#is the coronavirus disease the same as sars?
covid-safer-hotties · 2 hours
The next pandemic is inevitable. Australia isn’t ready - Published Sept 23, 2024
(Before you Americans yell at me, It's already the 23rd in Australia. This is very late-breaking)
I thought this was a really good breakdown of the current situation given the government-approved covid denial we live in. Long, but worth a read.
By Kate Aubusson and Mary Ward
Top infectious disease and public health veterans at the nerve centre of the state’s war against COVID-19 are sounding the alarm.
NSW is less prepared today to fend off a deadly pandemic despite the lessons of COVID-19, say top infectious disease and public health veterans at the nerve centre of the state’s war against the virus.
And we won’t have another hundred years to wait.
NSW’s gold standard Test-Trace-Isolate-Quarantine and vaccination strategies will be useless if a distrusting population rejects directives, refuses to give up its freedoms again, and the goodwill of shell-shocked public health workers dries up.
A panel of experts convened by The Sydney Morning Herald called for a pandemic combat agency akin to the armed forces or fire brigades to commit to greater transparency or risk being caught off guard by the next virulent pathogen and misinformation with the potential to spread faster than any virus.
“It’s inevitable,” says Professor Eddie Holmes of the next pandemic. A world-leading authority on the emergence of infectious diseases at the University of Sydney, Holmes predicts: “We’ll have less than 100 years [before the next pandemic].
“We’re seeing a lot of new coronaviruses that are spilling over into animals that humans are interacting with,” said Holmes, the first person to publish the coronavirus genome sequence for the world to see.
“People are exposed all the time, and each time we are rolling the dice.”
The independent review of NSW Health’s response to COVID-19 opened with the same warning: “No health system or community will have the luxury of 100 years of downtime.”
Pandemic preparedness needs to be a “permanent priority”, wrote the report’s author, Robyn Kruk, a former NSW Health secretary, “rather than following the path of those that have adopted a ‘panic and forget strategy,’ allowing system preparedness to wane”.
Why we don’t have 100 years to wait for the next pandemic The World Health Organisation has declared seven public health emergencies of international concern since 2014, including the current mpox outbreak.
Climate change is turbocharging the factors that coalesce to create the perfect breeding ground for a pandemic-causing virus, including population increases, bigger cities, and better-connected global markets and migration.
“Animals will be forced into more constrained environments, and humans that rely on those environments will be again constrained in the same environments. There will be more wet markets, more live animal trade that will just increase exposure,” Holmes said.
“It was clear that we weren’t ready [for COVID],” said Jennie Musto, who, after seven years working for the World Health Organisation overseas, became NSW Health’s operations manager for the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre, the team responsible for NSW’s COVID-19 contact tracing and containment.
“Everyone had preparedness plans gathering dust on a shelf, but no one was actually ready to respond, and so everyone was on the back foot,” Musto said. “Perhaps none of us really thought this was going to happen. We were waiting 500 years.”
Who would willingly become the next doomed whistleblower? Eddie Holmes, known for his repeated assertion that SARS-CoV-2 did not come from a lab, is deeply concerned that when the next pandemic-causing virus emerges, chances are it will be covered up.
“My worry is that if the virus appeared in a small population, say, somewhere in Southeast Asia, the people involved wouldn’t blow the whistle now, given the fact that you would get blamed,” he said.
Li Wenliang, the Wuhan doctor who tried to raise the alarm about a virulent new virus, was reportedly reprimanded by police for spreading rumours and later died of COVID-19.
The global blame game, culminating in a deep distrust of China and accusations that the virus was grown in a Wuhan lab, is why Holmes believes “we’re in no better place than we were before COVID started, if not worse”.
“I work with a lot of people in China trying to keep the lines of communication open, and they’re scared, I think, or nervous about saying things that are perceived to counter national interest.”
From a vaccine perspective, our defences look strong. There have been monumental advancements in vaccine development globally, driven by mRNA technology. In Sydney this month, construction began on an RNA vaccine research and manufacturing facility.
“But the way I see it is that nothing has been done in terms of animal surveillance of outbreaks or data sharing. The [global] politics has got much, much worse,” Holmes said.
Combat force Conjoint Associate Professor Craig Dalton, a leading public health physician and clinical epidemiologist, called for a dramatic expansion of the public health workforce and the establishment of a pandemic combat force that would routinely run real-time pandemic simulations during “peacetime”.
“No one is upset with fire brigades spending most of the time not fighting fires. They train. A lot. And that’s probably how we need to move,” he said.
“We need exercise training units so that every major player in pandemic response is involved in a real-time, three to four-day pandemic response every three to five years at national, state and local [levels].”
The federal Department of Health and Aged Care recently ran a health emergency exercise focused on governance arrangements involving chief health officers and senior health emergency management officials, a spokeswoman for Health Minister Mark Butler said. The outcomes of this exercise will be tested later this year.
Dalton said desktop simulations and high-level exercises involving a handful of chiefs didn’t cut it, considering the thousands of people working across regions and states. He instead suggested an intensive training program run in the Hunter New England region before the 2009 H1N1 pandemic provided a good model.
“We were ringing people, actors were getting injections, just like a real pandemic,” said Dalton, who once ordered a burrito in a last-ditch effort to contact a restaurant exposed to COVID-19.
Our heroes have had it The expert panel was emphatic that our pandemic response cannot once again rely on the goodwill of the public health and healthcare workforce.
According to the Kruk review, what began as an emergency response ultimately morphed from a sprint into an ultra marathon and “an admirable (yet unsustainable) ‘whatever it takes’ mindset”.
They were hailed as heroes, but the toll of COVID-19 on healthcare workers was brutal. Workloads were untenable, the risk of transmission was constant, and the risk of violence and aggression (for simply wearing their scrubs on public transport in some cases) was terrifying.
“We got through this pandemic through a lot of people working ridiculous hours,” Dalton said.
“You talk to a lot of people who did that and say they could not do it again.”
Tellingly, several expert personnel who worked at the front lines or in the control centre of NSW’s pandemic defences were invited to join the Herald’s forum but declined. Revisiting this period of intense public scrutiny, culminating in online attacks and physical threats, was just too painful.
So long, solidarity Arguably, the biggest threat to our pandemic defences will be the absence of our greatest strength during COVID: the population’s solidarity and willingness to follow public health orders even when it meant forfeiting fundamental freedoms.
The public largely complied with statewide public health orders, including the stay-at-home directive that became the 107-day Delta lockdown, and other severe restrictions prevented many from being at the bedside of their dying loved ones, visiting relatives in aged care homes and attending funerals.
“My worry is that next time around when those sorts of rules come out, people may say, ‘Well, don’t worry about it.’ They relax it in the future. Why don’t we just not stick to the rules?” said Professor Nicholas Wood, associate director of clinical research and services at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance.
“I’m not sure we quite understand whether people [will be] happy with those rules again,” he said.
Dalton was more strident.
“I tend to agree with Michael Osterholm … an eminent US epidemiologist [who] recently said the US is probably less prepared for a pandemic now than it was in 2019, mostly because the learnings by health departments in the COVID pandemic may not make a material difference if faced with a community that distrusts its public health agencies,” he said.
“If H1N1 or something else were to spill over in the next couple of years, things like masks, social distancing and lockdowns would not be acceptable. Vaccination would be rejected by a huge part of the population, and politicians might be shy about putting mandates in.”
As for the total shutdown of major industries, people will struggle to accept it unless the next pandemic poses a greater threat than COVID, said UNSW applied mathematician Professor James Wood.
The risk of the virus to individuals and their families will be weighed against the negative effects of restrictions, which are much better understood today, said Wood, whose modelling of the impact of cases and vaccination rates was used by NSW Health.
“Something like school closure would be a much tougher argument with a similar pathogen,” he said.
A previous panel of education experts convened by the Herald to interrogate pandemic decision-making in that sector was highly critical of the decision to close schools for months during NSW’s Delta lockdown.
Greg Dore, professor of infectious diseases and epidemiology at the Kirby Institute, said the public’s reluctance to adhere to restrictions again may, in part, be appropriate.
“Some of the restrictions on people leaving the country were a bit feudal and too punitive,” he said. “Other restrictions were plain stupid, [for instance] limitations on time exercising outside.”
Meanwhile, the delays to publicly recognise the benefits of face masks and the threat of airborne transmission “ate away at trust”, Dalton said.
“We shouldn’t make those mistakes again,” he said.
Transparent transgressions Uncertainty is not something politicians are adept at communicating, but uncertainty is the only constant during a pandemic of a novel virus.
Vaccines that offered potent protection against early iterations of the COVID virus were less effective against Omicron variants.
“[The public], unfortunately, got hit by a rapid sequence of changes of what was ‘true’ in the pandemic,” James Wood said.
Political distrust can be deadly if governments give the public reason to suspect they are obfuscating.
