#is it just me or does mandy look thinner
apotatowhenever · 3 years
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Mandy and Hayato signing polaroids for Astage's Campaign
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Comfort zone - 3
Author's note: I'm amazed by all the great comments I'm receiving for these series!!! It means a lot to me, I'm so happy you guys are loving it! ♥️♥️♥️
For those who don't know, English isn't my mother language (I'm french), so I apologize for the possible mistakes, and how it must not be grammatically correct!
Tag list (if you want to be tag, just let me know!): @madpanda75 @zombz78 @zoeykaytesmom @mommakat32 @hannahlouise98 @imaginecrushes @cold-blooded-girls
Liv asked why you wanted to change partners. Obviously, you couldn't tell her how you feel about Sonny and how things were getting really complicated between the two of you. "Carisi is almost as new as I am, I think I could learn much more with Fin. No offense to my partner, he is great,"
Your boss probably pretended to buy your excuse but she agreed anyway. She noticed how you changed for the past two months, you looked sad and always exhausted. "Do you need vacations, y/n?" She gently asked. You already thought about it before but you came to the conclusion it would make things worst.
"No, I'm fine Liv," you lied. She told you to leave for the night and that she would make the changes tomorrow. Before going back to your desk, you stopped by your locker to take your training clothes. You quickly waved the team goodbye and left for the gym.
"What is wrong with her, lately?" Amanda asked to her co-workers but mainly Carisi. He had to be the one that knows more about it.
"You should ask Barba," Sonny simply answered, nervously typing on his keyboard. Amanda gave a questioning look to Fin but the older detective just raised his shoulder.
"Do we miss something?"
It was like Sonny didn't hear Amanda's last question. He turned off his laptop and left the precinct. His girlfriend has been texted him all day to remind him about their meeting with her best friends. He definitely didn't want to go. He didn't want to meet her friends. Mandy is a very nice girl and she likes Sonny very much, but he isn't in love with her. He likes her, of course. Even though he doesn't want to admit it, he hoped he could forget you in her arms. But there's not a single second where he doesn't think about you. When she kissed him, he wonders what your lips would taste like. When she hugged him, he only thinks about your hugs. He can smell you through her. He hears your voice when she talks.
But you have Jeff. At least, you had him. You already told Sonny you were dating Jeff forever. He could never forget the time you told that Jeff is your one and only. He always dreamt about that kind of love. Love that was meant to be. When he started to feel something for you, he hated himself. He is Catholic, faithful is important to him too. He promised himself he would never go after someone already taken. And he didn't. He managed to go over his feelings for you until two months ago when you changed. And it seems clear to him that you have - or had - an affair with Barba. A part of him feels disappointing in you. He believed you when you said you could never cheat on Jeff or anyone else.
"Sonny, baby!" Mandy greeted him with a kiss. She introduced him to her two best friends, Sonja and Jenna. He ordered a scotch, he needed something strong to go through this night. He barely talked. He wasn't really there but thankfully the girls didn't seem to notice. After his third glass of scotch and thinking about Barba before every sip, "I'm drinking this because of that idiot," he repeated to himself, Mandy forced to come on the dancefloor. He reluctantly agreed, after she complained. He was uncomfortable. This is not where he should be. They are not the people he should be with.
Sonny excused himself to Mandy and walked to the bathroom. But a laugh stopped him in his course. That laugh, your laugh. He is dying to hear it since two months and he hears it now. In the middle of a bar. Thanks to his size, he looked around to see where you were. Somehow, he hoped you were not there with Rafael but with a friend or even Jeff. He fell hard when he saw Rafael tugging your hair behind your ear, with a flirty look on his face. Rafael was the first to see him. He smiled. That asshole smiled. Sonny felt jealousy burning inside of him. When his blue eyes met yours, his face dropped in disbelief. You were about to stand up and say something but Mandy, obviously drunk, arrived and hugged Sonny from behind. The only thing you saw was her hands on his chest and how he softly took them in his own hands. He ignored you and turned around to face his girlfriend.
"Wanna go or wanna play?" Rafael whispered in your ear.
