#is Mumbo a rebound in this scenario? Well. maybe a little
atherix · 7 months
Ooo for the song thing, #58?
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Ough this one </3
This is gonna be past!Scarian and current!Redscape so. Ye not part of any current/public AU <3
Some days Scar wonders if he'll ever be alright again.
Letting Grian go was the hardest thing he'd ever done, and even now waking up alone in what used to be their apartment feels... wrong.
When he wakes up to the blaring alarm he stares at the ceiling far longer than he used to.
(He remembers Grian used to wake him up.)
He gets up and wanders into the kitchen, empty and cold save for the little cat bowl sitting on the floor.
(There used to be three.)
He makes breakfast and sets a plate on the table, and he eats with the sound of the TV in the background.
(He used to talk to Grian while they ate together.)
This is how his days pass; he walks to work, remembering how he used to walk with Grian, and at work he takes his lunch, during which he used to call Grian, and then he goes home to his empty house, devoid of the vibrant, lively Grian who used to greet him.
Every day passes like this.
At least, they used to. Nowadays, Scar finds that old routine being broken in the best way possible.
"Hey, Scar."
Scar turns around, blinking as he finds himself looking at Mumbo. Instantly the coldness that had taken root in him fades, warmth and excitement filling its hollow place. Even the sun shines a little brighter as he stops, waiting for the other man to catch up to him.
"Mumbo!" he greets, grinning brightly. His heart flutters as Mumbo reaches out to take his hand, and Mumbo smiles back at him, and all Scar thinks about is Mumbo.
"Where to today then, love?" Mumbo asks him, and Scar hums.
"Y'know, I think today I'm up for anywhere," he decides, swinging their clasped hands between them. "Long as it's anywhere with you."
When Mumbo joins him in the mornings, Scar knows everything is going to be just fine.
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