The expert panel urged NSW’s political leaders to be far more transparent about the public health advice they were given before unilaterally enforcing restrictions.
There was a clear line between public health advice and political decision-making in Victoria. The Victorian chief health officer’s written advice was routinely published online.
In NSW, that line was blurred as Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant stood beside political leaders, most notably former premier Gladys Berejiklian, at the daily press conferences.
Public health experts said that they looked for subtle cues to determine the distinction between the expert advice and the political messaging during press conferences, paying attention to body language, who spoke when and who stayed silent.
“It is fine for public health personnel to have a different view to politicians. They have different jobs. What is not OK is to have politicians saying they are acting on public health advice [when they are not],” he said.
The ‘whys’ behind the decisions being made were missing from the daily press conferences, which created “a vacuum for misinformation”, said social scientist and public health expert Professor Julie Leask at the University of Sydney.
“The communication about what you need to do came out, and it was pretty good … but the ‘why we’re doing this’ and ‘what trade-offs we’ve considered’ and ‘what dilemmas we’ve faced in making this decision’; that was not shared,” Leask said.
The infodemic In the absence of transparency, misinformation and disinformation fill the vacuum.
“We had an ‘infodemic’ during the pandemic,” said Dr Jocelyne Basseal, who worked on the COVID-19 response for WHO in the Western Pacific and leads strategic development at the Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute, University of Sydney.
“The public has been so confused. Where do we go for trusted information [when] everyone can now write absolutely anything, whether on Twitter [now called X] or [elsewhere] on the web?” Basseal said.
A systematic review conducted by WHO found misinformation on social media accounted for up to 51 per cent of posts about vaccines, 29 per cent of posts about COVID-19 and 60 per cent of posts about pandemics.
Basseal’s teenage children recently asked whether they were going into lockdown after TikTok videos about the mpox outbreak.
“There is a lot of work to be done now, in ‘peacetime’ … to get ahead of misinformation,” Basseal said, including fortifying relationships with community groups and teaching scientists – trusted and credible sources of information – how to work with media.
In addition to the Kruk review’s six recommendations to improve its pandemic preparedness, NSW Health undertook a second inquiry into its public health response to COVID-19, which made 104 recommendations.
NSW Health Minister Ryan Park said: “We are working hard to ensure the findings and recommendations from those reports are being implemented as quickly as possible.”
The expert panellists spoke in their capacity as academics and not on behalf of NSW Health or WHO.
The ‘As One System’ review into NSW Health’s COVID-19 response made six recommendations 1. Make governance and decision-making structures clearer, inclusive, and more widely understood 2. Strengthen co-ordination, communication, engagement, and collaboration 3. Enhance the speed, transparency, accuracy, and practicality of data and information sharing 4. Prioritise the needs of vulnerable people and communities most at risk, impacted and in need from day one 5. Put communities at the centre of emergency governance, planning, preparedness, and response 6. Recognise, develop and sustain workforce health, wellbeing, capability and agility.
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reality-detective · 2 years
The circus is exhausting, the performances never cease and on top of it they keep getting more intensely bizarre. A lot of it is mere distraction; look over here! Now look over there! Whilst behind the scenes who knows what is really going on.
A lot of the stories coming out now are old news to some of us; David Martin more than a year ago already exposed the NIH funding of gain of function at the Wuhan lab, naming names and exposing the money trail, but it is only now that it’s hit MSM headlines, with an emphasis on blaming China.
To be honest with you, the real question is, was there even a virus? (Bear with me, don’t freak out).How can we be so sure when it’s not been proven to exist? How can we talk of lab leaks or gain of function of something that to this day still remains a ‘ghost’? A set of fragments assembled by a computer model and labelled Sars Cov-2.
I know many of you think that even questioning its existence is madness, I get it, after three years of brainwashing us about it, it seems ludicrous to contemplate the possibility that yet again we were deceived, but in the aftermath of 9/11 nobody would have put into question what we thought our eyes had seen, but what exactly did we see?
It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria. He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion, was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” 
While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people were taken ill with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings as hundreds of thousands died.
Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G.
On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.
Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time.
Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence? Could some RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” 
I don’t have the answer, but as I lie in bed with what we refer to as the ‘flu’, (or is just a detox process?), I cannot help but wonder about all the possibilities.
We have been deceived many times about many things. Keeping us in perpetual fear of deadly viruses which seems like a very convenient tactic for those that wish to totally control us, this in itself, is enough to make my cynical mind open to exploring all the probabilities.
I look forward to the day when I actually understand what exactly causes us to feel like we're sick, is it really a virus or frequencies being used in a nefarious way⁉️
Additional Note: 👇
The virus has never been isolated by anyone including NIH or the CDC. However there was a virologist who took 1500 test samples who tried isolating the virus and all 1500 tests turned out to be influenza A and influenza B, most were influenza A.
I'm just asking a lot of questions which is what everyone should be doing. 🤔
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babs-zone · 1 year
a covid conscious road trip diary
los angeles to portland and back, no viruses allowed | april 2023
by babs ✨
hi yes good to be back n writing here on tumblr dot com, and what better place to start than with a little joy? in this series (a companion guide to my tiktok vlogs) i'm going to share how my partner and i traveled from LA to PDX and back without contracting the novel coronavirus.
click here for the full playlist on tiktok. click here for the above video.
who this is for:
people still using mitigation against SARS-CoV-2 looking for ways to get out and have a lil adventure without throwing caution to the winds
people who stopped using mitigation and are tired of getting sick
people who stopped using mitigation and want to start again
anyone else that finds it interesting ;)))
who this is not for:
people who don't think SARS-CoV-2 is a big deal and don't care to have an open conversation about why that is
people who want to police others behavior— i understand that we may not always see eye to eye, make exactly the same choices, etc, but there is a way to have those conversations while still acknowledging the reality that i have never knowingly been infected with SARS-CoV-2; while there's no accounting for luck, there's got to be something to what i'm doing
on that note, let's talk about my covid reality so we have a baseline knowledge of where i'm coming from:
29 / have fairly stable lupus and sjogrens syndrome / white (ashkenazi background is the lineage to carry the autoimmune diseases with 3 known cases in my fam) / (F) on medical charts but she/they to y'all tytyty / queer
my most *acutely* debilitating recurrent symptom is head and facial pain, which can be (though isn't always) triggered by mask wearing. i experienced this pain prior to the pandemic, but as time has gone on, i've had multiple episodes of pain directly connected to the pressure of a mask on my nose/sinus area (kind of in the same place as the malar rash), that extends into my eyes, up/over/around my skull, and into the clothes-hanger area of my bag, which can then in turn irritate my ribs (though not always, chronically ill people know how these things can cascade). this pain leaves me with intense sensory sensitivity (so in the dark, quiet, unable to do a lot of things), and can also include vomiting. for this reason, i try to spend as much time outside as possible.
10a-6p day job in communications where i work in person ~twice weekly at minimum (gotta Make Content and photos), as well as freelance photography, so my work is hybrid. in 2021 when i returned to work after i got vaccinated, i was still working the same food service job i'd been at since 2016. i ultimately quit that job in september of 2021 when i wasn't able to take enough time off to safely travel to photograph a wedding i'd committed to (driving takes way longer than flying), but had that not happened, i could've easily continued in that position despite the risk, as i'd structured my freelancing around that service job.
polyamorous and live with 2/3 of my partners (one works hybrid, one in service so all in-person), but we all have our own bedroom (even if we sleep in each others sometimes)
our household is in a pod with our other partners' household, which is three people in two bedrooms, all of whom work from home
my entire pod masks indoors outside of our homes unless the environment is intentionally controlled (prior testing, planning, etc); this has been a basic rule of thumb that has not changed the entire pandemic
a few of us, myself included, have access to tests through our jobs, so my household ~usually~ gets two PCRs and two RATs per week
both households have at least one HEPA filter (though all the filters need changing ngl)
both households have one aranet4 CO2 monitors, which is passed around based on need
we've had two covid positives in the pod: separate incidents, both in 2022, where both individuals were successfully isolated before further spread. blessedly, no longcovid symptoms from either of them.
