#is it time for me to write fantasybane....
encrucijada · 11 months
rereading all the words i've written for fantasybane and holy shit i'm the writer ever
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encrucijada · 1 year
🍉 favourite wip
i love all my children equally etc etc. but i am shouting out i'll never fall asleep, simply for being fun and another wip i work on with fluffy
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet
probably... perséfone and fantasybane. they both have some prose i adore despite each barely breaking 1k words atm. perséfone is mostly vibes rn and, honestly, so is fantasybane. but fantasybane especially has been waiting its turn for Years, since i was in the tenth grade at least. but i just know it's gonna be such a commitment so i keep putting it off. the characters are like old friends to me. perséfone is dependent on @teddywriting and i planning out the story
🦩 wip you hate working on but are too far gone to turn back
the walk of eurydice, by god i will kill us Both if that wip doesn't cooperate with me. also from the mouths, i did not rewrite the worldbuilding and plot like 6 separate times for it not to work
🌱 books that inspired your wip(s)
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encrucijada · 3 years
okay. truly i don’t know how well this updates thing is gonna go because my writing process is what the kids like to call “a hot mess”, but after posting the fantasybane informal intro i just kinda... wanna talk about three girls who cried wolf?? in a way that’s more coherent than me messaging @rxinbowbright​ at random times of the day to tell them about the new change i implemented for the lolz
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[ image id: a foggy pine tree forest with “three girs who cried wolf” written on serif font at the centre, “iris’ part” is written below it in the same font but smaller / end id. ]
i don’t know if i ever mentioned this but iris’ part is actually the second one of the book. it goes: winnie, iris, maree. i’m just a tiny bit biased because iris is the one based off of my character from that story i made with my cousins so i wanted to write her part first. my plan is to draft the entirety of iris’ part and then maybe work on winnie’s part. using iris’ to help with the timeline. making a calendar for the events because i have to keep things consistent has been a time. 
but what is three girls who cried wolf? glad you asked! the wip has an intro post right here that i lowkey gotta update, but basically: three girls living on a lake-side town set somewhere (geography is fake i am using southern hemisphere seasons but there’s grey wolves nothing is real) take in a litter of orphan wolf cubs. in the process they become wolves themselves, and you might call it an accident but really it is all iris’ fault (more on that later). because the cubs are so young and their parents died before they could learn real survival skills, the girls take over that place on the pack — mostly by learning how to hunt. the book takes place over the span of two years: last year of high school and the year afterwards, the time period is very early 00s. 2011 at the latest.
i admit that i don’t know if the title makes a lot of sense, i mainly chose it because i like the “who cried wolf” wordplay and i’m a native spanish speaker to whom english phrases don’t bear a lot of weight. but i have been excusing it with the part of the story’s premise where the girls sorta blame all their shortcomings and the Bad Stuff that happens on the wolves?? idk if when i publish this i am told to change the title i probably will.
allow me to present to you the first person narrator of part two: iris ibarra
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[ image id: a three-square collage. the left square shows a picrew of a light skinned girl with poofy brown hair with one brown eye and one blue eye on a yellow background. the middle square reads “iris ibarra”, an arrow pointing to the left reads “human”, an arrow pointing right reads “wolfie”. the right square has the image of a pale brown wolf ]
i talked about her appearance here and about her in general here
home life inspired on from up the poppy hill. her mum is out of the picture, she lives with her dad and younger sister in this big old house that has 3 tenants to help make ends meet. all the fancy things they own are heirlooms, really iris and her sister lirio are eating box mac n cheese more often than not
identifies as asexual! and also as nonbinary, uses she/they pronouns interchangeably
never grew out of the weird girl on the school playground phase
wannabe forest nymph who collects pinecones, empty bird egg shells, empty bird nests, and leaves she turns into garlands or wreaths or presses on her books
*john mulaney voice* iris is a bitch and i like her so much
makes decisions for others and will be petty on purpose if she’s in a mood. has no sense of collateral damage
appearance keys include: wavy brunette hair she cuts at home with mixed results, heterochromia eyes where one is blue and the other brown, has a dandelion yellow army jacket that’s her old reliable, perpetually blushed cheeks
would honestly actually bite you as a warning in and out of wolf form
my best friend vibe checked her as a leo
i have written about 5 chapters of iris’ part which is very sad considering i had planned to have the first draft done by the end of this year but whatever. i gotta make a few changes because i moved some events around but allow me to share what we’ve got so far!
