee. Bucky whined, “Baaaby, stoppp, it’s awful!”
“Think of them as tiger stripes, they’ll fade out when you drop weight,” she dug under where his belly hung a bit and traced at his most sensitive stretch marks. Bucky let out an indecent noise, thrusting up into her sweet touch. The fellow avenger cooed, “S’that feel good tiger? Need some lotion. Pretty boy.”
Bucky outright whimpered when her hand wrapped around his weepy cock, already slick from copious pre. She slowly moved her hand, praising him. Pretty boy, smart, handsome, good, kind, helpful.
He was going to bust a nut before anything happened. Bucky barked, “B-babe, stop! Stop!” Her pretty brows knitted together, hand jerking away as she asked, “What’s wrong bub?” He panted, “Gimme a second, w-wanna fuck you so baaaad.” She gently stroked the outside of thick muscled thighs, padded with love in her opinion.
“Thought I was going to ride you?,” she asked, face beginning to flush.
Bucky shook his head, managing to push himself up to get face-to-face. His soft body filled the tight space between them, making her whimper now. Bucky used one hand to caress the side of her face, the other massaging her pretty tit. Long lashes fluttered, her lips falling open.
Score. He managed to somewhat fumble through the pheromone fog.
Bucky rumbled, “Nuh-uh, all this talk about my body and you don’t want me to pin you down and fill your pretty pussy up? Hm sweetheart?” He punctuated the sentence with a deep kiss, the sweet thing easily giving up to him. It was fun when she played mean but Bucky had more experience— he could play his girl like a fucking fiddle.
“C’mon,” smack, “use your,” smack, “words baby,” smack smack. She didn’t want to stop kissing, sucking on his bottom lip as he pulled away. She blushed, embarrassed on how fast the situation had flipped. His girl whined, “Yeah, c’mon fuck me, fuck me full daddy.” He grinned and laid back, strong arms pulling her atop him.
She squealed, eyes widening. Bucky purred, “You know what to do, Daddy’ll let you on top.” He bit his swollen lip again watching the tip of his clock get swallowed by molten heat, the pair of them shuddering in ecstasy. Her little hands planted on his chest, panting and whining at the fullness. He’d get to work, holding that pretty waist and fucking up into her tight cunt.
It wasn’t long before she was crying out and laying atop his body, gasping, “Y’feel so good! Ah! Soft and oh god s’fucking hard!” Bucky sucked at her neck and thrust into her with downright pornographic slaps. He grunted and gasped, legs wonderfully getting another workout.
He murmured into her ear, a hand stilling all that writhing the poor thing was doing, “Yeah doll? Daddy fucking you good? Feels good to lay on Daddy and get your pussy pounded huh?” She sobbed, clenching and spilling tears on his neck, “Yes daddy! Yes! Don’t stop, fuckfuckfuck, s’rubbing my clit! I love you Daddy!”
Bucky’s eyes crossed for a second. What?
The evil flab that curses his very existence is a free clit rubber? He moaned in delight. Bucky changed their position some to milk out that new fact. Might as well abuse it before it’s gone. His baby was clinging to him now, mewling his name, pussy spasming sporadically. Bucky tilted her head up, melting at her pretty eyes. He rasped, “Come for Daddy baby, know you’re close, let go babydoll.”
He was grinding the tip of his cock into her soft spot while cooing at her. She hiccuped on a sob, the entirety of lean frame tightening down on him. His baby was a lot stronger than she looked. He could feel her core clamp and soak his cock, sending Bucky reeling into his own orgasm with a hoarse shout. He whimpered at the feeling of his balls drawing painfully tight, emptying all he had pent up.
They laid in a pile of sweat and spend, probably love. She was still subbed out, nuzzling into Bucky, only making a soft noise when his soft cock slid out. The brunette guessed it was his turn to return her earlier favor. He felt like the man of the hour. Crazy little kitten thought her geriatric overweight cyborg assassin was hot. Even with the holiday pounds.
So he pressed little kisses, rubbed her back, waxed poetic nonsense of his love for her. Bucky was a lover boy back in the day, just a little rusty, not like his Babygirl was on planet Earth right now anyways. She murmured into his neck with a dopey smile, “Tiger.”