"Love is not a game to me. I'm going to take off, if you don't mind," you put your leather coat on and stood up to leave. Rafael told you to wait outside while he paid the bill. You didn't take one last look at Sonny and his girl, you just rushed out of the bar. You waited for Rafael for what seems like forever. Of course, the ADA couldn't let things like this. He appreciated you the moment you joined SVU, while he took him almost two years to tolerate the Fordham Law student. The squad started to feel like family to him. At some points, he hated it but it also felt good to have friends.
"Detective," he greeted Sonny with a smirk like only Rafael had. The detective rolled his eyes while Mandy decided to speak.
"Hi! I'm Mandy, Sonny's girlfriend," she offered her hand to Rafael and he shook it.
"Nice to meet you, Mandy," he smiled, "Do you mind if I steal your man for a second?"
She seemed to think for a moment, "How about you join us? My friends are waiting for Sonny and I. They are going to think to lock ourselves in the bathroom," she laughed and winked at Sonny.
"Lovely," Rafael sighed, "Not to be annoying but it's important," he looked at Sonny right in his eyes, only him could make Mandy go.
"I'm sure it can wait," Sonny said.
"Okay, fine. Just so you know, Carisi, your partner and you really need to talk about a case. I mean, talking can avoid misunderstandings. It would be a disaster to lose that case over a mistrial,"
Rafael joined you, hoping that his message was clear enough for Sonny. Once you found yourself alone in your apartment, you took a shower and you realized your hands inflated since your training session earlier. You really strive on the punching bag, giving up all your frustrations. You looked at your engagement ring and tried to take it off but it was stuck on your finger. You were thinking about taking it off and gave it back to Jeff for weeks now. But it seems like it would definitely marked the end of your relationship with him. Plus, people would notice and start questioning about. You were not ready to answer those questions. You wanted and needed more time to avoid the reality.
[From Rafael] : If you need anything, call me. Buenas noches, guapa.
[To Rafael] : I can't thank you enough for everything, Rafa. I'm lucky to have you, good night.
[From Rafael] : I wanna go to Cuba this winter. It's just an idea.
[To Rafael] : Haha, okay. When I'll be the boss, I'll take you to Havana.
[From Rafael] : Already counting days. :)
You smiled at his cuteness, trying to use the smiley face. You confessed Rafael what your ultimate goal was; being a Captain and running your own precinct. Of course it was a long and complicated road, but you promised it to your dad. That was his dream. But instead and due to your mother's wants, he became the CEO of sells firm. He hated it. He hated to wear a suit everyday, to make difficult decisions, to ruin someone's life if he had to fire them. "No matter what Jeff or anyone else wants you to do, just don't listen to them. Follow your heart and your dreams. Not someone else's." he told you multiple times. And you did. At first, you wanted to join the Navy but due to medical issues you had when you were a kid, you couldn't. So, you entered the police academy. And here you were. SVU Detective. For now.
Wrapped under a blanket, watching Friends all over again for the billion times, you got distracted by someone knocking at your door. The first person you thought about was Jeff. But the man that was behind the door was a bit taller, with shorter hair and thinner. "Can I come in?" Sonny softly asked. He looked exhausted and a bit drunk. He nearly tripped one of your shoes but you caught him. You helped him to sit on your couch and went to the kitchen to get some water. "Will you ever stop watching this?" he sighed.
"When I'll be dead,"
"How I Met Your Mother is much better," he provoked.
"Yeah? Star Trek sucks," you provoked back, and he looked offended.
"Spock will hunt you down forever," he warned you, mimicked Spock's ears and you laughed. You missed him so bad. You missed your partner, your friend.
"Why are you here, Sonny?" you asked after a silence.
"Rafael said we needed to talk so let's talk," his eyes finally met yours for the first time he got into your apartment, "Jeff doesn't live here anymore, does he?"
You sighed and looked at one of the walls to avoid his gaze, "He- left two months ago,"
"Why?" you looked at Sonny and chuckled. Was it the time where you tell how you feel?
"Because he is a very wise man," you only answered.
