#is it a site-wide thing or is it like your friend goes 'hey guys I'm doing a promo hour make posts asking for followers'?
thornshadowwolf · 2 years
OK I'll bite what the hell is "promo hour"? /gen
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atomic-thomas · 2 years
(Fake ASMR Commission) Urban Giantess [Part 3]
*construction site ambience*
"Has everyone made it to safety? This building is going down & I need to make sure that no one gets hurt."
"I'm all clear? Good. Here I go!"
"HYAAAH!" *crumbling sound* "NGAAAH!" *crumbling sound* "HAAAH!" *crumbling sound*
"Whew! Even for someone like me, demolishing buildings is hard work."
"Wait... Is that who I think it is? Oh My God, it is! Hold on, guys. That's my friend over there. I haven't seen them in a while."
*some giant footsteps to approach the listener*
"Hey there! It's been so long. How've you been?"
"That's nice. I've been busy with volunteer work. You caught me on the job."
"Oh, that building? I've been assigned to tear it down. We're gonna build a super mall in It's place. Good thing the crew has a big girl like me to rely on. Although... I don't think they'll be able to rely on me for much longer."
"Well, here's the thing. It's time. Gulliver Engineering finished rebuilding the size ray. After all these months, I'm finally gonna return to normal. Provided the device doesn't malfunction again."
"I'm just going to assume that it won't. I don't even know what I'd do with my life if it did. Fortunately, they've spent the past few weeks polishing & refining the machine. They're pulling out all the stops to make sure that nothing goes wrong. It's a comforting thought."
"Yeah, my co-workers are gonna miss me. They were sad when I told them the news. The fire department was especially upset. But they understood my desire to live a normal life again. I'll admit, I'm gonna miss this part of being a giantess. It's been fun, but it just isn't worth staying at such an uncomfortable size. I could do with viewing the city streets at ground level again, eating normal portions of food & living in my cozy apartment with regulated temperatures while enjoying some quality entertainment on my wide-screen TV. Ahhh, that sounds nice."
"Ever since Autumn started, sleeping in the park has been a much colder experience. I'm glad the size ray got rebuilt just in time. I don't think I could endure sleeping outside much longer."
"I'm sorry, but GE won't allow any visitors during my appointment. It's probably for safety reasons. Or legal reasons. Whatever the case may be, you simply can't be in the lab with me. It's out of my control."
"I'd love to stay & chat, but I'm slacking off right now. I should really get back to wrecking this building. It won't destroy itself. Hopefully, I'll be normal sized when we meet again."
.....*scene transitions & construction ambience stops*.....
*city & traffic ambience takes it's place*
"Ehehe~ Surprise! It's me. Your no-longer-giant friend."
"That's right! The appointment was a success. I'm finally back to normal. Ahhh, it feels so liberating. Gone are the days where I have to be careful not to crush cars or people. No longer do I need to eat an absurd amount of food just to have a basic meal. And the best part... I get to sleep in my own bed again."
"And normal hygiene care. Seriously. You really don't wanna know what I had to when I was a giantess. It would be such a headache to explain."
"Anyway, I know this is random & totally coming out of nowhere, but... May I please hug you? I haven't felt a proper hug in months. You've also been a great source of emotional support during those times & I just feel like showing affection right now."
"Thanks! Now get in these arms."
"Hahhh... This feels refreshing. Before, I would just hold you in the palm of my hand, but now I can embrace you with my entire arms. Full strength!"
"Oh, too tight? Sorry. Haha~ I'm just so happy right now. Bursting with excitement."
"So... What do you wanna do now? Another date perhaps?"
"Oh yeah! That new Godzilla movie I played the villain in. It's premiering in theaters. I won't spoil a single thing about it. We need to go see it right now. We can go back to my place after we're done if you want."
"Yeah, come on! Let's go! It's gonna be so cool!"
"So what if people recognize me? It's not like I'm trying to hide my identity. I've already accepted my title as 'The Woman Who Was As Tall As A Building'. I'll take that over having to dig helicopters out of my hair. Now let's quit burning daylight. We've got a movie to watch."
.....*another scene transition*.....