Once again, crazy fellow asset saving Bucky’s wavering self-esteem. How lucky was he?
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jiarkives · 8 months
julia’s favorites ! (iii)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ☆ - series
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☆ deception - mob!bucky barnes
↳ @avecra
☆ monet issues - natasha romanoff ft. tony stark, avengers
↳ @arlana-likes-to-write
☆ masterlist - bucky barnes, steve rogers
♤♡ flashing lights (i) - paramedic!bucky barnes
♡ convalescence (ii) - paramedic!bucky barnes
♤ when he’s away - bucky barnes
♤ voicemails to an unmanned inbox - bucky barnes
♤ divine retribution - bucky barnes
↳ @pellucid-constellations
☆ Cержант - bucky barnes
☆ alone - bucky barnes
☆ obey - bucky barnes
♡ the owl and the wolf - bucky barnes
↳ @waiting4inspiration
♡ kiddo - bucky barnes
♡ for good - steve rogers
↳ @justauthoring
♡ hand holding - biker!steve rogers
↳ @angrythingstarlight (18+)
♤♡ initials - steve rogers, bucky barnes (poly!)
↳ @americancowgirl19
♡ grouch - bucky barnes
↳ @buckysfaveplum
♡♤ purgatory - bucky barnes
↳ @wkemeup
jujutsu kaisen
♡ stolen tigers - sukuna ft. itadori yuuji
↳ @mysicklove (18+)
♡ talent show - gojo satoru ft. fushiguro tsumiki, fushiguro megumi
↳ @tunatoge (18+)
♡ morning kisses - gojo satoru
↳ @riediaries
♡♤ just to be enough (i) - geto suguru, gojo satoru
♡ shoko just can’t be right (ii) - geto suguru, gojo satoru
♡ remind you of why (iii) - geto suguru, gojo satoru
↳ @justauthoring
♡ photobooth - nanami kento
♡ she’s everything. he’s just ken. - nanami kento
↳ @lemonlover1110
♡ cinnamon girl - kamo choso
↳ @just-jordie-things
♡♤ i worry for you, for you not know the danger you see - toji fushiguro, pregnant!reader
♡ baby mine - toji fushiguro, pregnant!reader
↳ @tojigasm (18+)
call of duty
♤ i see red (i) - simon ‘ghost’ riley
♡ i see red (ii) - simon ‘ghost’ riley
♤♡ wrong words - simon ‘ghost’ riley
↳ @milf-murdock
♡ hangry - simon ‘ghost’ riley
↳ @rileyslibrary
♡♤ simon hates seeing you cry - simon ‘ghost’ riley
♤♡ faking his own death - simon ‘ghost’ riley
↳ @cmncisspnandmore (18+)
♡ brother’s coworker - simon ‘ghost’ riley ft. john ‘soap’ mactavish
↳ @halcyone-of-the-sea (18+)
♡ off limits - simon ‘ghost’ riley
↳ @multi-fandom-imagine
my hero academia
♤♡ that cherished feeling - bakugo katsuki
↳ @justauthoring
♡ back off and look away - bakugo katsuki
↳ @celesteleoves
♡ nicknames - bakugo katsuki
↳ @ryukatters (16+)
tokyo revengers
♤ catalyst - manjiro ‘mikey’ sano
♡♤ serendipity - ken ‘draken’ ryuguji
↳ @justauthoring
♡ hidden relationship - manjiro ‘mikey’ sano
↳ @miniimight
♡ you’re too drunk to recognize your boyfriend - manjiro ‘mikey’ sano, ken ‘draken’ ryuguji, keisuke baji, takashi mitsuya, rindou haitani, ran haitani, shuji hanma
↳ @chalkscene
marauders / harry potter
☆ come back, be here - sirius black, marauders
↳ @ellecdc
♡ drabble - remus lupin
♡ james comes to your rescue when you call him (drunk) - james potter
♡ james puts his finger in your mouth - james potter
↳ @luveline
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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igsuhrheos · 1 year
Bathtub Fun | Wanda Maximoff
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This is my first story so please be kind.
Wanda’s a bottom and Y/N is a people pleaser. What more could you want?