i still don’t know how winnie’s part is going to open the book, but for iris we jump straight into the meat of things. she lives close to where mama wolf and her mate were keeping their cubs and she’d been watching them a while before papa wolf suddenly disappeared. and lupa can’t really hunt on her own to feed a full litter. the book begins in april which equals to autumn on the southern hemisphere, don’t think too much about the logistics of it.
in this chapter we have the main (external) conflict which is iris getting bitten by lupa for getting too close to her cubs. that’s only phase one on the werewolf-ing process but iris is not gonna step on the breaks now.
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[ image id: an assortment of leaves arranged in a circle on a cream-coloured table. “I made garlands with the dry flowers and leaves to hang them the way Winnie hung fairy lights in her room, and I made a collection of handmade wreaths piled up on my headboard.” is written on it in serif font / id end ]
The forest was my backyard and frontyard and surrounding area. I went and searched for leaves and flowers to dry or press, and then keep inside mugs and jars i took from the kitchen (I was the reason why we had to keep buying new ones they were all in my room). I collected bird nests and empty bird egg shells, pine cones, feathers. I made garlands with the dry flowers and leaves to hang them the way Winnie hung fairy lights in her room, and I made a collection of handmade wreaths piled up on my headboard. I went to school still with hawthorn, birch and rowan leaves in the pockets of my dandelion yellow army jacket.
chapter 2 needs some rewrites with the new changes. but here’s iris being Problematique and getting in the personal space of the friend she knows has a crush on her. this is one of my favourite bits of dialogue so far.
“I’m getting no scar,” Winnie said, she was the one whose desk we were crowding around.
“We could make it like our thing,” I said.
“We’re not the only ones in the school with scars, Iris,” Winnie said. “Julia Carrero’s got one from surgery.”
“But see,” I said, “that’s not a cool story.”
“Neither is getting a fishhook through your cheek.” Winnie gestured with an open palm to Maree.
I scoffed. “No one’s gotta know Juan Ca is an idiot. I think…” I poked the tender skin on Maree’s face. “I think she was attacked by a bird, that way we can make them all animal themed!”
“Everyone already knows it’s from a fishhook.” I twisted my mouth because that wasn’t true and I could prove it. Winnie kept talking, “Can’t we just get some friendship bracelets?”
I leaned down because she was sitting, sticking my nose against hers. Winnie’s eyes were hazel, a blend of green and brown, and when the class started she would snap open the case of her glasses to see what was on the board. “No,” I said and laughed like I didn’t mean it, but I did. Her cheeks had turned rosy like mine were all the time.
chapter 3 is my Favourite chapter so far. i’m gonna have to move around some stuff because i made changes haven’t you heard. but even so it’s got some of my favourite prose and descriptions as of now. we get a look at iris’ home situation with her dad, sister, and the three tenants: karina, fernanda (aka fer) and génesis (aka doc). i would love to share the conversation she has with fernanda but can’t because of spoilers... i actually don’t know if it’s a spoiler that Matters because it’s something that literally happens chapter 2 and this is just the aftermath. but fuck it. at least for now i won’t reveal it.
in this chapter we also get the second bit of information about the werewolves: apparently you have to sleep under the full moon with an unhealed wolf bite! iris then proceeds to do that. it sends everyone in the house into a panic when they don’t find her in her room in the morning.
“Iris!” My dad appeared next to Karina, still dressed only in his pyjamas and wearing the thick parka reserved for the dead of winter. His rain boots too. He helped Karina pull the clematis and he huffed put he picked me up. Holding my cold nose against the furry inside of the hood hanging on his shoulders. “Iris… Iris, what are you doing out here?”
And I could only say, “I fell asleep.”
Karina wrapped her scarf, a thing knitted with the ugliest yarn, around my neck. “Listen to her,” she said, “fell asleep, she says. Doc is going to eat you alive.”