"Or because you slept with Barba maybe? I mean- I'd break up with my fiancée too for this reason," "Rafael Barba. How offensive is that?" He acted like he was disgusted. This time, you couldn't help but laugh. Sonny really thinks you have an affair with Rafael. "This is not funny, y/n!" he raised his voice, "You told me how you couldn't stand people that cheats on their lover. You told me you believed in faithful and I believed you,"
"Oh my God, Sonny." It was your turn to raise your voice, "I did not cheat on you as far as I know,"
"Kind of," his mouth spoke too fast.
Sonny has never been able to keep his mouth shut, which put him in embarrassing or dangerous situation, multiple times. And a-little-drunk Sonny was worst. He realized what he said but it was too late, you heard it. You sarcastically laughed at what he said. He seems so serious. Why was he feeling like this?
"I didn't know we were dating," you said, "Were we having a menage a trois with Jeff?" Sonny stayed silent. He had no idea how to explain this. One thing was sure, you did not deny having sex with Barba. He felt sick. Literally. Everything happened really fast; you saw your partner bring his hand to his mouth and disappeared in one second. You followed him to the bathroom where you heard him throwing up in the toilets. But he took the time to lock the door. You softly knocked and asked him to let you in. After a long moment, the door finally opened. Sonny was barely standing on his long legs, and he looked miserable, "do you have a extra toothbrush?" He whispered, his head against the door frame. You got in, took a new toothbrush and put some toothpaste in it. Sonny was nearly falling asleep brushing his teeth.
"How many drinks did you have, Sonny?"
"I stopped counting after you left with Barba, but I had three before that," you shook your head. Sonny drinks a little but since you know him, you never saw drunk until tonight.
"Jeff must have left some clothes, wash your mouth and come get change,"
Of course, you helped him undressed. His chest was more muscular than it seemed to under his suits. His skin felt so soft under your fingers, but his smell wasn't the same. His cologne was probably mixed with his girlfriend's. The poor thing was exhausted, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, as you tried to dress him with an old tee shirt, but his face hit your chest and you heard him heavily breathing. You gave up on dressing him, you simply lay him under the covers in just his boxers.
How were you supposed to fall asleep with the man you love almost naked in your bed?
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wwestoryteller · 6 years
Smackdown Stream of Consciousness!
I have skipped 3:29 to get to the actual episode
I have adored Becky Lynch for years I’m so happy everyone else sees it now
But she is hard to screenshot at the moment
Look at Charlotte run in heels. A true queen.
Even more, she is fighting in that tank top. I have so much respect
R Truth is so good. I love him so much. 
Could this screenshot be taken badly if I use the first idea that came to mind? ... Maybe
Ah, perfect, a better shot to replace it
Come on, I try to get shots of everyone, Truth, do weird things slower
Rusev chill just a little you’re giving me a lot to work with too fast for me to catch any of it
Now I get a semi decent shot of Becky
I make too many posts about sleep but sometimes it’s the only real option other than laying on the ground in pain and that’s too close to canon
I have so many now kiss options but I refuse to write romance so they get re-purposed every time or not used at all 
Don’t get me wrong, I adore Shane McMahon and The Miz, but I could do without the sappy video package and recap 
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Mandy Rose. She certainly does her job as a heel, I’ll give her that. 
The New Day is a permanent delight and most of the reason I still enjoy wwe
The New Day is canon chill with the Usos and Shaemus and Cesaro admit that they respect them so Heavy Machinery is really at the disadvantage here
I am personally offended by the New Day being the first team eliminated. Personally. 
I have a really hard time telling the Usos apart so I don’t post pictures of them individually if I’m not 100% sure. This has led to losing a ton of really good screenshots. 
I’m pretty neutral about most wrestlers, everyone has their roles and I like everybody and will watch their matches with few exceptions. One person will never be on my blog, and the New Day can do no wrong and deserve nothing but the best
How does Tucker Knight’s hair work. It’s relatively thick up top but thinner near the bottom. I get that it’s a ponytail but the thicknesses just don’t match
Once again I wish I could make gifs
Loving the Daniel Bryan support signs, honestly. 