*door sound*
"Be honest with me... How good was my acting?"
"Only the best. Well, I did give it my all. I had to fully immerse myself in the role of the Titanic Cosmic Goddess. And the editors did an amazing job with the CGI. The way I leveled that city was incredible!"
"Well, of course Godzilla still won. I was the antagonist after all. Powerful as I was, I never stood a chance against the King of the Monsters."
"You know... It's kinda funny. When we first met, I saw you the same way as anyone else. Just another person looking for clout. I almost didn't even give you a chance. It's a good thing I did."
"Yes, I think we can comfortably call each other 'Besties' now. You're the kind of friend anyone would want. You were there for me when I was down. I can't thank you enough."
"This day shall mark the beginning of a brighter future. A future where I can live out the rest of my days in peace."
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Hi lany! I loved you Valentine's fic proposal ♡ could I request one with Bucky in like present mcu time? Maybe some sort of mission? My name is Alice and I'm a really worm person, very friendly but not so much if you cross me. I got a little bit of a temper when things don't go my way, I get frustrated but always try to work things out with the best outcomes ♡ I like jokes, puns and a dry sense of humor and I dislike too much cheese on pizza but love pineapple 😂😂😂 I hope that is enough, I leave the details to you, make what ever you want I'm sure I will love it ♡ thank u so much for your generosity and I'll be reading you ♡
You and Bucky follow Sam onto the jet. He murmurs to you, “Please tell me he has a plan this time.”
You shrug and when Bucky groans you giggle and pat your boyfriend on the head, “Honey, it’ll be fine. Things always end up okay, don’t they?”
“Well you’re on this mission with us and I don’t want you getting hurt-”
“Hey,” you cup Bucky’s face and smile softly at him, “I’ll be fine. I got you to watch my back, don’t I?”
“I suppose,” he murmurs and leans in, pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss. 
“Hey! Bucket of shit! Alice! Stop sucking face and get over here! We gotta go over the plan!”
You pull away with a chuckle and murmur, “See, he had a plan.”
Bucky sighs and runs his vibranium hand through his cropped hair, “Let’s see if it’s a good one.”
Bucky protects you as you work on downloading the files onto your drive. Sam is working on the hostiles inside while Bucky takes care of the ones on the inside with you. 
“So I was thinking,” you say as you anxiously watch the percentage rise with the file download, “We should celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
Bucky grunts as he fights off one of the hostiles, “Thought you weren’t into that stuff,” with a slam of his fist, his opponent knocks out onto the floor. 
You look over your shoulder and shrugged, “I know, but this our first. So why not, right?”
“Buck,” you both hear Sam’s voice through the comms, “I got a few hostiles that slipped away. They’re coming to you. Alice, update on the files?”
“65 percent, Sam.”
“Roger that.”
Bucky immediately guns down, the two hostiles that enter the room and turns back to you, “So, did you want a fancy dinner kind of thing or-”
“I highly doubt you’d get a reservation this late. Valentine’s Day is in two days, Buck.”
He shrugs, “Who knows? I’m an Avenger now, right? Don’t we get discounts or something?”
You laugh and shake your head, “I don’t think you do, hon.”
“Well that’s some bulls-”
“Buck!” you yell pointing over your shoulder and Bucky immediately shoots the guy down before you could even blink. 
Bucky remains staring at your wide eyed expression, then you smirked, “Not gonna lie, that was kind of hot.”
Bucky smirks, “Down, girl.” he goes over to you and pulls the drive from the computer, “Let’s head out.” he takes your hand in his and guides you out of the building, remaining alert for any other hostiles you might encounter. 
“Sam, we got the drive. We’re headed out.”
“Hurry. I think they called in more of their friends.”
“On it.”
You both rushed out of the building, running to the rendezvous point. Sam soars over your head, doing a loopty loop in the process.
“Show off,” Bucky grumbles and you snort.
Once back in the jet, Bucky hands Sam the drive and he sits beside you, arm wrapping around your shoulders, “So, I guess when we get back, I’ll start making some calls. See what place will make a spot for one of Earth’s Mightiest Avengers?”
“Sounds good, Buck.” you kissed him again and Sam gagged.