My dad asked for a second opinion on how to deal with this, deal with me. How do you discipline careless behaviour like that? And was it careless or just an off-set of who me, his daughter, had proved to be for seventeen years? She did this a lot when she was little too, he said to Karina and Fer as if I were asleep in his arms and couldn’t hear. She slept in the weirdest places, Tamara kept finding her in wardrobes and in the bushes.
... i actually haven’t finished this chapter. stuff sure does happen! we get to meet winnie’s older sister who happens to be dating iris’ dad, which makes it a bit awkward. emilice is an mvp though and i love her a lot. i want her and iris’ dad to adopt me. iris also got sick from sleeping outside, Obviously. so she has a cold now.
“And one of the babies bit her!” Lirio said.
“I’m gonna turn into a wolf now,” I said.
Emi laughed, a bit awkwardly, because it was girls Lirio’s age who said things like that. Not seventeen-year-olds who knew it was impossible. I answered only with a good-natured smile.
The sky was darkening when Emi drove Lirio and I home, so I couldn’t go off to the forest. Doc wouldn’t have allowed it. I normally wouldn’t listen, it was the probability of being sick longer or having fever again what stopped me. My dad walked out when he heard the engine. Winnie called a loud goodbye. Emi leaned out of the driver’s window and my dad kissed her in one movement, with ease, with familiarity. I matched Winnie’s volume in my goodbye, trying to be teasing, and I waved.
i am in the middle of writing this chapter in particular but had to pause to go back to implement the changes. iris tells winnie and maree that one of their classmates told her that his brother told him that someone told him that you can turn into a werewolf if you sleep under the full moon after being bitten by a wolf. winnie and maree call bs. they are also looking for a place to take the cubs because it’s getting dangerous for them on the rendezvous point, they are too close to the town (named lake aune btw). so they settle for an abandoned cabin on the opposite shore of the lake (subject to possible changes of location).
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[ image id: an earth globe marked with constellations. “Winnie preferred to leave it to the earth instead of the stars, or well, leave it to the water. Leave it to the cold.” written on it in serif font / end id. ]
I had stopped believing in it. Told Winnie it was her horoscope, really, that had orchestrated the double-spin. That I’d read Gemini would surely succeed in all they put their mind on that week. Winnie preferred to leave it to the earth instead of the stars, or well, leave it to the water. Leave it to the cold.
There were still nine fish in the pond. Maree and I debated what might have taken the tenth because there was no cadaver to discard. I suspected a bird of prey. She suspected a fox.
okay so. i haven’t actually written chapter 6, i only have notes for it, but i did start chapter 7 because i really wanted to introduce the character of argyle macbay whom i Love. and i can do whatever i want with my writing process. the scene is about iris and maree getting their graduation photo taken. argyle, who is a self-made photographer, is the one taking the photos. this scene’s only purpose is existing because i like it. and also... meet-cute?? iris and argyle get like 3 meet-cutes, honestly their power. the enbies are dating <3
They muttered a curse when, in the haste to stand up and put the camera back on the tripod, their backpack slipped from the desk table and crashed on the floor. “Fuck,” they mumbled, “fuck, fuck.” Followed by an: “I got it— got it,” when the boy by the door asked if they needed help. I picked up the pens, all from a gel match set, that rolled towards me and I handed them back.
“Fuck— thank you, sorry.” The first half was for them and the second for me. “Sorry. Hi, Iris.”
I smiled and said, “Hi. Do I stand here?”
“Yeah, move back just a bit. Right there.” They weren’t wearing their glasses. The case was there on the desk next to theirs but I guess if they were wearing contact lenses they didn’t need them. “Alright, here we go.”
“Make me laugh.”
“I can’t smile naturally on command.”
okay that’s officially all the writing i’ve done! if you’ve fallen in love with argyle just from that excerpt please thank my co-writer teddy because they’re the one who made argyle’s character. again, i don’t know how frequent or if i’ll even keep up with these updates but if i do they won’t be back until i actually manage to write past chapter 7. i have some notes for chapters 8 and 9, and then not a clue. i guess we’ll see what happens @ myself
anyways, if you read all of that thank you! have a smooch 😚
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encrucijada · 4 years
self-appreciation tag.
tagged by my babes @alicewestwater !
