#is this cringey and overdramatic? ALSO yes
harrys-titties · 5 months
“I can’t- I need to go home.” 
“No, don’t go.” He reaches toward her but stops himself just before he grabs her, bringing his arm back towards his body like the very thought of pulling Y/N back to him burned. 
She turns to him, tears brimming. “I-, no! I can’t do this anymore, Harry.” He watches as she wipes a tear. She hadn’t looked at him since they’d returned to his apartment. “All the big sighs, the angry looks. You clearly hate Xander, or maybe you hate me being here.” She chooses this point to look him dead in the eye, and Harry feels his stomach turn. 
“But you won’t say it. I keep- I thought you would but you haven’t. So what the fuck am I meant to do, huh Harry?” 
There’s no confusion in Harry’s voice when he speaks, only a sort of dejection that Y/N hates. She hates all of this! Harry was never supposed to be the person she had this conversation with. 
“Say what, YN?” 
That you love me. 
It’s on the tip of her tongue, just begging to come out. But Y/N knows this is one of those sentences that she couldn’t take back, one that would change the dynamic between them forever. She didn’t want to be responsible for that. So she says nothing and lets Harry read the frustration and begging in her eyes instead. 
The silence settles over the room, so long and thick it begins to choke her. 
It’s Harry who speaks again. “Yet you won’t say it either,” he shakes his head. “What do you want me to tell you, Y/N? That I love you being with him? That I’ve always imagined you coming here and the person you ending up with being the one person I can’t stand? What did you expect exactly?” 
“Plea-.” She opens her mouth to speak, but Harry had never spoken to her like this before, and the fear of losing him snakes up her throat and squeezes. 
“Do you want me to be happy for you? Because fine, if that’s what it takes, then so be it, but I’m not gonna be happy for him. And I’m not going to be happy that he took you away from me. And I’m never going to forgive him or accept him because he’s not and never will be good enough for you.” Harry hates the hurt that spills from her eyes.
But what was he supposed to say, that he was in love with her? He couldn’t. How could anyone say something like that so brazenly? This wasn’t a movie. She wasn’t going to run into Harry’s arms in the rain and forget the fiancé left in New York. Harry couldn’t be the Noah to Y/N’s Allie because she didn’t choose him. She’d never chosen him. 
She chose Xander, and Harry loved her too much to force her into making a decision she shouldn’t have had to. 
“I need to leave.” 
Harry sniffs, nodding like he was trying to convince himself she’d just said that. He lets the disappointment sink to his stomach and stew, beginning to feel sick with the implication that she was making her final choice, and he wasn’t it. Maybe he was never in the running and had only let himself believe it. 
Opening the door for her, he stood looking at the floor, waiting for her to walk past him so he could close it and try to forget how she’d looked at him twenty seconds ago. 
“Harry- please.” He looks at her then, and a tear threatening to fall from his eye causes him to clear his throat, “What, Y/N? Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, please.” 
She still doesn’t move. 
“I- I’m so scared, Harry.” It’s whispered so softly that he knows he would never have heard her if he wasn’t straining his ears, praying she’d admit she loved him.  
“Scared of what?” 
She laughs, but neither of them sees humour in any of this. “Of fucking up and losing you. Of hurting Xander and doing something I can’t take back. I’m scared of it not working out and losing both of you at once. Which is selfish, I know, but I can’t help it.” 
She looks so scared, so vulnerable that Harry is immediately transported back to their days at University. The hours they spent drunk sitting on the floor of her dorm room, the thousands of tears they’d wiped off of each other’s faces, every time Harry had thought of kissing her, and all the times he knew she was thinking the same thing. This gut-wrenching, spine-twisting feeling was exactly the same as when he’d told her he was moving. When her eyes held the same dullness they do now, every gaze and blink screaming that he’d betrayed her. 
“He’s not good enough for you, he won’t- he can’t take care of you the way that-" he gulps, “the way that I could.” 
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I hate when they change like vital plot points of a book to fit in a movie. I mean, first of all the iconic F outfits. The Circus of Talents. We lost Princess Uma, a bad bitch if there ever was one. Anyway thoughts below but I can’t add a read more on mobile so sorry. Spoilers obviously.
Thoughts on the School for Good and Evil movie
- The design and aesthetic of all of it was beautiful. I mean like everything was elegant and stunning and just visually incredibly pleasing.
- Sofia Ann Caruso is a great Sophie, she’s cringey and mean and overdramatic. She is the love child of Megamind and Regina George.
- Also Theron and Washington made great professors.
- The Tedros had a cool sword, iconic dumbassery, was pretty and also had cool fits which is how I like my men personally.
- Sophie and Agatha’s friendship at the start was super natural and well written.
- Soman cameo.
- I loved the little addition of Professor Anemone previously being a history teacher. It was just such a nice little touch to the world building and her character.
- The inherent creepiness of the casting for Rafal. I mean I always imagined him looking like a teenager but him looking like he’s in his twenties and trying to claim Sophie as his child bride really adds that extra layer of ickiness.
- Literally everything with Gregor Charming. An icon, a legend, he is the moment.