Warnings: mention of alcohol, fingering, a bit of degradation, praise, neck squeezing, y/n is AFAB but it’s pretty gender neutral.
Translation: Милый-(sweetheart),
Tonight was again,a big party Stark put together but tonight he had a reason, a reason he used most of the time but most of the time, it worked. It was because there had been a whole month full of missions and training without any fatal accidents or anything that cost him a lot of money. So all the money he would’ve spent on the injured people he used it to host a party, and more importantly a party with alcohol.
But now it’s the middle of the party and some how it got even louder than before,with you and Wanda all danced out and a bit tipsy you take a break only now you’re realizing that Wanda is nowhere to be found. She said to you awhile ago that she was going to get something to drink and you thought that she was just sitting down some where.
Looking around you can’t find her anywhere, so when you walk up to Natasha and Tony with a confused expression and no Wanda on your arm before you can even speak.
“No, Y/N ,we haven’t seen your girlfriend” Natasha says with a smirk.
“She’s not my girlfriend”
“But you want her to be, we see the way you guys look at each other” said Tony with the same smirk as Natasha.
With a pink face you say “Why am I even friends with you guys?”
Natasha replies with a “because you love us” and Tony follows up with a “but not as much as she loves her little witch”
With a quick “i hate you” you start to walk away but make a u-turn and go to the bar to grab a bottle of wine and some glasses.
When you pass by them again you get a “go get her, tiger” from Nat and a complaint from Tony about stealing his alcohol.
If Wanda walked away from the party without telling you is because, she’s probably stressed. So with the wine bottle in hand you go and try to find her. You look on the balcony, in the kitchen, in her room, etc. So the final place you look is your room seeing how you and Wanda sleep in the same room sometimes, and that’s where you find her but not in your bed watching sitcoms like normal.
No,she’s in your bathroom,in the tub with the door wide open but it’s not the first time you’ve seen Wanda naked it’s been several actually but never like this anyway, just laying there with warm water over her body just so relaxed to the point where it looks like she’s almost asleep.
So as quietly as you can so you don’t scare her you walk into the bathroom and make yourself known “You left me alone down there y’know” and despite you trying not to scare her you know you failed when she shoots up and lets out a little yelp.
“Don’t do that you sacred me” she says, as she lays back down after knowing it’s just you and not some random party goer, but before she can reprehend you some more she gets a good look at you but of course she’s seen you tonight many many times, more than she would like to let on.
Even though it just barely an hour ago she thought back to how you held her close on the dance floor, how your hand was always reaching for her or touching her, how her painted red lips were on your neck and how they left a residue mark of lipstick on your collar.
When she looked down she saw the wine bottle and glasses in your hand and with an airy giggle she asked “Don’t you think we already had enough to drink tonight” as she pointed at the bottle. “Oh you think this is for you, no way, you left me. Out there. All alone.”
She simply just rolled her eyes and shook her head at you “I didn’t leave you alone” she said “Nat was right by you, a little too close” she spoke the last part under her breath but you heard it. “You sound a little jealous don’t you think, Witchy.” Y/N said with a smirk. Now, with her face a more flushed than before, but not because of the heat in the bathroom, it’s because of your teasing tone.
She lets a fake hurt gasp “I am not jealous” and this time she gets even more red by your saying “If you were jealous” before you even get to finish your thought, she interrupts “But I’m not” with her voice going up a bit when she finishes her sentence, a telltale sign she’s lying, you continue from where you left off “If you were jealous, you have no reason to be.” She then titles her head to the side with the perfect look of innocence as if she has no idea where this is going “I’m all yours, pretty girl.” She softly gasps as if she’s never heard such words before, but it wasn’t, time and time again from the moment you first met Wanda from being friends to where you two are right now.
You always put Wanda first no matter what and you always reassured her in anyway she would ask for it. Once she got over her shocked state,she realized you had now sat down outside the tub and opened the bottle. She then grabbed the wine glass you offered her, and of course you poured her glass first. She accepted it with a smile,that she only ever gave to you, “My sweet girl,” she thought.
Once your glass was a little ways filled, you were already tipsy from the drinks you had at the party and just from looking at Wanda and the way she was looking at you, she asked with a smirk, eyes shining with mischief, “So you’re all mine?”
