#is generally a lot more paranoid and untrusting of his surroundings. he just has a lot going on
dangans-ur-ronpas · 5 months
just think itd be funny if they met irl
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years
Frankly I don't know why he's called paranoid. Ouma practices what I like to call healthy doubt. He's realist about the killing game situation, considers the fact that people are able to take the worst option so that's why he wants to expose their secrets in ch2. Secrets you need to be aware of/keep in mind. Different from thinking that people will always take the worst option, assume the worst of them and rarely hope/belief/trust in people. In my opinion Rantaro or Maki might be more like that
I agree wholeheartedly, Kokichi just seems like a logical dude surrounded by people who refuse to think with their brains lmao
My guesses as to why he's called paranoid
Everyone is very quick to diagnose characters with shit they don't have
Everyone wants a reason to make Kokichi their uwu baby that needs Shuichi to figure him out and fix him
People keep saying that finding a middle ground between trusting people and doubting them was Shuichi's purpose, when in reality he just doubted everyone but his friends. If they see the biased Shuichi as "the right way to doubtfully believe in people" then Kokichi, who actually has a bit of sense, must seem paranoid and untrusting to them
Apparently lying means you also have to be mentally broken or something and must be incapable of trusting people
Rantaro did definitely seem more wary and he had some... odd looking sprites as well, but I think in the end he was more like Kokichi. If he were distrustful I don't think he would go out of his way to warn everyone about the methods and tactics monokuma was using against them. He also probably wouldn't have tried to help them by investigating or going through the despair road. If I were him I would have kept that shit to myself so that the mastermind wouldn't target me, especially since he warned Kaede about doing the same thing.
As for Maki, it mostly just seems that she really hated Kokichi and was quick to shut people out because of her no-nonsense attitude and maybe her tragic past™.
When Maki shut Kaede out, it was for a good enough reason: Kaede's plan failed, so why should she follow Kaede's suggestions again? Seems pretty simple, but I can understand it even if it's a little unforgiving.
Maki also just hated Kokichi, which probably led to her wanting to believe the worst in him to further justify her anger. Why look into or even care about someone's reasons when you can just hate them? A lot of people act like that towards people they don't like because they want to fuel their own flames.
Yet aside from that, she mostly seems chill about everything, probably because she knows that if anyone tried to kill her the only one who could stand a chance would be Gonta, and that's only if she couldn't snipe him first, so she had nothing to be scared of because of her talent.
The only times Maki actually got worried was when Kaito got punched, when Kaito coughed up blood, and when Kaito was with Kokichi because Maki wasn't able to babysit Kaito. These are all unrelated to her own wellbeing and are solely centered around her assigned crush on Kaito, and even then she wasn't nearly as worried as she should have been considering the things Kaito got up to, so I wouldn't call her paranoid either.
I think Miu was the only one that could be seen as paranoid because she had the best opportunity to escape without killing, but she didn't trust anyone enough and so she tried to "graduate" from the academy anyway. I don't think the other characters would choose to let everyone else be executed if they knew there was an option that allowed them to escape without anyone dying, so Miu is definitely the odd one out.
There are also a couple moments in the game where we see Miu suspect people, telling Monokuma that he should kill everyone but her, and just generally not wanting to work with everyone unless asked or forced to by the game.
She's really helpful at some points in the story and it was nice of her to make that anti-exisal equipment for everyone when she wasn't even going to join up with them, but she seems to be looking out for herself more than anything else during the game.
I don't really blame her for that considering the circumstances, but it's definitely a more antisocial approach when compared to the others. So yeah, if I had to pick someone out of the cast it would probably be miss Miu.
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pokemonruby · 7 years
do you have a set plot for the ocs in that universe? also what are the main characters personality and designs? :0
ah theres not a specific plot for it !!! i mean there are occasional conflicts, mostly involving tomi’s family (since his older brother is problematic and causes issues JDFHGFRD he gets a redemption arc tho) and theres some things thats like. this evil organization wants to take over the city & then the world–we gotta stop them. i think my favorite arc surrounds my oc, xavier, and their own organization which like. bestows justice onto anyone they deem is “immoral”, like murderers for example. i havent come up w an exact name for their group tho? but yea things get wild w them, i can ensure you rn. 
as for the main characters, tomi is a cheerful & benevolent person whose goal is to always make his friends smile. as such, he’s very overprotective of them and is willing to put his life on the line for them, if necessary. he is known to have some abandonment issues due to his past ((he was abandoned by his real parents so :( )). he also has an exreme appetite–literally, this kid could consume an entire buffet if he wanted to. he’s ling yao 2.0. oh, and hes a wicked swordsman too. my son.
as for the other main characters….theres elena & jevon, who are a pair of siblings whom have gone thru more than you can imagine. elena is the stubborn, yet responsible older sister who has a height dilemma (if you call her short she’ll likely break a limb) and jevon is the innocent, kindhearted and sensitive younger brother who bears terrible scars due to a fire from seven years prior to the main plotline and therefore, covers half of his face w his hair to hide them. he’s extremely paranoid of what others think abt him and because of that, is rather secluded & doesn’t have many friends. he’s also a cat & sweets enthusiast. an angel. meanwhile elena is obssessed w books–if you took her to a massive library she’d cry. literally. 
emmett is another important character, he’s an agent/hacker that everyone goes to for the juicy receipts–kidding, but he’s a master at unearthing information. however, do to his….interesting personality, he’s rather disliked by a lot of people and has quite the bad reputation. he’s a deceiver, and creates conflict merely for his own amusement–it’s revealed he does this to push people away, though, since emmett is extremely untrusting of others and prefers to be left alone. he’s gone through a LOT, needless to say. he’s the oc i kinda, place my mental health problems onto so i can relate to him. hes much more than your “typical asshole character”, trust me. 
xavier is one of my newer ocs but i lov them so i’ll talk about them a little since they are significant to the plot. as mentioned, xavier is the leader of an organization whose goal is to eradicate the world of those they deem “unworthy”, who “deserve to die”. chaotic good, basically. outside of their leader-like persona, xavier is a common teenager who likes memes & constantly rickrolls their friends–yes, in 2017. they’re rather self-absorbed at times and likes to sit on a high throne, but nobody really takes them seriously. they’re extremely childish, in cases that they whine & complain until they get what they want, or they cry over unreasonable things. in general, they’re happy-go-lucky yet immature and i lov them. but theyre also grounded.
i have more ocs but those are some of the main ones! my bf’s ocs are also a major part of the plot, like mei-ling (tomi’s boyfriend), roxxy, and taya, but since they belong to him it’d be difficult for me to explain them properly! however, you may ask more questions regarding my ocs if you’d like! 
ah and for designs, you can visit my oc tag to find some of tomi, jevon, emmett, and xavier ! i have yet to post a reference of elena, but i’ll get on it soon!! just bear w me since i am a bad artist.
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