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so going into this trip, we brought
a good plan based on the swiss cheese model (above)
lots of different kinds of masks, as switching up the way pressure hits on my face can mean longer time able to mask
a bunch of covid tests
that's it
we considered taking one of the HEPA filters, but, as mentioned, they need changing and we just didn't have time to do so
likewise, didn't bring the CO2 monitors so others could use
ok, i think that's good background, now on to the fun!
day 1 - LA to silicon valley
after packing up the car, our first stop was coffee at the palm in burbank (which has online ordering and a walk up window), then we drove drove drove.
next stop was for lunch in bakersfield at vida vegan eatery, which has outdoor seating, but it was covered on three sides with plastic. we could've asked the folks working to lift the plastic, or we could've just taken the chance and eaten outside there regardless, as we would've been the only ones out there, but we chose to eat in the car, because this was a driving day anyhow.
drove drove drove some more thru gilroy, the garlic capital of california, where we masked up to stop at a lil farm stand.
made it to silicon valley, where we stayed at the sunnyvale ramada. we looked at a lot of chain options in the area, and chose this one not because it necessarily had the best reviews, but because it clearly had rooms that opened to the outside as well as the AC unit visible on the window, so the room takes in fresh air.
when we arrive at hotels, we mask up while do the requisite once-over (check for bed bugs, etc). we turn the ventilation up real high, open any windows, and prop the door open. masks stay on til we get all the bags in, when we usually settle in.
on this night, we threw on some nicer clothes and took a rapid test (negiii) before heading out to grab my cousin for dinner. they mask regularly, and also rapid tested negative before we headed over. even so, we keep masks on and windows down when we share the car with anyone outside the pod.
ended up on a nice pedestrian street in mountain view for dinner outdoors at yugen ramen and it was so quiet; we truly had the place to ourselves. finally, topped off the night with a quick pop into the patisserie down the street, maison alyzée. it was close to closing, so mostly empty outside of the unmasked proprietor, but, to be frank, we went into this trip assuming we'd be the only ones masked anywhere.
alright that's all for day one, eleven more to go!
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mandysblog85 · 4 months
Is COVID-19 Really Over? What's Going On?
Written by: Amanda Diallo
Date: May 23, 2024
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Is COVID-19 really over? Has it gone away? The answer is no. But the pandemic, yes but not the virus. Sorry ladies and gentlemen, but it's here to stay. It's not only here to stay but it's still evolving (more variants).
What is Covid-19 and what are its symptoms? Well, it is the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. It usually spreads between people in close contact. Anyone can get sick with Covid-19 and become seriously ill or die, but most people will recover without treatment. Symptoms also includes loss of taste or smell, sore throat congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea.
Researchers in China initially named it 2019-nCoV. On February 11, 2020, it was renamed SARS-CoV-2, and the disease was named Covid-19.
From the beginning of the pandemic (early 2020) we had the first variant (the Alpha), then the Beta, Gamma, Delta, and then the Omicron (2022) which was named the worst yet at that time by doctors and the media. It made most of us worry by getting tested before traveling for the holidays, continue our stay-at-home work, and kept our mask on (not all of us).
By 2023 a few more variants made its way, after the first wave of the Omicron, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control announced the BA.2, BA.4, BA.5 subvariants, by Spring '23 it became the XBB series, we also had the EG.5, then by late '23 the XBB, HV.1, and the FL.1.5.1.
Fast forward to now, we are in 2024. There was the JN.1 variant from late '23 into 2024, but now there's a new Omicron subvariant. What to know about the FLiRT variant.
Well, 28.2% of Covid infections in the US by the third week of May, making it the dominant variant in the nation right now. The FLiRT strains have since been identified in several other countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom.
There are also concerns of a summer uptick as we enter the season.
The point is Covid is NOT over. It's unfortunately here to stay. As far as these variants go, it will keep mutating. So, the best way is to get your booster vaccine and go about your day. Masking is a choice now, I don't mask up as I used to, especially if I'm outside. Most are not, but once in a while I see older individuals doing it indoors, and that's okay. When I enter hospitals and my doctor's office, I masked up. The doctor does too. It's a courtesy and safety type of thing.
I receive my vaccine at least twice a year and try my best to dodge the "RONA". I specifically take the Moderna vaccine for better results. Along with the Covid-19 vaccine, one can also take the flu shot the same day as well.
In the city of Wuhan (China), where it all started in late 2019 (not in a wet market by the way), the WHO declared it a global health emergency in March 2020 right before lockdowns.
In February 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO), in a joint mission with China, attempted to investigate the origins of the pandemic. By 2022, the WHO urged more investigation. The recommendation came after a theory that the virus started elsewhere, and not the marketplace in Wuhan.
Another thing to cover about Covid is long Covid. What is it? Click here to read more.
Brain fog is one of the most common, persistent complaints in patients with long COVID. 
In conclusion, COVID-19 is not done with us. So, try your best not to catch it (if haven't by now) and yes, you can get the virus more than once.
Recently Dr. Fauci's (retired) former top adviser Dr. David Morens testified about the origins of COVID-19.
It's also known that the COVID-19 pandemic was the deadliest disaster in the country's (US) history. Over 1.1 million US deaths alone have been reported.
Read more on the FLiRT subvariant.
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ahopkins1965 · 6 months
COVID-19 naming
During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease and virus were sometimes called "coronavirus", "Wuhan coronavirus", or "Wuhan pneumonia".
In January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) tentatively named it "2019-nCoV", short for "2019 Novel Coronavirus", or "2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease". This naming was based on the organization's 2015 guidelines for naming novel viruses and diseases, avoiding the use of geographic locations (such as Wuhan), in part to prevent social stigma. A similar structure has also been used by the AP when referring to virus variants, for example, referring to it as the "Delta variant" rather than the "South African variant".
On 11 February 2020, the WHO named the disease COVID-19 (short for coronavirus disease 2019). That same day, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) formally announced it had named the causative virus as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) based upon its genetic similarity to the 2003 SARS-CoV. The separation between the disease and the causative virus is based on the same nomenclature policies that separate AIDS and the virus which causes it, HIV.
WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus explained that CO stands for coronavirus, VI for virus, and D stands for disease, while 19 stands for the year, 2019, that the outbreak was first detected. As such, there has never been a "COVID-1" or any other "COVID-" series disease with a number below 19.
Chinese virus
From January to March 2020, US President Donald Trump repeatedly described the virus as the "Chinese virus". In March 2020, the president claimed to have abandoned the term, telling Fox News "we shouldn't make any more of a big deal out of it". On March 18 and 19, 2020, Trump twice defended using the term "Chinese virus" amid instances of bigotry against Asians in the United States. Trump referred to it as "the China Virus" at least as late as January 2021.
This description was also used by members of the Spanish far-right political party Vox, especially by its leader Santiago Abascal in March 2020.
CCP virus
The Epoch Times has reportedly funded right-wing groups promoting the use of the term "CCP virus" to lay blame on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the pandemic. Chinese-born New Zealand sculptor Chen Weiming created a 20-foot statue in Liberty Sculpture Park in Yermo, California, depicting Chinese leader and CCP general secretary Xi Jinping with spike proteins as his hair, naming it "CCP virus".
Stylization of the term has varied since the virus's and disease's discovery. The World Health Organization (WHO) stylizes the disease as COVID-19 with all letters capitalized and many other organizations have followed their lead. The AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style, and the Modern Language Association (MLA) have styled it similarly. Several observers have noted the importance of proper stylization, despite the seeming ridiculousness of worrying over such matters "at a time like this" (during the early days of the pandemic), recalling the confusion and prejudice which resulted from unclear or inconsistent naming as was the case with AIDS (which was called GRID/HTLV-III/LAV at various times) and non-A, non-B Hepatitis. They have also pointed out that future researchers will benefit from consistency when reviewing past data and research.
However, stylization as "Covid-19" has become common as well. Numerous news sources including The New York Times, CNN, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, NBCNews have presented the term with a capital C but all other letters as lower case. As a result, use of "Covid-19" has become commonplace and even the accepted standard in some cases. Use of "Covid-19" in news sources from the United Kingdom like The Guardian has also been the norm since most British newspapers only capitalize an entire acronym if the acronym is typically spelled out like "B-B-C" or "N-H-S" while acronyms which are pronounced as words, like "Nasa" or "Unicef" have their first letter capitalized and all subsequent letters lowercase.
While COVID-19 refers to the disease and SARS-CoV-2 refers to the virus which causes it, referring to the "COVID-19 virus" has been accepted. Reference to SARS-CoV-2 as "the coronavirus" has become somewhat accepted despite such use implying that there is only one coronavirus species. Similarly, use of "COVID" for the disease (if the first rendered as COVID-19) has been tolerated. Use of "the Coronavirus" to refer to the COVID-19 pandemic which began in December 2019 has also been accepted. Although such use does not specify the year or which coronavirus-related disease is being referred to, given its all-encompassing impact at the time, such references have been deemed justifiable. Use of "the" when referring to the disease, virus, or 2019 pandemic has been quite varied with some requiring use of "the" while others have not. The Oxford English Dictionary noted that "the" is typically not used when referring to the disease, COVID-19, but is not uncommon when referring to the virus.
Reference to the virus and/or the disease as "corona", "the corona", and "the rona" has also arisen in various parts of the world.
Colloquial names
2022-09-13 phylogenetic tree of life of COVID-19 using the PANGO nomenclature; only a few of these variants have come to public notice
Numerous mutations and variants of SARS-CoV-2 have acquired colloquial vis-à-vis scientific labels for ease of pronunciation and usage, both in the lab and to some extent in mass media. The nomenclature draws from the corpus of mythology (both Greek and Scandinavian and astronomy.