As fast as her brother you answered “Of course I am” with a loving smile, “Would you do anything for me? Anything I asked?” She pondered.
With a questionable look you gave her the sarcastic answer of “What you want me to scream it from the rooftops?” Even though it was said as a joking you and Wanda both knew you would do it, if she had asked you or not.
She laughed at your sarcastic statement and taking a sip of her wine, so she could say her next sentence without chickening out “Would you like to get in with me?” she said sitting up and scooting forward so there’s space for you behind her.
Honestly, you were a little bit caught off guard, thinking that she was gonna ask you to go get her some clothes so she could get out and go to bed. But of course you liked this idea a bit better, you were also a little nervous.
Obviously you and Wanda have had sex before, anyone that looked your guys way either knew or thought that it’s just a matter of time before you “jump each others bones” as Tony put it. You’ve had sex in the bed, a quickie in a broom closet or in the kitchen when you could, even in the shower after not seeing each other for awhile because of missions or even just because you had both gotten out of training, and with all the panting and the sweating done in the gym, it just migrated into the shower along with more panting and hushed moaning.
But this, this felt vulnerable, having to just sit there, it was never easy to sit next to Wanda without having the urge to do something, let alone a naked, tipsy, wet Wanda.
Of course, as always you did it, for Wanda. You asked Wanda to hold your glass for you, then you started to get undressed,starting with your belt that held up your pants, then your white buttoned up shirt. If Wanda was being honest with her self she was a little sad to see the shirt go because of the way it fit your body, to it hugging your biceps and your shoulders, and the lipstick mark that she left.
Then the shirt was completely off and of course she seen you without clothes on but “fuck”, without the shirt she could she everything, the defined muscles of your arms, your tight abdomen that you worked on for hours in the gym.
Then came the pants, she already knew that your legs were pretty defined, of course she would, no, she could spend hours grinding and grinding down onto your thighs. It made it even better when you helped her move her hips.
Then, the boxers, she absolutely loved you in boxers the way they hugged your waist and ass, she honestly couldn’t get enough of you, with or without your clothes.
After you were fully undressed you finally stepped into the tub and laid back. Right away Wanda laid down on your chest with her back to your front and your arms on the side of the tub once you grabbed your glass back from her.
“This is nice” she said in a voice full of contempt.
“This is the only thing you wanted me to do for you?”
She turned her head side ways and looked back at you “Did you want more, Детка?” She asked in a sultry voice, her accent coming out a bit since she’s more relaxed than before.
With a red face and a kiss to her shoulder you answered “N-no I was just checking to see if I could do anything else for you.”
“My sweet girl, wanting to do so much for me, but there is one more thing you could do for me.” She said in a voice that made a shiver go down your spine.
“W-whatever you want, Wands.”
Now with you exactly how Wanda wants you to be, sweet, willing to do anything she desires. It’s no secret that you are the one who is in control in the bedroom, you would most likely go back to having control in the next few minutes, but Wanda couldn’t care less. She liked when you had your way with her, most of the time it was hot and heavy but gentle with praise and on the off chance, degradation.
Wanda was a fan of both, it was you who didn’t really like to degrade her, as you told her time and time again when she asked why you didn’t want to and it was always the same “You’re to precious to say mean things to” or “Your pussy always gets so wet when I praise you, so why would I change that?”
But this time it was an off chance, with the drinks and everything happening around you, you think you could do it just a little bit.
Whilst you were, once again, wondering what she wanted you to do for her. She said “How ‘bout you be a, good girl, and touch me?”
Again, with lightening speed you got to work to make Wanda happy. You took yours and her empty wine glasses and put them on the floor outside of the tub.
Now with your hands free, you wrapped your arms around her stomach and caressed her sides, digging your fingertips into her just enough to get a soft sigh from her. She moved her hands into the back of your head into your hair and pulled you forward so that she could crash her lips into yours.
With her lips moving sloppily against yours you decided it would be a good time to let your hands trail all over her body, from her breasts, to where you twisted and pulled her hard nipples, to her thighs where you squeezed and pulled them apart so that they were opened enough to your liking.
Now with her legs spread you disconnected your lips from hers and let them trail down her jaw, to neck then to her ear, where you asked “Are you needy, my love?” She then proceeded to let out a low moan along with a whiny “yes.”