- Sofie Wylie is a good Agatha but they wrote her so blandly. Also like where was the initial awkwardness? We deserved bitchy goth loner Agatha. And like it would’ve been cool if Agatha was more conventionally unattractive. Like no hate to Sofie Wylie she’s absolutely gorgeous but it would’ve been nice if she did have that whole thing of yeah people don’t think she’s pretty but then her personality begins to outweigh that.
- Where the actual everloving fuck where Anadil’s rats? I was promised little rats. I was robbed.
- Why were all the Ever girls such bitches? I mean like passive aggressive? Yeah sure. But they were outright bullies.
- The plot change of Rafal purposefully letting Good grow complacent and vain. I think it’s more interesting when you have Good who genuinely have grown complacent without the manipulation of true evil or whatever. It adds more weight to it.
- The Circus of Talents was iconic and we deserved to have the wolves and fairies reveal.
- The blood magic? I mean like what? You have regular magic, no deus ex machina necessary.
- More development between our girls and Teddy. Like I love him being a pathetic little scrunkly but it felt like everything happened in two days. This may have been better adapted as a show considering it’s meant to be covering a whole year of school.
- We deserved hot pink finger glows.
- Lack of iconic book characters: Princess Uma, Castor and Pollux, the Golden Goose, the little pets they had, Anadil’s rats (yes I’m bitter), the librarian dude whose name I’m forgetting, he has Giles vibes, the seer, you know the dude.
- I wanted to see Hort’s frog pajamas.
- The actual explanation for the nemesis stuff like in the books.
- Where was the witches/Agatha friendship? Sophie betraying Aggie to avoid going home? Dovey caring about Good?
- More mean Sophie. Give the people what they want
- It felt so queer-baity. I know the book three twist but like it was just annoying.
Edit - Also the iconic line ‘I’m worse than my father. Because I still love you.’
All in all it was a fun movie but having loved the books as a kid I felt like they didn’t really get done justice. Two and a half hours wasn’t enough to cover the whole story adequately in my opinion.
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betasuppe · 3 years
Am I lame as sin?
Do I say & do cringe things?
But am I allowed to have fun even if I am lame & a bit cringey?
Am I totally overdramatic & suffering from a lot of mental health issues?
But am I also trying to get back on my feet & not kill myself with self hatred?
& is it really really hard to keep going & try to lift myself up when I'm done?
But... am I still trying?
Yes to all.
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starryseo · 5 years
phone number. | yang jeongin
Tumblr media
pairing ↠ jeongin x gender neutral!reader
genre ↠ just a fluffy barista au!!
wc ↠ 3229
summary ↠ jeongin likes you a latte.
warnings ↠ just jeongin being cute and in loooove. its cringey.
a/n ↠ barista!jeongin bc who doesn’t love cafe aus?
cafe glow is well-known around these parts of town bc it has such!! great!! food and drinks!
it has a real homely feel so a lot of student from the nearby schools/ unis come here
and it’s a pretty big cafe so there’s a lot of space for ppl to come in and chill, whether that be large study groups or just individuals trying to cram for upcoming tests
that homely feel?? it’s bc of all the youngsters that basically run the cafe
it’s officially owned by mr and mrs bang, but their son, chan, manages this cafe a lot since they’ve got a few other places in town to run
chan loves recruiting teens to work bc, despite their hyperactivity (esp the lot that are currently there), they’re a lot less work to deal with than grumpy adults complaining abt wages
just a few months ago, jeongin started looking around for places to work at
let’s get that bread bro
he spoke to a lot of the nearby businesses like the florist, library and pizzeria but as soon as he entered glow and saw a blond guy downing shots of black coffee as he made different drinks, he Knew he wanted to work here
he headed straight to the counter (ok ofc he waited in line first but who cares abt that)
“welcome to glow, what can i get ya?”
“hi, i was wondering if you were hiring?”
“so,” the guy - nametag reading Felix - began, leaning forwards on the counter, “you wanna join the glow gang, huh? have you got what it takes??”
maybe he should’ve thought more clearly abt this-
“felix are u creeping out kids again?? i swear this is the last time i leave you on counter duty” the black-coffee-drinking blond huffed, wiping his hands on his apron as he left the coffee machines. he nudged felix out of the way, pushing him to the machines before he turned to jeongin. “i’m sorry abt him, i don’t know why i still keep him around”
“i heard that!”
 “anyway,” the blond - nametag with Chan printed on it - grinned, “what can i get for you?”
“a job here would be great”
“you really wanna work here,,,, with that?” he pointed over to felix who looked back with a frown
“yeah, it seems pretty fun!”
“you got a cv on you?”
jeongin is a Prepared Boi. before his job hunting run he printed off multiple copies of his cv so he handed it over to chan who briefly looked over it
“when can you start working?”