Public messaging has been a concern given that these elements of popular reportage can be at variance with the Greek alphabet nomenclature established by the WHO; other schemes have been proposed.
Arcturus (XBB.1.16) was named on social media after the star; Kraken (XBB.1.5), Cerberus (BQ.1.1), Typhon (BQ.1), and Gryphon (XBB) were coined by evolutionary biologist T. Ryan Gregory (from his own personal nomenclature of mythical creatures); whereas Pelican, Quail, and Mockingbird (variants of 20I/501Y.V1), have not gained wider usage. The BA.2.86 variant was named 'pirola' (sic) by a group of scientists on social media in late 2023, and was brought to public attention by an August edition of the Wall Street Journal. (Inasmuch as the World Health Organization has suggested using astronomy for its plethora of names, the Twitter user @JPWeiland suggested the obscure Jovian asteroid 1082 Pirola "for its uniqueness" and the possibility of shifting the nomenclaure to Pi or Rho if needed.)
Nicknames have also arisen for mutations such as Nelly (N501Y), Doug (and Douglas) (D614G), and even Eeek (E484K), initially meant as convenient labels in University of Bern lab discourse.
See also
Virus classification
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Shi Zhengli
Chinese researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
COVID-19 pandemic
Pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2
Virus that causes COVID-19
Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted.
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ataleoftwopitties · 7 months
How a global pandemic affected awareness of canine respiratory disease
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It's been about four years since the CDC confirmed the first case of COVID-19 in the U.S. on January 20, 2020. Less than two months after that, it was declared a global pandemic as the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 had spread between 114 countries and lead to over 4,000 deaths.
Fortunately, vaccines became available in record time by the end of that same year, which then led to lower rates of hospitalization and fatalities. Yet, COVID-19 has not completely gone away and rather continues to mutate, with different variants now circulating in every country, affecting even those who are vaccinated.
Similarly, dogs who are up-to-date on all their vaccines may still sometimes develop "kennel cough". Although it is generally a self-limiting disease, there is a wide range of viruses and bacteria associated with Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC), in which concurrent infection from multiple pathogens may be identified.
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Symptoms of CIRDC may include:
Frequent, dry "honking" cough
Gagging or retching
Expectoration of mucus
Nasal and/or ocular discharge
Mild fever
Decreased energy and/or appetite
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Disease may be transmitted through the inhalation of spores, or direct contact with infected dogs or contaminated surfaces. Dogs who are kept in close confinement, while under heightened stress, in poorly-ventilated areas with increased humidity (i.e. boarding/daycare facilities, grooming salons, shelters) are especially at risk for infection.
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With an apparent rise in cases requiring hospitalization or more aggressive treatment, this type of severe kennel cough is now being referred to as atypical Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (aCIRD), and is characterized by:
Mild-moderate inflammation of the trachea and bronchial airways for a prolonged duration (lasting 6 to 8 weeks or longer)
Chronic pneumonia or acute pneumonia that rapidly becomes severe leading to poor outcomes
Minimal or no response to antibiotic therapy
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While aCIRD has been observed in multiple states within the U.S. in the last several months, the exact number of cases remains unknown as requirements for veterinarians to report aCIRD to their state animal health officials vary. Moreover, some veterinary clinics may actually have been treating cases like these perhaps over the last couple of years rather than just the past several months (mine included).
But, because there is no official health surveillance system available for pets the way there is for humans, it is hard to rule out whether or not these aCIRD cases are directly correlated to the same pathogen(s) - or even a new, unidentified one (or more).
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Not to mention, without pet health insurance, many dog owners will often decline diagnostics due to cost - which removes the possibility for identifying infectious pathogens altogether. On the other hand, respiratory PCR tests that are performed may potentially be done too late, or use less diagnostic samples (i.e. nasal swab vs. transtracheal/bronchoalveolar wash). In other words, just because a dog comes back negative for all the pathogens listed on a canine respiratory PCR panel, does not necessarily mean they were NOT infected with by one of those bugs, nor indicate that a novel pathogen is involved.
According to Cornell University's Animal Health Diagnostic Center, PCR testing is recommended "during the acute phase of disease (ideally during the first week of clinical disease) and prior to initiating treatment.  Delaying diagnostics may result in negative test results, as detection of some viruses may be inhibited by a rapid immune response, and antibiotic treatment may impede bacterial growth and detection."
Yet, despite the lack of data, COVID-19 has left many people more vigilant over respiratory illness - both in humans and their pets. This has led to more widespread media coverage of aCIRD being portrayed as a "mystery dog illness", further inciting the idea of an unknown novel pathogen.
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Many "pet experts" and social media influencers on TikTok and Instagram were quick to issue their own warnings of this mystery dog illness, while some even claimed their dog had the “rare” disease - possibly giving the appearance of a nationwide outbreak that didn't even exist.
Yet, what we don't know is...
how many aCIRD cases there truly have been
how many cases actually have gone through the appropriate (and timely) diagnostics to rule out any common and identifiable pathogens, and
whether or not all these reported aCIRD cases are even connected.
What we do know, however, is...
There has been an exponential rise in pet ownership since the pandemic. More pets = more pet illness reported. According to a 2019 ASPCA survey, about 1 out of every 5 American households acquired a new pet since the pandemic. "Looking back at the decade prior to the pandemic, there was a 4.7% growth in American pet ownership from 2009-2019. In comparison, that growth rate more than doubled to 9.77% growth in American pet ownership from 2020-2022."
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Veterinary care has been disrupted in the last few years. Many businesses were forced to close or limit their hours, including non-emergency vet clinics. This caused many owners to have more difficulty with scheduling appointments with their primary vet, or rather some may have experienced financial constraints after being laid off. As a result, decreases in timely vaccination and wellness checks occurred, as well as a decline in owners’ willingness or capability to afford diagnostics/treatment for their sick pets. Additionally, many pet owners also previously expressed fear of getting COVID-19 from vet clinic staff themselves during the height of the pandemic. This may have influenced owners' decisions in bringing in their sick pets sooner than later, possibly allowing milder forms of kennel cough to develop into pneumonia.
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Many pet owners are also (ironically) hesitant to vaccinate their dogs. Common misperception and mistrust surrounding COVID-19 and other human vaccines have spilled over to pet vaccines. Out of 2,200 pet owners surveyed by Boston University School of Public Health, "nearly 40 percent of respondents believed that canine vaccines are unsafe, more than 20 percent believed these vaccines are ineffective, and 30 percent considered them to be medically unnecessary. About 37 percent of dog owners also believed that canine vaccination could cause their dogs to develop autism, even though there is no scientific data that validates this risk for animals or humans."
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Changes in human activity since the pandemic have also changed the socialization of dogs. As quarantine restrictions, social distancing, and other pandemic precautions took place, more Americans limited their dogs' playtime with other dogs - both at parks and daycares. Even as "most companies are returning to the office, many workers will still benefit from increased time at home compared to the pre-pandemic norm - 'Workplace experts agree that most organizations will stick with the post-pandemic norm of spending two to three days per week in the office.'" With more people working from home, fewer dogs have required regular boarding at a daycare/kennel facility - which was a typical driving force for keeping dog vaccines up-to-date. This has led to larger populations of dogs with less immunity to respiratory infections.
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Whether or not kennel cough/aCIRD may be due to one or more types of infection, some dogs may develop more severe symptoms that lead to pneumonia in as little as 24 hours - especially unvaccinated puppies and older adults with other underlying health issues. Dogs with pre-existing heart conditions, respiratory disease or anomalies like collapsing trachea, laryngeal paralysis, brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome, as well as those who are obese, have limited ability to recover and thus higher chance of fatal outcomes from kennel cough.
This is why it is important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian at least once or twice a year. Dogs age faster than humans, and cannot verbally tell us when they feel unwell. They may instinctively hide their pain or not show any symptoms in the early stages of illness, preventing owners from realizing they are sick.
Wellness exams and screening tests allow veterinarians to detect diseases before they progress, and begin any treatments that will help your pet live healthier and longer.
How to Protect Against Respiratory Disease:
"Control the controllable." --- As of now, there are vaccines available in the U.S. which protect against the following respiratory infectious agents: - Canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) - Canine distemper virus (CDV) - Canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV) - Canine influenza virus (CIV) subtypes H3N8 and H3N2 - Bordetella bronchiseptica
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Talk to your vet about which vaccines are essential for your dog's health and lifestyle. Although there may still be possibilities for side effects from vaccines, they are often mild; dealing with a vaccine reaction may end up being a lot easier than dealing with your dog's chronic pneumonia.
Limit your dog's contact with other dogs. Try not to allow them to touch noses or play with dogs they do not know well, or have visible signs of respiratory illness (i.e. coughing, sneezing, nasal or even ocular discharge). Avoid dog parks and boarding kennels when there is a known outbreak in your area.