With that response you brought your hands away from her thighs, and the place she wanted you the most, one of them going to wrap around her neck with a gentle squeeze and the other hand back to right where her hip and legs meet.
With a huff she said “If you don’t get to work soon I’m doing it myself, and you can just sit there and watch.” She was expecting you to do as you were told, but she definitely didn’t expect you to laugh at her, you actually laughed at her and before she could even process getting mad and telling you off, you said, “Stop being a brat unless you want me to fuck it out of your system.” With a playful degrading voice and another squeeze to her neck.
After that she went silent with a red face, which you followed up with a nip to her ear and a “That’s my good girl.” Now with a very needy Wanda who was practically shaking with arousal. Now you just needed one more thing from her before you actually touched her.
With you moving the hand that was on her hip back up to her breast,“I know you like thinking you can boss me around. But be honest with yourself baby, you like it so much more when I’m in charge, don’t you?” You say while sliding your fingers over her wet pussy, and even though she’s wet from the water, you can feel the sticky slick that you could spend hours devouring.
With a buck of her hips towards your hand that you moved before she could get what she wanted. With a hoarse voice she pleaded “P-please, Детка?”
With your hand tilting her head back so it could rest on your shoulder and a kiss to her cheek, you wanted to tease her a little bit more so you asked,”Please what, pretty girl? I know you can ask better than that pathetic attempt. Go on beg for me,my slutty girl.”
A sob made its way through Wanda’s lips and then came her begs for pleasure, “Please t-touch me Милый. I-I’ll be a good girl. Just please fuck me.”
Wanting to push her a little more you asked, “Are you mine?”
“Yes! All yours”
“You promise?”
“I promise! Just touch me, please.”
Your fingers then started to move slowly over her pussy making her squirm and whine. But when you moved your fingers to her clit and teased “Does that feel good, my love? You like when I touch your pussy like this?”
With lust and arousal surrounding her, just nodding and moaning loudly in your ear as a sign of yes and for you to keep going. But of course you were in control, you weren’t just gonna let her get away with her not verbally answering you. So you pulled away your fingers from her pussy and getting a whiny, “Why did you stop” along with a pout.
“When I ask you a question I expect an answer, understand ” you said with a hand still on her throat and a light slap against her inner thigh.
“Yes, what?”
With a flushed face she replied “yes, I understand” in a meek voice.
“Very good, see that wasn’t so hard was it.” Whilst saying this your hand slipped back to its position on her pussy, and started to tease her opening.
By now you could tell Wanda was close to her orgasm and so to help her get there you pushed a single digit in her, finally getting what she wants you’re rewarded with a moan, a smile, and a pleasure filled “thank you.”
Whilst pumping your single digit in her you asked,”Is this what you wanted, my Wanda? Me to finger your pretty needy pussy?”
With a hip buck, a loud moan and something along the lines of “more” and “faster” you decided that she had enough teasing for tonight or at least for now. So now replacing one finger with two, you started to pump your fingers faster, just as she had requested.
After a couple of seconds you heard the lust induced “I-I’m close, Детка.” With a sultry laugh from your end, you curled your fingers and with a feigned sad voice “All ready? But I just got started, can’t you hold on a little while longer.”
She nodded her head but you both knew she wouldn’t last longer than you actually wanted her to. So with a “y’know, maybe if you begged me, I might let you cum right now.”
Without having to ask anymore she let out a breathless sentence of,”Please, please, please, can I cum? I’ve been so good for you.” As you acted like you were thinking about it, she turned her head and started to kiss your neck feverishly, in hopes it would help persuade your mind in letting her cum.
With you bringing her head back up so you could whisper into her ear “Since you asked so nicely, cum for me, my beautiful slutty girl, cum on my fingers.” and with your permission that’s what she did. She grabbed your face and brought your lips together while she squirmed, and moaned.
Once she let go of your face and you stared to pepper kisses to her cheeks, neck, shoulders really anywhere you could reach. You gave her time to come down from her high with praises of “You did so good for me.” and “So pretty when you cum like that.”