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alex-baebae · 5 years
Pieces of honor
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Chapter 3
Many guys have been knocked out. I don’t know what time it is. “Choi vs Li” the announcement for him “good luck” I tell him smiling, he smiles me back. The fight between them was rough but Seunghyun seemed to be the one who was controlling the situation, suddenly his opponent fell.
That was the first day of the exam, now we are in a special formation. They will give us new instructions in no time, I was next to Seunghyun. “So tomorrow, you will fight with the guys next to you, only the half will be here, you can leave now”. Seunghyun looks at me immediately trying to say something, I just put my hand on his arm “let’s go” I say walking towards our car.
“Ahj” Seunghyun complains “it hurts” I chuckle “of course it hurts! My lovely child look what they have done to you!” Miss Liu exclaims angry. We are sitting on the big couch of the Mansion's living room, I keep cleaning my face by myself “my little princess, I can do that” she says worried about my reddish face (you know there is blood mixed with ethyl alcohol) “no, I can do it Miss Liu… better help Seunghyun, he cannot reach his back” I try to smile with my broken lips.
12pm… I’m about to go to the bed “fuck that guy really punched me hard” I say looking at my face through the big mirror on my wall, someone knocks the door. I open it “Seunghyun” I whisper, he enters quickly.
“What are you doing here? You have to rest” I give him a non-sense look “not gonna fight you tommorow” he looks into my eyes locking the door behind him “you have to! I mean we have to!” he says nothing “I don’t want to, but we have to” I add. Then I sit on my bed “but, I can’t… I… I just cannot do anything in order to hurt you” he explains “Seunghyun you know how this works, you cannot change the rules” I say before looking down thinking about my next steps “I’ll renounce then, I cannot let you do such a thing” I say firmly “but your father, your mother what about them?” he says kneeling next to me “I’ll have more opportunities but you…” he interrupts me “you’ll dishonor them”.
I want so badly to have Seunghyun by side, this is the only way… it doesn’t matter what my parents say, after all, he is the only one who I feel less miserable with.
As I told you first, I have confidence problems since I was a child, plus now that I’m an adult for my parents.... I know all the things they do for money… I just can’t carry on by myself. I need someone, maybe I’m depressed.
“Seunghyun, better leave, someone can hear us” I say trying to escape from making decisions “how many times have we been doing this? We haven’t gotten caught” he insists to be here, I can’t think well. “Sorry” is all I can say, he smiles and caress my cheeks “I have to tell you something important” he says now holding my hands “I’m...” he’s hesitating “I can’t fight you tomorrow because... I’m so fucking in love with you”.
I'm surprised as hell. I mean, it's not like I had not feelings for him, but I have been forcing myself to see him as a friend. I was worried to show him my feelings, he could reject me and I would be alone again, I don’t want to be alone as I have told you.
"I shouldn't have told you that" he says, I'm still quiet "I'm leaving" he walks towards my dorm's door "where do you go?" I shut the door which was been barely open by him, I kiss him, he holds me and returns the kiss.
"Ouch!" My lips hurt, again some blood is on them "sorry, I was so excited" he is nervous as hell "sleep with me" I asked him kissing his jaw "N-no, someone can hear us" he has his hands over my waist "so, are you afraid of it?" I tease him a little "yes, your father will tear me up in seconds" I laugh "come on! He will not do it" I kiss again the both sides of his jaws "I'm not afraid of what he could do to me, but surely I will not be able to see you again" I kiss this time his lips.
"Do to really are scared of that?" he lifts me "of course" he peppers kisses all over my neck "I have been in love so much time that, I cannot be away from you anymore" he adds "neither" I whisper.
"Then let's sleep at your place" I suggest "at my...?" He seems confused "if someone see us they'll think that I was the one looking for your love, not vice versa" he chuckles "please" I hug him tighter "my bed is not comfortable" he says "I don't mind" I say "I must leave now, see you tomorrow... My beloved one" he kisses my forehead.
I let him leave, as soon as I hear his door being closed, I walk towards my window, his dorm is not so far. I climb quickly and I get into his room, he was laying down, his eyes closed "someone could have killed you" I comment.