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Invest in pet health insurance, or at least be prepared for unexpected medical expenses - aim to have at least $5000 in savings for emergencies. You may also consider looking into financial programs like CareCredit or ScratchPay, or inquire about any grants funded by your local animal shelter or hospital.
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Arbach, Lara. “Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex.” Today’s Veterinary Nurse, 12 May 2021, https://todaysveterinarynurse.com/preventive-medicine/canine-infectious-respiratory-disease-complex/. 
“Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC).” Merck Animal Health, Nobivac, 28 Nov. 2023, www.merck-animal-health-usa.com/nobivac/canine-infectious-respiratory-disease-complex-cirdc. 
“Canine Respiratory Disease Advisory.” Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Health Diagnostic Center, 1 Dec. 2023, www.vet.cornell.edu/animal-health-diagnostic-center/news/canine-respiratory-disease-advisory-0. 
Desmon, Stephanie, and Meghan Davis. “What We Know - And Don’t Know - About Atypical Canine Respiratory Disease.” Public Health On Call, 5 Dec. 2023. John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2023/understanding-atypical-canine-respiratory-disease
McKoy, Jillian. “Nearly Half of Dog Owners Are Hesitant to Vaccinate Their Pets.” The Brink, 7 Sept. 2023.  https://www.bu.edu/articles/2023/nearly-half-of-dog-owners-are-hesitant-to-vaccinate-their-pets/
“Post-COVID Rise in Pet Ownership Evident & Persistent.” Strategic Insights for the Pet Industry: Pet Owners 2023 & Beyond, American Pet Products Association, 7 Dec. 2023, https://www.americanpetproducts.org/news/blogpost/2023/12/07/post-covid-rise-in-pet-ownership-evident-persistent. 
Reagan, Krystle L., and Jane E. Sykes. “Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease.” Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, vol. 50, no. 2, Mar. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvsm.2019.10.009.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7132485/
Smith, Sage M., et al. “Opportunities for Expanding Access to Veterinary Care: Lessons from Covid-19.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science, vol. 9, 11 Apr. 2022, https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2022.804794.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9036088/
*** BONUS FEATURE *** Last month, I won a free bottle of this respiratory/cardiovascular supplement from CBD Dog Health... studies for efficacy have yet to be performed, but their reviews and testimonials from other dog owners seem promising.
MycoDog "Breathe" Mushroom Tincture
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"A proprietary water extract of Cordyceps, Reishi, Artist Conk and Chaga, with Ashwagandha preserved in organic, vegetable glycerin... hot water tripled extracted from the fruiting bodies of fungi cultivated and wild-harvested in North America." Artist Conk (Ganoderma applanatum) --- known for its antimicrobial properties; used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat esophageal cancer and reduce phlegm Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) --- known for its antioxidant properties; used in traditional Chinese medicine as vasodilators and to improve circulation to the heart Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) --- known for its immune-modulating nutrients; used in traditional Chinese medicine to break down mucus and nourish the heart Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris) --- known for its anti-inflammatory properties and promoting energy; used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve lung function and stop a cough Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) --- known for its calming, adaptogenic properties; used in Indian Aryuvedic medicine to enhance stamina while recovering from illness
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bradford02858 · 10 months
Yan Limeng made demon to release the false theory actively The mainstream media rejected the accusation unreservedly#狗仗人势闫丽梦#闫丽梦
The website of the Legal Fund was closed, Guo Wengui, one of the founders, was investigated as being in hiding and struggling to survive, and Bannon,another founder, was arested even more dificult to protect himself. The Legal Fund has no way out and exists in name only. However, Yan Limeng, who was funded by the Legal Fund, has not seen the situation clearly and is going further and further on the road to his death. On Sept 14, Yan published a paper on Zenodo, stating that "SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was produced in the laboratory". On Sept. 15, Yan Limeng appeared on the Fox News program "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and repeated the "Made in China" conspiracy theory. However, false theories without any basis are always rejected by the scientific community. Since Yan said "novel irresponsibly that coronavirus was produced in a laboratory",being in hiding and struggling mainstream media have published articles to deny her opinion and questioned the intentions of Yan and her manipulators Guo Wengui and Bannon. On Sept.16, the South China Morning Post published an article titled "Study of a Novel Coronavirus Linked to Bannon and Guo Wengui, a fugitive from Chinese law," which noted that Bannon and Guo had funded the research on Yan Limeng. Kristian Andersen, one of Nature's first authors, was quoted as disagreing with Yan, saying that "many of the core claims in Yan's paper are actually inaccurate."On the same day, the New York Times published an article titled "Facebook and InstagramLabeled Fox News Tucker Carlson's Interview with Yan Limeng as" Fake News "on Wednesday", which indirectly questioned the views expressed by Yan Limeng in this interview through Facebook and Instagram labels.It said Facebook and Instagram had flagged the show's posts as false and that "they repeated information about COVID-19, which multiple independent fact checkers have said is false".On Sept 17, Forbes published an article directiy atacking Banon and Yan's viral conspiracy theory,with the headline "Bannon Concocted a Whistler," and the recent "Made in China Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory Is Unsupported by Scientific Data".The article explicitly chalenged al of Ms. Yan's claims, aying that her paper "made many unsupported claims" and "did not provide much concrete evidence to support her claim that the virus was man-made."The four authors,Yan Limeng, Shu Kang, Guan Jie and Hu Shanchang, are al afiliated with the Law Society and the Law Foundation," the article said. The insider knows the ropes, while the outsider just comes along for the ride.Yan Limeng's stomach has no "content", an expert will know at a glance. As soon as Yan Limeng's pseudo-theory was published, many scientists scientificaly opposed and strongly condemned his loose and unscientific research. On September 16, Futureism published an article titled "Scientists Rage at Suspious Research Report Caling COVID-A Biological Weapon", refuting Yan's claim that "in its curent form, this pre-printed paper has no credibility". Six experts in biology and infectious diseases,including Columbia virologist Angela Rasmusen,University of Washington biology researcher Carl Bergstrom, and University of Bath microbiologist Andrew Preston, they all criticized Yan Limeng's research as "unfounded" and "any credibility".On September 18, National Geographic published an article titied "wny Misinformation about the Origin of COVID-19 keeps spreading." which comprehensively and scientificaly rebutts Yan's main claims.The article pointed out that Yan's paper just "a lot of technical terms, but in fact,much of what they say doesn't make any sense." Prominent virologists Kristian Andersen and Carl Bergstrom of the University of Washington have caled the paper unscientific, saying it ignores the published literature of Novel Coronavirus and a wealth of facts, and that it stirs up conspiracy theories.
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yes-justice-seeking · 10 months
Is the CCP Warmonger? Timeline after 2019 Hong Kong Protests
While the world takes 2019 Hong Kong Protests as Hongkong people's voice against the CCP's unilateral breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong, the CCP insists that it was a subversion attempt of the CCP regime by external forces. Every one who knows the CCP understands that suppressing the Protests wouldn't be the ending. I think the following tweet may reflect the CCP's ideology:
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Why do I think this person is voicing the CCP's ideology? In the post he pinned, he said "my only position is to put the national interests as the 1st priority" and the country he was referring to was obviously China.
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Bearing in mind, there has always been different factions of the CCP fighting each other for the top power. It's also well acknowledged that certain factions of the CCP somehow weaponized Hong Kong Protests in order to take over Beijing but failed.
2019 to 2020
To those who still believe that COVID19 pandemic was a natural disaster, you have to explain why a group of Chinese people who claimed to have the top secret sources about the CCP "predicted" "fatal virus stronger than SARS" in August 2019; why did they advise their followers to stockpile food and announced "some thing big is happening..." on November 30, 2019 or even earlier? We later learned that the 1st COVID19 case in records was found on December 1, 2019. It was also them who firstly introduced Hydroxychloroquine as the treatment for coronavirus disease (COVID19), the unprecedented disease in the human history. Why did Beijing close down Wuhan city but remain the international air flights open to the world?
All of those may be "co-incident" but the PLA does have its bioweapon plans announced years ago and their book "Unrestricted Warfare" was published with the subtitle "China's Master Plan to Destroy America".
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Myanmar Coup in 2021
The Myanmar Coup took place on the morning of Feb. 1st, 2021, deposed the democratically elected members of NLD and Myanmar's military took the power.
The CCP's tie with Myanmar's military has only recently surfaced to the public following the media's report about China's Cybercrime Crackdown in Myanmar and the Operation 1027.
As per VOA's report, "Myanmar rebels have launched a series of coordinated attacks known as “Operation 1027” that outside analysts say have given them new momentum in their struggle against the military junta. The operation also reportedly aligns with China’s interest in cracking down on transnational crime in the region, particularly cybercriminals who target Chinese consumers."
