atherix · 7 months
Ooo for the song thing, #58?
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Ough this one </3
This is gonna be past!Scarian and current!Redscape so. Ye not part of any current/public AU <3
Some days Scar wonders if he'll ever be alright again.
Letting Grian go was the hardest thing he'd ever done, and even now waking up alone in what used to be their apartment feels... wrong.
When he wakes up to the blaring alarm he stares at the ceiling far longer than he used to.
(He remembers Grian used to wake him up.)
He gets up and wanders into the kitchen, empty and cold save for the little cat bowl sitting on the floor.
(There used to be three.)
He makes breakfast and sets a plate on the table, and he eats with the sound of the TV in the background.
(He used to talk to Grian while they ate together.)
This is how his days pass; he walks to work, remembering how he used to walk with Grian, and at work he takes his lunch, during which he used to call Grian, and then he goes home to his empty house, devoid of the vibrant, lively Grian who used to greet him.
Every day passes like this.
At least, they used to. Nowadays, Scar finds that old routine being broken in the best way possible.
"Hey, Scar."
Scar turns around, blinking as he finds himself looking at Mumbo. Instantly the coldness that had taken root in him fades, warmth and excitement filling its hollow place. Even the sun shines a little brighter as he stops, waiting for the other man to catch up to him.
"Mumbo!" he greets, grinning brightly. His heart flutters as Mumbo reaches out to take his hand, and Mumbo smiles back at him, and all Scar thinks about is Mumbo.
"Where to today then, love?" Mumbo asks him, and Scar hums.
"Y'know, I think today I'm up for anywhere," he decides, swinging their clasped hands between them. "Long as it's anywhere with you."
When Mumbo joins him in the mornings, Scar knows everything is going to be just fine.
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isjasz · 1 month
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[Day 304]
Andddd here begins Grian's long suffering o7
this is a canon event don't blame me blame the game👍
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zishu-arts · 1 month
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i rewatched 3rd life :(
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gladumfdoodles · 3 days
hey platonic scarian fans
i finally went through my ao3 and put all of my platonic scarian fics into one series
there are 21 works currently, but that will rapidly change over the next few months
don't look at the word count
here's the series!! enjoy!!
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rockcattomato · 11 months
Just finished writing a desert duo fanfiction, off to find a crane wives song to name it after
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snake-bytez · 1 year
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Don't you love a strange relationship between two straight men who have very unusual "friend" relations with each other in their character forms, on multiple occasions, in many universes? /lhj
Just a sketch, not wip tho I'm done lmaoooo I put effort into posing Scar and then G is just- There–
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solargeist · 1 year
Head Empty: Scarian vampire au u-u
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Scarian ….
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braxiatel · 1 year
GIHASM Grian post chapter 18:
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(from this post)
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mochiwrites · 9 months
I hope I’m not just the mumscarian cat to you, but the scarian cat
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bluiex · 1 year
Just so yall know- this all stemmed from me simping over Finnick again after binge watching all of the HG movies today
Scarian Hunger Games AU!
So! In how the books/movies go, Grian would be Katniss in this scenario, living in District 12. The Mockingjay, symbol of the rebellion against the capital in this Hunger Games universe.
He'd be the one to go instead of Pearl (his sister who was chosen but Grian volunteered in her steed), the other pick will be Big B. Going along with the first book/movie: they play up being "Star crossed lovers" like Peeta, Big B is actually in love with Grian.. by the end of it when they are the two alive they stage that suicide deal with the berries until the announcers like "Congratulations, our winners of the 74th Hunger games!" yada yada- causes the uprising
So moving onto the 2nd book/movie, 75th annual HGs- the president(who i think I might make Evil Xisuma) makes it so past winners are the ones who go into this one (cuz ykno gotta kill Grian, the person who made the districts rebel again) Grian and Big B would’ve been the 2nd and 3rd only winners of District 12 (idk who I wanna be the first winner) MEANING they're both going to be forced into the 75th HG (cuz big b would refuse to let the first winner go) now this is where it will get into my own little idea of how it'll go cuz this is where Scar comes into play! He's a past winner, from 10yrs ago! (What me making him to be like Finnick?? who would've thunk it!!)
Grian and Scar see each other for the first time in the starting ceremony thingy where each victor rides the chariots down the thingy for all of the ppl to see and the president welcoming them or w/e.. Scar would be wearing the same thing finnick was in the film (as seen here)  So ykno, imagine that as Scar, scars and scitties galore, waltzing up to Grian. ofc Grian is like wow- this man is attractive. 