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose a few of your favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020.
it’s no lie i am just awful at finishing things. as of posting this i have once again decided to rework my previously main wip and have started a new wip. i tried to do nanowrimo and failed. have like 3 short stories that are just... halfway done. and who knows at what point in the future i will actually finish writing a book. Anyways.
i can’t believe a story about a talking cat means so much to me. wait no. actually i can believe it. i hadn’t planned for media noche to be much but then i got way too attached to her character and so proceeded to write a prequel after i wrote this short story, which wasn’t as good but still. i can consider this the first honest-to-god short story i actually finished, which makes me extremely happy. what it really did for me was basically map out my writing process for me, helped me break it down to use later. i can write from a vague feeling, imagery and aesthetic and make it work!!! which for the way my brain works creatively is amazing. can’t believe thinking “story with black cats and pumpkins like over the garden wall??” turned into something. [ READ HERE ]
so much happened in 2020 i had completely forgotten i did escapril at all. and once it was over i compiled my flash fics/poems into a collection i titled “underside of my tongue” from a line in the first flash fic about hemera and eos. i explored creative formatting with escapril which is something i really enjoy and it really helped me write all 30 entries. i also wrote self-indulgently and (once again like with ¿qué pasa, calabaza?) from imagery instead of plot and it worked wonders for most flash fics. i say most because i definitely rushed some to be up to date. i used escapril to expand on the modern greek mythology universe that lives rent free in my brain, wrote apocalyptic new testament that caters specifically for me, and also made me realise how much i like fantasy body horror. more specifically botanic body horror. and now that escapril 2021 is coming i’m gonna use that opportunity to write another 30 flash fics and/or poems because... because i want to make chapbooks with them! [ READ HERE | TAG ]
as i write this i haven’t finished writing this short story, but i’m going to, because it’s a gift for my cousin whose birthday is on the 17th. i have a thing for taking old stories or concepts or characters and reworking them to mold into my current writing style and that is Just what i did with this short story. the characters were barely characters and the story barely a story because it’s based on a game of pretend my cousin and i played when we were like 6yo. now i’ve turned it into a story on deniability. and of course sprinkled some fantasy body horror on top of it. depending on how it turns out i even want to try and submit it to lit magazines!! [ INTRO POST COMING SOON ]
character appreciation post! and writing partner appreciation. @lorybean and i created these characters last year which feels unreal. and they have turned into my comfort sandbox characters that went through an entire development arc in less than a year, and good for them! it’s hard to choose between my babies because i do love all the ships in my wips. but mari and theo are truly versatile and dynamic characters that can be put into nearly any scenario and not lose their attributes, and that’s amazing. in love with how they play off each other, also that they are a queer m/f couple of colour!! they are like real people in the way they interact with the world, with each other, and how their psyche works. they showed me the truth and now when people ask me if i perefer friends-to-lovers ot enemies-to-lovers i’m gonna say lovers-to-ex-to-lovers. [ A ONE-SHOT | TAG ]
my revamp of my first serious book attempt, fantasybane, finally has experiments i like for each character so i can actually write it (in theory)! i decided to rewrite the first “book” i wrote with my cousins at 11yo and now i have three girls who cried wolf, and the ship of iris x argyle which makes me oh so happy. the concept of somewhere in limbo that i share with @chaoticdecember . the his dark materials podcast i share with @maragraphs
tagging: @chayscribbles @cabuyas @magnoliaash @harehearts  @shapeshiftersandfire @mackerelgray @rossafabula @lasbrumas @semblanche - and idk who else but if anyone wants to do it consider yourself tagged!
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encrucijada · 4 years
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DAY 11: who is your oldest oc?
i really like to talk so i chose 4 ocs instead of one. two are old-old and two are seventh grade old.