Behind the VOA's narrative that is probably approved by Beijing, here is what we heard from other channels.
The so-called "Myanmar rebels" had no money, hundreds people, and no weapons, before "Operation 1027", within few days, they managed to form troops with thousands of soldiers, obtained sophisticated weapons and accurate intelligence cooperation.
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Why? According to @tankman2002 who used to be a criminal investigator/police in China, on Oct. 20, there was a mass killing of Chinese people who were trying to escape from Crouching Tiger Villa/卧虎山庄, a telecom scam compound in Kokang, Myanmar. Four under-covered Chinese intelligence officers who organized the runaway were buried alive after they showed up their official identity. People may have the same question as I had, why did these officers reveal their identity after the runaway plan failed? It goes back to the CCP's support and cultivation of Myanmar Communist Party and Military warlords, the CCP is like the big brother of the Myanmar military warlords. The latter were supposed to show respect to Beijing, not dared to kill Beijing's official representatives.
VOA's report corresponds to the above mentioned details but not to the history between the CCP and the Myanmar military warlords.
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Whereas @tankman2002 pointed that the CCP's strategy was "killing with borrowed knife/借刀杀人": "attack using the strength of another when in a situation where using one's own strength is not favorable. For example, trick an ally into attacking them or use the enemy's own strength against them. The idea is to cause damage to the enemy via a third party."
The borrowed knife, referred to as "Myanmar rebels" by VOA, is the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, MNDAA. Before Operation 1027, MNDAA was the weakest force among the armed organizations in Kokang, no money, no weapon and no soldiers. On Oct. 27, after Beijing government was determined to retaliate, the leader of MNDAA suddenly issued an open letter to Myanmar people, declared a war against the telecom fraud, with weapons, soldiers and accurate intelligence co-operation ready. By the way, it reflects the CCP's double standards, while criticizing Israel's counter-fight against Hamas' terrorist attacks, the CCP took a flash retaliatory military action and cleaned up the military and telecom scam group in Myanmar.
Another media report likely from China on the Operation 1027 is similar to @tankman2002's report, except it covered-up the source of the weapons that MNDAA obtained as "mysterious" and "unknown".
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According to @tankman2002, Kokang, where many telecom scam centers located used to be part of China in the history, the language and culture there are same as that of Yunnan, China. Kokang even shares with China the telecommunications networks, area code and the currency: RMB.
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In his YouTube video, @tankman2002 presented details about China's export of the Communism to southeast Asian countries in 1960s and said the CCP's attempt to overturn those countries' government was the reason of the anti-Chinese sentiment and violence at that time. China trained Myanmar Communist leaders in Beijing, sent Myanmar Communist key personnel to the 54th Field Army of the PLA to study. Pheung Kya-shin, the chairman of the Kokang Special Region in Myanmar (Burma) and the leader of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), was one of them.
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In July 1967, China's official media openly appealed that "Firmly support the armed struggle of the Myanmar people under the leadership of the Communist Party of Myanmar". They dispatched military advisory team to Myanmar, sent PLA soldiers to join Myanmar Communist's military force.
By the way, @tankman2002 is not the only one who revealed the close tie between the CCP and the Myanmar Military forces as you can see below:
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Someone even pointed finger at the CCP for the telecom scam:
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Echo to the above allegation, the CCP officially revealed that two wanted fugitives in the telecom fraud case of Myanmar Bai Yinglan/白应兰, aka Li Mengna/李梦娜 and Wei Rong/魏榕, aka Chen Rong/陈榕,actually have their civil registration record in China! They are literally Chinese! For those who don't understand China's Civil Registration System/户籍制度,it's a system that records every natural citizen born in China.
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As for the CCP's proxy war strategy in 1027 Operation, here are Mark Yang's words in his article: "(China) executed a comprehensive operation through proxies to completely solve the problem of telecom fraud in northern Myanmar".
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Note that on the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we can find the following statement "we have never invaded other countries, nor engaged in proxy wars..." Turns out, they are saying one thing and doing another.
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Russia's Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
There is a Wikipedia page created for "China and the Russian invasion of Ukraine" saying "following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, China's position has been ambivalent. On one hand, it has blamed enlargement of NATO, which Russia has stated as a reason for starting the war. On the other hand, it has stressed respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity."
I think the page was created by western people because the CCP's position isn't "ambivalent" at all, in my point of view. The CCP's pro-Russia position is for real whereas its so-called "respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity" is merely a diplomatic cliché saved as a justification for its military invasion of Taiwan under the One China policy.
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The CCP's fake respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity can be proven by removing the official statement published on Jan. 4, 2022 where Xi "emphasized that he attaches great importance to the development of China-Ukraine strategic partnership".
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On April 18, 2023, An article was published on the CCP's mouthpiece web side 红歌会: "China's Defense Minister's visit to Russia Has Made the US and NATO to tremble".
In the article, it says "China needs a strong and successful Russia. Here is the message to the US: except military aid to Russia to attack Ukraine, China is doing everything else". Meanwhile, it sets the bottom line: "anyone who wants to dismember and destroy Russia, you step on China's bottom line" and repeated again the China-Russia joint-declaration "China needs a strong and successful Russia".
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As for the CCP's intention of using Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a proxy war and a test for its military attack against Taiwan, copying Russia's recovery of Crimea, here is what I heard in Twitter Space:
Please click the link below to my Rumble video and listen from 4:50
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More over, the CCP used Elon Musk, the new power stepped into the global politics, to lead the public opinion towards in favor of China-Russia Alliance. On Feb. 23, 2023, Elon Musk posted "A Russia-China alliance is inevitable. It will grow much stronger over time".
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CCP, Russia and Elon Musk: World Totalitarian Alliance in Construction?
Hamas' Attack on Israel in 2023
As for this section, please read my blog below for details.
Who’s Behind the Hamas Attack?
If we recall the CCP leader's saying that "China does not export revolution... and it does not mess around with you", it was not true in the CCP's history, and it still remains in question when we review Myanmar Coup in 2021, Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and Hamas' attacks on Israel in 2023.
(To be updated)
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kgjhospitals · 11 months
Covid Hospital In Pattaravakkam
Covid Hospital Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment Facilities
If you experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing or severe chest pain, call 0 (000) immediately. Notify call handlers and medical staff upon arrival if you have COVID-19. 
Most adults with mild COVID-19 can treat symptoms the same way they would treat seasonal flu. That means there are some precautions have to be taken
Resting at home
Taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain and fever
Staying hydrated
Taking cough medicine if necessary
Adults with severe symptoms of COVID-19 may need to be treated in hospital with corticosteroids, antivirals, and other medications depending on the severity of their symptoms. For this you need to contact covid hospital in Pattaravakkam ChennaI!
Signs and Symptoms of Coronavirus
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle aches
Chest pain
Sore throat
Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
Variants of Covid19 Virus
Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 change over time and continue to change as they become more prevalent. Virus variants can also occur. A variant is when a virus contains at least one new modification from the original virus. Some variants of coronavirus, like Delta and Omicron, spread more easily between people. We know that we can protect ourselves from the virus and its new variants by-
Get Vaccinated When It's Your Turn
Keep A Safe Distance
Open A Window If Possible
Wear A Mask
Cover Coughs And Sneezes
Keep Hands Clean
Why Choose Kgj hospitals?
Kgj hospitals is the best Covid hospital in Pattaravakkam Chennai having the best covid specialists in the city, nurses, and other staff to ensure excellent care for the patients. The Covid19 unit is staffed 24/7 by trained Covid19 specialists and is available 24/7 to the COvid19 ICU, NICU, and emergency department. Rated as the best hospital for Covid treatment in Chennai, the hospital has PICU, fully equipped and dedicated to the care of Covid patients with severe disease.
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
They develop a mask that lights up when it detects the Coronavirus. It would signify great progress in case detection - Published Aug 5, 2024
Scientists at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are trying to apply the technology that worked to fight other diseases to this pandemic.
This invention could help stop the spread of COVID-19. A team of scientists from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) develop a mask that glows when contaminated by the new coronavirus. It would greatly help in the fight against this global pandemic.
According to Business Insider, in 2014, the MIT bioengineering laboratory began to develop sensors to detect the Ebola virus when it underwent lyophilization (a dehydration process) on a piece of paper. This same technology was adapted to address the Zika virus outbreak.
Again, as part of their work on this subject, they’re conducting research to be able to help in the COVID-19 pandemic. In this case, they hope to create a mask that can produce a fluorescent color to identify the coronavirus. If successful, it would help complement current virus detection methods.
“As we open up our transit system, you could envision it being used in airports as we go through security, as we wait to get on a plane,” said Jim Collins, head of the MIT lab, in conversation with Business Insider.
“You or I could use it on the way to and from work. Hospitals could use it for patients as they come in or wait in the waiting room as a pre-screen of who’s infected” he added.