“when do you need me to?”
chan let out a chuckle at that, pocketing jeongin’s cv, “swing by tomorrow at 4 and we’ll work that out, yeah?”
jeongin went home a Happy Boy and the next day at exactly 4:37 he had landed himself a sweet job at cafe glow
ever since that day a few months ago, jeongin had been learning the ins and outs of the cafe
he’s learnt all about where felix hides his ‘secret’ stash of sweets, where to kick if the machines ever go down and jisung’s ability to not stop talking
jisung’s the guy in charge of training jeongin bc chan doesn’t trust felix with another human’s life and minho, an older uni student that works here part time, is way too busy flirting with customers to get more tips those uni fees won’t pay themselves u go bby
and chan himself already has a lot to deal with since he mainly works in the kitchens
so jisung has taken jeongin under his wing and taught him how to make all drinks (despite there being a manual for this) and how to deal with the customers
and even tho jisung is only 5 months older than jeongin, he n e v e r misses an opportunity to baby the hecc out of him
“what are the different cup sizes we have?”
“uh,, small,, medium and large??”
“goSH jeonGIN you’re so smART!!!! ily!!! what cAN’T you do???”
jisung’s overdramatic as hell but he means well
and it’s always funny when jeongin teams up with felix (still a pretty rare occassion) to prank jisung
one day jeongin had a test after school so he couldn’t come by
and ofc he let chan know this in advance but he and felix decided not to tell jisung
jisung was waiting around for jeongin to come and he literally almost started crying when felix told him an hour later that jeongin wasn’t gonna come
“,,m,y bab y ? jeonginnie??? wh at do u me an,, he won’t com,e??? felix you a s s don’t l i e to m,e,, :((((”
they even got minho to record the whole thing not for free ofc, and minho’s services are n o t cheap, but it was totally worth it
felix screenshot jisung’s crying face and it’s now the display picture of their glow gang group chat
which btw never shuts up bc: during the day (and work hours) felix, jisung and jeongin will be spamming it, during the evening minho will complain abt all the uni work he’s got to do, after dinner time the youngsters are back on it sending memes until like 2am, and then by 4am chan finally gets on and complains abt the boys killing his storage with their dumb memes & he gives any updates abt the next day’s schedule if need be
it’s a great system, hella wild and random, but jeongin loves it nonetheless
now for the part where u, dear reader, come in!!
it’s just an ordinary day, a bit quieter than usual but jeongin’s not complaining bc it gives him time to finish off some of his hw while he’s at the till
he looks up when the door chime rings and
(°ロ°) ! 
he’s vvv obviously staring at u as u walk in, his pen drops on the counter and his mouth is :0
damn yn you’ve broken jeongin
but does he care???
is he stopping?????
also yes but you’ve already seen his dumbstruck face and he realises he was caught just staring at u when u walk up to him with a shy smile on your face
he doesn’t know what’s come over him
and he doesn’t mean to be some typical teenage boi straight out of a high school drama
but u just look so pretty he couldn’t help but?? go heart eyes??
he’s trying not to lose his cool when u finally reach the counter
“hi!” he grins, “welcome to cafe glow, what can i get for you?”
you order your drink and watch as jeongin types away at the computer
he’s rlly hoping the screen blocks his blush bc he’s still (´♡‿♡`)’ing and he’s pretty sure he can feel his blush at this point
“is there anything else i can get you?”
your number
he finds your thinking face so cute!! the way u bite ur lip a little as your eyes glaze over the sweet treats they have on display
he d i e s when u look back up at him and ask, “anything you’d recommend?”
he keeps his cool as he says some of his fave desserts, and you choose the cheesecake
“alright! will you be eating in or is that to-glow go”
his heart swells when u laugh at his pun but he’s highkey dYinG inside bc he wants u to stay for just a little longer
he almost cries when u say you’re eating in bc !!! yes!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! maybe he could try talking to you!!!!!
“sweet! take a seat anywhere, your food will be made shortly!”
when u go to pay for ur food he’s internally hating felix bc he swears all these mushy feelings he’s experiencing are bc felix made him watch back-to-back romance films
he’s taken money from a lot of customers but he’s never, n e v e r, wanted to just hold their hand and he’s honestly so close to just never letting go of yours rn but he mentally slaps himself
pull it together jeongin u dumbass
when u tell him to keep the change he’s just
s i g h can u get any more perfect
he yeets felix out of the way from the coffee machines and towards the till
“role change, i’m bored!”
“but chan banned me from the tills, he’s gonna kill me!”
“i’ll get jisung on you”
he’s halfway thru making ur drink when minho sliiiides next to him and slings an arm around his shoulders
“so, innie, who’s the cutie you’re serving?” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
from his short time working here he knows that minho is in love with any kind of gossip and there’s no point in lying to him
esp not with this massive blush on jeongin’s face that’S STILL thERe bc jeongin peeked over and saw you taking out textbooks which means you’re gonna stay here for lo n g er than he thought
and he’s got this huge grin on his face :D
and no one’s ever that happy making coffee
esp not when felix is right next to them singing along to the twice song playing in the cafe
god knows who put felix in charge of the cafe playlist
an y w ay
“does our baby innie have a,,, crushhh on a certain someone???”
“noooooookay maybe? idk i just met them!!”