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if i’m reaching PRIMAVERA is probably my oldest oc. i based flor from my short story “sunflower” off her. in the original version, which was from a game of pretend my cousin and i used to play, primavera was the personification of well... spring. there wasn’t anything deep about the game, my cousin and i really just played with plastic watering cans and a kiddie pool. i updated primavera to instead of a basically-goddes to retching up flowers.
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NEOLA is my first intentional oc. created for the book attempt my cousins and i did at 11yo. i remember i got the name from a lion king oc i found online circa 2011. there wasn’t anything remarkable about her as far as interesting characters go. she was an anthropomorphic snow leopard with rainbow spots (the whole point of the book was that the three main characters had interesting fur colours) and she had star superpowers. now she’s iris ibarra in “three girls who cried wolf”.
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okay so. SUMMER BLAZE was the main character of me attempting a serious book that i posted online called “hideout”. don’t look for it though it has long been deleted. hideout was about a group of kids with elemental powers who were locked away in an artificial forest (it was a lot dumber than it sounds), summer was the fire elemental. she was the worst lmao and pretty much a mary sue. she was good at everything she did, was a hot headed independent 16yo who didn't need no man and she was also Gorgeous okay. the elemental kids could also turn into animals and summer’s was a red fox, because of course. now she’s alba oriol in “fantasybane” and she’s the mum friend! her experiment is healing through gold and diamond.
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around the same time i was writing hideout i was writing/role playing for this other story named “the kiara mark” and my character was a girl named VALKREY. i got the idea for this story in a dream which turned into something vaguely apocalyptic, where people followed animal dynamics of prey/predator. valkrey was a prey, i think i used to compare her to a mouse?? but now when i think of her i think of a sparrow. her entire character basically boiled down to being small and meek, and following more capable people around like a puppy. in the original version she had a love interest and everything (his name was jasper). i’m trying new ideas for these characters. and i changed valkrey’s name to ángel.
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encrucijada · 4 years
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DAY 12: have you ever abandoned a wip? what do you think of it now?
i have abandoned many wips but here’s a sensible 3. putting it under the cut because this got a little long.
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while i have revamped HIDEOUT into “fantasybane” the story and characters are so different that i consider the original version discontinued. the story was about eight kids who could control the elements: diana who had powers related to the mind (not an element but okay if 14yo me had been more clever i would have said her element was aether), gideon who controlled water, summer who controlled fire, james & luke who controlled lightning, victoria who controlled nature, laura aka leo who controlled ice, and lilly who controlled wind. the plot was about them being stuck in an artificial forest, put there by diana’s dad, away from society so they couldn’t harm anyone. and they could also all shift into animals: diana was a snake, gideon a dog, summer a fox, the twins raccoons, victoria a dove, leo a badger, and liilly a mouse. they had their own little underground base and were colour-coordinated, all they did was train and hunt all day. intrigue kicks in when they are faced with wolves, which aren’t supposed to be in the forest. but at some point i just made it about the love triangle between summer, james and a girl named monica who was the nightmare elemental (idk) and could turn into a black cat. the big twist was gonna be that across the cliff that supposedly marked the end of the forest was diana’s sister evanna, the darkness elemental who could turn into a condor, and she had gone crazy or something. the finale included the forest being covered in snow and killing evanna i guess.
overall: it was trash but it was my emotional support trash and i really loved to read it out loud to my high school best friend when i went to her house. we also larp-ed with my characters and her characters who could also control the elements so i have warm and fuzzy memories.
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next to “hideout”, THE KIARA MARK was my other big project. most of its development came from a rpg i had with two internet buddies at the time. the idea came to me in a dream: a lot of fire imagery and a rebel gang of some sorts. the world of the kiara mark was a sort of post-apocalypse where the rules people abided to were that of the wild: predator eats prey. there were two groups: the hunters and the kiaras. my main character was valkrey, a 13yo who was by herself after her older brother died. she joins the kiaras, obviously. our main cast was composed of: valkrey who was little more than a meek little girl, ella aka fallout who was the mary sue oc of one of the girls i rped with she specialised in bombs, emily who was also just a little girl but was 10yo, abigail the rebel leader, felix abigail’s cousin and fallout’s love interest, jasper who was valkrey’s love interest, and lola who was just there to be Loud. i don’t actually remember much of the plot??? i later changed it so they could shapeshift into animals to add more spice. but really the beginning is all i remember clearly. no wonder i only even wrote one and a quarter chapters.
now i am working on revamping it but the details are a little fuzzy. the title is changed to “butterflybane” but i’m thinking of choosing another because i don’t think it’s going to companion fantasybane anymore. all the names of the characters are changed, or most of them, and now it’s less diet-hunger games and more science fantasy.