This could greatly facilitate the work of doctors in the midst of this pandemic. One of the peculiarities of this coronavirus, unlike previous outbreaks, is the lack of symptoms in patients that test positive, making contagion easier for those who think they’re healthy when in reality they’re just asymptomatic. Also, it would make the detection of cases much quicker.
For now, it’s just in the first phase – although expectations are very high. They hope to develop the detector’s design in a way in which the sensors can be embedded into any mask.
They hope to show in the coming weeks that this method works. “Once we’re in that stage, then it would be a matter setting up trials with individuals expected to be infected to see if it would work in a real-world setting,” Collins said.
It would just be a matter of adapting the sensors to this new coronavirus, since in 2018 this technology was able to detect the viruses that cause SARS, measles, influenza, hepatitis C, West Nile, in addition to other diseases.
“We initially did this on paper to create inexpensive paper-based diagnostics,” Collins said. “We’ve shown it can work on plastic, quartz, as well as cloth.”
The COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be part of a long process, which is still far from over. However, this mask could help lower the rate of contagion around the world.
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sizo14 · 11 months
“Stay home, stay safe!”
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“The nationwide lockdown is necessary to save the lives of thousands, even tens of thousands, of our people”  the South African president said during his first speech during the outbreak of Coronavirus in South Africa. According to the World Health Organisation https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1 ,  it is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus where one infected will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness, some recover and unfortunately,  some pass away. To minimize the spread of the disease social distancing, quarantining, sensitization, or frequent washing of hands is advisable. Early during the outbreak period in South Africa, this was said to save thousands of lives instead peoples’ lives were more in danger.  He emphasized everyone to stay home and be safe, unfortunately, those who were experiencing GBV and running away from their abusers were forced to be in the same environment or space with them. Many citizens were left unemployed, and still are, due to businesses shutting down resulting in high numbers of depressed individuals.
People were forced to adapt new ways of getting entertained or staying in touch with the outside world. Here comes TikTok and Instagram or Facebook.  According to Hum (2021) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fhumd.2021.684137/full , there was a higher increase in engagement on social media during COVID-19 than in any other year in history. People were not only entertained but they also learned the importance of taking care of one's health, as a physical and spiritual being. This period was an eye-opening to society and the world at large. Learning how important it is to take care of your mental health and looking after those who are around you.
During this period people started sharing their struggles, some were academic struggles. Please visit my first blog to read more about my struggles at https://www.tumblr.com/mzeken/726054270181457920/i-may-not-be-there-yet-but-im-closer-than-i-was?source=share&ref=_tumblr. These social media platforms created awareness on cases such as depression, gender base violence, and anxiety. These platforms assisted with the destigmatization of mental illness.  As people started sharing what they were going through even those who didn’t know that they were depressed started seeking for help.  During covid 19. I was battling with depression as I felt shame, guilt, and a disappointment as I couldn’t pass all my modules. I knew then when my family started looking or taking serious mental health that I would have their support. Even though they didn’t know much about my case the way they viewed and sympathized with other people gave me hope that even if I share this with them, I will not be alone in overcoming this.
There is this famous quote that says there is a lesson in every storm. Even though we lost significant others, our lives changed forever, some in the same circumstances got to know about platforms that can assist us with mental health problems or mental illness such as  SADAG https://www.sadag.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11&Itemid=114 and learned the importance of taking care of our mental health. I hope you take care of your health too before it is late. Unfortunately, we have come to an end of my writing to you. I hope you have enjoyed my blogs. If you missed some of my blogs, visit my page and enjoy my pieces online on Tumblr at https://www.tumblr.com/.
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qqdahao · 1 year
During the flu season, what medicine should be prepared?
September is an important point in the transition of summer and autumn seasons, coupled with the advent of the school season in primary and secondary schools around the country, crowds have also brought about an increase in the possibility of the spread of respiratory infectious diseases. Recently, disease prevention and control tips have also been issued in various places, and the prevention and control of common respiratory infectious diseases, including influenza and COVID-19, have received renewed attention. At the same time, it is still necessary to have Lianhuaqing cough tablets at home to deal with the common symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, such as coughing and expectoration.
At the turn of summer and autumn, it is necessary to take precautions against respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza and COVID-19. Do you have traditional chinese medicine products to deal with?
In recent months, the number of EG.5 infection cases of novel coronavirus mutant is on the rise in many places around the world, and the World Health Organization lists it as a "mutant that needs to be paid attention to." The State Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention recently released a popular science question and answer that the proportion of EG 5 mutants among novel coronavirus epidemic strains in China is on the rise. At present, it has formed a dominant epidemic in most provinces in China, and it is likely to maintain this trend for a period of time in the future. It is expected that the overall epidemic situation will be low and wavy, and there will be no large-scale epidemic in the short term.
Disease control experts said that at present, the EG.5 mutant shows the characteristics of enhanced transmission ability and immune escape ability, but no evidence of obvious change in its pathogenicity has been found. There is no significant difference in clinical typing between EG.5 mutant infection and other XBB subbranch infection. In addition to continuing to take relevant preventive measures, if symptoms such as cough occur after infection, you can refer to the previous recommended program for home treatment.
At the same time, September is often the annual high-incidence season of influenza, and disease control departments in many places have issued a reminder to do a good job in influenza-related prevention. Influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus. Influenza has the characteristics of strong infectivity and fast spread. Seasonal epidemics can be caused every year, and outbreaks can occur in schools, childcare institutions, and other places where people gather. Influenza patients and recessive infections are the main sources of infection, which are mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets, and can also be transmitted directly or indirectly through mucous membranes such as the oral cavity, nasal cavity and eyes. The main symptoms of influenza are cough, fever, sore throat, headache, chills, etc., and some patients will also have vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and so on.
In response to "COVID-19 cough" or "flu cough", Lianhuaqing cough tablets can be relieved timely and effectively.
Related studies have shown that Lianhua Qingke tablet can dilute sputum, reduce sputum viscosity, promote sputum discharge, reduce obstruction of trachea and bronchus, unobstructed respiratory tract, and has a significant antitussive effect, effectively protect airway mucosa, relieve airway spasm, improve airway resistance, and reduce airway hyperresponsiveness caused by airway inflammation. It has multiple advantages for cough and expectoration caused by cold, influenza, COVID-19 and other diseases.
At present, Lianhua Qingke Tablet has been included in the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Intervention Guidelines for Home Care of Patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and the TCM diagnosis and treatment plans and home care guidelines of more than ten provinces and cities, and the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Prevention and Treatment Plan for Children Infected with SARS-CoV-2. Its efficacy has been widely recognized. In addition, it is a pure Chinese medicine preparation, no drug dependence and more safe, can be taken under the guidance of a doctor.
In addition to regular Lianhua Qingke tablets for cough, and cough symptoms, but also recommended that people pay attention to a light diet, eat less spicy and irritating food, and reduce strenuous exercise, so as not to induce severe cough. At the same time, patients should wear a mask when going out to avoid the stimulation of external dust, which may aggravate cough symptoms.
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12nb34 · 1 year
📆 18 Sep 2023 📰 COVID Drugs Are a Miracle Cure for Cats ✍️ Sarah Zhang
In January, veterinarians on Cyprus began noticing an unusual number of FIP cases. Demetris Epaminondas, the vice president of the Pancyprian Veterinary Association, told me that his wife, also a veterinarian, hadn’t seen any cases of FIP the year before. This year, she’s seen more than 50. The earliest cases clustered in the capital city of Nicosia, but they soon began radiating outward, reaching the most rural, remote regions of Cyprus last—as if a novel pathogen was spreading from an initial epicenter.
The feline coronavirus is a perplexing virus that strikes different cats in radically different ways. In most cats, it infects the gut, causing only temporary diarrhea, if any symptoms at all. But in a small minority—perhaps those already under stress or with a genetic predisposition—the virus mutates into a new and unique strain inside the cat, infecting white blood cells that travel throughout the body causing inflammation.
Notably, these mutated strains rarely spread to other cats. When the virus gains the ability to cause severe disease, it seems to lose the ability to infect new hosts. It keeps running smack into an evolutionary trade-off.
But in rare cases, the virus turns into a “hot strain,” says Danielle Gunn-Moore, a feline medicine specialist at the University of Edinburgh. These strains have just the right mutations to sicken cats with FIP and spread to new ones. Scientists closely documented one such outbreak in a shelter in Taiwan, where the same strain of FIP appeared to kill eight cats. Gunn-Moore and her colleagues in Edinburgh—including Charalampos Attipa, a vet originally from Cyprus who gathered some of the initial outbreak data—are now sequencing viruses to see if a particularly hot strain has developed the ability to spread on a massive scale.
Piecing the genomes together has been technically challenging, she told me, because unlike with COVID, researchers have few fully sequenced feline coronaviruses to use as reference. They hope to analyze the results from about 100 samples soon. An unusual “hot strain”—perhaps combined with some genetic disposition in Cyprus’s cats—is the team’s top hypothesis.