What a turn this promo has taken
Daniel is really trying to make them hate him and it is just not working
Unsufferable is not a word
Have I already said I love this crowd? I love this crowd. 
Subtle reference there, AJ
Interrupting people is still rude Randy
This is a lot of talking and not enough opportunities for screenshotting
Samoa Joe has the Superman hair curl going
Oh man, the AA comment killed Randy Orton 
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feverwildehopps · 6 years
How did you develop your drawing style? It's really unique and I love it!
Ooh!! 💖 Thank you so so much and I’m glad so so you asked! 😃 Jeez this is a long story ^^’ So I’ve been drawing since like 2002, it was the start of something amazing - just 2 yr old me messing around with my newly discovered love for art (or rather making wild marks appear on paper lol) It wasn’t until I was about 7 years old when my drawings/characters started taking a signature ‘look’. As a kid I loved picture books (both for their story but mostly the illustrations) and I especially loved cartoons!!! Alongside their colors, I was especially drawn to the shows and animated movies (of 90s early 2000s) that had eye-candy design looks to them (in my opinion) I like sharp and flowy styles with bold, precise, black outlines to the world and characters specifically like in The Fairly Oddparents, Total Drama Island, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Mulan, Sleeping Beauty, Danny Phantom, Invador Zim, Cyberchase, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, The Power Puff Girls, Teen Titans, Jake Long the American Dragon, Chalkzone, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Brandy and Mr. Whiskers, Catscratch, The Replacements, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Kim Possible, REGARDLESS IF I WATCHED THESE SHOWS OR NOT (because a couple of these I actually didn’t watch), I favor their art styles to more 'rounder’ or 'sloppy’ or 'shaky’ or 'thinner-lined’ looks so I gave them that. Anywho, with these for inspiration, I based my own art style off what visually appealed to me in these cartoons. IN FACT: I have a whole composition journal with characters I drew and they look like exact copies of Butch Hartman’s characters xD 😅 (y'know how in fop he does the whole pants-lead-into-shoes look? Yeah I did that haha) After realizing I needed to be more original, I drew realistic-er looking characters more often in my preteen 12-13-14 years (I also drew a lot of ponies in 2013) but then trashed that fake realism style and went back to knockoff Butch Hartman style because (for one, my girls in dresses/fashion design drawings had been stolen so that was a sign) and also I finally faced the music and said “I can’t draw shoulders!!” xD I was always more a cartoonist and I kept drawing ASDF style doodles and crappy shouldered people up until my 16th year when I saw Zootopia, and the characters shoulders were sloped (e.g. Nick Wilde) so I thought “hey that’s the solution!” The majority of my human character drawings now have sloped, to little, to no shoulders all because of how Disney described the mammals’ anatomy…and I copied that x3 And as far as the fan artists, TheWyvernsWeaver over on devianart has easily one of the top most influential art styles IN GENERAL to me too! Weaves is my favorite!! I wish I could draw like him bc that’s the edgy, riveting, and even sexy drawing style I’ve always wanted to go for! >:) On another note, I remember when looking through the Big Hero 6 art book, Shiyoon Kim’s character designs really stuck out to me and I was influenced by them too. The first boy character I ever drew and was actually proud of was based off of Hiro Hamada’s design so yeah ^^
How did I develop my drawing style? In summary, over a long period of years I was observant in cartoon show styles of the time, copied them, then tweaked to meet my own spin and look preference. Nowadays when I draw a human, people still say “It’s like a mix of Danny Phantom, Total Drama Island, and Kim Possible!” And yup they still have no shoulders but I’m /working/ on that ^^; Also in some places you can see I drew thicker lines flowing into thinner lines then back to thick, or sharp lines leading into flowy lines which is all heavily based on Panty and Stocking. Lastly, as much as I’d like to draw pupils and highlights in eyes, which I used to do, I still keep my characters with the single color circle irises (again, the butch hartman/total drama design) bc it looks..more..alluring? Captivating? Blind but not blind? I don’t even know how to describe it, but ahh that’s my journey up until now of discovering my drawing style and you better believe I’m gonna be improving forever!
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