“:0!!!! our baby’s iN LOVE!!!”
minho said that so loudly!!! jeongin peered over minho’s shoulder and saw that y o u had looked up at the exclamation and he let out a sheepish laugh to try and make the scene look normal
u just grinned at him and he almost swooned
minho’s shouting alerted jisung who deadass ran from the other side of the cafe
jisung, out of breath: wh-what do u mean,, in love,,,??? you’re too young for that ://
even chan popped out from the kitchen. “jeongin loves someone?? how cute, who is it- felix, what the hell are u doing there, didn’t i ban u from the tills??”
“blame loverboy!”
“gUYsss :((( let me wORk!!”
“u do u, innie, go get ‘em tiger!” minho said, smirking as he took a step back
the other boys stayed quiet as well, chan filling up the front display with the baked goods he freshly made
jeongin quietly got to finishing off ur drink and grabbed a cheesecake slice to carry over to you
“h-hey,” he started, placing the plate and drink beside your textbook, “sorry it took so long,,,”
“that’s alright,” you smiled and all his worries literally washed away, “was everything okay back there?”
“yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly, “minho’s just easily excited and nosy, a terrible combination really”
u laughed at that and he grinned, his nerves easing away
“u guys seem really close,” when he saw u quickly look over to the counters he turned as well, just in time to see all four of them rush to try and act natural (altho jisung just dropped to the ground so he’s really a lost cause)
“they’re really crazy, but they do mean well,” he grinned, “except felix, avoid him at all costs”
“i’ll keep that in mind,” you chuckled when jeongin pointed out who felix was and felix just glared back at him, as tho he knew jeongin was talking shit abt him
“well,” he started, realising he should go bc a big group of customers had just entered, “i’ll leave u to it, i hope u enjoy ur food. let me know if u need anything else!”
he headed back to the counter, a HUGE grin on his face, he’s so glad his back is to u bc he’d be so embarassed if u saw
it’s bad enough minho saw and is non-stop teasing him abt it now
throughout his shift minho was just taunting him, cooing “innie’s in love~”
as he was dealing with other customers and running around the cafe, he’d make quick eye contact with u and each time he did, u let out the softest smiles, he’s pretty sure he’s never smiled this much
abt an hour later when the rush had died down, jeongin looked over to see that!!! u were still there!!!!!
he fixed up a quick mango smoothie, smth he always found super refreshing, and headed over to your table
“h-hey?” he tapped your shoulder when he noticed u had your headphones in
“oh, hey! i, uh, i didn’t order this?”
“yeah, it’s,, it’s on the house, thought you might need a pick-me-up, you’ve been working rly hard”
“ahh thank you!!!” u grinned at him so cutely, “would u like to sit down?”
he nodded too enthusiastically but he hopes u didn’t pick up on that ((u did)) as he sat down opposite you
for the next 30 mins? hour?? neither of u know
u guys just talked
he’s thanking god that there was no rush in customers bc he enjoyed spending time just talking to u
the conversation seemed to flow so?? naturally???
he found out ur name and that u go to a nearby school sadly not the same one as him
and u were taking the scenic route home instead of ur normal walking path or using the bus which is why he’d never seen u before
he’s so glad that fate brought u here today tho!!!! eternally grateful that u made that wise choice!!!
when ur phone buzzed with a message from ur family he finally realised that it was getting late
he watched almost in tears as u packed ur stuff up, thanking him for the drinks and snacks that he definitely didn’t steal from felix’s hidden stash
he went back to the counter, stars in his eyes as he leaned against the counter, opposite minho who was chilling by the till
“so, how’d it go? did u get their number??”
jeongin: (❤ω❤) 
jeongin, 0.02 secs later: ヽ(°〇°)ノ
felix, jumping in: “pls don’t tell me u spent all that time,,,,, and u didn’t get their number-”
minho: “loverboi was too busy making moves, eh?”
jeongin’s mood instantly dropped and he was so close to just headbutting the counter then and there
what if u never come back????
what if u came back when he wasn’t there?????
what if you’re on ur way here but then u see another cafe and u go there instead and fall in love with a barista there???????
jeongin’s 2 seconds away from pouting for all eternity when chan comes over and pats him on the back, “i’m sure they’ll come back!”
jeongin’s praying the old man’s right
and he is!!!!!!! cliche ik
u didn’t come back the next day which broke jeongin’s heart and he was honestly so close to losing all hope bc he’s incredibly dramatic like that
but u come back the day after!!!
jeongin’s wiping down a table when u enter and u spot him instantly and wave
he waves back but the cloth he’s holding slips from his hand onto the ground
and he rushes to pick it up but hits his head on the table when he tries standing up again
and he’s in so much pain but he just nervously laughs it away esp when he sees ur half worried, half trying-not-to-laugh-aloud face
when he sees u walking to him -- not the counter -- he’s counting to 100 in 3 seconds to try and calm himself down to not look like even more of a fool
“is the table okay?”