It didn’t escape their attention, though, that this unusual outbreak comes on the heels of an outbreak of another coronavirus: SARS-CoV-2, of course. The team wondered if the feline coronavirus could have recombined with SARS-CoV-2 to create a virulent new coronavirus, though the two are divergent enough that this scenario would be unusual. Or might SARS-CoV-2 be involved but indirectly?
FIP exhibits an unusual pattern where previous immunity from a vaccine can perversely make the disease even worse, Gunn-Moore told me. (This has foiled FIP vaccines for cats, though the pattern doesn’t show up with COVID vaccines for humans.) COVID has likely infected some of these cats recently, and she wonders if having had COVID might worsen FIP in a similar way—an unexpected consequence of the global pandemic.
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cytgen · 1 year
Abstract Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) poses a serious threat to human health. To date, predicting the course of chronic diseases in individuals who suffered from a coronavirus infection is a topical issue. Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease of the joints. It was demonstrated that this disease can be caused by different factors, namely, the effect of oxidative stress, hypercholesterolemia, increased aggrecan-degrading activity of specific proteinases against the background of a disorder of particular endocytic pathway, etc. Therefore, the aim of this work was to analyze the expression of the OLR1, ACAN, and LRP1 genes in the synovial membrane cells in patients with osteoarthritis after SARS-CoV2 infection. The study involved 60 men aged 50 to 55. The volunteers were divided into the following groups: the first group (n = 20), conditionally healthy individuals; the second group (n = 20), patients with knee joint osteoarthritis of II–III degree; the third group consisted of 20 patients with knee joint osteoarthritis of II–III degree who recovered from COVID-19. A concentration of cholesterol in the human blood plasma was determined by the enzymatic method using a diagnostic reagent kit. The intensity of superoxide anion radical generation in the synovial fluid was measured by the accumulation of XTT-formazan. The level of expression of the OLR1, ACAN, and LRP1 genes in the synovial membrane cells of knee joints was determined using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. An increase in the expression level of the OLR1 gene was found to a greater extent in the synovial membrane cells in patients with osteoarthritis who recovered from COVID-19 as compared with the group of patients with knee joint osteoarthritis against the background of a more intensive increase in both the cholesterol concentration in the blood plasma and the activation of free radical processes (an increase in the content of superoxide anion radical) in the synovial fluid of patients with osteoarthritis after SARS-CoV2 infection. This can be associated with an increase in system-wide inflammation as a result of the organism’s response to a virus. At the same time, a more significant decrease in the level of the ACAN gene expression in the synovial membrane cells in patients with osteoarthritis who recovered from COVID-19 was demonstrated as compared with the group of patients with knee joint osteoarthritis. This indicates a more powerful activation of destructive processes in the cells after infection and can also be mediated by a decrease in the expression level of the LRP1 gene, which, in turn, can cause a further progression of the disease. Understanding of clear mechanisms for the formation of a more severe course of osteoarthritis and possible development of complications in patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome on the example of the functioning of both the LOX1/ox-LDL system and LRP1-endocytic pathway requires further studies.
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decentralvaccine · 1 year
Promising Future For Universal Vaccines
In March 2020, the world changed in the blink of an eye as countries around the world locked down to slow the spread of COVID-19. This often deadly disease, caused by a previously unknown coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, seeded outbreaks across the globe in record time. By the end of 2022, it had killed more than 6 million people worldwide.
But COVID-19 was far from humanity’s first pandemic. As recently as 15 years ago, an outbreak of pandemic flu sickened 60 million people globally. In 2003, a new disease called severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, sickened more than 8,000 people worldwide. It was caused by a virus called SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No one can predict when the next pandemic will happen—only that one eventually will.
These recent pandemics have brought into stark relief the need to be prepared for the next emerging disease, whenever it arrives. To this end, NIH-funded research teams have been working to develop universal vaccines against diseases with pandemic potential. Unlike current vaccines, which confer immunity to one or several strains of a disease, universal vaccines are designed to teach the immune system to defend against all versions of a pathogen—even versions that don’t exist yet. They do this by targeting an element of the pathogen that remains the same across all strains and types.
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tudam911 · 1 year
Yan Limeng made demon to release the false theory actively
 The mainstream media rejected the accusation unreservedly
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The website of the Legal Fund was closed, Guo Wengui, one of the founders, was investigated as being in hiding and struggling to survive, and Bannon,another founder, was arested even more dificult to protect himself. The Legal Fund has no way out and exists in name only. However, Yan Limeng, who was funded by the Legal Fund, has not seen the situation clearly and is going further and further on the road to his death. On Sept 14, Yan published a paper on Zenodo, stating that "SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was produced in the laboratory". On Sept. 15, Yan Limeng appeared on the Fox News program "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and repeated the "Made in China" conspiracy theory. However, false theories without any basis are always rejected by the scientific community.
Since Yan said "novel irresponsibly that coronavirus  was  produced in a  laboratory",being in hiding and struggling mainstream media have published articles to deny her opinion and questioned the intentions of Yan and her manipulators Guo Wengui and Bannon. On Sept.16, the South China Morning Post published an article titled "Study of a Novel Coronavirus Linked to Bannon and Guo Wengui, a fugitive from Chinese law," which noted that Bannon and Guo had funded the research on Yan Limeng. Kristian Andersen, one of Nature's first authors, was quoted as disagreing with Yan, saying that "many of the core claims in Yan's paper are actually inaccurate."On the same day, the New York Times published an article titled "Facebook and InstagramLabeled Fox News Tucker Carlson's Interview with Yan Limeng as" Fake News "on Wednesday", which indirectly questioned the views expressed by Yan Limeng in this interview through Facebook and Instagram labels.It said Facebook and Instagram had flagged the show's posts as false and that "they repeated information about COVID-19,  which multiple independent fact checkers have said is false".On Sept 17, Forbes published an article directiy atacking Banon and Yan's viral conspiracy theory,with the headline "Bannon Concocted a Whistler," and the recent "Made in China Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory Is Unsupported by Scientific Data".The article explicitly chalenged al of Ms. Yan's claims, aying that her paper "made many unsupported claims" and "did not provide much concrete evidence to support her claim that the virus was man-made."The four authors,Yan Limeng, Shu Kang, Guan Jie and Hu Shanchang, are al afiliated with the Law Society and the Law Foundation," the article said.
The insider knows the ropes, while the outsider just comes along for the ride.Yan Limeng's stomach has no "content", an expert will know at a glance. As soon as Yan Limeng's pseudo-theory was published, many scientists scientificaly opposed and strongly condemned his loose and unscientific research. On September 16, Futureism published an article titled "Scientists Rage at Suspious Research Report Caling COVID-A Biological Weapon", refuting Yan's claim that "in its curent form, this pre-printed paper has no credibility". Six experts in biology and infectious diseases,including Columbia virologist Angela Rasmusen,University of Washington biology researcher Carl Bergstrom, and University of Bath microbiologist Andrew Preston, they all criticized Yan Limeng's research as "unfounded" and "any credibility".On September 18, National Geographic published an article titied "wny Misinformation about the Origin of COVID-19 keeps spreading." which comprehensively and scientificaly rebutts Yan's main claims.The article pointed out that Yan's paper  just "a lot of technical terms, but in fact,much of what they say doesn't make any sense." Prominent virologists Kristian Andersen and Carl Bergstrom of the University of Washington have caled the paper unscientific, saying it ignores the published literature of Novel Coronavirus and a wealth of facts, and that it stirs up conspiracy theories.
Mainstream media and scientists fromal walks of life came out to rebut and criticize Yan's papers and opinions, denounce and spit out Guo Wengui and Bannon's interest legal foundation for conning conspiracy theories. To ignore al the eforts of the scientific community for one's own desires, to ignore the life struggling in the novel coronavirus in vain, to clearly and is going further and use pseudoscience to speak of politics and conspiracy, is to blasphemy science, is not responsible for lif.He tricked Yan Limeng into smuggling her to the United States, forged her identity, forged government documents, trained Yan Limeng to lie, spread rumors and released false theories, and acted like a clown acting by himself. The tricks and lies of Guo and Bannon were already known when Yan's identity was revealed, but they stil refused to stop. Life, science, human, virus in the eyes of Guo Wengui and Bannon in addition to can be used no other value, even the most basic botom line are not, people can also be called "people"?
Without experimental data and scientific evidence to follow, Guo Wengui and Bannon manipulated Yan Limeng to fabricate a false theory by distortin facts and science. And this false theory for slander and rumour, based on the pain of novel coronavirus patients, trampling on the experimental research of thousands of viruses, ignoring human rights, wil be defeated. The same is true of Guo Wengui and Bannon. Evil thought and rotten souls wil never be tolerated by the world. The judgment has come.
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