vampthropologist · 8 months
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What if we were gothic royalty? You were lolita and I was ouji?
Ouji Iru transparent under cute
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I'm so happy to actually do the style AHH!!!
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k2-b0 · 5 years
miu iruma
sexuality headcanon: definitely pan!
gender headcanon: demigirl iruma is so good . i love the idea of her being nb just in general
a ship I have with said character: iru.matsu
a BROTP I have with said character: kii.ruma.. they’re buddies cdkdhsk
a NOTP I have with said character: ou.miu is a little. weird to me in a romantic sense tbh
a random headcanon: iruma likes to prop her feet up on the back of someone’s head while they’re sitting down & will only take them down if the person doesnt complain bc she gets embarrassed
general opinion over said character: iruma is such a funny character tbh. i absolutely adore her. + her color scheme is really pretty
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forgedhope · 6 years
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NAME:  Keebo GENDER: ??? ORIENTATION: ???? Demi??? PREFERRED PET NAMES:  ?????????? RELATIONSHIP STATUS:   he got a bf whom he loves very much FAVORITE CANON SHIP(S):  Sai.ibo FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP(S).  ??? iru.matsu is a cute one I guess? OPINION  ON  TRUE  LOVE.  It’s something that needs time and a lot of effort in order to work, but he truly believes it to be possible OPINION  ON  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT.  He isn’t really sure if something like that sounds believable- how can you love so fast someone you just met? That just isn’t logical?? You don’t know them??? HOW  ‘ROMANTIC’  ARE  THEY.  He tries his best but still gets flustered a lot. at least shuichi is happy with this mess
IDEAL  PHYSICAL  TRAITS.  N/A. IDEAL  PERSONALITY  TRAITS.  Someone who cares about him and validates his feelings and doesn’t think any different of him for being a robot UNATTRACTIVE  PERSONALITY  TRAITS.   Toxic people in general IDEAL  DATE.  He likes calm and quiet dates- even just staying inside and watching movies together is enough for him. Just nothing in excessively crowded and chaotic places DO  THEY  HAVE  A  TYPE: Shuichi-- AVERAGE  RELATIONSHIP  LENGTH. first time in a relationship PREFERRED  NON-SEXUAL  INTIMACY.  He likes cuddling his bf a lot, especially when he’s feeling self conscious. it always makes him feel so much better COMMITMENT  LEVEL. He’s very loyal once in a relationship OPINION  OF  PUBLIC  AFFECTION. He gets flustered too easily for it- but he doesn’t shy away form hand holding and occasional cheek kisses. PAST  RELATIONSHIPS.   nope
Tagged by: @forgedtruth
Tagging: u see it ur it
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vampthropologist · 1 month
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Schoolmatsu Iru and Jeffrey
Iru is a great student and the leader of a well-known gang. Their grades let them skip classes to run their underground business, loaning money and goods to people for a price. They're pretty generous with their loans, but if you fail to pay them back, they take what they find of "equal value." The only people who see Iru smile are their friends and the people they "collect" from. (Ever wondered why Ichimatsu appears lobotomized in this AU?)
Jeffrey is hired muscle, usually hired by Iru or their friendz. finds fighting fun and tries to do it for a good reason to justify it, though money can be a good enough reason if the price is right. He skipz classes and will probly be expelled soon, but he DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT!!! He's just here for a GOOD TIME!!!! X-D
Jeffrey's character design and info are done by him! I drew his character for him. @x-go2sleep-x
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vampthropologist · 6 months
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Happy Halloween!
IruIchi as Frankenstein and their Monster (book version!)
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vampthropologist · 7 months
IruIchi REAL. kind of
Prologue and Chapter 1 Posted!! If you'd like some listening material, here's the IruIchi Official Playlist (subject to change)
Thanks to @zen1dol for beta-reading this for me!!!!! <3
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vampthropologist · 10 months
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Releasing them into the world. The season they would appear in also includes @zen1dol and @x-go2sleep-x!
Voice Claim JP
Their last name isn't important don't worry about it.
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vampthropologist · 5 months
JP voicelaim for Iru is 96neko! I think finding an english one will be harder (Loud warning for last 5 seconds)
Clips Used: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Since 96neko is a singer, that's a singing voiceclaim too! Just imagine with less skill.
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vampthropologist · 8 months
flowers and duality? :]
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Let's get into it!!
flowers - already answered!
duality - how would you explain your dynamic in a nutshell? what impression do you give to other characters in their source? what about them to people you know in real life?
Why is this always so hard for me? I'll do my best to describe it.