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i honestly have no idea where this idea came from. POISONED PARADISE was fantasy mixed with post-apocalyptic, a far future where people are hunting creatures of legend to experiment on them. i do remember i kinda figured the plot out while spacing out in church but if you put a gun to my head rn i wouldn’t be able to tell you how i decided the story was gonna end. the intrigue was in this midas touch-like sickness that appeared in the werewolf packs that turned people into precious jewels. there was a council of dragons that basically ruled over the creatures. the beta of one of the wolf packs got captured and was being held in an experimentation facility where they were also experimenting on humans and gave them superpowers?? bottom line is i overcomplicated everything and it was so convoluted i don’t think anyone, even me, knew what the hell was even happening in the story. i got to like chapter 5 and stopped writing, and this is the only story in this list i don’t plan on revamping in any way.
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encrucijada · 4 years
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DAY 9: how long have you been working on your secondary wip?
i think i started really developing the idea for from the mouths with no tongue around 2019. it started out as a much more light-hearted story and it had a lot more tarot in it, which explains why i was originally going to title the chapters after the major arcana and the previous book title of “chance of serendipity”. it was always going to include the murders, i just chose to make it more serious when i incorporated an old idea i had for outrageous murders in a small town setting. i’ve tried to write it like (not even kidding) six or eight times, and have only just started to find a structure i actually enjoy.
what’s your oldest project?
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FANTASYBANE: originally your cliché “kids with control over the elements” story titled hideout that was revamped like twice or thrice because i scraped it all, except for the base concept of experimentation, and turned it into: “mad scientist tries to prove fantasy can be a reality by performing human experiments”. it was only last year that i finally found experiments i like for every kid so i could realistically start to write it now, instead of it living nebulous in my head for half a decade. i switched up the main character, broke off the original ship, switches some character ages and eliminated whole other characters, and chose the obvious antagonist that was there from the beginning... the scientist.
IN THE WILD LIFE GARDEN: it came from a role play about a dragon sanctuary which became a story of three orphans when me and my friends began to dive into their backstories in the rpg. i tried like three or four different versions, all set in the modern world, until i decided to move the story to the early 1900s. it kept its bases: the kids’ mothers die and they are left ina disarray over it. except now they are half-nymphs rangling with that conflicting humanity and they aren’t going on any angst roadtrip, instead they live in a manor in wales in the likes of digory kirk from the lion, the witch and the wardrobe movie. vienna is also now the sole narrator instead of sharing with garren and bella-rose, or me attempting a trilogy. the titles went from: tulip fields, to hospital for the flowers and this is about flowers.
ANATOMY OF SHADOWS: previously known as guardian animal, the ink threads and the light threads. there have been a fair share of changes but most of it has amounted to sharpening the worldbuilding since it is high fantasy. the plot has also suffered some changes, going from a rescue mission with a prophecy involved to still a rescue mission but now a lot more happens after that rescue mission. the relationship between misha and clara has also been changed a bit, instead of childhood best friends they are now penpals meeting for the first time. my co-author and i also watched the greatest showman while she came to visit me and we incorporated a circus aspect (but an ethical one because yikes). oh and i guess the biggest twist has been that misha and clara are now the main ship instead of them being forced into straight relationships because my friend and i were fools as preteens.
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encrucijada · 4 years
Meme Monday! no, it’s not Tuesday shut up time isn’t real. Rules: post some memes of your wip and then tag 5 people to do the same. created by @cinnamonboba-writes, and y’all should really go give Ari some love.
tagged by @mothsandmammothfigures! who used incorrect quotes and i am also gonna do that because i don’t feel like editing photos lmao. gonna try to do one for each project i have just to make it look like i put some effort
open tag!