I don't let him respond, I attack his lips before he can even open his eyes "you are stubborn as a mule" he says between the wet kisses, he places his hands over my waist, his thumbs caressing my skin.
"I bet you like it" kisses again, now his hands touching all over my back, he reaches my neck and holds it to make me be closer to him "yeah, I didn't locked the door, but you surprised me as always" we smash or lips again, a small taste of iron is in our mouths I guess my lips are bleeding
"Let's stop, your lips are going to be all red in the morning" I smile "don't want to" I remove his shirt, he only smiles like me "have you.... Did this with another person?" He's nervous I can notice it "have I had time?" I remove my shirt, I have no bra on, he immediately blushes "no".
That was true, I mean we have been together almost 24/7 all the highschool. We assisted to the same school, sometimes the same classes, we did our homework together, the same basketball club, and my mom's trainings after school... Well we hadn't any time for 'love'.
"Well... Let's just follow the 'instructions' of our bodies" I kissed him again "I have read about this and you know...maybe you have too" while he's speaking, I took his pants off. "Let me take care of you this time" he added "you are the most injured of the both of us" I chuckle "then, do what you want".
I sit in front of him, my legs are spread, he’s closer and closer. He kisses all my body while I touch my clit as when I’m alone pleasing me, he sucks my breasts as I moan with every single touch if his hands. I lay on his bed, he climbs onto me kissing my shoulders "you're so beautiful" he whispers in my ear before he licks my earlobe "Seunghyun" I caress his back with my both hands and his legs with my feet.
He takes off my underwear, he kisses around my wetness, suddenly he licks from down to up my pussy "Seunghyun" I moan his name again, he keeps licking me with his warm tongue, I'm getting wetter. Suddenly he sucks hard my clit causing me to lift my hips to increase the contact of his mouth to my skin.
"Maybe you will like this" he turns me around, now I'm on my knees. My legs wide spread for him, he starts to eat me out again, more moans come from my throat, my legs quiver.
Seunghyun puts a finger inside me "does it hurt?" His fingers are bigger than mine I can feel it well, my pussy tights around his index finger asking for more stimuli "it feels good" he puts another one, of course it stretches me more than my two fingers I used to put in when I was needy "give me a second" I say. It hurts only a little but I want to give time to my muscles to enjoy it more. Meanwhile he’s licking my butthole and touching my clit waiting for my instructions.
I move my hips thrusting me with his fingers, he instantaneously moves them rapidly "oh, that's great" I encourage him to don't stop. "Fuck you taste so well" he turns me around again I keep my legs spread, he's intense glance is on me, he makes eye contact and sucks his fingers looking at me all the time.
Maybe he is lying, maybe he had done this with other girls and I don't blame him because some days I wanted to do it as well. He is now between my legs "can I?" I smile, I have done it with dildos, and vibrators but not with a man. So the confidence I had before starts to disappear "sure" he moved a little "is it inside?" he asked me "no it is not" I smile "shit I believed I did it correctly" I laugh now.
"You seemed to be experienced" he laughs as well "I told you that I haven't done this before" he kisses my cheek "so where have you learn what you did before" I asked curious "one day you left open an article about how to masturbate on your laptop and... you know I remember well many things" my face is all red, fortunately the light of the garden only barely illuminated us.
"Then in that web site was another article about how to masturbate a woman, and I read it of course" I laugh hard "really?" I ask "yes, I thought you liked that page a lot because there were many tabs of them opened" l kiss him "so, you have been planning to fuck with me all this time, haven't you mister Seunghyun?" he gets embarrassed "maybe..." he laughs "to tell the truth, I thought that if someday I could have this opportunity... I wanted to make you feel good".
I took his sex in my hands "wanna know what I've learned in that articles?" I joke, he chuckles "next time, baby" he puts my hands asides my head. He takes his member to be sure this time he's going to not fail, he enters slowly I moan "are you alright?" He asks me worried "yes" he goes deeper "ugh!" I moan grabbing his shoulders "I'll stop" he says. I put my legs around his waist. "No, I guess my dildos are not this big". When I was buying my toys on line, I was worried of insert big shit in me, I guess that fear is normal, so I bought the slender and smaller ones.