“yeah, i’m alri- hey, rude!” he pouts, faking a sniffle and rubbing his head
“i’m kidding, jeongin” (he had to bite his lip to not squEAL when u said his name) “are you okay? that looked painful :((”
“i’ll live,” he fake sobbed, rubbing away imaginary tears with the cloth in his hand before he realised what he’d just done and dropped it on the table in disgust (he highkey dieddd when u laughed at him again) “ew, i’m sorry you had to see all this”
“it’s fine,” you grinned, scrunching ur nose when u saw the wet smears on his face, “but u got a lil smth there” u pointed to ur own cheek
jeongin wanted to CRY
he knows he’s a cute boi (he uses this to his advantage whenever he can)
but rn??
he knows he looks like the epitome of a grade A DumbassTM
he just let out the longest s i g h
“i’ll be right back!”
he rushed off to the back and sorted himself out (and quickly iced his head)
he came back out to see u sitting down at the same table as last time
as soon as he came thru the doors u looked up and held out thumb, an eyebrow raised
and he reciprocated the gesture, telling u he’s all okay now!
he found it so cute that u cared!!! his heart: on fire!!
felix walked right to him, pulling him along to the coffee machines as he told him ur order
“u owe me one now loverboi!”
jeongin prepped ur food and took it to u like last time
but this time u initiated the conversation
“felix isn’t all that bad, y’know?” you said, holding onto your hot drink as it warmed ur hands up
“for now,” jeongin started, “trust me, if u ever have the misfortune of seeing him act cute, you’ll regret ever saying that.”
your nose scrunched as you imagined that -- jeongin gasped when he saw and then prayed you didn’t see that -- before you let out the cutest laugh he’s ever heard, “yeah, i can’t imagine that looking nice”
you two talked for a bit more until jeongin had to get back to the counter and take orders
he popped up at your table when he could, offering felix’s sweets and a refill
“do you treat all your customers like this? free drinks isn’t good for business, y’know?”
he went bright red at your teasing bc “nope, you’re special!” -- his eyes went w i d e when he said that and, if it was possible, his cheeks went redder -- but god, was it worth it bc your eyes sparkled and your blooming blush was so pretty he was starstruck
he cleared his throat, let out the most nervous chuckle ever, put the lemonade on your table before diving behind the counter
he could practically hear minho’s smirk from all the way over here
it took a little while longer for him to psych himself up to go over to you again after that disaster
but seeing you pack up your bag made him forget everything and run up to you
“hey, you’re done already?” he asked, pouting as you put your last book away
“yeah, i’ve gotta help make dinner soon,” you replied, fixing your bag over your shoulder, “thanks for the drink, it was great!”
“y-yeah, no problem!” you loved his drink!! score!!!! “come again soon, yeah?”
“definitely,” you winked -- you winked, god his heart was weak -- before waving and taking your leave
felix slid up next to him, throwing his arm around jeongin’s shoulders
“pls tell me you got their number this time”
the top gif is jeongin’s face right now
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newtshairdryer · 5 years
Thoughts on Descendants 3 as I watch it for the 8th time and pause to look at everybody all the time
- When Ben and Mal are walking out before the proposal, Audrey is slow clapping and it’s hilarious
-Chad seems genuinely happy to see them together but Audrey rains on his parade
-Please look at Chad’s face to the side after Ben gets on his knee his overdramatic gaping mouth is SENDING ME
-Why do they make Belle and the Beast kiss beside each other’s cheeks like a french greeting? For real though they’re Belle and the Beast...they should be kissing in celebration .-.
-Right after the Carlos/Beast chest bump there’s an extra in the background of Bal just having a blast popping bubbles
-Speaking of the bubbles I have no clue where they’re coming from
- Dude in the background when Audrey says ”What is wrong with you people?” bein shady AF to her
-That one girl in the wheelchair that has been in every single movie needs a name cause we all just refer to her as that one girl in the wheelchair lol
-Mal has her own purple fucking limo and she’s not even royalty yet
-Their money is so vibrantly coloured
-Those cards Celia fan out are definitely, well, a fan. They’re all attached- she’s not even holding onto some of them lol
-Mal resting her chin on Ben’s shoulder to watch him and Celia in the limo. soft
-The scenes in the limo make Ben look really big and awkward because they’re all shoved into a small space and he’s in the middle where the smallest person usually goes...but he’s the biggest person XD
-The barrier takes forever to close and there are a ton of people right there, why has no one attempted to just jump through it yet lol
-What if Hades put his hand through the barrier and it just like...cut it off LMFAO now THAT would have been entertaining 
-Hades literally makes himself roll one more time as he’s pushed back. Like there’s no more momentum and you can see he should stop but he makes himself do another somersault and it’s so obvious lol
-I know it’s been said before but the lack of security in the museum is just lazy AF writing. They didn’t even try to make it realistic it’s way too easy to just waltz in and take anything. Apparently the wand is the only thing worthy of an alarm
-Also why is there not even glass around the scepter to even attempt to discourage people from taking it? Even when the museum is OPEN someone could yank it out and start spelling shit up.
-Ben’s phone rings and he hangs it up less than a second after he picked it up- it doesn’t even show him barely looking at it. How on earth did he have time to see a message about the stolen items- let alone the fact it was a phone call ring...not a text ping
-Why are the former King and Queen of Auradon and the current reigning King turning to the not yet Queen for all the advice about evil like it’s her responsibility. They don’t even attempt to brainstorm the vast amount of other ideas. And why on earth can’t she just suggest uh...literal guards by the barrier when it opens for them? Like if they paid people on the isle to guard the barrier so other isle people didn’t try to get out it would help a ton. There are so many other solutions other than closing the barrier completely (and then getting rid of it completely??)