Scar is apart of the rebellion, so is the new games master (who rigged this whole HG like in the book/movie)(who i have no idea who to make that as yet, could be Bdubs, i think thatd be funny) and it's Scar's job to keep Grian alive (BigB helps cuz he is in on it as well) and befriend him, become allies-- Mumbo is gonna be there too (he'd be like Beetee from the book/movies) and also befriend them inside the arena uwu ANYWAYS While getting to know one another the whole week before the games start, training and all that jazz.. Grian starts falling for Scar and same goes for Scar to Grian! So when they get into the games their love blossoms further but ofc they cant show it cuz the world thinks Big B and Grian are together!! DRAMA!! (ofc bigB doesnt care, he's over Grian) anyways yeah itd be tense and stuff until they escape the arena, Grian barely making it out alive
basically, they get to District 13, the rebellion is in full swing lol Grian the face of it as "the mockingjay"
i think i'll make Tango be like who Johanna is in HG.. I think he'd fit her fiery angry self lol 
some Scar angst (like finnicks wowie so original) Victors, who are seen as desirable, are sold off to people after winning.. Those people can do whatever they please to that Victor they bought time with. So you can imagine what he has been through.  He uses that after awhile though, to gain information about a lot of things. and is a big asset to the rebellion cuz of it. 
also also Scar would be around 30ish in this and Grian 20 (this is my au the ages are different *rattles the bars of my cage*)
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kkoct-ik · 4 months
grians latest episode was So good. once im out of this depression its over for you bitches
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rosaacicularis · 1 year
“i want to spend the rest of my life with you, scar,” grian said slowly, constructing the sentence carefully, trying to perfectly articulate exactly what he was trying to say. “but, i can’t give you what you’d want.”
“how do you know what i want?” scar asked, it sounded more like a desperate plea, for something, for grian. he took a step forward, closing the distance between them a little bit more. “i want you, i don’t care what that entails. i just,” he paused for a second, shrugging helplessly. “i can’t lose you.”
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razortuyi · 1 year
anyways i’m working on a scarian scar daycare worker x single father grian with grumbot and jr
but mumbo and grian and ex-husbands but live across from each other in their apartment building for the benefit of their sons
(haven’t decided wether grian is trans in this or grum and jr are adopted, im leaning towards trans cause i want grum and jr to look like mumbo)
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we know like. sun and moon characters in modern media but consider the sun and earth dynamic
the sun that scorches everything that comes near, the earth a home to life and everything it entails; the earth that depends on the sun for everything it has— the earth that is close enough to live and just close enough to burn.
the earth that needs the sun to live and the sun that sees something beautiful and fragile and destroys it in an attempt to teach it to thrive
do you understand me
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millifib · 4 months
Haha what if I just cut and paste scarian into inception
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d0not-disturb · 3 months
hello now that you're free i NEED to know why you hate scarian (hate is a strong word but i can't think of anything else)
this isn't a "grrr why do u hate da BEST ship" because i don't necessarily like it either (i think its overrated) but i have to hear other people's thoughts
I hate scarian because it ruined Grumbo. You see, when scarian first became a thing, it was in the right place at the right time. The dsmp had just ended and people needed to replace it with something and BAM! There was third life. By the end of the dsmp, almost everyone had become great writers, and artists, with a decent following, and they all flooded to third life where the birth of scarian was. With this MASSIVE spike in people, scarian flourished, completely shadowing Grumbo which had been the main ship of, EVERYTHING for the past 5 or something years. And then after third life ended, grian and scar had become friends because before that they were not friends, and people got even MORE content with them, and less content with grian and Mumbo (bonus people didn’t know about the glory of Grumbo before third life) and with Mumbo not being in the life series really, and grian and scar being SOULMATES IN DOUBLE LIFE???? It’s like the universe wanted Grumbo to end.
The nail in the coffin was when Mumbo took his, what like year long break? That’s where it truly died cause there was ZERO Grumbo content. And people don’t want to ship and ship that doesn’t really exist anymore
Grumbo is yet to recover and I doubt it will, it’s sad watching a ship you loved and used to be like THE ship slowly fade away, I mean I remember the days I would see new fanart and fics of them everyday, now I have to wait like up to a week to see new art, even more for fics
I don’t hate ANY other Grian ship, it’s just scarian low key ruined everything ngl, and they are a fine duo! I’ll even admit they are a great duo! But it is EVERYWHERE. You can’t look at the Grian or scar page without being bombarded with scarian. And when scar won the life series people made it about grian. It’s too much and it’s too overrated.
I Wonder if this is what taurian shippers felt like when Grumbo took over them huh
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