Seunghyun gets more embarrassed and laughs "well, that's new" he comments "hey, try to move now" I ask, he did as I said, one of his hands reaches my clit, I soon start to feel nice. Our bodies are sweating, our breaths are crashing into each other's skin, soon I felt my orgasm being built, his name is all I'm able to say...
More updates, I will always love y'all!! ❤️
I'm busy, university is getting more difficult. However I'll do my best to update in less time 💞
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Ed's Son (part 5)
"Puppy is so cute!!" Katie giggles. She pets Dark Chica happily. The dark pup wags her tail slowly even if she still looks moody.
"Katie please be careful. That one bites." Ed saids nervously keeping an eye on her at the main room of the ego house.
"But she is a good puppy. Right puppy?" Katie hugs Dark Chica and snuggles her. The pup lets out a deep bark and wags her tail more, please by the affection.
"Ed they look fine don't be so worried." You pat Ed's back softly.
"How can I not. Darn monster bites everything and does her master do anything about it noooooo, He just lets it happen as long as its not his things." Ed sneers at Dark Chica.
"Are you saying I'm a bad pet owner?" Dark pops up behind Ed making him go stiff.
"Yes. Yes I am." Ed saids carefully.
"Well it isn't my fault she is here now. If you want someone to blame go to our dear creator not me." Dark huffs out.
"Can I play with the puppy outside. Please please please!!" Katie run up to you pleading. She makes big puppy eyes at you and Ed.
"You have to ask Dark it is his dog." You tell Katie.
Katie looks up at Dark. She fiddles with her dress and walks up to him shy. "Ummm mister Dark can I play with your puppy outside?"
"If you insist." He pats Katie's head. "Just don't let her dig any more holes. I just finished fixing the backyard."
"Thank you!!" Katie opens the sliding door to the backyard. "Ed you said mister Dark is a meanie. He is nice. Kinda scary but nice. Come on puppy!!" Katie moves to the side as Dark Chica walks past her to go out. Dark closes the sliding door and gives Ed a look.
"So I'm a meanie Ed?" Dark gives off a bad aura.
"What you are. I need to protect her." Ed saids crossing his arms. "You may have toned down a bit but your still the same old Dark."
"And I love him just the way he is." Dark's darling comes from behind him and kisses his cheek. "Are we still on for tomorrow?" Dark's darling looks at you.
"O yes we are. Is Bim's Flower coming to?" You ask.
"Yea they are!! They said they are free so here is to the ego's significant others hang  out!!" Darling raises their hands up pumped up.
"Must you call it that?" Dark looks at his darling slightly amused.
"Yes I do!! Come on Darky there are three of us now. I think we deserve a name for ourselves. Oooo we should make club shirts!!" Darling's head is already swimming with ideas.
"Sounds like a support group." Ed saids raising an eyebrow.
"I could be. Oooo I got to call Flower for this!!!" Darling dials on their phone. They walk off happily and Dark watches them head to his office.
"Sometimes they still amaze me." Dark sighs but he has a small smile. He walks off to this office to be with his darling.
"So what ya'll have a club now?" Ed looks at you curiously.
"Hahahaha I guess so. Darling and Flower were really open to me when I first came and made me feel really comfortable so I like them a lot." You remember feeling nervous the first time you came but when you met them they welcomed you with open arms and instantly became friends. "I think out of me and Flower though Darling is the tough one."
"Of course they are have you seen who they are with." Ed still cant believe it even if has been 2 months since darling came back. "By the way I got a message from Jr. He said his shift should be done soon so we can meet him later to eat." Jr had gotten a job at the ranch, he said he really enjoyed being there so he applied for a job.
"O that's good. Im glad he likes it there." You smile remembering Jr so happy the day he got the job. Ed gave him a big bear hug and you a gentle one. Katie was more excited that now it meant she got to go there more often. You also remember when Jr. left his interview Ed walked in to sell the manager on how great Jr is for the job. You also remember he scared the manager to by pulling out his revolver, you don't tell Jr. about that.