-Does anyone else notice that like...50% of Ben’s screen time is him staring in shock/disbelief at things with literally no other expression for entire scenes? Cause I noticed it the first time around
-My favourite outfit in this whole movie for Mal is this light purple dress she has on when talking about closing the barrier for the first time with Ben’s parents and Evie. She is SO GORGEOUS in it. I’m actually not a fan of the leather suit she wears for the rest of the movie cause I don’t feel it fits with her hairstyle- mainly once it starts to go blue
-I just realized Mal’s hair literally goes from pretty much just purple to lots of blue mixed in. I guess it’s cool cause it’s like she gets power from the ember but I honestly prefer her brighter purple hair. My favourite hairstyle was her bangs she looked like an actual goddess in the 2nd movie
-I think everyone was thinking Dude got into Jane’s cake (despite the very neatly cut corner)
-I honestly love Mal’s face when Audrey shows up with the crown and scepter and her whole new gettup like “What on earth is this chick doing”
-I reiterate “what on earth is this chick doing” as Audrey goes to...sniff? the scepter?
-I wAnT tO bE dAnGeRoUS
-Audrey through a cupcake on the ground. So evil
-Honestly I’m sorry but Audrey talking all angsty to the people at Jane’s party is really cringey. Her lines are just...hhhhhhhhh (you mindless little drones in particular just seems weird the way she says it)
-How on earth does Audrey not see Jane get in the lake...she’s literally right there in full view
-OK so not ALL magic doesn’t work on the Isle, according to Celia only evil magic doesn’t work- so yes Maleficent is still a lizard cause Mal’s spell wasn’t an evil one
-Even with her massive platform shoes Mal is so much shorter than Hades she is yelling at him but having to look way up she’s adorable
- Hades “LET’S DANCE” - proceeds to shake a tambourine, slap his butt with it and stick his tongue out. ok then
-Why did I never notice Mal shake the tambourine at him angrily and then throw it lmao
-WHERE IS THE WIND COMING FROM IN THIS SONG (I will touch back on random wind that shouldn’t be there later on too)
-Mal should say thank you for the ember...imo
-”If it gets wet it’s game over” thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s what she said
-Mal’s walking away from Haes up those stairs? That booty thicc (only thing I really like about that outfit) 
-Girl has a zipper down her butt. She can unzip her ass cheeks
-I’m glad the jewelry in this movie is no longer plastic like Ben’s ring and his burger king crown
-“You’ll what? Marry them?” OK I am not a big fan of the plot or Audrey’s temper tantrum but  if that isn’t the best fucking burn in this whole franchise then idk what is
-I deserve some compensation for my muscles...what does that even mean???
-Are we suppose to know who Hannah is?
-”Says you and that’s suppose to mean someth’n to me?” Ok maybe I’m just a flaming bisexual for Uma but why was that line delivery so smooth
-Audrey is abusing Chad. She threw a glass bowl at him and is literally shoving him around and yelling at him while accusing him of knowing things and not telling her. And it’s played for laughs. Descendants you have a lot of good things that are socially woke but this ain’t it man. Chad may have been a douche but he doesn’t deserve abuse. (rhyme oof)
- Why is Dude advertising that he gives great cuddles? Who is that directed at? Why is that line in there? Alright then
-How is Uma the only one that noticed the massive scratches on the wall and the literal painting slashed in half
-Mkay we get it Audrey you’re evil thanks for the random laugh
-The knight in front of them literally clanged as it moved and it’s RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM how did nobody but Harry see it move. This entire movie is me asking why something happened because honestly so much of it just doesn’t make sense but I still love the movie lmao
-Out numbered 1 to 50? How did this girl graduate lol
-I still say What The Fuck Is Happening every time Mal makes the Knights dance. It’s just the most random, out of the blue thing to do
-Mal literally licks her lip and gives Evie the most sultry look as Evie dips down and is singing the end of Night Falls. I’m not a Mevie shipper but it’s the most bedroom eyes I’ve ever seen
-Evie is an absolute ray of sunshine and deserves all the things
-Harry is genuinely flattered at Evie’s compliment about his accent he starts to smile. Dude acts like a complete player and then gets happy when someone gives him a genuine compliment lol
-Jay and Gil are adorable
-Gil is just adorable on his own
-Doug is in way too comfortable of a position to not have already been on the ground sleeping/resting. Which begs the question of why he was just on the ground sleeping like that
-Doug’s long hair and ponytail and complete lack of style are some of my biggest pet peeves in this movie. He doesn’t just look out of place next to Evie, but next to literally everyone else. He looked pretty good in the last two, why such a drastic change that literally nobody asked for or wanted lol
-I seriously can’t take Evie and Doug seriously in this movie just because of his hair. It’s just so unattractive I’m sorry not sorry
- I do enjoy the sense of urgency and time that the movie has as Mal tries to keep moving. Uma and her being like “just kiss him already” is fun
-They could have shot Audrey looking at them through the scepter in a different way...the way it’s just the same close up shot every time she’s looking at it with her hair blowing in the non-existent wind just adds to how cheesy her whole performance is (not her fault, director and writers fault)
-Mal should have kissed Ben when they reunited. 0 reason not to. She was super worried about him and finally reunited with him and she also LOOKED like she wanted to kiss him. Girl was super into that beard. 