With her turning her head towards you she showed off a dazzling smile and a “thank you for everything.” and a “No problem, princess.” from you she brought into another kiss but this one was calm and loving but with the taste of the wine from her mouth brought into your mouth you couldn’t wait to ask if you could go for round two.
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kandisheek · 2 months
Cap-Ironman Rec Week 2024
Better Together Monday: July 22nd
Prompt: Tell us all about those fanworks where Tony and Steve are better teammates, are more competent, complete missions more efficiently and are just overall better for working and being together!
We all know that Steve and Tony are better together than apart, and this is the perfect time to celebrate it! Here are some of my favorite fics where teamwork makes the dream work:
-- Kludged Together by Veldeia
When he cut his morning jog short to join Tony Stark on a reconnaissance mission off the East Coast, Steve sure wasn’t expecting to end up stuck on a life raft in the middle of the ocean, his hand knuckle-deep in Stark's chest.
-- Danger Mouse by isozyme
First step: get both Tony and the pieces of Tony’s suit into some kind of shelter. It’s not raining now, but it’s only a matter of time. The passenger bay of the jet is sitting at a thirty degree angle and pretty banged up, but the doors are accessible and, hey, it’s got a roof. Step two after shelter: make a fire. That’s wilderness 101. Steve pats around his belt pouches for his matches. He comes up with a pack of tissues (wet), a couple of business cards (wet), his guilty pack of cigarettes (also wet), and finally a book of matches. It’s wet.
-- If Through a Door by jibrailis
Tony is accused of murder on an alien planet; Steve marries him to bring him home.
-- Symmetry Breaking by Annie D (scaramouche)
After the Battle of New York, Steve rode off on his motorbike. That's how it went the first time. This time he rides back, all the way to Stark Tower, where he asks Tony for help.
-- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happy Hour by BladeoftheNebula
“What is your problem?” Steve finally asked, annoyed at the way Stark was acting like there was a storm cloud over his head. Stark reeled back. “My problem? My fucking problem? You walk around this place with a stick jammed so far up your ass I’m surprised you can even bend over to suture!” Steve’s jaw dropped. “At least my head isn’t so big it barely fits through the OR doors.” Dr Steve Rogers is finally assigned to work at the MASH 107 army hospital in Korea, just like he’s been wanting since he was drafted. Too bad the Chief Surgeon is such an ass.
-- Senseless by Scavenge4Dreams
Blinded, deafened, exhausted, injured and afraid, Tony raised himself up into a defensive position, the knife coming up just like Nat had taught him.  “That had better fucking be you, Steve Rogers- it had better be you. Fucking disarm me. If you let me kill you, I swear I will be very, very pissed.” Tony snarled, sure it was Steve approaching. Had to be. Had. To. Be.  What if it wasn’t?
-- Trust Fall by Sineala
Tony needs someone who cares about him, bandages, a jacket, ibuprofen, dinner, a lasting romantic relationship, a nice time in bed, and assistance committing federal crimes. He gets them. In that order.
-- Love among the Hydrothermal Vents by DevilDoll
In which Namor has a thing for Steve, an octopus has a thing for Tony, and Steve and Tony eventually have a thing for each other.
And two of my own fics:
-- Flipping Through Channels
When Loki hits Tony and Steve with an illusion spell during their fight, Tony is prepared for torture, nightmares, the whole shebang. What he's not prepared for is being trapped in a kitschy eighties rom-com with him and Steve as the protagonist and love interest. And why the hell does Loki want them to kiss so badly?
-- Some More Equal Than Others
Steve split from SHIELD years ago, but when Fury approaches him with a rescue mission that goes beyond anything they've ever done before, Steve knows that he can't turn a blind eye to it. Those animals need his help, and if he has to go undercover to save them, then he'll do it gladly. He never expects to find what he does, a tiger hybrid who seems to understand him and yet pretend to be an animal. Steve knows that even more than any of the other animals in this illegal zoo, this man was never meant to belong in a cage. No matter what, Steve won't rest until the man is free.
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bulkyphrase · 9 months
Smutty Stony Rec List
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I wrote this in the notes of a post like a year and a half ago and I’m finally delivering! This list is both the fulfillment of that ancient promise, and an Xmas present for the Steve server’s #stony-nsfw channel.