"I'm proud of my son." Ed smiles wide. "I'm glad he is really coming around."
"Me too." You snuggle to Ed's shoulder. After that day at the ranch things have been really good. You got closer to Jr more and he liked hanging out with you and Katie. Katie loved it when Ed and Jr came to their house she had Jr to play cowboy with and even was able to get him and Ed to have a tea party with her. You have multiple photos of Ed and Jr in pink crowns and hot pink feather boas siting at a small table surrounded by plush horses and dolls. They even posed on one photo pretending to drink from a tea cup with Katie with their pinkies out, that one is your phone background.
"It wouldn't be like this without you ya know." Ed leans his head on yours. "Without you givin me that push I don't think we would have ever been like this."
"Me? I think you could have done it without me." You blush slightly.
Ed takes you in his arms. "Trust me it was you. Ya got that sweet charm that could make me do anything. I have always been a stubborn man when it comes to saying how I feel acting like the though cowboy I am. You got me to let it out more. And because of that you get a special deal for free of charge."
"And what is that?" You ask laughing softly hands on his chest.
"Me..." Ed saids softly. He leans in kissing you softly. Your hand runs up his shirt brushing over the opening of his button up shirt revealing his chest. He holds you tighter by the hips kissing you more deeply. One hand goes up your back slowly making its way to your hair so he can run his fingers through it. It makes your heart beat faster and feel warm. He pulls back slightly and thumps his head on yours softly eyes closed.
You both hear Katie giggling loudly outside. You look outside the glass slide door to see her playing fetch with Dark Chica. You also notice that Willford made his way outside and when he tossed the ball Dark Chica didn't fetch it and only did it when Katie threw it. Bim laughs at that and you see his arm around his flower who watches happily.
"Looks like Flower got here a while ago." Then Willford goes to pet Dark Chica and gets his hand bitten. He yells out and as if on the mark Dr.Iplier walks by you and Ed to go outside to check Will's hand. Silver jumps down from the side saying he heard a distress call and gets bitten on the butt. He runs in circles and Katie laughs and Dark Chica wags her tail.
"There really isn't a dull day around here isn't there." You laugh as Doc shakes his head as Silver falls on the floor with his butt in the air and Will holding his hand making evil eyes with Dark Chica.
"They are my family." Ed smiles then looks at you. "And so are you and Katie."
You smile so wide and kiss Ed softly then snuggle into his chest. "I love you Ed Edgar."
"Love ya too." Ed kisses your head.
Ed feels so much better with you in his life. He thought he wouldn't get a chance like this but now he does. He holds you tighter thinking his life got better now he has you in it.
The End
Silver plops on his bed face down. His butt still stings from Dark Chica's bite and has a bandage over it, Doc was not to thrilled  applying it. His computer dings and he goes to his desk not sitting down on his chair. He sees he got the tickets to the comic book convention and has a big smile on his face. Just then he gets a message, which makes him smile more.
NerdyOne273: Hey did you see the ticket are on sale now!!
Silver types back.
SilverIsBest01: I just got some tickets now!! Its going to be so cool!!
NerdyOne273: Lucky!! Are you taking one of your friends?
Silver blushes and takes a deep breath. He tells himself he can do this. He has been planning this since the event was announced and after talking to his new friend he had been trying to gain the courage to ask them out.
SilverIsBest01: Actually I was thinking you could go with me. That is if your not busy of have plans with anyone else.
Silver crosses his fingers with his big gloves. It feels like hours before hears a ding.
NerdyOne273: With me. Really. I would love to go with you!!! Its going to be so much fun getting to meet you in person finally. I will see you then :)
Silver gets so happy he jumps an his bed and jumps of with a hero landing. He feels so happy and he rereads the message again. He knows the day of the even is the day he will finally ask you out.
*Our favorite hero Silver is next :D I hope you guys liked Ed's story. It was more of a reader getting him to have a better relationship with his son and how he really loves having someone with him who gets it being a single parent, without selling your own kid that is hahaha. But it made being with the reader more better as they helped with that bond and making Ed happy personally. I hope you like it and will be here for Silver's tale next. Happy reading peeps :) * 
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