-Leave some room for Jesus lmao 
-I’m just bitter cause the only kiss we get this whole movie is from kinda far away and is short. We’ve also never seen them share a sweet kiss in private- they’re always on display....maybe it’s a kink lol
-Ben and Mal holding hands while trying to sneak around <3
-Sophia’s acting when Evie is upset is on point. This whole scene is one of the only really good ones where everyone is rightfully upset with Mal. 
-Mal has had to sing about her feelings in every movie lmao
-Why...does the dragon look like it has a low frame rate? It looks choppy
-Audrey just, once again, doesn’t look menacing. She’s just like...waving a stick around and making mean faces
-”I owe you an apology” says everyone but...no one actually says “I’m sorry” lol
- Ben is just “aw yiss speak human rights to me baby” at Mal during the engagement party
- Beast: “We can’t do that.” I AGREE
-Taking the barrier down with no screening for the villains is a bad bad bad bad idea but it’s a happy disney universe so everything is fine - ugh
-UNSAFE BRIDGE!!1!!1 I’m waiting for someone to fall off- just once, please
-Mal and Uma jumping up and down when they kmeetis the cutest fucking thing on earth
-Ben needs a different thing to dance in, his suit is so stiff
-Harry and Audrey? Hmmmm I’m not opposed but I’m also not feelin it
-Were those people just...waiting there with an already built dragon?
-Ben likes to hip thrust in every movie, no lie
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lesbian-octoling · 6 years
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I see where you’re coming from!
Yes, I haven't posted a lot ant the CCC Au, but thats because... I relate a lot to Callie, and I've had a lot of fucked up stuff happen to me, and I enjoy creating situations where characters I relate to can be hurt, but then comforted again. I dont post a lot cus it IS personal to me, and I only make content of it usually to vent out my emotions- which could have it come off as ‘edgy’ or ‘shock value’ or whatever.
I am not trying to use this for an excuse for anything, but CCC was... somewhat personal to me, for reason completely different, and seeing people take it and suddenly relate it to the holocaust is really jarring. The original intent of it was that... I wanted to have some sort of family relationship, but something that involved Callie without it being ‘cringey fankids’ or a certain paring, and the easiest way to do what was with clones...? I never had a good relationship with my family, and i wanted a way to vent that through a character i relate to most in a fandom i’m currently in deep with.
The original intent of the tattoos was to be a physical reminder of something horrible that happened to them- something that still hurt them, but something they have risen out of, and overcome. Because a lot of time i wish that I had physical reminders that i was hurt; because a lot of times its easy to question if what you went through was real when theres no scar, no physical burden to bear.  The fact that it also aligned with the whole ‘they're clones!! Scientists need to them them apart!!! Oh, numbers + bar codes make sense’ was just the cherry on top. I never, in my entire life, have associated bar codes or number tattoos with the holocaust, despite having been raised around a lot of Jewish people.
I still think a lot of people are fishing for attention. The correlation is thin enough to where none of my friends- even my Jewish friends- saw the correlation until that one anon pointed it out. A lot of people, i think, are trying to score ‘woke points’ for calling someone out on things they.. never intended, and are only there if you look for them. 
I don’t want to sound like i’m being overdramatic or paint myself as a victim, but the fact that people sent me death threats and drew parallels for something that i never even DREAMED to be related has really hurt me, especially on an AU that i meant to be so small and personal amongst me and my little friend group. I hate to say it cus it DOES make me sound cringe or childish, but I think its going to be... very hard to enjoy this AU again, hah....
Anyway, I’m.. just about done with this, I think. You guys want it gone, ill get rid of it. You won’t be getting any more content from me of the CCC AU. I will keep it to myself from now on. I’m sorry.
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cloudydreamforecast · 3 years
Swing Away: Partial Draft (01/21)
“Your destination is ahead on the right,” chimed the artificial British woman living inside the dashboard. The dry, dusty summer heat hung heavy upon the nondescript strip mall. The sun was beginning to set, but the heat lingered as Howard and Jann Becker haphazardly parked their Range Rover. Only ¾ of the car landed with space. 
“Fuck, I’m so excited for this party. It’s Jerry’s dirty thirty! We’ve gotta make it as trashy as humanly possible,” shouted Howard, trying to make himself heard over the trunk-rattling bass. 
“Don’t worry, it’s gonna be ridiculous. My friend Cindy told me about this dollar store a couple weeks back, she said it’s just… weird and cringey and perfect. Do you wanna kill this?” Jann replied, offering the her husband the butt of their shared cigarette.