From The Mouths With No Tongue
Thomas: i’m so happy i could kiss you
Archie: um... neat!
[ later ]
Archie, lying face down on Marjorie’s bed: i can’t believe i said “neat”, MJ. nobody says neat anymore. it’s not neat to say neat, but i said it anyway because i’m a huge loser.
Marjorie: hey, don’t beat yourself up. everyone gets nervous sometimes. remember what happened when Lorelai confessed to me?
Archie: didn’t you thank her?
Marjorie: i thanked her
Astral Convergence
Artemis: how do i get revenge on those who have forsaken me?
Callisto: the best revenge is letting go and living well
Artemis: Orion, how do i get-
Orion: i’m already packed, let’s go
Small Gods
Maripaz: you know what your problem is? you’re really cute, but nobody ever told you to shut up
Theo: you think i’m cute?
Maripaz: shut up!
In The Wild Life Garden
Vienna: i made this friendship bracelet for you
Fau: you know i’m not really a jewellery person
Vienna: ... you don’t have to wear it
Fau: no, i’m gonna wear it forever. back off
Coughing Roses
Jo: you’re violent
Fae: yeah, but i’m short so it’s adorable
The Walk of Eurydice
Dylan: i heard you like bad boys
Thea: not really
Dylan: oh, thank god
Three Girls Who Cried Wolf
Winnie: what makes you so sure?
Maree: because i’m the oldest, which means i’m always right
Iris: no, it doesn’t
Maree: it totally does
Warlock Incarnate
Nora, on the phone: hello?
Kelsey: it’s Kelsey
Nora: what did she do this time?
Kelsey: no, babe. it’s me, Kelsey.
Nora: what did you do this time?
Isaías: you know what i really want?
Diana: the sweet release of death?
Isaías: i was gonna say ice cream, but that works too
Anatomy of Shadows
Misha: it must be nice to be rich instead of, like, having to develop a personality
Clara: shut up, Misha
Misha: buy my silence, Clara
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encrucijada · 4 years
21 and 24
21. How do you come up with titles? Do you use placeholders or tend to change your titles while writing the first draft?
Placeholders are a must, I don’t consider a wip official until it has some sort of title. Some tend to change as I develop the story more (it happened with From The Mouths, In The Wild Life Garden and The Walk of Eurydice) while others stay the same (like Coughing Roses and Astral Convergence). I don’t really have a process I follow when I name a project, it’s a combination of factors that include The Aesthetic(tm) and relevance to the story and pretentiousness. That last one explains all my 6 words titles. I usually write down all variations and combinations (happened with From The Mouths and Fantasybane) I can think of, or even just imagery (like I did with Snow Tooth). Sometimes when the title makes sense only to me or I like it too much to change it I’ll lowkey work the project around it (pictured: Small Gods), though sometimes it becomes relevant as time goes on (happens with most fanfics I write).
24. Do you let your story evolve as you write or do you meticulously plan everything prior to writing the first draft?
I am a proud pantser and often start writing with 0 clue of where this is headed and only a Vague Aesthetic or a Vague Image to go off. I’ll accumulate notes and bullet points, but I only plan about 4 or 5 chapters ahead of time.
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encrucijada · 6 years
Get To Know The Writer tag
i was tagged by the amazing @serolodadelos
Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given, write ten questions of your own, tag ten people.
1. What is the most difficult thing in writing for you?
romance and sex, maybe it’s my ace/aro orientation though i struggle more with the sex scenes than romantic scenes. in general, i struggle to find the right aesthetic to write in (but once i do oh boy).
2. How do you outline?
seriously, i haven’t actually done a real outline in my life. the ones i’ve done are on bullet point format with different colours for dialogue. since i’m only just now getting serious with my first book i’m still on Step 1: Brainstorming.
3. Which character rebelled against you and changed the whole plot with too much agency?
i like to think i have a short leash on my characters, y’know? they won’t be doing anything i don’t want them to. i’m trying to think of one time a character evolved differently to what i thought they would and changed the story in the process..
i think I’m gonna go with Josephine from my (for now named) Wish Agents project.