I am very skewed towards bottom Steve, so if that’s not your jam you can probably safely skip this list.
Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!
Got You Under My Skin by BlossomsintheMist ( @cherryblossomsmist) (Ults | Explicit | 26,115 words)
Summary: “I’d be happy to show you a good time,” Tony said, smiling a little obscurely, Steve thought, as if to himself, but still with that warm, knowing look, affectionate and oddly fond, “any time you want.” Steve Rogers goes to Tony Stark's birthday party. Things progress from there, with a lot of flirtiness leading to propositions, and propositions leading to, well, what comes next, and Steve isn't even sure what he wants after that. Set in the Marvel Ultimate Universe, and written for the 2014 Cap_Ironman Reverse Big Bang. Art by wiredoll, here.
Baby, You Can Drive My Car by BlossomsintheMist (@cherryblossomsmist) (616 | Explicit | 7,485 words)
Summary: “Nothing but the best for my best guy,” and this time, Steve’s groan was soft and shuddering and all about Tony calling him that old-fashioned phrase, it never failed to make him feel warm and, and soft, and cared for, the way Tony always managed to do so damn well, “this is the Lamborghini of fucking machines, all right? Written for Day Ten of Kinktober: Fucking Machine.
Chapter 19 by blue_jack (MCU | Explicit | 5,098 words)
Summary: Anyone who was anyone knew about Captain America.
The rest are below the cut!
I’ma Bite Your Feelings Out by blue_jack (MCU | Explicit | 4,174 words)
Summary: “I’m sorry, but we have to do what?” Steve asked, sure he’d misunderstood. “I said that someone needs to have sex with Tony,” Dr. Strange told him, sounding annoyed that he had to repeat himself, as if Tony weren’t currently a wolf, standing six feet tall at the shoulder. A little bit of clarification wasn’t too much to ask for.
Exhausted by FestiveFerret (@festiveferret) (MCU | Explicit | 2,764 words)
Summary: “You going to sleep, love?” Tony asked, and Steve nodded. “You okay with keeping the collar on?” Tony knew Steve understood what he was asking for - as much as he knew how badly Steve wanted this.
Exposed by FestiveFerret, SirSapling (@festiveferret, @sirsapling) (Ults | Explicit | 5,979 words)
Summary: Of all the people Steve could be stuck with while this agonizing drug surged through him, of course, it had to be Tony Stark.
Not In Kansas Anymore by fohatic (@fohatic) (MCU | Explicit | Rape/Non-Con | 28,585 words)
Summary: It was truly uncanny, how alike they both were. His voice. His mannerisms. His meticulously-groomed facial hair. If he didn't know any better, Steve would've thought that it was the same man he’d left back on Earth-617... The only noticeable difference between them was that look in his eyes... Steve hadn't missed it, the way that this Tony was watching him as if he were a rabbit that had wandered into a tiger's lair, regarding him with an unsettling sort of amusement as he invited him deeper into the penthouse, brown eyes sharp and smoldering with something that Steve didn't recognize. Steve Rogers attempts to covertly gather intel on a mysterious weapon from a parallel universe's Tony Stark, and ends up in a predicament that he never saw coming.
if love is a jungle by fohatic (@fohatic) (MCU | Explicit | 15,393 words)
Summary: It was Tony's wet dream and worst nightmare all rolled up into one.
Perfect Body by IronShield (MCU | Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 12,677 words)
Summary: Steve Rogers is struggling with his sexual desires, he doesn't know if he should share them with anyone. One day, out of curiosity he reads some SteveXTony fanfiction and Tony wonders if the fanfic matches up the the real deal. The first chapter sets it up, chapter 2 and on will contain all the smut!