If Ichimatsu talks as though he's pessimistic, Iru is a grounded optimist. Both can be mischevious, though Ichimatsu is in larger ways given the nature of a comedy anime character. Iru is also very honest and direct, so Ichimatsu doesn't get to mosey around questions about his feelings.
A key thing is that both of them are lonely. Iru pushes for interaction to cope with that, while Ichimatsu is so used to pushing away social interaction that he doesn't get any interaction anymore. Iru gets him out of his slump temporarily but doesn't force him to. After some time, he got the courage to start initiating interactions with them.
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I think Iru comes off as intimidating to most characters in Osomatsu-San. They're a young adult with a stable art job, appear to be put together, and have a tendency to be blunt. That's intimidating to NEETs.
Iru's parents would mostly be wary that Ichimatsu won't hurt Iru. They would expect Iru to bring a girl home, so seeing him would be a shock. As long as he seems to respect Iru, they would be fine with him. Iru would probably talk about him a lot before he met them anyways!
Iru's siblings would think he's a bit weird, but if he started talking about his costumes, horror movies, or cats he could win them over fairly easily. Their grandparents would be a bit skeptical at hearing he doesn't have a job (and maybe that he doesn't speak Spanish) but wouldn't say much because they care about Iru.
Funnily enough, Iru's aunt and uncle would be the first that Ichimatsu would meet in person. They actually live in Japan, so no flights would be necessary.
Also, if you want to know Iru's friends' impressions of Ichimatsu, you should ask them! @x-go2sleep-x and @zen1dol
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vampthropologist · 6 months
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So... I watched a movie with a friend.
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vampthropologist · 5 months
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“Come on and freeze your brain.” /lyr
Yet another musical crossover. I can’t decide who should be JD and who should be Veronica.
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vampthropologist · 5 months
By the way, all my Iru's have different last names. You aren't figuring out ososan Iru's last name that easily!
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vampthropologist · 9 months
6. Iru and Raules
6. If they were badly injured, and for whatever reason couldn't go to a hospital, who would they go to for help?
They'd get Jeffrey. He lives with them, he knows their medical record, and he knows some medical stuff. If he can't help, he'll take care of them until he can get someone who can.
Realistic for Raules! In context of the story, they would never have the chance to go to a hospital. First, they would try to help themself. They've had to rely on themself all their life for their health, so it wouldn't be much difference. If it's that bad and they're with fellow students, then they would trust their peers. Somebody in a group of future morticians/medical examiners would know something.
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vampthropologist · 7 months
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erm. What the sheeh?
ft. Iru, Jeffrey, and Mimi (@x-go2sleep-x and @zen1dol )
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vampthropologist · 8 months
hello! sending flowers and walks from the platonic selfship game for anyone that is in your mind rn!
Yippee! Okay doing this with Ichimatsu because he's on my mind. It counts because we are qpps. Will write this as my self insert for continuity.
I got inspired so there's sketches to go with the answers!
flowers - do any of you get allergies during a specific season? whose plants somehow die quicker? have you ever gifted each other something after a big achievement or going through a hard moment?
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Iru has almost every plant allergy, we're talking allergic to 20 types of grass. Spring is when it really gets bad. Their allergies also trigger their asthma, but as long as they stay on top of their meds they're mostly okay.
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I have a feeling Ichimatsu is pretty good with plants when he puts in the effort. On the other hand, Iru's plants will not last more than a month, even if they try a schedule. They worry too much about if the plant has water or if it's molding, but they also don't know anything about plants at the same time.
Iru has definitely given Ichimatsu gifts before. Small ones after a hard day, and bigger ones from larger achievements. Iru gifted him a phone to mark their friendship, after a bunch of pestering him to agree. Ichimatsu gives smaller gifts, but I think he cares more about spending time together so he might plan a stay-at-home relaxation night after a hard day or something like that. He is more likely to gift flowers than Iru though.
walk - what do you usually do when you spend time together? is there any place you especially like to hang out at? maybe somewhere that holds a deep meaning for both of you for some reason?
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Iru and Ichimatsu relax and hang out to spend time together. The two bonded over watching horror movies together, so they still do that frequently. Neither are really afraid of the films, so they watch them like horror or action movies. They do go on walks together. Iru prefers walking during the day to get some sunlight, while Ichimatsu finds nighttime peaceful. They often compromise and walk during sunset together. Iru also likes to go out, but not when alone, so with Ichimatsu they'll go to the arcade or to a shopping district for fun.
Those sunset walks lead to heartfelt moments, so that holds a deep meaning to them. Sure it's for excercise, but the conversations they have feel more important as they cross the bridge.
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vampthropologist · 8 months
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Flings this at you
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