4. Top 3 tricks to unstick a plot.
look at aesthetically pleasing photos on Pinterest
have an existential crisis
5. When and why did you start writing?
i started writing in primary school, if i try hard enough maybe i’ll find little stories from the second grade somewhere in my room. i decided to be a writer around sixth grade, mostly because i couldn’t draw for shit and if i couldn’t draw my stories i might as well write them.
6. Would you like your book to have pictures? Why?
hmm.. maybe? i guess it depends on which book i would choose to get illustrated. in This Is About Flowers i would like an illustration of the little town my main characters come from. in Fantasybane and Butterflybane illustrations of the forest and the creatures in it would be beautiful. Life Makes Life is the one book i would love to see completely illustrated.
7. What would you like to improve of your writing?
the aesthetic, which includes tone and atmosphere. also if i could write romance and sex scenes without cringing that’d be nice??
8. What do you love the most about 5 characters of yours?
Garren Olwen, This Is About Flowers: this is Mr. Overthinker which makes his inner dialogue a treat. i like how human Garren is, he loves so fucking deeply it actually breaks my heart. despite being the one keeping himself and the twins together, meaning he deals with most of the external shit thrown at them, he works intrapersonally a lot. writing him i focus on his heartbeat and breathing, aesthetic-wise.
Vienna Aderyn, This Is About Flowers: she’s so different from the usual characters i write that are stubborn and hot-headed. Vienna iss calm and soft and just lovely in general. her inner dialogue is filled with metaphors and feels more like i’m detailing an aesthetic (which i love). more flower than human, she sees things a little bit differently. her prose feels sparkly and fairy-like.
Rose Aderyn, This Is About Flowers: insolent af and writing it feels amazing, she’s much more cynical than Garren and Vienna but also works 98% on emotions despite denying it. Rose just explodes and going on a rant is always fun. she’s a little more self destructive than her relatives (not something i condone but is interesting to write either way). we all need a punch-first-ask-later character.
Diana Anthonsen, Fantasybane: she’s very interesting and a bit difficult to tackle, the way she sees the world reflects the inhuman way she was brought up. Diana is by far smarter than me and her apathy is palpable, so no emotions. her inner dialogue is very aesthetic but unlike Vienna hers is more raw.
Fae Lailah, Camp Veritas: really she’s just a muse i use for role play but damn. her character arc and backstory and everything about her just speaks to me and i actually feel with her. i actually get emotional. she’s a mess and the rawness of her life is.. amazing. concretely she belongs to the Bay Pointe/Camp Veritas univese, both were originally rpg.
9. Name 5 books that had a deep impact on you as a person.
i hate this type of questions i never know what to say
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman
S.T.A.R.G.A.Z.E.R by @rmeisel, in concrete the first poem about asexuality
Heartquakes by @rmeisel
La Escritora by Carmen Naranjo (technically a short story but)
White Fang by Jack London (because it was the first real book i read.. i was in fifth grade)
10. Name 5 books that had a deep impact on you as a writer.
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman (again because i can)
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater (in general because i don’t have a favourite in the series, i love her writing style??)
anything by Yolanda Oreamuno because her style is beautiful
El rastro de la mariposa by Eunice Odio (technically a short story but whatev)
anything by @rmeisel but especially her book Absolution.
my ten questions are:
any OTPs in your project?
favourite brOTPs in your project
where do you get inspiration from? (movies, other books, photos.. )
do you write chronological or do you write scenes at random and then patch them together?
are you more of a secretive writer who waits until everything has been planned/written to share it or do you share as you write? (w/ friends, critique partner, etc.)
how to you make characters? how do you make them feel real?
first, second or third person? past, present or future?
favourite tropes?
least favourite tropes?
handwrite or type?
bonus: for non-native speakers (like myself!), do you prefer English or your mother language? 
and i am tagging: @abrahamgreenfxld, @lizsutton, @scrpturiens, @jaimistoryteller, @forlornraven, @theroyalseabird, @atelierwriting,  @katywritesbooks, @victorian-siren, @ask-the-tumbler and really anyone go ahead!
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