Ravenous by IronShield (MCU | Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 14,362 words)
Note: Not exclusively Stony, but it is the main ship
Summary: Sequel to "Perfect Body" Steve keeps thinking about the promise Tony made. Now Steve wants to fulfill his body's every desire once again and get with a few other Avengers.
girls can't play guitar by isozyme (@isozyme) (Ults | Explicit | 4,209 words)
Summary: On nights when Tonia fucked Eve, Eve left her bed sated and woke up with a guilty desire to walk into Tonia’s room, strip off her kevlar uniform, and surrender herself to whatever Tonia wanted to do next. Captain Eve Rogers has a complicated relationship with sex and masculinity. Tonia Stark has a really big strap.
what it looks like (from the outside) by isozyme (@isozyme) (616, Ults | Explicit | 5,786 words)
Summary: “I talked to Rogers,” Tony said. His tone was edged with wheedling — Tony was building up towards asking for something. “And now I need your opinion: what are your feelings on threesomes?” “With Rogers?” Steve asked, surprised. Steve certainly — surely — probably — didn’t approve of threesomes. Even if Tony asked for it, in his haughty, affected way, the way that said it was all a joke until you said yes, Steve would — he wouldn’t say yes. He certainly wouldn’t have thought other-him would go for it. “No, with a platypus,” Tony teased. “Yes, obviously, with Rogers.” Commander Rogers from Earth 616 comes to visit Ultimates Steve and Tony. They have a threesome with feelings. That’s it, that’s the fic.
All the Love You Hold and Hide by Mireille (MCU | Explicit | 17,294 words)
Summary: On a mission, Steve triggers a booby trap that turns out to be a skeevy sex curse, of the "fuck or die" variety. Tony volunteers as tribute.
Under The Spell by Ridley160 (MCU | Explicit | Rape/Non-Con | 23,125 words)
Summary: Steve gets doused with a heat inducing sex pollen from a giant centipede that Tony has been researching. Wild with a fiery desire Steve bends to the will and whim of the creature, allowing it to use his body in any way it pleases. Tony attempts to talk Steve out of it and get him away from the bug, but he too is subjected to the monster's pollen, and finds himself unable to resist the temptations. Then there is finding how to deal with the aftermath. Heed the tags
Little Red Button by scribblywobblytimeylimey (MCU | Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 6,298 words)
Summary: Sequel to 'All There in the Manual' for firelordstark: “[I]t would be interesting if roleplaying an android were an actual kink of his and not just his subconscious trying to construct a situation where Tony would be interested in him.” (What do you know? Freud was right.) Tony takes so well to Steve's suggestion he starts to wish he'd mentioned it sooner. It's easy to believe the rest of it – that he's the sex-toy android Tony built for when Steve's not around, built to please him, modded within an inch of his life to react to pressure sensors in all the right places – when Tony's even gone as far as to integrate a voice modification filter that fits like a gag but lets out every last sound, not quite in Steve's voice, but flattened a little with a tinny edge, just like he *would* sound if he *were* a robot sex toy. And that's not even all of it. One of these days, he's going to learn to never underestimate Tony Stark.
In the Springtime of His Voodoo by shaenie (MCU | Explicit | 9,821 words)
Summary: “I’m removing Captain Rogers from this base, but not from active duty. I want him as SHIELD’s liaison to Stark Industries first and foremost. He’ll report directly to me,” Fury says. “As it is, your identity as Captain America is not public knowledge and it will remain that way until I say otherwise. That said, if you think you can get Tony Stark to work with you if you disclose that information, you have permission to do so.” Also available as a podfic read by paraka (@paraka)
Satiety by Sinope (MCU | Explicit | 956 words)
Summary: From a kinkmeme prompt: Tony builds a fucking machine designed specifically for Steve. It fucks him for hours, through multiple orgasms until he's sore to the point of crying and begs for it to stop. Once Steve can't come anymore, Tony unties him and plays with his sore hole. Then he fucks him. Afterwards, he licks his cum out of Steve. Contains exactly what it says on the box.
A Particular Style by sinuous_curve (MCU | Explicit | 3,640 words)
Summary: “The erotic tale of one camp counselor’s descent into lesbian madness?” Toni rattles off the summary, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead in a swoon that Steph can’t see. “I can’t fault your taste. It was always one of my favorites.”
Simple Biology by stark-contrast (dweetwise) (@dweetwise) (MCU | Explicit | 9,925 words)
Summary: “God, I'm sweating bullets in this thing,” Tony said, already unzipping his undersuit. “It’s not just me, right? It feels like a sauna in here.” And Steve's resolve crumbled by each inch of sweat-slick skin that was revealed. Or, Tony gets hit by sex pollen. Fortunately, Steve is there to help out—if only the guilt complex would let him.
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