Howard shooed away the smoke and got out of the car. He surveyed the shopping center and thought to himself, ‘Wow, what a dump.’ Only about half of the storefronts had signage, only about half of those signs appeared to be working, and the remaining shops windows had been boarded up and covered in graffiti, ranging from hearts containing names to blatant hate speech.
The couple approached the shop, aptly named BuckAPop. “Doesn’t look all that weird to me,” said Howard, “just like any other dollar store really. I wonder if it’s one of those dollar stores where things are actually a dollar or if it’s just cheap.” Jann opened the door and gestured towards her husband, bowing overdramatically. She followed him into the shop and they both stood there, dumbfounded.
“It’s…  perfect,” they exhaled in unison.
The shop lived up to Cindy’s recommendation. Every corner, shelf and display seemed to be covered in cobwebs, both the fake kind used as halloween decorations and legitimate indicators of disrepair.  Every single fluorescent bulb flickered, suggesting that at any second, someone wearing a mask could jump and slit your throat. The security cameras were hopelessly outdated, not the little black domes so commonplace these days, but the kind that resembled home camcorders and the wires showed visible fraying. Despite the state of decay that appeared to consume the entire shop, the shelves were completely stocked and to answer Howards question; yes, everything cost 1 dollar. Perhaps most concerning was the fact there did not seem to be a soul inhabiting the establishment. The silence was palpable and the couple wouldn’t be surprised to see a tumbleweed rolling down the isles. 
Howard and Jann smiled wide, grabbed a cart, and began strolling through the store. Streamers and a pink birthday banner: check. Tiny party hats: check. Snap-on bracelets: check. Toys vaguely resembling the most recent marvel films: check. Kazoos that unfurl and other assorted noise makers: check. 3 liter bottles of generic soda, oversalted potato chips that cut in the inside of your mouth, and ripoff Girl Scout cookies: check, check, and check. Quickly their cart began to fill with all the necessary accessories for a trashy birthday party, but they felt that something was still missing. Then, they saw it.
At the back corner of the store, near the small tubs of laundry detergent and bundles of hangers, was a barren endcap. Top shelves, empty. Bottom shelves, empty. Yet, there at the center, sat a pinata. If you pictured a pinata in you mind, this is what you would see. In the shape of a donkey, or perhaps a llama, with a color scheme consisting of pink, blue and yellow pastels. 
“Holy shit. This is the icing on the cake. A pinata! And from a dollar store no less, so I’m sure the candy inside is garbage,” said Howard with a chuckle under his voice. “I think that’s it then, yeah?”
“We can probably call it. With this and the REAL party favors at the house, I’d say we’re ready to go babe,” Jann answered as she pushed their overflowing cart up to the cash register. Still, no one was there. No staff, no other customers, not even an aesthetically fitting cockroach. There was a small bell on the checkout counter with a sticky note affixed that read ‘RING THREE TIMES FOR SERVICE’. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? This place doesn’t cease to amaze,” laughed Jann.
She rang the bell thrice with force. 
From behind them came an ominous squeak of old hinges. They turned to see an obscured office door cover in outdated corporate propaganda slowly swing open, and what appeared to be a child of only 6 or 7 years emerged. But… this child, dear god, this child. The fact that he was employed at all was terrifying enough, but he also looked to be severely abuse. His hair grew in grey patches along the side of his head, with the top of his skull being entirely bald. The top of his head and most of his face was covered in deep dark red scarring, visibly fresh and tender to sensation. His face also showed signs of premature aging, with his skin sagging beneath his eyes, or perhaps more correctly, eye. In his left eyesocket sat a black glass replacement, piercing and omniscient. He walked using a knotted wooden can and slowly hobbled over to the cash register, finally climbing onto a stool and facing the now emotionally distraught/slightly entertained young couple.
“What can I do for you today?” hissed the child in a raspy baritone.
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o lord im very bad at expressing my feelings. 💯 confirmed that this is my worst personality trait yang paling aku benci, wallahi. alright before i change my mind, lets get started /inhale exhale/ asdfdahakslgskslsn im very thankful to all these crackheads for making my final year in iium so effin freakin amazing and memorable. im gonna stitch every single memories i had with @stuffiium especially the time i spent with my extended family called energizer module (wei we need a cute unofficial replacement name for that, formal benor bunyinye). tbh there was one time somewhere 2 years ago, i felt like leaving bcs of my personal problem but "Ya Allah nabila bersyukur nabila ngak ninggalin STUFF" tiberrr. yes, i choose to stay. in fact, through these crazy people la (also include old members that has graduated) from EM i managed to escape from my personal problem gittew. i build a new ME through STUFF and indirectly, from the help of the members. yawww and another thing, out of all 'places' in iium, this is where i feel like i belonged to the most, no exaggerating but im telling the truth. ye tahu cringey, aku pun rasa meremang huhu but wtv im still gonna write it. bukan selalu aku nak buat luahan hati secara public macam ni tau huhuhu and knowing that im getting old and have less time to spend with these people make me feel sad 😢 they are indeed my favorite people, even if later on im no longer here in iium pls dont forget me, lets not be strangers.
i may regret writing this and might delete it later huks. im officially overcaffeinated right now, so i blame the coffee for making me to write this cringey overdramatic post hmm.
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